Systems Contractor News - December 2021

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Welcome to the December ISSUE of

20 Executive Q&A Sam Taylor celebrates Almo Pro A/V's 75th anniversary. 48 Pro AV Trends Experts including Matt Davis from PTZOptics talk 2022. 58 Viewpoint Rachael Harris explains that “Great Stream Feeling.”4820 58 ® AVNETWORK.COM DECEMBER 2021 GETTY IMAGES YOUR INSIDER BUSINESS RESOURCE FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARS
4 SCN // December 2021 // CONTENTS Vol. 28 No. 12 December 2021 Systems Contractor News (ISSN 1078-4993) is published monthly by Future US, Inc., 130 West 42nd Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10036-8002. Periodical postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR NEWS, P.O. Box 1051, Lowell, MA 01853. Subscribe online at Please allow 6-8 weeks for address changes to take effect. ©Copyright 2021 by Future US, Inc. PRINTED IN U.S.A. Features 48 Pro AV Trends for 2022: Hybrid Everywhere The pro AV industry is emphasizing flexibility to accommodate in-person and remote workflows.
People 20 Executive Q&A Almo Professional A/V's Sam Taylor shares how the company is celebrating its 75th anniversary.
22 Beyond the Tech What’s your New Year’s resolution? SCN’s new columnist has some ideas.
Technology 52 Internal Audio Processing Integrated amplification can help simplify installations by reducing the need for separate components.
Viewpoint 58 Celebrate the ‘Great Stream Feeling’ How do you create the ideal livestream experience? The answer is always the same: teamwork!
Departments 16 ASSOCIATION NEWS 56 PRODUCTS 20 24 SCN Top 50 Systems Integrators 2021 Learn more about some of the biggest integrators in our industry.


What’s your company’s best holiday season tradition?

InfoComm 2021: Good To Be Back

In the wake of a worldwide pandemic, there are a fair share of critics who think trade shows are no longer necessary. I think the majority of us who attended Info Comm 2021 would respectfully disagree. On the day before the exhibit hall opened, as exhibitors were assembling their booths, David Labuskes, CEO of AVIXA, told me the show floor was a “roomful of hope and anticipation.”

With so many event cancellations over the past year and a half, InfoComm is a win for the AV industry. That success doesn’t exist in a bubble: InfoComm is also an important economic booster for the Orange County Convention Center, as well as the various hospitality and service industries across Orlando, FL. In other words, the show is an important step toward business as usual.

InfoComm 2021 represents the end of an era and the dawn of a new one. Trade shows are going to be different moving forward. How can they not? There are people who still aren’t comfortable with the idea of going to the grocery store, let alone walking a crowded show floor or sitting in an educational seminar. Maybe one day we’ll be closer to the super-sized spectacles of the days before COVID-19, but smaller shows and hybrid educational elements for off-site participants seem a safer bet for the foreseeable future.

Moving past the symbolic victories, though, InfoComm as always represents commerce and opportunity. There are still technologies to test, classes to attend, and deals to be made. Plus, with an admittedly reduced show floor and the absence of some major companies this year, smaller exhibitors had the chance to benefit from better traffic.

It’s not my job to be a cheerleader—my pom-pom skills need work and I doubt I’d look good in the uniform. But I dare say everyone on the InfoComm show floor during that last week in October was a cheerleader for the AV industry. Between all those awkward shake-hands-or-pound-fists-or-bump-elbows exchanges, there were real connections between industry professionals. Hand sanitizer was flowing, but so were conversations. And there were plenty of smiles hidden behind those masks, especially mine.

Welcome back, InfoComm.


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6 SCN // December 2021 // MARK J. PESCATORE Content Director TWITTER EMAIL FACEBOOK systemscontractor SYSTEMS CHECK ® DECEMBER 2021 VOL. 28 NO. 12
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One InfoComm Show Ends, Another Begins

While InfoComm 2021 will perhaps be best remembered for having brought the industry back together after a long absence, it won’t be long before we get another opportunity to gather. InfoComm 2022 will take place in Las Vegas next June, with the conference running June 4–10 and the exhibits happening June 8–10.

What can we expect to see at next year’s gathering in Las Vegas? “I think you’re going to see an even broader celebration of our industry, of the technology, of the clients,” said AVIXA CEO David Labuskes, CTS, CAE, RCDD. “We’ll see where we are, and there will be more innovation, more partnerships, more change, more opportunities for people to connect to other people around the world and to change the way people experience the world.”

Big Screens on Campus

BY MARK QUIROZ The increased reliance on hybrid learning in recent years has challenged our industry to introduce technology with functionality that enhances learning and can be incorporated seamlessly into existing classrooms and other learning environments. Education-specific digital signage products such as digital flipcharts and interactive whiteboards have seen remarkable advancements that focus on engaging students regardless of whether they are physically present in the classroom.

Remote Network Management Is Now the Backbone of Customer Service

How Tech Can Increase WellBeing in a Hybrid World

Remote network management has rapidly become an essential part of integration projects, providing installation professionals with powerful capabilities to view and resolve minor equipment issues from the convenience of their office, home, or elsewhere. While the biggest benefit is the most obvious—integrators don’t have to roll a truck every time a piece of gear needs to be power cycled— additional benefits are cropping up every day.

BY LARS LAURIDSEN October 10 marked World Mental Health Day. For me, it was a reminder to think about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, much like our own bodies, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling. While the general direction of the pandemic is looking more positive, the increased anxiety, stress and isolation that it has brought has had a longer lasting impact on people’s mental health.

Top 5 Stories on 5. AVIXA Announces 2021 AV Professional Awards 4. Impressions on InfoComm 2021 3. HP Enters New Market with HP Presence for Hybrid Workplaces 2. SCN Top 50 Systems Integrators of 2020 1. SCN 2021 Products of the Year
David Labuskes

SCN Recognizes Most Innovative Products of 2021

At the end of every year, Systems Contractor News celebrates products that change the pro AV world for the better with its Instal

lation Products Award program. This year’s celebra tion happened to coincide with a pandemic-delayed InfoComm show, so SCN took the opportunity to

hand awards out in person and celebrate some of this challenging year’s successes.

At a ceremony on Tuesday, Oct. 26, Systems Contractor News content director Mark Pescatore announced the winners of the 2021 Installation Product Awards to an intimate audience that included representatives from winning companies C2G, Middle Atlantic Products, Chief, rp Visual Solutions, Vanco, VuWall, Visionary Solutions, Vaddio, Kramer, and Da-Lite.

“One of my favorite parts of returning to Info Comm was the opportunity to recognize the out standing work of so many innovative companies,” said Pescatore. “The 2021 SCN Installation Product Awards provided a showcase for products that will help integrators deliver better solutions for their customers. I can’t wait to see what’s coming in 2022.”

Winners received a comically oversized placard to display on their InfoComm booth, as well as a crystal trophy by mail after the show.

David Wood accepted the award for rp Visual Solutions’ Wallmate T-Up; Brandon White accepted for Vanco International’s Vanco EVMX88PRO; Stephanie Balayan and Anna Kozel accepted for VuWall’s TRx 3.1 Centralized Management Platform; Clint Hoffman accepted for Kramer Electronics’ VW-4; and Lewis Eig accepted for Visionary Solutions’ PacketAV Duet Wallplate Encoder.

Finally, in a quirk of the diversified systems integration industry, Legrand AV’s Patrick Cuddy, CTS, LEED GA, collected awards for C2G, Middle Atlantic Products, Chief, Vaddio, and Da-Lite. Recognized products included C2G’s Retractable Universal Mount 4K HDMI Dongle Adapter Ring, Middle Atlantic Products’ FlexView Conferencing Cart with HuddleSHOT FC, Chief’s Tempo Flat Panel Floor Support System, Vaddio’s IntelliSHOT ePTZ USB Camera, and Da-Lite’s Tensioned Designer Contour with Agility Battery Motor Option.

The 2021 SCN Installation Product Awards showcase the most innovative commercial AV products of 2020 and early 2021. To be eligible for an award, entered products must have shipped between Jan 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. Products were nominated by the manufacturers and chosen by online ballot.

NEWS 10 SCN // December 2021 //
The VuWall team receives their award from Mark J. Pescatore. JOHN STALEY

Large Fusion Micro-Adjustable Fixed Wall Mount LSM1U

Chief upgraded fixed wall mounts based on installer feedback and direct observations of installers in the field. Many new features join Fusion favorites like Centerless shift, ControlZone leveling adjustment and ClickConnect Latching.

Benefits include added stability, faster install, improved lateral shift, easier cable management and enhanced security.

Installer-inspired Fusion fixed mount solves top flat panel installation problems, offering flexible adjustments for large displays with a low-profile display mounting solution.

Fits displays 42” - 86” | Maximum 200 lbs.

Large Fusion Micro-Adjustable Tilt Wall Mount LTM1U

Chief’s Fusion tilt wall mounts were developed based on installer feedback and direct observations of installers in the field. Features include Centerless shift, Centris tilt, ControlZone leveling adjustment and ClickConnect Latching.

Benefits include increased stability, fast installation, easy cable management and security.

The installer-inspired Fusion tilt mount solves top flat panel installation problems, offering flexible adjustments for large displays with a low-profile display mounting solution.

Fits displays 42” - 86” | Maximum 200 lbs.

Universal Projector Mount RPAU / RPAUW

The RPAU has all of the great features of the RPAO and even more! This Universal Projector Mount is coupled with the newly designed SLBU Universal Interface Bracket. This 2nd Generation Interface Technology has enhanced security and unlimited projector access.

• Ships newly designed SLB universal bracket to fit most inverted projectors on the market

• Independent roll, pitch and yaw for quick and precise projector image registration

• Quick projector connect and disconnect with convenient lamp and filter access on most projectors

• Maintains registration when disconnected and doesn’t affect preset adjustments

• All-Points™ Security Systems provides exclusive steel into steel locking hardware at all connection points to protect against theft

Large THINSTALL Dual Swing Arm Wall Display Mount TS525TU

A lightweight, low-profile full-motion wall display mount for TVs 42-75”. Easily installs with one person by mounting the top rail and sliding on the assembly.

• Low Profile Sleek design collapses to 2.0” (50 mm) (without interface) or 2.1” (53 mm) (with interface)

• Ultra Low Profile Facilitate ADA compliance with an ultra-low profile when installed together with a TA500 in-wall back box

• Extends up to 25” (635 mm) Full extension maximizes viewing potential

Medium THINSTALL Dual Swing Arm Wall Display Mount TS318TU

A lightweight, ultra low-profile full-motion wall display mount for TVs 32-65”. Easily installs with one person by mounting the top rail and sliding on the assembly.

• Ultra Low Profile Sleek design collapses to 1.8” (46 mm), providing an ultra-low profile for all types of TVs, including LED, LCD and Plasma

• Extends up to 18” (457 mm) Full extension maximizes viewing potential

• Centris™ low-profile tilt Provides up to 15° of effortless fingertip tilt to achieve optimal viewing angles

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Extron AV Signal Distribution Enables Health Sciences Instruction at TRU

When Thompson Rivers University determined it needed more space for its expanding nursing program, the Chap pell Family Building for Nursing and Population Health was built on the campus in Kamloops, BC. TRU worked with McSquared System Design Group and AVI-SPL to deploy a fully functional installation that includes an array of Extron products.

Each instructional and meeting space includes an AV presentation system with wireless functionality. The rooms are linked over an extensive Extron NAV Pro AV over IP transport system that distributes HDMI and audio signals throughout the 49,000-square-foot building. The installation provides seamless compat ibility with current teaching modalities, equipment, and systems—and is designed to support future requirements just as easily.

Once commissioned, the Extron NAV, AV presen tation, and control systems at TRU’s facility accom modated the needs of the nursing program, plus support expansion of the outside post graduate paramedic and firefighter training programs. The design proved successful over a year-long pilot validation process.

“Design validation protects against using the client’s project as a testing platform, and Extron’s NAV Pro AVoIP and Pro Series control systems tested true,” said Marcel Schoenenberger, principal consultant, McSquared System Design Group. “NAV supports the medical training scenarios seamlessly and reliably on the converged network with no noticeable latency or signal degradation.”

An automated manikin at each lab training station simulates illnesses and realistic responses to treatment, along with a wide variety of medical equipment and alternative sources, displays, and an augmented reality system. Activities can be recorded and/or streamed over the university’s network. Systems are operated using a Pro Series control system programmed using Global Scripter, Extron’s Python-based development environment. A Touch Link Pro touch panel and a tablet at each station provides the same GUI and functionality as the touch panel located in the control room.

Using GlobalViewer Enterprise, TRU’s support staff can monitor, control, and manage system resources from a remote location. The NAV and control systems, along with additional Extron products, successfully support the many labs and classrooms, as well as seminar, research, and collaborative study spaces, throughout TRU’s new building.

NEWS SCN // December 2021 // avnetwork.com12

New Xyte HaaS Platform Helps Pro AV Move to Subscription-Based Sales

Business partners Omer Brookstein and Boris Dinkevich came from two very separate industries on the way to founding Xyte, the innovative company launching the AV industry’s first Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS) cloud platform.

Brookstein, an AV industry veteran, spent nearly 15 years working in different roles at Crestron Electronics. Dinkevich worked in a much different software development world, where he built advanced cloud applications for large high-tech firms. Their common interest in the cloud as a transformational business driver brought them together to establish Xyte (formerly known as SyncPro) in early 2020.

Xyte offers hardware manufacturers an end-toend cloud-based platform to run their entire HaaS businesses, better support their channels and customers, and develop new recurring revenue streams. This includes support for what Xyte calls “Digital Products,” an innovative new approach that allows manufacturers to remotely enable device features through subscriptions. Xyte’s

innovation allows customers to elastically scale their products on one hand, while helping manu facturers simplify their inventory management and capture new upsell opportunities.

Xyte offers a complete platform that truly bridges hardware to the cloud, and invites innovation and business development for all users. That includes offering a new agnostic platform specifically for the professional AV industry called Workplace by Xyte.

Systems integrators and other service providers, which have free access to the platform, can now offer managed services for their customers, remotely managing and monitoring devices from a growing number of brands.

Brookstein points to a new business model that AV test company MSolutions is developing based on Xyte’s platform as an excellent example of its revenue-generating value. The company starts by allowing its customers to subscribe to specific test applications, such as a log analyzer for an HDBaseT installation or IP testing for AV-over-IP applications directly from Xyte’s cloud. MSolutions will soon offer a full HaaS model, giving customers access to their award-winning device for a monthly fee, and benefit from full technical support through its dedicated Xyte portal.

“Instead of buying a hardware test device, customers will soon be able to buy test services,” said Brookstein. And that customer can activate new test services on the Xyte portal at any time.”

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Pro AV Sales Accelerate A

fter a disappointing deceleration in pro AV sales in September, AVIXA’s Pro AV Busi ness Index reports the growth rate in sales has rebounded in October. The AV sales index (AVIS) measured 65.1 in October, 2.5 points up from the September figure.

“Last month, we predicted an acceleration, stating that we were confident that the index will show accelerating sales growth, with a higher AVI-S likely in October," said Peter Hansen, economic analyst, AVIXA. “We are pleased to see this materialize and are hopeful growth will continue at a similar pace for the coming months.”

In keeping with recent trends, COVID-19 and supply issues were the business factors survey respondents cited most commonly. Interestingly, supply difficulties were often referenced in conjunction with positive comments on demand, along the lines of, “The pipeline is great, our only concern is getting equipment.”

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ official advance estimate, U.S. GDP grew at an annual ized rate of 2.0 percent in the third quarter, down from

6.7 percent in the second quarter and 6.3 percent in the first. Interestingly, pro AV data has not followed GDP as closely as it usually does, with third-quarter growth only slightly slower than second-quarter growth and significantly faster than first-quarter growth. This is a reminder of pro AV’s need to focus on the societal trend of returning to in person.

Though the first quarter saw significant economic growth, limited vaccine proliferation held back in-person-centric AV spending. In the third quarter, though the late-summer delta wave was a disruptor, the general continuation of restriction relaxation and return to in-person sustained rapid AV growth even as overall economic growth was more tepid.

October marked another month in the growing sequence of strong AV payroll growth, as the AV employment index (AVI-E) measured in at 62.0. This is up 1.2 points from the September mark of 60.8. This comes on the back of an exceptionally strong U.S. jobs report. The headline numbers for U.S. jobs were the addition of 531,000 jobs—well beyond expectations of 450,000 jobs—and a decline in the unemployment rate from 4.8 percent to 4.6 percent.

There was even more good news buried deeper in the report. The August jobs report initially showed the

addition of just 235,000 jobs, but that statistic was revised up to 366,000 in September, and to 483,000 with this latest release. September also saw significant revision, from its disappointing 195,000 initial reading to a revised figure of 312,000 after the additional October data collection.

In sum, that puts the U.S. economy 769,000 jobs ahead of what the September report showed. That’s a very strong figure! It offers two positive stories for the pro AV industry: First, though people aren’t rushing back to work in a flood, they are returning to jobs. This should allay nascent fears of labor shortages. Second, it shows the economic recovery is maintaining a great deal of strength. There is a solid foundation for added AV investment as in-person activity continues to grow.

Visit to access the free monthly Pro AV Business Index reports and learn more about the methodology. For more information about joining the AVIXA Insights Community, visit www.avixa. org/AVIP

16 SCN // December 2021 // NEWS ASSOCIATIONS

InfoComm Reunites the AV Industry

After 28 months without an in-person InfoComm show in North America, Info Comm 2021 welcomed the pro AV industry back together Oct. 22–29 in Orlando, FL. The week brought people together to interact with technology and meet face to face, learn about the latest trends, and celebrate remarkable industry leaders.

“InfoComm is the home for commerce, networking, and learning in the AV industry,” said David Labuskes, CTS, CAE, RCDD, CEO of AVIXA. “It was incredible to be back in person and play host for AV professionals to help them grow their businesses, careers, and knowl edge base.”

While InfoComm 2021 was much smaller than in other years due to travel concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic, it will still be considered a success. Due in part to its decision to require attendees to wear masks and show proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID-19 test, AVIXA was able to attract 7,335 attendees. The show hosted 254 exhibitors, highlighting the pro AV industry’s desire to start getting back to

in-person, large-scale live events.

“From Absen’s perspective, we think this InfoComm went well. Much better than we expected. It was great—worth all the invest ment that we made,” said James Liu, president of Absen Inc.

“Within 15 minutes of the show opening on the first day, all those questions went away. Our booth was so crowded and had so much traffic. And more importantly, I think, we had a lot of quality customers who came here with reasons: either they bring a project, or they want to talk about partnership with Absen.”

Networking opportunities abounded throughout the week, with AVIXA council events, award recognitions, and after-hours celebrations that mixed business and community engagement. “This InfoComm was all about connecting with people in person. It’s amazing how good it felt seeing industry friends and getting recon nected,” said QSC’s Cory Schaeffer, director of alliances

and ecosystem.

“The AVIXA team sends our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who made the InfoComm 2021 show possible, including our members, attendees, exhibi tors, sponsors, media partners, vendors, and so many others. We could not have produced a show in 2021 without the commitment, loyalty, dedication, and support from so many in the pro AV industry,” said Rochelle Richardson, CEM, senior vice president of expositions and events, AVIXA.

InfoComm 2022 will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center June 4–10 (exhibits 8–10).

18 SCN // December 2021 // NEWS ASSOCIATIONS
AVIXA’s Martin Saul, Sam Phenix, Jon Sidwick, and Jeff Day join AVIXA CEO David Labuskes in cutting the ribbon to welcome attendees to InfoComm 2021.

Happy Diamond Anniversary

Almo Professional A/V Celebrates 75 Years by Giving Back

SCN: How long have you been in this position?

Sam Taylor: Since we formed the division in 2009. I’ve been in the AV industry for 34 years.

SCN: How is Almo celebrating its 75th anniversary this year?

ST: As a company, we decided the most productive and rewarding way to celebrate this incredible milestone is to give back — in 75 different ways. We’ve carefully selected 75 different organizations representing causes that are important to us, both professionally and personally. At InfoComm, we donated to AVIXA’s Michael Vergauwen Scholarship Foundation to support future AV professionals. Additionally, all the furniture in our booth (provided by our sister company Hanover) was donated to the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore after the show.

SCN: What are the short and long-term goals for Almo Professional A/V?

ST: Short-term, we continue to invest in our employees, our customers, and our vendor partners to

deliver value-added distribution that is always industry leading. Relationships matter! Long-term, we are always looking for opportunities to expand our reach in markets such as IT and security, where we are expanding our market share.

SCN: What are some of Almo’s sustainable business practices?

ST: We are very focused on practices that reduce Almo’s overall carbon footprint and minimize impact on the environment. To date, three of our warehouse facilities use roof-mounted solar panels, with more to follow. By using sun-produced energy, we are able to drastically lower energy costs and send more than 65 percent of the solar electricity produced back into the grid.

At the same time, today all Almo warehouses use motion-sensing lighting to cut electricity use in half. The forklifts in the warehouses are also being converted from liquid propane engines to efficient, eco-friendly, battery-operated engines that reduce CO2 emissions by more than 80 percent.

Sam Taylor

Position: Executive Vice President and COO

Company: Almo Professional A/V, a division of Almo Corp.

Overtime: Taylor is an avid swimmer and a volunteer assistant coach for the Johns Hopkins men’s and women’s swim teams.

SCN: Currently, what are some of the pro AV industry’s biggest challenges?

ST: Our industry challenges mirror many of the global challenges being experienced by other industries — supply chain, labor shortages, and restricted access to worksites. At Almo, we are doing our best to work through those challenges by offering a variety of different products including new tec hnology, such as holographic telepresence. We are also contracting with well-vetted service partners and working on customized, creative applications with our integrators so they can continue to stay productive and profitable.

SCN: Where do you see the pro AV industry heading?

ST: The future has never been brighter for pro AV. There is a lot of pent-up demand. Companies both small and large are updating their facilities to make them hybrid-friendly, which means there will be major AV updates required for years to come. AV is here to stay, and we have a front-row opportunity to make it all happen.

SCN: How has Almo Pro A/V’s E4 Experience changed since the pandemic began?

ST: When the pandemic began, we were unable to travel and bring the E4 Experience educational and product showcase format to our partners in person, so we created the E4 Evolution, a virtual version, which has been wildly successful. Our first Hybrid E4 Experience in Dallas [scheduled for Nov. 30 at press time], combines the E4 regional/in-person and virtual platforms for the best of both worlds. AVIXA-credited sessions led by the industry’s top presenters will be available for live and virtual consumption. Many of our exhibiting manufacturers will be able to show new products that weren’t available at InfoComm. The hybrid model is ideal this year because it gives all our partners the ability to participate.

SCN: Are there new initiatives we are likely to see from Almo?

ST: Always! We are getting ready to announce a major change in our services model, which will be welcomed and beneficial for our customers and labor partners. Stay tuned.

20 SCN // December 2021 // PEOPLE EXECUTIVE Q&A
During Almo’s InfoComm event, Sam Taylor (left) presented a donation to AVIXA for the Michael Vergauwen Scholarship.

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Workplace Interactions

Interacting with co-workers is often a challenge. While not all voice their opinions, all have them, and many are still on edge as we continue to deal with a worldwide pandemic. In these sensitive times, being aware of the feelings of your co-workers is an important and required skill.

The New Year is just around the corner, and what a year it’s been for not just our indus try but society as well. I for one am thank ful — and looking to make 2022 the best year ever.

New Year’s resolutions date back more than 2,000 years to the time of the Roman Empire, so this tradition is nothing new. However, I truly feel that we are in need, as a society, for some humility, kindness, and love to take precedence in all our lives. This can easily transcend into the culture and business of the pro AV industry.

Let’s think about that. We have interactions with our co-workers, clients, and management. We communicate for a living, and on many different levels, we help others communicate with other people.

Client Considerations

During our various personal interactions, how well do we communicate with our own clients? I recently read a post on communication that discussed some different ways you listen when you are talking with someone. Are you listening so that you can give them a reply, or are you listening to them to learn some thing so you can give them a solution? I can tell you that I’ve been on both sides of that coin, especially when I was younger.

Here’s a quick example. Many years ago, I was new to a technology consulting firm. I was assigned a courthouse in the middle of the project, not because I was the right guy for the job, but because the AV guy could not stand talking to the architect because he was so long winded.

I put on my really listening hat. They weren’t kidding; I don’t think any call I took from him (and I took them all) was under 20 minutes. But I really listened. You know what? I learned a lot from him and did the job.

A year later, after that job was complete and I was back out on my own (story for another day), the architect was so impressed with working with me that he recommended me for his next courthouse project. It was more than $1 million of AV. When I bid on it, against my previous company and others, I got the job. Imagine that.

How about a New Year’s resolution to really listen to what your clients are saying? Instead of just

replying with your typical answer, take a minute to digest what they just said, thinking about their needs and wants, and answer with a relevant solution.

Make a resolution to think about how you interact with your co-workers. When confronted with a conflict or if you feel personally attacked, you may have a habit of adding fuel to the fire and taking a defensive position with your words and/or actions. This resolution is an opportunity for you to develop self-control and personal growth. Let’s all resolve to take greater care before we say or do something. If it has no benefit to anyone but yourself, keep it to yourself.

While an immediate need for getting along with management would be to stay employed, there are other benefits. For example, if you decide to leave, it’s best not to burn any bridges. Plus, in our merry-goround of employers and employees in this industry, you never know if you are going to end up back where you started.

While a plethora of resolutions come to mind, as I have worked for numerous managers and executives, one resolution stands out for me: Pick and choose your battles. This translates to balance, something I have been stressing for years. Avoid extremism; restraint and common sense should be the order of the day.

If you have a job, you will come into conflict with your superiors to do (or not do) or say (or not say) something. Think before you act, be it words or actions. Let’s all resolve this New Year to pick and choose our battles, and not be too quick to jump into something you can’t undo.

Best wishes to you and yours in the New Year, and good luck with your resolution(s)!

Douglas Kleeger, CTS-D, DMC-E/S, XTP-E, KCD, is the founder of AudioVisual Consulting Services. Please email with questions or comments.

Outer Space Inspiration

22 SCN // December 2021 // PEOPLE BEYOND THE TECH
I’ve always been a science fiction fan. William Shatner lived in outer space as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek TV series, and just recently became the oldest human to ever go into space in the real world. Jeff Bezos has said that Star Trek was an inspiration to what he is doing now. In fact, his mom saved a toy tricorder and communicator (technology devices from the series) Bezos made when he was nine, almost 50 years ago. As a favor, Shatner brought them up to space with him. Can
you imagine that?
Kudos to Bezos for reaching out to Shatner, Bezos’ mom for saving the right personal items from his childhood, and Shatner for having the courage to go (his family tried to talk him out of it). Mental note: Save some of my kids’ creations for their future use, and try to inspire them and others to go where no one has gone before.
Strive for Better Interactions with Clients and Co-Workers
How about a New Year’s resolution to really listen to what your clients are saying?

TheCOVID-19 pandemic that impacted our annual list of Top 50 Systems Integrators for the first time last year did not abate in this one, making this the second year in a row of an “incredibly unusual” business climate. Our personal and professional lives continue to seek equilibrium that one hopes we are one year closer to seeing come to pass. AV professionals continued to persist and pivot, however, finding success with UCC technology and streaming of live events.

For the second year, SCN calculated results based on a three-year average of revenue from integration firms instead of a specific annual revenue. We want to celebrate our successes and emphasize how firms overcame (and are still overcoming) challenges.

This year is the second to feature a billion-dollar AV integrator in the top spot, and once again it’s AVI-SPL. Their introduction to the top last year came following the merger of AVI-SPL and Whitlock in 2020.

Diversified once again took the number two slot and is closing in on that billion-dollar mark. While their average three-year revenue from commercial AV systems installations was $900 million, the company reached $1 billion in average total revenue for 2019–2021. HB Communications, which held the number 13 spot

in 2020, is absent from this year’s ranking following its acquisition by Diversified in August.

Kinly remained in the number three spot and AVI Systems in fourth. The Top 5 was rounded out by Ford Audio-Video, which jumped three spots from its eighth-place finish in 2020.

Spectra Audio Design Group moves from number 26 to 19 this year following its recent merger with Paladin. Other big movers include Advanced Systems Group, which bettered its results by four spots to reach number 16 this year; Paladin Technologies, which moved from 32 to 28; and 18-year-old EKC Enter prises jumped from number 43 to 34.

Otherwise, the 2020 list is largely similar to the 2019 rankings. New partici pants this year include Trox + Tierney at number 10, Corbett Technology Solutions at 14, ArchKey Technologies at 22, Yorktel at 30, Immedia at 39, SVT at 46 and HS Solutions at 48.

It’s important to note that all of the SCN Top 50 submissions are voluntary. The information provided comes directly from the integration firms who are willing to publicly share their financials to allow our readers to get a better sense of the size and scope of the industry.

24 SCN // December 2021 //

1 AVI-SPL Tampa, FL | (813) 884-7168 |

$1,160.0/$1,160.0 $1,140.0/$1,140.0 10,400/2,950/53/42

AVI-SPL is a digital enablement solutions provider that transforms how people and technology connect to elevate experiences, create new value, and enable organizations to thrive and grow. We work hand-in-hand with customers of all sizes and industries worldwide and are the largest provider of AV, UC, and collaboration technology solutions, which include our award-winning managed services.

2 DIVERSIFIED Kenilworth, NJ | (844) 767-2738 |

$900.0/$1,000.0 $855.0/$950.0 25,000/2,000/50/28

Diversified is enabling a digital future—connecting people, technology, and experiences, where and when it matters most. Our global technology solutions are experienced by millions every day: energizing fans for the big game, connecting global enterprise teams, inspiring retail shoppers, broadcasting the latest news, supporting crisis management. There isn’t a problem too big or too complicated for our teams to solve.

3 KINLY Amsterdam, Netherlands | (973) 585-3000 |

$295.0/$295.0 $277.0/$277.0 4,926/1,139/19/32

Kinly is a global provider of AV collaboration services and support that brings people and technology together for better productivity. Its solutions and services include videoconferencing, audiovisual integration, cloud solutions, unified communications, and managed services.

4 AVI SYSTEMS Minneapolis, MN | (952) 949-3700 |

$262.0/$262.0 $254.0/$254.0 3,200/650/22/47

AVI Systems offers audiovisual systems integration, managed services, Microsoft consulting, and digital streaming globally.


5 FORD AUDIO-VIDEO Oklahoma City, OK | (405) 946-9966 |

$158.3/$158.3 $143.0/$143.0 600/550/20/48

Ford AV is an international commercial AV integrator/contractor. Ford provides engineering, design, installation, and service of professional/commercial sound, video, security, and lighting systems for businesses, education, entertainment, government, churches, performing arts centers, and sporting venues.

6 AVIDEX Bellevue, WA | (800) 999-8590 |

$154.9/$170.0 $150.5/$172.9 2,906/425/10/17

Avidex delivers innovative audiovisual and unified communications solutions that enable organizations to collaborate, create, and share ideas, with technology solutions that are user-friendly, scalable, and serviceable. As a global AV integrator, Avidex creates unparalleled client experiences, from strategic planning and system design through deployment, training, and managed services/support.

7 SOLUTIONZ Los Angeles, CA | (888) 815-6128 |

$153.3/$153.3 $150.0/$150.0 2,066/390/17/21

Solutionz Inc. is a leading nationwide AV integrator and services provider specializing in custom room design, implementation, and comprehensive maintenance plans. Our services include cybersecurity, AV security, remote monitoring and management, videoconferencing, cloud video, building environments, infrastructure cabling, telecommunications, managed onsite services, grant program services, maintenance services, audio conferencing, and video walls/digital signage.

8 CCS PRESENTATION SYSTEMS Scottsdale, AZ | (480) 273-8230 |

$148.7/$148.7 $146.1/$146.1 4,123/365/32/30

CCS Presentation Systems provides design,

training, and maintenance of audio-video equipment


integration, installation,
to businesses,
and government clients. Products include dv LED and LCD video walls, largeformat displays, room control systems, UC communications tools, interactive collaboration boards, digital projectors, audio systems, esports labs, and more. CCS has more than 350 employees in 11 regions covering 40 states.

9 SOLOTECH INC. Montreal, Quebec, Canada | (514) 526-7721 |

$135.3/$186.3 $108.7/$177.2 714/1,360/19/44

Solotech is the single source for audio, video, lighting, rigging, soft goods, control, and collaboration solutions and services. The company is internationally recognized for its expertise in live productions and systems integration in markets including music, sports, business, culture, and education. Clients can also benefit from Solotech’s service center, online store, and virtual technology know-how.

10 TROX + TIERNEY Saint Paul, MN | (612) 331-5500 |

$112.0/$608.0 $92.0/$466.0 2,400/650/4/44

Primary services offered at Tierney include technical support, professional development, and design and integration.

11 SKC COMMUNICATIONS Shawnee, KS | (800) 882-7779 |

$110.0/$150.0 $108.0/$150.0 1,000/285/9/35

Designs, builds, and manages technology for unified conferencing and collaboration using AV, video, voice, and cloud technologies to help organizations communicate smarter and faster.

12 ELECTROSONIC Orlando, FL | (407) 839-1154 |

$109.5/$109.5 $120.7/$120.7 425/340/11/57

Electrosonic is the leading experiential technology company providing a full suite of professional services that create memorable experiences across the globe by fusing architecture, storytelling, and technology. We offer design consulting, project management, engineering and programming, build and systems integration, and support and managed services.

13 IES COMMUNICATIONS LLC Tempe, AZ | (480) 379-6200 |

$99.3/$1,217.2 $88.6/$1,048.2 680/6,035/82/37

IES strives to be at the forefront of technology that transforms the way people live, play, communicate, and work by performing and perfecting cutting-edge AV design and integration services. IES provides enterprise solutions for room automation, video collaboration, digital media, background music/paging/sound masking systems, distributed AV infrastructure, and commissioning/ calibration/programming. Additional services include data center integration, life safety, security, structured cabling, and Wi-Fi/DAS.

14 CORBETT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC. (CTSI) Chantilly, VA | (703) 631-3377 |

$95.9/$107.3 $84.5/$94.8 1,647/380/7/52

Services offered include design-build, installation, programming, maintenance, managed services, change management, user experience, as-a-service, and training for audiovisual, collaboration, IT, cabling, security, access control, video surveillance, fire alarm, DAS, nurse call, and critical communications systems integrations.


15 TRITECH COMMUNICATIONS New York, NY | (631) 254-4500 |

$75.0/$100.0 $75.0/$100.0 210/300/6/19 Tritech provides

16 ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP LLC Emeryville, CA | (510) 654-8300 |

$69.0/$101.0 $53.0/$77.0 66/355/5/24

Advanced Systems Group (ASG) is a single source for professional audio, high-speed data, video, CCTV/security, and other systems design, installation, maintenance, on premises and in public cloud, along with managed services that enable sophisticated, high-impact communications. From presentation spaces to broadcast studios to high-speed media storage and cloud workflows, ASG brings the best in experience and value.

17 IVCI LLC Hauppauge, NY | (800) 224-7083 |

$67.0/$70.0 $60.0/$63.0 3,622/138/5/26

IVCi offers a customized experience to strategize, design, deploy, and support AV/VC technology solutions, as well as audiovisual services, videoconferencing services, AV as a service, adoption and utilization services, end user training, managed video services, cloud video services, a unique customer portal, care connect health services, and a full-service esports program.

18 WASHINGTON PROFESSIONAL SYSTEMS Wheaton, MD | (301) 942-6800 |

$66.0/$73.0 $76.0/$82.0 73/46/3/36

How well has your company recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Angela Nolan, Chief Operating Officer, Vistacom

Financially, Vistacom has made a full recovery from the disruption of COVID-19, and our business has actually grown with the increasing need of communication technology and AV solutions that are designed for the future and with resiliency in mind. The biggest hurdle that we are still trying to overcome is the lack of adequate staff and the ability to hire qualified employees for new positions.

Dave Van Hoy, President, Advanced Systems Group

In an overall economic sense, we have recovered very well from the shock and doldrums of 2020. Interestingly, our physical system integration business has expanded beyond pre-pandemic, some of it driven by projects that were delayed or pivoted. Our VAR business, while pivoting the mix of goods and services somewhat, has stayed steady (with the exception of supply chain challenges). The big surprise was the continued growth of our Managed Services business, where challenges for our clients grew.

Bob Swing, CEO, IVCi

IVCi was built on the premise that our solutions improve our clients’ businesses, and 2021 was no exception. Our managed services continued to help our customers achieve their business outcomes, and our thoughtful approach considering the health of our customers and employees assisted creating procedures that resulted in our install work to continue to thrive. Our combination of service offerings that support in-office and remote technologies organically supported the hybrid culture that clients face today.

Jason Derector, Principal, Spectra Audiovisual Design

Thankfully, our company has recovered remarkably well.  This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team.

WPS designs beautiful, large-scale audiovisual solutions that enhance communications and elevate experiences for organizations throughout the United States. WPS engineers integrated systems for broadcast stations, command and control centers, multi-location houses of worship, performing arts venues, stadiums, courthouses, and hybridized university classrooms.

19 SPECTRA AUDIO DESIGN (A PALADIN COMPANY) New York, NY | (212) 744-2255 |

$60.0/$60.0 $39.0/$42.0 675/500+/10+/32

Spectra (A Paladin Company) offers audiovisual design, engineering , integration, and AV implementation including LED/LCD video walls, videoconferencing systems, executive-style boardrooms, conference centers, auditoriums, stadiums, custom control systems, programming, high-fidelity music systems, sound masking, lighting, acoustics, and home automation.  We also offer structured cabling, security design, and security integration.

20 CENERO Malvern, PA | (888) 454-6863 |

$58.6/$58.6 $52.8/$52.8 919/205/6/22 Cenero is a service-focused audiovisual, unified communications, and IT solutions provider committed to creating exceptional meeting and presentation experiences.

21 KEY CODE MEDIA Los Angeles, CA | (818) 303-3900 |

$58.1/$58.1 $55.7/$55.7 1,550/107/16/20

Key Code Media is the preferred resource for audiovisual equipment, installation, and aftermarket support. We approach customer projects with a high-touch customer service focus, ensuring systems are delivered, installed, and adopted by a customer successfully. We focus on your vision and business needs, deploying solutions that work today and into

C7 & C10 contractor’s #1010561)


$49.0/$113.0 $53.0/$115.0 5,000/340/8/40

ArchKey Technologies provides integrated

23 MCA COMMUNICATIONS Houston, TX | (832) 545-3437 |

$45.5/$50.0 $40.0/$50.0 1,000/300/3/38 Founded in 1983, MCA Communications provides AV/IT design and integration services.


and maintenance.

What do you think will be the hottest technology trends in 2022?

Danny Sasseville, Vice President of Project Engineering, Constant Technologies

With technological advances in networking technologies, streaming compression, and securities, we are able to create environments that can share mission critical information with such great speed and detail that it seems as if collaborators are in the same building—even if they are on separate continents.  Video wall content sharing and collaboration across geographic distances will likely continue to grow more sophisticated and commonplace throughout 2022.

Arash Raznahan, Director of Technology, HS Solutions

Videoconferencing technology is very much a hot trend. Another trend is the increase in video walls and digital signage. We are seeing them becoming more and more prevalent in K-12 and higher education.

the future. (Calif
technology solutions from conception through design,
The firm specializes in commercial audiovisual, broadcast, network, wireless, fire/life safety, and security systems.

24 SPINITAR La Mirada, CA | (714) 367-2900 |

$44.0/$45.6 $43.0/$46.0 383/150/4/35Services offered include audiovisual technology sales, integration, support,

25 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC. Eden Prairie, MN | (952) 896-9898 |

$42.0/$42.0 $43.0/$43.0 325/85/1/51

and cloud services.

Alpha Video & Audio is a national integrator of broadcast, audiovisual, IPTV, and digital signage solutions that empower organizations to better communicate with their target audience. We help our clients succeed by offering solution


project management, technical support, and creative content services.

26 VERREX LLC Mountainside, NJ | (908) 232-7000 |

$41.2/$41.2 $43.2/$43.2 225/110/7/74

Founded in 1947, Verrex is a systems integrator and managed services provider that brings together AV and IT technology infrastructure, devices, and software to create environments and experiences that foster innovation, engagement, and collaboration. Verrex designs, integrates, supports, manages, and deploys AV and UC solutions that help organizations thrive within evolving workforces, environments, and work styles.

27 CONSTANT TECHNOLOGIES INC. North Kingstown, RI | (401) 294-7171 |

$41.0/$41.0 $36.0/$36.0 100/85/2/39

Constant Technologies specializes in mission-critical command and control environments such as cyber operations centers, NOCs, SOCs, EOCs, war rooms, briefing centers, and collaborative spaces around the world. CTI focuses on in the integration of 24/7 video wall systems meant to withstand rigorous, round-theclock use. In


Constant offers comprehensive service and support.

addition to design

28 PALADIN TECHNOLOGIES Poway, CA | (858) 668-1705 |

$40.0/$75.0 $33.0/$65.0 450/300/5/22

Paladin Technologies crafts and installs technology solutions for companies requiring network cabling, data center, outside plant, fiber optics, audiovisual, physical security, and network services. Through the design-build process, the team is able to identify the latest AV solutions and build sustainable systems that achieve a combination of ultimate performance and value.

29 USIS AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEMS Pearl River, NY | (845) 353-9226 |

$38.1/$38.1 $37.6/$37.6 328/60/4/9

USIS AudioVisual is part of the USIS family of companies, the $220m technology firm with roots from 1928. We provide the design/build/service expertise for hybrid, digital, and tech-enabled agile workforces, workplaces, commercial spaces, and experiences, making AV a unified part of the AV/IT/security built environment and workforce tech stacks.

30 YORKTEL Eatontown, NJ | (732) 413-6000 |

$38.0/$26.0 $104.0/$105.0 964/365/11/36

Yorktel is a global IT solutions and managed services provider trusted to guide modern workplace transformation through collaboration, AV integration, security, streaming virtual media and events, and IT-as-a-service offerings. Yorktel designs, delivers, integrates, manages, and monitors technology estates to align with business objectives. Contact to get the most out of your investment, secure your data, and become more productive.

31 AVDG LLC Fremont, CA | (877) 510-5302 |

$35.0/$47.5 $32.0/$42.5 1,150/200/7/25

AVDG is an AV business partner providing strategy, design, integration, and support for residential and commercial clients. We specialize in designing solutions that create innovative, intuitive, and reliable environments that foster simplicity throughout each space.

32 DATA PROJECTIONS Houston, TX | (713) 781-1999 |

$32.8/$32.8 $36.0/$36.0 900/71/4/34

Data Projections is a leading audiovisual systems designer and integrator providing advanced collaborative technology solutions and support services. Solutions include AV systems integration, AV conferencing/collaboration, unified communications, content management/delivery, interactive technology, and managed services.

There’s no doubt that we will continue to see an accelerated rate of digital trans formation and modernizing technology infrastruc tures. It will all continue to be driven by virtualization, establishing business sustainability, and the need for products that support hybrid working environments and flexibility. This will include collaboration bars, auto-framing/tracking cameras, and android-based collaboration appliances.

Also, smaller businesses and corporations alike will continue to realize the power and cost-saving benefits of “as-a-service” offerings as well as using remote management and technology monitoring services. On a final note, it’s likely that augmented reality and virtual reality devices will gradually start being deployed into mainstream markets for various applications.

What do you think will be the hottest technology trends in 2022?
Matt Boyer, Director of Technology, Vistacom

33 LINX MULTIMEDIA Denver, CO | (866) 946-5469 |

$32.0/$32.0 $31.0/$31.0 1,200/130/6/18

LINX Multimedia delivers simple to use, reliable and high-performance technology solutions. Our humancentered design methodology, scalable delivery, and managed services ensure your systems work for you. Solutions include executive boardrooms, scalable collaboration for the hybrid workplace and higher education, impactful and engaging audiovisual for the entertainment and hospitality industries, and more.

34 EKC ENTERPRISES INC. Fresno, CA | (559) 438-0330 |

$28.6/$35.4 $21.5/$26.7 2,500/235/8/18

EKC is a low-voltage integrator that specializes in design, installation, and support of all low-voltage systems across the western United States and Texas. Putting the client first has enabled us to build a solid reputation while creating a culture that attracts the top talent in the industry.

35 VISTACOM Allentown, PA | (610) 791-9081 |

$26.5/$26.5 $24.5/$24.5 255/80/1/67

$23.5/$23.5 $21.5/$21.5 350/80/2/21

Vistacom creates customized end-to-end


that suit unique needs. Certified engineers and experienced technicians

control room, and




design/build, custom

remote monitoring, and system maintenance.

36 INTERACTIVE DIGITAL SOLUTIONS LLC Noblesville, IN | (877) 770-0022 |

Interactive Digital Solutions partners with leading technology and platform providers to design and implement complete AV integrations, unified communications, and videoconferencing solutions. Customers have relied on our 24x7x365 monitoring and managing services for over 20 years to extend their solutions’ life, maximize system uptime, and stay abreast of the latest technologies. With our partners and customers, we’re Team IDS.

Bob Swing, CEO, IVCi

Virtual event assistance was an area that affected all our client verticals. Each client had their own unique set of needs and desired outcomes. This service ensured all participants were provided with a best-in-class experience while supplying key speakers with confidence in the technology and the space they were joining from—with our experts supporting them behind the scenes. These services are a piece of our approach to help our clients achieve success.

Jason Derector, Principal, Spectra Audiovisual Design

We have seen exponential growth in the finance, technol ogy, media, and security sectors.

Dave Van Hoy, President, Advanced Systems Group

Since just before the pandemic, we’ve been developing remote workflow solutions, including our Virtual Production Control room (VPCR)—a scalable remote production framework that supports real-time, broadcast-quality coverage of live events. Already, more than two dozen companies support our VPCR, with multiple product options in almost every category. Hosted in Google Cloud and AWS, key partners for VPCR include Grass Valley, Harrison Consoles, LiveU, Ross, Sienna, Telos, and Vizrt. Use of the platform to produce multiple shows has provided ASG with a huge boost during this time.

Matt McClain, Director, Key Code Media

The need for hybrid workplaces and hybrid unified communication (UC) systems for conference rooms, classrooms, and meeting spaces has exploded. Businesses are looking to create a more collaborative environment between participants in a meeting space and individuals attending over popular videoconferencing solutions like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.

IT solutions
approach these challenges in a holistic way with an emphasis on quality.
deploys audiovisual,
unified collaboration technology, and provides site analysis, engineering and
management, professional training, digital signage,
What vertical markets and/or technologies have exhibited the most growth for you in 2021?

What’s been the biggest change in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Arash Raznahan, Director of Technology, HS Solutions

Construction work was considered an “essential business” and did not get shut down during the lockdown; therefore, we had to adapt quickly to public health guidelines to keep our employees safe. Staff who needed to be at the office went there during different hours to reduce the

risk of spreading the virus. For the most part, our field staff got vaccinated as soon as they became eligible. A large portion of our business is K-12 school projects, so it was very important to ensure we promoted a safe work environment for that clientele.

From a sales and operations perspective, all our interactions transitioned to virtual meetings. In-person meetings went away overnight—no more onsite scope reviews, no more taking clients out to lunch. We are still doing it that way. It really hasn’t gone back to “the way it was,” and most of our relation building meetings are through virtual medians.

Angela Nolan, Chief Operating Officer, Vistacom

Vistacom has adopted a hybrid working environment that gives our employees the flexibility and security of working from home, while also incorporating the collaborative nature of regular in-office hours. We believe this also gives us the best results to foster teamwork and experi ence parity for our business. One major change to our regular workflow was including the use of Microsoft Teams as an option for all meetings. Teams has empowered us to be more productive and to have less meetings that run over and waste time.

Jason Derector, Principal, Spectra Audiovisual Design

Our organization has successfully adopted a “hybrid” workflow model. We have become exceptionally efficient, nimble, and seamlessly working both remotely and on job sites.  Our transition has been unified and exceedingly effective due to great teamwork, collaboration, and coordinated efforts in all departments.

Most importantly, our entire organization (and all our clients) are very grateful for all our workers who never stopped going to job sites during these extenuating circumstances.  Our technicians, programmers, project managers, field engineers, office workers, and admins have been steadfast, resilient, going to job sites (and office), and acting as “front line” workers during the pandemic.  We are very appreciative of their unwavering commitment.

Bob Swing, CEO, IVCi

IVCi is proud that our business was deemed essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. We utilized our creative thinking and problem-solving talents when we were presented with some unique client situations, such as implementing telemedicine solutions to one of New York’s largest hospital systems without being permitted to enter the facility. Our box trucks turned into makeshift installation hubs, setting up shop outside loading docks to run the network and configure the technology.

SCN // December 2021 // avnetwork.com44

37 LEVEL 3 AUDIOVISUAL Mesa, AZ | (480) 892-1071 |

$22.6/$28.6 $21.3/$26.3 645/96/1/26 Strategize, design, deploy, and support.

38 VISION TECHNOLOGIES Glen Burnie, MD | (866) 746-1122 |

$22.5/$135.0 $22.0/$122.0 6,900/550/3/21

Vision Technologies, a leading network information systems provider, offers a full range of presentation and interactive visual communication solutions, from collaborative huddle solutions to boardrooms, video walls, and unified communications. We have unique expertise spanning the latest touchless return-to-office solutions. Our Integrated Technology Delivery methodology (ITD) significantly reduces change orders and accelerates projects while saving time and money.

39 IMMEDIA Scottsdale, AZ | (480) 304-5567 |

$22.0/$22.0 $19.0/$19.0 375/100/1/17 Immedia provides service, support, design, and installation for enterprise-level workplace technology.

40 LIGHTWERKS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS INC. Los Angeles, CA | (424) 675-2600 |

$19.5/$21.0 $18.5/$20.0 400/50/5/25

LightWerks designs and builds systems that facilitate group communication and collaboration, with a particular emphasis on hybrid working environments. Proponents and evangelists of “video everywhere,” LightWerks has extensive recent experience rolling out large numbers of rooms for clients in all of our markets. In industry terms, LightWerks would be considered a regionally-focused systems integrator with national implementation capabilities.

41 JKL TECHNOLOGIES INC. Thousand Oaks, CA | (805) 375-5820 |

$18.9/$27.3 $18.1/$25.4 514/44/5/17

JKL Technologies is an information technology solutions firm helping businesses manage, improve, and integrate their entire technology infrastructure. JKL provides a single source of expertise in technology relocations, infrastructure build-out, audiovisual design, installation/implementation, maintenance, and on-site support services.

42 TSI GLOBAL COMPANIES LLC St. Charles, MO | (636) 949-8889 |

$18.0/$30.0 $20.0/$34.0 520/125/3/34

TSI Global Companies designs and builds people-centric technology solutions that allow companies to achieve greater levels of efficiency and success. Its certified engineers and installers specialize in building audiovisual, infrastructure cabling, security, and electrical systems uniquely suited for organizations of all sizes—from Fortune 500 companies to smaller organizations.

43 ELECTRONIC CONTRACTING COMPANY Lincoln, NE | (402) 466-8274 |

$16.7/$26.3 $14.5/$25.2 208/134/6/63

ECC has built a foundation on bringing dynamic solutions to organizations throughout the Midwest. We connect businesses to better experiences using audiovisual, fire alarm, healthcare, and security solutions. Technology is our passion; our goal is to use technical innovations to empower organizations for years to come. We’re integrators—creating impactful experiences through technology.


44 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOUND IMAGE INC. Escondido, CA | (760) 737-3900 |

$16.0/$18.0 $11.0/$12.0 87/40/2/30

Sound Image offers sales, design, installation, and service of integrated audio, video, and lighting systems.

45 NEURILINK Boise, ID | (208) 426-8238 |

$15.8/$15.8 $16.0/$16.0 300/43/2/9 Neurilink offers commercial AV design, integration, and support for organizations across the Northwest.

46 SVT Brighton, MI | (248) 587-2115 |

$15.4/$22.9 $14.5/$22.9 325/75/2/66

SVT is a solutions provider that integrates technology to equip customers with tools for effective communication. Since 1955, we have developed custom solutions through understanding our customers’ evolving needs. We provide the intellectual and technical resources to deliver a premium experience during each customer engagement. We engage with a variety of industries including corporate, entertainment, medical, and education.

47 GOLDEN STAR TECHNOLOGY INC. Cerritos, CA | (562) 345-8700 |

$14.5/$187.0 $12.6/$177.6 125/135/5/36

GST offers full end-to-end AV and IT solutions and services. GST offers pre-sales design, BOM creation and validation, installation, configuration, programming, post-project support, and maintenance support.

48 HS SOLUTIONS Washington, DC | (202) 652-1040 |

$11.0/$14.0 $10.0/$13.0 35/40/2/11

HS Solutions is a low-voltage technology solutions provider that designs, integrates, and implements commercial construction projects. Services include structured cabling for voice/video/data/fiber communications infrastructure, and audiovisual design, integration, and installation of P.A., intercom, digital signage, and nurse call systems. HS Solutions also offers security services, including access control and CCTV systems, and intrusion detection systems.

49 ITI SYSTEMS Beltsville, MD | (855) 805-4484 |

$10.9/$10.9 $9.7/$9.7 182/23/1/14

ITI Systems is an AV systems integration company that prides itself on reliability. It provides complex solutions for Fortune 500 firms, federal agencies, high-traffic financial institutions, and elite universities. In over a decade of operations, ITI has never missed a project deadline. Regardless of obstacles, ITI completes the mission.

50 APPLIED GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC Kennesaw, GA | (678) 594-5334 |

$10.5/$12.1 $10.1/$11.9 223/54/8/28

Applied Global Technologies offers audiovisual design and integration services, managed videoconferencing services, unified communications and IT services, help desk, and maintenance.


Pro AV Trends for 2022: Hybrid Everywhere

Industry emphasizes flexibility for in-person and remote workforces

Pandemic or no pandemic, it’s widely agreed that the hybrid model — at work, at school, and at play — is the model that organiza tions in every vertical market are not only adopting but committing to for the foreseeable future. As we move into 2022, AV professionals are focused on helping their clients through the initial phases of this evolution.

Much of the talk around hybrid is focused on the workplace, which now must accommodate onsite and remote employees equally. Brock McGinnis, CTS, principal of Avitaas Consulting and Advisory, an AV/IT consultancy based in Toronto, ON, and vice president of sales and operations at Nationwide Audio Visual, an AV design and integration firm located in nearby Mississauga, noted that in this environment, the need to create flexible spaces is primary.

For example, a space used for a town hall meeting may be transformed into casual seating groups for ad hoc meetings. In this scenario, the AV cart isn’t a throwback, but an important component in support ing hybrid collaboration. “We’re getting requests for [integrating] conferencing capabilities into carts so that [people] can move equipment to wherever they need it,” McGinnis said.

Bo Hoover, CEO at Technology Services Group (TSG), an AV design and integration firm based in Baton Rouge, LA, said manufacturers are simplifying the integration of collaboration tools in the confer encing space. “We expect to see many new intelligent HD camera soundbars, like the Versa Mediabar or Crestron UC-SB1-CAM, come to market,” he said. “Systems like these are easy to set up and cost less than $1,500. This makes purchasing and installing a high-quality conferencing system very affordable.”

The hybrid model is also taking shape in experi

ence centers, according to Julian Phillips, senior vice president at AVI-SPL, an AV design and integration firm headquartered in Tampa, FL. Now, brands are examining how they can deliver experiences not only to onsite customers, but to those joining virtually, expanding their reach.

At InfoComm 2021, AVI-SPL announced its launch of a new business unit, XTG (Experience Technology Group). Phillips, who serves as managing director of XTG, explained the unit will work in tandem with architects, experience designers, agencies, fabrica tors, consultants, and tech vendors right from the earliest, pre-revenue design phase. This will enable AVI-SPL to work more effectively in what he called a “digilog” world. “This is the fusion between the analog world and the digital world, and we need to start to design in a singular process because that’s how we create experiences,” he added.

Manufacturers, of course, are equally invested in responding to the need for everything hybrid, with a focus on delivering solutions that streamline the experience, wherever it may be taking place. SCN focused on three key categories — digital signage, conferencing and collaboration, and video technology — to learn what AV integrators should be looking for in 2022.

Digital Signage

Tomer Mann, senior vice president of sales and operations at 22Miles, said these systems are playing an integral role in offices, particularly for accommo dating the need for increased flexibility. 22Miles customers are using interactive signage to manage hoteling and hot-desking; for access control; and to disseminate real-time health and safety messaging. Wayfinding is a key application for these systems, as organizations must help guide employees and visitors through newly configured workspaces.

There is also a need for desktop notification

systems, so remote and hybrid workers have access to the same communications that onsite employees are receiving. “For integrators, there’s a golden opportu nity to support clients’ transitions to hybrid opera tions by installing visual communications with cross-publishing capabilities to Teams, Sharepoint, and other platforms,” he said.

Debbie Wilson-DeWitt, marketing communica tions manager at Visix, echoed this trend. “With more people working and studying remotely, CMS plat forms will have to become more flexible and scalable to publish to websites, collaboration apps, and personal devices to ensure everyone is seeing the same messaging no matter where they do their work,” she said. “This gives integrators an opportu nity to provide a more holistic solution so organiza tions can manage all their visual communications from a central app, no matter the type of endpoint, how many, or where they are.”

Amber Ward, creative director at Carousel Digital Signage, noted the opportunity to help businesses and educational institutions leverage existing technology. “That’s why multi-use devices like Apple TV, Screen Beam, and Zoom are ideal,” she explained. “They allow you to use the technology already in place to change communications on the fly, and to target your messages depending on the people in the space.”

AV integrators that service retailers should be focused on the analytics features that have been incorporated into digital signage software. “In the coming year, you will continue to hear more about how digital signage software platforms can leverage live data and marketing analytics to optimize and automate the deployment of ‘context-aware’ digital signage content in real time,” said Jordan Feil, marketing director at Navori Labs. “Ultimately, retailers and their integration partners increasingly want to merge marketing analytics with their digital signage platforms, which is one reason we brought

48 SCN // December 2021 // BUSINESS PRO AV TRENDS
Left to Right: Bill Bennett, Michael Bergeron, Omar Brookstein, Matt Davis, Joe Debold, Debbie Wilson-DeWitt, Jordan Feil, Bo Hoover

our Aquaji solution to market.”

Organizations are also inquiring more about interactivity features through cameras, touch, and other inputs, according to Chris Northrup, vice president of digital media and network strategies at USSI Global. “Facial recognition and analytics are attractive trends for the end business that is working hard to understand the demographics and behavior patterns of their audiences or customer base,” he noted.

Conferencing and Collaboration

In a hybrid environment, providing a consistent conferencing and collaboration experience for both onsite and remote meeting participants is a high priority for many organizations. As employees return to work, employees will ideally have a “duplicate

setup in their corporate/home offices, although many conferencing cameras and USB speakerphones are now portable enough that they can be brought back and forth,” said Brian Rhatigan, director of business development at Almo Professional A/V.

One of the biggest trends for 2022 will be facilitat ing the conferencing and collaboration experience, according to Joe Debold, vice president of salesenterprise, Americas at EPOS. He called this the “one-stop shop” approach: “For example, organiza tions that use Teams almost exclusively should invest in a Microsoft Teams Room,” he explained. “In these rooms, they’ll also need a simple way to connect everything — camera, mic, speakers, computing, and control — to the Teams UC platform.”

Outfitting conference rooms with camera tracking

capabilities is another priority for many organiza tions, said Troy Jensen, senior manager of global accounts at Shure. “Rooms that were once designed to hold eight to 20 people are now being used for meetings with two to six in-person participants,” he offered. “The push to have people sit in a larger space as they return to work makes camera tracking an essential technology, allowing the camera to zoom in on the person who is talking.”

Garth Lobban, director of marketing at Atlona, urged AV integrators to emphasize the need for consistency across meeting spaces. “AV integrators should look to offer standardized solutions, regard less of the size of space, so all rooms look and operate the same from the AV and control perspective,” he said. These spaces would also benefit from touch-free

Left to right: Jim Jensen, Troy Jensen, Garth Lobban, Tomer Mann, Dan Mikesell, Chris Northrup, Mark Quiroz, Brian Rhatigan


interfaces or technology that detects when meeting participants arrive and automatically activates the AV systems, he added.

Many companies are seeking to provide easy ways for on-site employees to reconfigure collaboration spaces depending on their immediate needs. “With the significant uncertainty in how the workplace will evolve, flexibility and agility in space design is key,” said Shaun Robinson, vice president of product management at Xilica. “As a result, technology that is located in the ceiling, out of the way, and allowing for quick room reconfigurations is where we are seeing opportunity for AV integrators to capitalize.”

At PTZOptics, 2022 represents an ideal time to promote AV-over-IP solutions for use cases in the corporate and education markets. Matt Davis, director of technology and information systems, said that through sister company Haverford Systems Inc., a custom technology integrator, the organization gains insight from systems designers and installers, as well as end users, on market demand.

“The one request our sales team consistently receives is for technology that includes IP-based devices specifically for the ease of management and flexibility they offer,” Davis said. “We can support the rollout of new spaces that can be managed and controlled entirely remotely, while improving existing spaces as well.”

Brandon White, director of product development at electronics accessories manufacturer Vanco International, noted higher demand for video-overIP solutions. He encouraged AV integrators to prioritize flexibility to give clients solid options that will meet their future needs in 2022.

“There may be no such thing as ‘future proof,’ but there are certainly degrees of future-readiness, and there are a few basic installation practices that will better position a system to grow and adapt,” White said. “The resulting system won’t be immune to change, but the downtime needed to adapt can be reduced or eliminated.”

As AV technology is adapted to accommodate the hybrid work environment, Holger Stoltze, director of product management at Yamaha Unified Communi cations, underlines that auto configuration function ality — which automatically detects devices, configures data streams between them, and tunes the audio — is increasingly important. “This not only eliminates the need for audio design expertise but

saves time in the field,” he explained. “With the demand for new installations expected to increase, time saved translates into more systems installed and greater revenues, even in the current environment of labor shortages.”

Video Technology

One challenge that companies are grappling with is how to deliver an equitable collaboration experience for onsite and remote employees alike. Mark Roslon, director of product management for commercial displays at Epson America, believes pro AV can address this. “Large, flexible displays that permit sharing of core and ancillary content along with displaying remote participants in life size are critical to optimizing the hybrid work experience,” he said.

IP technology, as well as robotic systems for PTZ cameras, provide the flexibility now required for those capturing and broadcasting events, according to Jim Jensen, senior category manager for remote production systems at Panasonic. “Corporations, educational institutions, houses of worship, and entertainment venues are increasing their usage of IP solutions to video stream pristine video quality with low latency across unpredictable networks,” he added.

Jensen’s colleague, Michael Bergeron, senior category manager of production systems at Pana sonic, predicts web conferencing and broadcast technology, as well as IT, will continue to advance quickly. “Having an all-in-one, easily configurable production system that allows AV professionals to scale up and down for any level of need or complexity will be critical in supporting live event broadcasts and remote operation in today’s digital world,” he said.

After almost two years of varying degrees of lockdown, Mark Quiroz, vice president of product marketing at Samsung Electronics America, believes that people are ready for more immersive and interactive experiences. “This means using display technology to create ‘wow’ moments which not only [have] the potential to increase revenue, but also improve the relationship between a brand and its customers,” he explained.

AI and augmented reality, as well as machine learning, are areas that Rich Ventura, vice president of B2B at Sony Electronics’ Products and Solutions Professional Division, encourages AV integrators to consider. “AI, AR, and ML [are] providing immersive viewing experiences that easily integrate into existing

infrastructures, while also working seamlessly alongside other video production tools,” he said. “And as AI becomes a more prominent part of workflows, integrators will also appreciate the ability to upgrade their initial hardware purchase to imple ment new features on an as-needed basis.”

AI and machine learning is also playing a role in providing affordable automated captioning tools, noted Bill Bennett, media solutions/account manager at ENCO. “As the global population ages, both private and public sectors are working hard to make more of their spoken-word meetings, webcasts, broadcasts, and relative media accessible to the deaf and hard-ofhearing communities,” he said. “Building in AIbased automated captioning technology can help broaden your revenue streams while showing your customers you understand their needs for greater accessibility, and helping their patrons and users have a more enjoyable experience.”

In the digital art space, Blackdove President Dan Mikesell encouraged AV integrators to pay attention to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a trend that extends beyond museums and galleries. “Savvy integrators can leverage the NFT boom to create stunning visual centerpieces in lobbies and public spaces, and mod ernize the aesthetic of any space,” he explained. “In corporate campuses, hospitality spaces, and venues, NFTs can establish a visual identity, filling previously blank screens in conference spaces and outside meeting rooms with artwork that reflects the brand.”

At Xyte, CEO Omer Brookstein underlined hardware-as-a-service (HaaS) offerings as a key opportunity. “We strongly believe that new HaaS models mean a pivotal opportunity for systems integrators — shifting from transactional product sales into building long-lasting relationships with their customers through more innovative, subscrip tion-based business models,” he said.

AIMS Alliance board member Andrew Starks, director of product management at Macnica, urged AV integrators to pay attention to the IPMX open standard. “The multi-vendor interoperability that IPMX provides will make the lives of pro AV integra tors and consumers much simpler,” he said. IPMX’s support for software implementation, in combination with its REST API, will offer new opportunities to AV integrators.

Carolyn Heinze is a freelance writer/editor.

50 SCN // December 2021 // BUSINESS
Left to right: Shaun Robinson, Mark Roslon, Andrew Starks, Holger Stoltze, Rich Ventura, Amber Ward, Brandon White


Internal Audio Processing

It is often said that simpler is always better — and for venues and spaces with minimal audio input requirements, that may be the case. Many are turning to solutions with internal audio processing capabilities, which decrease the footprint of their network while reducing the need for separate com ponents for signal conditioning, audio processing, and amplification.

“With design advancements, almost all amplifiers these days have some level of audio processing built in,” said Sanjay Kulkarni, senior director of amplifier product development at U.S.-based audio manufac turer QSC. “This audio processing includes signal conditioning, loudspeaker voicing, loudspeaker monitoring — for shorts, opens, impedance changes, etc. — as well as loudspeaker protection which happens within the amplifier, as they are directly attached to the speaker.”

With the pandemic changing the way spaces are designed, there has been increased usage of products with integrated amplification, including powered ceiling speakers and surface-mounted speakers. These PoE-powered speakers are excellent examples of the benefit of integrated amplification and receive audio via a network audio transport.

“In this example, the amplifier can be ‘tuned’ to the specific drivers within the speaker to achieve both higher fidelity and higher SPL than is possible via traditional speakers without built-in amplification,” said Tom Lureman, director of engineering and product management with commercial audio solutions provider AtlasIED. “In some cases, the drivers in the speaker can be bi-amped, further improving sound quality while eliminating the need for a passive internal crossover.”

According to some manufacturers, integrated

amplification is one of the biggest processing and amplification trends within the residential and commercial audio markets, as seen through the popularity of products like Bluetooth speakers and portable PA speakers. When discussing their needs around audio processing and amplification, clients emphasized products that are flexible, reliable, and can easily be installed and managed in a variety of settings.

Lureman said customers are increasingly asking for “turnkey audio systems rather than separate components that must be piecemealed together. Declining are requests for processing from manufac turer X, amplification from manufacturer Y, and loudspeakers from manufacturer Z. Consequently, many audio manufacturers have shifted their focus on the development of complete systems that simplify installation and optimize performance rather than on individual product specifications.”

Other trends include flexible distribution of power, remote monitoring, and enhanced amplifica tion. According to Kulkarni, flexible distribution of

power per channel is becoming the norm to “help increase design efficiency and maximize an ampli fier’s available power through all the connected speakers.”

With labor shortages and the pandemic forcing many staff members to work remotely, many clients are looking to secure easy-to-use remote monitoring capabilities that leverage the amplifier to monitor the overall health of the audio sub-system. From those running front-of-house at live venues to those building out the sound landscape within corporate meeting spaces, powered loudspeakers with internal audio processing and amplification built into the loudspeaker cabinet are frequently requested.

Manufacturers that have taken note of these requests are focusing on growing the audio processing capabilities within their products. The use of inte grated amplifiers alleviates the possible “unknowns” when using separate equipment and integrators, and end-users are clearly seeing the benefit. “By inte grating amplification into products, settings such as EQ/filters and limiters can be dialed in and optimized

52 SCN // December 2021 // TECHNOLOGY
Integrated Amplification Helps Simplify Installations
Launched during the pandemic, AtlasIED’s Atmosphere uses patented Ambient Noise Compensation (ANC) but removes the past difficulties often associated with the technology. Bogen Communications released their Platinum Series Amplifiers, offering advanced processing capabilities while increasing overall energy efficiency.

for that exact configuration, ultimately providing a better sounding and more reliable product that’s easier to set up and maintain for both integrators and end-users,” said Lureman.

Current Technology Options

Bogen Communications heard the functionality requests from clients and designed a suite of new solutions to address the market needs for integrated amplifiers with advanced audio processing capabili ties. Its Nyquist product line and Platinum Series amplifiers were designed to handle the stringent demands of modern audio systems.

“These product lines implement new engineering and design technology, greatly reducing the power demands of the amplifiers, offering a greener solution with less power consumption, and a myriad

of great features commercial sound contractors have come to expect from Bogen amplifiers,” said John Minnick, Bogen vice president of engineering.

The Platinum Series includes features rarely found in other commercial amplifiers, including five-band parametric equalizer with independent gain, frequency, and Q controls. Bogen also recently launched its Nyquist firmware release, increasing the capabilities for several Nyquist devices, including SIP-compliant endpoints for VoIP phone system paging applications and standalone network man aged audio equipment.

QSC has continued to enhance its Flexible Amplifier Summing Technology (FAST) and the core amplifier feedback topology found within its PL380 and CX-Q Series amplifiers through recently awarded patents. This next generation of FAST enhances the overall usability of the technology while remov ing the need for special wiring connections dependent of particular use cases. These new capabilities will also allow for easy, 1:1 amplifier redundancy.

During the pandemic, AtlasIED introduced Atmosphere, a digital audio system that acts as a comprehensive ecosystem made up of interoperable processors, accessories, and amplifiers. The system offers a powerful, flexible DSP and uncomplicated user interface for enhanced customer control and engagement.

Atmosphere also includes patented ambient noise compensation (ANC) technology. In the past, ANC technol ogy was difficult to integrate and provided limited end-user controls. Atmosphere responds and learns from user inputs, simplifying the overall setup, and uses a patented adaptive filter technology that uses voice in its measurement of the overall noise level without voice-based audio being sent to the Atmosphere processor.

What’s Next?

With manufacturers constantly looking to improve their integrated amplification capabilities, the list of possible future enhancements can sometimes seem never-ending. “In the future, we see the need for higher efficiency amplifiers that minimize loss and maximize the given amplifier power across the design, easy-to-use interfaces, built-in intelli gence using machine learning, and real-time data analytics. Essentially cost-per-watt and cost-perchannel,” said Kulkarni. Also, continued enhance ments to PoE are allowing for higher levels of product integration within appropriated audio ecosystems.

“As the world becomes increasingly IT-focused and compliant, many established and emerging trends from IT run parallel to the needs of AV,” Lureman noted. These crossover trends, which will only increase within integrated amplification, include remote cloud management, frequent software updates (both free and licensed), and higher power endpoints using PoE++/UPOE.

54 SCN // December 2021 //
The QSC CX-Q uses patented technology to allow for 1:1 amplifier redundancy while removing the need for complex wiring connections. John Minnick Sanjay Kulkarni Tom Lureman

Extron Control System Power Expansion Interface

THE WHAT: The IPL EXP PDU4H control system power expansion interface from Extron provides centralized power management for small to mid-sized AV systems. It delivers the ability to control individual AC outputs remotely and allows for aggregate current sensing.

THE WHAT ELSE: The Ethernet-enabled interface features four AC outputs, four manual control ports, and a relay for additional system support. It is designed to be used with an IPCP Pro xi Series control processor for secure, encrypted power control of attached devices. It can operate independently using a secure Extron API, enabling seamless integration for specialized applications.

The IEC-Edison Cable Kit is a new optional accessory kit that includes four 1-foot IEC male to Edison female adapters to assist in the installation of

QSC NC Series Conference Cameras

THE WHAT: Joining QSC’s Q-SYS Platform, NC Series network conference cameras seamlessly integrate with Q-SYS systems to meet the needs of high-value collaboration spaces.

THE WHAT ELSE: The NC Series of conference cameras includes three models, allowing integrators and IT administrators to choose the model that best meets the needs of their Q-SYS installation. The Q-SYS NC-110 is the first fixed-lens ePTZ camera available for Q-SYS; it features a 110° horizontal field of view, with digital zoom capabilities for smaller, wider rooms. The Q-SYS NC-12x80 (12x optical zoom, 80° horizontal FOV) and Q-SYS NC-20x60 (20x optical zoom, 60° horizontal FOV) both offer motorized pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) functionality to suit a broader range of room layouts, sizes, and uses. All NC Series cameras include hardware to allow mounting above or

As native Q-SYS devices, the NC Series overcomes one-to-one routing, delivery, and visual limitations of

typical USB camera solutions by allowing as many Q-SYS IP camera streams on the network as necessary for the application, and then decoding, scaling, and bridging to the host PC/compute with a Q-SYS USBenabled edge device. A consolidated AV stream is then delivered to any modern videoconferencing application (including Microsoft Teams Rooms, Zoom Rooms, and Google Meet) via a single driverless USB connection.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Users can combine these cameras with smaller channel count processing options found in the Q-SYS Core Nano or Q-SYS Core 8 Flex to expand software-based audio, video and control into smaller collaboration spaces.

Sony Electronics VPL-FHZ85 and VPLFHZ80 Laser Projectors

THE WHAT: Sony Electronics’ two newest WUXGA 3LCD laser projectors, the VPL-FHZ85 and VPLFHZ80, combine brightness with efficiency, installation flexibility, and advanced operational capabilities to suit a range of corporate, education, faith, and esports applications.

THE WHAT ELSE: The VPL-FHZ85 offers 7,300 lumens brightness (8,000 lumens center), while the VPL-FHZ80 is 6,000 lumens (6,500 lumens center), bright enough to deliver rich imagery in variable lighting conditions and environments.

The projectors incorporate Sony’s Reality Creation real-time signal processing, mapping, and analysis technology, enabling crisp and clear pictures for effective presentation and display. Both models support 4K60p input for compatibility with 4K video sources. This capability is extended by Reality Creation’s ability to enhance the overall sharpness, resolution, and quality of imagery.

The projectors feature Intelligent Settings, which offer optimization based on the display environ ment. Additionally, the new models offer an automated filter cleaning system and an efficient cooling system to ensure long-term, reliable, and low-maintenance operation.

The versatile models adapt to diverse installation and usage environments, as well as mounting configurations. Their installation flexibility is further realized through thoughtful additions like a USB power supply for enabling wireless presentations, auto power on capabilities, auto input selection and a data cloning feature that allows a user to copy a projector’s settings onto a USB drive for easy replica tion to additional projectors.

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THE BOTTOM LINE: The new projectors are expected to be available in January 2022.

VuWall TRx Adds NDI Protocol Support

THE WHAT: The version 3.1 update of VuWall’s TRx Video Wall Management Platform is able to route NewTek NDI-encoded sources to a combination of NDI-enabled decoders, including the company’s new VuStream 150 encoder/decoder and the entire VuScape series of video wall controllers. The NDI and NDI HX formats join the many other protocols that VuScape already supports.

THE WHAT ELSE: The company’s VuScape processors can open multiple NDI sources simultane ously and display them in a multiview format on a video wall. NDI is a royalty-free technology that allows audio, video, and data sources to be shared bi-directionally across a network, making any source available for any destination on the network.

VuWall’s NDI integration with TRx as well as with the VuStream and VuScape product families provides several benefits to customers. It leverages the low latency on 1 Gb networks of NDI-encoded content or NDI technology across an AV network. It also

increases the level of interoperability that TRx offers, which simplifies the deployment of complex AV over IP projects with a single, centralized platform that installs easily while routing and servicing hundreds of sources without any programming.

THE BOTTOM LINE: With these expanded

capabilities, broadcast, live events, and house of worship applications, many of which already rely on NDI, are thoroughly supported by the VuWall ecosystem. Content can be distributed to a combina tion of monitors and video walls throughout these types of facilities.


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Celebrate the ‘Great Stream Feeling’

Iwant to tell you about a feeling I have been getting at work lately. I love when this happens. It only happens during a live event, when I glance at my playback monitor and see an excellent livestream coming back at me. I call it the Great Stream Feeling.

Looking over to find clear video, clean audio, and intelligible, engaging visual content delivered stably always swells my heart with a feeling of pride and accomplishment that I wish I could bottle up and share with the world. While it is pleasant to revel in this feeling, usually the next thought is: How did we do that?

In case you are not yet aware, livestreaming is hard! Whether delivered over videoconference or RTMP, delivering a stable live event stream means finding your way through a literal minefield of variables determined to blow up your show. This can be true at any stage of either the production or delivery process.

Mics sound great in the venue, but the stream mix doesn’t match? No Great Stream Feeling today. Presenter with background noise? Try again tomor row. Internet down? The stream is broken. Gee whiz.

Streaming Secret Sauce

How do we ensure a great stream when the nature of live production is working against us, armed with an infinite bag of curveballs? Perhaps you have noticed the frequent usage of plural pronouns in this essay?

That’s because the answer is always the same: teamwork! I never stream alone, no one does. From the platforms to the producers to the presenters, every stream is supported by more individuals than you can count on your call sheet.

Let’s focus on the folks we can count, for now. Start with the team at the origin point for video and audio. Whether that is a single presenter with a laptop or phone, a videoconference featuring several presenters, or an auditorium feed managed by professional broadcasters, this is the first stop on the road to Great Stream City. Pull over and check in, there is plenty to be done here.

My teams and I have found that starting with the best-available input devices at the presenter level is imperative for ensuring a high-quality product for delivery. You don’t have to worry about this as much with the auditorium full of pros, but it is worth it to check in with individual presenters who will be joining the event using devices that they already have. Work with them, before show day, to ensure that their mics and cameras can deliver a quality that you want to pass on to the viewers.

Once the origin signal is the best it can be, it may need to pass through the open internet before it even gets to a livestream mixing station. If this is the case, just hope that everything will be fine. Open internet is a wild card that is

out of your control.

Knowing the internet’s status, before it tells you rudely, is one way to protect yourself from succumb ing to this potential pitfall. Knowledge is power to make decisions quickly and potentially pivot to backup options that will mitigate impact to the event. This is a position you want to have covered on your team. You will thank your “webeyes” often, as they can get ahead of or explain why a solid origin signal may not be received as cleanly as expected.

Operator Assistance

Next stop, operators. The livestream operator sits right in the middle of the signal path. From this position, they can assess the quality of incoming feeds and arrange inputs for viewer consumption. Livestream operators may also be responsible for adding production-quality aspects to the stream like titles, transitions, and layered inputs. This gives them a lot of power to mess up your show, so be kind to livestream operators.

The nicest thing you can give to a livestream op is a clear, concise run-of-show document and a rehearsal to match. Whether you call it a show flow, script, or cue sheet, this foundational document gives them the structure they need to deliver each cue flawlessly. Timely cuts and transitions go a long way in making sure that your event looks purposeful and professional on the far end.

There are definitely a few more positions between the livestream operator and the viewer, but you should have a good idea about how your stream will look and sound once it leaves the operator’s desk. If the characters mentioned here have been able to deliver their A-games— and the remaining open internet is stable and delivering well—go ahead and check your playback monitor for a Great Stream.

Rachael Harris is a senior infrastructure engineer (II) at American Express. The views expressed here are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of her employer.

58 SCN // December 2021 // VIEWPOINT
How do we ensure a great stream when the nature of live production is working against us, armed with an infinite bag of curveballs?

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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