Waste Management

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energy balances, and (c) financial feasibility. The thermal waste to energy technologies that do not produce liquid water are prima-facie uneconomical, on a build-own-operate basis without operational subsidy either as tipping fee or assured inflated energy sale prices. How to plan Composting: Biodegradation is a natural, ongoing biological process that is a common occurrence in both human-made and natural environments. 1. Identify goals of the composting project. 2. Identify the scope of the project and socio cultural impact 3. Get political support for changing the community’s waste management approach. 4. Identify potential sites and environmental factors. 5. Identify potential compost uses and markets. 6. Initiate public information programs. 7. Inventory materials available for composting. 8. Visit successful compost programs. 9. Evaluate alternative composting and associated collection techniques. 10. Finalize arrangements for compost use. 11. Obtain necessary governmental approvals. 12. Prepare final budget and arrange financing. 13. Construct composting facilities and purchase collection equipment. 14. Initiate composting operation and monitor results. The composting option chosen must be compatible with existing processing systems. Communities should consider these factors: • preferences of the community • collection and processing costs • residual waste disposal costs • markets for the quality of compost produced • markets for recyclables • existing collection, processing and disposal systems. The four composting technologies are windrow, aerated static pile, aerobic , and anaerobic composting. Supporting technologies include sorting, screening, and curing. The technologies vary in the method of air supply, temperature control, mixing/turning of the material, and the time required for composting. Their capital and operating costs also vary considerably. Moniter the following: • compost mass temperatures • oxygen concentrations in the compost mass • moisture content • particle size • maturity of the compost • pH • soluble salts • ammonia • organic and volatile materials content.

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