February 9, 2012

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CMYK Steiner Ranch Orthodontics


Central Austin

Volume 8, Issue 6 • 8 pages

Steiner Ranch


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LCRA to increase water supply The Lower Colorado River Authority’s Board of Directors has set as a major goal to implement projects within the next five years to expand its water supply by at least 100,000 acre-feet. The additional water would supplement the water supply that LCRA draws from lakes Travis and Buchanan, its major watersupply reservoirs, and its other water rights, and would be used to help meet the needs of customers served by LCRA throughout the lower Colorado River basin. “This is a major commitment that the LCRA Board and staff have made in a time of terrible drought conditions,” said LCRA Board Chair Timothy Timmerman. “It reflects LCRA’s commitment to seeking permanent solutions that will ensure that our basin’s long-term water needs are met, regardless of rain or drought.” “This is certainly an ambitious goal, but so was LCRA’s original goal of creating the chain of High- Lake Travis levels continue to suffer from the drought. Currently, lakes Travis and Buchanan are at a

combined 37 percent of capacity, the result of severe drought conditions that have reduced inflows into the Highland Lakes to historic lows as well as increased demand for water from Lower Colorado River LCRA, 6 Authority's customers.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012 • 50 cents

Austin Energy modifies rate proposal in two steps Austin Energy presented modifications to its rate proposal to address issues raised by the Austin City Council and members of the public and advocacy groups on Feb. 2. The utility, which has experienced large deficits in two of the last three years and projects a $77 million deficit this year, is seeking the first increase and restructuring of its base electric rates in more than 17 years. In its presentation to City Council, Austin Energy outlined modifications aimed at softening the impact of the rate increase while providing core revenues needed to operate the utility. Proposed modifications include the following: • Implement an 8.7% increase this year and a 3.8% increase in 2015 – to provide the overall 12.5% increase needed. This twostep approach would be achieved by deferring until 2015 revenues needed to fully rebuild reserves;

• Cap the General Fund Transfer at the current $105 million; • Reduce the General Fund Transfer factor for residential bills outside the City from the current 9.1% to 3%. The $6 million reduction in GFT revenue would be absorbed by the utility and would not change the rates of City of Austin residential customers; • The $12 fixed monthly Customer Charge will include 200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy use for residential customers: - To reduce the impact on customers using small amounts of power which includes a number of low and fixed income customers - Further encourage energy efficiency and conservation; Remove the Demand Charge and Electric Delivery Charge for small worship facilities and small businesses with less than 10 kilowatts (KW) of peak demand; ENERGY, 4

Thirteen years, three minutes Not Angry Birds but tipsy birds flock to Four Points - rebuilding after the fires By RICH KEITH Four Points News

By RICH KEITH Four Points News It came down to thirteen years, and three minutes. Don and Shirley Dickson lived in Steiner Ranch for thirteen years in their home on Varner Court. After a busy week and Labor Day holiday weekend, Don was relaxing at home in front of his PC, and Shirley was taking a nap. Looking up, Don suddenly saw there was ash raining down and smoke racing by overhead. Running outside, Don’s neighbor indicated that a fire was a few hundred yards away and headed their way. At that moment a fire marshal appeared on their street and directed all of them to evacuate immediately. Three minutes later they were driving their cars away from their home. All they had with them was a weekly planner, purse, wallet and their dog, who seemed to enjoy going to the Steiner Ranch Steakhouse, where neighbors waited to return home. Like most of the people there, the Dicksons expected the fire department to do what it does best and everything would get back to normal. But this was not a normal fire. The high winds and low huDICKSON, 4

Don and Shirley Dickson are rebuilding after the Steiner Ranch fires took their home of 13 years. They are adding features to their new home that they've wanted for years. The Dickson home hours after the Steiner Ranch fires destroyed it.

You may have noticed a large number of robins and cedar waxwings flying around and looking for worms on your lawn. But look more carefully and you may see a robin just fall right over, stumble around, or not be able to take off. Yes, that’s right, these birds are FWI right here in Four Points. But unlike your Super Bowl buddies, no man-made liquor is needed to make these birds party. Nature provides the means for intoxication this time of year. These birds are consuming fermented blackberries, pyracantha or juniper berries, crabapples or mountain ash fruits. “The robins and cedar waxwings are the most obvious vic-

tims due to their gregarious nature and their tendency to gorge on berries during the winter. They can succumb to alcohol poisoning,” said James Hall, a biologist with Plateau Wildlife in Dripping Springs. How does this happen? “Fermentation toxicity is most common in late winter and early spring when thawing of overwintered berries allows for yeast Robin fermentation of the sugars in the berries,” reports the National Wildlife HealthCenter. Translation: local berries subjected to freezing temperatures bring out the sugar, and then warm weather allows the natural yeast which is everywhere to begin fermenting while on the bush. Next, Mr. Robin comes along and has the equivalent of a two-

BIRDS, 6 Cedarwaxwing

Local Lego teams bring home regional titles By BECKY CARTER Coach Seven local Lego teams competed recently and two were awarded winners. More than 140 FIRST Lego League Teams participated in six qualifying tournaments in fall 2011. From those events, 60 were invited to compete in the Regional Invitational competition Jan. 21. Seven of those 60, were teams in the Four Points area and two of those were award winners. Spectrum won special recognition award for their project research, and they were also the 3rd highest score for the Robot Performance portion. The Cyber Knights took home the Strategy and Innovative Design trophy. Their propulsion technology really gave them that extra boost they needed to win.


School......................................3 Opinion...................................4 Classifieds...............................6 Sports......................................7 Find us on Facebook Happy Valentines! Texas is the finest portion of the globe that has blessed my vision! Sam Houston

The local teams would like to thank Hill Country Education Foundation for helping make it possible to compete.

School folder company - Don’t Mess with Texas or Four Points After Four Points News’ lead story ran last week on an unauthorized school folder company that sold advertising to local businesses, local attorney Dan Adams did some research and offers more perspective in a Letter to the Editor this week. Last summer Four Points

company owners paid Creative School Zones Inc. thousands of dollars to advertise in folders which were to be distributed at Steiner Ranch, Laura Welch Bush, River Place and River Ridge elementary schools. LISD Assistant Superintendent, Ellen Skoviera, said Cre-

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ative School Zones has “worked with some of our campuses in the past, but was not authorized to do so this year, with the exception of two campuses (not in Four Points).” “Our staff spoke with an employee of Creative School Zones in June of 2011,” Skoviera stated. “We followed up with the corporate office via e-mail in July of 2011, asserting that there was no agreement in place for that company to be selling advertising for student take-home folders, that the district was taking charge of the use of its name, that the company should cease selling ads using our name and should refund

any ads that they sold without authorization to do so.” But Creative School Zones asserted it had signed agreements with LISD campuses, which LISD asked for and did not not receive. The disctrict stated: “It is our understanding that the company continued to market advertising and we instructed our campuses not to accept delivery on any unauthorized folders.” Dear Editor I just read Leslee Bassman’s article regarding the school folder controversy (Feb. 2 edition can be read online at www. fourpointsnews.com.) As a resident of Four Points

and as a business owner this news really upset me so I thought I would do a little research and write you so our business owners will know the legal landscape for future reference as well as provide some more information on Creative School Zone Inc (CSZ). First, Texas has a consumer protection statute called the Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA). What many people don’t realize is that the DTPA protects business consumers whose assets are under $25 million. Because it is a consumer protection statute it can provide for up to three times actual damFOLDER, 4


Page 2 • Four Points News, Thursday, February 9, 2012

Radish harvest in the Titan Garden NOW HIRING IBC Bank

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Steiner Ranch Yoga “Quieting the Monkey Mind”

By BONNIE MARTIN Guest Contributor

River Place Elementary first graders recently went to their garden classroom with one thing on their mind - radishes. They knew the time had come to harvest radishes from the Titan Garden, but first they had to have some "garden care" time. They split into groups and went to work picking out weeds and using lots of teamwork to dig them up. Other students watered different parts of the garden. After caring for the garden, it was time for harvest. Only about one third of the students said they had ever tried radishes so this was a new experience for many. They were given a choice to try or not to try the radish.

First we dug up about 5 radishes per class. Then the students helped clean them and get them ready for slicing. A little salt sprinkled on top and the tasting began. Thoughts from the students: "refreshing", "yummy", "kinda spicy" and the occasional "ewww". In the end, we asked them to give thumbs up or thumbs down on whether they liked the radish. But the most telling sign they might like this something new that they tried? After offering seconds and thirds to anyone who wanted them, there was not a single slice of radish left over! In addition to radish-fest, the Titan Garden is growing lettuce and chard and the kindergarten class just planted snow peas.

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inspired by Ms. Phillips RPE First Graders Working in the Garden is so much fun! We plant the plants and they grow in the sun. The sun gives lots and lots of power, to the many, many flowers. Look at all the creepy crawly ants, climbing on all the beautiful plants. We plant flowers from little seeds, but the flowers and seeds do not like weeds. Plants need energy to become nice and green, remember to keep the garden clean.

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Bonnie Martin

River Place Elementary students enjoy their Titan Garden which serves as a classroom. Recently they weeded their garden and harvested radishes. Most gave radishes thumbs up.

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February 9, 2012 • Page 3 www.FourPointsNews.com

All options open: continuous improvement conference 2012 This week, Leander ISD staff came together for our 19th Annual Continuous Improvement Conference. To help our participants refocus their attention on our shared vision, this year, the conference highlighted our definition of student learning, the Seven Student Learning Behaviors. During my opening remarks, I reminded LISD that the Seven Student Learning Behaviors are here to stay. Seven years from now, we will achieve our vision that every student graduates with all options open, and we will do so by focusing on the Seven Student Learning Behaviors. These student behaviors are elemental in that they are a part of our efforts to close the achievement gap, to ensure all students are college- and career-ready and to

focus on the whole student. In LISD, we honor and celebrate that the majority of the sessions at Continuous Improvement Conference are run by LISD staff because we know that we learn best from each other. Countless LISD teachers shared their strategies for fostering the Seven Student Learning Behaviors in their classrooms. Whether they addressed how technology can be used to promote student collaboration or how to use differentiated instruction to keep students engaged, participants learned something new and practical to bring back to their schools and classrooms. In addition to the hundreds of LISD staff-led sessions, this year we were fortunate to have Stephen Barkley, Dr. Rich Allen and David Langford as some

of our featured speakers. These and horizontally collaborate, in top-rated educational profession- a collegial environment, teachers als addressed some of the pieces are focused on ensuring that evthat produce student ownership ery student in their class is ready of learning, the heart of the Seven for the next grade level or course Student Learning Behaviors, and and does their best to support pushed us to the grade level rethink the way or course that we do business. feeds theirs. A As the keycollegial school note speaker, district is where Stephen Barkeveryone beley challenged lieves they are the entire LISD responsible for system to beBRET CHAMPION every student come a collegial in the district. environment where professionals This type of system-wide colcome to work believing that the laboration is exactly what we are work of their colleagues impacts about in LISD. And this idea is the work they do each day. He en- what makes the Continuous Imcouraged everyone to have a true provement Conference such a team mentality. And while LISD beneficial experience for the enalready prides itself on being a tire district to be a part of. It is a district where teachers vertically powerful reminder that no mat-

to thank all of the presenters at this year’s Continuous Improvement Conference for sharing their insights into the Seven Student Learning Behaviors, and I would like to especially thank our special guests for offering their successful instructional practices. The LISD Continuous Improvement Conference would not have been the incredible learning opportunity that it was without their participation. The Seven Student Learning Behaviors are our blueprint for ensuring that every student graduates with all options open. It is my firm belief that by cultivating the Seven Student Learning Behaviors within our students, we will give them the skills to be lifelong learners today, tomorrow and beyond. Have a great week!

CRMS Talking Tough Issues guest speaker Feb. 16

Thank you Ms. Lisa Mallory Four Points Middle School wishes to thank Ms. Lisa Mallory, Leander ISD Board of Trustees Member, for visiting the school recently. This picture, with Freddie the Falcon, was taken during a pep rally on Jan. 30 during LISD Board Members Appreciation Week. She was also presented with a card signed by FPMS students. "We thank her and all the board members for their support and devoted service to our school and all of LISD," said Debra Cooney, Administrative Assistant to the FPMS Principal.

Vipers raise $1,800 for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Congratulations to Vandegrift High School on an incredible effort in Pennies for Pasta and raising $1,800 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The top Teacher: Coach Hardy! Her class dominated the Pennies for Pasta competition raising over $300. Her classes will soon be enjoying a Blue Bell ice cream delivery! The 5 Faculty winners of the Pasta Lunch from Olive Garden: 1st Coach Hardy

ter what their job is, everyone in LISD comes to work to focus on student learning. Our professional development conference is how we come together to put more resources in our instructional tool belt. For almost two decades, this conference has been the keystone of the LISD learning culture. We are fortunate to have three days in February to learn, grow and continuously improve our processes, and return revived and ready to finish the year strong. Moreover, we are blessed to give staff a chance to interact with employees from different campuses and departments and to hear colleagues, as well as leading educational experts, address key practices that will improve student learning. On behalf of LISD, I would like

2nd Mrs. Duke 3rd Coach Buhidma 4th Mr. Rad Allen 5th Coach Gegogeine Pasta lunch will also be provided to: The top individual fundraiser - Maddie Gaflin The winning team- The Life Savers: Kaitlyn Johnson, Brittany and Hanna Von Oldenburg, Brandon Smith, Madeline Sabel, Kassidie Strange and Piyushi Bishnoi

Canyon Ridge Middle School PTA presents Talking About Tough Issues with guest speaker author Naomi Drew. Drew is recognized around the world for her work in conflict resolution, peacemaking, and anti-bullying. She is the award-winning author of seven widely-used books, including the critically acclaimed, No Kidding About Bullying. Do you ever feel like communication between you and your child is shutting down, especially when it comes to tough issues like drugs, alcohol, and sex? Does your child sometimes seem overly influenced by peers and the media when it comes to these and other issues? If so, you're not alone. On Feb. 16 at 6:30 pm in the CRMS Lecture Hall, the public is welcome to join Drew for an evening that will help open doors of communication between you and your child, no matter what the issue is. This interactive workshop will cover: - The number one factor that helps kids resist drugs, alcohol, and teen pregnancy - Your top key to keeping the

doors of communication open - The most important message you can give your child - What to do when you're in conflict with your child Drew consults to school districts, parent groups, and civic organizations, and headed the

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Page 4 • February 9, 2012

Publisher’s Point of View

Ski Week draws many locals to the mountains I’ve heard LISD’s Winter Break It had to be true. We is often called “Ski Week” but I knew just a handful but there had had no idea how true that really to be many more. is. And who could blame On Monday, we ran into five us! or six other Four Points families The sunny, crisp day on the slopes at Angel Fire, New made for a fantastic time on the LYNETTE outrageously beautiful slopes. Mexico. In line to rent skis, my 9-year- HAALAND Angel Fire has a base eleold recognized a classmate. Their vation of 8,600 feet and a summit family was right in front of us. Then after of 10,677 feet with over 500 acres of skiable a few runs and before getting on the quad terrain. It felt like we covered most of that lift my daughter saw another acquaintance thanks to my brother’s navigation skills! who rides the same school bus. My brother, sister-in-law and their five Right after lunch we were on the same children from Dalhart joined us on this ski slope “Heading Home” as a soccer team- trip. One of the reasons the trip has been mate of my 7-year-old daughter and her so fun is because my brother and I learned family from River Place. how to ski on that mountain and taking our While skiing down the mountain to- own families back to it nearly 30 years later gether, we came to the conclusion that LISD is very special. needs to keep Winter Break aka Ski Week, There was a brief moment that it dawned and take days from other one-day holidays on me how special it all was as I was riding like MLK Day to make it a full 5-day break up the lift solo looking down at my faminstead of three. ily skiing, smiling and waving back at me. As the day went on at the New Mexico They were really enjoying this great sport resort, we ended up boarding another lift for the first time. It will be something we right behind neighbors from down our can do together for many years to come. same street. For now the last crackle of the fire is dy Close to the end of the day, we met an- ing down at this peaceful cabin we rented. other Steiner Ranch family taking a break It is time to get some shut eye because near the lodge. They said they thought another day of skiing hits in a few hours. there was a huge percentage of skiers at I wonder if we will run into more Four Angel Fire that day from Leander ISD. Points neighbors tomorrow.


Four Points of View

What is your favorite Valentine’s?

Erin Groves Anderson Mill West

Brenda Becker Steiner Ranch

Christy Gallow Cramer Steiner Ranch

Angela Butterfield Steiner Ranch

My favorite thing about Valentine’s is that my dad always makes my sister and I a box of goodies even though we’ve been out of the house for years. It used to be candy, stickers and toys. Each year we each still get a box and love to find out what’s inside.

My favorite Valentine’s was after my one daughter had had surgery a few months before and we are all together, watching a movie and having pizza. We were surrounded by our munchkins who were all healthy. Nothing can top that.

My favorite Valentine was when my husband wrote me a poem. We had a dinner party and spouses wrote poems for each other. This Valentine’s, I want another poem.

This year I would like a nice dinner where my husband makes steaks and we have some nice wine and we stay away from the crowds.

Four Points News Your Community Newspaper


Editor & Publisher...........................................................................LYNETTE HAALAND Advertising Sales Representative....................................................HOLLIE KENNEY Circulation....................................................................................................FRED FRANCO Reporters......................................................................LESLEE BASSMAN, RICH KEITH Creative Services..............................................................................JENNIFER ROBERTS Contributor............................................................................................ BRET CHAMPION


midity combined to create the perfect conditions for wildfire. Reflecting now on his US Navy duty on an aircraft carrier during the Viet Nam era, Don said, “I never thought I’d be more stressed than I was during wartime, but I was.” Over the next few days information was scarce, but ultimately they knew that their home was a total loss. First there was shock, and then there was sadness. All their personal items were gone, the most painful of which were the photos and family heirlooms. Their period of grieving over lost personal items lasted for awhile. Now it’s been replaced by planning activities to rebuild on their lot. Don and Shirley stayed with their son’s family in Cedar Park for a couple of weeks before moving into a rental in Steiner Ranch. Ironically, Don is an insurance professional and he has counseled others about loss of property.

“Loss of property is not that important. You can get by with a lot less,” he says. The outpouring of community support, both emotional and financial, has really touched them. Neighbors, churches and charitable organizations helped them get back on their feet. “Never has my life been so empty and so full at the same time,” Shirley says. Their new home aims to include the features they have wanted for years and will remove undesirable features from past homes. The master bedroom will be on the ground level. Shirley is creating her dream kitchen and master bath, and there will be an “outdoor man cave” which is a covered porch with a built-in BBQ, a television and seating for those warm Texas evenings. “We’re designing it for ourselves, and that’s a lot of fun,” Don says. They hope to move in by early summer.

concerning goods or services which was known at the time of the transaction. I further decided to research CSZ and it appears they are no longer allowed to do business in Texas. According to the Texas Secretary of State, CSZ Inc officially incorporated in Missouri on November 4th, 2005. Because they are an out of state entity that is “transacting business” in Texas they are required to file a registration form with the Texas Secretary of State. CSZ filed this form on August 30th, 2006. However as of July 25th, 2008 the Secretary of State revoked CSZ’s privilege to transact business in Texas


Published weekly in Four Points, Texas by Four Points News LLC. For subscription information, email inquiries to fourpointsnews.bookkeeping@gmail.com


FOLDER, FROM 1 ages and for attorney’s fees. Typically, a violation is an act that is prohibited by the “Laundry List”, a breach of an express or implied warranty, breach of the insurance code, or an unconscionable act. A few of the most common offenses in the Laundry List are: 1. Causing confusion or misunderstanding as to the source, sponsorship, approval, or certification of goods or services; 2. Representing that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, or that goods are of a particular style or model, if they are of another; 3. Failing to disclose information

Four Points News

• Make time-of-use rates available to all worship facilities to provide lower rates for those whose power use peaks on the weekend rather than during weekdays; “These proposed modifications seek to provide a transition that will assist all customers, provide fairness between customer groups while ensuring the financial health of the utility,” said General Manager Larry Weis. “Also during this period we will work with the City Manager to perform an assessment of our reserve fund levels, capital improvements program, fees charged for connects, disconnects and power line extensions fees,” Weis said. Austin Energy’s rate proposal modifications will be discussed by Council during a work session on Feb. 7 at City Hall. The Council has also set a second public hearing on the Austin Energy rate proposal to be held during its Council meeting on Feb. 9 at City Hall. A revised residential rate calculator is available www. my.austinenergy.com/wps/portal/rr

because they either did not pay the proper franchise taxes with the Texas Comptroller or they did not bother to file a no tax due report. The Comptroller recommended a forfeiture and the Secretary of State complied. If the records are correct CSZ may have been unlawfully transacting business in the State of Texas for over 3 years. By the time this letter reaches our friends and neighbors’ doorsteps I will have contacted the Texas Attorney General’s office with the information I have discovered along with Four Points News’ original article. In addition to whatever measures our neighborhood businesses take, CSZ will no

Parents need to show responsibility

doubt have the Texas Comptroller and the Attorney General’s office to contend with. Head’s up Ne’er-Do-Wells. Don’t Mess With Texas. Don’t Mess With Four Points. Sincerely and with Best Regards, Dan R. Adams Jr. Attorney-at-Law Dan is a River Place resident and owns his own Business and Estate Planning legal practice and serves as pro bono legal counsel for Steiner Ranch Old Pros, a neighborhood children’s charity.

Editor’s note: In the last issue we highlighted that Leander ISD lost more than $360,000 last year the two days following Winter Break, a three-day LISD holiday. Ten percent more students are absent during that week than average. Dear Editor: Thank you for raising the awareness of how much the district loses money when we as parents do not act responsibly in getting our children to school. While extending it a week could be a solution, at what point does the district proceed further into the normal summer break to get those additional 2 days? Candidly, the calendar is published well in advance and we as parents need to show leadership in getting our kids to school when it's in session. While it's fun to cruise down the hill on 2222 in our fancy cars, most of us resist to be an example to our children who will be, or are already driving. As parents, we are culpable to inculcate responsibility and commitment so these values become a part of their work ethic for years to come. Let's extinguish the entitlement attitude to selective choice of when to do the right thing.

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Honor Roll

hursday Four PToints News February 9, 2012 • Page 5 www.FourPointsNews.com

LISD ALL “A” HONOR ROLL - 2ND 9 WEEKS Laura Welch Bush Elementary Second Grade: Kiyan Alrobaire, Beau Barker, Peter Bartlett, Lara Battisti, Anatalia Beiler, Ashley Benedict, Rowyn Biddle, Ava Buchanan, Addison Carriere, Maya Chau, Connor Clarke, Sarah Conner, Aanika Dalal, Britney Dang, Athena Galatis, Colin Guzenda, Christian Hellmund, Lillienne Hiduke, Johanna Hillman, Karis Hu, Danielle Hughes, Nikhil Jasti, Cole Jefferson, Olivia Jensen, Jonathon Kauffman, Lara Labardini, Chaeyun Lee, Olivia Lee, Michelle Liang, Tiffany Lor, Cadence Martin, Ryan McCullar, Camron McLaughlin, Morgan Mecham, Dylan Mehevec, Brooke Moore, Sydney Moseley, Frances Olsen, Keale Oswald, Santiago Parchen, Merrick Peeples, Caden Postiglione, Carter Redwine, Lainee Roberts, Reed Roberts, Tess Roberts, Lauren Roosa, Nicholas Sacasa, Brooke Srncik, Leah Steinberg, Emily Strauss, Michael Tao, Kaylen Taylor, Alec Throne, Jade Van Stavern, Ally Zhou, Sidney Zinda Third Grade: Scott Bator, Grace Borer, Jack Bushnell, Rohit Chawla, Jack Cheng, Riley D’Aandrade, Miles Davies, Patrick Devaney, Sarah Devaney, Emma Dobbelaere, Taylor Dummar, Davis Fisher, Ethan Fiske, Michael Gleason, Noah Gochberg, Sydney Grossfeld, Emily Huang, Joseph Hwang, Isabella James, Aimee Jones, Ty Jordan, Emilie Lee, Lily Longmire, Donovan Lormand, Michael Mastrodicasa, Kaliegh Meneses, Ryan Mulcahy, Iris Perez, Alexander Pickard, Sophie Polidoro, Shreya Ramanathan, Claire Rapier, Daniel Rayas, Eilla Reid, Melissa Richardson, Yazmine Sandoval, April Schorn, Arina Shah, Tatum Sommer, Lekha Sripathi, Samuel Sutorus, Paige Tekippe, Tavia Waldo, Brian Wong, Erin Xu Fourth Grade: Sonny Balu, Carson Beck, Michael Boomgaart, Hannah Broadhead, Jackson Broadhead, Jasmine Bui, Lucas Carter, William Carvalho, Ana Chartier, Joseph Clark, Brooke Conner, Cade Cuddy, Brooke D’Andrade, Caroline Digiaimo, Alessandro Dominguez, Violet Doolittle, Summer Ely, Emily Evans, Megan Fletcher, Makayla Foster, Gabrielle Foyt, Jordan Freeman, Beza Galatis, Ezra Garces, Samuel Garcia, Madison Geller, Avery Goeters, Avinash Gupta, Cameron Hagin, Celia Handing, Olivia Hellmund, Maya Hillman, Matthew Horvath, Faryal Jabbar, Hannah Jackson, Jordan Jee, Isabelle Johnson, Taylor Kauffman, Skyler Kawalek, Georgia Kelly, Emma Kim, Jacob Kintzle, Luca Labardini, Whitney Ladner, Ashley Levy, Avery Lightfoot, Jonathan Lor, Charlene Maniwang, Kari Mantle, Mitchell McLaughlin, Alina Mickelson, Jonathon Miller, Jules Mokry, Anthony Monte, Jackson Morris, Hannah Nauert, Ishan Neidig, Eric Nunes, Patrick O’Connor, Isabella Oballo, Olivia Perez, Beckett Postiglione, Chloe Povedano, Ishika Puri, Meghna Ravi, Samantha Reynoso, Matthew Richardson, Victoria Sacasa, Samantha Sandal, John Sandell, Jonathan Scott, Nithyasree Senthil, Neha Senthilnathan, Amishi Singh, Tanvi Siruvuri, Devin Smith, Samuel Smoot, Ethan Spindler, Anna Stadthaus, Amanda Stahl, Sydney Suthar, Sarah-Kaye Thurston, Sherry Wang, Elizabeth Ward, Lily Whitehurst, Sarah Whitworth, Riley Winterton, Kurt Wokoek Fifth Grade: Madeline Beck, Ryan Bickel, Anna Borer, Colby Buchanan, Macy Burch, Nicholas Chan, Izabela Coto, Camille Digiaimo, Blakely Dimiero, Ella Drablos, Sarah Farrell, Devin Fink, Mia Finley, Logan Foust, Alexa Garcia, Trinity Gonzales, Camille Gutierrez, Lena Hadjimani, Christian Haney, Amanda Nicole Hartman, Michael Hildner, Meghan Holbrook, Michael Johnson, Lillian Kerr, James Kinnett, Kale Kitlowski, Joshua Krupp, Aleksandra Krychniak, Jordan Lamb, Caroline Li, Zumanah Mahmud, Kyle Maysonave, Michael Meador, Haley Meier, Rohit Namala, Laura Nunes, Kyla Peeples, Camden Perez, Reaghan Piotrowski, Karli Redwine, Matthew Sanders, Garrett Schmuelgen, Cameron Segura, Noah Shidlofsky, Zachary Skelton, Jonah Skidmore, Madeline Smyser, Jakob Tan, Dawson Taylor, Alyson Tekippe, Annika Throne, Taylor Vasek, Jennifer Walker, Brandon Williams, Addie Yeats

Grandview Hills Elementary Third Grade: Ryan Banda, Mei Li Bonfils-Rasmussen, Ella Brown, Grace Cardwell, Cailey Chilek, Olivia Coleman, Tessa Collinson, Evan Deeny, Kayla Deherrera, Roarke Estrin, Andrew Fontana, Dylan Frazzell, Saxon Fryar, Holten Garrison, Spencer Haug, Madison Horne, Erin Houchins, Grace Hundley, Daniel Kasabov-Nouvion, Dani Kennedy, Landen Kerns, Rory Maxwell, Melissa McKelvy, Gabriela Moreno, Connor Murphy, Mackenzie Murray, Demetre Muto, Devan Patel, Avery Priddy, Ryan Rhea, Michael Rinkevich, Egadi Santos, Tracer Williams Fourth Grade: Duncan Alvarez, Melia Berry, Connor Bourque, Madison Burke, Shawn Burkhardt, Michelle Chen, Riley Corder, Owen Daugherty, Devan Dholakia, Gabriel Diaz, Kylie Diefenthaler, Declan Duggan, Anna Edwards, Kale Farone, Bernardo Garcia Santillan, Zachary Gillcrist, Avanti Gonzales-

Fuentes, Mia Hanlon, John Hathaway, Matthew Kind, Dane Kveton, Marcus Litz, Blake Mitchell, Jonathon Stephen Munoz, Katelyn Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Madison O’Neil, Allison Osorio, Nina Porter, Caleb Powell, Jessica Powell, Ayden Rails, Israel Ramirez, Zia Rashed, Greyson Ratcliff, Madeleine Rawlings, Ruess Rolloff, Audrey Roth, Isabella Samman, Jorja Smitherman, Liliana Sweeten, Olivia Tabash, William Vukelic, Alexander Wilson, Victoria Winter, Vanessa Zon

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Fifth Grade: Brandon Becker, Stefano Bonilla, Anna Brown, Paul Clukey, Joshua Codrescu, William Fontana, Cheyenne Fryar, Hans Griesbach, Zia Heard, Sarah Hines, Angelina Huang, Imad Khan, Mallory Koch, Shreya Kolli, Nichole Lawrence, Sierra Lewis, Declan Maguire, Tristan McKeefery, Daniela Oliveira Lugo, Andrew Osorio, Samantha Overhauser, Abby Rhea, Beckham Richmond, Madelyn Richmond, Holden Thieshen, Reese Wilhite

Cerac Crowns complete in one visit!


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River Place Elementary Third Grade: Sofia Aguirre, Alec Alden, Easton Banta, Craig Barrientos, Jack Brideau,Anthony Burroughs, Shane Cathey, Christian Cole, Aspen Crowl, Ava Dorris, Jack Emmerich, Wade Faist, Gemma Goddard, Ryan Grikis, Nikhil Gupta, Jaden Hardt, Kaitlyn Harris, Kara Harrison, Abigail Hendrie, Conor Hughes, Benjamin Jacobson, Victoria Jennings, Catalina Johnson, Ella Jones, Ashley Kagai, Cole Krant, Amanda Krasoff, Maya Lain, Bowen Lewis, Kaleb Lewis, Emily Luppino, Laura McClintock, Aine McDaid, Erin McDermott, Isabella Milam, Adam Moore, Lawrence Nmashie, Forrest Norrod, Roslynne Norrod, Saketh Palagummi, Ella Phillips, Aaron Radloff, Skylar Rehling, Anne Rios, Nicola Salo, Isabella Schmitz, Santessa Sheppard, Dylan Smith, Lily Spencer, Andrew Stewart, Samuel Tian, Sarah Tung, Loftin Tyson, Gianna Vallone, Mukta Valluru, Jaden Villanueva, Robert Warren, Ashley Williamson, Sophie Wills Fourth Grade: Ava Arends, John Arends, Grant Bischof, Rachael Bischof, Claire Burrow, Molly Busch, Kennedy Byrne, Taylor Childs, Andrew Erdman, Keeton Field, Riley Francis, Allena Gallagher, Leah Gilbert, Marissa Gilbert, Harrison Givens, Nurivan Gomez, Arianna Grandi, Maria Gutierrez, Sierra Held, Hailey Hoffmann, Cassy Kanuck, Kylie Keck, Elliott Keefe,Audrey Lundy, Lindsey Munoz,Anika Murthy, Druv Murthy, Amber Nguyen, Howard Nolan, Jacob O’Donnell, James Oliver, Courtney Pickus, Rekha Richtermeyer, Julia Roberto, Reagan Scott, Pearson Segina, Conor Smith, Madison Stock, Joshua Valenzuela-Kirkpatrick, Mason Wilderom, Ethan Williams, Sumerlyn Yudell Fifth Grade: Ava Anz, Elizabeth Ball, Miguel Blanco, Emily Bostic, Lauren Brideau, Avery Colgin, Maximilian Deitrick, Charli Delmonico, Elaina Eichorn, Parker Fannin, Lauren Floyd, Varun Gorti, Kunal Gupta, Ryan Harris, Anabella Hill Abeyta, Estelle Hoang, Areeba Huda, Lilyana Ibanez, Adelaide Johnson, Blaine Kanak, Samantha Kosumsuppamala, Kyle Legg, Tyler Lesh, Bonnie Lowrie, Madeline Martin, Lauren Maunder, Matthew McCann, Amelia Milam, Alanna Moore, Anna Mueller, Joshua Nelson, Kristin Oertli, Katherine Osborne, Mikhayla Osborne, Ryan Radloff, Shay Schaffner, Cole Smith, Annabella Stavrou, Kathryn Stephens, Sarah Tersigni, Jacob Thornton, Armando Tomlinson, Katelyn Tullos, Megan Tung, Isabella Verratti, Madison Williams, Justin Williamson, Patricia Williard, Matthew Wisniewski

River Ridge Elementary Second Grade: Bracken Allen, Micah Bailey, Jaxon Baker, Hailey Barnett, Ryan Begnaud, Andrew Brooks, Maci Brouillette, Carter Brown, Samantha Bruner, Angelica Burtscher, Justin Busker, Caroline Caldwell, Christian Casolari, Anne Citrin, Lauren Clark, Harper Collier, Josiah Cuttill, John Demmings, Natalie Denison, Asher Do, Samuel Dossey, Colton Dwyer, Beck Ebbert, Ryan Elmer, Dante Fichera, Aidan Foster, Jackson Fries, Anya Gowda, Colin Gray, Presley Griffin, Graham Gunlock, Jett Harrison, John Hehman, Cole Hobby, Lacie Horton, Rachel Jensen, Eliot Jones, Alexandra Jordan, McKenzie Kelly, Ayaan Khan, Grace Kimball, Rand Kruczek, Joseph Lang, Dominic Latuff, Connor Le, Caitlin Lipton, Joshua Martinez, John McCarty, Ireland McCauley, Aayush Merchant, Rebekah Miller, John Nelson, Cole Norman, Maxwell Olivas, Camille Oriti, Suchetha Pagadala, Colby Papadakis, Ethan Peck, Rylie Penwell, Manu Perinchery, Jake Pham, Mitchell Pierce, Jack Pitstick, Gabriella Pohl, Josephine Raftelis, Isabella Riedl, Larson Roberts, Samuel Roberts, Cameron Romero, Miles Rosenberg, Cammi Schaufelberger, Liam Schmiedehaus, Morgan Sheils, Ireland Simme, Ryleigh Spaulding, Emre Suerkan, Elizabeth Vezzetti, Maya Vogdes, Emily Wagner, Riley Weigelt, Holly Wilkinson, Jackson Wolf, Samantha Wunsch, Hillary Xu, Taylor Yuan Third Grade: Anisha Apte, Karina Asar, Ryan Back, Shannon

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Bagnal, Ethan Bernstein, Trey Bischoping, Enzo Moreira Caldas, Kate Caldwell, Bianca Calmorin, Nicolas Canosa, Dylan Chatterton, Srinivaas Chetlur, Mallory Child, Gavin Clayton, Jacob Conville, Finnegan Cooley, Siena Coughlin, Patrick Donnellan, Payton Dougan, Jack Durbin, Ashira Edelheit-Rice, Simileoluwa Faluyi, Mariangela Flores, Colton Giersch, Caitlyn Greenway,Thomas Hartman, Ruby Hawkins, Nicole Herbert, Brianna Hernandez, Fareena Hisamuddin, Christina Hoang, Hannah Howell, Caitlyn Hsieh, Ethan Ibarguen, Kate Jameson, Nidhi Katta, Cooper Kelly, Kade Kielian,Audrey Kimball, Ella Knobloch, Nihal Kyasa, Cameron Lapittus, Kylie Leblanc, Alice Ledger, Matthew Lee, Ross Marburger, Ashlyn McClendon, Andrew Mena, Jacob Metzger, Caden Michaels, Joseph Mikhail,Trevor Millard, Jacob Miller,William Moening, Kuvam Mohan, Sutton Motes, Anthony Munoz, Alannah Nau, Makenzie Niblett, Justin Orlando, Evan Ormond, Elyssa Padovani, Anish Pandya, Maya Pegany, Ana Perez, Matthew Peterka, Jayden Pickin, Jacquelyn Quiroga, Lola Rangel, Emily Reeder, Jack Riccardi, Amelia Riddell, JaeSon Rivera, Hunter Ross, Courtney Rouse, Kaitlyn Rouse, Gabriella Sartor, Tailyn Schaufelberger, Thompson Schmeil, Olivia Schwent, Megha Shah, Azim Siddiqui, Naymal Siddiqui, Mark SlavchevKurkchijski, Cristina Spellings, Kate Stapleton, Dalton Starrett, Skylie Stewart, Sofia Tovar, Aidan Tran, Chase Wagner, Abigail Wilson, Nathan Wilson, Julia Wright Fourth Grade: Leighton Allen, Emma Alvarez-Roth, Rebecca Bates, Kennadi Bernard, Sydney Booth, Wyatt Breckenridge, Alyssa Burtscher, Brendon Busker, Gareth Carew, Peyton Chandler, Max Child, Ross Cooley, Shelby Cumings, Zachary Cuttill, Caroline Denison, Roshan Desai, Caroline Gayle, Grace Gossard, Victoria Hanagriff, Wyatt Hawkins, Conor Hoff, Gillian Holtzclaw, Logan Howard, Vincent Huang, Elizabeth Hughes, Rachel Jacops, Lukas Jasinski, Elizabeth Jensen, Samantha Kellogg, Makayla Kleffner, Priya Kumar, Pierce Lai, Justin Lang, Brock Latuff, Macy Livingston, Mia Mathe, Mugdha Merchant, Dylan Monahan, Natalie Morales, Nathan Murray, Tam Nguyen, Ethan Palmer, Alexis Papadakis, Shaan Patel, Colby Phillips, Campbell Pierce, Krishna Reddy, Audrey Riddell, Lauren Rinn, Michael Roberts, Madison Russell, Hollynn Schleich, Anna Schmeil, Sydney Sheneman, Benjamin Sisler, Jack Starrett, Steely Steiner, Cassidy Stevenson, Kendall Stevenson, Mindy Van, Siddharth Venkatraman, Katherine Vesely, Alina Vo, Isabella Vogdes, Katelyn Wignall, Fischer Wunsch Fifth Grade: Carlos Alvarez-Roth, Matthew Askari, Sarah Beamer, Alexander Bergey, Brett Bischoping, Akshita Boddapu, Lauren Branard, Phillip Branca, Caleb Browne, Cameron Caldwell, Ava Chiarelli, Dominic Cinfio, Bronson Clark, Boyang Deng, Sarah Donnellan, Marshall Dossey, Olivia Elwood, Andrea Esqueda, Lauren Euler, Ana Isabel Flores, Liam Floyd, Anjali Gondi, Olivia Grassel, Abby Gunn, Grete’ Hamic, Lauren Hamic, Arshaan Hisamuddin, Tayler Hofmeister, Ryan Hollaway, Raymond Hong, Navya Janga, Allison Jeffcoat, Avery Jones, Varun Kalyanapuram, Kevin Kao, Reagan Kelly, Peyton Klam, Skylar Knitowski, Matias Latorre Duque, Adam Ledger, Candace Luong, Zoe Martis, Lauryn McCosky, Jacob Michaels, Katherine Pegany, Saige Prucha, Haley Pyle, Aditi Rao, Suzannah Rasch, Meredith Robertson,Walker

Rose, Nicklaus Sabbavarapu, Joshua Sharp, Kyle Sharp, Zander Sheffield, Brandon Sheneman, Sofia Suerkan, Andrew Tang, Renee Torres, Joshua Upp, Kate Walsh, Sydney Wunsch, John Young, Emily Yu

Steiner Ranch Elementary Third Grade: Grace Ballengee, Jack Ballengee, Chloe Barborak, Jake Bowman, Taylor Bowman, Jackson Brogan, Quin Collins, Kalli Conner, Catherine Crawford, Ella Fischer, David Foral, Elise Foral, Paulo Furtado, Kara Gilbert, Taylor Green, Priya Gregerson, Victoria Guerrero, Lillian Guthrie, Jessica Holliday, Lauren Howell, Emma Hurley, Preston Jones, Pranav Jose, Luke Kemmerer, Maya Kothari, Bradley Landers, Kaelan Lucas-Marinelli, Emily Martin, Cole Mayfield, Isabella Miller, Caroline Pita, Simran Randhawa, Emilie Reh, Megan Schmitt, Noah Schreiner, Ellen Seitzler, Francesca Shuler, Kaili Stephenson, Claire Thessen, Sarah Wares, Theodore Waugh, Mary Wein, Samuel Weiss, Natalie Wong, Maile Youmans Fourth Grade: Noah Acevedo, Dylan Armer, Deven Bapat, Emma Bealle, Isabella Becker, Rachel Bode, Evan Chadwell, Carly Christensen, Jordan Cochran, Gabrielle Cohen, Amanda Cook, Lauren Cook, Lauren Crawford, Erin Donohue, Alexa Finnen, Anastasia Forshee, Samuel Galyen, Tucker George, Raquel Guerrero, Caitlyn Harmon, Cooper Harris, Sabrinah Hernandez, Jackson Hoopes, Madelyn Howe, Spandana Kamepalli, Kathryn Kemmerer, Aaron Kim, Isabelle King, Lacey Labaj, Truman Labaj, Zachary Landrum, Jeremy Li, Rena Liang, Jessica Luo, Kaylee Marquez, Jacob Masuno, Jordan Mathis, Hailee Maxfield, Margaret McElmurry, Matthew Mills, Eric Morris, Josiah Nanninga, Thomas Narlo, Ava Nelson, Laura Parrish, Isabelle Petersen, Joshua Pikoff, Alexis Poppinga, Jonna Poursepanj, Greyson Powell, Sarah Rhea, Matthew Rider, Jenna Rigney, Gatienne Rodriguez, Meghan Rose, Sarah Schaal, Hannah Schinzing, Jaden Spiller, Bella Stein, Lauren Stevens, Sarah Tierney, Alfonso Velasco, Elizabeth Volozin, Mekenna Walton, Colin Wares, Gianina Wasser, Jackson Welsh, Harrison Witt, Brady Wootton, Julia York Fifth Grade: Jordan Apra, Elena Aventa, Olivia Breeden, Benjamin Breining, Benjamin Brod, Gabriela Caceres, Dara Christensen, Zachary Conte, Kyndall Cragg, Gabriella Cusano, Madison Daniel, Megan Gordon, Connor Gray, William Gunawan, Hayden Hall, Riley Hamrick, Rowan Iruegas, Jensen Jalufka, Gabriel Jeudy, Connor Jones, Johnathan Kaaua, Linnea Kennedy, Vaishali Kodra, Sam Leonard, Evan Lin, Thomas Marks, Kayla McAfee, Brooke McArthur, Jared McArthur, Evan Merzon, Erin Mitchell, Lauren Mulligan, Solaris Naquin, Trinh Nguyen, Prestwick Nickens, Ashley Novit, Joshua Oliver,Avery Panoff, Rebekah Parsley, William Pasquarette, Andrew Pena, Aidan Pittsenbargar, Clarisse Rosenthal, Olivia Rountree, Alexa Sanchez, Megan Sanders, Orianna Santucci, Aidan Seth, Grant Shaffer, Ayush Shaw, Tehreem Siddiqui, Alexander Starzmann, Piper Swearengin, Priya Thomas, Allison Vaglica, John Waugh, Robert Wein, Zachary Weiss, Mason Wong



Page 6 • February 9, 2012

Community Events Feb. 8 Four Points Whataburger Grand Opening from 5pm 8pm

Feb. 9 Viper Band Fundraiser - Last day to order mulch from www.vhsband.com/mulch

Feb. 16 Circular Energy Solar Educational Event Longhorn Village in Steiner Ranch Appetizers 6:30pm, presentation 7pm

Four Points News, Thursday, January 26, 2012 • Page 5

Four our Points oints News ews www.FourPointsNews.com www.FourPointsNews.com

Steiner to host Chili Cook Off The Steiner Ranch Annual Chili Cook-off and Live Music event will be Feb. 18 featuring Chris Austin Martinez. Dust off your cookbooks, don your aprons, and get ready to impress your friends and neighbors with your own delicious version of a good ol’ Texas chili. For you folks not from around

these parts, show us how it’s done where you come from! Not a chili chef but got a willing stomach and a taste for the hot stuff? Come just to eat and vote on People’s Choice Award. Judges will award prizes to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Come enjoy this spicy hot competition, featuring some of


the tastiest, tangiest and most original chili created by in the area. The event is Feb. 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Towne Square Community Center and is free for those with a chili entry and $10 for those coming to eat.

SR Tennis launches court reservation system

The Steiner Ranch Tennis Association is introducing a new court reservation system for tennis players. The existing website that tennis players used to reserve tennis courts at Bella Mar or Towne Square is no longer functioning, and has been replaced with a new site www.srcourts.com

Feb. 16

for making your court reservations. In order to reserve a tennis court with the new reservation system, you must register with the HOA and receive a username and password, which will give you access to the reservation site.

It was science projects as far as the eye could see at Canyon Ridge Middle School. The science projects were judged by over 60 volunteers from the community. The students (pictured left to right: Reid Marburger and Dale Kuykendall) explained their projects to the judges as the judges looked at each project. There were over 60 regional qualifiers from Canyon Ridge Middle School that will have a chance to present their projects at the Regional Science Fair on Thursday Feb 23rd, at the Palmer Event Center.

Canyon Ridge Middle School Talking About Tough Issues Naomi Drew speaker at 6:30 pm

Feb. 17 Four Points Chamber of Commerce Whataburger Ribbon Cutting at 10am

Feb. 18

Peace Lutheran Church Mardi Gras Celebration dinner & music: The Blues Specialists 5:30-9pm

Feb. 21 & 23

land Lakes that is the source of our present-day water supply,” said LCRA General Manager Becky Motal. “This supply has served us well for many years and will continue to do so, but we clearly need to continue to expand our water resources to deal with growing demand, especially during drought cycles. I am confident LCRA will be able to achieve this goal.” Motal said the most likely sources of additional water would be rain runoff and other river flows that currently flow into the Gulf of Mexico. “We could capture a small portion of these flows and store them for later use, while still keeping water in the river for the environmental health of the Colorado River and the bay and estuary system that depends on freshwater inflows from the river,” she said. LCRA is considering several options for storing the additional water, including building off-channel reservoirs or storing the water in aquifers. “Nothing is off the table,” she said. “But we need to explore all aspects of any option, including cost as well as environmental impact.” Last April the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) granted LCRA a permit to capture water from the Colorado River downstream of Austin during high flows. Currently, lakes Travis and Buchanan are at a combined 37 percent of capacity, the result of severe drought conditions that have reduced inflows into the Highland Lakes to historic lows as well as increased demand for water from LCRA’s customers. LCRA continues to manage its water resources under its state-approved Water Management Plan, as well as emergency measures that were approved by the TCEQ late last year. The plan and emergency measures provide for the possibility of a pro rata water curtailment to LCRA’s customers and the cutoff of “interruptible” water supplies for agriculture, possibly as early as this spring, if rains do not replenish the water in the lakes. “Eventually the rains will return and the drought will end, as it has in previous years,” Motal said. “But this drought has pointed out the need for us to add to our water resources, and we will do that.”

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LISD, Cedar Park Rotary Club Talent Show Auditions at 6:30pm in the Leander HS Little Theatre


Feb. 24 Girl Scout Cookie Sales end

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a two-martini lunch. Flying back to the neighborhood in search of worms, these birds can fly off course or fly into windows and houses. So our local birds may be tipsy, inadvertent victims of alcohol consumption. In March 2010 a berry binge led to the deaths of about 50 cedar waxwings found along a road in near Houston in Harris County, Texas. National Wildlife HealthCenter tests showed that berries collected from a nearby Ilex shrub contained 800 ppm ethanol by wet weight: “enough to produce intoxication in these birds that could have resulted in compromised behavior and subsequent fatal trauma.” To prevent birds from flying into your windows

Includes a Valvoline oil and you can install decals on the big windows. Many filter change, 36 point check up birds will sleep it off after a collision. If a bird and a 4 Tire Rotation. Disposal and crashes into your window and survives, Jeff Picton of the Chintimini Wildlife Rehabilitation Centerin Corvallis, OR recommends leaving it alone if it’s not in danger from cats or other predators. If you think it might be threatened, pick it up gently with a towel, place it in a well-ventilated box, and put that in a dark, quiet place. Once the bird begins moving around, open the container and let it fly away if it can. If it doesn’t recover within a few hours, Picton recommends calling your local wildlife rehabilitation center for further instructions.

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Viper Girls Soccer take first in Kerrville Tourney


Favorite part about being involved in Viper Band: It’s nice to be around people that are as passionate about music as I am. It’s one big family that I love.


The Shops at Steiner Ranch 2900 N. Quinlan Park Rd. Suite 260

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Goal for this Viper Wrestling Season: I like wrestling because win or lose it makes you tougher; and toughness carries on after wrestling is over into everything you do in life!

Rhea Adhikary -

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The Vandegrift Girls Soccer team won first place at the recent Kerrville Tournament. First game vs. Tivy Win 7-0 Second game vs. Brackenridge Win 8-0 Third game vs. Austin Anderson Win 5-1 "The season so far has been very promising, proving that our team has come back even more unified and determined to ad-

Kolton Joines -



Favorite part about being involved in Viper Theater: My favorite part of the band program is that everyone is so close. It’s like a very large, “tight-knit” family.

El Señor


Favorite part about being involved in Viper Soccer: I like being able to play the sport I love with all my friends as well as representing my high school.

Favorite part about being involved in Viper Swimming and Dive: Winning is my favorite thing about swimming and always cheering on my teammates!

Matt Szostak -

February 9, 2012 • Page 7

Naomi Miller -


Favorite part about being involved in Viper Soccer: We train hard and play hard. It pays off.

S W I M M i N G


Lady Viper Basketball takes victory over Dripping Springs

vance further in playoffs. All the girls and myself are very excited to see what the district season will bring," said Jenifer Hardy, Vandegrift High School Head Girls Soccer. District play opens against Marble Fall at Marble Falls on Feb. 10.


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www. riverranchanimalhospital.com 331-7889 The Lady Vipers hosted the Lady Tigers from Dripping Springs in a district 25-4A contest on Friday night with playoff implications. The Lady Vipers led the entire game, winning by a score of 55-45. It was the first Senior Night for the Lady Vipers. The Lady Vipers wrap up district play Tuesday night when they travel to Marble Falls. With a win at Marble Falls, the Lady Vipers would take fourth place in the district and earn its first playoff berth.

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and everything in between We carry hundreds of different styes of... Wood • Tile • Laminate • Carpet • Vinyl •Vinyl Custom Tile • Vinyl Plank Shutters • Blinds • Honeycomb Shades Services include.... Backsplash • Bathroom wall tile • Fireplaces • Grout sealing Refinish wood floors • Carpet cleaning • Tile floor cleaning • Sealing natural stone


Above: Emily Sears (#22, senior) knocking down two free throws and putting the game away for the Lady Vipers

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Savings based on national customer-reported data for new policies in 2009. Actual savings vary. Allstate Fire And Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company

Above: Paige Lichtenberger (#11, senior and team co-captain) putting pressure on Dripping Springs in the back court

Open House

Sunday, 1-3 Steiner Ranch • 12609 Lee Park LN

Rhonda Durrill, Realtor®, e-PRO

512-994-8400 rhonda@avalaraustin.com www.rhondadurrill.com


Page 8 • Four Points News, Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beautiful Custom Home With Incredible Lake Views!

PILATES at Four Points

Now open

Open House Sunday (2/12) 1-4 p.m.

at 620 & 2222 behind Walgreens



ic View of Lake Travis t n a m o R t s e Mo Enjoy th

4 BR/4 BA - 3,500 sq ft

12707 Cedar St

Chef’s Features ~ Carved Table Side

(across from Steiner Ranch)

Kari Cooper

Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome • Therapeutic Optometrist • Specialty Contact Lenses • Pediatric Vision Exam • Laser Surgery Consultation

Chateaubriand Topped with Lobster Butter 24oz New York Strip

Contact the Cooper Group by visiting GoldwasserRealEstate.com or calling 512-470-2277. Greg Cooper

Four Points Family Vision

Valentine’s Day Dinner


*Features Served with Two Side Items*

Located at the Four Points Wal-Mart at

4 Course Couple’s Menu with Wine Pairings $125 per couple

Juin Cooper

Currently Accepting Reservations Friday 2/10/12-Tuesday 2/14/12

8201 N. FM 620


Board Certified by the Texas Board of Optometry

Practicing Full Scope Optometry

Happy Hour Everyday 4:00-7:00pm

Follow us on

Traditional Worship

Holy Communion


“The Vine” 11:00 am Traditional Worship {Sanctuary}

Mon, Tue, Th, Fri, Sat,: 9:30-7:00

What’s happening in your community?

Submit it!

5424 Steiner Ranch Blvd. Austin, TX 78732 512-381-0800 www.steinersteakhouse.com

“The Table” 8:30 am

Dr. Sherry Salkhordeh Steiner Ranch Resident



“The Way” 11:00 am

Contemporary Worship

{Ministry Activities Center, MAC Hall}

9:45 am Sunday School for All Ages

Montessori An “education for life”… starts at School in the Hills

New Salon in Steiner

Gift Certificates Available

Join Us for an Open House Saturday, February 25th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

We have five Hair Stylists, including owner Trina Mallet. Book your appointment online or walk in. Massage Therapist Shannon LaVinka specializes in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Mother To Be Massages and more!

Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 7pm Saturday 10am - 5pm

Join the Quest! All children ages 3 years old through 4th grade are welcome. School in the Hills will spend the summer observing, investigating and experimenting in a fun environment. Enroll your child in Discovery in the Hills for a single camp, several weeks or all summer. Primary Camps for children ages 3 – 6. Leadership Camps for children currently in 1st – 4th grade. Visit schoolinthehills.com/summer for more information.

Esthetician Services by Jan Mitte include Complimentary Consultations, Waxing, Peels, Facials and more!


2900 N. Quinlan Park Suite 230 www.salonhueaustin.com


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Call 512-266-6160 to schedule a tour or to reserve a spot for this summer.

And Never Leave Your Home or Office!

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Take the “dealership hassle” out of the car buying experience! 2900 N. Quinlan Park Austin, TX 78732

Phone 512.266.6160 Fax 512.266.6150


All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. The price for listed vehicles as equipped does not include charges such as: License, Title, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes, Dealer Prep, Smog Fees, Credit Investigation, Optional Credit Insurance, Physical Damage of Liability Insurance, or Delivery Fees. DEALER makes no representations, expressed or implied, to any actual or prospective purchaser or owner of this vehicle as to the existence, ownership, accuracy, description or condition of the listed vehicle's equipment, accessories, price, specials or any warranties. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to the sale of this vehicle. 12k miles per year first payment due at signing plus TT&L, 60 month term

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