F style 2016 11

Page 92


When you are up late night working on your passion, and you see another person up the same crazy hours you and you explore what they are doing and you see YOU LIKE THERE WORK AND THEY LIKE YOURS that is when the magic happens. To understand that there are so many talented photographers in the industry is mind blowing but not every photographer has to be great a fashion to be a well know and respected photographer. Though you can truly see Jerome Lynch can easily branch out into fashion he desired to but he states he wants to stay with sports, nature and portraits. This amazing business man comes from a humble beginning but his passion has lead him to many great directors and talent of the industry you may be familiar with like Director Chirstopher Nolen II as well as a host of powerful public figures, actors and sports greats. We at F-Style just had to showcase this worthy talent and encourage you to keep him on your radar as well. Jerome is doing big things in the industry that is outside of the box with photography and will be that household name of legacy icons in the photography industry.

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