Work Samples

Page 7

Design Developement Stage 5: Taking advantage of the voronoi geometry planned the internal circulation by connecting volumetric centers of different activity areas (delunary triangulation), and then integrated the interior and exterior circulation using the voronoi centers.

service access


access point / imp view

direct access / imporant view

PC 22.3m

Stage 1: Identified the best access to the site

service access cafetaria


multipurpose space discussions / presentations

extended cafetaria sitting / discussions

access porch PC 22.3m

stage 7: Added more volumetric centers to generate more voronoi partitions to stabilize structure. These voronoi frames will stiffen the

Stage 2: On site zoning on the basis of area requirements and availability of services on site

service access cafetaria


multipurpose space discussions / presentations

extended cafetaria sitting / discussions

access porch PC 22.3m

Stage 3: Added points on center of each required volume considering the required variation in height and

cafetaria multipurpose space discussions / presentations

stage 6: eliminated the volumes which are not required to serve any function

extended cafetaria sitting / discussions

access porch access porch PC 22.3m

Stage 4: developed voronoi poly-surfaces with the algorithm plug-in in Rhinoceros 4

cafeteria presentation/ lecture cafeteria/ sitting

stage 8: retained the structural frame as an expression of the structural system and also to act as redundant s t r u c t u r a l members

entry2 entry1

growth & form: An investigation of possible variations in the design process with the help of Computers, Linking Bio mimicry with Algorithmic design


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