Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance Canadian 5th Edition Brealey Test Bank

Page 55


The duties of a corporate controller typically include the preparation of financial statements. TRUE Brealey - Chapter 01 #72 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1.4 Type: True False


To obtain the necessary money a company sells financial assets or securities. TRUE Brealey - Chapter 01 #73 Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 1.1 Type: True False


The primary goal of any company should be to maximize current period profit. FALSE Brealey - Chapter 01 #74 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1.5 Type: True False


Maximizing profits is the same as maximizing the value of the firm. FALSE Brealey - Chapter 01 #75 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 1.5 Type: True False

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