Letters to My Family 6-17-11

Page 67

July 30 1977

Dear A & H; L & E; Meg & Bob; Fred; Kathy; Ellen; David; Daniel, In reading of the life of FREUD, I came across a moving paragraph dealing with a farewell party given by Prof. FLEISCHL to his friends (FREUD, BREUER, BRÜCKE, EXNER and others) at his bedside in anticipation of death at any moment. He asked that a friend bring him a silk beret, a plaid blanket and a large umbrella so that he could enjoy his walks in the next world without a thickly rolled umbrella as a walking stick. He asked his servant to bring in the ceremonial supper: caviar, champagne and other delicatessen gourmet delights. He insisted that everyone eat and drink. He pulled himself up from his bed and said: One more drive around. I planned my own farewell party. All roads lead to the Central Cemetery. People give parties when we are born, baptized, engaged and married. Why should I not give a dying party? I know that none of you could be persuaded to give it for me. Would it not be gratifying if a man could take to the next world WHATEVER HIS EYES LAST SAW ON THIS EARTH . . . ? I would like to take this room, precisely as it is, so that I would have exciting living quarters in purgatory, or wherever I’m going. A toast by FREUD: “To Heaven! You have had your inferno on earth!” FLEISCHL heard FREUD and remarked in part: I have suffered pain but I have never been in hell in this room with all these books. They are a better anodyne that the cocaine you imported from Peru. Open up another bottle. It will give me great pleasure to wake up in the ELYSIAN FIELDS tomorrow, blissfully healthy and know that you all have hangovers in my honor. They ate, drank, sang nostalgically the songs of the university and the romantic tunes of the light operas of VIENNA. When the feast was over, FLEISCHL turned his head sideways on the pillow, closed his eyes forever. BREUER started to put the sheet over FLEISCHL’s head but FREUD said: “Is it necessary? He looks beautiful even in DEATH.” [What a marvellous way to depart from this world!] All our love, Daddy / Papa


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