Studio Air Journal

Page 49

Site Condition:

The site lies along Princes Freeway with the main target audience of drivers who commute from Melbourne City to Geelong. The main intention is for a sculpture which is iconic for commuters and also hold cultural meaning with the site. In relation to its location as a motorway sculpture, various explorations of arrayed structures introduced to us the concept of changing perspectives of the form. As drivers drive past the sculpture they would have different views of the sculpture and we want to explore this idea of creating a dynamic form which changes significantly in various views.

Concept: The main idea of our project was to convey the concept of change between two extremes of the suburbs to the city. Wyndham itself lies in the middle of these two extremes and acts as a transition point for these places and we would like to convey that concept in our Gateway Sculpture. “Change� is a relative vague concept - in our design we will focus on two aspects of change: Change that is gradual, and this is to show the contrast or difference in two areas that indicates a change in location. We would like to touch on the specifics of gradual change; in the increase and decrease of the density of buildings that define a city. Another concept is the definite contrast in the two poles of organic and structure and how Wyndham is caught in between. Like showing on the Concept Diagram at the left hand side, The form of our final Gateway Design will illustrate the abstract form of above two types of change. In order to achieve such a effect, Voronoi patern which we have done lots of research on can be the basis of our focus.

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