September/October 2010 Library newsletter

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explorer Gail Borden Public Library District the

Gail Borden Public Library District

Main 270 North Grove Ave. Elgin, Illinois 60120 Rakow Branch 2751 W. Bowes Rd. Elgin, Illinois 60124 847-742-2411

NEW! Home Educators’ Library Orientation September 13 and 14 Page 2

Second Sunday Concert Series 2010/2011 Page 4

Musica Latina September 12 An Eclectic Piano Concert October 10 Page 4

Herb Gross New Board member appointed Page 8


September - October, 2010

Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Saturday, October 2 2 – 5 pm Experience Latino culture through its art, music, dance and food. Ballet Folklorio, Mariachi music, Latino food and artists are just a small sample of the flavor that will make up the first ever Hispanic Heritage Celebration. No registration. More Hispanic Heritage Month programs on page 6.

HisHperaitnagice Month

Discover Share Celebrate


Your World Authors on the Fox Change Volunteer Fair It’s a new chapter for bibliophiles at Gail Borden Library! This new series puts authors in the spotlight to discuss their latest literary work and give the audience some insight into a writer’s world. Acclaimed author Laurence Gonzales joins us for the first discussion of a series that’s bound to be a page-turner!

Laurence Gonzales

LUCY Sunday, September 19 1 pm Community Rooms LUCY is an explosive, daring novel where an enchanting young girl is discovered to be the result of the experimental breeding of a human and an ape. Gonzales is known for his best-selling Deep Survival. Book sales and signing. Please register. Refreshments will be served. For other Authors on the Fox, see page 5.

Saturday, October 9 10 am – 1 pm Find your “volunteer niche” whether it’s spending time with animals, teens or seniors, assisting at a museum, library or hospital. The fair brings volunteers and nonprofit organizations together for a better community. Applications for nonprofits are available at the library and online at gailborden. info. For information, contact Nancy Haggard at 847-289-5840.

Remembering September 11 Join us for the unveiling of an installation commemorating 9/11 by renowned abstract artist George Kokines. Mr. Kokines will discuss what he experienced on 9/11 at the World Trade Center, which led to the creation of this work. The unveiling follows the 9 a.m. Commemoration Ceremony at Walton Island that includes representatives from clergy, police and fire organizations. The art will be on display through September. Made possible by the City of Elgin and the Palmer Foundation.

George Kokines

youth programs

Three ways to register: • In person at the Early Learning Center Desk • Call 847-429-4595 • Online at, Calendar, Youth Calendar

Fall Programs

All ages Mondays 7 pm No registration. 30 minutes of stories, songs and fun.

Family Films Friday, October 8 No registration. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 10 am Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (2010, G) 2 pm Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare (2010)(Not rated)

Stories and More

Batty for Bats

Fall I programs are held from September 7 to October 15. The Fall II session takes place from November 1 to December 3, with registration beginning October 18 for in-district residents, October 25 for those residing out of district.

Wonderful Ones

9 – 23 months with parent Mondays 6:15 pm Tuesdays 10, 11:15 am Thursdays 11 am, 6:15 pm Fridays 9:15, 10:15, 10:45 am Registration required. 15 minutes of short stories, fingerplays and rhymes followed by a 15-minute play period.

Rhymes and Rhythms

2-year-olds with parent Tuesdays 6:15 pm Wednesdays 9:15, 10, 10:45 am Thursdays 10:15, 10:45 am Registration required. 20 minutes of stories, fingerplays and activities.

NEW! 1- 2- 3 Go!

Family Storytime

6 years – grade 2 Mondays 4 pm No registration. 45 minutes of stories, crafts, games and more.

Cuentos para la Familia

Miércoles 7 pm No hace falta inscribirse. ¡30 minutos de cuentos, música, rimas, manualidades y más para el disfrute de toda la familia!

1 – 3 years with parent September 15, 29, October 13, 27 Wednesdays 10 am No registration. Families will enjoy stories, rhymes and musical activities.

Read to Rover

Picture Book Program

Sports Card Trading Club

3 years – kindergarten Mondays 9:30 am, 3:30 pm Tuesdays 9:15, 10:30 am, 7 pm Thursdays 10:15 am No registration. 30 minutes of picture book stories, fingerplays and song. Attend any session. Parents must remain in the building.

Predict the Pumpkin Poundage

All ages October 1 – 20 Guess the weight of the pumpkin on display in the Youth Center and take it home in time for Halloween! Courtesy of Klein’s Farm and Garden Market.


No-School-Day Fun

Saturdays, September 11, October 9 10, 10:30, 11, 11:30 am Register for one session only.

Thursdays, September 9, October 14 3:30 – 5 pm South Story Room

Halloween Happening

1 – 6 years with an adult Friday, October 29 10 am Parade (meet in Early Learning Center)

10:15 am Halloween Ball (Community Rooms) Get dressed in your Halloween costume to parade through the library and dance at the Ball.

Grades K – 8 Monday, October 11 1 – 2 pm and 2:15 – 3:15 pm Community Rooms Registration required. Specialists from the Flying Fox Conservation Fund will take a bite out of some batty superstitions when they talk about these beneficial mammals. Meet a real vampire bat up close!

For Parents and Educators Battle of the Books Orientation

Thursday, September 9 3:30 and 7 pm Community Rooms No registration. Elgin-area fourth, fifth and sixth graders participate in this popular “college bowl” of children’s literature each year. Parents and educators are invited to learn about the program and its positive impact on young readers.

NEW! Home Educators’ Library Orientation

Monday, September 13 7 pm Tuesday, September 14 10 am Community Rooms Registration required. Discover resources available at the library for home-schooling K – 8 students.

Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers’ Workshop

Thursday, October 14 6:30 – 7:30 pm Community Rooms Registration begins October 1. Debbie Clement, creator of Debbie’s Ditties, will present Lyric to Literacy: Read a Song and Sing a Book. Educators and parents are welcome.

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READ! Be a Hero, READ! 2010 Summer Reading Program broke records, with an all-time-high 6,989 children, teens and adults participating! Thank you to the contributors for helping to make the program a heroic success! Brunswick Zone XL, Algonquin Carol Stream Park District, Carol Stream The Centre of Elgin Chipotle Mexican Grill, Elgin Choo Choo’s Chicken, St. Charles CiCi’s Pizza, Streamwood Classic Cinemas, Carpentersville Cold Stone Creamery, South Elgin Colonial Ice Cream, Elgin DuPage Children’s Museum, Naperville Dunkin’ Donuts, Elgin Elgin Lanes, Elgin Elgin Symphony Orchestra, Elgin Famous Dave’s, Algonquin Fox Valley Sports Academy, Elgin Funway Entertainment Center, Batavia Gameworks, Schaumburg Illinois Railway Museum, Marengo Jang’s Tae Kwon Do, Elgin Kane County Cougars, Geneva Kim’s Black Belt Academy, Elgin Kuipers Family Farm, Maple Park Leaf’s Ice Rink, West Dundee Lone Star Steakhouse, Elgin Mainstreet U.S.A. Roller Skating, Streamwood Modern Age Comics, Elgin Nick’s Pizza and Pub, Elgin Noodles and Company, Elgin Old Country Buffet, West Dundee Rainforest Café, Woodfield Mall Red Robin International, Inc., South Elgin Spring Hill Gymnastics, Elgin Van’s Frozen Custard, Carpentersville Wendy’s, Elgin

teen programs TEEN SCENE Three ways to register: • Online at • In person at the Youth Center Help Desk • Call 847-429-4685

October is Teen Read Month! Teen readers in grades 6 to 12 can get up to $10 in late fines taken off their Gail Borden Library card in October (restrictions may apply). Visit the Youth Center Help Desk or Second Floor Information Desk. Also, look for information about this year’s WrestleMania Reading Challenge.

Young Teens

Grades 6 – 8

Hunger Games Event (based on Hunger Games Series)

Tuesday, October 19 7 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms Registration required. Katniss and Peeta fans are invited to this celebration of the Suzanne Collins’ trilogy.

The Comics and Gaming Event

Tuesdays, September 14, October 12 6 – 8 pm Community Rooms Drop in every month to talk about comics and graphic novels, get the scoop on the newest storylines and first issues, and play HeroClix, Yu-Gi-Oh and other role-playing games. If you don’t know how to play, we’ll teach you. Look for special guests to appear at future events!

Rakow Branch MyMediaMall Monday

Read to Rover at Rakow

Saturdays, September 25, October 30 10, 10:30, 11, 11:30 am Please register for only one session.

Rakow Readers Book Group

Mondays 1:30 pm September 27 Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay October 25 A Reliable Life by Robert Goolrick

Dowloading audiobooks Monday, October 4 4 – 6 pm Drop in to see a demonstration and learn how to download digital audiobooks through the library’s website.

Family Storytime at Rakow

Tuesdays beginning September 7 6 pm Miss Angela will share stories and activities. No registration.


adult programs

3 WAYS TO REGISTER: • In person at the Adult Services Information Desk • Call 847-429-4680 • Online at, Calendar

Programs take place at the Main Library unless otherwise noted. Meetings Rooms 1 and 2, and the Conference Room are located on the second floor.

Pride and Prejudice Comparative Films and Discussions Tuesdays 6 pm Meeting Room 2

September 7 October 5

2005 version starring Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen 1940 version starring Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier

Music to Your Ears 2nd Sunday Concert Series 2010/2011

Free tickets will be available three weeks before the concert at the Greeter Desk and Second Floor Information Desk at the Main Library. The one-hour concerts are held at 2 pm in the Community Rooms. Meet the artists and enjoy refreshments after each concert.

Musica Latina: Music from Spain, Mexico and Italy

Duos Dialogues Classical guitarists Norman Ruiz and Jeffrey Warren September 12

Three Cups of Tea

In partnership with Elgin Community College. Friday, October 1 3:30 pm Community Rooms This play is based on the book by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Moved by the kindness of a Pakistan village, mountaineer Greg Mortenson promises to return and build a school. Performed by Curtis Nielsen. Adapted and directed by Wynn Handman. Please register.

The Evolution of Style: An Eclectic Piano Concert Pianist Mark Valenti October 10

Elgin Alive

Elgin Symphony Orchestra Master Class

Time for Three: 2 violins and 1 bass Saturday, October 16 2 pm Community Rooms Enjoy music while a guest performer coaches members of the symphony.

Lyric Opera of Chicago Lecture Series

Thursday 7 – 8 pm Meeting Room 2 October 21 Carmen presented by Gerald Budzik


Sponsored in collaboration with the Elgin Community Network and ECCO. Tuesdays, September 21, October 19 6:30 pm Meeting Room 1 Presentations by the City of Elgin’s Sustainability Master Plan Task Forces. No registration.

Coupon Club

2nd and 4th Mondays 7 – 8 pm Lobby

adult programs

Brown Bag Lunch Classic Films Mondays No registration. Coffee and tea will be served. September 13 11 am - 1 pm The Big Sleep (1946) October 11 11 am - 12:40 pm You’ll Find Out (1940)

Authors on the Fox

Steven R. Stroud There Used To Be: A Look Back at Elgin’s Architectural Heritage Monday, September 20 7 – 8 pm Meeting Room 1 Stroud takes a three-dimensional look at local houses: the original plans, the finished product and how the house looks today. Sherman Hospital and the Northeast Neighborhood are featured. Book sales and signing. Please register.

Bryan Alaspa Silas Jayne: Chicago’s Suburban Gangster

Wednesday, October 27 7 - 8 pm Community Rooms Ages 16 and up Just in time for Halloween. A little bit spooky. A little bit creepy. And all true. Jayne owned a farm in Elgin. Book sales and signing. Please register.

Reel Women for Real Women

Co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women Elgin Area Branch. Tuesdays 6 pm Community Rooms No registration. September 28 In the Time of Butterflies (2001) October 26 The Painted Veil (2006)

Humor Contest!

In partnership with Toastmasters International Tuesday, October 5 6:30 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms Drop in for funny stories appropriate for all ages as Toastmasters compete in this Humor Contest!

Book Clubs New Business Book Club—See page 6 New Spanish Book Club —See page 7 Great Books Discussion Group

Mondays 6:55 pm Meeting Room 2 September 13 The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky October 11 The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe

Contemporary Fiction Book Group

Wednesdays 7 pm Meeting Room September 15 A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick October 20 The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

20’s and 30’s Book Club

Art by Dave Powers September 1 - 13 Main Art Wall in the library rotunda

Co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women Elgin Branch. Mondays 7 pm Meeting Room 2 September 27 Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather October 25 The Monk by Matthew Lewis

Walking Book Club Wednesdays 7 pm

Thank You

to In The Neighborhood Deli and Fresh Market for donating produce used in salsa made by library staff for Fiesta Salsa!

Book Club Jamboree

Thursday, October 7 7 – 8:30 pm Tasty treats, tantalizing book club tips and tricks, and the latest titles that will get your book club buzzing! Please register.


adult programs Computer Classes

Register online at: • • in person at the Computer Center or • by calling 847-429-4695. Some students will need to share a PC during class, which takes place in the Computer Training Room.

Using a Mouse

Wednesday, September 1 Saturday, October 2

2 pm 10 am

Internet I: Basics

Wednesday, September 8 2 pm Saturday, October 9 10 am Basic mouse skills required.

Internet II: Searching

Wednesday, September 15 2 pm Saturday, October 16 10 am Basic mouse skills required.

Internet III: Email

Wednesday, September 22 2 pm Saturday, October 23 10 am Basic mouse and Internet navigation skills required.

Bilingual Computer Classes

Jeanette Via, Lead Instructor, Microsoft Office Specialist Certified and Spanish Lab Assistant. Thursdays 6 – 8 pm Computer Training Room You may bring your laptop to class! To register in advance, bring your Gail Borden Library card and $5 fee to the Computer Center. Introducing Windows September 23 Using Word Processors September 30 Starting with Files October 7 Microsoft Word: A simple report, Mail Merge, tables October 14 Microsoft Word: Business letters, memorandums October 21



Hispanic Heritage Month

Elgin Job Seekers

Tuesdays, September 7 – October 26 1 – 2 pm Meeting Room 2 Bring your job-related questions to these open discussion meetings.

Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way

Presented by Roger Searle, President of The Searle Group. Thursdays, September 9 – October 7 6:30 – 8:30 pm Meeting Room 2 Having difficulty getting others to buy your product/service or getting yourself hired? Explore the challenging world of selling with the book Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way by Ron Karr. Be prepared to interact with other participants by practicing the book’s concepts. Please register and plan to attend all five sessions.



September 16 October 21

Business Book Club

Thursdays 7 pm Conference Room

Good to Great by Jim Collins The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki

Power Employment Workshop

Friday, September 17 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Meeting Room 1 Representatives from Illinois WorkNet will guide job hunters through resume writing, job-search techniques and interviewing. All-day seminar. Please register.

Make Your Own Piñata Two-Day Workshop

Tuesday, September 21 and Thursday, September 23 6 – 8 pm Community Rooms Please register.

Aztec Stories with Michael Heralda

Sunday, September 26 2:30 pm Community Rooms These stories and ballads bring Aztec civilization to life. Please register.

Creating Mexican American Identities: Multiple Voices, Shared Dream

September 28 - October 19 From the West Chicago City Museum and funded in part by the Illinois Humanities Council and the History Channel, this exhibit tells the story of the suburban Mexican community through photographs, documents and oral histories. Advanced

Presented by Matt Prazenka of Peer Training Services Thursday, October 14 6:30 – 8:30 pm Meeting Room 1 Learn advanced features of the popular networking site and how it can benefit your job search. Please register.

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Show your Gail Borden Library card at participating businesses and receive a discount. Go to for a complete list of discounts. Be a hero, use your library card and keep reading!

bilingual programs Bilingual Programs

Programas en Español

Lab Mondays, September 20 – October 25 7 – 8 pm Learn and practice English or Spanish at your own pace on the computer. Please register. Class Wednesdays, September 8 – October 27 7 – 8 pm English and Spanish language lessons and conversation with a tutor and other learners. No registration.

Haz tu Propia Piñata Taller de 2 Días

Go Bilingual

Two Rivers Head Start Bilingual Parenting Programs

No registration. Continuing Education for Adults Saturday, October 9 9 am Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence Thursday, October 21 5 pm

Candidates Forum

Monday, October 25 7 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms In partnership with a coalition of local Latino organizations.

Programas Bilingües Futuros Bilingües

Laboratorio lunes, 20 de septiembre – 25 de octubre 7 – 8 pm Aprenda y practique inglés o español a su propio paso en la computadora. Por favor inscríbase. Clase miércoles, 8 de septiembre – 27 de octubre 7 – 8 pm Lecciones y conversación en grupo para aprender inglés o español con una tutora.

Two Rivers Head Start Programas Bilingües para Padres No hace falta inscripción. Educación Continuada para Adultos sábado, 9 de octubre 9 am Abuso de Sustancias y Violencia Doméstica jueves, 21 de octubre 5 pm

Foro de Candidatos lunes, 25 de octubre 7 – 8:30 pm Salones Comunitarios En asociación con una coalición de organizaciones latinas locales.

Mes de la Herencia Hispana

martes, 21 de septiembre y jueves, 23 de septiembre 6 – 8 pm Salones Comunitarios La biblioteca proveerá los materiales. Niños de 12 años o menos deberán trabajar con un adulto. Favor de inscribirse. En inglés y español.

Cuentos Aztecas con Michael Heralda

domingo, 26 de septiembre 2:30 pm Salones Comunitarios Estas historias y baladas traen a la civilización azteca a la vida. Favor de inscribirse.

Celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana

sábado, 2 de octubre 2 – 5 pm Viva la cultura latina a través de su arte, música, baile y cocina. No hace falta inscribirse.

Clases de computación

Salón de Entrenamiento de Computadoras. Por favor inscríbase. Introducción a las Computadoras martes, 14 de septiembre 6:30 – 8 pm martes, 12 de octubre 10:30 am – 12 pm

Abre una Cuenta de Correo Electrónico martes, 21 de septiembre

6 – 6:20 pm

Introducción al Correo Electrónico martes, 21 de septiembre

6:30 – 8 pm

Introducción al Internet

martes, 12 de octubre 10:30 am – 12 pm

Medicare Explicado

lunes, 18 de octubre 2 pm Salones Comunitarios Aprenda sobre las opciones de cuidado de salud a tiempo para el periodo de inscripción anual que comienza el 15 de noviembre. Por favor inscríbase.

Prevenir el Juicio Hipotecario

lunes, 11 de octubre 7 pm Salón de Reuniones 1

Save the Date!

Home for the Holidays with the 10th Annual Festival of Trees Monday, November 1 5 – 7 pm



Club de Lectura en Español

7 pm Salón de Conferencias 14 de octubre La Breve y Maravillosa Vida de Oscar Wao por Junot Díaz 9 de diciembre Rumbo al Hermoso Norte por Luis Alberto Urrea


Gail Borden Public Library District

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Elgin, IL 60120 Permit No. 164 Carrier Route Sort

THE MAIN LIBRARY AND RAKOW BRANCH WILL BE CLOSED: Sunday, September 5 and Monday, September 6 for the Labor Day Holiday

Main 270 North Grove Ave. Elgin, Illinois 60120 Rakow Branch 2751 W. Bowes Rd. Elgin, Illinois 60124




847-742-2411 Board of Trustees: Richard McCarthy - President Jean Bednar - Vice President Jo Ann Armenta - Secretary Lisa Knight - Treasurer Herb Gross - Trustee Randy Hopp - Trustee Sue Moylan - Trustee Library Director - Carole Medal Newsletter Editor - Denise Raleigh Writer - Liz Clemmons

Drop-in Technical Support

Thursdays, September 16, October 21 2:30 – 4:30 pm Computer Training Room No registration. Get one-on-one assistance for questions about computer hardware or software. If your question relates to a portable device you own such as a laptop or digital camera, please bring it along.

Stitch ‘N’ B----Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm LaTazza Café

New Board Member Herb Gross

Former library board member Herb Gross was unanimously appointed to the Gail Borden Public Library Board of Trustees at the August 10 board meeting. He will be filling the vacancy left by Jessica Thompson, who resigned in June due to her move out of the library district. “We are pleased to welcome Mr. Gross back to the board,” said library board president, Rick McCarthy. “He has proven to be a valuable member of the board in the past. We thank others who applied for this opening and we encourage them to run for election next year.”



Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sunday 1 - 5:30 p.m.

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sunday 1 - 5:30 p.m.

Health Matters

National Depression Day Screening and Programs

Thursday, October 7 10 am – 7 pm In partnership with Provena St. Joseph Hospital. No registration. Living with ADD/ADHD 7 pm For parents, children, spouse and loved ones. Presented by Dr. Carolyn O’Neal.

The New Healthcare Law and Medicare

In partnership with the LWV of the Elgin Area and moderated by Heather Heppner, Associate State DirectorCommunications AARP. Sunday, October 10 3:15 – 5:15 pm Meeting Room 1 An informative overview of the changing healthcare laws in America. Please register.

Medicare Made Clear

Monday, October 18 10 am at Main Library Community Rooms Monday, October 25 2 pm at Rakow Branch Tuesday, November 16 7 pm at Main Library Community Rooms Learn about health care options for the annual open enrollment, which begins November 15. Please register.

This newsletter contains recycled paper.

Protect Your Identity

Monday, October 18 7 pm Meeting Room 1 Facilitated by Roger Searle, Certified Consumer Credit Counselor. No registration.

The Illinois General Election is November 2

Election Candidates Forums Thursday, September 30 6 – 8:45 pm Community Rooms Sunday, October 3 2 – 4:45 pm Community Rooms In partnership with the League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area. See a list of participating candidates at Photo Release - All program participants agree to be photographed during library activities and programs for use in future library publications. A change in the way you receive your overdue notices from the library. Starting Monday, October 4, the library will be contacting customers with overdue material through our automated telephone notification system instead of regular mail. Using the automated service will significantly reduce the cost of postage and paper used. Those receiving notices via email will continue to do so.

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