Fulbright Center News 2/2007

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in different professional settings. The trip to Oulu was brief but impressive – following the full day’s training session we had a dinner with colleagues, and then a surprise midnight tour of the Haukipudas district hospital which has been doing pioneering work in medicines management in Finland. Later, we made a brief trip from Helsinki to Kuopio to meet with colleagues in the Department of Social Pharmacy. Our goal was to develop relationships and a broader understanding of the economics of the Finnish pharmaceutical industry and government perspectives on pricing decisions.

Helsinki’s first meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the Graduate School Curriculum Reform under the Bologna process. Professor Airaksinen, Chair of the Committee, and Dr. Päivi Aronen were interested in strategic issues and approaches to doctoral education taken by leading universities in the United States.

6 weeks at the University of Helsinki Faculty of Pharmacy were filled with opportunities to meet colleagues and share our expertise and interests.

Based on the work that began during this period my colleagues and I are submitting a grant for me to return and resume this work. In addition, last year I was appointed as a Docent in the Faculty of Pharmacy. Following the conclusion of my assignment, my wife joined me for a week. It was wonderful to be able to share Helsinki with her and experience the Finnish tradition of Midsummer on a country farm, muikku in the Market Square, outdoor concerts in Esplanadi Park and sample the many cafes.

My work also included a two-day course on applied pharmacoeconomics for pharmacists at the University of Helsinki’s Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education. Subsequent discussions with my Finnish colleagues led to a modification of this course and the collaborative proposal’s being accepted for a Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation workshop in Basel in September 2008.

Although my Finnish is not adequate to convey nuanced thoughts, I want to express my gratitude with a rousing Kiitoksia!

Curriculum development was focused on pharmacoeconomics and the division’s program, but an unplanned opportunity expanded this. I was invited to participate in the University of

Text: Alan Lyles, Henry A. Rosenberg Professor of Public, Private and Nonprofit Partnerships, University of Baltimore, Fulbright Senior Specialist in 2007

Tutkija- ja asiantuntijastipendien hakuaika päättyy joulukuussa Tutkijaksi Yhdysvaltoihin ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar -ohjelma on suunnattu tutkijanuraansa aloittaville tohtoreille. Apuraha on USD 10 000–15 500 ja se on tarkoitettu vähintään 4 kuukauden tutkimustyöhön Yhdysvalloissa. Stipendin hakuaika päättyy 14.12.2007. Apuraha on lukuvuodelle 2008–2009.

USA:han kartuttamaan ammattitaitoa Mid-Career Professional Development Grant -ohjelma tarjoaa apurahan 4–6 kuukauden opintoihin, jotka tähtäävät oman ammattitaidon täydentämiseen ja kehittämiseen Yhdysvalloissa. Apuraha on enimmillään USD 13 500. Ohjelma on suunnattu työuransa keskivaiheessa oleville ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille, jotka etsivät uusia näkökulmia ja lähestymistapoja omaan työhönsä. Ohjelmasta ei rahoiteta akateemista tutkimusta eikä hakijoilta edellytetä akateemista loppututkintoa. Mid-Career Professional Development -stipendin hakuaika päättyy 7.12.2007. Apuraha on lukuvuodelle 2008–2009. Fulbright Grant in Photojournalism sponsored by Patricia Seppälä Foundation -ohjelma tarjoaa apurahan ammatilliseen kehittymiseen ja täydennyskoulutukseen Yhdysvalloissa lehtikuvauksen, kuvajournalismin ja visuaalisen journalismin alalla. Tämän 3–12 kuukauden stipendin suuruus on enimmillään 15000 USD. Hakuaika päättyy 7.12.2007. Apuraha on lukuvuodelle 2008– 2009.


”Lehtikuvauksen ja kuvajournalismin koulutusmahdollisuuksia Yhdysvalloissa” -opas: www.fulbright.fi/files/1831_FC_Photojournalism.pdf Hakulomakkeet: www.fulbright.fi



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