BLENDING Magazine Spring 2019

Page 15


REDEFINING HOME by Christina Engelke - Photos by the Author

How does travel facilitate the creation and development of cross-cultural identities? Looking at this from a study abroad perspective, how does the study abroad experience influence a student’s ideas of personal and national identity?

I think somewhere within all of us lies an inherent desire for exploration. This sort of unwavering curiosity for all that is unknown in this world is arguably a critical element of our human nature. Whether this manifests itself in a singular dream destination or an endless array of potential places to see, travel seems to maintain a universal motivation amongst all people. But what is it that draws us all into airplanes, trains, and cars across the globe?

From my own experience, the goals and gains of travel are twofold: outward discovery and inward discovery. Speaking from the perspective of a study abroad participant, the discoveries of my travels have impacted my personal and intellectual growth far beyond anything I have learned within any classroom. I have learned far beyond what I had ever thought possible as a study abroad student from encountering such a variety of cultures first-hand. At such a critical transformative point in one’s young adult life, I cannot think of a more stimulating and beneficial environment for a college student to take part in than that of the study abroad experience. One’s early 20s are most primarily concerned with the task of self-discovery. Untraveled and inexperienced, I knew for certain that I would never truly know myself until I knew the world.


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