First Edition Newsletter - October 24, 2012

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October 24, 2012 | Volume 11 Issue 18



A Newsletter Publication of First United Methodist Church, Jackson, Tennessee


Please complete and bring your 2013 Estimate of Giving perforated card on

Celebration Sunday October 28

by Faith

As we approach the pinnacle of our stewardship campaign, have you thought about the amount of praise that God deserves from us? Music is a powerful medium through which God speaks to Kelly and me. Often, Kelly and I discern the will of God through the songs we sing in church. For instance, we sing about lifting our voices together in the traditional hymn: O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing. The first verse continues the thought of the title of the hymn: O for a thousand tongues to sing… my great redeemers praise…the glory of our God and King…the triumphs of His grace. In singing this song, we acknowledge that it takes a thousand tongues (voices) singing together to offer Him our praise. We also sing about giving God our praise in a contemporary song titled: 10,000 reasons. The words of this song help us to reflect on the number of ways we can discover to praise God: For all your goodness I will keep on singing… 10,000 reasons for my heart to find. In singing this song, we acknowledge that there are at least 10,000 reasons for us to give God the praise that He deserves. Therefore, not only do we have an overabundance of reasons to praise God, but we also need thousands of voices joining together in order to give Him sufficient praise. God has indeed blessed us abundantly this year. As we review all that has happened here at FUMC, our hearts are challenged to envision what God has in store for us in the coming year.

Our financial contributions for 2013 will help our church move forward, but Kelly and I believe that the idea of contributing to the church is greater than the depths of our pocketbooks. Giving naturally includes our financial gifts, but it also includes our prayers, our presence, and our service. All four of these create the cornerstones that rest on God’s foundation in our lives at church. We believe that the financial gifts that Kelly and I can afford would be trivial if we didn’t also focus on the other cornerstones. Join us in prayer this week, as we ask for God to guide our hearts and minds in planning for our giving to our church in 2013. Sunday, October 28, is Celebration Sunday, the day we come together as a thousand tongues to sing and celebrate what God has led us to do for our church in 2013. Some of you have already sent in your Estimate of Giving cards. If you have not, please remember to bring your card with you to worship Sunday morning when we will offer our cards in thankful anticipation of what the Lord will do for us in the coming year. Kelly and I have been honored to serve as chairpersons of the Stewardship Campaign. We have been blessed by many as you have offered your encouragement and support to us.

“Giving financially is deeply personal and Kelly and I offer our encouragement and prayers as you discern your commitment and complete your Estimate of Giving card.” A final uplifting thought: YOU are one of the 10,000 reasons that Kelly and I find to give God praise. We love you and look forward to worshiping, fellowshipping, and serving with you at FUMC. Praise God!

Please Print Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ City, State, Zip____________________________________

My Estimate for Operating Giving in 2013 I/We pledge to give: o $________________ weekly for 52 weeks, o $________________ semi-monthly for 24 periods, o $________________ monthly for 12 months, o $________________ as follows: _____________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (complete only one option above)

I/We would also like to pledge the following to the ongoing Capital Improvements at FUMC o $________________ weekly for 52 weeks, o $________________ semi-monthly for 24 periods, o $________________ monthly for 12 months, o $________________ as follows: _____________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (complete only one option above)

Automatic Bank Draft Options: See details on back panel

Drafts will begin January 2013 and will continue through December 2013. o I am enrolling for the first time, please send me a bank draft enrollment form. o I am already enrolled, please use current bank account information on file. o I decline the bank draft option at this time. _________________________________________ Signature

_________________________________________ Date

Blessings, Chris and Kelly Nye






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