Moulton Primary School
Our School Welcome to Moulton Primary School. As you read this brochure and find out more about us, we hope you will see that we are a school with children at the heart of all we do! Our overall aim is for our children to leave us confident, secure and ready for their next steps out into the wider world‌.. We achieve this by focusing on the whole-child, making sure that their well-being, social and emotional development are at the core of all we do, through our outstanding nurture and pastoral care. This is supported by a rich and exciting curriculum, with an emphasis on the creative arts as well as key skills in maths and English, which allows all children to achieve and feel successful. We are a large, village school in a beautiful setting with extensive grounds with multiple play areas and a large playing field. We have all the values of a traditional village primary but are large enough to provide our children with a breadth of opportunities and experiences. Choosing a school is an important decision, so we encourage you to visit us and see for yourself what makes Moulton Primary so unique.
The Whole-Child Children’s emotional well-being is a huge priority at Moulton. We know that if children are happy and feel secure, they will learn! All Moulton staff are well-trained to support children with their personal, social and emotional development and work closely with parents. Our dedicated well-being and pastoral support team also work closely with class staff and have lots of strategies to use when children are struggling. Our provision in this area of school life has been recognised by the Local Authority which have given the school the prestigious TAMHS Award (targeted mental health in schools). We also have a lunchtime nurture group – Owl Club – and over the week, many children can access a range of fun activities which help their social development and confidence.
Rainbow Classes At different times during the year, children are in their ‘Rainbow Classes’ for different activities – these mixed-age classes allow the younger children to spend time with and get to know the older children.
Our Curriculum At Moulton, our curriculum provides learning opportunities that engage our children, that helps them to develop key skills, knowledge and understanding, that promotes their creativity and innovation so that they can express and share their learning with a sense of purpose and pride. Our expectations for children’s achievement are high. We want them all to attain well in the core areas of reading, writing, maths and information technology. However, we also want them to apply these skills in real life situations that reflect their place in the wider world.
Our curriculum helps children to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills through collaboration, challenge and enquiry-based learning. This helps them to become resilient and resourceful learners that are confident to work together and take risks that help them to grow. This broad and balanced, skills and knowledge-based curriculum is rich in opportunities for practical, active and explorative learning. We supplement this with a variety of trips, visitors, outdoor learning activities and a series of themed weeks which provide first-hand experiences for our children. We also take every opportunity to share the children’s learning with parents and carers who are invited in regularly for our open school events.
Beyond the Curriculum Moulton is an Artsmark school. This means that we recognise and value the role that a broad and creative curriculum has on children’s overall achievement and well-being. Therefore, we give children as many diverse opportunities as we can, at no extra cost, to take part in activities that build self-esteem, confidence, resilience and develop positive relationships. This means that all children at Moulton will learn a musical instrument, learn to dance, take part in productions and concerts, attend residential trips and complete art and design projects. This also includes having access to a varied mix of extra-curricular clubs as well as a wide range of sporting activities. We use our close partnerships with Moulton College, Northampton Music Partnership Trust and ‘Junior Strictly Dancing’ (to name but a few) to support access to this ‘wider curriculum’ for our children.
Working in Partnership At Moulton, we know how important a strong relationship between home and school is to children’s well-being and progress. To support this, we work in close partnership with parents. There will be times when you will have questions or concerns that you will want to discuss with us. Our ‘open door’ policy means that you can speak to us without an appointment; this is because we believe that no concern is too small to discuss with staff and should be tackled before it becomes a problem. We know that 21st Century family life is busy, so we offer as much support and flexibility as we can so that parents can be involved in their children’s school life. This includes parent-teacher meetings, twice-yearly written progress reports, a weekly newsletter and regular Twitter updates! We also have plenty of opportunities throughout the year for parents to come into school and be involved. We work closely with pre-schools, nurseries and secondary schools to help children make that ‘next-step’ with confidence. On completion of their primary education at the end of Year 6 (11+), the majority of pupils attend Moulton School and Science College, also in the village.
FOMPS Friends of Moulton Primary (FOMPS) work hard to provide facilities and equipment for the school, as well as fun events for the children. Their fundraising has enhanced the experiences of Moulton children for many years now and we hope that our new parents, and their friends and families, will carry this on.
Good to be Gold Each term we celebrate the children that have earned their certificate with their ‘gold’ behaviour!
School Meals
Wrap-Around Childcare
We have our own, high quality, out-of-hours childcare (MASK) on the premises, run by school staff. Our Breakfast Club is open to children from 7.45am and our After-School club is open until 6pm Monday to Friday, during term time. Through MASK, and our partner provider, we can offer up to 80 childcare places.
Tasty, healthy school lunches, prepared and cooked on site.
Moulton Primary School
Church Hill, Moulton, Northampton NN3 7SW Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520
T 01604 643061 |