26th San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

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Harold's Historic Homo Home Movies

The Heart's Root (A Raiz Do Cora�ao)

Sunday June 23 12:3 0 pm Herbst $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (HHHHM23)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (HEART23 )

See the San Fra ncisco of yesteryea r in these fa b­ ulous ful l-color home m ovies shot by 91 -year-old H a rold O'Nea l , who wi l l be here in person to d is­ cuss the m . O ' N ea l generously donated hun­ d reds of h is fi l m s to the G LBT H istorica l Society i n 200 1 . These h igh l ights have been made ava il­ a ble for viewing t h rough a gra nt fro m the National Film Preservation Foundatio n . I n add ition to a l ighthea rted fi l m -with i n-a­ fi l m a bout O ' N ea l enteri ng h i s 1 940 S a n Fra ncisco travel ogue i n a n a mateur com petition , there a re m ore ca nd id m ovi ng i m ages from the World Wa r II era . Some fi l m s d ocument the pub­ l i c l ife of the period : sa i lors on Mare Island, rub­ ber a n d alum i n um recyc l i ng d rives, c h i l l i ng i mages of J a pa nese citizens bei ng rounded up for i nte rn m en t . Oth e rs offer extraord i n a ry gl i m pses i nto private gay l ife: a ga rden party with R ichard B roughto n , men d a n c i ng with each other, a d rag s how at the Beige Roo m , happy­ go-lucky weekends at the Russian R iver. The progra m ends with fi l m s from gay pride pa ra d es in the 1 970s-i n c l ud i ng fa m o us footage of the 1977 cam paign to oppose h om o­ phobic beauty q ueen An ita B rya nt a n d the fight aga i nst the B riggs I n itiative (wh ich would have made it i l l ega l for homosexua ls to teach in pub­ l ic schools) . Approxi m ately 60 m i n utes, this silent pro­ gra m wi l l feature m usical acco m pa n i m en t . G LB T H istorical Society staff m e m bers K i m Klausner a nd Susa n Stryker wi ll i ntroduce the fi l m s a nd provide com menta ry. There wi l l a lso be a Q&A with fi l m ma ker H a rold O'Nea l .

Sunday June 23 6: 15 pm

As the m ayora l election heats up in Lisbo n , sup­ porters of the law-a nd-order ca nd idate , Cato, pa rade th rough the streets wavi ng ba nners a n d s i nging songs a bout "clea n ing up" t h e city. O pposing Cato a n d his n eo-fascist supporters on the pol ice force is a cad re of fabulous d rag q ueens who have thei r own songs a nd sloga n s . Ad d i ng t o t h i s al ready biza rre whirl of street the­ ater a re colorful pre pa rations for the Feast of St. Antony, the city's patron sa i nt, who a lso ha ppens to be the patron sa i nt of lovers-a nd it's love of a secret sort that th reatens to bri ng Cato down. I t turns out that Cato is hopelessly i n love with S i lvia , who a p pea rs to be a pri m and pretty gi rl . B ut Si lvia used to be Silvio, a boy, and when Cato's enem ies get wi nd of the existence of a com prom ising videota pe, the stage is set for a s pectacular bonfi re of the va n ities. Ta king i nspiration from the gender- bend i ng theater of Genet a n d the m usica l agitpro p of B recht, with a nod toward Fel l i n i at h is m ost ba roque, fi l m ma ker Paulo Rocha sets his fi l m i n t h e nea r future but calls i t " a med ieva l farce with the hea rt of the city as backd rop . " I nd eed , the true sta r of TH E H EART'S ROOT is Lisbon itself, with its sweep i n g vistas, crowded h i l lsides a n d pa l a t i a l a rc h itecture lovi ngly ca ptured by Rocha's ca m e ra . -Steven Saylor The Heart's Root (A Raiz Do Cora�ao) d i r Pa u l o Rocha 2000 Portugal 120 m i n 35mm in Portuguese with English su btitles

The History of Masturbation Saturday June 29 1 : 15 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (HIS T029)

Two new videos ta ke i n -d e pth looks at one of o ur oldest preoccupations, whi l e a t h i rd exposes one of the latest sexual ki n ks. T U R N ME ON uncovers the secrets of vi brators, from their early days as a med ical tool to their emergen ce as mass-ma rketed consume r toys. Origi nally stea m-powered , peda l-d riven o r hand-cra n ked , vi brators c a m e o f age i n 1 880 with the i nventi on of the fi rst electric m odel (a ful l n i ne years before the vacuum clea ner) . More than 1 20 years later, the ra nge of vibrators ava i l­ a ble at your local sex e m porium is truly m i nd­ boggling. Humankind's favorite pasti m e is given a n equal o p portunity exa m i nation i n T H E H I STORY OF MASTU R BAT I O N , wh ich looks at why we do it, how we do it and why we' l l never sto p . Exploring this age-old theme i n the m ost i nti­ m ate d eta i l , H I STO RY starts with the time a "caveman scratched an itch down there a n d thought, this feels good " a nd ends w i t h nude models masturbati ng l i ve on t h e I n te r n et . H ighlights i nclude instructions on how t o s have your cock or cunt to make the m ost of mastur­ batory m oments , a reverend's delud ed atte m pt to refo rm Onan's reputati on as the B i bl e's n um­ ber one wa n ker and a live demonstration of "the world-fa m ous Accu-Jac mach i n e . " Fro m solo action t o a group scene you may never even have d reamed existed , P LU S H I ES & FU R R I ES takes us i nto a world where fur suits a re sexy and doing it d oggy style ta kes on a whole new m ea n i ng. Turn Me On dir Catherine Chauchat' 2001 Australia 17 m i n video The History of Masturbation dir Kristiene Clarke 2001 U K 4 9 m i n video Plushies & Furries d i r R ick Castro 2001 USA 22 min video Tota l R u n n in g Ti me: 88 min

Co-Presented by G L BT Historical Society Sponsored by

Co-Presented by SFSI-San Francisco Sex Information Sponsored by



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