French Larry Taylor West Region Leader French Larry Taylor is a tax partner in KPMG’s Dallas Federal Tax practice. He serves as West Region Leader for KPMG’s Tax Accounting Methods Practice. He also leads KPMG’s Accounting methods Practice for the Southwest. During his time with KPMG, he transferred to the Washington National Tax (WNT) practice where he worked in the Accounting Methods practice. He works extensively in the FAS 109 practice as well as leading the outsourcing tax practice.
French Larry Taylor Tax Professional French Larry Taylor is a tax professional who lives and works in Dallas, Texas. He earned an MS degree in Taxation from North Texas University and a BS in Business and Public Relations from Austin College. At present, he is a tax partner at the Dallas office of KPMG, where he is responsible for a broad range of clients, including public and private corporations.
French Larry Taylor International Taxes French Larry Taylor is a tax partner in KPMG’s Dallas practice, where he also makes his home. He specializes in Federal tax law. He leads the firm’s Accounting Methods Practice for the Southwest. He is responsible for a wide range of clients for the firm, and has helped them facilitate projects that involve other services, including international tax, and state and local tax.
French Larry Taylor Tax Accounting Methods French Larry Taylor works in KPMG’s Dallas office, where he is a tax partner. He received his Master’s degree in Taxation from the University of North Texas, and his Bachelor’s degree in Business and Public Relations from Austin College. He specializes in Federal tax law, in particular the Section 199 deduction, and in Tax Accounting Methods and Credits. He makes his home in Dallas.
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