Pierce Radius - Fall 2012

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A sampling of the New Gen-Ed Courses Music: Dr. Lou Bunk, assistant professor of music

organizations and in the surrounding community, rates of library

technology, explained his thinking behind creating a

borrowing, and faculty development related to teaching, all increased.

new general education music course which is focused on the song: “The Song: From J.S. Bach to Jay Z.” The course focuses on a particular genre (the song), as a

with the campus culture, and resistances developed which, along with

means to help students learn to listen to music critically

a gradual loss of momentum over time, led to the recent initiative to

(active vs. passive listening and instrumentation), have

replace it.

opportunities to create their own music, understand the mechanics of music, and learn where particular

For one thing, the emphasis thrown on general education never

types of music fit in historically. Targeted for the student

overcame the disciplinary orientation of most faculty, and the insistence

who does not plan to specialize in music, the course is organized around topics and skills, with contrasts

on interdisciplinary teaching took many out of their comfort zone and

and commonalities investigated between all types of

into the realm of doubt concerning the method. For students, the issue

songs: opera, contemporary, jazz, country, and more.

appears to have been less disciplinary loyalty than lack of choice. A fixed

The course is designed around the “arts & design”

curriculum and mandatory service may not have seemed problematic

learning outcome and hones “creative thinking” and “critical thinking” skills. Two other general education

to an Athenian youth sitting at the feet of a revered mentor, or to a

music courses have been designed by the other music

medieval seminarian, but for modern American consumers-in-the-

department professors: World Music (music from

making, with a multitude of options in other areas of their lives, they

different cultures), and Composer’s Voice (composers

proved a tough sell. For those students, too, whom survey after survey

throughout history).

have shown to be drawn to higher education above all by the promise

Astronomy: Susan Rolke, a lecturer in environmental

of a rewarding career, the Individual and Community theme may have

science, designed a two-semester science sequence

appeared too academic and idealistic – not “practical” enough.

for the new general education curriculum: Astronomy I, The Cosmic Perspective; and Astronomy II, Life in the Universe. Professor Rolke enjoys both the flexibility

Piercing the Future

that the new general education curriculum offers the

The General and Liberal Education (GLE) program to be rolled out this

student and the shift in the classroom from teacher-

fall addresses these sticking points in the Pierce Plan, not by retreating

centered to learner-centered; the latter focuses on

from the traditional ideal but by reworking its possibilities. Liberal

what the student is learning and taking away from each course, with the professor facilitating learning.

education is now defined in terms of a set of overall undergraduate

“Astronomy has been my passion; the whole reason

learning outcomes, a unifying principle broader than that of a general

I went into physics,” says Professor Rolke. “These are

education “core.” General education has a role to play in enabling

the courses that I’ve always wanted to teach.” The

students to achieve these outcomes, but so does study in the major

second semester of the course will introduce students

programs, where in fact the different capabilities will be mastered at

to concepts in biology and geology in order to understand if and where life might exist beyond planet

the highest levels. The tension between the two rival curricular areas

Earth. Some of the exciting hands-on opportunities in

will be further eased by the provision that, rather than standing on

the course include measuring light pollution as part of

separate, interdisciplinary ground, general education courses are to

an international project, and simulating what it is like to

be based in the disciplines. This will allow individual faculty members

drive a rover on another planet. Students will be given the foundation they need to be scientifically literate,

to teach to their passions, and not coincidentally open up a far greater

and provided with opportunities to contribute to the

range of choice for students. That passion is evident, as is the intention

scientific community no matter what their major field of

of continuing to serve the general education needs of all students, in

study. The courses are designed with the “knowledge

what Franklin Pierce professors have to say [see sidebar] about their new

of science” learning outcome and with “critical thinking” and “inquiry and analysis” skills targeted.


Nevertheless, in some respects the scheme did not mesh well

Franklin Pierce University fall 2012

GLE courses – three of which coincidentally promise fresh treatment of original Liberal Arts, music, astronomy, and logic.

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