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Woman you and Me Are Valuable! In different times in history, societies have define what means to be a man and a woman, they have established things like; functions, activities, ways of behavior and different standards for each one. These differences are transformed into inequalities and injustice. 22

For several years, men have discriminated and marginalized women through laws, governments, customs and traditions. When we are born, we are given a value depending if we are women or men, since we are little we are taught what boys and girl do, we are told that there are games we can´t play because we are women and we learn all the chores that we will have to do when we are bigger. It´s in this way that we women learn to be caring, tender and to depend on others; they make us believe that our destiny as a woman can only be to do work in the house, as a mother and to take care of the children. Men on the other hand are taught differently; they recognize their strength, independence and the capacity to participate and to decide on their own lives, what’s really regrettable is when some men use this assign power, their strength and violence against women in order to make them believe that they don’t have worth or that they can’t achieve goals. All of this has had its effect and it’s that, we women are busy with the chores of the house and are excluded of any social or political activity. We are considered the weaker sex without the capacity to think and much less to take any participation with equality of rights in social life. Many of us women don’t agree with these injust and inhuman situations, we want a life different for us and for all women.

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