The Everlasting Gospel

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Everlasting Gospel


25 As for the Zionist CIA, no one but a perverted soul could come up with schemes to trick those “ten kings” of the Middle East, who oppose the false Israel, the home of Jews who fled from the Holocaust in Germany and Poland. 26 The truth is, in the time when the German army invaded the USSR, the Dragon usury bank still had much control over Hitler, because he couldn’t trade with other nations under the usury bank unless he got money from them, which he couldn’t get unless he banked with them. And of course, their interest rates were exorbitant. 27 Hitler did order billions in printed paper money that he could use, as did Tojo. The Soviets printed their own money which they used at home as well. They tried to persuade Roosevelt and Churchill to do the same, but Roosevelt and Churchill were afraid they would be assassinated if they went against the Dragon, the Zionist usury bank. 28 The Zionist OSS-CIA of those times turned a blind eye to Hitler’s plan for Jews to be exterminated in Poland and Germany. The secret leaders of fake Israel would allow their own people to be exterminated to create a smoke screen they could operate behind. They did all this, not out of intentional evil, but out of the illusory inner belief that they are the chosen ones of the New World Order. They are imposters, who pretend to serve God, but in reality wind up serving Mammon. 29 The Zionist OSS-CIA dreamed up the plan to put Hitler in confinement and let him and his staff believe that they were running the army, but it was they who wanted the German army to invade the USSR, because the USSR was the real enemy of the Zionist usury system. 30 Even though the CIA planning is evil, they are not consciously acting from evil intentions. They sincerely believe that all humanity depends on them to open the way for the New World Order to come about. A. Ralph Epperson wrote about all this in his book, The New World Order, which he dedicates, “To my God, who gave me the ability to reason and my ability to know Him.” 31 This isn’t quite true, because Creation doesn’t give us the ability to reason, per se. What Creation does give us is the ability to know the truth intuitively, and to never use evil thought. Real God isn’t “He” or “Him,” or a man-God, but is Macrocosm, and yourself as microcosm, are created, as are all things in the Universe, not by an anthropomorphic man-God, but by the Creation Spirit of the Universe. 32 A person’s first hang-up is believing that they are just bodies, when, in reality, bodies are just temples for microcosms to use, and if Jews are killed, or Christians, or Communists, it’s all the same stupidity! The people are divided against themselves in the limited knowledge of antithesis, the Axis powers, and thesis, the Allied power. God tells about this in Gen 2:16-17 and says that if they think there are good guys and bad guys, they will surely all die.

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