February 2, 2012

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Four Points business owners wronged by school folder company By LESLEE BASSMAN LBassman@austin.rr.com When Four Points’ Tessa Strader plunked down over $1,200 this summer to advertise in weekly folders which she thought would be distributed at area elementary schools, the small business owner expected her investment to pay off through added clients and increased revenue. However, six months later, Strader is still waiting for results. Strader, along with several other Four Points company owners, paid Creative School Zones Inc. to advertise in folders which were to be distributed at Steiner Ranch and Laura Welch Bush Elementary Schools last fall and at River Place and River Ridge Elementary Schools beginning in January. To date, Strader and at least one other

Sweetheart contest to be held by Four Points News We want to hear your Sweetheart Story and possibly publish it in our Valentine’s issue. Tell us why the love of your life is so amazing and you may win a Steiner Ranch Steakhouse gift certificate! Share your fun engagement story or the moment you knew you were made for each other. Entries should be emailed by Thurs. Feb. 9 and be about 300 words in length. Please include a photo of you and your sweetheart. FourPointsNews.Edit@gmail.com

Two Viper Band members to march nationwide

business owner have not seen their ads posted in these folders beyond the first week of school. “I’m a new business and I unfortunately put all of my advertising budget into the Steiner Ranch and River Place folders,” said Strader who owns Pilates at Four Points. Other businesses that advertised in what LISD calls unauthorized folders included a real estate agent, a credit union, mortgage company, printing and marketing shop and a flooring company. Strader stated that she was referred to Creative School Zones, Inc. by a PTA member and contacted sales representative Jade Hunt about placing ads in the local school folders. According to their website, www. creativeschoolzone.com, the Missouribased company is “committed to serv-

ing your community by providing "FREE Take Home Folders" to your students” and “gives businesses in your area an opportunity to support local education and interconnect your school with your community”. Strader and Hunt met at a coffee shop to discuss the details of their transaction at which time Strader agreed to purchase ads in the Deer Creek Elementary School folders as well as the local school folders. Strader shared with the Four Points News copies of two cancelled checks written on behalf of Strader Training LLC, now Four Points Pilates, to Creative School Zones in the amount of $500 each. Strader stated that she then paid Creative School Zones an additional $250 for folder advertising at River Ridge and River Place elementary folder to begin the second semester of the

By LYNETTE HAALAND A new Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association is forming and hopes to be able to start enrolling new members possibly this week. “Our goal will be to foster one community, with one voice, and to put our community above all else,” said Brian Thompto, Temporary Chairperson of SRNA. Thompto said the group is hoping to be able to start enrolling members online possibly by as soon as the end of this week. There will be a nominal fee to join SRNA and organizers are still assessing what that fee amount should be. The first general meeting is sched-

uled for later February where nominations for officers will take place. All community residents and businesses are welcome to join. Four Points News will keep readers posted on the upcoming date and details. Here is a Letter to Four Points News and the community explaining SRNA: Dear Four Points News and Residents of Greater Steiner Ranch: Steiner Ranch and its neighbors face many challenges that will shape our future and our quality of life. These include developments planned near RM 620 and Quinlan Park Road which may result in as many as 1,000 new residential units and new commercial spaces with unassessed impacts to traf-


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fic, schools, safety and security. This past year, our community faced fires, a three hour evacuation, threats from Austin Energy to raise rates disproportionately for our residents, and notification of development only weeks before the planned ground-breaking of a 300 unit apartment complex. These and other challenges provide common cause for our entire neighborhood. We can take an active stance in addressing these challenges by keeping notified of development, assessing impacts, and exploring avenues for shaping our future. In recent months, a growing group of residents in and around Steiner ASSOCIATION, 4

River Place kid rockers get standing gig at Guero’s By LESLEE BASSMAN LBassman@austin.rr.com

Trendy Guero’s Taco Bar will be ‘serving up’ the sounds of Four Points’ band, Taco and the Enchiladas over the next year. Following their first gig at the well-known downtown establishment in November, the group locked up the house band spot on the restaurant’s First Thursday event lineup. Taco, aka Skylar Rehling, heads up the band of Four Points and Northwest Austin area young musicians including Broch Evans, Manny Rullan, Luke Shelmire, and Grayson Weedman. Lead singers Rehling and Weedman attend Riv-

Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association boundaries include Lake Austin,Lake Travis and between Steiner and River Place.

Gas leak shut down Steiner’s Vista Ridge Center on Sun.

er Place Elementary School and guitarist Evans is in the fifth grade at Grandview Elementary School. Rullan, on electric guitar, is a fifth-grader at Westside Elementary School and drummer Shelmire matriculates at the Sterling Classical School. The band’s beginnings stemmed from a rock camp the boys enjoyed last summer. With the encouragement of Rehling’s musician parents, Kristina and Scott, the young artists molded their passion into experience and, eventually, local bookings at Headhunters and the Driskill Hotel. “They’ve been playing for four or five years ROCKERS, 3

A gas leak on Sunday morning shut down Vista Ridge shopping center in Steiner Ranch. Travis County Sheriff 's Office responded to assist Lake Travis Fire Rescue regarding the gas leak at 4300 N. Quinlan Park Rd. "The shopping center was cleared as a precaution," said Wes Priddy, Travis County Public Information Officer. The gas company and a plumber were called to the scene to make repairs, Priddy said. LTFR Engine #604 arrived onscene where there was a natural gas odor coming from the two story building.

Utilities were shut off, shops were evacuated and firefighters went into Vista Ridge shops and restaurants to monitor for a gas leak. The gas company and plumber recharged gas and checked for leaks. It was reported that a gas manifold was replaced and noted that an unlit burner for a stove was in the open position. Priddy said the leak was located at Cho Sushi. The gas company reported the issues were resolved, according to LTFR reports. The Sheriff 's Department cleared the scene around 1:25 p.m.

Taco and the Enchiladas “wow” the evening audience at Guero’s during this month’s First Thursday event. Taco, aka Skylar Rehling of River Place, formed the rocker band with (from left) Manny Rullan, Rehling, Grayson Weedman, Luke Shlemire and Broch Evans.

Two Vandegrift High School Band students have been offered contracts with the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps to perform during the summer. Junior Brian Wolf (trumpet) and sophomore Caroline Slater (French horn and mellophone) earned their places over hundreds of applicants. Their audi-

School......................................3 Opinion...................................4 Classifieds...............................5 Sports.................................. 6-7 Find us on Facebook Happy Valentines!

FOLDER, 5 Several Four Points business owners lost money when they advertised in take-home folders they thought would be used in local Leander ISD elementary schools. Business owners did not know that the company selling them the ads was unauthorized to do so by LISD.

New Steiner Neighborhood Association forming

By RICH KEITH Four Points News


2011-12 school year. At some point after the first week of school, Strader received a phone call from another Four Points business owner that Steiner Ranch Elementary School was not using the folder with his and Strader’s advertising. Strader stated that she then contacted LISD Administration and was told that the district did not have a contract with Creative School Zones and had, in fact, sent a “cease and desist” letter to the company over the summer.

Photo by Leslee Bassman

APD cracking down on copper thieves The Austin Police Department’s Burglary Unit announced Friday that it is seeking assistance in identifying suspects stealing copper from rooftops of businesses. Since late August thieves have been climbing on the rooftops of

businesses and have cut and stolen over $10,000 in copper tubing from air conditioning systems. Detectives believe that several suspects described as White and Hispanic males act as legitimate servicemen with various company logos on their

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shirts and/or vehicles. The vehicles that have been seen are a white van, a white Ford F250 pickup truck, and other pickup trucks. The suspects park their vehicles next to the buildings at various times of day and use lad-

ders to gain access to the rooftops. APD is asking business owners to secure AC systems and roof access to to prevent thefts from occurring. If maintenance personnel are not scheduled, business owners or staff members are encouraged

to ask for identification, writing down license plate numbers of vehicles to determine if the person has a legitimate purpose for being there. Report any suspicious persons, vehicles and/or activity by calling 911.

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Page 2 • Four Points News, Thursday, February 2, 2012

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Sunday morning many braved temperatures in the 30s at the Tour de Cure Kickoff Rally and Bike Ride promoting the American Diabetes Association. The charity bike ride featured about 100 cyclists including a number from the local Beef Team/Steiner Ranch Old Pros team. The event started and ended at the Steiner Ranch Steakhouse, said Shannon Keever, Rider Recruitment committee chair. Keever, who lives in Steiner Ranch, got involved last year after her niece was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 11. Last year was her first year as a participant. This Kickoff Rally helped register riders for the larger 2012 Austin Central Texas Tour de Cure to be held May 5. Nationwide Tour de Cure takes place in over 43 states with more than 50,000 riders changing the future of diabetes. The Austin springtime event will have five loops beginning at the Travis County Exposition Center. The shortest route will be 15 miles and the longest route will be 103 miles, going through Manor, Hutto, Johah, Weir and Coupland. The long ride will feature Texas Blackland Prairie, home to many of the native grasses that supported bison herds centuries ago. This route will also take riders close to Granger Lake where two families of Whooping Cranes have recently been sighted.

This year marks the first time the ADA Central Texas, which covers 26 counties, is hosting the Tour de Cure on its own. In the past, we have held the event jointly with the San Antonio-area ADA, said Kathryn Tesar, with ADA Central Texas. Here is the link with more info and where people can also sign up: www.diabetes.org/austintourdecure

Sunday morning about 100 cyclists braved temperatures in the 30s at the Tour de Cure Kickoff Rally and Bike Ride to promote the American Diabetes Association charity bike ride being held in Austin on May 5th. Many of the riders were part of the local "Beef Team/Steiner Ranch Old Pros" team. The Kickoff Tour started and ended at the Steiner Ranch Steakhouse.

CRMS Hat Day benefits children in Africa Canyon Ridge Middle School hosted Hat Day on Friday to benefit school children in the small village of Abaasa in Ghana, Africa. Students donated $1 to get to wear a hat for the day and they helped change lives around the world, said Erin Newman, Austin Chapter president of Assist-

ing Better Living Everywhere, ABLE. Students in the village of Abaasa now attend a school that also serves as a shelter for stray animals at night. The students help their teacher shoo out the animals in the morning so they can have classes.There HATS, 5

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February 2, 2012 • Page 3 www.FourPointsNews.com

LISD is enhanced through community service organizations As indicated by our Graduate Profile, Leander ISD students are expected to be able to demonstrate aptitude in academics; strong communication skills; effective, productive and life-long learning skills; and personal growth and expression; as well as important civic-related qualities, such as character development, social awareness, contribution and stewardship. Our efforts to support these character traits are greatly enhanced by servicecentered organizations in the LISD community. Their presence in both our community and schools is a true bright spot. On Wednesday, January 25, I had the esteemed pleasure of attending the Kiwanis Club of Cedar Park’s installation of the 2012 Sophomores-of-the-Year. In the company of Kiwanis Club members, the LISD high school principals, family members, fac-

ulty advisors and others, Madeline Todd from Cedar Park High School; Baylor Nix from Leander High School; Caitlin Burgess from Rouse High School; Jacob Schmidt from Vandegrift High School; and Maddison Hoskins from Vista Ridge High School were honored for their numerous acts of service throughout the community. As winners, they are distinguished from among their peers as students who are dedicated to making the world a better place. On behalf of LISD, we are very proud of these students, of what they’ve accomplished and of the example they’ve set for others. In addition to the Sophomore-of- the-Year program, the Kiwanis Club of Cedar Park works closely with the Key Clubs at our high schools, offering members guidance and support so that they develop into compe-

tent, capable and caring leaders. dents in kindergarten through Under the guidance of the Ki- 6th-grades, while the senior diwanis Club, students involved in vision is for students from 7th Key Club have opportunities to through 12th-grades. Applicadevelop initiative and leadership tions are due no later than Febskills, experience cooperation ruary 17 at 5 p.m., so students and serve their interested in schools and p ar t i c ip at i n g community. should read the S i m i l a r l y, guidelines and the Cedar Park submit their apRotary Club, a plications soon service-based by visiting www. community orleanderisd.org ganization, also BRET CHAMPION and selecting does much to the Community support student achievement. Fliers link from the QuickLinks Their most recent partnership menu. This event will be a great with LISD will directly benefit opportunity for our community students of our district. The Ce- to shine the spotlight on our terdar Park Rotary Club is hosting rific students, so if you know a its first Talent Show for LISD student who might be interested students on Friday, March 2, at in taking to the stage, encourthe Don Tew Performing Arts age them to sign up. Generous Center in Leander. prizes will be awarded to the top The junior division is for stu- winners in each division.

LISD also partners with our local Lions Club, who has for many years the provided free eye exams and glasses to students who are in need. Our school nurses identify students who need assistance and refer the students’ families to our Lions Club. Balcones Eye Care, Cedar Park Eye Care, Lakeline Vision, Master Eye Associates, Maxim Eyes Vision, Northwest Hills Eye Care and Signature Eye Care generously partner with the Lions Club to provide free eye exams, and LensCrafters donates time and materials to provide the glasses. This program has been a true bright spot and has touched countless children in LISD, while impressing upon generations of students the value of giving back to the community. For all of these reasons, and the many other ways LISD benefits from service-based organi-

zations, we sincerely say thank you. I cannot say enough about how enriching it is for LISD to have such strong partnerships with organizations like the Kiwanis Club of Cedar Park, the Cedar Park Rotary Club and the Lions Club. There is no doubt that our students’ education goes much deeper because of these groups’ positive example and tireless work. When we come together to instill a deep passion for community service in our students, we are giving them the skills to live lives marked by purposeful service, to remove barriers for themselves and to be bright spots for others. Have a great day!

Steiner Ranch Elementary LISD Future Chefs Several Steiner Ranch Elementary students are finalists for the 6th annual LISD Future Chefs Culinary Competition. • Abigail Zoller in Ms. Cooper's 5th grade class for “Olive Pinwheelsâ€? River Place Elementary recently held its Spelling Bee for 3rd - 5th grade students on Jan. 6. The winner of the bee is 5th grader, Avery Colgin, and 5th grader Kunal Gupta is the runner-up. Avery was the River Place champion for the 2011 bee as well. This year he even competed against his 3rd grade sister, Lindsey Colgin. Avery will be representing his school in the regional spelling bee on Feb. 7.

Canyon Ridge Middle School held their Geography Bee on Jan. 13. It was a tough competition involving 18 students, 6 from each grade level. After many tough questions it was down to the last two finalists, Alex Stadthaus and Dylan McBryde. Alex, who is a 6th grade student, won the final round with the question "The Cologne Cathedral, one of the largest in Europe, is located in which country?" (Answer: Germany). Alex has submitted a test to the National Geographic Society and will find out in a couple of weeks if has made it to the state finals.

• Jackson Wallace in Mrs. Peter's 4th grade class for “Mice Eggsâ€? • Megan Gordon in Mrs. Palmer's 5th grade class for “Vegetarian Pinwheelâ€?

ROCKERS, FROM 1 and take lessons every day,� said Scott of the band’s members. “They’re very serious about [music] for their age. We’re just giving them a kick start.� Despite their youth, the band’s playlist includes the tunes of hardcore rock heroes from an earlier generation. Evans sparked the group’s interest in Neil Young after listening to Rockin’ In the Free World while driving with his father. Rehling and Rullan introduced the boys to Judas Priest. Recently, band members have begun to write their own music and see a future in the business; well, maybe in a few years. “I see us one day taking tours,� Shelmire said. Taco and the Enchiladas can be heard on the first Thursday evening of each month at Guero’s Taco Bar, 1412 South Congress, Austin, Texas 78704.

Shown in the picture from left to right: Mr. Sammon (Judge), Dylan McBryde, Ms. Palko (Judge), Alex Stadthaus, and Mr. Marsh (Judge).

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Page 4 • February 2, 2012

Publisher’s Point of View

LISD loses money because of Winter Break Last year absences during the In Texas, schools are week of Winter Break cost Leanfunded from the state based on der ISD more than $363,000 in school attendance. The Weighted lost revenue. Average Daily Attendance formu Results show 998 students in la is used to determine the fundthe Four Points schools were abing. sent in 2011 on Thursday, Feb. LISD loses $40 a day for 10 and 851 were absent on Frieach student who is marked abday Feb. 11 costing the district LYNETTE sent, according to school officials. $73,960. student attenHAALAND dance byRaising I reported on these losses last 1 percent would raise year after making an official pubLISD revenue annually by $2 millic records request to LISD about the ab- lion, Superintendent Bret Champion stated sences in Canyon Ridge and Four Points last March. He also said last year the dismiddle schools, Grandview Hills, Laura trict was paying more than $2 million anWelch Bush, River Place, River Ridge and nually to substitute teachers. Steiner Ranch elementary schools and Van- Winter Break is one area to focus on degrift High School. because it has more absences than usual. I was surprised to see the school calen- More than 14 percent of the student body dar this year had Winter Break the same in LISD was absent the two days after last as last year - the three day break that many year’s Winter Break. That is 10 percent stretch into five. higher than the average absentees in a giv Winter Break is a popular time for road en day, school data shows. trips, ski trips and cruises. The total number of students in LISD in I love Winter Break myself. It is one of 2011 was 32,080. On Feb. 10, LISD recordour favorite times to vacation and this year ed 4,535 students absent and 4,562 were abis no exception as we head to the moun- sent the next day — 14.13 percent and 14.22 tains to ski. percent respectively of the student popula But my suggestion to LISD is to stretch tion. LISD lost approximately $181,400 and it into an official full, five day break rather $182,480 those two days from absences. than three. School officials do urge parents to only This suggestion comes at a time when take trips during designated school holiLISD’s budget has been pared down by mil- days. lions and the district is encouraging more I say LISD needs to go one step further attendance from students and teachers to and officially make Winter Break five days raise state revenue. instead of three, and stop losing money.

Top 10 reasons to embrace Cedar Season By DIANE LeBLEU Guest Contributor Thank heavens it is almost February and I can go outside without my compulsory face mask. Like so many of us, the six week period after New Year’s is a real blight on my calendar in what is otherwise the most glorious place to live. I shuffle through this period, sneezing, snorting, and squinting through blood red eyes (when I can pry them open in the morning, that is) to read the fine print on the latest OTC antihistamine to fail me. The pharmacy technicians sadly turn me away and tell me to come back in 10 days when my next allotment can be dispensed. It’s enough to make one want to hide under the covers til the yellow juniper pollen has all blown away. Since there is nothing I can do about this annual scourge short of making my home a bubble or moving to Colorado, I have decided a change of attitude is in order and have come up with the Top 10 Reasons to Embrace Cedar Season. I hope the worst is now behind us but this is handy advice as these seasons seem to be getting progressively worse as I get progressively less tolerant. Jump Start your New Year’s Diet! Like a good stomach bug gets the ball rolling on a new diet, now is a great time to start. Congested sinuses means you can’t taste the food, so what’s the point? Even better, infuse your diet with super-foods you normally eschew due to their evil flavor like brussel sprouts and kale.

Enhanced Productivity! You can’t go outside and enjoy the mild winter temps due the haze of pollen so stay in and get all that spring cleaning done early. As an added bonus, some of the best decongestants that are available but hidden behind the pharmacy counter act like super stimulants. Squeeze 12 hours into your 8 hour day! It’s like having 6 cups of coffee but you don’t have to spend all morning in the bathroom. Reduced grocery bills! No need for those air fresheners since you can’t smell them and hey, you are the only one who cares that your living room smell like ‘Clean Cotton’ anyway. Extra bonus! Stretch out the time between changing the pricey cat litter since kitty is the only one offended by the heavy ammonia odor. Reasons 4-10. I can’t think of any more since my meds are making me catatonic but I’m sure there are many other great reasons to look forward to the annual sneeze fest we have come to know here in South Texas as Cedar Fever. How do you survive Cedar Season? Diane LeBleu and her husband Tom live in River Place with their four children. Diane is a sometime blogger and creator of Pink Pockets, for patients after surgery (www.pink-pockets. com). Like the groundhog, Diane is eagerly awaiting the fresh spring breezes and if you have any best practices for managing the cedar sneeze, be sure to drop her a line at diane@ pockets.com No home remedy is too crazy!

Four Points News www.FourPointsNews.com

Four Points of View

What are you doing over Winter Break?

Jadyn McQueen Grandview Hills

Katelyn Sanchez Grandview Hills

Erin Houchins Grandview Hills

Caleb Conville Steiner Ranch

Selling a lot of Girl Scout We’re going to Indiana to We’re going to the WizardCookies and going to visit cousins and hopefully ing World of Harry Potter play in the snow. in Orlando, and maybe Washington state. visit cousins in Baytown.

Four Points News Your Community Newspaper


We are going on a cruise to the Yukatan.


Editor & Publisher...........................................................................LYNETTE HAALAND Advertising Sales Representative....................................................HOLLIE KENNEY Circulation....................................................................................................FRED FRANCO Reporters......................................................................LESLEE BASSMAN, RICH KEITH Creative Services..............................................................................JENNIFER ROBERTS Contributor............................................................................................ BRET CHAMPION

Published weekly in Four Points, Texas by Four Points News LLC. For subscription information, email inquiries to fourpointsnews.bookkeeping@gmail.com

Letters to the Editor: Four Points News welcomes all Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed and include phone number for verification. Deadline is Friday before publication. Four Points News reserves the right to edit letters for clarity, length and for libelous or objectionable statements. Letters containing more than 400 words will be edited for length. Four Points News • 3129 Rippling Creek Ct. Austin, Texas 78732 Email: lynette.fourpoints@gmail.com

Editor’s Note: In last week’s edition, there was a letter to the editor from a reader who is against Austin’s proposed disposable bag ban. You can read it in our online edition at www.FourPointsNews.com Dear Editor, In response to the Steiner Ranch

resident who opposes the disposable bag ban, I’d like to make a point that I don’t hear too much about. The plastic bags are a petroleum byproduct, and petroleum we need to become less dependent on for obvious reasons. So this person who insists on continuing to use the bags is going to consume

even more petroleum/fuel by driving farther just to patronize the businesses that aren’t part of the bag ban? I find this to be very worrisome.

such Neighborhood Associations throughout greater Austin, making a difference in their communities. Within the coming weeks, we will open up enrollment for new members to support and join the SRNA. We will conduct our first General Meeting at which we will invite members to nominate officers for its board, and to volunteer for serving on issue oriented committees. No matter where you live within our neighborhood, and whether you have lived here for 10 years or 10 weeks, we hope you will join the SRNA and help in making a difference. The following areas have been identified as a focus of the organization: • Safety & Security in and around Steiner Ranch: Working directly with local authorities to evaluate, report, and improve the safety in our area in all aspects. • A Voice of the People, by the People: Ensure the people represented by the SRNA are heard in

decisions being made that affect our schools, neighborhood, and community in order to protect the interests of those who live and do business here. • Smart growth, not just for profit: Work with the City of Austin, Travis County and those seeking to develop and build in our community in order to make sure we look at the overall well being of the neighborhood. Our goal will be to foster one community, with one voice, and to put our community above all else. Please watch our website www. steinerranchna.org and the “Steiner Ranch Post” Facebook page for notice of our First General Meeting at which all residents and businesses in our community are welcome.

T. Johnson Steiner Ranch

ASSOCIATION, FROM 1 have been planning the formation of the Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association (SRNA), to include all of Steiner Ranch and surrounding areas in the “Land between the Lakes”. The SRNA will allow us to proactively shape our future by voicing our concerns and ideas for meeting our shared challenges; challenges which exceed both the boundaries and scope of any single stakeholder or HOA within our area. We are a large and engaged community and if we speak with a united voice, we will be heard. The SRNA will be open to all residents and businesses within its boundaries. It will serve as a vehicle for giving members a collective and recognized voice in dealing with other interests, such as developers, and governmental entities. It is already being notified of all development within our area giving us a chance to record our opinions and take action to shape our future. There are many

Best regards, Brian Thompto, Temporary Chairperson Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association

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Feb. 2 - 4

Vandegrift HS Theater’s “Kiss Me Kate” at VHS Auditorium. 9500 McNeil Drive in Austin. 7pm

Feb. 3 Giddy Up Gala Early bird pricing, $95/person pricing ends Feb. 3 VHS Pennies for Pasta Viper Cancer Fundraiser Finishes

Feb. 8 Four Points Whataburger Grand Opening from 5pm 8pm

Feb. 9 Viper Band Fundraiser Last day to order mulch from www.vhsband.com/mulch

Feb. 16

Circular Energy Solar Educational Event Longhorn Village in Steiner Ranch. Appetizers 6:30pm, presentation 7pm

Feb. 17 Four Points Chamber of Commerce Whataburger Ribbon Cutting at 10am

Feb. 18 Peace Lutheran Church hosts Mardi Gras Celebration. Dinner & music: The Blues Specialists 5:30-9pm

Feb. 21 & 23 LISD, Cedar Park Rotary Club Talent Show Auditions at 6:30pm at Leander HS Little Theatre

Feb. 24 Girl Scout Cookie Sales End

March 3 Hill Country Education Foundation Giddy Up Gala

hursday Four PToints News February 2, 2012 • Page 5 www.FourPointsNews.com

Aleksy Rae Keaton

Peace Lutheran hosts Madi Gras Feb. 18 Peace Lutheran Church invites Four Points families to celebrate Mardi Gras with a traditional shrimp boil dinner and King cake for dessert. The event will be on Feb. 18 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at Peace Lutheran, 10625 RR 620. Live music will be provided by Austin’s own

blues/ jazz band The Blues Specialists, www.bluesspecialists.org. Separate dinner and activities available for children 3 years - 3rd grade. Adults $10, Children $5. For more information and to reserve tickets, www.peaceaustin.org.

Solar educational event Kiss Me Kate in River Place this week opens this week at VHS

Four Points homeowners who are interested in learning more about solar are invited to attend a Circular Energy educational event this week. On Feb. 2 at River Place Country Club guests will gain a basic understanding of solar economics, what local rebates and federal incentives are available, how much a solar system could cost, how much energy it could produce, and why proper

FOLDER, FROM 1 Strader’s telephone call to Hunt didn’t produce a refund, although her ads are being published in Deer Creek Elementary School’s folders as agreed upon. “Originally, about ten years ago, we got permission from (LISD),” Hunt said. “Then, it’s up to each school to choose if they want our services. The schools design their folders and pick their colors. We make the folders and give them to the school.” Hunt stated that another company is now creating the folders for the LISD schools involved in the controversy. He added that the new supplier is connected to a district employee. “We’ve done both schools [Steiner Ranch Elementary and Laura Bush Elementary] since they’ve been open,” Hunt said. “In the years we’ve been in Leander, we’ve done about threefourths of their schools.” LISD Assistant Superintendent, Ellen Skoviera, said Creative School Zones has “worked with some of our campuses in the past, but was not authorized to do so this year, with the exception of two campuses which we did authorize coordinated their efforts through their PTAs”. Skoviera stated that in the past campuses could choose to buy the folders, work with a ven-

design is so important. There will be another such meeting on Feb. 16 at Longhorn Village in Steiner Ranch. Both evenings will begin with drinks and appetizers at 6:30 p.m. before the presentation begins at 7 p.m. For more information or to RSVP, please email info@circularenergy.com, visit www.circularenergy.com.

dor to obtain the folders or the schools’ PTAs coordinated their folder efforts. However, with the district now moving towards a position that “its name and images should be used to benefit the children in our school system”, the district decided it would no longer permit this practice. Skoviera stated that the district surveyed its campuses to ensure they had no agreement with any vendor for student take-home folders. “Our staff spoke with an employee of Creative School Zones in June of 2011,” Skoviera stated. “We followed up with the corporate office via e-mail in July of 2011, asserting that there was no agreement in place for that company to be selling advertising for student take-home folders, that the district was taking charge of the use of its name, that the company should cease selling ads using our name and should refund any ads that they sold without authorization to do so. Creative School Zones, Inc. asserted it had signed agreements with LISD campuses, which we asked for and continued to request on multiple occasions and, to date, have not received. It is our understanding that the company continued to market ad-

vertising and we instructed our campuses not to accept delivery on any unauthorized folders.” According to Skoviera, the district has not located any written agreements or contracts with Creative School Zones Inc. and that the district contracted for the 15 campuses, including Steiner Ranch and Laura Bush Elementary Schools, which had not already made other arrangements for their folders. “These campuses were included in the district contract which is not owned by an employee’s husband,” Skoviera stated. Currently, one Four Points area business owner received a partial refund from Hunt’s personal checking account. Strader has not received any monies she believes is due out of the agreement but Hunt said he is trying to refund her. The St. Louis Better Business Bureau has not received any complaints pertaining to Creative School Zones, Inc., according to Bill Smith, Trade Practice Investigator. But Smith encourages anyone with a concern about this company to contact his office and/or file a complaint. He can be reached at 314-6453300.

Learning can be fun!

Congratulations to Jennifer Roberts, Four Points News Graphic Designer, on the birth of Aleksy Rae Keaton! Aleksy was born on Jan. 25 at 8:49 a.m. weighing 7.7lbs. and measuring 18 inches long.


Vandegrift High School Theater Department presents the musical “Kiss Me, Kate” from Feb. 2 - 4 at 7:00 p.m. at the VHS Auditorium, 9500 McNeil Dr. The Tony award winning musical by Cole Porter is based on a story by Sam and Bella Spewack. Tickets are $12 for reserved seating and $8 for general admission, and can be purchased online at www.vhstheatre.com or at the door.

no windows for ventilation, no doors and no floor and few books and toys. Newman, her son Adam (who attends CRMS), and Gayle Morris all from the local chapter will join a group from the Kentucky Chapter of ABLE and travel to Ghana on Feb. 23 to take the donations from Hat Day. “We will renovate an animal shelter to make it a real school with doors, windows, flooring, desks and supplies. We will also do flouride treatments and have an adult and pediatric clinic,” Erin Newman said. Donations are still being collected and any size is greatly appreciated, she said. Checks can be written out to ABLE, Inc. New members are welcome to join the local ABLE Chapter. ABLE is a nonprofit organization that focuses on helping improve living and learning conditions around the world. For more information, please go to www. ablemission.org

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Stars of the Week


Page 6 • February 2, 2012

Matt Woolf -


Maddie Ibrahim -


Favorite part about being involved in Viper Swimming and Dive: My favorite thing about swimming is working hard and encouraging my teammates to go their fastest!

Olson Kelly -



Favorite part about being involved in Viper Theater: I like theatre because all of the experience I gain by working on shows. Whether I am acting or directing it.

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Adrian Baraza -



Goal for this Viper Wrestling Season: I like wrestling because it is a team and an individual sport all in one. It also uses both mental and physical toughness and pushes you to be your best!

Sarah Brusseau -



Favorite part about being involved in Viper Theater: I have really enjoyed being part of the first Thespian Society at Vandegrift. I’ve had a great time with all the casts and crews. I’m looking forward to our first musical “Kiss Me Kate” and my final UIL One Act Play this spring.


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Viper Tennis logs wins at Georgetown Vandegrift High School traveled to Georgetown Jan. 27 and posted strong results in finals matches. Girls Singles: Shwetha Prabakar (VHS) vs. Natasha Bower (Cedar Park) 6-2, 6-2 Boys Doubles: Raventh Madina and Johnny Zang (VHS) vs. IanKocher and Christian Yonge (Westlad) 3-6, 5-7


Favorite part about being involved in Viper Soccer: The reason I love Vandegrift soccer is because I get to play for my school and with my best friends at the same time.

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Quinn Zulkowski -


Favorite part about being involved in Viper Soccer: I love to play for this team. It’s tons of fun and it’s the best team I’ve ever played on.

S W I M M i N G

Four Points News

Girls Doubles: Alex Dial and Mikaela Pope (VHS) vs. Marisa Rinear and Sharon White (CopperasCove) 6-1, 6-3 Loryn Johnson and McKenna Schuster (VHS) vs. AbbyKowal and Helena Nouzovsky (Anderson) 10-7

Lady Vipers upset by VR Rangers on Jan. 24

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VHS basketball team reads to River Place students

The Lady Vipers hosted the Vista Ridge Lady Rangers Jan 24. The Lady Rangers won the game by a score of 60-35. The Lady Vipers travel to Lake Travis Tuesday night, January 31 and host the Tigers from Dripping Springs Friday, Feb 3.

By APRIL DANG Guest Contributor Last week the Vandegrift High School Boys Basketball Varsity Team visited River Place Elementary to give back to the community through the Viper Readers Program. Head Coach Cliff Ellis and Assistant Coach Chris Dietzmann joined VHS students as they spent some of their Friday morning with students from Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade classes. Some of the players played games with them and others read stories to the children. The kids were engaged and listened with eagerness and it was evident they enjoyed having the players come and read to them, just talk to them and answer the myriad of questions they had. Some students even asked for autographs. The Viper Varsity boys had as much fun as the RPE students. Viper Readers is a tradition that started in the Viper’s inaugural season. Above left: Senior JT Graham reads to Mrs. Darling's 2nd grade class Left: RPE students requested autographs from Senior John Hirschhorn

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Left: Jasmine Mobley (#13, senior) taking the tip-off for the Lady Vipers

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Boys Viper Soccer Spotlight


February 2, 2012 • Page 7

From Hendrickson and New Braunfels Canyon games Above: Brett Koster, #10 Left: Jeff Willoughby, #14 Team record:

vs Connally (scrimmage) 1-0 win vs Manor (scrimmage) 5-0 win vs #10 Hendrickson 2-3 loss vs Eastview HS 2-0 win vs #6 New Braunfels Canyon 3-4 loss vs Dallas Sherman 2-3 loss vs Lockhart 5-0 win

2011-2012 Vandegrift Boy Vipers Soccer Roster 2012 Vandegrift Boys Soccer Schedule Date

3-Feb 7-Feb 10-Feb 14-Feb 17-Feb 21-Feb 24-Feb 28-Feb 2-Mar 8-Mar 13-15-Mar 16-Mar 20-Mar 23-Mar 27-Mar Mar-30


Location Time

Westlake HS Away JV/V St. Stephen’s Away V Only Marble Falls Home JV/V Vista Ridge Home JV/V Lake Travis Away JV/V Rouse Home JV/V Cedar Park Away V Only Marble Falls Away JV/V Vista Ridge Away JV/V Lake Travis Home JV/V Practice JV/V TBA Stony Point Away JV/V Rouse Away JV/V Cedar Park Home V Only Manor Away Varsity FIRST ROUND OF PLAYOFFS


5/7pm 7pm 5:30/7:30pm 5:30/7:30pm 5:30/7:30pm 5:30/7:30pm 6pm 5:30/7:30pm 5:30/7:30pm 5:30/7:30pm 11am/1pm 5:30/7:30pm 6pm 6pm

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with Boy Soccer Coach Chad Aldrich

1. What has to happen for your team to be successful this season? Priority is to stay healthy. Second, we have to fight mentally harder than ever to maintain composure towards the end of the matches. Take care of these two items, we will be okay. 2. What is your biggest concern heading into the season? Reaching potential. This team is extremely talented and it will be hard not to accept anything but their max potential by district play.

Myles Montalvo

“The Vine” 11:00 am Traditional Worship {Sanctuary}

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3. Who is Vandegrift’s biggest rival or biggest game to prepare for and why? Cedar Park. All of our athletes were split from Cedar Park and we haven’t been able to defeat them yet. We had the match last year 2-0, but Cedar Park did a great job on coming back to win it. This year, our first round seniors remember playing for Cedar Park their freshmen year and are motivated to do great. Be a great match. 4. Is there a hidden treasure on your team might be unknown right now, but could have a major impact on your season? Why? Both freshmen Ryan Porch and Matt Woolf have brought a lot of dynamic to the team as young as they are. One is a striker and the other is a defender. They were hidden until we starting playing, but you can’t hide them forever and rightfully so. Two great young players. 5. Do you have a team story to share? We are family. Our team is close to one another and every moment

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has the potential of being comical, or proud, or just good times. We wouldn’t it any other way and it’s makes a difference in our style of play. They would do anything for their brothers on and off the field. It is awesome to see. 6. What motivates you as a coach? My motivation is my athletes and the passion for the game of soccer. When your athletes give you everything they have; tired, worn out, bleeding, nothing left. And yet, still smile and says “thanks coach”; that is what motivates me. Their passion is pure and they all have hearts of champions. There isn’t any other way to explain it except they are apart of my family and couldn’t be prouder to be called their “coach”. 2010 Record Overall: 6-8-1 District Play: 3-7 Returning statistical leaders: Rand Fredrickson (12th), Brett Koster (12th) Top newcomers: Matt Woolf (9th grade) and Ryan Porch (9th grade)

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“The Table” 8:30 am

# Name Grade 1 Stephen McCue 12th 2 Noah Francis 10th 3 Ryan Porch 9th 4 Stephen Guastella 10th 5 Nick Zoellner 11th 6 Grant Wilburn 11th 7 Keller Wylie 12th 8 Collin Stobart 12th 9 Drew Golden 12th 10 Brett Koster 12th 11 Ruben Ramos 11th 12 Topher Jensen 12th 13 Marshall Wilson 12th 14 Jeff Willoughby 10th 15 Jacob Riedel 9th 17 Moises Chavez 12th 18 Matt Woolf 9th 19 Rand Fredrickson 12th 21 Andrew Locasio 12th

Q& A

Photo Texas Photography

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“The Way” 11:00 am

Contemporary Worship

{Ministry Activities Center, MAC Hall}

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Page 8 • Four Points News, Thursday, February 2, 2012

Viper Swim places 2nd at District Sets 5 VHS records

team combined placed 2nd. “I am very proud of our swimmers. They have been working so hard in the pool, and the results prove this,” said Coach Holly Raffaeli. There were five new school records set: Everett Fitzpatrick in the 50 freestyle, Steve Gerken in the 100 butterfly, Brandon Maas, Steve Gerken, Everett Fitzpatrick, and Chris Flynn in the 200 freestyle relay, Kelse

The Vandegrift Viper Swim team competed this past weekend against 9 teams at the District Championship Meet located in Burnet, TX. The boys swimming team placed 2nd, the girls swimming team place 3rd , and the overall

Redwine in 1 meter diving, and Hanna Brown in the 100 backstroke. “I am pretty excited about our new relay, and now our new goal is state,” said Everett Fitzpatrick. Not only were five records set, but there were also four district champions: Kayleigh Rago in the 200 freestyle, Everett Fitzpatrick in the 50 freestyle, Brandon Maas in the 100 free-

Jody Maas

Chris Flynn - Backstroke start against Reid Elliott of Lake Travis.

style, and Brandon Maas, Steve Gerken, Everett Fitzpatrick, and Chris Flynn in the 200 freestyle relay. Overall Captain Isabella Voelkl “wants to get as many people to state as possible, because all of our relays, girls and boys, have a lot of potential.” The Viper Swim Team is now on their way to Region, Feb. 10-11, located at the Josh Davis Natatorium in San Antonio.

Jody Maas

1st place 200 Free Relay: Back Row of “podium” = Brandon Maas, Steve Gerken, Chris Flynn and Everett Fitzpatrick

BLUECOATS, FROM 1 tions were held in November in Austin and both students received callbacks to the Bluecoats headquarters in Canton, Ohio where they successfully played music pieces supplied earlier by the Bluecoats. Slater applied to the Bluecoats because she enjoys marching band and she would love to do it over the summer. “The Bluecoats have been known to have one of the top mellophone lines out of the entire DCI organization, and have multiple mellophone features in their show,” she says. For his part, Brian “decided to join a Drum Corps to be a part of something truly amazing, to compete against the world's best marching bands, and to give audiences a musical and emotional experience they will never forget.” The Bluecoats will hold two additional camps during the months of March and April in Canton, Ohio to prepare for the summer tour. During the summer they will compete and perform all over the United States. Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps are members of Drum Corps International (DCI), accepting 150 young men and women from the ages of 15 to 22

each year. They have consistently placed in DCI's elite "Top 12" since 1987. The Bluecoats travel over 10,000 miles and compete in about 30 performances and competitions each season as participants in DCI's annual tour. Their "road fleet" consists of four leased tour buses, a 53' equipment trailer, a 48' cafeteria trailer, and a souvenir sales vehicle. They rehearse up to 14 hours per day perfecting their 11 minute competitive program. They sleep on high school gym floors in sleeping bags during the summer tour. For more information visit www.bluecoats.com . Viper Band members Brian Wolf and Caroline Slater earned their places with the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps. During the summer Bluecoats compete in about 30 performances all over the United States.


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