Cuernavaca: Turismo y Negocios

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Turismo Educativo Un servicio muy interesante para brindar a escuelas, universidades, instituciones educativas en general, o turistas interesados en un circuito educativo para conocer la oferta educativa del lugar visitado. La oferta educativa de Cuernavaca ofrece un amplio abanico de posibilidades, desde instituciones de estudios de preescolar, maternal, guarderías, escuelas primarias, secundarias, preparatorias y de estudios superiores, universidades, así como escuelas especializadas, de Idiomas, Escuelas técnicas y de disciplinas físicas y baile.

Educational Tourism This is a very interesting service which offers schools, universities and educational institutions, as well as tourists interested in an educational tour, to get to know the educational opportunities of the area they are visiting. The opportunities for study in Cuernavaca cover a 77

La Ciudad de la eterna primavera

wide range of possibilities that include pre-school, day-care centers, elementary, junior and senior high schools and university as well as schools specialized in languages, technical school and schools for dance and martial arts.

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