ARCA Project for a web of installations and performances Francesco Arecco
IN BRIEF Francesco Arecco and his network propose to you to participate (you will choose at what title) to an art project that: - focuses participants on collaboration and sense of network - creates a stable web of artworks - constitutes or extends relations between institutions - offers to the sponsors a high ethical and aesthetical content for their communication
SUMMARY This document will tell you: - who is Francesco Arecco and what art he does - what ARCA project is - how the partener of ARCA participate to the project - which are the benefits to participate to the project Then you will decide about your partnership
Biography Francesco Arecco, born in Gavi, Alessandria, Italy, in 1977. Artist, naturalist, lawyer, works for a renaissance based on study and work. Collective work, because only co-operation may really create shared values. He studied Law in Genoa, Natural Sciences in Pavia, Art in Ovada and Milan. His Masters are Anselmo Carrea, Balthasar Brennensthul, Luciano Fabro, Mirco Marchelli, Giovanni Soldi and some luthiers: Lucia Bellani, Micheal Doolin, Cesare Gualazzini and Paolo Raiteri. As lawyer he is specialized in Environmental and energy matters. He wrote or edited 6 books, and coordinated the Master Energy and the training of Ipsoa WKI and Edizioni Ambiente. He is member of the advisory board of the European project E-hub on energy districts. As humanist he worked to Tempo al tempo, choral reflection on the idea of time published by Mimesis and free online: As visual artist his research is on the inner sense of things. In his sculptures and installations, he works to eliminate elements distracting the eye and the mind of the observer from the sense of the form and of the materials used (principally, wood and stone). To see an online catalogue:
His techniques are borrowed from lutherie and carpentry, and the conceptual form citates harmonic cases, totem, sarcophagus. The dimensions of his works vary from the centimetric wood works to the decametric wood or stone installation.
PRIZES - Sculpture Network Prize, within a group of 6 sculptors, care of Ilaria Bignotti, 2013 (Munchen) - Rigamonti prize, Fondazione Artivisive S. Fedele 2013 (Milano) - special mention of the Jury at Guerrieri Rizzardi Prize - Canova Foundation 2011 (Negrar, VR) - special mention of the Jury at Nocivelli Prize 2011 (Verolanuova, Brescia) - special mention of the Jury at Premio Giovani Artisti, Fondazione S. Fedele 2011 (Milano) COLLECTIVE EXIBITIONS - Immagini d’io, Tam Tam - Triennale di Milano, December 2013 - Riflessioni sul corpo e sul sacro, Galleria S. Fedele, Milano, dicembre 2013, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J, Ilaria Bignotti and others - Ri-nascere, to come and to come back to life in ancient and contemporary art, Biella Museum (BI), November 2013, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J and Irene Finiguerra - Rebus naturae, ex Ospedale Soave, Codogno (LO), May 2013, catalogue care of Maria Chiara Cardini - E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle: l’approdo, Galleria S. Fedele, Milano, May 2012, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J, Michele Tavola and others - E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle: il viaggio, Galleria S. Fedele, Milano, May 2012, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J, Michele Tavola and others - Con gli occhi alle stelle, Fondazione Lercaro, Bologna, April 2012, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J, Ilaria Bignotti, Matteo Galbiati, Kevin McManus, Francesca Passerini, Michele Tavola and others - Luoghi del sacro, Galleria S. Fedele, Milano, October 2011, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J., Kevin McManus and others - Guerrieri Rizzardi prize - Fondazione Canova, Barchessa Rambaldi, Bardolino (VR), September 2011 - E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle: dove sono?, Abbey of S. Remigio, Parodi Ligure (AL), September 2011 - E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle: dove sono?, Gallery S. Fedele, Milano, May 2011, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J., Kevin McManus and others - Arte, musica e birra, Gallery Bianconi, Milano, May 2011 - Il segreto dello sguardo, Gallery S. Fedele, Milano, May 2010, catalogue care of Andrea Dall'Asta S.J., and others DOUBLE SOLO EXIBITIONS - with Giancarlo Soldi, Il nome segreto delle cose, Welink, Torino, December 2011
PERSONAL EXIBITIONS - Nascondimento, site-specific installation, air raid galleries, Kranj, Slovenija, November 2013, catalogue care of Matteo Galbiati - Arca e Nascondimento, permanent installation, Fondazione Orestiadi, Gibellina (TP), May 2013, catalogue care of Ilaria Bignotti, Pietro Caccia Dominioni, Matteo Galbiati, Giorgia Salerno, with texts of Francesca Corrao, Enzo Fiammetta, Giorgio Massarotto, Giuseppina Panza di Biumo - Arca e Nascondimento, installation, Chiesa dei SS.mi Agata e Carlo, Reggio nell’Emilia, 10 - 25 November 2012, catalogue care of Matteo Galbiati - Arca e Naviglio, installation, Palazzo Giureconsulti, Milano, Opening of the Communication Week, October 2012, catalogue care of Ilaria Bignotti, Pietro Caccia Dominioni, Matteo Galbiati, Kevin McManus - Nascondimento, installation, Chiesa di S. Giuseppe and Burella casa Piazzoni, Festival Comodamente, Vittorio Veneto (TV), 8-10 September 2012, catalogue care of Ilaria Bignotti, Pietro Caccia Dominioni, Matteo Galbiati - Arca, installation, bosco dei Cappuccini, Gubbio, 7-8 June 2012, catalogue care of Matteo Galbiati - Arca, installation, Parco dell’Arte Vivente, Torino, 19 May 2012, , catalogue care of Michele Tavola PUBLIC ART - Nascondimento, acquisition by Kranj Municipality, Slovenija, November 2013 - Arca, site-specific permanent installation, Fondazione Orestiadi, Gibellina (TP), vernissage: May 13, 2013 TEXTS BY Ilaria Bignotti, Pietro Caccia Dominioni, Chiara Cardini, Francesca Corrao, Andrea Dall’Asta S.J., Enzo Fiammetta, Matteo Galbiati, Flaminio Gualdoni, Giorgio Massarotto, Kevin McManus, Francesca Passerini, Giorgia Salerno, Michele Tavola Francesco Arecco, edited by Flaminio Gualdoni, Galleria Bianconi, Milano, 2010
Francesco Arecco works on the inner sense of things He realizes harmonic boxes, with minimal aesthetic (but not minimalist sense). Simply, he wants to eliminate graphical sign from his works, to obtain a more impressive fascination. A minimal artwork will never bore, cause of his polysense aesthetic
1, 2, 3, 2011, coco bolo and luthier spruce, cm. 70X30X3
Machina, 2010, kaya and luthier spruce, cm. 10X10.5X3.5
He works on in-out, solidempty visual effects His works really work when the observer asks himself: 1) what is inside them II) what does the complex work/title mean
Casse di vento, 2011, poplar, rosewood, oak and luthier spruce, cm. 65X40X28
Oceano, 2010, ebony and luthier spruce, cm. 13X10.5X4.5
Omphalos, 2013, populus alba, ebony and luthier spruce, cm. 80X80X90
Arca is a poly-sense word
Arca is a poly-sense artwork
- coffin, chest
- Francesco Arecco thinks and drafts - participants discuss form and aesthetic with him - partecipants carry a piece of ark inside the structure
- sarcophag, burial mound - ark - ark of alliance - ark of salvation
- the artwork is made by the artist and the community of the participants - the artwork is easily read and understood by participants - the burial mound becomes ark of salvation, ark of alliance between people
ARCA means We need to exit from a cultural middle age, with a renaissance We can only save ourselves by ourselves
ARCA means
ARCA aims Every ARCA will be a permanent artwork, donated by the artist to the host Institution, proudly seen by every participant to its realization. A series of ARCA will be realized, linked by a website and social networks. People and organizations involved into the project will be linked together in an ideal web, a neo-lithic connection.
ARCA in forms
Aspect: a burial mound Sense: an ark of hope A chance made by our hands
ARCA in forms
ARCA in practice Arca may be realized in wood, with living plants or, preferably, in stone. Ephemeral or, preferably, permanent. In this case, the project involves: 1) A big construction (i.e. some tons of construction stones). Some stones brought by each participant (generally, young people, pupils, students - involved by means of a scholastic project) 2) A delicate wood installation, to focus participants also to another dimension and poetic 3) Musical reading of the works, at the vernissage
ARCA in practice
Wood installation
Wood installation Nascondimento
Musical reading Musical readings
solo or..
in formation
FURIOUS artist
EMOTIONAL participants
ACTIVE institutions
with the right place for ephemeral or permanent ARCA
ACTIVE sponsors, partners and patrons cordinamento scientifico Enzo Fiammetta segreteria organizzativa Elena Andolfi
progetto grafico e immagini Ninni Scovazzo amministrazione Giuseppe Pace
cordinamento tecnico Tonino D’Aloisio
assistenza tecnica Salvatore Zummo Santino Formoso
For the last works they were
Istituto di Alta Cultura Fondazione Orestiadi Onlus Istituto di Alta Cultura Fondazione Orestiadi Onlus Baglio Stefano 91024 _Gibellina | TP
Istituto di Alta Cultura CAJONEROS Fondazione Orestiadi Onlus
Baglio di Stefano 91024 _Gibellina | TP
Istituto di Alta Cultura T +39 0924 67844 Fondazione Orestiadi Onlus F +39 0924 67855
Baglio di Stefano
Palazzo Bach Hamba 9 Rue Bach Hamba 1000_Tunisi | Tunisia
F +39 0924 67855 T +39 0924 67844 F +39 0924 67855 Palazzo Bach Hamba Baglio di Stefano 9 Rue Bach Hamba 91024 _Gibellina | TP 1000_TunisiPalazzo | Tunisia Bach Hamba 9 Rue Bach Hamba T +39 0924 67844 1000_Tunisi | Tunisia T/F +216 71325115 Istituto di Alta Cultura F +39 0924 67855 Fondazione Orestiadi Onlus T/F +216 71325115
Palazzo Bach Hamba 9 Rue Bach Hamba 1000_Tunisi | Tunisia
Baglio di Stefano
91024 _Gibellina | TP T/F +216 71325115 cordinamento scientifico Enzo Fiammetta
T +39 0924 67844
cordinamento scientifico F +39 0924 67855 direzione organizzativa Enzo Fiammetta Michele La Tona direzione organizzativa segreteria organizzativa Michele La Tona 9 Rue Bach Hamba Elena Andolfi segreteria organizzativa 1000_Tunisi | Tunisia cordinamento scientifico progetto grafico e immagini Elena Andolfi Enzo Fiammetta Ninni Scovazzo T/F +216 71325115 progetto grafico e immagini direzione organizzativa amministrazione Ninni Scovazzo Michele La Tona Giuseppe Pace amministrazione segreteria organizzativa cordinamento tecnico Giuseppe Pace Elena Andolfi Tonino D’Aloisio cordinamento tecnicografico e immagini progetto assistenza tecnica Tonino D’Aloisio Ninni Scovazzo Salvatore Zummo Santino Formoso assistenza tecnica amministrazione cordinamento scientifico Salvatore Zummo Giuseppe Pace Enzo Fiammetta Santino Formoso
Palazzo Bach Hamba
91024 _Gibellina | TP T/F +216 71325115
Istituto di Alta Cultura Baglio di Stefano Fondazione 91024 _Gibellina | TP Orestiadi Onlus T +39 0924 67844
T +39 0924 67844 F +39 0924 67855
Palazzo Bach Hamba vini
9 Rue Bach Hamba 1000_Tunisi | Tunisia T/F +216 71325115
cordinamento scientifico Enzo Fiammetta direzione organizzativa Michele La Tona segreteria organizzativa
vini vini
cordinamento tecnico direzione organizzativa Tonino D’Aloisio Michele La Tona assistenza tecnica segreteria organizzativa Salvatore ZummoElena Andolfi Santino Formoso progetto grafico e immagini Ninni Scovazzo
Gibellina Baglio di Stefano
Fondazione Orestiadi
Ilaria Bignotti, Pietro Caccia Dominioni, Matteo Galbiati
April 2013
Reggio nell’Emilia S. Carlo Church
Flags no flag Association and Reggio Municipality
Matteo Galbiati
November 2012
Ilaria Bignotti, Matteo Galbiati, Kevin McManus
October 2012
Communication Week and Milano Milan Chamber of Palazzo Giureconsulti, Piazza Commerce Mercanti
Gubbio Bosco dei Cappuccini
Richmond Italia
Matteo Galbiati
May 2012
Bologna Galleria Fondazione Lercaro
Fondazione Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro
Francesca Passerini
April 2012
Torino PAV, Parco dell’Arte Vivente
Parco Arte Vivente, Centro d’arte contemporanea Torino
Michele Tavola
May 2012
Milano Galleria San Fedele
Fondazione San Fedele
Kevin McManus
October 2011
Arca, Milano, 2011, populus alba and lutherie spruce, cm. 65X160X90, at Galleria S. Fedele
Arca, Bologna, 2012, at Gallery of the Foundation Lercaro
Arca, Torino, 2012, chestnut, robinia and lutherie spruce, e robinia, cm. 370X900X350
Arca, Torino, 2012
Arca, Gubbio, 2012, pine, cm. 350X650X280
Arca, Gubbio, 2012
Arca, Milano, 2012, Palazzo Giureconsulti, cm. 300X300X300
Arca, Milano, Palazzo Giureconsulti, 2012
Arca, Milano, Palazzo Giureconsulti, 2012
Chiesa dei SS.mi Agata e Carlo, Reggio nell’Emilia, 2012
Arca, Reggio nell’Emilia, 2012, oak and lutherie spruce, cm. 100X250X120
Arca and Nascondimento, Reggio nell’Emilia, 2012
Arca, Reggio nell’Emilia, 2012
Arca, Gibellina, 2013, stone of Vita, and other stones, cm. 300X850X450
Arca, Gibellina, 2013
Arca, Gibellina, 2013
Arca, Gibellina, 2013
ARCA in program - Russia - France - Slovenia - Sweden - Tunisia - 5 terre, Italy -Treviso, Italy - China
Made To make
ARCA partners - Francesco Arecco
- Work
- Curators
- Care, texts and dissemination
- Municipality or a Foundation
- Site and organization
- Italian and Foreign Institutes
- Organization
- Schools
- Organization
- People
- Bringing stones
- Sponsors
- Sponsoring and communication
- Artistic partners (Art Institutions and Galleries)
- Communication and sponsoring
ARCA timeline ACTION
- Ideation, inspection and programmation
DAY -90
June 15, 2013
- Diffusion to the stakeholders and to the schools
DAY -45/-10/-3/-1/0
Call and recalls, from August 1
- Realization of ARCA and installation of the wooden art work
Semptember 11
- Completion of ARCA with participants’ stones, musical reading of the art works and vernissage
DAY +3
Semptember 14, 2013
- Diffusion of the documentation relating to the event (catalogues, video, news and so on)
DAY +30
October 14
- Diffusion of the whole project of Arks and enjoy its benefits
Achievements for the local institutions 1) Event (performance, vernissage) highly spectacular and with direct participation of the public 2) Opportunity to document and disseminate the imagine of the event, by means of video (on vimeo速 or you tube速), social (facebook速 or twitter速) or other dedicated networks 3) To receive the ARCA as free art work, entering the web of the Arks and becoming one knot of it (with all the advantages, such as being remembered in other events, becoming interesting for art tourism and so on)
Achievements for national and international institutions 1) Event (performance, vernissage) highly spectacular and with direct participation of the public
2) Opportunity to document and disseminate the imagine of the event, by means of video (on vimeo速 or you tube速), social (facebook速 or twitter速) or other dedicated networks
3) To participate to the creation of the web of the Arks, making a tangible and perpetual action
Achievements for participants 1) To take part to the creation of an artwork and collateral activities 2) Opportunity to document and disseminate the imagine of the event, by means of video (on vimeo速 or you tube速), social (facebook速 or twitter速) or other dedicated networks 3) To be able to go and visit other Arks, making art tourism (or when in business travel..) and to create a contact with other Ark constructors
Achievements for the sponsors
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2) Opportunity to document and manage the imagine of the event, being able to communicate it to the stakeholders, by means of video (on vimeo® or you tube®), social (facebook® or twitter®) or other dedicated networks 3) Opportunity to have a tangible sign (the web of arks) of the sponsoship. A real engagement to the artworks, lasting and working for the communication of the whole partners’ community. The project of a web of artworks and young art makers is highly ambitious (with minimal efforts and costs). Nowadays it is difficult to find projects based on both ethical and commercial aspects. Francesco Arecco has a network of highly professional communication experts. They can provide a specific quotation based on the sponsor needs, and coordinate with their existing consultants. In fact, they can provide some of the services needed (video and photo making, catalogue or advertising, press office) and/or help the communication experts of the sponsor to get the maximum from the partnership.
Objectives for Francesco Arecco and the curators
1) To create the art project and to disseminate its message 2) To constitute a real interconnection, a web between people, institutions, places. The web will work virally to create for every knot opportunities and cultural exchanges: a real neo-lithic renaissance era