Psytopia 3: Holy Judgement

Page 52

A green-skinned misfit who’d cast away the regal life to experience the real world. Because if the rest of the Ravani thought they were really happy, they were dreaming.

Pyrate power

Whirligigs, gigabytes and every other instrument a warrior might need. A shadow creature who’d snuck through the Black plate’s fuzz wall, gone a little crazy then cleaned up his act. Because even shadows learn that you shouldn’t go smashing the stuff up unless you’ve got a damned good reason.

Pyrate power

Shadowclaws He was just a great big shadow anyway; he doesn’t need any other tricks. A curious little blue girl who’d been placed into Nehemiah’s care by a friend somewhere along the way. Because... I dunno, because friendship was hard to come by, she’d found it and she wasn’t about to argue it away.

Pyrate power

Wouldn’t you like to know... Yes, the Pyrates were a raggle-taggle bunch. And they had but one word to say about the state of the wide, wild world... MELODI: De-magnetise their vibes and throw them onto your dance floor MELODI: “Liber-fucking-dade.”

The entire workhouse baring down on her. The entire workhouse, with their prongs and sticks and rods and hatchets. The entire workhouse, ready to charge. Psytopians, parahack and pyronettes. Angry and wild and furious and numerous. The entire workhouse, bounding across the forecourt with swishes, swipes and swings. The entire workhouse, swarming at her with whoops and roars, cries and shrieks. The entire workhouse against one little blue girl. MELODI: The 100 demon night parade It all goes black. Night time on demand. The lugs suddenly no more than shadows. Obedient on demand; slaves to the orchestra. It’s so much easier to puppeteer goons when you’ve quantum-shifted their brains.

Psytopia: Adagio 3


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