Earth Is Huge & We Are All On It 2 | June

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Earth Is Huge And We Are All On It The fantasticalness contained within Issue 1 ofEarth Is Huge And We Are All On It was a bit ofa dream come true, and a perfect way to kick offthis zine project. This issue continues to deliver, as calls for contributions have produced a richly prom ising vein ofdeep and precious stuffthat shows no signs ofabating. This issue strikes a good balance between visual arts and written; it’s a balance I hope will persist as future issues are put together. We have 4 return ing contributors, and 4 newcomers. There are also 4 visual pieces and 4 written. I’d thought about putting something together to include outside ofmy editorial soapboxing, but time & tide pulled me away from more creative endeavors (read: pizza, An imal Crossing, allergies, freelancing); the only things I’ve come up with this month are in dire need ofmore time and attention before I’d be satisfied with them. Besides, I’d hate to ruin the magick string offours we seem to be experiencing to shoehorn myselfin at the last m inute. Let’s talk for a second about quality while we’re on the subject. From the get-go, I decided that I wanted to help people present their work in an attractive and accessible way, but that by no means is meant to impose a high standards barrier to the work being presented. The quality I am seeking most in things people subm it is comprised ofone criteria: it is something they want to subm it. In this issue we’ve hit a good balance ofshowcasing both the polished and the playful, which I hope you’ll find encouraging. This project exists for you. This project exists to get your art, your writing, & your ideas into the world. Ifyou want help editing or formatting to help you get your work molded into the shape that you’re happiest with, then this project is here to do that, too. Ifyou’re excited about an idea that comes in an unusual form, one that m ight lack editorial rigor or museum quality, then bring it on. Give us your cocktail napkin drawings, your 2am cigarette box poems, your tweets, your speedpaints gone hilariously awry.

Let’s be together as ourselves. GHN ~ Editor 06/24/14

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