Welcome Message
This Human Resources Handbook is designed to provide you with information and resourcestohelpnavigatethroughmanyhumanresources-relatedtopics YourFSUSD Human Resources Department will update this handbook as needed to reflect revised laws, policies, bargaining agreements, and collaborative efforts that affect our practices. If you need assistance locating resources within this handbook to support your needs, please reach out to a staff member in the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department remains committed to upholding the values and beliefsoftheFairfield-SuisunUnifiedSchoolDistrict.
TheCaliforniaCivilRightsDepartment(CRD)remindsusofthefollowing: Discrimination&HarassmentandSexualHarassment,areagainstthelaw. Employees who meet eligibility requirements may have the right to Family Care & MedicalLeave&PregnancyDisabilityLeave. ThereareRightsofEmployeesWhoAreTransgenderorGenderNonconforming ThereareadditionalRightsAndObligationsForPregnantEmployees.
For information regarding the Human Resources Department Team Members, click HERE. For information regarding Personnel Specialists Areas of Responsibilities, click HERE
For information related to salary schedules, forms, employee incentives, etc, please clickHERE.
Forinformationrelatedtocollectivebargainingagreements,pleaseview: AncillaryProfessionsAssociation(APA) CaliforniaSchoolEmployeesAssociation(CSEA)Clerical CaliforniaSchoolEmployeesAssociation(CSEA)Support Fairfield-SuisunUnifiedTeachersAssociation(FSUTA)
The Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District now has the majority of employee forms available for employees to complete online using a web based platform, InformedK12. InformedK12 allows for electronic processing and signatures on District forms. In turn, userscaneasilycheckthestatusandlocationoftheirform(s)forreference.Foralistof available forms FSUSD has created on InformedK12, please visit our website liked here:FSUSD-HRForm
Tableof Contents
Tableof Contents
FSUSD Governing Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR) are accessible through a web-based service known as Simbli sponsored by CSBA (CaliforniaSchoolBoardAssociation).TheDistrictpoliciesareavailableontheFairfieldSuisunUnifiedSchoolDistrict’swebsite.PleasevisittheGoverningBoardpageandclick the“policies”linklocatedontheleftsideofthescreen(BoardPolicies).Themajorityof Human Resources policies and regulations are found in the section listed as 4000.Personnel.
All school district employees are mandated reporters and fall under the legal requirements of the State’s Penal Code to report to the police department, sheriff’s department, or the County Welfare Department, any cases of suspected child abuse. Section11166ofthePenalCoderequiresanychildcarecustodian,medicalpractitioner,or employeeofachildprotectiveagencywhohasknowledgeoforobservesachildinhisor her professional capacity or within the scope of his or her employment who he or she knowsorreasonablysuspectshasbeenthevictimofchildabuse,toreporttheknownor suspected instance of child abuse to a child protective agency immediately or as soon as practically possible by telephone and to prepare and send a written report thereof within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident Because all FSUSD employees are considered mandated reporters under the law, each school district employee is required to sign and complete the Statement Acknowledging Requirement to Report Suspected Child Abuse as a condition of employment. Additional information regarding reporting responsibilities is highlighted in FSUSD Board Policy 5141.4, Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting. You can find a Child Protective Services (CPS) form here: CPS Form and contact CPS at 1-800-544-8696. After completing form BCIA 8572, retain a copy for your records and submit copies to all of the designated agencies contacted by phone. Make sure to ask the agency representative what number you should fax the form. Mandated reporters must keep record of any and all communications related to the mandated reporting and communication with agencies. Please note, if an agency refuses to accept or fails to receive an initial report over the phone, the mandated reporter should (on the documentation) mention the agency’s refusaltoaccepttheinitialreportoverthephoneandincludethethedateandtimethe mandated reported called the agency and include the name of the agency contacted. The mandated reporter with first hand knowledge of the incident is required to file a reportandmultiplepersonsmayfileareport.
The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming by District employees contribute to a productive learning environment and model positive behavior. During school hours and at school activities, employees shall maintain professional standards of dress and grooming that demonstrate their high regard for education, present an image consistent with their job responsibilities and assignment, anddonotendangerthehealthorsafetyofemployeesorstudents.Allemployeesshall be held to the same standards unless their assignment provides for modified dress as approvedbytheirsupervisor.
TheDistrictshallallowemployeestoappearanddressinamannerconsistentwiththeir genderidentityorgenderexpression (GovernmentCode12949)
The District shall not discriminate against employees based on hair texture and protectivehairstyles,including,butnotlimitedto,braids,locks,andtwists.(Government Code12926)
The District shall not dismiss an employee, discriminate against an employee in compensation or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or refuse to hire a jobapplicantonthebasisofreligiousdressorgroomingpractices.(GovernmentCode 12926,12940)
This policy shall be presented to employees upon employment, through the employee handbook or other appropriate means, and may be periodically reviewed with all employeesasnecessary.
Our employees are role models for our students, fellow staff members and to the Fairfield-Suisun community. Our employees are expected to conduct themselves in a civilandprofessionalmanneratalltimes.
The Governing Board expects district employees to maintain the highest ethical standards, behave professionally, follow district policies and regulations, abide by state and federal laws, and exercise good judgment when interacting with students and other members of the school community. Employees shall engage in conduct that enhances the integrity of the District, advances the goals of the District's educationalprograms,andcontributestoapositiveschoolclimate
The Board encourages District employees to accept as guiding principles the professional standards and codes of ethics adopted by educational or professional associationstowhichtheymaybelong.
Each employee is expected to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their responsibilities and to contribute to the learning and achievement of District students.
Section 2 includes pertinent Board Policies and Administrative Regulations related to employment. As an organization, FSUSD followspoliciesandregulationswhennavigatingtheemployment process.FSUSDemploymentpracticesmustadheretoourpolicies and regulations which are aligned to both the California Labor CodeandCaliforniaEducationCode.
All FSUSD employment opportunities are advertised through edjoinorg A list of availablejobopportunitiesiseasilyaccessiblewithlinksfromtheHumanResources Department’swebpage:JobOpportunitieslink
The Governing Board is determined to provide a safe, positive environment where all District employees are assured of full and equal employment access and opportunities, protection from harassment and intimidation, and freedom from any fear of reprisal or retributionforassertingtheiremploymentrightsinaccordancewithlaw.Forpurposesof this policy, employees include job applicants, interns, volunteers, and persons who contractedwiththeDistricttoprovideservices,asapplicable
No District employee shall be discriminated against or harassed by any coworker, supervisor, manager, or other person with whom the employee comes in contact in the course of employment, on the basis of the employee's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, age, religious creed, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or association with a personorgroupwithoneormoreoftheseactualorperceivedcharacteristics.
Employers are also prohibited from discrimination against employees or job applicants on the basis of reproductive health decision making, defined as a person ' s decision to use or access a particular drug, device, product, or medical service for reproductive health.(GovernmentCode12926,12940)
The District shall not inquire into any employee's immigration status nor discriminate against an employee on the basis of immigration status, unless there is clear and convincingevidencethattheDistrictisrequiredtodosoinordertocomplywithfederal immigrationlaw.(2CCR11028)
Any District employee who engages in prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliationorwhoaids,abets,incites,compels,orcoercesanothertoengageorattempt to engage in such behavior in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action,uptoandincludingdismissal.
The Governing Board welcomes, embraces and respects diversity of people, identities and cultures, and believes that the students of the District benefit from increased diversity at all levels of our educational system. As a District, we are proud of the diverse community that we serve, and are committed to fostering an inclusive organizationalcultureofdiversityinallofourrecruitmentandselectionproceduresfor all strands of employment. The Superintendent or designee shall develop equitable, fair,andtransparentrecruitmentandselectionprocessesandproceduresthatensure individuals are selected based on demonstrated knowledge, skills, and competence andnotonanybias,personalpreference,orunlawfuldiscrimination.
Within three days of hire, the Superintendent or designee shall physically examine the documentation presented by the employee establishing their identity and employment authorization as set forth in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9. The employeemaypresenteitheranoriginaldocumentwhichestablishesbothemployment authorization and identity or two separate original documents which establish authorizationandidentity.Onlyunexpireddocumentsareacceptable.(8CFR274a.2)
Allcertificatedandclassifiedemployees,andvolunteersmustundergoacriminalrecord check. The Superintendent or designee shall not hire or retain in employment, in a certificatedorclassifiedposition,apersonwhohasbeenconvictedofaviolentorserious felony as defined in Penal Code 6675(c) or 11927(c), a controlled substance offense as definedinEducationCode44011,orasexoffenseasdefinedinEducationCode44010.
Tuberculosisisaserious,potentiallylife-threateningillness.Toprotectstudentsandstaff from the effects of this disease, California Education Code Section 49406 requires all employees, upon initial employment, to present evidence that they are free from active tuberculosis. Evidence consists of a certificate of a skin test or chest X-Ray with a negative result performed within sixty days of hire, or within four years if employment is continuous with that of another school district, parochial or private school. Employees must recertify their clearance every four years. Failure to comply may result in the employeebeingplacedonunpaidleaveorbeingterminated
The Governing Board maintains a (Policy 4020) Drug And Alcohol-Free Workplace. In accordance with law, all employees shall render service without using, possessing, being impaired by, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.POLICY4112.41EMPLOYEEDRUGTESTING
Because students and staff have the right to a safe and secure campus where they are free from physical and psychological harm, the Board authorizes the testingofprospectiveemployeesinsafety-sensitivepositionsfordrugandalcohol use The following positions are safety-sensitive and are subject to the district's program:
1Transportationpersonnelincludingclassifiedandcertificatedmanagement . Custodial/Grounds personnel including classified and certificated management 2.
3FoodServicepersonnelincludingclassifiedandcertificatedmanagement . Maintenance and Operations personnel including classified and certificated management 4.
5AnyDistrictemployeedrivingaDistrictvehicle .
Once a conditional offer of employment has been made, prospective employees in these identified positions shall undergo a pre-employment drug and alcohol screening for any substance which could impair their ability to safely and effectively perform their job functions. This screening shall be part of the employee'spre-employmentphysicalexamination.
Final selection of a job applicant for a position shall not be made until the applicanthassuccessfullycompletedthescreening.
Alltestingandmedicalexaminationsshallbeconductedinaccordancewithstate andfederallaw,Boardpolicy,andadministrativeregulation.
The Governing Board recognizes the immediate and long-term health benefits of breastfeeding and desires to provide a supportive environment for any District employeetoexpressmilkforaninfantchilduponreturningtoworkfollowingthebirth of the child. The Board prohibits discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation againstanyDistrictemployeeforseekinganaccommodationtoexpressbreastmilk foraninfantchildwhileatwork
Anemployeeshallnotifytheemployee'ssupervisororotherappropriatepersonnelin advanceoftheintenttorequestanaccommodation.Thesupervisorshallrespondto therequestandshallworkwiththeemployeetomakearrangements.Ifneeded,the supervisorshalladdressschedulinginordertoensurethattheemployee'sessential jobdutiesarecoveredduringthebreaktime.
Verifications of Employment (VOE) must be processed in writing VOE’s may be: faxed to (707) 399-5139 or emailed to the appropriate PS II. Click HERE to find your Human Resources Personnel Specialist. Click on the Verification of Employment for additional informationrelatedtoVOE’s.
An employee who wishes to resign or retire from FSUSD must complete and submit an electronic "FSUSD Notice of Voluntary Separation". Once submitted by the employee, Informed K12 will notify the employee’s immediate supervisor, (and appropriate staff), that their signature is being requested. The resignation becomes irrevocable once accepted/approved by the Assistant Superintendent/Senior Director of Human Resources. Once the form is processed by FSUSD Payroll, the FSUSD Notice of Voluntary Separation form will be submitted, by the Human Resources Department, to the GoverningBoardforAction
Regulation4212.6,PersonnelFilesoutlinestheprocesswherebyanemployeemayreview theirpersonnelfile WhilepersonnelfilesmaynotberemovedfromtheHumanResources Department, requests for copies of material in a personnel record must be made in writing.
ThissectionexplicitlyoutlinesFSUSD’shiringprocedures.Following theseproceduresallowsyourHumanResourcesteamtoexpedite the hiring and onboarding of prospective employees. Items including references checks, credentialing, and fingerprinting are included in this section. Please note, there are timelines (i.e., DepartmentofJusticefingerprintingclearance,CaliforniaTeacher Credentialing, and scheduling physicals), which your FSUSD HumanResourcesTeamhasnocontrolover.
Please click on the appropriate section below for hiring procedures:
This section includes Fairfield- Suisun Unified School District's Regulations regarding volunteer assistance. This section also provides detailed instructions to follow when processing volunteers for your respective school site/department. For additional information on how to become a volunteer with FSUSD, pleasevisitBecomeaVolunteerwithFSUSD!
The Governing Board recognizes that volunteer assistance in schools can enrich the educational program, increase supervision of students, and contribute to school safety while strengthening the schools' relationships with the community. The Board encourages parents/guardians and other members of the community tosharetheirtime,knowledge,andabilitieswithstudents.
Prior to assuming a volunteer position working with students in a district-sponsored student activity program, a volunteer shall obtain fingerprint clearance through the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. At their discretion, the volunteer may choose to meet this requirement by obtaining an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Student activityprogramsinclude,butarenotlimitedto,scholasticprograms,interscholastic programs,andextracurricularactivitiessponsoredbythedistrictoraschoolbooster club, such as cheer team, drill team, dance team, and marching band. (Education Code49024)
Thecriminalbackgroundcheckrequirementshallnotapplytovolunteersupervisors for breakfast, lunch, or other nutritional periods or to volunteer nonteaching aides undertheimmediatesupervisionanddirectionofcertificatedpersonnelpursuantto Education Code 35021, including parents/guardians volunteering in a classroom or on a field trip or community members providing non instructional services. (EducationCode49024)
Should a volunteer be placed into a volunteer assignment where frequent or prolonged contact with pupils is expected, the volunteer shall be asked to provide the school a certificate showing they have submitted to a tuberculosis risk assessmentand,iftuberculosisriskfactorswereidentified,wasexaminedandfound tobefreeofinfectioustuberculosis.(EducationCode49406)
Persons interested in volunteering should use the following link to complete the online live scan form and make an appointment to be fingerprinted: www.applicantservices.com/FSUVOL FSUSD charges $52.00 to fingerprint volunteers(includesDistrictandDOJfees).
Persons interested in being fingerprinted at the district office, should choose “for VOLUNTEERS or Substitutes (not for Coaches)- PS7” on the appointment screen. Persons interested in volunteering may also choose to be printed at one of the otheroutsideagencylocationslistedinthelinkprovided.
Fingerprinting is a confidential, criminal background check on each individual, for the safety of our students and staff. This information is not shared between agencies, and FSUSD cannot accept any other printing done in the past, nor can printing for FSUSD be used to clear persons for any other agency. Once FSUSD is notified by the Department of Justice that the applicant’s fingerprints have cleared,PSII’swillnotifytheschoolsitesecretaryviaemail.
Afterapproximatelyoneweek,fingerprintedvolunteersmaycontacttheprincipal’s secretarytoinquirewhetherornottheapplicantiseligible.Onoccasions,theDOJ has “delays” in fingerprinting results FSUSD may only permit persons to work/volunteer on campus when DOJ “clears” fingerprints. DOJ clearing may be returnedinaslittleasafewdaysbutmaybedelayedforuptothreemonths
Once received, the applicant’s clearance will stay on file for as long as their children are in our district, unless a notification is received from the DOJ that somethinghaschanged.Iftheapplicant’sstudentmovestoanotherschoolwithin our District, the volunteer applicant must inform the principal’s secretary of the new school that they have been fingerprinted for FSUSD. The principal’s secretary will confirm fingerprinting clearance with the PS II in the FSUSD Human Resources Department.
This section includes commonly used Fairfield- Suisun Unified SchoolDistrictcomplaintPoliciesandRegulations.Thissectionwill also provide guidance with filing complaints and provide access tovariouscomplaintforms.
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District has various procedures for handling different kinds of complaints. The District's Board Policies (BP’s) and AdministrativeRegulations(AR’s)containmoredetailsconcerningtheprocessfor lodgingcomplaintsandappealrights.TheDistrictencouragestheearly,informal resolution of complaints whenever possible Many issues are best resolved by discussions between the parties involved. When an informal resolution is not possible, a formal complaint process is in place for parents, students, and community members, as well as for employees. A full detailing of District complaint procedures including the Board Policy on Complaints and Administrative Regulations can be found on the Complaint Procedures webpage of the District website. Employees represented by unions may also seek union representation Grievance procedures are detailed in the CSEA Clerical, CSEA Support,APAandFSUTAcontracts.
Every effort should be made to resolve complaints regarding District employees atthelowestpossiblelevel.AnypersonwhocomplainsaboutaDistrictemployee shall be encouraged to resolve the matter informally through direct communicationwiththeemployeewheneverpossible.
If a complainant is unable or unwilling to resolve the complaint directly with the employee, the complainant may submit a written complaint to the principal or other immediate supervisor of the employee. All complaints related to District personnelotherthanadministratorsshallbesubmittedinwritingtotheprincipal orimmediatesupervisor.Ifthecomplainantisunabletopreparethecomplaintin writing, administrative staff shall help them to do so Complaints related to a principal or central office administrator shall be initially filed in writing with the Superintendent or designee Complaints related to the Superintendent shall be initiallyfiledinwritingwiththeGoverningBoard.Additionalinformationregarding complaintsconcerningDistrictEmployeesmaybelocatedHERE.
The Governing Board recognizes that the District has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The Board encourages the early resolution of complaints whenever possible To resolve complaints which may require a more formal process, the Board adopts the uniform system of complaint processes specifiedin5CCR4600-4670andtheaccompanyingadministrativeregulation.
TheDistrict'suniformcomplaintprocedures(UCP)shallbeusedtoinvestigateand resolvecomplaintsregardingthefollowingprogramsandactivities:
Accommodations for pregnant and parenting students (Education Code 46015)
Adult education programs (Education Code 8500-8538, 52334.7, 52500-52617)
3. Agricultural career technical education (Education Code 52460-52462)
After School Education and Safety programs (Education Code 8482-8484.65)
Career technical and technical education and career technical and technical training programs (Education Code 52300-52462)
Child care and development programs (Education Code 8200-8488)
Compensatory education (Education Code 54400)
7. Consolidated categorical aid programs (Education Code 33315; 34 CFR 299.10-299.12)
Course periods without educational content (Education Code 51228.1-51228.3)
9. Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in district programs and activities, including in those programs or activities funded directly by or that receive or benefit from any state financial assistance, based on a person's actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55, or based on the person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics (5 CCR 4610)
Educational and graduation requirements for students in foster care, homeless students, students from military families, and students formerly in a juvenile court school (Education Code 48645.7, 48853, 48853.5, 49069.5, 51225.1, 51225.2)
Every Student Succeeds Act (Education Code 52059.5; 20 USC 6301 et seq.)
13. Migrant education (Education Code 54440-54445)
Local control and accountability plan (Education Code 52075)
Physical education instructional minutes (Education Code 51210, 51222, 51223)
orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55, or based on the person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics (5 CCR 4610)
Every Student Succeeds Act (Education Code 52059.5; 20 USC 6301 et seq.)
Local control and accountability plan (Education Code 52075)
Migrant education (Education Code 54440-54445)
Physical education instructional minutes (Education Code 51210, 51222, 51223)
Student fees (Education Code 49010-49013)
Reasonable accommodations to a lactating student (Education Code 222)
Regional occupational centers and programs (Education Code 52300-52334.7
School plans for student achievement as required for the consolidated application for specified federal and/or state categorical funding (Education Code 64001)
School safety plans (Education Code 32280-32289)
School site councils as required for the consolidated application for specified federal and/or state categorical funding (Education Code 65000)
State preschool programs (Education Code 8207-8225)
State preschool health and safety issues in license-exempt programs (Education Code 8212)
Any complaint alleging retaliation against a complainant or other participant in the complaint process or anyone who has acted to uncover or report a violation subject to this policy
Any other state or federal educational program the Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee deems appropriate
Additional information regarding Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP’s) and Compliance with State and Federal Programs may be located HERE.
The complaint procedures described in this administrative regulation shall be used to address any complaint governed by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 alleging that a District employee, while in an education program or activity in which a District school exercises substantial control over the context and respondent, was subjected to one or more of the following forms of sexual harassment: (34 CFR 106.30, 106.44)
1 Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the District'seducationprogramoractivity
ADistrictemployeeconditioningtheprovisionofadistrictaid,benefit,orserviceona person 'sparticipationinunwelcomesexualconduct
Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as defined in 20 USC 1092or34USC12291
Additional information regarding Sexual Harassment complaint proceedures under Title IX may be located HERE and includes the contact information for the District’s Title IX Coordinator/ComplianceOfficer.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors, or other unwanted verbal, visual, or physical conductofasexualnature,regardlessofwhetherornottheconductismotivatedby sexual desire. Conduct is considered to be sexual harassment when made against anotherpersonofthesameoroppositesexintheworkoreducationalsettingunder any of the following conditions: (Education Code 212.5; Government Code 12940; 2 CCR11034)
Submission to the conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of theindividual'semployment.
Submissiontoorrejectionoftheconductisusedasthebasisforanemployment decisionaffectingtheindividual.
The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact upon the individual's work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive workenvironment.
Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for any decision affectingtheindividualregardingbenefits,services,honors,programs,oractivities availableatorthroughthedistrict.
District employees who feel that they have been sexually harassed in the performanceoftheirDistrictresponsibilitiesorwhohaveknowledgeofanyincidentof sexual harassment by or against another employee shall immediately report the incident to their direct supervisor, a District administrator, or the District's Title IX Coordinator. Employees may bypass their supervisor in filing a complaint if the supervisoristhesubjectofthecomplaint.
Additional information regarding sexual harassment may be found here:Regulation 4119.11,SexualHarassmentandPolicy4119.11,SexualHarassment.
This section emphasizes the importance of workplace safety and identifies programs and steps to follow if assistance is needed.
The District is committed to safe and well-maintained schools and District offices and properties, maximizing employee safety and believes that workplace safety is the responsibility of every employee. Working conditions and equipment shall comply with standards prescribed by federal, state, and local laws and regulations. All employees are expected to use safe work practices and, to the extent possible, correctanyunsafeconditionswhichmayoccur.Ifanemployeeisunabletocorrect an unsafe condition, the employee shall immediately report the problem to the Superintendent or designee via the Safety Hazard Report Form linked here: Safety Hazard Report Form. Additional information regarding Workplace Safety can be foundinFSUSDPolicy/Regulation4257,WorkplaceSafetyandintheDistrict’sInjury& IllnessPreventionProgram.
North Bay Schools Insurance Authority (NBSIA) provides workplace safety training at no cost to its member districts. To request on site safety training, please visit their FreeOnsiteSafetyTrainingpage.
An employee injured while performing District work must report the injury immediately to Company Nurse at: 833-798-0936, and also notify their direct supervisor NBSIA will mail the DWC-1 claim form directly to the employee to fill out and then the employee returns it to NBSIA as directed. Additional information regardingwork-relatedinjuriescanbefoundinFSUSDPolicy/Regulation4257.1,WorkRelatedInjuries.
TheGoverningBoardrecognizesthatschooldistrictemployeesmayhaveproblems which can have detrimental effects upon job performance and student safety. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides employees, their spouses and dependents with free, confidential assistance to help with emotional, family, legal, financial, and other personal life issues. There is no charge for covered services. All information is confidential and will not be shared with the employer. Additional information on the FSUSD Employee Assistance Program (EAP) may be found HERE andadditionalinformationrelatedtofreementalhealthservicesmaybefoundHERE Additional Information can be found in FSUSD Policy 4259, Employee Assistance Programs
This section outlines the most common leaves of absence used withinourorganization.Inordertorunourorganizationefficiently andprovideadequateservicetoourstudents,itisessentialforall employees to notify their direct supervisor immediately for all absences.
An employee who will be absent from work should refer to their respective union contractsregardingtheprovisionsthatdefinewhenandhowtheirabsencesshould be reported. In addition to the information provided in this section, additional information on employees’ rights and responsibilities regarding absences can be foundintheCollectiveBargainingAgreementsandPolicy4261,Leaves
The Superintendent or designee may require verification whenever an employee's absence record shows chronic absenteeism or a pattern of absences immediately before or after weekends and/or holidays or whenever available evidence clearly indicatesthatanabsenceisnotrelatedtoillnessorinjury
Both CSEA contractual agreements (Clerical and Support) allow for the supervisor to request verification of an absence. This is outlined in Article 13.1.7 which states: The District, when it has reasonable cause to believe abuse of sick leave is occuring may require a verification of illness, accident, or quarantine from the employee’s physician or health consultant. When requesting a verificationofabsencepleaseseethesampleprovidedinnumber4below TheFSUTAcontractreads:TheSuperintendentortheAssistantSuperintendentof Human Resources may require proof of illness, accident, or quarantine as provided by law. If such proof requires any additional expense to the employee, theDistrictshallpaythatexpenseuponpresentationofproof.PleasecontactKen Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to prepare and send aletterinregardstoanFSUTAemployee.
TheAPAcontractreads:TheSuperintendentordesigneemayrequireverification ofclaimedillnessoraccidentbaseduponreasonablecause.PleasecontactKen Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to prepare and send aletterinregardstoanAPAemployee
Please note, on Fridays or workdays that students are not present, teachers (Pursuant to FSUTA Collective Bargaining Agreement, specifically, Article 19.1.C) are permitted to leave 30 minutes prior to the end of their contracted workday. Article 19.1.C states: on Fridays or on workdays preceding holidays, the workday for the unit memberwillenddirectlyaftertheendoftheinstructionaldayexceptwhenrequired by the administrator to complete regularly assigned duties within a 7 1/4 hour limit. On Fridays or workdays that students are not present,teachers will be permitted to leave30minutespriortotheendofthecontractedworkday.Ifateacherisabsentor entersanabsencetheirabsencesmustbeentereduntiltheircontractualworkdayis over,notwhenstudentsleave.
Thissectionoutlinesthejustifiablepaidandunpaidleavesofabsenceforemployees in accordance with law, Board policy, administrative regulation, and collective bargainingagreements,asapplicable.
2Industrialaccidentorillness .
3Familycareandmedicalleave .
4Militaryservice .
5Personalnecessityandpersonalemergencies . Disability leave for certificated employees in accordance with Education Code 44986 6
7Vacationsforclassifiedstaffandcertificatedmanagementstaff,asapplicable .
8Sabbaticalsforpurposesofstudyortrainingrelatedtotheemployee'sjobduties .
9Attendanceatwork-relatedmeetingsandstaffdevelopmentopportunities . Compulsoryleave 10
Employees who wish to exercise their legal and contractual right to take leave, shall access the electronic Leave Request form on the FSUSD website, Staff Portal link, “Forms”, and complete the document in its entirety The employee then submits the Leave Request form to their direct supervisor for approval. The Leave form is then routedtoHumanResourcesforthefinaldetermination.Wheneverpossible,employees shall request personal leaves in advance and prepare suitable instructions, including lessonplansasapplicable,forasubstituteemployee.
Also,employeesareencouragedtonotifytheirsupervisorinthecaseofpossibleneed for medical leave so that proper advice and procedures can be explained and the processofapplyingformedicalleaveissupported.TheFamilyandMedicalLeaveAct (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) entitle eligible employees to take unpaid, job-and-benefit-protected leave for specified medical and family reasons BothCertificatedandClassifiedLeaveRequestformsarealsolocatedinouremployee portal,InformedK12.FSUSDCertificatedLeaveRequest,FSUSDClassifiedLeaveRequest.
Employees shall notify their direct supervisor of an absence through the Absence Management system. Below you will find relevant articles from our employee organization for review Employees are encouraged to review their respective bargainingunitagreementforadditionalinformation.
According to Article 10.1 in the APA Contract, sick leave: a Full-time employee shall receive ten (10) days of paid sick leave in each year of service. Part-time employees shall receive a prorated sick leave allocation. New employees employed for less than the full work year shall receive credit based on the remaining months left in the work year Sickleavenottakenshallbeaccumulatedfromyeartoyear TheSuperintendent or designee may require verification of claimed illness or accident based upon reasonable cause. Whenever possible, medical/dental appointments should be scheduledoutsidetheregularworkday.
Clerical and CSEA Support- According to Article 131 in the CSEA Clerical/CSEA Support Contract, sick leave is the absence of an employee because of illness or injury.
13.1.1 A regular employee (probationary and permanent) shall earn paid sick leaveattherateof12daysperyearforfull-timeemployees.Employeesworking less than full time shall earn sick leave on the ratio their work year and/or work daybearstofulltime.Unusedsickleavemaybeaccumulatedwithoutlimit.Sick leavemaybetakenatanytimeduringtheworkyear
13.1.6Membersofthebargainingunitrequestingpaidsickleaveduetoillnessor injuryinexcessofthree(3)daysinsuccessionmayberequiredatthediscretion oftheDistricttoprovidemedicalcertificationofdisability/illness.
13.1.7 The District, when it has reasonable cause to believe abuse of sick leave is occurring, may require a verification of illness, accident, or quarantine from the employee’sphysicianorhealthconsultant.
AccordingtoArticle231intheFSUTAContract, Full-timecertificatedmembersofthisunitshallbecreditedwithten(10)daysof sickleaveatthebeginningofeachworkyear Newemployeesemployedforless thanthefullworkyearshallreceivecreditbasedontheremainingmonthsleftin theworkyear.
1. Certificated personnel under contract for fewer than five (5) days per week duringtheentireschoolyearshallreceiveproratasickleavebasedonthehours workedincomparisontothefull-timeequivalentclassroomteacher
2. Certificated personnel under contract for less than a full day during the entire school year shall receive pro rata sick leave based on the hours worked in comparisontothefull-timeequivalentclassroomteacher.TheSuperintendentor the Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources may require proof of illness, accident,orquarantineasprovidedbylaw Ifsuchproofrequiresanyadditional expensetotheemployee,theDistrictshallpaythatexpenseuponpresentationof proof.
3. Whenpossible,medicalordentalappointmentsshouldbescheduledoutsidethe workday, however, when necessary during work hours, and in accordance with 191c and191d,sickleaveshallbechargedaspersection231f below
4. Exceptforleaveutilizedundersection23.4,leaveshallbechargedinincrements ofonehourandalwaysroundeduptothehighesthour.
AccordingtoArticle10.5intheAPAContract,employeesareentitledtoabereavement leaveofabsencewithoutlossofpayordeductionfromotherleavebenefitsduetothe deathofanymemberoftheimmediatefamily.Theemployeewillreceivefive(5)days bereavement leave for the death of a current spouse and (3) days of Bereavement Leave for the death of other immediate family members Bereavement Leave may be extended if the employee is required to travel more than two hundred (200) miles Additional information regarding Bereavement Leave can be found in the APA contract.
Clerical and CSEA Support- According to Article 13.9 in the CSEA Clerical and 13.7 in the CSEA Support Contract, employees are entitled to a bereavement leave of absence without loss of pay or deduction from other leave benefits due to the death of any member of the immediate family The employee will receive five (5) days bereavement leave for the death of a spouse, registered domestic partner, mother, father or child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-daughter, step-son, or foster child, step-mother, step-father, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, step-brother, sister, sister-in-law, step-sister, grandparent, grandchild, legal guardian or ward, niece, nephew,auntoruncle,orfirstcousinoftheunitermemberorspouse,oranypersonliving in the immediate household of the unit member. Additional information regarding BereavementLeavecanbefoundintheCSEAcontract.
AccordingtoArticle23.9intheFSUTAContract,employeesareentitledtoabereavement leave of absence without loss of pay or deduction from other leave benefits due to the death of any member of the immediate family. The employee will receive five (5) days bereavement leave for the death of a current spouse, registered domestic partner, mother, father or child or three (3) days of Bereavement Leave for the death of other immediate family members. Bereavement Leave may be extended if the employee is required to travel more than two hundred (200) miles Additional information regarding BereavementLeavecanbefoundintheFSUTAcontract.
The District maintains a catastrophic leave program that is intended for employees who have exhausted all of their leave and must miss work due to prolonged injury or illness. The Governing Board recognizes that District employees may desire to assist other employees who have an urgent need for a leave of absence but do not have sufficient accrued leave to cover their absence. All catastrophic leave bank donation forms may be accessed, completed and routed using Informed K12. For information about the program, please refer to FSUSD Policy/Regulation, 41619, and respective collectivebargainingagreements.
AccordingtoFSUSDPolicy4161,WithBoardapproval,anemployeemayreceivealeaveof absence,withoutpayandwithoutaccruingseniorityorservicecredit,foraperiodofupto oneschoolyear.Applicationsforlong-termleaveshallbemadeinwritingandshallstate the purpose for which leave is requested. All long-term leave agreements shall be in writing and shall state the terms and conditions of the leave, including the conditions governingtheemployee'sreturn.
Attheendofalong-termleave,theemployeeshallbereinstatedtoasimilarpositionas that held at the time leave was granted, unless otherwise agreed upon. The Board shall consideranywrittenrequestbyanemployeetoreturntoworkpriortotheexpirationdate oftheleave.
An employee shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of pay when regularly called for jury duty in the manner provided by law Upon completion of jury service, the employeeshallprovidetotheirsiteadministratorordesigneeacopyoftheofficialcourt documentation indicating attendance at jury service, upon request Fees received as a juror, exclusive of transportation, food, and lodging expenses, shall be reimbursed to the District. Additional information regarding Jury Duty can be found in Regulation, 4161.2, Article 23.8 in the FSUTA contract, Article 10.4 in APA contract, Article 13.9 in CSEA Clerical contract,andArticle13.8inCSEASupportcontract.
Some accumulated days of absence for illness may be used by the employee for reasons of personal necessity per Education Code 44981 Employees should also refer to their respective bargaining agreement regarding the parameters of personal necessityuse.
FSUTA: Sick leave may be used by an employee in cases of personal necessity. Leave over two (2) days in duration will require the prior approval of the Assistant Superintendent/HumanResourcesortheirdesignee.Article23.4inFSUTAcontract APA-Sickleavemaybeusedbyanemployeeincasesofpersonalnecessity.Leave over two (2) days in duration will require the prior approval of the Assistant Superintendent/HumanResourcesortheirdesignee.Article10.3inAPAcontract
CSEA Clerical-In cases of personal necessity, an employee may use, at their election, sick leave for the following reasons. No more than seven (7) days of such accumulated sick leave may be used in any school year per 13.11 of the CSEA Clericalcontract.
Employeesmayuseamaximumofsevendaysofaccruedpersonalillness/injuryleave (sick leave) during each school year for reasons of personal necessity (Education Code44981,45207).PursuanttoRegulation4161.2,PersonalLeaves,acceptablereasons fortheuseofpersonalnecessityleaveinclude:
Deathofamemberoftheemployee'simmediatefamilywhenthenumberofdays of absence exceeds the limits set by bereavement leave provisions (Education Code44981,45207)
2. Illness, preventive care, or other need of a member of the employee's family, as definedinLaborCode245.5(EducationCode44981;LaborCode246.5)
An accident involving the employee or the employee's property, or the person or propertyofamemberoftheemployee'simmediatefamily(EducationCode44981, 45207)
A classified employee's appearance in any court or before any administrative tribunal as a litigant, party, or witness under subpoena or other order (Education Code45207)
5Fire,flood,orotherimmediatedangertothehomeoftheemployee .
6Personalbusinessofaseriousnaturewhichtheemployeecannotdisregard .
Leaveforpersonalnecessitymaybeallowedforotherreasonsatthediscretionofthe Superintendentordesignee.However,personalnecessityleaveshallnotbegrantedfor purposes of personal convenience, for the extension of a holiday or vacation, or for matterswhichcanbetakencareofoutsideofworkinghours.
The District will provide leave to eligible employees pursuant to the Family and Medical LeaveAct(FMLA)andCaliforniaFamilyRightsAct(CFRA)FMLArequiresemployerswithmore than 50 employees in a 75 mile radius to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job and benefit protected leave to eligible employees for specific family and medical reasons. Eligible employeesareentitledtoamaximumof12weeksofunpaidFMLAandCFRAleaveinafiscal year. The District will require employees taking leave pursuant to the FMLA and/or CFRA to concurrently use the employee’s accumulated leave days. In order to be eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA leave, an employee must have been employed for at least 1250 hours during the 12 month period immediately preceding the period that the FMLA/CFRA leave will commence.Duringanemployee’sleave,theDistrictwillmaintaincoverageunderthegroup health plan as long as the employee continues to pay their portion of all insurance premiums AnyemployeewhotakesleaveunderFMLA/CFRAwillbeentitledtorestorationto the same or similar position upon return from leave. The CFRA/FMLA Certification of Health Care Provider form is required when taking intermittent leave for oneself, or when taking leavetocareforafamilymemberordesignatedpersonwithaserioushealthcondition
Pregnancy and Parental Leave: Employees are entitled to certain pregnancy and parental leaverightsundertheFamilyandMedicalLeaveAct(FMLA)andtheCaliforniaFamilyRights Act (CFRA) as provided by applicable state and federal law. Please refer to your respective CollectiveBargainingAgreementsandGoverningBoardPolicylinkedhere:Regulation4161.8, FamilyandMedicalLeaveActstatesthefollowingforeligibility:
The District shall grant FMLA or CFRA leave to eligible employees for any of the following reasons:(GovernmentCode12945.2;29USC2612;29CFR825.112,825.126,825.127)
The birth of a child of the employee or placement of a child with the employee in connectionwiththeemployee'sadoptionorfostercareofthechild(parentalleave)
2Tocarefortheemployee'seligiblefamilymemberwithaserioushealthcondition . The employee's own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to performoneormoreessentialjobfunctionsoftheposition.
3 Anyqualifyingexigencyarisingoutofthefactthattheemployee'sspouse,child,parent, or, for CFRA leave only, a registered domestic partner, is a military member on covered active duty or call to covered active duty (or has been notified of an impending call or ordertocoveredactiveduty)
4. To care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness if the covered servicememberistheemployee'sspouse,child,parent,ornextofkin,asdefined
5. Inaddition,theDistrictshallgrantPregnancyDisabilityLeave(PDL)toanyemployeewhois disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical condition (Government Code 12945;2CCR11037)
An eligible employee shall be entitled to a total of 12-work weeks of FMLA or CFRA leaveduringany12-monthperiod,exceptinthecaseofleavetocareforacovered servicemember as provided under "Military Caregiver Leave" below. To the extent allowed by law, CFRA and FMLA leaves shall run concurrently. In circumstances wheretheleavesdonotrunconcurrentlyunderthelaw,theemployeemaytakeup to12workweeksforbothCFRAandFMLA,foratotalof24workweeks.(Government Code129452;29USC2612)
This12-monthperiodshallcoincidewiththefiscalyear.(29CFR825.200) Inaddition,anyemployeewhoisdisabledbypregnancy,childbirth,orotherrelated condition shall be entitled to PDL for the period of the disability not to exceed four months For a part-time employee, the four months shall be calculated on a proportionalbasis.(GovernmentCode12945;2CCR11042)
PDL shall run concurrently with FMLA leave for disability caused by an employee's pregnancy. At the end of the employee's FMLA leave for disability caused by pregnancy, or at the end of four months of PDL, whichever occurs first, a CFRAeligible employee may request to take CFRA leave of up to 12 work weeks, for the reason of the birth of a child or to bond with or care for the child (Government Code12945,12945.2;2CCR11046,11093)
Leave taken for the birth or placement of a child must be concluded within the 12month period beginning on the date of the birth or placement of the child. Such leavedoesnotneedtobetakeninonecontinuousperiodoftime (2CCR11090;29 USC2612)
Each eligible employee shall be granted up to 12 work weeks for family care and medical leave related to the birth or placement of a child, regardless of whether bothparentsofthechildworkfortheDistrict
Thefollowingprocessshouldbefollowedwhenemployeesareabsentfromwork: Employees are required to enter their absences in Absence Management (Frontline). Absences that need to be entered after each site or department’s respective cutoff time may only be entered by the assigned site clerical responsibleforreconcilingabsences.
Each day, the manager and assigned site clerical responsible for reconciling employeeabsencesmustmeettoreviewthevalidityofeachabsencepriortothe absence being reconciled. The purpose of this step is to ensure absences (including duration/reasons) are entered correctly and pursuant to both administrativeregulationsandcollectivebargainingagreements.
1 Ifitisdeterminedthatanabsence(includingduration/reason)isnotvalid,the manager is responsible for communicating this information to the employee. The manager is also responsible for advising the site clerical responsible for reconcilingemployeeabsenceswhatneedstobereconciledfortheemployee inAbsenceManagement. a
The assigned site clerical responsible for reconciling employee absences, must then (after confirming with their respective manager) reconcile each employee’s absencebytheendofeachbusinessday,thelatest.
1. If sites/departments have questions regarding Absence Management (Frontline) pleasecontacttheHRCoordinatorforassistance.
Section8: VACATION
This section provides an overview of classified employee vacation rights. This section also lists corresponding articles fromtheCSEAClericalandCSEASupportcontractsforreview.
Section8: VACATION
Classified employees earn vacation leave, which is not a vested right until the employee has 130 days of paid service in their position. Employees must schedule their vacations with and obtain pre approval from the immediate supervisor. Classifiedemployeesmaycarryoverthirty(30)vacationdaysthroughAugust31of each year. Below you will find relevant information regarding vacations. For additional information about vacation leave, please review the CSEA Clerical and theCSEASupportcontracts.
12.1 Eligibility - All employees shall have 130 days of paid service in their position before becoming eligible for vacation or any vacation pay upon termination of employment. Eligibility to take vacation will commence on the first day of the payperiodfollowingcompletionof130daysofpaidserviceintheirposition.
12.3.1 - The District reserves the right to schedule vacation at times least disruptive to the normal work routine. Each supervisor will prepare a vacation schedule for the employees under their supervision. Employees’ vacations shall be determined by the supervisors but the supervisor must consider individual vacation requests and in cases of conflict shall assign vacation on the basis of seniority.Allvacationwillbesubjecttotheapprovaloftheimmediatesupervisor andshallnotbeunreasonablydenied.
This section outlines the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Policies and Regulations regarding evaluating employees. Relevant articles from the various bargaining unit contracts are includedaswell.
Supervisors conduct both Classified and Certificated employee evaluation in accordance with FSUSD Governing Policy 4215, Evaluation/Supervision and in accordance with the respective bargaining unit agreements. Supervisors facilitate employee evaluations through Evaluat’d, a web based application system that helps administer, manage, track and analyze employee performance evaluations. Employees may access Evaluatd by visiting the Human Resources page on the FSUSDwebsite
Employees nay also review the Evaluation Article in their respective bargaining unit contract for additional information regarding processes, timelines, and expectations.Herearethearticlesforreview:
When a meeting occurs between a manager and employee, especially those meetings involving discipline, a bargaining unit member has the right to union representation.Ifabargainingunitemployeeontheirownaccorddecidestowaive union representation the employee should complete the Waiver of Union Representation Rights Form: CSEA Union Rights Waiver (07.01.24) or FSUTA Union RightsWaiver(07.01.24).
The Governing Board recognizes the value of technology, including social media platforms, in informing our community regarding issues or events relating to our students,staff,educationalenvironment,facilities,andcommunityinvolvementand collaboration. The purpose of any official District social media platform or use shall be to further the district's vision and mission, support student learning and staff professional development, and enhance positive communication with students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members. For additional information on social media best practices and guides, please visit FSUSD Best Practices and Guides.
The Governing Board respects the public's desire for and right to information and recognizes that the media significantly influence the community's understanding of school programs, student achievement, and school safety. In order to develop and maintain positive media relations, the Board and Superintendent shall reasonably accommodatemediarequestsforinformationandprovideaccurate,reliable,andtimely information
The Superintendent or designee shall identify the District's and/or site's primary media contacttowhomallmediainquiriesshallberouted Spokespersonsdesignatedtospeak tothemediaonbehalfoftheDistrictincludetheBoardpresident,Superintendent,public information officer, or District communications director. Other Board members and/or staffmaybeaskedbytheSuperintendentordesigneetospeaktothemediaonacaseby-case basis, depending on their expertise on an issue or appropriateness given a particularsituation