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Le delizie della nostra tavola

Gehalts an Vitaminen, Phosphor, Kalium usw. aus, weshalb sie auch als Früchte der Gesundheit beworben werden. Erdbeeren, Walderdbeeren, Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Blaubeeren und Johannisbeeren werden wegen ihrer vielseitigen Charaktere sehr geschätzt. Sie werden hauptsächlich frisch verarbeitet, aber auch in Konditoreien, für Konfitüren, Säfte, Sirups, Soßen und auserlesenen reinsortigen Grappa verwendet. Die Ernte findet von Juni bis Oktober statt.

FRUIT OF THE FOREST For centuries picked in the wild, the popularity of forest fruit has grown over the years. Now farming soft fruits is a major sector in Trentino, and we have been producing high quality fruit for decades now from select varieties, perfect in appearance and flavour. These fruits are farmed at between 200 and 1100 metres above sea level. The produce is distinctive for the intense colour and unique flavour and aroma due to the high content of vitamins, and minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, which is why they are often advertised as fruits for healthy living. Strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and currants are popular because they are so versatile. Mostly used fresh, they can also be used in baking, jams, juices, syrups, sauces and the delicate single vine grappas. Harvest is from June to October.

c/o Hotel Campagnola


RISTORANTE specialità locali e trentine Local dishes - Lokale Küche

PARCO GIOCHI di 3.000 mq gonfiabili e tappeti elastici Inflatable playground - Aufblasbare Spiele

via San Tomaso, 11 RIVA DEL GARDA tel. +39 0464 521103



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