explorer Gail Borden Public Library District the
Gail Borden Public Library District
March - April, 2011
Main 270 North Grove Ave. Elgin, Illinois 60120 847-742-2411
Discovery 2011
Rakow Branch 2751 W. Bowes Rd. Elgin, Illinois 60124 847-531-7271
Second Sunday Concert Series Music for Two Violins March 13 Joy Un-Speak-a-Bell April 10 Page 7 Author Elizabeth Berg Page 9 How will you vote on April 5? Candidate Forums Page 5 eReaders Made Easy Page 8
Science Exposition Saturday, April 16 9 am – noon Main Library In partnership with Elgin School District U-46. “We need to teach our kids that it’s not just the winner of the Super Bowl who deserves to be celebrated, but the winner of the science fair.” President Obama from his 2011 State of the Union address. Why do eggs bounce? What is the level of nitrates in the Fox River? Is there a difference in short-term memory between genders? These were just a few of the fascinating questions answered by more than 300 students entered in last year’s Expo. The exposition will feature students of of all ages, from public, private and home schools in the library and U-46 boundaries, with their science fair projects. This free, nonjudged science fair is sure to stimulate students’ interest in science and experimentation. Please come to experience and support youth science even if your student is not a participant.
Amazing Birds Page 8
TechCamp ‘11
Save the date! Discover Gold – Education! Kickoff Sunday, May 1 1 – 5 pm Join us for a weeklong celebration of local teachers, higher education and area colleges.
Join Elgin’s Online Community! Saturday, March 12 1 – 4 pm Did you know Gail Borden Librarians are technology experts? Learn what new technologies can help you with your business and in your personal life at TechCamp11! 1:00 – 1:30 eBooks 1:30 – 2:00 Managing Your Online Life 2:00 – 2:30 Photo Sharing 2:30 – 3:00 Video and Podcasting 3:00 – 3:30 Blogging and RSS 3:30 – 4:00 Social Networking for Businesses Stay for the whole afternoon or just drop in for a session. Also, don’t miss the Technology Petting Zoo and Stump the Techie with your questions. Bring your gadgets!
Celebrate Women’s History Month
An Evening with Ethel Waters Thursday, March 10 7 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms Performed by Dr. Risé Jones and Murna Hansemann
This program is made possible by a grant from the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission and is co-sponsored by the Elgin Area AAUW.
Dr. Risé Jones
Ethel Waters was a remarkable woman and one of the most famous African American singers and actresses for more than 30 years. Continued on Page 7
Adirondacks Thrones of Summer 2011
Kickoff Saturday, April 23 12:30 – 2:30 pm at the Main Library
ay it be proclaimed throughout the Realm of Gail Borden Library, including the Rakow lands to the west, and to the very corners of the knowne world, that all good people are invited to witness a royal procession to celebrate the start of Thrones. Exaltation and joy will mark this day as the people of the Realm will witness great feats of bravery and skill, beauty and royalty. Let it also be said that such thrones doth precede the Gail Borden Public Library’s 2011 summer reading program, “A Midsummer Knight’s Read.”
e it known to all that these Thrones, more humbly known as Adirondacks, will be purchased by community groups and businesses and decorated to become part of an outdoor art exhibit in summer. Thrones are to be enjoyed by all, firstly at places in the Realm, then at said Library. Those residents of the Realm desiring more information can email sigiusa@yahoo.com or call 312-953-8216 or go to www.gailborden.info.
youth programs Spring Story Programs March 14 - April 29
Wonderful Ones
9 – 23 months with parent Mondays 6:15 pm Tuesdays 10, 11:15 am Thursdays 11 am, 6:15 pm Fridays 9:15, 10, 10:45 am Registration required. 15 minutes of short stories, fingerplays and rhymes followed by a 15-minute play period.
Rhymes and Rhythms
2 year olds with parent Tuesdays 6:15 pm Wednesdays 9:15, 10, 10:45 am Thursdays 10:15, 10:45 am Registration required. 20 minutes of stories, fingerplays and activities.
1, 2, 3, Go!
1 – 3 years with parent Wednesdays, March 9, 23 April 6, 20 10 am Community Rooms A & B No registration. Families will enjoy stories, rhymes and musical activities.
Spring Break
Spe ci al
Ewww! Totally Tasteless Practical Jokes
Grades 3 – 5 Tuesday, March 29 2 – 3:30 pm Community Rooms Registration begins March 15. Get ready for April Fool’s Day! Learn practical jokes and make some truly tasteless things to surprise family and friends. Projects may include fake pet doo-doo, severed finger boxes and imitation blood.
2 www.gailborden.info
Three ways to register: • Online at gailborden.info/register • In person at the Early Learning Center • Call 847-429-4595
Picture Book Program
3 years – kindergarten Mondays 9:30 am, 3:30 pm Tuesdays 9:15, 10:30 am, 7 pm Thursdays 10:15 am No registration. 30 minutes of picture book stories, fingerplays and song. Attend any session. Parents must remain in the building.
Family Storytime
All ages Mondays 7 pm No registration. 30 minutes of stories, songs and fun.
Stories and More
6 years – grade 2 Mondays 4 pm No registration. 45 minutes of stories, crafts, games and more.
Cuentos para la Familia
All programs take place at the Main Library unless otherwise noted.
Read Like A Rock Star! Thanks to local businesses that provided incentives for the winter reading program.
You Rock!
Cold Stone Creamery, Colonial Ice Cream, Dunkin’ Donuts, Gameworks, Modern Age Comics, Noodles and Company and Old Country Buffet.
Miércoles 7 pm ¡30 minutos de cuentos, música, rimas, manualidades y más para el disfrute de toda la familia! No hace falta inscribirse.
No-School Day-Movie
Spanish Family Storytime Wednesdays 7 pm In Spanish No registration. 30 minutes of stories, songs and fun for parents and children to enjoy together.
50 minutes) Friday, April 22 10 am Community Rooms No registration but seating is limited. Children under 12, please bring an adult.
Morris, the Magic Man
Dinosaur Encounter
Families Wednesday, March 30 10 am Community Rooms Registration not required but space is limited to the first 225 people. Tricks and puppetry are the hallmarks of this skilled performer. Join us for an hour of magical fun.
Build It Up!
Grades 1 – 6 Wednesday, March 30 2 – 3:30 pm Community Rooms B & C Registration begins March 16. Bring your imagination and create your own designs using our colorful interlocking bricks.
Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown (2011, Not rated,
Spe ci al
Grades 2 and up Thursday, March 31 7 – 8 pm Community Rooms No registration. Elgin author Janet Riehecky will inspire young dinosaur enthusiasts when she talks about her exciting experiences at dinosaur excavation sites. She’ll bring dinosaur fossils and museum-quality replicas, including an almost six-footlong Apatosaurus femur and an entire Tyrannosaurus foot.
Silly Rubber Jewelry
Grade 1 and up Friday, April 1 10 – 11 am Community Room C No registration. Bring your Silly Bandz® bracelets and learn how to make a necklace and other jewelry projects.
Three ways to register for Youth: • Online at gailborden.info/register • In person at the Youth Center Help Desk • Call 847-429-4685
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
Kindergarten and up All day Saturday and Sunday, March 5, 6 Youth Center If library fun is what you’re about, No need to yell! No need to shout! Drop by the Youth Center on these days For Seuss-filled fun in many ways. We’ll have puzzles, quizzes, games galore, Perhaps a craft and maybe more!
The Comics and Gaming Event Grades 3 – 8 Tuesdays, March 8, April 12 6 – 8 pm Community Rooms A & B No registration. Drop in and play Pokémon, HeroClix, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering and other games. Bring your cards to play or trade! Get the latest news on comics and graphic novels.
Read to Rover
School age Saturdays, March 12, April 9 10, 10:30, 11 or 11:30 am Registration required. Kids practice their reading skills by reading aloud to a fully trained and certified therapy dog.
Holocaust Remembrance Day Grade 7 and up Thursday, April 7 7 pm Community Rooms No registration. Hear the brave story of a Holocaust survivor. Ten-year-old Agnes Schwartz was forced to live in a ghetto in Budapest, Hungary in 1944, then go underground to hide from the Nazis. She will tell her story and that of her family.
Sports Card Trading Club
Grades 1 and up Thursdays, March 10, April 14 3:30 – 5 pm South Story Room No registration.
youth programs FUN FOR YOUNG TEENS Grades 6 - 8
Youth Advisory Board
Some programs require registration.
Tuesdays, March 1 and April 5 4 – 5 pm Meeting Room 2 Tell us about books, events, and online stuff you want to see at the library. Join and make your voice heard.
Tech Team – Electronics Petting Zoo
Tuesday, March 8 4 – 5:30 pm Community Room C Try out cool electronic devices the library will have on display. If you’ve got an iPod, a smartphone, or some other technology, bring it and add to the “zoo.”
Manga and Anime Club
Tuesdays, March 15 and April 19 4 – 6 pm Meeting Room 2 Fans of Japanese cartoons, unite! Come to discuss your favorite series, try a manga-themed craft, or learn a little Japanese.
Artist Trading Cards – Art Show Challenge!
Thursday, March 17 4:30 – 6 pm Youth Center Try out different art materials and techniques. Take your ATCs home, trade them or put them on display. The interactive Artist Trading Card Exhibit will be on display in the Youth Gateway from March 18 to April 13.
Not-So-Dirty Jobs: Start Your Own Worm Farm for Fun and Profit
Monday, March 28 (No School Day) 1 – 3 pm Community Rooms Registration begins March 1. Learn how to grow, harvest and market worms with Hawthorne Hill’s Naturalist April Anderson. Play Annelid Jeopardy and learn how to make your own vermicomposting bin.
Tuesday, March 29 (No School Day) 4 – 5:30 pm Community Rooms Registration begins March 15. Get ready for some stomach-turning adventures with slime, fake blood and other gross stuff. Don’t wear nice clothes to this event—just in case!
Game On!
Wednesdays, March 30 (No School Day) and April 13 4 – 6 pm Community Rooms B & C It’s the newest gaming club for middle schoolers. Take a turn at Dance Dance Revolution, play against your friends on the library’s Wii, bring your favorite board game or try out a new tabletop game! No registration.
Tech Team – Computer Game Design
Thursday, April 7 4 – 6 pm Computer Training Room Registration begins March 15. Ever want to create your own computer game? We’ll build games using a free programming language called Scratch.
Recycled Art Challenge
Friday, April 22 (No School Day) 1 – 3 pm Community Rooms Can you make art out of a bag full of “trash”? Challenge your imagination and show off your creativity at this Earth Day event. No registration. www.gailborden.info
teen programs Teens in grades 9 – 12
Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
3 – 9 pm 3 – 5:30 pm 9 am – 5:30 pm 1 – 5:30 pm
Four ways to register for Studio 270 programs: • Online at gailborden.info/register • Second Floor Information Desk • Studio 270 • Call 847-695-7577
TAB: Teen Advisory Board
Saturdays, March 12, April 9 1 – 2 pm Are you opinionated? Are you creative? Do you want to earn volunteer hours? Do you like snacks? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions and you’re in grades 9 to 12, you’re the perfect candidate for TAB.
Study Session
Every Wednesday, 3:30 – 5:30 pm Stop by Studio 270 for a chance to work on your homework or start that next school project.
6R Crafts
Saturdays, March 26, April 23 3 – 5 pm Registration required. Get crafty and stay environmentally conscious with the 6R’s, reduce, reuse, reclaim, redesign, recycle, and renew. March 26 Desk Set: Organize your desk with recycled materials April 23 Tissue Box Photo Frames
Book vs. Movie: Stardust
Saturday, March 5 2 – 5 pm Members of the new teen book club read the book, watch the movie, then decide which is best. This month’s book and movie: Stardust by Neil Gaiman.
Open Mic Night
Tuesdays, March 22, April 19 7 – 8 pm Registration required. Share your talent! We are looking for musicians, poets, comedians, story tellers and more to perform.
Poetry Writing Workshop with Poet Reggie Legend For teens and twenties Saturday, April 9 2 – 4 pm See Page 9
4 www.gailborden.info
STUDIO 270 Hours
Spring Break in Studio 270 Spa Day
Monday, March 28 1:30 – 3:30 pm There’s no need to pay for expensive bath products when you can make your own!
Wii Sports Tournament
Tuesday, March 29 3 – 5 pm Test your athletic ability and challenge another player to tennis, boxing and more.
Teen Flick: Jonah Hex
Wednesday, March 30 6 – 8 pm
Old School Video Game Challenge
Thursday, March 31 5 – 7 pm Take your gaming skills back to the ‘80s with Pacman, Galaga and more.
Teen Flick: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Friday, April 1 3 – 5 pm
Magnetic Poetry
Saturday, April 2 3 – 5 pm Celebrate National Poetry Month by making your own magnetic poetry.
Teen Flicks Saturdays, March 19, April 16 3 – 5 pm Snack on some popcorn and watch a movie in Studio 270. March 19 Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (PG-13) April 16 Step Up 3D (PG-13)
Springtime Cardmaking Friday, April 22 3 – 5 pm Registration required. Create your own one-of-a-kind greeting cards to give to friends and family.
adult programs Computer Classes Internet I: Basics
Internet Basics 3 ways to register: • Online at gailborden.info/register • In person at the computer center • Call 847-429-4695 Each topic is covered in a single oneto two-hour session and is held in the Computer Training Room. Advance registration with a valid Gail Borden Public Library card is required.
Mouse program
Monday, March 7 10 am Tuesday, April 5 10 am For those who need practice using a mouse.
Monday, March 14 10 am Tuesday, April 12 10 am Learn how to use the web and the basics of Internet terminology, then visit some websites. Basic mouse skills are required.
Internet II: Searching
Monday, March 21 10 am Tuesday, April 19 10 am Learn how to use the library’s search directory and the search engines Google and Yahoo. Basic mouse skills are required.
Internet III: Email
Monday, March 28 10 am Tuesday, April 26 10 am The basics of reading and sending email will be covered. Basic mouse and Internet navigation skills are required.
IDES Re-employment Services Workshop
Presented by Christine Wojcik from the Illinois Department of Employment Security. Wednesdays, March 2, 16, April 6, 20 1:30 – 3 pm Meeting Room 1 This workshop provides job seekers with networking, resume writing, job search, and interviewing techniques. For more information contact the Illinois Department of Employment Security in Elgin at 847-888-7900.
Elgin Job Seekers
Wednesdays, March 9, 23, April 13, 27 1:30 – 2:30 pm Meeting Room 2 Share your job-hunting experiences and learn from others at these open-discussion meetings.
Body Language: What You’re Really Saying During an Interview
Presented by Christy Erbeck, Founder & CEO of Metamorphic Consulting, Inc. Tuesday, April 5 7 – 8:30 pm Meeting Room 1 Learn how to use body language to have a positive impact in job interviews and how to detect signs of resistance from your interviewer as well as practice various techniques and body language movements. Please register.
Candidate Forums Presented by the League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area. Voters will have many decisions to make on candidates who, when elected in the April 5 consolidated election, will govern the City of Elgin, the Gail Borden Public Library District, School District U-46 and Elgin Community College. These forums are presented to help voters make these important decisions. No registration is necessary to attend the forums, held in the Community Rooms.
Sunday, March 20 2 – 4:30 pm
School District U-46 Board of Education Candidates Gary Percy Maria Bidelman Jennifer Schroder Amy Kerber Mary VanSlyck Traci O’Neal Ellis Elgin Community College Trustee Candidates Richard L. Geary John G. Dalton Robin M. Lisboa John Duffy Eleanor “Ellie” MacKinney
Thursday, March 24 6:30 – 8:30 pm Elgin Mayoral Candidates David Kaptain Ed Schock
Gail Borden Public Library District Trustee Candidates Four-Year Term Jean Bednar Richard McCarthy Herbert Gross Verner Tepe Lisa Knight Richard Wallett Victor LaPorte Two-Year Term Mohammad Iqbal Penny Wegman
Tuesday, March 29 6:30 – 8:30 pm Elgin City Council Member Candidates Four-Year Term Tish S. Powell Michael Curtin Manfred W. Czymmek Michael J. Robbins Toby Shaw Thomas L. McCarthy F. John Steffen Anna Moeller Michael Warren Shane Nowak
programs in english & español Programs in English and Spanish Go Bilingual Class
Wednesdays, March 2 – April 27 7 – 8 pm Meeting Room 1 English and Spanish lessons and conversation. No registration. Clase Futuros Bilingües miércoles, 2 de marzo – 27 de abril 7 – 8 pm Salón de Reuniones 1 Lecciones y conversación en inglés y español. No hace falta inscribirse. Two Rivers Head Start Bilingual Parenting Programs Meeting Room 1. No registration. Good Touch, Bad Touch Tuesday, March 8 5 – 6 pm Disciplining Children Tuesday, March 22 5 – 6 pm Two Rivers Head Start - Programas Bilingües para Padres Salón de Reuniones 1. No hace falta inscribirse. Caricia Apropiada y No Apropiada Martes, 8 de marzo 5 – 6 pm Disciplinando a los Niños Martes, 22 de marzo 5 – 6 pm
Programas en Español A las personas de edad avanzada: Comenzando en marzo podrán solicitar tarjetas de puntos de Senior Services Associates en los programas en la biblioteca. Los puntos podrán ser canjeados por artículos durante “Christmas in July” y “Christmas Shopping Mall” de Senior Services.
¡Meditación para Todos!
Los jueves 6:30 – 8 pm Salón de Reuniones 2 (21 y 28 de abril en el Salón de Conferencias 2do Piso) Aprenda y practique técnicas de meditación para enriquecer su vida. No hace falta inscribirse.
6 www.gailborden.info
Grupo de Conversación en Inglés
Los martes 6:30 – 7:30 pm Salón de Conferencias del 2do Piso Practique tener conversaciones en inglés y mejore su pronunciación y con un tutor del Literacy Connection.
Entendiendo su Formulario para la Declaración de Impuestos martes, 8 de marzo 7 pm Salón de Reuniones 1 Presentado por Administer Justice. Aprenda sobre dependientes, créditos, el ITIN y más. No hace falta inscribirse.
Benito Juárez Cumple 205 Años
Miércoles, 23 de marzo Salón de Conferencias 1 Disfrute una interpretación teatral de las ideas y los deseos de Juárez y los valores que tenía en común con Abraham Lincoln. No hace falta inscribirse.
Película Familiar en Español: Cantinflas
Sábado, 26 de marzo 3 – 4:30 pm Salones de la Comunidad A & B Venga a disfrutar un favorito de la familia. En español con subtítulos en inglés. Se servirán popcorn. No hace falta inscribirse.
Club de Lectura en Español
La Ciudad y los Perros por Mario Vargas Llosa Jueves, 14 de abril 7 – 8 pm Salón de Cuentos de Jóvenes Lea y venga a comentar la primera novela por Vargas Llosa. Se servirá café y galletas. Pida una copia del libro en el escritorio de información del 2do piso. No hace falta inscribirse.
Escritorio de Información para Contribuyentes en Español
Los lunes hasta el 18 de abril 4:30 – 6 pm Los sábados hasta el 16 de abril 10 am – mediodía Salón de Reuniones 2 Un representante de Administer Justice ofrecerá orientación legal gratuita sobre sus derechos y obligaciones o si tiene una controversia con el Depto. de Rentas Internas. No hace falta inscribirse.
Festival del Día de Niños
Sábado, 30 de abril 9 am – 1 pm (entretenimiento a las 10 am) Auditorio de Elgin High School Entretenimiento y diversión para todos en la familia. Taquillas gratis, una por persona, se pueden recoger en el Centro de Jóvenes en la Biblioteca Principal comenzando el 1 de abril. En asociación con el concilio de Padres Bilingües del Distrito Escolar de U-46.
Mardi Gras: Una Tradición Criolla de 300 Años (programa musical)
Interpretado por Dennis Stroughmatt lunes, 7 de marzo 7 – 8 pm Salones de la Comunidad Hecho posible mediante un premio del Illinois Humanities Council, el National Endowment for the Humanities y el Illinois General Assembly. Venga a disfrutar de la música que se toca en Mardi Gras, el carnaval típico de la ciudad de Nueva Orleans que se celebra antes de la cuaresma. Favor de inscribirse.
Clases de Computación Trabajando con Fotos Digitales
Jueves, 24 de marzo 6:30 – 8 pm Salón de Entrenamiento de Computación Aprenda a bajar fotos de una cámara o teléfono celular a la computadora, y compartirlas con otras personas mediante correo electrónico o en sitios como Facebook. Favor de inscribirse.
Básicos de Computación para Principiantes
Salón de Entrenamiento de Computación. Favor de inscribirse.
Parte 1
Martes, 22 de marzo 6:30 – 8 pm Martes, 5 de abril 1:30 – 3 pm Introducción a la computadora, lección y práctica de las funciones del ratón.
Parte 2
Martes, 29 de marzo, 6:30 – 8 pm Martes, 12 de abril 1:30 – 3 pm Aprenda a abrir, quardar formatear e imprimir documentos y a usar el teclado.
3 WAYS TO REGISTER: • In person at the Adult Services Information Desk • Call 847-429-4680 • Online at www.gailborden.info, Calendar
adult programs
Music to Your Ears Mardi Gras: The 300 Year Old French Creole Tradition
Performed by Dennis Stroughmatt Monday, March 7 7 – 8 pm Community Rooms Made possible in part by an award from the Illinois Humanities Council, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Illinois General Assembly. New Orleans is not the only celebration destination for Mardi Gras. Creoles in the Illinois country of “Upper Louisiana” have made Mardi Gras celebrations a cultural tradition for more than three centuries. Dennis Stroughmatt, an authority on French Creole music, will share western European and Celtic traditions of Mardi Gras through music. Refreshments will be served. Please register.
2nd Sunday Concert Series 2010/2011 The one-hour performances begin at 2 pm in the Community Rooms. Meet the artists and enjoy refreshments after each concert. Free tickets are available at the Greeter and Second Floor Information Desks two weeks prior to each concert.
Music for Two Violins Colin Maki and Amanda Grimm March 13 The duo will perform works by Leclair, Prokofiev, Wieniawski and more.
Joy Un-Speak-a-Bell
Handbell Soloist Kristine Stout April 10 Kristine Stout will bring humor, energy and joy to her performance. Her handbell solos and digital keyboard orchestrations are her own creations, delivered with joy!
Celebrate Women’s History - An Evening with Ethel Waters
Thursday, March 10 7 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms Performed by Dr. Risé Jones and Murna Hansemann Ethel Waters was one of the most famous African American singers and actresses for more than 30 years, from singing the Blues during the 1920’s Jazz Age to appearing in movies through the 1940’s. Often overlooked in popular culture, Waters helped ease the way for Black women to appear on stage and screen. She will be brought to life with her own words and songs. Written by Dr. Risé Jones. Refreshments will be served. Please register.
ESO Master Classes Saturday, April 2 2 – 4 pm Community Rooms No registration. Featuring Elgin Symphony Orchestra Guest Performer, Violinist Chee Yun
Rakow Branch Three ways to register: • Online at gailborden.info/register • In person at the Rakow Branch or Main Library • Call 847-531-7271
Read to Rover
School-age Saturdays, March 26, April 30 10, 10:30, 11 or 11:30 am Registration required. Kids practice their reading skills by reading aloud to a fully trained and certified therapy dog.
Rakow Readers
Mondays 1:30 pm Register at the Rakow Customer Service Desk for this book discussion group. March 28 The Little Stranger by Sara Waters April 25 The Help by Katherine Stockett
Family Evening Storytime Tuesdays, March 15, 22, 29 April 5, 12, 19, 26 6:30 pm No registration.
eReaders at Rakow
Mondays, March 7, April 4 6:30 pm Please register. Join other eBook users to share tips and tricks when using your eBook device, hear about features of the library’s eBook service, MyMediaMall, or discuss the latest good book you’ve read on your eReader.
Earth Week Celebration
April 17 – 23 No registration. Enjoy drop-in activities throughout the week to celebrate our planet, including environmental crafts, storytimes, fun toys and more!
adult programs It’s not just an eBook, it’s a FREEbook!
If you have a Nook, Sony Reader, or iPad, you can download eBooks for FREE! You may also use your iPod or MP3 player to check out audiobooks. Go to www. GailBorden.info and click My Media Mall. Take the Guided Tour and then search for titles. To check out eBook and audiobook downloads, you will need a Gail Borden Public Library card and a PC or Mac computer.
Amazing Birds
Tuesday, April 26 7 – 8 pm Meeting Room 1 Presented by Bob and Kathy Andrini, Kane County Audubon Society. Amazing stories and facts about birds and their behaviors with a photographic look at birds as you have never seen them before. Great for elementary school-aged children through adults. Please register.
eReaders Made Easy
Tuesday, March 22 and Monday, April 18 7 – 8:30 pm Meeting Room 1 Get the most value from that new reading gadget. Bring your eReader, iPod or MP3 player and learn how to download books and audiobooks from the library’s website. No registration.
Local Government and How it Works Tuesday, March 15 6:30 pm Meeting Room 1 No registration.
Understanding Today’s Real Estate: Short Sales, Foreclosures and More
Tuesday, April 19 6:30 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms A & B Discover the pitfalls and opportunities in today’s real estate market from this expert panel and what it means to you as a homeowner or potential seller/buyer. Hear from an attorney, realtor, home inspector, mortgage originator and a title company representative. Please register.
8 www.gailborden.info
Thursday, April 14 7 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms In partnership with American Association of University Women, Elgin Area Branch. Dr. Cathy Schultz, a nationally syndicated columnist who has appeared on NPR, gives advice on how to tell the difference between accurate (real) history and reel history as interpreted by filmmakers. Please register.
Senior Living Eat Smart, Live Strong (for ages 60+)
Brown Bag Lunch Classic Films Held on Mondays in the Community Rooms. No registration. Coffee and tea will be served. The Lady Vanishes (1938) March 14 11 am – 12:50 pm
Sponsored in collaboration with the Elgin Community Network and ECCO.
Reel History: Ten Rules for Watching Historical Films
The Spiral Staircase (1945) April 11 11 am – 12:40 pm
Reel Women for Real Women
Co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women Elgin Area Branch. A film and discussion focused on women’s issues at 6 pm in the Community Rooms. No registration. Winter’s Bone (2010, R) Tuesday, March 22 Eat, Pray, Love (2010, PG-13) Tuesday, April 26
Tuesdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29 10 – 11 am Community Room C In partnership with the Salvation Army. Enjoy fun and lively activities with other older adults. Talk about easy ways to make smart food choices and exercise more. Please register.
Radio Players West
Sunday, March 27 2 – 4 pm Community Rooms Listen to the magic of two old-time radio programs. My Favorite Husband starred Lucille Ball and was a forerunner of the I Love Lucy television series. The First Nighter Program was a comedy-drama series broadcast from 1930’s to 1950’s. An episode called The Chinese Gong will be performed. Please register.
Point Cards = Free Stuff for Seniors!
Beginning in March, Seniors can request Senior Services Associates, Inc. point cards at library programs. Points may be redeemed for items at Senior Services during Christmas in July and Christmas Shopping Mall events.
adult programs
Book Clubs
Authors on the Fox Dave Hoekstra: Cougars and Snappers and Loons, Oh My! A Midwest League Field Guide Wednesday, March 2 7 – 8 pm Community Room C A Chicago Sun-Times reporter for 25 years and a 16-year columnist for the Kane County Cougars, Dave Hoekstra will present his new book and a medley of Midwest Minor League stories, stats and history.
Noreen Natale: “My Humor’s Working (Even if I’m Not)”
Sunday, March 6 2 – 3 pm Meeting Room 1 Noreen writes about working, not working, smiling dogs and other curious observations. Her humor has been sharpened while conducting marketing meetings, blogging about the joys of owning a dog, and writing humorous articles about her urban childhood. Unemployment took her humor to a new level.
Elizabeth Berg Sunday, April 17 2 p.m. Community Rooms The New York Times best-selling author will discuss her new book, Once Upon a Time, There Was You. Please register.
20’s and 30’s Book Club
Great Books Discussion Group
Co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women Elgin Branch. Meetings are at 6:55 pm in Meeting Room 2. For more information, call Rachel Bloomberg at 630-391-2966. March 14 The Nose by Nikolai Gogol April 11 Which New Era Would That Be? by Nadine Gordimer
Contemporary Fiction Book Group
The group meets at 7 pm in Meeting Room 2. Schedules of upcoming discussions are available in Adult Services. For more information, contact Tish at 847-289-5838. March 16 Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon April 20 Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women Elgin Branch. The group meets at 7 pm in Meeting Room 2. For more information, call Rachel Bloomberg at 630-391-2966. March 28 April 25
The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose
Walking Book Club
The club meets on Wednesdays at 7 pm for great reads, lively discussion and exercise. During March, the club will meet at the Centre of Elgin. The club will return to outside walking in April, when it will meet at the Main Library’s front entrance. For more information, email Danielle at dhenson@gailborden.info or Nancy at nhaggard@gailborden.info, or call 847-429-4680.
Jane Austen Fan Club
Emma (1996 PG) Film starring Gwyneth Paltrow and discussion. No registration. Tuesday, March 1 6 – 8:45 pm Meeting Room 2 Taking Tea Tuesday, April 5 7 – 8 pm Meeting Room 2 Vern DuPlain appears in period dress for a humorous and informative talk on the importance of tea. Please register.
April is National Poetry Month
Book sales and signing follow the talks. Please register.
An Illinois Poet – Vachel Lindsay
Performed by Dr. John Muchmore Sunday, April 3 2 pm Meeting Room 1 John Muchmore will give a spirited performance of the equally spirited poetry of the great Illinois poet Vachel Lindsay.
Poetry Writing Workshop with Poet Reggie Legend For teens and twenties Saturday, April 9 2 – 4 pm Community Rooms A & B Develop a page presence versus a stage presence! Learn how to use rhyme verse style of poetry to balance the lyricism of hip-hop while maintaining spiritual integrity. Also discover the Japanese art of writing haiku — 17-syllable poems that say more with less! Please register.
Poets on the Fox: Gene Kimmett and Katie Phillips
Monday, April 11 7 – 8 pm Meeting Room 1 Geneva resident Katie Phillips, author of Driving Montana, Alone, and former Elginite Gene Kimmet, author of Skipping Stone and In Fee Simple, share their poems and insights about writing poetry. Please register. www.gailborden.info
Gail Borden
Public Library District
Main 270 North Grove Ave. Elgin, Illinois 60120 Rakow Branch 2751 W. Bowes Rd. Elgin, Illinois 60124 847-742-2411 www.gailborden.info
Board of Trustees: Richard McCarthy - President Jean Bednar - Vice President Jo Ann Armenta - Secretary Lisa Knight - Treasurer Herb Gross - Trustee Randy Hopp - Trustee Sue Moylan - Trustee Library Director - Carole Medal
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 9 pm Friday - Saturday 9 am - 5:30 pm Sunday 1 - 5:30 pm
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 8 pm Saturday 9 am - 5:30 pm Sunday 1 - 5:30 pm
Newsletter Editor - Denise Raleigh Writer - Liz Clemmons Graphic Designer - Debby Huffman
Super Couponing 2 with Coupon Queen Jill Cataldo Thursday, March 3 7 – 8:30 pm Community Rooms Learn how to combine multiple discounts, store promotions and coupons to maximize grocery savings and how to apply Super-Couponing principles to clothing, toys and housewares, saving up to 90% off regular prices. Please register.
Clean Sweep Book Sale
March 14 – 18 Main Library Used library materials at special prices!
National Volunteer Week
April 10 – 16 A special “Thank You” to the more than 200 volunteers who help make Gail Borden Library The Community’s Favorite Place.
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Elgin, IL 60120 Permit No. 164 Carrier Route Sort
Photo Release - All program participants agree to be photographed during library activities and programs for use in future library publications. This newsletter contains recycled paper.
Elgin Area Laughter Club: A Hysterical Society
Thursdays 7 pm Meeting Room 1 Facilitated by Social Worker Len Lempa. Learn laughing techniques to combat depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), reduce stress, relax muscles and shift your mood. Contact Norma at ncopes@gailborden.info or 847-289-5829 for more information.
Stitch ‘N’ Bee
Every Thursday 6:30 – 8:45 pm Bring your crafts, crocheting, crossstitching, knitting, needlepointing, quilting or just come to be inspired. No registration.
National Library Week at Gail Borden Public Library April 10 - 16.
Put your own spin on unique photos for fun and prizes at the library!
The Story Behind the Picture Caption Contest
Enter the contest for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate. Look for details in April at www.gailborden.info.
We Want Your E-Mail – Win a Nook You can help the library serve you better by signing up for email notices. In a cost-saving effort, we will be moving to e-notices to alert customers of items on hold, items almost due and those that are overdue. To assist us, please visit the library web site, www.gailborden.info, click on “My Library Account” and log in as directed. Interested customers may also sign up to receive programming information via GailMail, sent bimonthly to subscribers. Email addresses are confidential and will not be used by the library for any other purpose. At the end of April, all customers registered for email notices, those previously signed up as well as new subscribers, will be entered into a drawing to win a Nook eReader.