Studio Air Journal

Page 36

After experiencing case study and fabrication part, ways to illustrate and embody metamorphosis between urban and rural pattern became increasingly interesting and sophiscated. Togther with taking site condition and general environmental background into consideration, various attractors can be used to adjust both pattern and form of future gateway design. In this case, the point attractor and overlapping ways in our group matrix attract our interests and performed well in metamorphing procedure. Turning to the step of applying theory into physical modelling, the perforation surface on the left hand side represented the possibility of using those attractor parameters. As a result shown in those photos, the perforation organic surface achieved a relative success and it indicates plenty of clues and methods of skin design in future gateway project. No matter the metamorphing circle pattern, or those shadows created, those approaches in this skin work can definitely be borrowed and futher developed in gateway skin design. As it was made after the metamorphosis voronoi pattern, those future problems towards joinary system were seriously concerned. Hence, the Theeverymany's precedent work was taken into consideration and hopefully can be applied into our future jointing system in gateway physical model. Therefore, the perforation surface model insipred from Cut Project tested many possibilities of applying patterns onto surface.

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