Radio World 1171 - August 19, 2020

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Vol. 44 No. 19*

August 19, 2020

A reminder that under our summer schedule, the previous issue of Radio World was dated July 22, with an issue of RW Engineering Extra on Aug. 12. FOLLOW US CONTENT Managing Director, Content Paul J. McLane,, 845-414-6105 Senior Content Producer — Technology Brett Moss, Technical Advisors Thomas R. McGinley, Doug Irwin Technical Editor, RWEE W.C. “Cris” Alexander Contributors: Susan Ashworth, John Bisset, James Careless, Ken Deutsch, Mark Durenberger, Charles Fitch, Travis Gilmour, Donna Halper, Craig Johnston, Alan Jurison, Paul Kaminski, John Kean, Peter King, Larry Langford, Mark Lapidus, Jim Peck, Mark Persons, Stephen M. Poole, James O’Neal, Rich Rarey, Jeremy Ruck, John Schneider, Randy Stine, Tom Vernon, Jennifer Waits, Chris Wygal Production Manager Nicole Schilling Managing Design Director Nicole Cobban Senior Design Directors Lisa McIntosh and Will Shum ADVERTISING SALES Senior Business Director & Publisher, Radio World John Casey,, 845-678-3839 Publisher, Radio World International Raffaella Calabrese,, +39-320-891-1938

Snippets From “World Audio Day” Virtual conference explored various aspects of the widening audio realm BY JAMES CARELESS

Webcasting platform Live365 recently hosted a “World Audio Day 2020” conference, a virtual event about a range of audio topics and trends. Here’s a sampling, with info on how to find the full archive online. • A future of podcasting panel discussion explored impediments to increasing podcast audiences. These include the need for Android smartphone users to install podcasting client software on their handsets before they can access this content, a problem akin to buying a software-based radio with AM reception standard but where FM tuning has to be downloaded.

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Bud Kress of Live365’s That Christmas Channel.

“When you buy an Android device off the shelf, there’s isn’t a podcast client on it,” said Rob Walch, VP of podcaster relations at Libsyn. Having a native podcasting app matters: “The last big inflection point in podcasting was 2014 when Apple’s iOS 8 came out with a native podcast player app. That really helped podcasting get to where it is today.”

radio station as its own person,” said Matthew Anderson, director of custom imaging at Benztown. “The voiceover that you choose and the creative copy that you write is the voice of that person,” he explained. “So who do you want to be?” • The year-round popularity of seasonal music was explored in a station formats session, as explained by panellist Bud Kress. He is the owner/operator of Live365’s “That Christmas Channel,” which plays holiday music 24/7. “We’re constantly playing the biggest hits of Christmas and more,” said Kress. Even in the “off season” between January through August, “we’re still maintaining a nice audience. There are people listening to Christmas all year long.” • RealNetworks Founder Paul Glaser mused on the music industry’s inability to find common ground on content streaming, and the moneymaking opportunities they missed as a result, during a discussion of the history of internet radio. “The music industry resembles nothing more than a circular firing squad in terms of how it works,” Glaser said. “What we saw play out over a 15-year process was a very Darwinian process.” The event was held not long after the pandemic hit the United States hard. Its goal was to bring together voices from internet radio and AM/FM broadcasting, podcasting, monetization to legality, programming and marketing. Live365 said thousands of people tuned in. Justin Ruoff, vice president of operations, said, “We set out

• Attracting listeners to the Live365 Latin music stream “The Sounds of Brazil” is an ongoing challenge for station Creative Director Scott Adams. Since the songs generally are in Portuguese, selling this content globally based on the lyrics is out. To solve this marketing problem, Adams promotes his internet radio station using tags such as Smooth Jazz, Latin Jazz and Contemporary Rob Walch of Libsyn. Jazz. They give non-Portugese speaking listeners many reasons to tune in. to try to plan a full teleconference in just three weeks “It’s all about crossover and outreach,” Adams said time due to the circumstances going on right now in the during a station marketing panel. “Everything has to world. To see dozens of organizations and industry leadbe relatable to the listener … (They) may not be able ers, as well as thousands of webcasters and fans, pull to relate to songs sung in Portuguese, but they can together for an amazing day of information sharing goes certainly relate to Rio’s sun-kissed beaches.” to show just how special this community is.” The panel discussions are available online for free; • Radio station imaging was front and center in a go to YouTube and search for “World Audio Day.” There content creation and production libraries session; speyou can find the content broken down into topics such cifically how effective imaging can create an alluring as Content Creation & Production Libraries; Station station persona in the listeners’ minds. Formats; Station Marketing; History of Internet Radio; To make this happen, “you need to look at your Ad Tech; and SoundExchange Overview.


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