2017 Guandu International Nature Art Festival

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With Paths Crisscrossing

saw on Google Maps. Han s Path, the artwork built on the

event The Sound of the Wetland and the community-based

bamboo poles, attracts viewers to look at the actual paddies

project Adventure Time in Shezi echo the concern of With

in the form of bamboo art, inviting them to enter the field

Paths Crisscrossing in their own distinct voices, including

and observe it in a different sense. The Spanish artist Jordi

showing how noise has impacts on the habitats and

NN s Donde se cruzan los caminos (Where the Paths Cross) built

what inhabitants think about their own hometown. Other

a helical structure with four entrances at the base, forming

educational activities such as Guandu Walk, Nature, Art &

the space for people to listen, talk and reach a consensus.

Life, and Natural Fun for Little Kids are designed respectively

UUendy Lau, the artist from Hong Kong, uses the image

for viewers of different ages to learn about this land and

of windows to develop a series of closely associated

experience the beauty of nature. The volunteer program,

workshops that bring visitors closer and encourage them to

on the other hand, endeavors to make a memory about life

share their thoughts and feelings with one another.

in Guandu out of unique experiences including experiential farming and collaborative creation activities,

One of our artists, Yannick Dauby, has lived in Taiwan for years and has frequently used environmental acoustic

The transformed Guandu International Nature Art Festival

recordings in his works. As one of the volunteers for frog

has focused on Listening, Connection and Symbiosis during

conservation in Guandu, the French artist has been quite

2016-2018. The theme of the 2016 Festival, Based on A True

familiar with the rich diversity in the park. Dauby picks

Story, highlighted comprehending as the first step toward

the species most closely associated to paddies to present

land care by reading messages and stories about and from

his acoustic installation Something about the Inaudible

Nature. With Paths Crisscrossing aims to help people perceive

Hunting Calls of the Bats and the Voices and Breathes of Aquatic

the connections between their inner selves with the outer

Organisms: bat and aquatic life. He collects and displays the

nature as the paths crisscrossing the fields do. The ultimate

unknown voices to speak for the unobtrusive creatures

goal is to help viewers feel that they belong to the land

that truly exist and tells the story of how they struggle to

and find their place in it. Admittedly, an art project alone

survive. On the other hand, Kaling Diway, the artist from

cannot guarantee a substantial or dramatic transformation.

Hualien, is another artist-in-residence that we invited

However, it will definitely bring people from all corners to

a little bit later. He is especially good at using bamboo

meet in the way that interweaves their stories in the web

and shares with viewers his knowledge and care about

of life. What would the sensational surges bring? This is

Guandu through his work Habitat. His artwork serves as the

something we hope to discover through the power of art.

metaphor for the park s role as the guardian of habitats, hoping to remind viewers of the importance of habitats for all things great and small in Nature. For the educational program, the soundscape series of 15

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