Book Reviews - Mix 220

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The Doctor and the Dinosaurs (A Weird West Tale) As a huge dinosaur fan, I loved the scenes with Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh. Theirs is probably one of the most famous rivalries in all of science, and Mike Resnick absolutely nails both their professional passion and personal antagonism. It's a ridiculous rivalry, make no bones about it (pun intended), but one that drove the field further and faster than any sort of cooperative friendship ever could. Resnick recognizes that, and even has characters comment on it once or twice, but he certainly does enjoy exploring that passionate hatred.

The Double Human The Hallecks and Simolits play a smaller part in this book. The aliens are referred to but don't really play into the story. The current events aspect of the book is just as frightening as the first book. The ramifications of thrusting our values and ideas into foreign cultures and the ensuing violence are altogether too real. Equally, the ramifications of a collapse of the economy are certainly highlighted by the current self-centered egotism on our elected and not very representative officials.

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