Ux design for startups marcin treder

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Beware that prototyping is rather an expensive and time-consuming form of design communication. I’d suggest rather creating prototypes that can be reused in development (yep, it means that you need to code some HTML, CSS and probably JS on your own). It’s especially effective in relatively simple projects. Done right and combined with user testing, prototyping can pay for itself.

Getting out of the silly deliverable business You might hear from time to time a call to get out of the deliverable business and focus on the action. It seems a little bit strange and unnecessarily rebellious. Should we always get out of the highway to try our luck at finding a shortcut through the woods? It might work from time to time, but just watch the famous (and painfully simple) horror movie Wrong Turn to see where it can lead you if you are out of luck.


efficient design techniques

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.