International Forest Industries Magazine Dec 2013 - January 2014 Digital Version with Video

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38 44


46 38 Sawlines: EWD

44 Sawlines: USNR

EWD’s 17° slanted EBB_1800R-17° bandsaw headrig with 3D scanning, forward/backward sawing and new Combimes BNK Edging and resawing system, has paved the way into the future

Heinola Sawmill Machinery has delivered a circular sawline with optimising profiling to a mid-tier Swedish mill

14 News

46 Sawlines: Wood-Mizer Wood-Mizer’s new SLP2 line is a systematic log processing line that uses thin-kerf technology to reimagine how narrowband blades can boost profits from logs, while reducing operating costs

42 Sawlines: Heinola


Taking the control of end-of-line sorting operations with PDA technology can enhance an operation’s efficiencies

12 Appointments

68 World Markets

72 Advertising Index

COVER: EWD Log bandmill Technology The Job: process 30.000 m3 of low grade hardand softwood logs per year/shift for packaging and pallet components; The sawmill: Koddenbrock in Goldenstedt, northern Germany The solution: EWD Log bandmill Technology Slanted 17° with Combimes Optimizing edger system and NKU150 thin kerf double arbor circular saw technology. The slanted EBB1800

headrig with the new EW1000 .2 carriage provides so many advantages over conventional headrigs and allows the operator to focus on his real job, making the best grading decisions for the logs. Automatic 3D on board scanning and a high degree of automation allow him to monitor the two other machine centers as well, a real one operator sawmill! DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 1

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Felling Heads The trend toward greater flexibility through increased rotation and bunching capabilities has continued into International Forest Industries’ 2013 Felling Heads review

50 70

24 50 Industry Voice

24 Biomass: Despite a resurgence in mainstream forestry sectors and the drop in focus on green energy, biomass remains a prominent fixture on the international forestry scene. This is only likely to continue

64 Chipping in Chile:

Once again, International Forest Industries editor Chris Cann taps into the leading brains in the business to investigate how markets, technologies and trends have evolved over 2013 and what’s in store for 2014

KBM owner Daniel Hermosilla talks about the equipment and human resources required to produce chips in Chile



6 Sawpoints

10 World Markets

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70 Cutting Edge

72 Advertising Index

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SUBSCRIPTIONS Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 583 Annual Subscription UK and Europe £160, €230 Rest of the world US$270 EDITORIAL T: +44 (0)1442 877 583 F: +44 (0)1442 870 617 2 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road Berkhamsted, Herts. HP4 2AF, UK Editorial Director John Chadwick Editor Chris Cann Editorial Board Dr Patrick Moore – Chairman and Chief Scientist of Greenspirit (Canada) Darren Oldham – Managing Director Söderhamn Eriksson (UK) Allan Hansard – Chief Executive of the National Association of Forest Industries (Australia) Professor Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz – Warsaw Agricultural University (Poland) Andre de Freitas Forest Stewardship Council Head of Operations Eduardo Morales South American Forestry Consultant ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS Lansdowne Media Services Ltd Advertising Manager Phil Playle Group Advertising Manager David Lansdowne +44 (0)1442 87 77 77 Associate Editor Robin Peach Advertising Production Enquiries Emma Smith International Forest Industries is published by International Forest Industries Ltd, 2 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road Berkhamsted, Herts. HP4 2AF, UK International Forest Industries (ISSN 1755-6732) is published monthly by International Forest Industries Ltd GBR and is distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 17B South Middlesex Avenue, Monroe NJ 08831 and additional mailing offices. Periodicals postage paid at New Brunswick NJ. POSTMASTER: send address changes to International Forest Industries, 17B South Middlesex Avenue, Monroe NJ 08831 © International Forest Industries Ltd 2007 – 2014 IFI uses, as preference, SI units throughout. All dollars are US unless otherwise stated.


Strap yourself in for consistency The industry forecast for 2014 is for some much needed stability and consistency in global forestry markets. It’s not exciting, but we’ve had enough excitement and volatility over the past five years to last a lifetime Christmas and New Year is a fascinating time to be in the International Forest Industries offices, partly because the directors put on an exceptional Christmas party. But also because it’s around this time that the responses to our Industry Voice (pp50) survey come back, which provide us (and you) with the inside track on what’s likely for the year ahead, based largely on what has past. This time last year, the overwhelming feeling amongst leading manufacturers of forestry machinery and equipment was that the worst may be over and the freefall well behind us, but 2013 was to be a volatile year. As it turned out, most performed better than expected. There were several companies recording record sales and revenues during 2013, which is the key indicator of strength for any sector, while most companies were at least pleased with their sales and key financials. Looking ahead, any talk of volatility has vanished. The recurring theme is that consistency is likely to endure throughout 2014. This will be led by the US, which began a tentative recovery during 2013 before a government shutdown put the shakes through the global economy once more. However, it seems no one truly sees the demise of the US as a realistic outcome and, as housing starts continued to rise into the end of the year, the majority of our respondents said the US would become a stronger and more dependable market in 2014. A more stable year ahead, or at least the expectation of a more stable year, is crucial for our industry because it allows planning. After five years of battening down hatches and making investments based on faith, foresters can finally look at realistic indicators of volumes in the year

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ahead and budget their investments accordingly. This in turn should lead to a staged uptick in equipment sales for manufacturers, as professionals who put off upgrades gain the necessary confidence to dive in and make that big purchase. Though moderation and stability were the themes of this year’s Industry Voice, there was an expectation for growth in some markets for some companies. John Deere was hopeful of increasing its influence in Russia and the Antipodes, while most companies said they were anticipating strength in China – China has become a market of increasing importance for the forestry sector, following the nation’s massive impact on mineral commodity markets since 2002 – which has continued to urbanise is huge population. But there will also be markets that remain depressed. Europe in particular, though slowly recovering, will contain pockets of struggling demand. Those companies surveyed by IFI believe that their international focus and ability to shift between various markets will be a major contributor to the expected stability. By definition, this means that companies with a more domestic focus may endure or enjoy a more volatile year. The overwhelming feeling, however, is a positive one. Not a cautiously optimistic one, but an expectation of positive market sentiment, if only modest, across the world based on actual results from a good 2013. It’s been a long time coming. Enjoy, Chris Cann

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Crane company Cranab mobilises in major structural deal Swedish Crane manufacturer Cranab is making one of the biggest-ever structural deals in the forest technology industry and creating a group with products for the entire chain from scarification to clear cutting


wedish Crane manufacturer Cranab is making one of the biggest-ever structural deals in the forest technology industry and creating a group with products for the entire chain from scarification to clear cutting. The purpose of the deal is to create an internationally competitive group with forest technology offerings throughout the entire chain from scarification to clear cutting. Other motives include increased production and exports and the company’s wish to pursue its already established path towards eco-driven, innovative product development. Taken overall, this structural deal

means that Cranab, via its subsidiaries, will add some 50 employees bringing the total to about 200 and increase its sales by approximately SEK100 million (€11 million) to around SEK350 million (€40 million). Part of the deal consists of Swedish world-leader Bracke Forest becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cranab. Bracke Forest manufactures machines for forest regeneration and felling and has production facilities in Bräcke outside Östersund, Sweden. Another part of this deal is that the Italian Fassi Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of truck cranes, will become a new

shareholder of Cranab. The Fassi Group’s operations are based in Bergamo, northern Italy. In addition, Mittkapital, Ekonord and Inlandsinnovation will invest equity in Cranab, through Z-forestab, which is the three Swedish investment companies’ joint holding company. Chairman of the Board Hans Eliasson and CEO Fredrik Jonsson will remain as majority owners of Cranab. “With this deal we are taking a more comprehensive approach to a broader technology offering to forestry and which is permeated by greater demand for environmental consideration,”

Jonsson said. “It feels great to have a world-leading group of forest technology companies which together create new opportunities for each business area and company.” “We see the forest as a major industry of the future,” Giovanni Fassi, CEO of the Fassi Group said. “For this reason we wanted to take part in the foundation of one of the most important and diversified groups in the forest industry, together with highly specialised partners, and in a country with a very extensive forest technology, culture and tradition: Sweden.”

John Deere Forestry working on its French Connection John Deere Forestry is seeking to restructure its sales territories of forest machinery in France. This move has been triggered by the insolvency and liquidation of the former sales partner for eastern, northern and parts of central France, Forêt Materiel Assistence (FMA). FMA has been involved in insolvency proceedings since 17 Apri 2013. The liquidation proceedings were instigated on 2 October 2013. In future, therefore, Bouchard Forêts in

Saint-Brice will be taking over sales of John Deere forest machinery in northern France. On it’s production lines Deere is concentrating on introducing more fuel efficient forestry machineries thereby hinting on a better improving fuel economy on Forestry Swing Machine with an updated pump/management system and fuel economy kit for existing models. When operating in high-power mode, these

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upgraded machines showed a marked improvement in fuel economy without loss in productivity, which translates to gains for the logger’s bottom line. “With fuel prices on the rise, running a fuel-efficient operation is now more important than ever for loggers,” said Dave McFarlane, product marketing manager, John Deere Construction & Forestry. “The enhancements to our fleet of Swing Machines are a testament to

John Deere’s dedicated focus to provide powerful equipment that gets the job done in the most efficient manner possible.” Swing Machine enhancements will be implemented on all models, including the 2154D, 2454D, 2954D and 3754D. Fuel economy kits are also available to update existing machines manufactured prior to November 15, 2013.

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Ponsse launches new C5 and C44+ models Ponsse’s versatile harvester crane selection provides special power and extra reach for all conditions. An easy-to-use, agile crane and the stability provided by eight wheels greatly increase productivity.


he exceptionally powerful PONSSE C5 crane provides more lifting power and reliability for PONSSE Ergo harvesters. The slewing power is ensured by two direct-drive slewing motors, and the crane is provided either with external or built-in hydraulic hose set. At its customers’ request, the boom head has been developed so that it allows the use of a multi-plate swing damper at the top of the hanger, which allows the harvester

head to be used in a quicker and more controlled way. The PONSSE C44+ is available for the PONSSE Ergo, Fox and Beaver. The new C44+ crane replaces both the C22+ and C44 models. The C44+ crane is available with both one and two slewing motors for the PONSSE Ergo, two motors for the PONSSE Fox, and one slewing motor for the PONSSE Beaver.

The flexible usability and excellent efficiency of the PONSSE parallel cranes guarantee efficient and economical performance, while the efficient movements reduce fuel consumption. PONSSE Ergo, C44+, H7, KeskiSuomen Metsäkymppi Oy, Jere Pasanen and Tapani Vainio, forest machine operators: “The slewing

power is greater compared to the previous C44 crane. The slewing movement stops more accurately due to smooth braking of the motor. Furthermore, the boom slewing movement settles well in position when working on slopes.”

Mississippi Timberland acquires land in New York Mississippi based timberland investment management organisation, Molpus Woodlands Group, LLC has successfully purchased approximately 130,659 acres in New York for about $57.5 million. The acquired property is in St. Lawrence, Clinton, Franklin and Lewis Counties in the northcentral part of upstate New York and is almost entirely within the

boundaries of New York’s Adirondack Park. The property has historically been in timber production and consists mostly of northern hardwoods. Additionally, the property is certified under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative “Molpus is pleased to expand its existing operations in upstate New York,” said Ken Sewell, Chief Operating Officer of Molpus Timberlands Management. “This

8 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

is a high-quality property supporting a diversity of northern hardwoods that fits well with our client’s investment objectives. We look forward to managing it under the existing conservation easements and continuing the sustainable forestry practices that have been historically demonstrated on this property.” With this acquisition Molpus increases its total assets under

management to more than $1.5 billion with a total acreage of approximately 1,600,000. Molpus currently maintains an office in Saranac Lake, New York. Molpus acquires, manages, and sells timberland as an investment vehicle for pension funds, college endowments, foundations, insurance companies, and highnet-worth individual investors.

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What’s in store for wood markets in 2014? The outlook for global lumber markets hinge on demand forces in the key consuming regions of the world. More specifically, it will be the lumber demand trends in the U.S., China and Western Europe that will shape global markets in 2014 and beyond. Attached is an analysis for the year ahead by International WOOD MARKETS Group


hile the supply dynamics are becoming more constrained in some areas, the ability for sawmill capacity to ramp up production is an all too familiar dynamic that continues to over-shadow the global lumber market. However, if global demand can achieve a 4% (or higher) gain in 2014, the outlook should be very good for lumber and sawn wood prices. For the U.S. it is the pace of U.S. housing starts that will set the tone for the lumber (and panel) markets in 2014. After a strong gain in new U.S. housing starts of 28.5% in 2012 (an increase of 175,000 over 2011), 2013 will end up with a more lackluster gain of only 18.5% (+145,000 units) or about 925,000 new housing starts. In 2013, the North American lumber supply chain became more balanced - starting in the second quarter 2013 - as production started to swamp overall demand. By fourth quarter 2013, a much better balance between supply and demand had developed, setting the stage for a good start to 2014. However, without strong gains in new residential housing starts increases of 20% of more (or 175,000 or more units), it is more likely to just be a “good” year overall, but still could feature some supply chain shocks during the year that could create price spikes both up and down. WOOD MARKETS is predicting a steady growth in housing starts in 2014, but less than the 20% that is needed to support a very strong market. North American lumber production is expected to increase by almost 3 billion bf (+5.4%) in 2014 – an increase over 2013’s estimated gain of 2.6 billion bf (+5.0%). China continues to be a key wildcard in global export markets as log and lumber imports continue to increase. This situation has been exasperated by the fall in total Russian log exports since 2007 (from 52

million m3 to 18 million m3) as the Russian industry has suffered from rising domestic logging and transportation costs despite a reduced log export tax that came into effect in September 2012. Erosion of the competitiveness of the Russian forest industry and its lack of cost control of log exports remains a critical issue. To offset declining log exports, Russian sawn lumber production has increased by about 30% during the last ten years, while lumber exports have increased by over 50% (led by the growing presence of Chinese-owned sawmills in Eastern Russia). Russian lumber exports to China alone have grown from about 500,000 m3 in 2002 to about 7 million m3 (4.4 billion bf – nominal count) in 2013. This has resulted in huge changes in China’s imported log and lumber supply and has also created a number of winners and losers as global trade flows have been radically altered. WOOD MARKETS’ latest monthly China Bulletin outlines how China’s new government has plans to open up China’s economy that will include improved market access for foreign investors. The new plans also include steadily increasing urbanization as part of China’s development strategy and that means further direct or related investments in the housing market. Although China’s housing market sizzled for most of 2013, despite the government’s attempts to rein it in, it looks like the market is stabilizing and avoiding a boom/bust scenario - that is good news for exporters of softwood logs and lumber. China continues to influence global log prices as well as prices in many domestic log markets, especially where logs can be easily exported. China’s ability to outbid sawmills for sawlogs along the U.S. west coast (as well as the B.C. Coast and in New Zealand) has been strongly evidenced since 2010.

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China has a huge and widening fibre supply gap but also has the world’s lowest cost sawmills. Consequently, China can afford to pay some of the highest prices in the world for saw logs (and, at times, for softwood lumber). The analysis shows that with reduced

Russian log supplies, China will remain a competitive threat to many domestic sawmills in countries that can export saw logs to China. Source International WOOD Markets Group,

98% increase in Chile forest fires A study conducted by Chilean Wood Corporation (CORMA) reveals that there had been a increase of 98% in forest fires this season when compared to the previous one. This entity made an urgent call to the community to report intentionally set fires and increase prevention measures for fires produced by negligence, which generate immeasurable loss for the country in terms of human lives, as well as environmental and economic damage. According to the statistics published by the institution there has been 1,102 fires between regions Maule and Los Lagos (the so called macroforestry zone) so far in the 20132014 season, compared to 512 fires at the same time period of last season. About 5,521 hectares have been affected, against 329 hectares at the same time period last season, which means the damage this year is seventeen times greater. The Bío Bío Region has the

largest number of fires, with 694, which accounts for 68.58% of fires in the macro-forestry zone. At the same date last year, 370 fires had occurred (which means 87% more this season). To date, 5,214 hectares have been affected, which is substantially greater than last season’s 238 hectares during the same time period. Fernando Raga, president of CORMA, stated, “The sector’s businesses spend about $35 per hectare of forest on fire prevention and suppression. As a country, we should aim towards zero forest fires and invest more on prevention instead of spending so many resources on fire suppression”. He added that, “for now, the most important thing is to create awareness regarding fire prevention, identify the perpetrators and report them. Natural fires do not occur in Chile, there is always a human cause: negligence, carelessness or arson, which results in irreparable loss for the country”.

Employment down in Spain Low rate of building activities has caused further harm in the employment levels in the Spanish timber industry. Unfortunately the slight recovery in the Spanish economy, which was observed recently, failed to sustain any long term impact on the timber industry. According to the Spanish timber-company association Confemadera from Madrid, employment numbers in the wood and furniture industry in the third quarter of 2013 showed year-on-year decline of 17% to 120,900. The decline in the furniture industry was 7.8% to 80,600, while that in the timber industry was even higher, at 17.7% to 46,600. The number of businesses engaged in the timber industry in the third quarter of 2013 decreased year on year by 7.5% to 25,973. This means that the branch has lost more than 10,000 businesses since the beginning of the economic and financial crisis in 2008.

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Brazil and Chile head to head Declining costs for sawlogs and pulplogs in Brazil and Chile over the past few years have made the forest industry in the two countries quite competitive. In the 2Q/13, pulplog prices in both countries were among the lowest in the world and sawlog prices were substantially below the Global Sawlog Price Index GSPI, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly


he wood costs for pulp and lumber manufacturers in the two largest producing countries in Latin America, Brazil and Chile, have fallen during much of 2012 and 2013, and were in the second quarter of 2013 at the lowest levels in over two years, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. The two countries currently have some of the lowest wood raw-material costs in the world, and since these costs account for 55-65% of the production costs when manufacturing pulp and lumber, it makes the industry quite competitive in the export market. In Brazil, prices for both sawlogs

and pulplogs have come down substantially in US dollar terms the past few years. The average pine sawlog price is currently over 20% below the record high levels reached in 2011. This sharp price decline is more a reflection of a weakening Brazilian Real than any dramatic price changes in the local currency. The current sawlog costs, which were about 30% below the global sawlog index GSPI, makes Brazilian sawmills very competitive. Although Brazil is a minor player in the global lumber export market, the country has expanded sales to the US, which is by far the largest consumer of Brazilian softwood lumber, this

year, with shipments in the third quarter of 2013 reaching their highest levels in over two years. Prices for pulpwood in Brazil have followed a similar trend to those of sawlogs, with sharp declines in US dollar terms but only modest declines in the Brazilian Real the past year. Current pulplog price levels have not been seen in almost five years, and the Brazilian pulp industry has become much more competitive compared to a few years ago. Prices for pine sawlogs in Chile have been surprisingly stable in 2012 and 2013 despite higher log demand from sawmills the past year both because of a stronger

domestic market and increased exports. Chile is about the tenth largest exporter of softwood lumber in the world and shipments to China, Japan and the US were all up the first half of 2013 as compared to the same period in 2012. Pulplog prices in Chile have also fallen, with the second quarter 2013 prices being about 8% lower than in the second quarter of 2012. The average cost for Eucalyptus fibre in Chile is currently the lowest in all countries tracked by the WRQ, making the country’s pulp mills some of the world’s lowest cost producers of hardwood market pulp.

North American wood pellet exports doubling Wood pellet exports from North America have steadily increased over the past two years, having more than doubled since late 2011, according to the North American Wood Fibre Review. Pellet export volumes from North America to Europe continued to rise during the 2Q/13, representing steady growth for the past seven quarters, according to data compiled by WRI and reported in the North American Wood Fibre Review (NAWFR). In that period of time, volumes exported to Europe have more than doubled, from just over 500,000 tons in the 3Q/11 to over 1.1 million tons in the 2Q/13. Most of the increase in exports over the past two years has been from the US South, while exports from the other major supply region, British Columbia, have been growing at a fairly modest rate since early 2011. In the 2Q/13, pellet volumes exported from Canada were nearly static from the previous quarter, which was a reflection of a pellet

producing sector running at close to full operating rate and with limited investment in new capacity planned for the past few years. With additional capacity in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, pellet exports from Canada will probably expand significantly in 2014. To date, Canada’s share of the total exports from North America accounted for

38% in the 2Q/13, which was down substantially from 62% just two years ago. The United Kingdom has emerged as the major importer of pellets exported from North America. However, pellet shipments from North America into the UK likely peaked in the 2Q/13 for 2013, as RWE’s major biomass power plant in Tilbury

shut down in August 2013. Power plants utilizing pellets in the UK are still on track to increase their volumes consumed over the next several years, but the ramp-up may not continue as smoothly as has been seen in the past two years. Source: Wood Resources International LLC,

FSC award for Camilla Hair Camilla Hair, the person responsible for the SCA Timber Supply’s public relations, has received the Forest Stewardship Council’s inaugural award for Outstanding Contribution to FSC Friday. On a yearly basis FSC UK rewards the most innovative celebrations of its annual awareness-raising day, FSC Friday. For the past three years SCA has invited selected merchant customers to join it in working with infant, primary and special needs schools. Following school assembly

12 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

presentations on sustainable forestry and wood products by SCA area managers, members of each school’s EcoCouncil or Gardening Club plant spruce saplings from one of SCA’s Swedish nurseries. FSC UK executive director Charles Thwaites said FSC UK relied heavily on certified companies to promote responsible forest management and drive demand for FSC-certified products. “With the hard work of dedicated individuals, such as Camilla, and the support of companies like SCA, our reach is

infinitely greater than we could ever achieve on our own,” said Mr Thwaites. Mrs Hair said it was a great privilege to receive the award. “I’d like to share this recognition with my SCA sales team colleagues, and with SCA’s builders merchant customers, as it’s they who do the actual tree planting with local schools, creating memorable events for the children and impressing upon them FSC’s good news about sustainable forestry and wood products,” she said.

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Woodworking remains complex in Europe


he first half 2013 was not easy for the woodworking technology and wood-based materials industry. According to the data processed by the Studies Office of Acimall – the ‘confindustria member association’ representing industry companies – the January-June period was tough for exports from the Old Continent. Also for Germany, that is still at the top of the ranking, but recorded a significant decrease in sales abroad (-14.81% compared to the same period in 2012), confirming the negative trend in the first quarter of this year. It went slightly better for Italy, which still remains in negative territory, while recovering some percentage points from the reduction recorded in the first three months of 2013. Asian export (from China and Taiwan) repeated the result of the first semester 2012, getting even

closer to their major European competitors, while export from the United States (up 8.36%) and Austria (up 1.54%) are basically addressed to neighbour markets. The United States once again reaffirmed their role of biggest market worldwide, with a positive trend benefiting all their suppliers, Italy included. As usual, there is a massive flow of equipment manufactured in Asia, while European competitors are still led by Germany. In Russia, Germany is the top exporter, with a solid leadership supported by the supply of big plants for panel production. Also Italy is performing well in this country, though slightly dropping from 2012. Only marginal shares for the other actors of global export. Competition is particularly tough in China, where all major manufacturing countries are active. Germany is the top

Exports from major producing countries (2013 January-June period, in million Euros.) Country Total value 2013/2012 variation (%) Germany















United States



Source: Acimall Studies Office, November 2013

Paneles Arauco replaces Nueva Aldea plywood mill destroyed by fire Chilean wood panel manufacturer Paneles Arauco has reported work to replace its Nueva Aldea plywood mill destroyed by a devastating wildfire early in 2012, is progressing well. The US$167m reconstruction project called Project Phoenix, initiated by the company early last year, is already 35% complete. Arauco is replacing the destroyed 450,000m3/year radiata pine plywood plant at its big Bio Bio valley wood products complex with a smaller 350,000m3/year

plywood facility. The new mill is due to produce the softwood panels for chiefly for export to the US, to Latin America - mainly Mexico - as well as to Europe, Asia and Oceania, according to the firm's Santiagobased parent group Celulosa Arauco y Constitución SA. When complete, the facility will provide 780 permanent jobs, it added. Finland's Raute Corporation was awarded a major $65.5m contract to equip the new plywood facility by Arauco.

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exporter with over €60 million in the first half 2013, followed by Taiwan (€40 million) and Italy (just below €30 million). Germany and Italy take the biggest share of woodworking technology export to Brazil, mainly as a result of effective partnership agreements with local resellers and, in some cases, huge direct investments. In Europe, Germany and France are the most important destination markets; it is worth highlighting the penetration of made-in-China technology in Germany, a strongly growing trend.

“Virtuous countries” ranked The global trade analysis by the Acimall studies office also allows to make a ranking of “virtuous countries”, i.e. the markets that, in the second half 2013, have invested more resources in woodworking technology (taking into account supplies from Germany, Italy, China, Austria and the United States; Taiwan figures are not available), as evidence of a manufacturing situation that – with all required caution – is positive. Again, the United States is in the top position, with import growth rates close to 15% compared to the April-June 2012 period. Interesting trends also in

Canada (plus 22%) and the United Kingdom (plus 7.2%), whereby the latter has been consolidating its structural recovery in the past few months. Growth in North America is also supported by Mexico (plus 27%). Running up far behind, with much lower absolute values, Lithuania with €8.6 million in the second half 2013, up by 134.45% compared to April-June 2012), Serbia (€5.3 million, up 48.9%) and Paraguay (€1 million, up 41%). Destination markets with a negative sign, meaning a reduction of technology acquisition from the leading producing countries, include Brazil (€26 million Euros in the second half 2013, down 68% over the same period of 2012) and India (€15.4 million, down 31%), countries that – we should not forget – have been very positive in recent times. In Europe, France (€56 million in April-June 2013, down 8.7% compared to the second half 2012), Belgium (€27.5 million, down 22%) and Switzerland (€26.9 million, down 7.3%), all mature markets. Thailand and Australia are suffering from drops close to 30%, combined with discouraging results of countries like the Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece.

International Forest Products appoints Dyan L. Cotton as CFO International Forest Products LLC (IFP) has appointed Dyan L. Cotton as CFO. Dyan joined the company in 2003 and has provided leadership to the Finance Department, playing a key role in supporting the sales organization, developing new business opportunities and managing the risk of some of IFP’s more challenging markets and projects.

“I am thrilled that Dyan has accepted this position at IFP,” said Dan Moore, Chief Operating Officer of IFP. “Over the past 10 years, she has been a loyal and committed member of our team and her excellent efforts have had a direct impact on the growth and diversification of IFP. I look forward to working closely with Dyan in her new role.”

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Wood-Mizer introduces heavy duty, high performance Bi-Metal blade engineered for production sawing Wood-Mizer LLC, the only sawmill manufacturer to also produce blades, introduces the heavy duty, high performance Bi-Metal blade. Engineered for production sawing, the innovative Bi-Metal blade will complement Wood-Mizer’s extensive line of bandsaw blades


ith an RC hardness of 67 on the tooth edge, the Bi-Metal blade provides a longer sawing sharp life, especially for cutting abrasive, exotic wood species. The tooth is manufactured with a ribbon of high speed steel that is electron beam welded to a high alloy backing material. This high alloy backing material offers a combination of durability and fatigue resistance, enabling a sharp life that is 2-3 times longer than carbon blades. “The new Bi-Metal blade will give you the best of both worlds,” said Wood-Mizer’s COO, Darryl Floyd. “It is less costly than other Stellite® and carbide blades and extremely easy to maintain.” The slightly increased width, compared to other blades in its class, provides more strength and stability resulting in faster sawing while maintaining accuracy. Both Bi-Metal blade options feature

7/8” tooth spacing with a 10 degree hook angle and are available in either 1.36” X .042” or 1.635” X .050” sizes. With the addition of the BiMetal blade, Wood-Mizer now offers blades in four distinct brands to meet every type of wood cutting application, from green softwoods to abrasive and exotic hardwoods. • DoubleHard, High-Alloy: All purpose, durable blade for most sawing applications.

• SilverTip, Carbon: Ideal blade for the resaw industry where multiple sharpenings are not desired. • RazorTip, Stellite®: Specialized Stellite-tipped blade for cutting abrasive, kiln-dried, tropical, specialty and other tough wood and beams. • RazorTip, Carbide: Specialized triple chip carbide-tipped tooth blade for the hardest of hardwoods, and leaves behind a smooth finish.

• Bi-Metal, Industrial: Heavy duty blade for production sawing. Provides a longer sawing sharp life, especially for cutting abrasive, exotic wood species. Offering more than 60 basic blade profiles and an extensive array of combinations based on profile, tooth height, width, thickness, tooth set and length, Wood-Mizer blades offer unmatched cutting flexibility across the board. As the leading manufacturer of portable band sawmills for more than 30 years, Wood-Mizer offers an extensive line of portable and industrial sawmill equipment. The company supports its equipment with legendary customer service, blades, and blade maintenance equipment. For more information about Wood-Mizer, call 800.553.0182 or visit

Weyerhaeuser appoints Rhonda Hunter as senior vice president, Timberlands Weyerhaeuser Company has recently appointed Rhonda Hunter as senior vice president, Timberlands, effective January 1, 2014. Hunter succeeds Tom Gideon, who will be retiring in February 2014. Hunter has been vice president of Weyerhaeuser's Southern Timberlands operations since 2010. Prior to that role, she held a number of leadership roles in a variety of disciplines for our Southern Timberlands operations,

including planning and inventory, regional timberlands management, environmental and work systems, finance, and land acquisition. "Rhonda is a proven leader with deep experience in maximizing value from timberlands and I know she will bring a fresh perspective and valuable expertise to this critical role," said Doyle Simons, Weyerhaeuser president and CEO. "I want to thank Tom for the 35 years of strong leadership he has

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brought to this company and we wish him all the best in his retirement." Rhonda Hunter has been vice president, Southern Timberlands, since 2010. Prior to that role, she held a number of leadership positions in the Southern Timberlands organization, including director of inventory and planning, region manager for Arkansas/Oklahoma, environmental and work systems manager for Arkansas/Oklahoma, finance and planning manager for

Mississippi/Alabama, and land acquisition and exchange manager. Hunter joined Weyerhaeuser in 1987 as an accountant. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Henderson State University. Weyerhaeuser Company, one of the world's largest private owners of timberlands, began operations in 1900.

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Rune Sollie new CFO at Norske Skog

HewSaw is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Tuomas Halttunen, M.Sc. (Tech.) as Vice President, effective December 20, 2013. Tuomas' areas of responsibility now include sales and marketing and after sales operations. Tuomas represents the fourth generation of the family that founded HewSaw 50 years ago and still controls the company today. He has worked in a number of positions at HewSaw, including international assignments at HewSaw subsidiaries and most recently leading the company's after sales operations. HewSaw is a leader in the design, manufacturing and sale of primary breakdown equipment for sawmills. The company is based in Finland and has subsidiaries worldwide, including HewSaw Machines Inc. in North America.

Rune Sollie (47) has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in Norske Skogindustrier ASA. Sollie has broad experience from various financial positions within Norwegian industry. He has most recently held the position of chief group accountant in Statoil Fuel & Retail AS. He has broad experience from various audit and accounting work in UNIConsult AS, Yara International ASA, KPMG, the Directorate of Public Roads and the Central Bank of Norway. He also has experience from the banking and finance sector, and is a board member of KBN Kommunalbanken Norway. I am very pleased to have with me an experienced and qualified professional such as Rune Sollie in the further development of the company says President and CEO Sven Ombudstvedt. He goes on to say “The challenges ahead will be to continue to improve profitability across the group and to adapt our organisation to the company’s size and activities. Rune Sollie’s expertise and management experience will be very beneficial when facing these challenges”. “I look forward to working in a global organization with many exciting processes and skilled people” says Rune Sollie. Sollie will assume the position from 20 January 2014.

Rayonier elects Lynn Wilson as Executive Vice President Board of Directors of Rayonier has elected Lynn Wilson to the position of Executive Vice President, Forest Resources. “Since joining Rayonier, Lynn has led the successful integration of multiple acquisitions, assumed responsibility for our international forestry operations and driven our Forest Resources business to greater levels of operating efficiency,” stated Paul Boynton, Chairman, President and CEO. “This new title appropriately reflects Lynn’s recently broadened global leadership role and her sustained

success in leading our forestry operations.” Wilson is a member of Rayonier’s senior management team and is responsible for 2.6 million acres of timberland in nine states and New Zealand. She’s also responsible for the administration of Rayonier’s Land Information Services and leadership of the company’s timberland acquisition team. Prior to joining Rayonier, she served as Vice President, Operations Support with Plum Creek – a position she reached after holding a variety of responsibilities, including company Logging

Superintendent, Senior Resource Manager and General Manager. Her forestry career spans more than two decades. Rayonier is a leading international forest products company with three core businesses: Forest Resources, Real Estate and Performance Fibers. The company owns leases or manages 2.6 million acres of timber and land in the United States and New Zealand.

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Jussi Pesonen elected Chairman of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation The Board of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation has elected Mr. Jussi Pesonen, the President and CEO of UPM-Kymmene Corporation, as its Chairman for 2014. President and CEO Kari Jordan, Metsä Group and CEO Jouko Karvinen, Stora Enso Oyj were elected as deputy chairmen. In addition to the chairmen, the following new members were elected to the Executive Committee:

Managing Director Kalle Kantola, Haapajärven Ha-Sa Oy, Mill Director Martti Savelainen, Sappi Finland Operations Oy and CEO Tomi Yli-Kyyny, Vapo Oy. Managing Director Ville Kopra, Versowood Oy and Managing Director Sari Rämö, DS Smith Packaging Finland Oy will continue as members of the Executive Committee. “Decisions made here in Finland

as well as in Europe have an impact on the competitiveness of the forest-based sector. Restoring of lost competitiveness must be highlighted as a priority. The wings of growth should not be clipped but the industry should be encouraged to operate and employ in Finland,” says Jussi Pesonen, the next Chairman of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation. In addition, the following representatives of Finnish Forest Industries Federation member companies were elected to serve on the Board of Directors in 2014: Managing Director Jussi Aine, Puustelli Group Oy Managing Director Risto Hovi, BillerudKorsnäs Finland Oy CEO Arto Huurinainen, Tornator Oyj President and CEO, Ilkka Hämälä, Metsä Fibre Oy CEO Lauri Junnila, Pankaboard Oy CEO Pekka Kauranen, Harvestia Oy CEO Juha Koukka, Savon Sellu Oy General Manager Juha

Kuusisto,Veljet Kuusisto Oy Managing Director Heikki Merikoski, Oy SWM-Wood Ltd General Manager Heikki Mustaniemi SCA Tissue Finland Oy Executive Vice President Kari Nikkanen, Olavi Räsänen Oy Country Senior Executive Lauri Peltola, Stora Enso Oyj CEO Tapio Pitkänen, Omatalo Oy Managing Director Kyösti Pöyry, Paperinkeräys Oy Managing Director Timo Rautalahti, Mondi Lohja Oy Managing Director Tommi Ruha, Kuhmo Oy Chairman of the Board Pekka Sairanen, Puusepänteollisuus ry President Tuija Suur-Hamari, Kotkamills Oy Vice President Production MattiPekka Vanninen, Jujo Thermal Oy President, UPM Energy and Pulp Business Group Heikki Vappula, UPM-Kymmene Corporation CEO Jouko Virranniemi, Pölkky Oy

New CEO for Holmen Timber Håkan Lindh, the current CEO of Holmen Timber, has decided to leave the company. He will be replaced by Johan Padel,a move which will be effective from February 1, 2014. “Under Håkan Lindh’s leadership, Holmen Timber has undergone a very expansive period through the investment in the new sawmill at Braviken, while the market for sawn timber has been tough,” says Magnus Hall, President and CEO of Holmen. “It’s been a difficult job in a difficult market, and Håkan deserves our greatest thanks. We wish him every success in his future assignments.” “In recent years in particular, with the construction of the new sawmill at Braviken, the work has been exciting and educational but also laborious,” says Håkan Lindh. “It now feels like a natural point in time to move on and take on new challenges.” 18 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

Johan Padel is 47 and his current position is at Siljan Wood Products AB, where he is CEO. Prior to this he was President and CEO of Setra Group, Divisional Manager of Moelven Timber, CEO of IKEA’s subsidiary Swedwood Latvia Ltd, and CEO of AssiDomän Hasselfors Trä AB. He also has several years’ experience from the marketing side of the sawn timber industry. “With its two modern, large-scale and cost-efficient units, Holmen Timber has great potential for further growth,” says Magnus Hall. “Johan Padel has the skills and experience necessary to lead this growth in a positive direction.” The CEO of Holmen Timber is part of Group management and reports to the CEO of the Holmen Group.

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RusForest appoints Gustav Wetterling as CFO and issues options to key employees After appointing their new CEO, RusForest AB HAS appointed Gustav Wetterling as CFO, effective immediately. Mr. Wetterling replaces Kirill Pronin, who will remain available for a transition period. Gustav Wetterling joins RusForest from Black Earth Farming Ltd. where he was Director of Procurement and previously Director of Investor Relations. He has also worked for Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd. and Svenska Handelsbanken. Matti Lehtipuu, the RusForest Group CEO, said, “We are pleased to appoint Gustav as CFO, and we thank Kirill for his commitment to the company since 2008. Gustav has impressive experience living and working in Russia in finance as well as operations, and he will make a significant contribution to the new RusForest team.” The Board of Directors has resolved to allocate a total of 300,000 employee stock options under the 2013/2016 program to Mr. Wetterling. At the same time, the Board of Directors resolved to allocate 300,000 options each to Anton Bogdanov, Group COO, and

CFO Wetterling needs to get RusForest on track

Anders F. Börjesson, CEO of the Swedish holding company. RusForest is a Swedish forestry company operating in Eastern Siberia and the Arkhangelsk region of Russia. The Company controls long-term timber leases and utilizes these resources to produce a wide range of sawnwood products.

As the new finance chief of RusForest, Wetterling has some positive momentum to build upon. Compared to the previous year, third quarter EBITDA losses improved by 60% despite remaining in the red: it was still a negative SEK 11.2 million (€1.26 million). This, combined with a reduced net loss, shows that although Wetterling isn’t inheriting a golden egg, at least things are moving in the right direction.

Conifex Timber appoints new Vice President Conifex Timber announced that Patrick Bell has been appointed to the newly created role of Executive Vice President. Mr. Bell brings to his new role extensive experience derived from a diverse background. During his political career, Mr. Bell served three terms in the BC Legislature and held a number of high profile positions with the Provincial Government, including Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, Minister of Forests and Range, and Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Bell’s entrepreneurial career involved interests in a variety of businesses, including a logging company and a trucking company. Earlier in his career, Mr. Bell worked in the hospitality industry at a corporate level and remains involved with the organization as a franchisee. The role of Executive Vice President will be based in Conifex’s Prince George, B.C. Office and will focus primarily on the enhancement of the Company’s regional operations including raw material supply, lumber manufacturing, capital expenditure programs, and human resources. Mr. Bell was appointed to the Company’s Board of Directors in August 2013 and will continue to serve as a director Conifex CEO Ken Shields commented: “Pat’s passion for and knowledge of the forest industry became apparent in his role as a Conifex Director. We are delighted to now have full-time access to Pat as a senior executive.” DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 19

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2013 Finnish Timber sales increase by 10%


n 2013, the Finnish Forest Industries Federation’s member companies procured 33.4 million cubic metres of wood from private forests. This represents an increase of 10% compared to the average procurement volume over the past ten years. Wood stumpage prices increased from the previous year and high roundwood costs weakened industry’s competitiveness on the international market, thus reducing opportunities for additional wood use. Last year, timber sales got off to a stronger start than in previous years. The pace of trading picked up as summer approached and peaked in May. After a quiet summer holiday season, sales gathered pace again and were steadier than usual for the rest of the year. Thus, the storms in December did not substantially increase timber trade volumes.

Roundwood costs increased from the previous year In 2013, timber sales volumes were 18 % higher than in 2012. Log procurement volumes increased 26 % and pulpwood volumes 12 % compared to the

previous year. Industry procurements amounted to a total of 15.1 million cubic metres of log and 17.1 million cubic metres of pulpwood. The stumpage prices of softwoods log increased 3-4 % on average, birch log prices fell one % while pine and birch pulpwood prices went up 1-2 %. Spruce pulpwood prices remained unchanged. In December 2013, pine log fetched on average EUR 55 per cubic metre, but prices varied between EUR 45 and EUR 58 depending on the region and logging method. The average price of spruce log was EUR 56 per cubic metre but ranged between EUR 46 and EUR 58. The average price of birch log was EUR 40 per cubic metre with prices varying between EUR 29 and EUR 43. The average stumpage price of pine and birch pulpwood was EUR 16 while spruce pulpwood fetched on average EUR 17 per cubic metre. Pulpwood prices varied between EUR 13 and EUR 19. Delivery contracts in 2013 accounted for a total of 5 million cubic metres of timber and their share fell from 18 % of total timber sales in 2012 to 15 % in 2013. About three quarters of delivery contract procurements were

Vapo sells sawmill to Versowood Finnish Timber Company Vapo has sold its Hankasalmi sawmill to Versowood, a move which is effective from January 1, 2014. The sale includes all assets of the site, including the plant and liquid assets but however none of the parties agreed to disclose the purchase price. The Hankasalmi sawmill, which was comprehensively modernised by Vapo as recently as 2011, boasts production capacity of 260,000 m³/year. Roughly 60% of sawing is accounted for by pine and the other 40% by spruce. 75% of lumber production has until now been exported, mainly to clients in Europe, North Africa and Asia. The plant most recently generated turnover of €60m and the work force of 85 has been taken over by Versowood. Vapo’s other two sawmills in Nurmes and Kevatniemi, which together boast production capacity of roughly 460,000 m³/year, will in future be managed as independent profit centres.

20 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

pulpwood. In delivery contracts, forest owners deliver timber to the side of the road.

Structural reforms needed to boost activity on the timber market Finland cannot afford to not make the most of its forests. Its growing stock almost doubles every year compared to logging volumes, and as much as a quarter of sustainable logging opportunities go unused each year. “The problem is that a great deal of Finland’s forest is not in the sphere of market activity and forests are left unmanaged. The short supply keeps costs high, weakens investment conditions that are based on domestic wood,

and does not support the growth of the national economy. The functioning of the timber markets must be improved with structural reforms that revive the forest economy, and tax solutions are a key element in this respect,” says Forests Director Tomi Salo of the Finnish Forest Industries Federation. Anu Islander Senior Advisor, Forestry Finnish Forest Industries Federation, tel. +358 9 132 6678 Tomi Salo Forests Director Finnish Forest Industries Federation, tel. +358 9 132 6610

U.S. lumber consumption projected to rise strongly The U.S. economy remains somewhat fragile, and recent economic forecasts suggest that GDP growth figures will be quite low for 2013 (1.6%) and only slightly higher in 2014 (2.6%). A major downside risk has emerged: the ongoing battle in Congress over budget spending limits has resulted in lower consumer confidence and higher borrowing rates for government, and may even result in a second government shutdown and/or default risk when temporary budget measures run out early in 2014. The familiar themes of high unemployment, home foreclosures and “underwater” mortgages have been nearly as prominent in 2013 as in 2012. U.S. housing, the key driver of North American lumber consumption, is now on a slower upward trajectory. New- and existinghome stocks have retreated to historically average levels, prices have stabilized and

are rising in many regions, and starts have been growing (albeit from very low levels). Based on increased housing starts, lumber consumption for new U.S. residential construction alone should soar in the next two years. Demand will also grow due to strong gains in repair and remodelling, industrial, and commercial applications. Based on the demand forecast, total U.S. lumber consumption is projected to rise strongly, moving from 39.8 billion bf in 2013 (nominal; 63.8 million m3 net) to 43.0 billion bf in 2014 and 47.3 billion bf in 2015 — up 9% each year. Total Canadian demand will also expand, but at a much slower pace (given that Canada’s housing market has already recovered fully from the 2009 recession). Source: International Wood Markets Group,

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Veneer gains momentum in Germany and Switzerland Swiss Veneer Association, SFV has reported that veneer imported by Swiss trading companies and veneer processors increased slightly from January to the end of September 2013. Across all wood species, veneers with a value of SFR12.77m were imported by the end of September with the value of imports of hardwood veneers showing year-on-year growth of 7.7% to SFR10.08m. There was particularly strong growth from countries in which subcontracting veneer plants were located. According to calculations made by IFN on the basis of Eurostat statistics, the value of veneers used in Germany in 2012 increased for the second year in succession. In a study announced in mid-December by the IFN, veneer

worth €76.7m was used in Germany in 2012. Compared to the situation in 2011, when veneer worth €63.7m was used, this represents an increase of roughly 20%. Even though domestic consumption has continuously risen since 2008, with the exception of 2010, German veneer consumption continues at the low level reached at the beginning of the new millennium. Veneer used in Germany since 2002 has only reached annual values of between €45.3m and €78.1m. In contrast, back in 1995, veneer worth €309m was sold in

Germany. Following the sharp decline in 1996, annual German veneer consumption in the second half of the 1990s was worth over €200m.

Suzano starts up new pulp mill in Maranhao, Brazil Suzano Papel E Celulose S.A. has started up operations at its new pulp production unit located in Imperatriz, Maranhao, Brazil. The new pulp mill will have eucalyptus market pulp production capacity of 1.5 million tons per year and surplus power generation of 100 MW. Suzano has stated mill personnel are now focused on effectively executing the rampup period to ensure an adequate learning curve. Suzano expects the pulp mill to produce about 1.1 million tons in 2014.

Martti Asunta to continue as Chairman of Metsäliitto Cooperative Board of Directors The Board of Directors of Metsä Group’s parent company Metsäliitto Cooperative elected in its constituent meeting Martti Asunta to continue as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2005 and Chairman since 2008. Metsä Group’s President and CEO Kari Jordan are to continue as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Arto Hiltunen continues as the Chairman of the Audit Committee and Martti Asunta and Eino Halonen as its members. Martti Asunta continues as the Chairman of the Compensation Committee and Eino Halonen and Antti Tukeva continue as its members. Metsä Group focuses on tissue and cooking papers, consumer packaging paperboards, pulp, wood products, and wood supply and forest services. DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 21

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Lumber production of Alberta Forest Products Association - member companies up 12% in 3Q


alues of lumber, pulp and paper, and panelboard manufactured by Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) – member companies totalled approximately $670 million for the 3Q 2013. The value of production was up $55 million (8.9%) from the same period last year. Compared to the 2Q 2013, production values increased approximately $9 million (1.3%). "So far, 2013 has been a very positive year for our industry,” said AFPA President and CEO Brady Whittaker. “Prices have been relatively strong in each of our sectors. Strength and stability for the forest industry means that we can continue to grow our business in 50 communities, employ Albertans, and care for our forests.” Whittaker also predicted that results for the 4Q 2013 will be positive. “Lumber and pulp prices have continued upward through October and November and I believe that will be reflected when we finalize our results for 2013.” AFPA member companies produced 855 million board feet (mmfbm) of lumber in the 3Q 2013 with a value of $290 million. Part of this production came from the

secondary manufacturing sector. Total production volumes were up 92 mmfbm or 12% from the 3Q 2012, and values increased $42 million (17.1%). Compared to the 2Q 2013, production volumes increased 17 mmfbm or 2%. Lumber production values were nearly identical for the 2Q and 3Q 2013. AFPA member panelboard operators produced 278 million square feet of 7/16 inch equivalent product in the 3Q 2013

valued at $84 million. Compared to the 3Q 2012, production was up approximately 13 million square feet (4.9%), but values decreased $8 million (9%). In comparison to the 2Q 2013, production declined by 10 million square feet or 3.6% and values declined by $10 million or 10.6%. The AFPA’s pulp and paper sector total production for the 3Q 2013 was 388,900 air dried metric tonnes (ADMT) valued at $296

million. Production was down 4,900 ADMT (1.2%) from the 3Q 2012, but values increased by $21 million (7.6%). Compared to the 2Q 2013, production increased by 30,600 ADMT (8.5%), and values increased by $19 million or 6.7%. The Alberta Forest Products Association is a private, non-profit industry organization, representing forest products companies operating in Alberta.

Finland’s Koskisen now offers fire-resistant sawn timber At the end of November 2013, Koskisen became the third sawn timber manufacturer in Finland to be granted fire-retardant certification for its products. In line with the new certification, Koskisen now manufactures for the Finnish market wood panels and exterior cladding boards that have been treated with a fireretardant coating. To ensure its fire resistance, the sawn timber is carefully treated before being delivered to distributors and end users. In order to achieve an end result that

meets the requirements, the sawn timber is treated several times with Teknosafe 2407-00, a fireretardant coating which guarantees the highest possible fire class – P1 – for wood products. End-use applications for the fireresistant products include particularly exterior cladding and ventilation gap surfaces. The protected products are classified according to Bs-1, d0 EN 13501-1. The exterior cladding of apartment buildings and care facility buildings in Finland requires structural fire protection

or a separate sprinkler system to prevent the spread of fire. Koskisen’s fire-retardant coating system for wood can replace these methods. “All in all, sawn timber treated with a fire-retardant coating can resist fire for longer than ordinary timber, and furthermore it does not catch on fire very easily. The treated timber is also weatherproof,” says Vesa Saarelainen, Sales Manager for Koskisen Houses, explaining the advantages of fire-protected timber products for the customer.

Södra unveils strategy for 2014-2020 After a number of months of intensive and comprehensive work mapping out Södra’s way forward, the company’s Board has now made a formal decision on a new group strategy. Following a period in the early 2000s when the company achieved rapid growth and good profitability, Södra has seen a phase in which profits have been down and growth has stagnated. Changes such as a reduction in the allocation of electricity certificates and industry restructuring will also affect Södra. A new collective strategy has been devised so that the company can adapt to new situations. First, Södra must become a

more unified group – one Södra. This will be done so that shared resources can be used more effectively and also to allow staff to work more efficiently. A clearly unified Södra will also reinforce the way in which the company is perceived by everyone else, so strengthening the Södra brand. Growth is a prerequisite for adding value for Södra’s owners in the long term. Companies which fail to grow lose their competitiveness and do not develop. Södra’s business is based on creating an outlet for its members’ timber and using the industry to give them a share of the profit from processing. The markets for Södra’s products are growing by 3% to 5% each year.

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Much of this growth is not taking place on existing, mature markets, but on the rapidly growing Asian markets. And Södra has to be part of this. Growth is vital to all business areas – but the ways in which they will grow will vary slightly. Investments have to be made in a number of areas. For the pulp business, extensive investments at the mill are planned to take place during the strategy period. This means that production and turnover will increase. Investing with a view to increasing production capacity is vital if the company is to ensure the competitiveness of Södra Cell. For the sawmills, growth will mainly involve making the most of

the opportunities provided by earlier investments. The same is true for the interior wood business and Trivselhus. For Södra Skog, the increase in production will result in a need to increase its timber supply. All industrial operations must become 2% to 3% more efficient each year in order to handle their relative competitiveness. This means that Södra has to work smarter and improve continually. Processes and working methods must be reviewed, in all respects and in all parts of the group, and Södra has to derive the full benefit from the huge investments which have already been made.

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BIOMASS Morbark’s redesigned 40/36 Whole Tree MicroChipper

Still going strong Despite a resurgence in mainstream forestry sectors and the drop in focus on green energy, biomass remains a prominent fixture on the international forestry scene. This is only likely to continue


espite the re-emergence of tried and tested fossil fuel technologies in the wake of the global economic crisis, the biomass industry is yet to take a backward step, as this year’s biomass feature has shown. There are three possible reasons for this. Firstly, Western governments at the forefront of green energy technologies have been unable to shift away from the commitments made pre-2008. These commitments centred on reducing carbon emissions and manifested in a focus on subsidising green energy technologies on a national scale and energy self-sufficiency through products such as pellet boilers at a local level. Secondly, green technology has taken dramatic strides toward efficiency and sustainability as an energy provider in its own right. This is far more true for some sectors of green energy than others, and for some pockets of biomass within the greater biomass sector – but the trend is clear. This should encourage government to persist with green energy initiatives in the expectation that in

the future these industries will be economically viable in their own right. And thirdly, the pulp and paper industry has improved in strength following the lows of 2008 and this sector remains the key consumer of chips, which remain the key biomass product. This is shown up in this year’s biomass feature, which is again dominated by the chipper manufacturers. In truth, the strength of the biomass industry is probably the result of all three. Morbark has redesigned its 40/36 Whole Tree MicroChipper. It is the latest in a string of design enhancements the North American company has executed to make the machine “perfect for microchip producers”. The 40/36 Whole Tree Drum Chipper was first introduced in 2008 as a compact, affordable and productive biomass chipper. The model was improved by the addition of the Advantage 3 high performance chipping drum in 2011, which significantly improved chip quality. The latest

With new biomass plants being built in the United States and the rapid expansion of wood pellet exports to Europe to meet the European Union’s mandate that 20% of its energy come from renewable sources by 2020, our customers need a cost-effective system for making microchips – John Foote, Morbark

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BIOMASS The new horizontal grinder 3200 Wood Hog has added a mid-range option for recyclers

23WCL Chiparvestor shows what it’s capable of. A full line of Morbark Chiparvestor whole tree chippers means different sizes and configurations are provided so customers can customise their machine with options such as a cab and loader (WCL), no cab and loader (NCL), on tracks or tyres, and diesel or electric power model includes an enhanced drum set with 16 knives utilising standard hardware; an operatorfriendly slide-in forestry grate system to reduce oversized chips; and a mechanically driven chip accelerator to fully load vans with the micro-chips. “With new biomass plants being built in the United States and the rapid expansion of wood pellet exports to Europe to meet the European Union’s mandate that 20% of its energy come from renewable sources by 2020, our customers need a cost-effective system for making microchips,” John Foote, Morbark Vice President of Sales and Marketing, said.

“This newly re-engineered 40/36 MicroChipper is the solution. We are able to produce a far superior product, producing 95% acceptable micro-chips at volumes of more than 70 t/h.” With an average fuel consumption of 2.25 t of microchips produced per gallon (4.54 litres) of fuel used, the Morbark 40/36 MicroChipper allows owners to reduce costs and maximise profits. In customer tests, 95% of the micro-chips produced passed through a 1⁄2" grate, and an average of 65% passed through a 1 ⁄4" grate. These micro-chips are vital for pellet mills, eliminating the need to regrind the wood fibre prior to pelletising.

26 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

The Beever M20R brush chipper is ideal for entry-level biomass production, lot and land clearing contractors, contractors and large tree services. It is a high-capacity, high-production chipper with an extensive number of standard features for its class. The Beever can be configured in a variety of models for greater versatility

“[A] universal powerful forestry mower with a chute for collecting the mulching material.” This is how Italian manufacturer Seppi M has described its Midiforst Drago mulcher, from its Midiforst range. The mulched material is taken by a conveyer belt up the chute and can then be collected and carted away in a trailer, leaving the soil clear of material. The Midiforst drago collects wood up to 150 mm (6 in) from the forest floor for further use. As well as wood, various other materials such as grass, leaves and biodegradable waste can be mulched and collected.

Midiforst Drago: F E AT U R E S • The chute is aerodynamic so transports dry and also wet material in large quantities quickly and efficiently for discharge • The hydraulic folding chute has a chute deflector that is hydraulically adjustable • Wear-resistant conveyor belt for high discharge • Height adjustable trailer hitch • e-support roller to control cutting height • Rear hood with variable rakes. Applications • Collection of material for energy production

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Seppi’s Midiforst mulcher can handle a variety of materials • Clearing of site for replanting • Collection of biomass for composting • Environmental clearing in urban areas. Yield for the Midiforst in typical applications Productivity:

30-60 m3/h

Heating value (upper)

18-20 MJ/kg

Density 40-80 kg/m3 Water content Fine fraction (pollution)

5-10 % (mass) <2% (mass)

Austrian company, Binder, designs and installs automatic biomass boiler systems for commercial, industrial, communal, and residential applications. With

more than 3,000 plants installed all over the world, from Canada to Japan, Binder is one of Central Europe’s top-five suppliers. For over 30 years, Binder has been focussing solely on boilers for industrial and commercial use. The range of biomass fuels that the company’s boilers are suited to include pellets, woodchips, energy crops or cores and shells, and covers every application in the field of district heating with renewable energy. As a systems supplier, Binder also provides all the required components around the boiler. Earlier this year, Binder was certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), according to the requirements of the H-stamp. The company is the first and only Austrian group to achieve this status.

Binder biomass boilers and is the only H-stamp certified company in Austria “This certification will enable the production of boilers for the North American market and many more,” Binder stated.

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The ABAB Bioharvester 255 on show in Maine, US

Sustainable forestry connects ABAB with Maine

The rollers on the 255 make transporting and drying wood easier During a recent logging project in Finland, a new delimbing attachment with feeding was developed by Allan Bruks (ABAB) for its Bioharvester 255 head. The combination turned out to be very successful. Daniel Furu, a Finnish entrepreneur, calls the ABAB felling head “the guillotine”, saying that it delimbs as effectively as an ordinary processor. “It is flexible, effective and fast,” he said. “Since it is not dangling but fixed, there is a lot less damage in forest when working.” The ABAB head has an adjusting arm that can be fixed to make it easier to single out trees to cut without causing damage to surrounding stems. ABAB has been manufacturing harvesting heads for many years and believes the sturdy construction, high cutting speed,

few moving parts, and fixed nature of the Bioharvester 255 a competitive product. The feed rolls press the tree, causing breakage on the limbs to make the material easier to transport. It also damages the bark, which eases the drying process, increasing the energy content. Furu pointed out that when cutting with a knife instead of saw, production does not stop for changing chains and there is no oil leakage in the forest. “It is very exciting to have this new attachment that makes such a big difference to the entrepreneur,” he said. ABAB Marketing Manager, Kia Bruks Thyrén, said there was already “great interest” in the bioharvester 255 feeding felling head, which was expected to increase now that delimbing has been included in the device.

28 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

In October, ABAB was invited to present its felling equipment on a demo-tour across northern Maine, US. The state of Maine is up to almost 90% covered with forest. There is a tremendous amount of resource in the forests in this area of the US and many owners are aware of the importance in thinning, to promote a sustainable forestry. However, there is a need generate saleable biomass wood products in order to get the forest management done. “The land owners that consider investments in thinning devices today will invest knowing that there is a return of investment further down the line in a better quality forest,” Bruks Thyrén said. “The whole forest industry will be healthier as that product becomes more valuable.” There is a plan to build power plants in the area, which is very promising for the future of biofuel production in Maine. Machine demonstrations were carried out in September in Maine in conjunction a big dealer for forest

equipment, who had tried similar thinning devices in several projects during last seven years. The ABAB head was in the dealer’s opinion the best they had seen so far, considering the clean design and low production cost. “There is a huge opportunity to use the vast resource Maine has in its woods for bioenergy and we see a rising interest from the land owners to invest in thinning, although there is not yet a high demand in the material as biofuel,” Bruks Thyrén said. “We met some very big forest owners that that want to optimise production/acre and see thinning as a way to accumulate growth and shorten time to desired maximum diameter of valuable hard wood.” “An obstacle in this state is the long distances from loggers to end users. Logistic is always crucial in making profitable biofuel, but this will change with new power plants. “A higher demand for biofuel will for sure make the felling head very interesting as an investment that can make immediate return.”

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The Peterson 7900EL Disc Chipper seen here in Chile working in tandem with a 6830 Debarker is designed for high volume operations that require the ability to chip large diameter feedstock or multiple stems. The largest disc chipper that Peterson has built to date, the

7900EL has the ability the produce chips from 1â „4 to 1 1â „4 inches (6 to 32 mm). When low bark or ash content is a requirement, the 7900EL can be paired with the Peterson 6830 Debarker. The extended deck of the 7900EL feeds the large feed throat capable of accepting up to a 30 inch (76 cm) diameter trees, or

30 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

multiple smaller stems. The Peterson 6830 Debarker is a dedicated chain flail debarking machine designed for long-stem chipping operations that require low bark or ash content. Designed for multiple stems, or trees up to 30 inches (76 mm) in diameter, the 6830 quickly and effectively

debarks even the hardest feedstock. The 6830 is controlled by an IQAN operating system, which provides the operator with all critical engine and performance parameters. When paired with the Peterson 7900EL, the operator can control both machines. When

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The Peterson 7900EL Disc Chipper seen here in Chile working in tandem with a 6830 Debarker

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BIOMASS 4310B Track Mounted Drum Chipper

4300B Drum Chipper

combined with a Peterson 7900EL Disc Chipper, the 6830 is the ultimate in-field clean chipping plant.

Peterson 4310B Track Mounted Drum Chipper For Biomass Fuel Processing Applications The 4310B drum chipper is suited for high volume biomass producers who have a wide variety of feed material from brush and small feed stock to logs up to 24 inches (61 cm) in diameter. The 4310B is powered by a 765 horsepower (570 kW) C18 Caterpillar engine. At 55,000 pounds (24950 kg), the track mounted 4310B is designed for operations requiring high production and frequent moves between jobs. The chipper utilizes a 36 inch diameter by 44-3/4 inch (91 by 114 cm) wide drum with either 6 or 12

knife pockets. Traditional babbitt type knife systems are standard equipment. Chip length can be set from 1/8 to 1-1/4 inch (3 to 32 mm) depending on rotor and knife configuration Other key features include a hydraulic clutch, sloped feed deck for ease of feeding the chipper, and wear resistant AR 400 wear surfaces on the drum pockets and shell. Optional material sizing grates further reduce oversize twigs and branches in the chips, and an optional chip accelerator helps with loading. The end load spout is standard, and an optional top loading spout is available. The 4310B’s new generation of controls includes Peterson’s Adaptive Control System. The control panel provides selfdiagnosis for faulty sensors and open circuits. Fault indicators make troubleshooting easy. The 4310B control panel features an

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LCD display that provides the operator the complete engine and system parameters to simplify setup and efficiently operate the machine. Peterson specializes in developing delivery and processing equipment that turns low-grade organic materials into high value products.

Peterson 4300B Drum Chipper Whole Tree Chipping The 4300B drum chipper is the latest in a long line of high quality chipping and grinding machines produced by Peterson. The 4300B drum chipper is suited for high volume biomass producers who have a wide variety of feed material, from logs up to 26 inches (61 cm) in diameter, to brush and small feed stock. Powered by a C18 Caterpillar engine, the 4300B is powered by 765 horsepower (570 kW). At

52,000 pounds (23,586 kg) and 8 feet 4-3/4 inches (255 cm) in width, the 4300B is a high production chipper whose dimensions do not require any oversize permits for road transportation. The chipper utilizes a 36 inch diameter by 40 inch wide (91 by 102 cm) drum with wear resistant AR400 wear surfaces on the drum pockets and shell. A sloped feed deck makes feeding the chipper easier. The optional material sizing bars and chip accelerator minimize oversize twigs and branches in the chips, and help ensure tight chip packing and fully loaded chip vans. Traditional babbitt type knife systems are standard equipment. Chip length can be changed from 1/4 to 1-1/4 inches (6 to 32 mm) by adjusting knife extension and feed speed. The 4300B’s new generation of controls includes Peterson’s highproduction Adaptive Control System. The new control panel provides self-diagnosis for faulty sensors and open circuits. Fault indicators make troubleshooting easy. The 4300B control panel features an LCD display that provides the operator the complete engine and system parameters to simplify setup and efficiently operate the machine. “Ask anyone in the biomass industry about chip size and everyone will agree that size matters,” Bandit Industries’ President Jerry Morey states categorically. Bandit’s biggest drum-style whole tree chippers now offer an optional microchip drum designed to deliver the small wood chips more and more biomass facilities need. Available for the Model 2590, Model 3090, Model 3590 and recently made available for the Model 3590XL, the new drum designs feature double the knives found on standard drums, delivering twice the cuts per rotation to produce wood chips as small as 3/16” in size. The microchip drum can also be easily converted to a normal chipping configuration for standard sized chips, allowing users to conveniently produce several different chip sizes to serve multiple markets. “Bandit chippers are already

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BIOMASS Chip quality is an utmost priority for Bandit

New drum designs feature double the knives found on standard drums known for producing a great chip, but with biomass markets expanding rapidly around the world, we knew it was time to take an extra step for our customers”,

Morey said. “Chip size certainly matters, but it usually comes at a cost of machine efficiency and performance. “We set out to build a chipper

that could make the best microchip on the market without giving up the performance people expect from Bandit. And that’s exactly what we have with our new microchip drum.” The microchip drum works in conjunction with another Bandit innovation – the Card Breaker System. This simple device functions like a screening system, taking advantage of Bandit’s high chip velocity through the discharge system to break larger chips as they exit the machine. Used in conjunction with Bandit’s flow control option to fine-tune the feed rate, the result is a specifically sized, high-quality microchip that is achieved without sacrificing the production, efficiency, and chip throwing power for which Bandit whole tree

chippers are known. Compared to similar machines producing microchips, Bandit whole tree chippers are averaging 33% better on fuel economy, based on testing and customer feedback. “Customers using our microchip drum are consistently telling us just how hard the machine throws the chips, just like our standard whole tree chippers,” Morey said. “They are also reporting fuel consumption rates of roughly three tons per gallon depending on the material, and some customers are throwing 40-50 loads per a set of knives. We’re very pleased with the responses we’ve received on the microchip drum. It’s the ideal setup to serve any fuel wood market anywhere in the world.” “Our second generation of the Vermeer whole-tree chipper, the WC2300XL, has the same amount of power as our first generation whole tree chipper, but has more bite for when working in more challenging material thanks to its enhanced infeed,” Vermeer said. “By increasing the infeed roller diameter to 28 in (71.1 cm) the WC2300XL offers superior

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Vermeer WC2300XL productivity whether working in slash or logs up to 23 in (58.4 cm) in diameter. Running material through the WC2300XL is easy and efficient, due to its variable-speed dual infeed conveyor chains, conveyor head pulley with integral grip bars and aggressive infeed roller with crush capability.”

Features and benefits • The WC2300XL features an infeed system that includes variable-speed dual infeed conveyor chains, conveyor head pulley with integral grip bars, sloped infeed table and aggressive diameter infeed roller with crush capability. These provide efficient feeding of difficult material types, reducing the number of times an operator has to handle the material • High wear material flow areas of the machine, such as drum knife pockets, discharge chute, cutter housing and infeed conveyor floor are designed with replaceable wear parts. This helps extend machine life • An operator can choose whether

to use double-edged cutter knives or babbitted single-edge cutter knives, to best suit the job conditions. Italian manufacturer Pinosa, is known worldwide for its technological innovation, the most recent of which is the MDM450 – “a compact centre for initial processing of woody biomass”. A patent application has been filed. Pinosa describes the MDM450 as the “saw that splits, the splitter that saws”, expressing the unit’s “extreme versatility”. The unit can produce firewood, dappled wood for the subsequent production of charcoal, dappled wood to use as fuel for gasification plants, and meter length split. It can work wood with a maximum length up to 1.6 m and a maximum diameter up to 600 mm (depending on model). The same machine can also be used as a log splitter because of its maximum length capability.

The versatile MDM450 from Pinosa 34 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

without any transfer, therefore saving cycle time and consequently energy,” Pinosa stated. “The risk of stopping the cycle to intervene manually in the case of deformed or sawn shorts distorting the process is also eliminated.” It is a multifunctional machine, compact and versatile, which can work both logs and branches. It incorporates four different types of machinery: • Combined sawing/splitting: it can saw and split any type of material without any transfer • Sawing Machine: it can saw logs and/or branches and mixed material without splitting • Splitting: it can only split (by means multiple and adjustable The machine is controlled by splitting grid) segments of logs a single operator and can be already sawn earlier equipped with manual, semi• Log splitter: can split whole automatic ones or be fully length logs with a maximum automated controls. In the length of 1.6 m. automatic version, it is capable of The unit can be powered by an sawing and splitting with electric motor, a tractor shaft, programmable measurement that combined (electric motor and never leaves the bottom of the log shaft drive) or a diesel engine. (optimized sawing); sawing and “Its compact size combined splitting into same pieces of with the fact that the machine can programmable measure leaving a be set up as a mobile version, standard bottom (constant sawing makes it usable both on-site and – system suitable for subsequent in the forest, as well as packaging of wood); or of exploitable in the business of automatic sawing and splitting subcontracting and/or rental,” into a number of pieces set Pinosa said. (sawing in divisions – suitable for The MDM450 is equipped with short and mountain mixed wood, covers and/or guards to protect to divide it into two-three or four the parts that may pose a hazard pieces without leaving a bottom at to the operator. The compartments all). The machine can be equipped of access to potentially dangerous with extraction conveyor belts of areas are equipped with special electronic systems of redundant interlock technology, which stops the machine in case of opening, as well as the emergency stop buttons that can The MDM450 combines sawing and log splitting interrupt the technology operation various lengths, fixed or reclining, cycle immediately and return of screens for cleaning the material cutting tool to its own being processed and/or packaging compartment. Even the emergency systems for firewood and/or long stop buttons are headed by an length split. electronic redundant interlock “With the MDM450, the technology system. segment sawn is processed Industry-proven heavy duty drum

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Mulcher TFMF

Mulcher TFVH2

The Pezzolato PTH 1200/820 HACKERTRUCK chipper company, Pezzolato, has used its years of manufacturing experience to conceive the PTH 1200/820 Hackertruck – a special drum chipper that has evolved from the drum chipper upgrade project network through the combined contribution of the European Community, the Italian Government and the Region Piemont, in cooperation with local municipalities. The project mainly focused on engineering and constructing a drum chipper prototype that’s features had never before been developed for the Italian market. The aim was to improve the performance and profitability of large scale portable drum chippers. To meet this challenge, innovative devices were incorporated in the final design: • Black-box: this is the first device able to register all process parameters with a second device able to send parameters recorded in the forest to the operative exchange. The parameters capable of being collected are: date; time and place (GPS georeference); RPM of the truck engine and fuel consumption; chipper working and nonworking hours; with continuous monitoring of chips humidity; and the monitoring of the chipper inner temperatures • Chips evacuating system: enhancements to the traditional fan discharge chute allow an

extra tube to cast chips in front of the truck cabin. This allows operation in narrow corridors • Automatic fire extinguish in the initial stage: chipping processes are a heavy duty activities that may overheat the equipment in certain conditions. In addition, wood dust can create a potentially explosive atmosphere. This innovative design adds fire safety protection to the unit • A truck chassis-mounted unit with a 336 kW (450 hp) motor, 6x6 all-wheel drive, and a 2.3 m reduced gauge. The machine can now be driven through narrow openings, on steep slopes and on twisted forestry roads • The integrated forestry crane and a Cshaped wood splitter with chain saw finish off the package. The closed 820 mm diameter by 1,200 mm long chipping drum is fitted with two blades, each 1.2 m long. ‘Quick & Smart’ blades, fixed directly to the drum, allow easy access for maintenance and quick blade replacement, and are 30% cheaper than traditional blades – resharpening up to three times is possible. Major blade damage is controlled with a collapsible counter-blade mounted on a running slide and secured with adjustable shear bolts. This allows shearing of bolts, which reduces extreme damage when a foreign body is accidentally consumed by the chipper. The design allows the counter-blade to fall down, so that the foreign body exits before causing major damage. IFI

Mulcher TFVJ Mulcher TFVJH

Mulcher TFVMF The Castor

Ctra. Vilablareix no18-20 – Pol. Ind. Mas Aliu 17181 Aiguaviva GIRONA (Spain) Tel. +34 972 40 15 22 • Fax: +34 972 40 01 63 E-mail: DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 35

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Pole climber prefers Greenmech British pole climbing champion and lumberjack event competitor, Ian Flatters, has recently acquired a GreenMech Arborist 19-28 wood chipper for his Norfolkbased tree surgery and arboricultural consultancy business, Target Trees, which was established five years ago. Target Trees offers a complete service, from hedge cutting to full site clearance and had looked at a range of options over a three month period for this major purchase. Flatters found the GreenMech product “to have a superior build quality,” which contributed greatly to influence his decision to settle on the Arborist 19-28 – that and “the helpfulness and interest shown in our business by the company”, he said. “The performance is far superior to competitor machines, resulting in a marked increase in our productivity,” Flatters said. “The rollers are very aggressive and material is crushed before it reaches the flywheel. As a result, the process is much quicker and our trimming time has been reduced. “The ability of the Arborist 19-28 to cope more easily with larger branches has also saved us man-hours and reduced the number of operator visits back and forth to the machine. Basically it can cope with whatever we throw at it and its versatility has also increased the range of work we can offer. It is a very manoeuvrable and easy to transport piece of kit. I would say that for productivity and performance it is one of the best purchases we have made.” Powered by a 50 hp Isuzu diesel engine, the

Arborist 19-28 wood chipper has a 190 mm x 280 mm throat capacity, fed by twin hydraulic feed rollers and utilises a four disc-blade chipping system. The in-feed chute opening measures 1,200 mm x 840 mm while the chipping flywheel is 600 mm x 25 mm. Rotor speed is 1,500 rpm. The ability to drag in more difficult material with minimal trimming means faster more cost effective working than competitor machines. The Arborist 19-28 is very operator friendly

The rollers are very aggressive and material is crushed before it reaches the flywheel – Ian Flatters on the GreenMech Arborist 19-28 wood chipper thanks to its low noise emission levels and a slightly lower in-feed hopper at 580 mm (23 in). This takes it into the H&SE’s (B) category, requiring only a top and side safety bar, eliminating the need for the bottom bar that can cause nuisance roller stops. Couple that with the large, 46 litre fuel capacity that only uses 5 litres/h at 60%, plus its compact dimensions, and you have a very competitive product. The Arborist 19-28 is also equipped with state-of-the-art combined ‘no-stress’ electronic feed and engine controller with an hour meter. Standard items include full road lighting; fully braked chassis; storage flap on the in-feed chute and locking tow hitch. The ability to have your own livery colours and turntable are options.

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The GreenMech Arborist 19-28 wood chipper

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Keeping Denmark warm I t was really by accident that Esben Hegelund got into the chipping business. In 1999 a once-in-a-century storm caused massive treefalls throughout Denmark. Hegelund was there with his first small chipper. Today, 14 years later, he’s the biggest biomass producer in Denmark. It might sound strange, but Denmark needs more waste. The country has a long tradition of incinerating household waste and using the heat to generate electricity and feed the extensive district heating network. Denmark imports substantial quantities of waste from neighbouring countries, but there is still a demand for woody biomass of high calorific value to keep

partner in all areas.

Somebody has to be first

“One of the reasons for our success is certainly the fact that we have more experience because we were the first,” Hegelund said. “We had the first truck-mounted chipper, although lots of people said that was the wrong way to go. Now it’s the only thing anybody

Komptech Crambo 5000 low speed shredder

uses in our business.” It’s the flexibility that Hegelund appreciates most with Komptech’s incinerators burning hot. This evens out the varying heat value of different kinds of waste and ensures continuous heat delivery.

EHJ Energi converts waste to biofuel Many of these thermal power plants are customers of EHJ Energi. The company produces over 1 million m3 of biofuels a year from wood trunks, forestry residue, rootstocks and green cuttings. Demand has grown steadily over the years, and so has the company and the number of Komptech machines it uses. Its two Crambo 5000 low speed shredders, Stonefex 3000 stone separator, Mustang tracked drum screen and two Chippo 5010 H chippers bear witness to the company’s specialisation as a biofuel maker. They are also evidence of trust in the machines’ manufacturer and its Danish distributor Aksel Benzin, which has proven to be a capable

mobile chippers. “With the Chippos I can go anywhere, including in the forest, and can work in tight spots and on soft ground with no problems.” The company has a competitive edge in its knowledge of chipping and also in working with rootstocks. “If you remove the soil and stones from rootstocks, they’re great for making a fuel with high calorific value,” Hegelund said. “You just have to know what you’re doing, and have the right machines for the job.”

separates out are not waste, but a “bonus material” that makes a nutritious topsoil. What’s left after screening is the biofuel. If there are still too many stones in it, Hegelund runs it through the Stonefex to get them out, and ends up with a high-quality, highly pure fuel.

Chipper by chance Back to 1999, it was literally a force of nature that got Hegelund into the chipping business. At the time he worked as an earthworks service provider for drainage canals, but due to the severe competition he was already looking around for something else to do. On the morning of December 3, after a gale blew

through the country, Hegelund saw opportunities where others saw just destruction and chaos. He bought his first chipper and set to work. “My idea was to make biofuel for grate firing systems,” he said. “I got a contract with a heating plant, and things took off from there faster than I expected.” And there was plenty of work out there. According to official estimates, there were 3 million m3 to be disposed of, equivalent to seven years of normal wood harvests. A decade later, 22 motivated employees take care of over 750 customers throughout the country, making EHJ Energi Denmark’s biggest biofuel supplier. These days, Hegelund spends most of his working day on customer relations and management tasks, but he still knows exactly how to use the machines. “In the early years I would be out from early to late, running the chipper or the front loader, and if need be I still get behind the wheel,” Hegelund said. “After all, I have to keep Denmark warm.” IFI

Komptech Chippo 5010 chipper unit

From rootstock to fuel Before the rootstocks end up in the incinerator as ‘root chips’, they have to be shredded and cleaned of impurities. The two tough, low-speed Crambos shred them down to the desired chip size. The Mustang drum screen removes earth, sand, stones and other foreign matter. Its tracked chassis makes it mobile on difficult ground. The fines that it

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Production up with EWD innovation

EWD’s 17° slanted EBB_1800R-17° bandsaw headrig with 3D scanning, forward/backward sawing and new Combimes BNK Edging and resawing system, has paved the way into the future

n 2011, German sawmiller, Holz Resch, completed a rebuilding and expansion program using cutting edge technology. A 3D true-shape scanner for the bandsaw headrig EBB provides optimised sawing with maximum recovery and value and the Combimes BNK system processes and optimises the sideboards as well as flitches and cants into the respective products. Holz Resch is located next to the Dreisesselberg mountain in the midst of the Bavarian forest. It is a family company, headed by the fifth generation miller, Baptist Resch. With its 20 employees, the company processes the


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EBB_1800 slanted headrig operator cabin with large PC-screen and Microtec optimisation

local high quality spruce into specialist products. These local logs from the high altitudes of Lusen and Dreisesselberg mountains grow slowly to large diameters with narrow growth rings that give them great strength. The mill has an intake of 25,000m3/year and produces live-sawn flitches; fingerjointed lumber; scaffold boards; core-free or core-split sections; timber sections; construction timber DIN 4074; customer specific products; panelling floor; and wall boards. Holz Resch is a long-term EWD customer with a log grading yard and sawmill,

complemented by a Springer lumber tray sorter with stacking. Dry kilns and a planer mill give added value to the basic products. A CHP plant has recently been built and is fuelled by chips and sawdust to provide heat for the sawmill and adjacent factories, as well as for the local community. In 2007, the Resch family started to consider the rebuilding of its existing frame sawmill, exploring layouts and concepts. Then, in 2011, the work on the new mill concept became more concrete and by year’s end the layout and concept had been finalised. Following a couple of mill visits with EWD,

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The sawn lumber slides off smoothly onto the belt with the narrow face upside due to the 17° slant and is then transferred via two decks for side boards and for flitches/cants to the Combimes

the family was assured that the 17° slanted headrig was the way to go to complement the frame saw. In early 2012, the civil works for the new saw house marked the start of the project, which was done in three steps. First, a new roundlog infeed with an S+S metal detector unit was built to maintain continued feeding of logs to the frame saw and keep the mill operating. The new saw house was built in parallel with the 17° slanted EBB headrig. The mill was only stopped for a short period, once the headrig and saw house were ready, to disassemble the two existing DKV edgers and install the new Combimes BNK

edger/resaw system and a new waste handling system from Rudnick & Enners. Following a short stop time, the new equipment was commissioned and, since October 2012, the sawmill has been successfully sawing with the new technology. Within six months, the old frame sawmill was updated and brought in line with state-of the art-technology. A very flexible sawmill was built with a small foot print to fit the available space, which is able to react to time-sensitive and customised orders. The young team of operators took to the new technology very quickly and is improving its skills on a daily base.

EW2_1000 with-17° Carriage and DiSCAN scanner DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 39

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The EBB_1800R-17° bandsaw headrig with double cut mode, facilitates smooth slide down of the lumber

EBB_1800R-17° slanted bandsaw headrig … for higher productivity The log bandsaw headrig processes logs of 3 to 10 m length, with diameters from 0.15 to 1 m and more. The 17° slanted EBB 1800R headrig with 1.8 m (6 ft) wheel diameter and carriage EW2 1000 is receiving logs via a log loader. The driven loader conveyor achieves smooth and fast loading of the logs onto the carriage EW2. The 17° slanted headrig works more efficiently, especially for the loading and rotating of the logs. A skilled operator achieves 10 to 15% higher production per shift, compared with a conventional bandsaw headrig. The carriage is automatically ‘parked’ in the loading area according to log length before the operator releases the log for loading. The operator rotates and dogs the log based on quality and sweep, then the automatic mode takes over. The carriage moves forward and the Microtec DiSCAN scanner reads the true-shape log contour with a combination of Laser triangulation and cameras. The optimisation system uses the lumber product data to calculate the optimum saw pattern and the right alignment for the log and automatically feeds it to the bandsaw. The operator sees the selected pattern on his 550 mm (22 in) computer screen and can still override if needed with a different pattern to

ensure log quality. The visualisation of the saw pattern is done by the OPTiLINE system in real time with two cameras. The operator sees the saw pattern on the log shown on small and large end diameter. The bandsaw headrig works in double cut mode, forward and backward sawing, and is therefore quicker, even without slabber because there are no unproductive return passes. The sawn lumber slides off smoothly onto the belt with the narrow face upside due to the 17° slant and is then transferred via two decks for side boards and for flitches/cants to the Combimes. An automated transfer of flitches to the frame saw allows that machine to be used for special products. For live sawing of boards and flitches, two manual stacking places or two trays of the Springer sorting system can be used. This lumber outfeed is also used by the HDN 600 Esterer frame saw. Waney sideboards are sent to the sideboard deck of the Combimes, while lumber and scaffold boards are sent to the sorting system.

The Combimes BNK Combination edger/gang circular saw The Combimes system is installed in this mill as a combination edger/gang machine. Waney sideboards can be sent back for edging. The BNK circular edger/gang is fitted with six

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The bandsaw headrig works in double cut mode, forward and backward sawing, and is therefore quicker, even without slabber because there are no unproductive return passes

moveable saw heads with servo-hydraulic setworks and can process boards as well as flitches up to 225 mm thickness. Boards are brought to the infeed table via the S-shaped unscrambler QFEZ_S. The operator then decides if they want to trim back a fish-tail end and also on the quality and grade of the board. The Combimes then moves the board through the laser scanning system, which scans the open board face from top and bottom. Because of the top and bottom scanning system, the boards do not have to be turned waney face up. With scan data and grade assignment, the PC optimises the edging/resawing solution, which is then executed by the ARS infeed table to feed the lumber to the BNK. The operator stands next to the infeed table, however, this

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SAWLINES – EWD Combimes BNK view of the two deck transfer system on the right side with ARS infeed on the left

workplace has been designed to make it as ergonomic and safe as possible. All the main commands are given by a joystick, which can be easily adapted to fit the operators size and preference. The optimisation solutions are displayed on a PC screen on the grading/operating panel. Product data and values or other parameters like number of special pieces on order can be fed to the system via an office PC. Data transfer to the Combimes machine is then done by USB stick or Ethernet. Thus, work preparation does not interfere with the sawmill’s production. Operator safety is achieved by a safety PLC and special rubber mat with sensors. With the operator stepping on the mat, the machine is automatically released and locked again when the operator steps off. This enables the operator to safely climb onto the infeed table, for instance to clean a laser sensor without need to lock out his machine. The unscrambler danger area is blocked by safety photo eyes and the O-crosscut saw is automatically lowered if somebody steps in front of it. All

these features make for a very safe work place. The ASV tailing system behind the BNK separates edgings from the board/s and sends them to the waste handling system. Lumber is sent to the sorting and stacking system via transfer system. All cants and flitches to the Combimes are automatically aligned to an even end and then fed piece-by-piece to the Combimes, following the same process as the boards. Waney sideboards from thicker cants are automatically separated from the main product and sent back for edging via the

sideboard transfer deck. The Combimes system provides a high yield and recovery for the Resch sawmill.

The one-stop, saw shop Saw sharpening is done in house with a new Vollmer grinding machine. A new saw shop was built above to enable easy changing and servicing of the bandsaw blades. A saw shop and equipment for the circular saws already existed on site. IFI

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Heinola sawline impresses close to home

Heinola Sawmill Machinery has delivered a circular sawline with optimising profiling to a mid-tier Swedish mill


orest owners association, Norra Skogsägarna, is owned by its some 10,000 private member forest owners in the counties of Ångermanland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten in northern Sweden. The association has two sawmills – one in Kåge and the other in Sävar. The new Kåge sawmill specialises in producing high-quality pine and spruce products (the top end diameter varies between 105-550 mm) in a two-shift operation with an annual production of about 200,000 m3 sawn timber. When choosing the new sawmill it was

The carriage is craned in 42 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

The traditional profiling line was shortened by about 30 m so that the sawline fitted in the space available

important to fit the line functions into a rather short space between the recently renovated debarking plant and the existing green sorting plant. There was about 50 m available for the new profiling sawline in the existing building. The primary breakdown is based on Finnish manufacturer Heinola Sawmill Machinery’s new design where the log pattern is optimised and the first side boards are profiled straight on the log to the position received from the log scanner calculation. The necessary data for sawing of logs and squares is also received from the log scanner. Mainly due to these new solutions, the traditional profiling line could be shortened by about 30 m so that the sawline fits in the space available. The Heinola sawline is equipped with a 3D log scanner and automatic log rotation. The rotation is carried out accurately with a rotator. According to the log scanner data, the square

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SAWLINES – HEINOLA The Norra Skogsägarna team oversee installation

Sideboards and the centre pieces are sawn with a doublearbour circular saw

curve is also chipped on the square. The secondary breakdown side boards are profiled on the curved square, and finally the sideboards and the centre pieces are sawn with a double-arbour circular saw. The chain width of the rotary gang’s outfeed conveyor is adjusted so that the sawn pieces are outfed from the rotary gang as required by their curvature. The side boards are dropped on the board sorting plant and the centre pieces go on to another sorting plant. Heinola sawline equipment 3D log scanner, Sawco Automatic log rotation Rotator Log entry

Chipper canters, 2 pcs Double-arbor circular saw, 2 pcs Profiling units, 3 pcs 4 free optimised side boards in primary breakdown 4 as a pair optimised side boards in secondary breakdown Modern covers for main machinery Line length

circa 50 m

Line’s connected load

circa 3 MW

Line weight

circa 200 t

Lower sawmill, Nordautomation

Sawline features Annual capacity

200,000 m3

Production time

2 shifts/day


2 operators

Sawing speed

70-150 m/minute

Curve sawing

H = 100 mm, R = 100 m H = 150 mm, R = 150 m H = 200 mm, R = 200 m

Skew edging with side boards

10 mm/m

Log rotation accuracy

S = 6º

Measuring accuracy

S = 0.35 mm

Saw kerf, first saw

4.6 mm

Saw kerf, second saw

3.7 mm

Chips from line, fractions 7

>45% to circa 80%

The new sawline delivered is equipped with a complete Heinola automation system including a log scanner, line control systems, pattern support system, side board optimisation, servo systems and electrical installations. The log Sawline automation scanner is a Swedish Sawco 3D log scanner, Sawco scanner and a Siemens S7 PLC is responsible for the controls. The Sawmill pattern support system lower sawmill was delivered by Pattern optimisation Heinola’s sister company Nordautomation. Line control, Siemens S7 The implementation of the sawline was carried out at the end Active, controlled curve sawing of summer 2010. The basic Servo automation functions of the new sawline were Real-time production statistic and reports tested while the customer sawed Real-time disturbance statistic and reports production with the old line just beside the new one. The Real-time remote control connection implementation was conducted vigorously and the requested production level was achieved as planned. IFI

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Handy technology eases end-of-line sorting Taking the control of end-of-line sorting operations with PDA technology can enhance an operation’s efficiencies


obile computing is pushing the boundaries in industrial environments and USNR has brought the tools of wireless mobile computing into the wood processing world utilising mobile devices for controlling lumber sorting operations. This is one of many areas that mobile devices, or personal digital assistants (PDAs), will be used by operators to control processing functions from the palms of their hands. A lumber processing operation in the US south-east region invested in major upgrades to its planer mill with a new trimmer, sorter and stacker line. The existing PLC5 programmable controls system in the new area of the mill was changed to the AllenBradley ControlLogix 5000 platform with Ethernet communications protocol. As part of the improvements, USNR provided a controls system that utilised PDAs to control the sorter processes. To control the mill's new 70-bin sorter, USNR supplied five mobile devices. These devices effectively replace 11 consoles (each console typically controls six bins). In addition to the mobile devices, USNR supplied a human interface touch screen monitor situated at the stacker operator's area, and

another in the control room. One of the PDAs is carried by the sorter operator, the quality control person carries a unit, and the sorter supervisor has another unit in his office. At all times the sorter can be controlled by the sorter operator, and monitored by the stacker operator, QC , sorter supervisor, and anyone else who carries one of the devices. The mobile devices offer an overwhelming abundance of real time data in the palm of the hand. Through communications with the PLC, the devices allow the operator to remotely control all the functions of the sorter. They also provide a powerful communications tool so that anyone with a device can tell at a glance the status of any of the functions of the sorter, and of its components. From one worker to another on the same shift and one shift to the next, the devices provide reliable information and messages through the message centre. Safety features have been addressed in the implementation. To perform a function such as jogging the discharge deck, the operator must hold his finger on a button on the screen until the desired jog is accomplished. If he removes his finger, the deck stops. Also, if communications from a device are lost even momentarily,

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The bin summary screen shows the current status of each of the bins

This screen shows the Discharge Decks as viewed in the operator's mode the PLC immediately disregards all inputs from that device. That way, if there should be a drop in the signal for any reason, the device in question cannot inadvertently control the sorter's functions. Operation at the sorter has become much more efficient, reducing downtime and manpower. An operator no longer needs to walk hundreds of meters to perform routine operations through the HMI, because he can access all sorter functions from his current location. Management of bins is enhanced because the

operator can access bin functions from the floor chain elevation, where he can also manage the discharge decks. The operator has the ability to discharge any number of bins while standing adjacent to the floor chains, rather than having to be at one of the consoles on the walkway above. This also improves package staging to the stacker. Operators rapidly embraced this technology. Today PDAs in society are so common, and in the mill environment the information available at a glance is so

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From one worker to another on the same shift, and one shift to the next, the devices provide reliable information and messages through the message centre

The system offers the operator full control of the sorter's functions

abundant, that training is much simplified compared with using consoles. The system operates on a dedicated wireless infrastructure on a secure in-plant network. The wireless access point allows a range for the devices of up to 215 m (700 ft) with a clear line of sight. Benefits of wireless machine control through mobile devices include:

infrastructure, secure in-plant network • Device range – 215 m line-ofsight • ControlLogix operating platform (or similar) • Ethernet is required • Available as an upgrade to USNR or on new installations.

• Real time data in the palm of your hand • Mobile machine monitoring and control • Powerful information and communications capability • Replaces consoles, reduces capital cost • Easier troubleshooting and maintenance • Reduces downtime • Built-in safety features • Dedicated wireless

and have made their way into the wood processing realm. For USNR, this new use of mobile computing technology has garnered much interest and will soon be used to control many more processes in the mill. It is currently being offered with new capital projects or as an upgrade to existing USNR controls systems. IFI

Mobile computing devices are becoming commonplace extensions of industrial networks

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Pushing thin-kerf automated processing further The SLP2 makes use of low waste cutting, automated features, and a compact layout to be an attractive, self contained processing option

Wood-Mizer’s new SLP2 line is a systematic log processing line that uses thin-kerf technology to reimagine how narrowband blades can boost profits from logs, while reducing operating costs


company best known for popularising its standalone mobile sawmills, WoodMizer has steadily been making an impact farther up into industrial wood processing for over a decade. Putting its experience with thinkerf, low waste concepts to use in more industrial environments with breakdown headrigs and multihead resaws, among other products, the Wood-Mizer speciality has been alternative product choices that focus on maximising the advantage of thin-kerf processing – providing higher log yields at a lower operating cost. In 2007, the company debuted its first SLP thin-kerf processing line at Ligna in Hanover, Germany. The modular line was designed to be a low-cost, low-maintenance system that installed quickly and increased profits from low-value logs. The successes achieved by the SLP line since its launch have silenced some who initially doubted its abilities and WoodMizer reports that the line has many units running throughout the world, utilised especially by pallet producers.

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Keeping with the theme of releasing new products at Ligna, the new version of the line, the SLP2, was debuted in 2013 in Hanover. The line processes logs that are 100-400 mm in diameter and 1.2-3.6 m in length into boards and cants as required. Designed to require as few as two workers, the line features several improvements that allow such a small crew to operate it successfully. “The demands of our increasingly modern global economy require that all businesses make decisions to increase efficiency, and see how they can reduce costs in a smart way,” Wood-Mizer Director of Engineering Roman Frontczak, who believes the compactness and modularity of the line are a distinct advantage, told International Forest Industries. “The automated SLP2 line gives our customers an additional benefit by greatly reducing the necessary manpower as labour costs continue to rise.” SLP2 advancements were focused in several key areas:

centralised controls; increases in material flow automation; comprehensive slab removal; and additional measures for dealing with odd-shaped and stressed logs.

Thin-kerf blades are the key Although wide band and circular mills have traditionally ruled the industrial wood processing landscape, the SLP2 is designed to take advantage of the inherent advantages of the narrower cut of thin-kerf blades in order to maximise the profitability of the operating company. Marko Koscal, Director of Operations at a growing pallet and briquette plant in Croatia shares their experiences with the thin-kerf recovery. “We benefit in several ways,” he said. “The narrow band saws wood with a 2 mm kerf, so I get an extra board from each log. Labour costs are down since we now produce more cubic metres per worker. Productivity has increased by 2.5 times and even by three times if the diameter of the logs is about 30-40 cm.” Gone are the days when thin-

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In 2007, the company debuted its first SLP thin-kerf processing line at Ligna

In its simplest form, the SLP2 line is designed to require as few as 2-3 operators kerf blades could only cut a limited range of species. WoodMizer’s wide range of blade brands and profiles cover the whole range of sawing applications – from knotty softwoods to dense and abrasive tropical hardwoods. SLP operators generally use Wood-Mizer’s SilverTip blade – an economy carbon steel blade designed for continuous production. For tropical hardwoods and extremely abrasive species, Wood-Mizer also manufactures premium quality Stellite-tipped RazorTip blades. Compared with other automated lines on the market, the SLP2 is smaller and lighter. However, Frontczak is quick to point out that this is intentional. “Shorter log lengths require shorter conveyors which means less metal is used and the equipment is then less expensive, features a more compact layout, requires less maintenance and

therefore uses less energy,” he explained. The point about less energy is key to Wood-Mizer’s efforts to decrease operating costs. The SLP2 draws less power than conventional equipment due to smaller motors required to power the thin-kerf blades.

The new SLP2 line – overview Although often adapted in different layouts, the basic line consists of: • Central operator control station: new to the SLP2, the central operator station consolidates all line controls into one place, where machines can be started and stopped, line speed adjusted, and more. The pedestal can be placed where the main operator has the best view of the whole line, while keeping a close eye on incoming raw logs

• Log loading ramp: logs are staged first on the ramps and then advanced automatically or manually onto the in-feed chain

• Twin Vertical Saw (TVS): the TVS is the first saw in the line and removes two vertical sides of the log in one pass. The two offcuts

SLP2 Specifications Power TVS-SC2.4L SHS-L HR500-2H Power supply Blade (length & width) TVS-SC2.4L SHS-L HR500-2H Cutting capacity Minimum log diameter Maximum log diameter Minimum log length Maximum log length Minimum cut width Maximum cut width Dimensions Length Width Height

2 x 11 kW Electric (E15) 15k W Electric (E20) 2 x 11 kW Electric (E15) 400V/50Hz, 3Ph 4.67 m x 32-38 mm 4.67 m x 32-38 mm 4.01 m x 32-38 mm

100 mm 400 mm 1.2 m 2.4-3.6 m 70 mm 250 mm

28 m 8m 2.15 m

A new SLP2 installation in Indonesia DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 47

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I think that thin-kerf is definitely going to be a big part of the lumber industry in the future – Ed Robbins, owner of Ohio Valley Veneer

A SLP line equipped with a spiky chain TVS at work in South Africa drop to a cross conveyor, and the cant continues through the line. The TVS, designed to run in the SLP line, is commonly used in other lines as well. Its compactness and low cost make it a viable option for initial log breakdown in a variety of processing environments • Computer-controlled sizing provides quick and precise adjustments to the cut width. Two industrial strength 11.2 kW

electrical motors power the belted blade wheels. Belted wheels are ideal for thin-kerf blades – they do not require crowning and result in less blade fatigue. The twin sawmill heads are set at an angle to the in-feed chain, which reduces the initial impact on the blade as it makes contact with the timber. The blade stays sharper longer and limits damage to the blade body • Three options of in-feed and out-

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feed tables are available to carry the timber through the TVS heads. Standard is a dog feed chain where the spacing intervals can be adjusted to suit the sawmiller’s standard log lengths. A flat feed option is available for timber with an already flat cut surface • The latest feed option is a spiky chain system with spiked top rollers which add greater stability to the log as it goes

through the TVS. The spiky chain feed also increases productivity due to the ability to load logs with little or no gaps between them onto the chain. “The spiky system is a continuous spiked feed chain with overhead spiked rollers before the saw,” Frontczak explained. “These rollers grip the log as soon as it is loaded, which means logs can be fed butt to butt with no gaps between them. Depending on the length of logs, the spiky feed can increase productivity by 1020%. A second factor behind the development of the spiky chain was to assist with short logs that are not straight – ‘banana shaped' – as well as logs that

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The original SLP line newly installed in Thailand have significant taper.” • Offcut removal is handled in one of two ways, via spiral rollers that catch and then drop the offcuts to the waiting cross conveyor below, or by using the new pneumatic spiky side discs that secure and release the offcut only after it has been fully cut • Single Horizontal Saw (SHS): another newly designed part of the line is the Single Horizontal Saw. Here, the third slab is cut off the bottom of the log, resulting in three-sided cant with a flat bottom. The bottom slab is removed for further processing, whilst the cant is guided by special fences and roller conveyors into clamps that pneumatically position the cant from both sides. The removal of the bottom slab eliminates the

need to turn the cant before it reaches the resaw • Multihead Resaw (HR500): the HR500 resaw can be fitted with up to six cutting heads, depending on productivity requirements. Each head is equipped with an 11kW electric motor. In its maximum configuration, this resaw will produce six pallet boards plus one slab in a single pass. The material is positioned precisely by side pneumatic clamps and top pneumatic rollers that operate together to keep the three-sided cant secure during sawing. The powered metal conveyor has an adjustable speed of up to 20 m/min. “As standard, each HR500 head has a single top roller of 200 mm or 300 mm diameter, which is

suitable for many applications,” Frontczak said. “However, for short cants with lots of tension, such as rubberwood, the heavyduty option has two rollers for each head, one either side. This means that cants are held down onto the bed before and after the blade.” • Next year, the HR500 will feature several new features and options – including computer setworks • Offcut management conveyors: throughout the line, cross conveyors catch offcuts and move them to centralised collection areas. Once the finished boards reach the end of the line, a green chain moves them to where they can be stacked.

Results and Applications In summary, the SLP2 line seems well situated for new ventures and diversification of existing mills. New ventures can take advantage of the lower capital required to install and maintain the line. Existing mills can think whether they could be better utilising lower-value logs by increasing yields, and increasing capacity to diversify end products more quickly to match market demand. Stephen Sufferin, owner of S& J Contracts in Northern Ireland shares his reasons for installing a SLP line several years ago. “In 2007, we had difficulty sourcing locally sawn pallet wood so diversification was in order,” he said “We decided to mill our own timber to guarantee supply and cut production costs.” Meanwhile, Ohio Valley Veneer (USA) owner Ed Robbins uses three thin-kerf Wood-Mizer headrigs in his walnut production facility. His opinions are clear. “I think that thin-kerf is definitely going to be a big part of the lumber industry in the future,” he said. “The kerf is what it is going to be all about. The oversaw difference is tremendous. [But] it’s not only the kerf; it’s your electric bill, it’s your parts bill, it all comes together at one big savings.” One message is clear: thin-kerf processing is offering more and more attractive options for higher productivity and profitability than ever before, and it is a product segment to watch and to consider when looking to take advantage of new opportunities. IFI

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Bill Briskey, Lucidyne Technologies Sales and Marketing Director

Christopher Smith, Bandit Industries Marketing and Communications Director

Mark Maleta, LMI Technologies Business Development Manager

Martin Wilkinson John Deere Construction & Forestry, VP of Forestry and Business Development

Ola Bostrom Marketing Director, Komatsu Forest

Tigercat International Sales Manager, Gary Olsen

Jan Hennberg, Rottne Industries Export Manager

Gero Springer, CEO Springer Maschinenfabrik, Austria

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Stability on the cards for 2014 Once again, International Forest Industries editor Chris Cann taps into the leading brains in the business to investigate how markets, technologies and trends have evolved over 2013 and what’s in store for 2014

International Forest Industries: How have macroeconomic factors affected your sales figures? John Deere: Economic conditions in many parts of the world have remained volatile and uncertain for several years. As such, the effect on forestry customers is largely unchanged from recent years. Experts do predict positive movement in the years ahead with worldwide sales of forestry equipment forecasted to increase. These gains reflect further economic recovery and increased housing starts in the

US as well as expected equipment sales increases outside North American markets. Continued economic recovery and higher sales in European markets are expected. China continues to be a primary driver for several markets as it expands its timber consumption. We see a rising global population and more widespread economic prosperity, which in turn points to an increasing need for food, shelter and infrastructure. The forestry industry is sure to play a key role in providing that shelter and infrastructure. John Deere will be there,

listening hard, and working even harder, to make the important work loggers do a little easier. LMI Technologies: LMI Technologies develops and builds 3D scanning solutions for OEMs in many industries around the world. Increased demand for materials from the construction industry resulted in positive changes in lumber prices, which in turn fuelled a demand for new equipment. We could have seen an even higher demand for our 3D solutions for the wood

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INDUSTRY VOICE industry if not for the dampening effect of higher finished product output by lumber producers. Frankly, with the increased equipment sales activity this year, LMI and our major wood industry OEM customers were at or beyond capacity to deliver and commission any more systems for 2013. Much of this increased demand for our products was the result of the wood industry’s continued interest in infrastructure investment for increased efficiency. More specifically, our customers were showing more interest in small log merchandising and log breakdown scanning systems, scanners for veneer lathe chargers, as well as lumber grade scanning systems for sawmill and planermill applications. The upshot for LMI was a modest increase in sales of 3D geometric sensors for log breakdown and lumber optimisation applications. We also experienced very significant increases in sales of vision sensors for appearance and structural grading applications.

is something that is known in this industry it is that it goes up and down in this business. At the same time, it is well known that the basic industries in the world continue to grow and that there is always a demand for raw materials from the forest. From a macro perspective, forest industry economic activity goes in several different directions. A fall in global demand for newspaper affects the forest sector negatively. At the same time the demand for wood as an energy source in some parts of the world is increasing. But Europe is the main market for CTL machines and the long recession in Europe has undoubtedly affected us, and the entire industry, with declining sales of new machines. However, the market in Russia and South America is growing as mechanisation increases in Russia and there are large, established mills in Brazil and Uruguay that need much equipment. During this period, we have launched four new forwarders that helped us to keep up the interest for our machines among customers in different markets in the world. Moreover, an increased activity in the aftermarket and higher used machine sales slightly counter weaker sales of new machines.

of the economy, they would discover that each sector varies independently and further, prediction formulas are early in their development. The businesses in our lumber processing sector also seem to follow a variety of indicators, some global and some regional when they make major financial purchases. Lucidyne’s sales activity reflects that variability, although the general impact today is that we are close to capacity and are expanding in anticipation of taking on even more business.

Tigercat: 2013 was a record year in unit sales and revenue for Tigercat. We experienced high sales volume in a number of regions. North America, particularly western Canada was very strong as well as the Pacific Northwest and New Zealand. These three regions are all heavily and positively affected by a strong market for lumber in China, Korea and India. Demand The continuing expansion of wood pellet and for equipment in the Southeastern Rottne Industries: The US is being fuelled by increased macroeconomic factors have biomass facilities around the world is continuing affected the whole forest industry housing starts, a healthy pulp market and a number of new wood and of course also our sales figures to help drive sales of our biomass equipment, pellet manufacturing facilities that at Rottne. The domestic forest have come online in 2013 and are machine sales in Scandinavia have without question – Bandit Industries consuming millions of tonnes of dropped dramatically, Europe has roundwood for pellet export to been very weak and other overseas Europe. (It is estimated that by markets have come to a complete 2020 the European demand for standstill. Rottne has kept, or in wood pellets will be 50 Mt.) Despite the fragile Lucidyne: We have increased R&D expenditures some markets even gained, market shares and I global recovery as reported by mainstream in both manpower and materials. It is our think that’s a result of being a smaller company. media, world demand for pulp, lumber and intention to continue our efforts to understand Rottne Industri as a smaller company can easily engineered wood products seems to be wood fiber better than anyone, offering and quickly adapt to this type of situation approaching pre-recession levels and fuel chips scanning systems that take producers to the compared to our competition, which are mainly and pellets are an entirely new outlet. next level. Two reasons drive this: 1.) The better multinational companies. Important for Rottne fiber can be utilized, the more profit our in tough times is, and has always been, to Springer Maschinenfabrik: Macroeconomic customers realize, with the natural prepare our organisation, production and factors have not really affected our sales consequence that Lucidyne is also kept healthy; machine program during the difficult times to figures. Since we act worldwide, we are able to and 2.) Competition – other suppliers in our be ready when the market turns around and perform with relative stability. business offer a wide variety of machine customers are ready to invest again. centers and material handling equipment along Bandit Industries: We’ve observed that the with scanning systems, where we are focused IFI: Do you see uncertainty in forestry markets continuing expansion of wood pellet and intentionally on scanning-related equipment continuing in 2014 or has the improvement in biomass facilities around the world is and the control systems surrounding them. We the US signalled something of a stable continuing to help drive sales of our biomass hired PhDs and physics, math, material science, recovery? equipment, without question. 2013 has been a electrical, computer science, and mechanical JD: Industry forecasting indicates continued record sales year for us, and we can attribute at engineers to design optical systems, not economic uncertainty in the US and globally, least a portion of those sales to the growth of material processing equipment. This puts us in but from a North American forestry perspective, these facilities. We are also seeing a slight a unique position to solve problems related to we are more confident in the prospect of growth rebound in construction markets. machine vision and not get diluted with other in 2014. tasks. When the economic environment is Komatsu Forest: The forest industry generally is If one were to investigate the effects of uncertain, confidence is fragile among forestry sensitive to economic fluctuations, but if there macroeconomic changes on the various sectors customers. This is why John Deere continues to

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INDUSTRY VOICE focus on ways to help customers weather the storms and continue to be profitable. During difficult economic times, maintaining profitability is always most critical, and John Deere is making significant investments to differentiate ourselves from the competition with innovative technology and solutions for our customers. We are always looking for ways to help our customers take cost out of their business, whether it’s through keeping their equipment running longer, more efficiently, or increasing production. LMI: I think to an extent there will be a degree of uncertainty in 2014, considering the US and related to certain local issues, rather than but the true peak of the cycle will most likely be Federal Reserve policy changes continue to be a the health of the world economy. The vast in 2015. big question for many people. We expect global majority of our dealers forecast further growth RI: I am pretty sure the situation in worldwide and US markets to continue to expand, just at a in 2014. forestry has already bottomed out. Today we slower rate than originally expected. However, can see the light at the end of the tunnel in as demand increases and producers get closer SM: We see positive trends for the coming year several markets, with the North American to capacity in 2015-2016, we may market as a front runner. Several of see prices increase at an the big forest companies around the accelerating rate. world have realised that they have Our sensor sales are primarily to to give out logging contracts to the the major OEMs based in Europe entrepreneurs enabling them to Product development does not necessarily and North America, but they deliver invest in new equipment. We can systems to the global market. We today read in newspapers and in mean great leaps in technology. Equally are seeing major lumber producers magazines like IFI more positive anticipating expanded production. articles than just a year ago. We can important is to develop machines that In response, they are planning their notice a slowly growing optimism continually becomes more efficient and can investments in new plants and from our customers. So yes, I equipment in place ahead of believe in a stable but slow recovery. produce more and more at lower demand in order to be more cost efficient and competitive. With a L: There is certainly some caution and lower cost – Komatsu portion of the sensor products we exhibited by late adopters, though delivered in the latter part of 2013 some are testing options with a ‘toenot seeing service at our OEM in-the-water’ approach before customers’ sites until early 2014, committing to large capital projects. our first quarter sales could be affected. But, and a strong increase in interest for our I'd say that the majority expect steady market beyond that, we are optimistic for further products from the North American market. growth and are jumping in, starting large increases in sales for the wood products projects that will increase profitability when the industry throughout 2014. BI: From our perspective, the markets seem market ramps up to previous levels. Some have stable and growing. We’re expecting to see that expressed a position that taking a production TC: The uncertainty that we have observed is trend continue. hit now for installing machine centre upgrades mostly localised in specific geographic areas is far preferable to losing productivity later KF: Uncertainty still covers the global market, when the market is even better. An indicator of but we are finally starting to see more activity good health in sawmills seems to be having at in the forest and in our sales, both of which least one project at some stage of completion, suggest the beginnings of a recovery beyond the ‘thinking about it’ stage. throughout the forestry industry. We expect to see a continued gradual recovery of the IFI: Have you seen any changes in global European forestry business as the economy markets: in either key markets or potential improves during 2014. emerging forestry markets? Komatsu Forest sees positive signs in many places right now, particularly in North America, JD: As previously noted, market data suggests Australia, South America and emerging markets that global forestry sales are expected to such as Asia. In Asia, where Vietnam is an example, it is a higher standard of living that increases energy requirements. Part of the energy requirement can be covered by using forests as raw material. 2013 was a record year in Another positive sign is that we now have increased orders and by experience we know unit sales and revenue – Tigercat that the industry cannot lie low forever. Investments in new machinery must come sooner or later. We see a clear increase in 2014,

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Over the course of the last year, we have seen a wide variety of changes in global and local factors that affect suppliers and manufacturers world-wide – Lucidyne

Innovation and European quality are the key to added value and productivity – Springer

increase due to general economic growth in many parts of the world, including higher sales in important European markets. China is becoming a primary timber buyer and that is positively impacting the market. Key forestry markets have remained largely unchanged for several years. Key South American and particularly Asia-Pacific markets are experiencing economic growth, fuelling a demand for forestry products. These growing economies in turn help drive markets in other areas, even those that are experiencing economic uncertainty.

playing an important role in helping Russia adopt the latest forestry innovation and technology and will continue our efforts in this important region. New Zealand/Australia It is expected that New Zealand and Australia will harvest 30 Mt or more of wood over the next few years. The forestry export market has seen sustained growth for the last three years, driven primarily by the export of logs to China. Exports are expected to increase further due to strong economic growth and infrastructure development in countries such as China and India, and rebuilding efforts in Japan after the earthquake. On the domestic front, the increasing price of logs has created a sustained demand for new harvesting machines. As loggers are becoming more safety conscious, the demand for purpose-built swing machines has increased over the traditional standard excavator. In addition, landowners expect loggers to be fully mechanised, including felling on steep slopes, which creates an opportunity for steep-slope mechanical felling. With increased demand and mechanisation, the future of the forestry industry in New Zealand and Australia is looking bright. LMI: There have been significant increases in global demand for automated grading systems. The demand for new 3D geometric scanners for log breakdown and board optimisation has increased as well, mainly due to the large number of existing processing lines that have scanners with sensors that are no longer

Additional examples of emerging markets to watch include: Russia With the world’s largest harvestable forest area and untapped timber resources, Russia has enormous potential. Russia is very attractive in terms of long-term prospects for manufacturers of forestry machinery. The nation is home to 20% of the world’s forests, and has potential to be the largest producers of forest products. However, this potential is not being fully leveraged today as currently it has just 3.5% of global production. For the Russian market there will need to be a continuation of modernisation and mechanisation in this market. John Deere is

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supported and were not replaced during the past recession. Fortunately for LMI, our 3D sensor technology has positioned us well to be a preferred supplier to most of the major North American and European OEMs providing these types of systems. TC: A positive change that we are observing in many emerging markets is increasing mechanisation. Many of the large forestry companies have a strong desire to get people off the ground with the aim of minimising accidents and workplace injury and improving quality and productivity. SM: While the North American market seems to grow, Central Europe is developing rather slowly due to the very high log prices. BI: Demand for biomass outside the US continues to help drive demand for biomass exports in North America, even while biomass markets within North America continue to grow. The decline in construction markets the last several years seems to be reversing, bring some demand back for timber. KF: Europe is Komatsu Forest’s main market, and it requires no great improvements there to affect the business positively. We see this ahead of us in the next year. For Komatsu Forest, the Russian market has been quite active 2013 supported by a steady mechanisation trend and high motivation for investment. That is also expected to continue in 2014.

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INDUSTRY VOICE China, Russia, and Japan are examples where log, financial, and construction needs have directly impacted North American lumber mills. The improved economy in the US positively impacts Australia. IFI: Has your allocation of capital to research & development changed over 2013 and what are your plans for 2014? JD: One of John Deere’s core values is innovation, and our aggressive pursuit of innovation drives us to maintain and improve our focus on our customers’ current and future needs. Staying true to this value, we have sustained our investments in innovation, and have also been willing to increase them as our customers’ needs require it. We have increased our research and development investments steadily over the last few years to improve the quality and performance of our existing products and are actively developing new products. The immediate future will be both an exciting and challenging time for John Deere Forestry as key product lines receive updates to meet Final Tier IV emission requirements along with many other enhancements to improve productivity, uptime and lower operating costs.

I am pretty sure the situation in worldwide forestry has already bottomed out – Rottne

technology. The Tigercat FTP Tier IV engine family uses the simplest and most reliable SCR based emission control technology to meet the stringent Tier IV requirements. In addition, the installations are clean and neat providing better access to engine service points than anything else we have seen. Even with all the resources dedicated to Tier IV, Tigercat still managed the successful release of a number of new products including the 615C six-wheel skidder, the 875 logger, the 470 mulcher and the 5195 directional felling head, which in combination with the LS855C shovel logger is set to revolutionise harvesting operations in steep slope southern hemisphere plantations. New product development for 2014 will be equally if not more aggressive as our customers and potential customers continue to ask for enhancements and entirely new models.

In South America and especially Brazil, the market remains active thanks to the strong pulp export industry. Large established businesses with huge plantations require much equipment. The Oceanic market has recovered strongly in 2013 and is now enjoying one of the best business environments in its history following a long recession. The North American economy is becoming increasingly stable, and the forestry market is also recovering thanks to strong demand for housing construction. Industry forecasting indicates continued Overall, we believe the global forest machine market is currently economic uncertainty in the US and globally, recovering, but at a slow rate. Even if but from a North American forestry perspective, Europe is recovering much of the growth is dependent on what is we are more confident in the prospect of happening in emerging markets such as China, Indonesia, India, and growth in 2014 – John Deere Russia. RI: There is an evident trend in several of the traditional ‘track-based’ machine markets, which are switching to ‘wheel-based’ harvesters. This is the result of the clear fall being done earlier when the trees are younger and smaller to produce more consistent sized logs for sawmills without overgrown lumber. With high fuel prices, it is also more important today to avoid the biggest track-based machines with huge heads. I can also notice a growing interest of thinning operations both in natural forests as well as in plantations, and again with a focus on wheel-based small harvesters.

LMI: Our research and development investment remains at a steady 10-12% of sales. LMI is committed to continuous improvements and innovations to remain a leader in 3D geometric, vision, and tracheid scanning. In 2014, we will be introducing a variety of 3D products based on laser triangulation and structured light stereo technologies to diversify our business into various markets. As well, we will be leveraging our Gocator sensor platform to develop further presence within the wood industry.

L: There's a saying in Oregon: ‘If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute and it will change.’ Over the course of the last year, we have seen a wide variety of changes in global and local factors that affect suppliers and manufacturers world-wide. Just name a large country and their economic picture changes will affect a producer in another part of the world.

TC: Tigercat has spent vast engineering resources in the development and implementation of a Tier IV emissions solutions in 2013 and will continue to implement the new engines in 2014. For North American and European forestry contractors, this is very relevant as the effort has put Tigercat well ahead of the curve with respect to Tier IV

SM: We have increased our investment in R&D in 2013 and successfully introduced our new trimmer E-CUT 200 to the market. Also the screw-log solutions have been optimised and we were successful in developing the Microtec CT-LOG further. Innovation and European quality are the key to added value and productivity.

BI: Bandit Industries continues to aggressively look at better ways to serve all biomass markets with products that deliver the specific raw material needed. New drum designs and screening systems for our whole tree chippers and Beast horizontal grinders were continually developed at Bandit through 2013. For land clearing operations, we’ve added new forestry mower models and we have additional developments in progress for our large and small equipment lines. KF: Even if a cloud of uncertainty still covers the global market, Komatsu Forest’s focus on and passion for, product improvement and its desire to listen to customers never change. Product development for us is not dependent on the economic state of the market. With the long processes of development, we simply cannot adapt product development cycles to the state of market. Moreover, the demands of the

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market are always the same height. Whether it's boom or recession there are constantly demands for efficiency. We have a passion for technology and always want to be the first with new technology and new products. But product development does not necessarily mean great leaps in technology. Equally important is to develop machines that continually becomes more efficient and can produce more and more at lower and lower cost. Komatsu Forest has never had such a high rate of product development. A good example is the four new forwarders that were launched over the last one-and-a-half-years. Now many customers have focused on the new Komatsu 845 forwarder, a versatile machine with high productivity in most environments. Our newly designed engine, based on wellproven technology, will be installed in the 845 to meet the Tier IV Final emission regulations, which are effective from January 2014. We have also made a major investment in new efficient harvesting heads such as Komatsu C93, The KomatsuC144, Komatsu S92 and Komatsu S132. for RI: Rottne Industri is a small company with consistent financial systems. We have our long term plans both for developing our organisation and production as well as allocating capital for research & development. We are just now building a new bigger office for our design and development departments with an integrated workshop/laboratory, which will be ready in March 2014.

We have also started to build a new Rottne School for training of new operators and our technicians working worldwide, which will be ready in the summer of 2014. The Rottne 8wheel harvester H21D, which we showed as a prototype at Elmia Wood 2013, will be ready for deliveries during the second half of 2014. We have also made different market adaptations including needed equipment for our forwarder program, which we will show at the Interforst Exhibition in Munich, July 2014. L: Lucidyne has increased its R&D expenditures in both manpower and materials. It is our intention to continue our efforts to understand wood fibre better than anyone, offering scanning systems that take producers to the next level. Two reasons drive this: • The better fibre can be used, the more profit our customers realise, with the natural consequence that Lucidyne is also kept

intuitive control system can significantly increase forwarder productivity while providing best possible fuel economy and boom lifetime. People have been talking about this for a very long time, and a lot of research has demand for new 3D geometric scanners gone into developing IBC. At John Deere, our goal is to offer products log breakdown and board optimisation and solutions that give our has increased, mainly due to the large number customers the best possible performance and productivity. of existing processing lines that have scanners Intelligent solutions and services like IBC are born of a genuine with sensors that are no longer supported desire to understand customers business and long term needs. and were not replaced during the Other examples are John Deere’s past recession – LMI JDLink telematics system, which gives forestry customers remote access to fleet location, fleet use and diagnostic data. At the basic healthy level, JDLink can monitor all of the crucial • Competition – other suppliers in our business systems and components of a machine, offer a wide variety of machine centres and including fuel use, oil temperature, and material handling equipment along with hydraulics. This lets our customers see how all scanning systems, where we are focused of their machines are running, so they can intentionally on scanning-related equipment provide maintenance instructions to their and the control systems surrounding them. operators and technicians. Beyond simple We hired PhDs and physics, math, material monitoring, we offer more advanced features science, electrical, computer science, and that can make machine maintenance and mechanical engineers to design optical monitoring even easier. They can help identify systems, not material processing equipment. potential maintenance issues so that repairs This puts us in a unique position to solve can be scheduled before problems arise. problems related to machine vision and not Dealers can then analyse the data to look for get diluted with other tasks. potential gains in productivity and fuel efficiency. This has allowed customers to better IFI: Have your customers maintained, improved train their operators and to save thousands of or decreased spending on new technology? dollars per month in fuel costs. JD: New technology has always been an area of John Deere also offers software solutions to focus for John Deere as our customers continue improve customers’ ability to manage multiple to be willing to invest in new technology, but logging operations. TimberLink allows only if it can improve their productivity, customers to monitor the performance and efficiency or profitability. condition of their forest machines at multiple One example is our new option for sites from a central or remote office. forwarders – Intelligent Boom Control. This is a TimberOffice 5 helps users easily utilise technological milestone and industry first, information gained from forestry machines to exclusively available from John Deere. This improve productivity and efficiency.

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BI: Our customers are definitely investing in new equipment. There has been some pent-up demand that is beginning to wane, and we feel our customers are more comfortable with the direction of markets.

mechanisation. In established markets it is a demand for new technologies that make harvesting more efficient. In that perspective, increased technical reliability is most important. Simply to get high quality. Forestry machines may probably be considered mature products and we believe that the forestry industry's major challenge is primarily not to take large technical development steps. We believe instead that it is important to develop products and technologies that give customers higher and higher quality in order to increase the reliability of the products. We have comprehensive business understanding and realise that technological development that gives easy service and prompt maintenance are vital to help customers efficiently harvest and achieve higher profitability. New technologies, new products and new services are always interesting for customers. Especially in times when profit margins on logging operations are small. An important focus area for us is helping our customers sustain profitable operations. As such, a well-established service network is something we continue to develop everywhere our customers are found. Parallel to this, we invest heavily in new information and communication technology (ICT) to provide our customers with both faster and better support alongside our continuous efforts to improve spare parts availability, shorten delivery times, and improve service capability. One example of ICT use is MaxiFleet, which visualises all operations-related forest activity and automatically sends the reports customers need to run profitable businesses.

KF: Customers are resilient, but when the economy recovers, it often does so quickly. Then everyone wants to invest in new machines simultaneously to improve their operations and profit. Demand is also slightly different in different markets. In new markets it is a demand for technology to increased

RI: Our Rottne customers are very much interested in new technology and we have a very close and good discussion with our customers regarding needed technology. It is however noticeable that the requests regarding technology are varying a lot between the different markets. Today, forest companies in

LMI: Our customers have increased their spending on new technology. We are frontrunners in developing and offering new 3D scanning technology for many industries, especially the wood industry. Our solutions are designed to enable our customers to make better production decisions and improve automation processes. LMI’s products offer simple solutions to complex challenges. This philosophy towards our product development has paid off and still continues to expand our business with existing OEM customers as well as establishing new OEM relationships. TC: Tigercat sees its customers constantly pushing the envelope for increased productivity, efficiency and ergonomics. This is what drives all Tigercat development, whether it is through incremental improvement or entirely new concepts. As a flexible company, dedicated to the forestry industry, Tigercat is in a relatively strong position to react to these changing requirements much more quickly than other companies operating in the space. I would be hard pressed to find another manufacturer that can turn a customer’s idea into working iron as quickly as Tigercat can. SM: Most of our customers focus on value adding investments and improve their spending behaviour in favour of new technologies.

some countries moves responsibilities and duties from traditionally their own staff to the contractor, where there are demands for communication, weighing, reporting and other equipment, which make the machines very sophisticated and expensive. Our customers want to spend money on new technology, which provide gains for the operator, no doubt about that. But for demanded sophistication and increased duties they also want to be compensated in their logging contracts. During the last few difficult years in the forest industry and still today, the problem is that before the contractor can spend their money, they need a fair and long term logging contract that allows them to finance the new machine purchase. L: Largest benefits are realised from implementing new methods to examine the nuances of wood growth and machined behaviour. Lucidyne's staff recently developed a sensor that enables our GradeScan system to isolate decayed fibre from fibre that looks like it might be decayed. Another technology we have fielded generates a three-dimensional picture of the fibre direction inside a board. We just recently doubled our resolution to the point where timber break and the tiniest defects can be consistently identified at production speeds. The more we understand fibre, the better decisions we can make for its optimal use. New technologies are necessary if our industry is to continue to evolve. Manufacturers will be glad to tell you that there is not a large profit margin in lumber production. Every percent of increased volume output with the same raw material input represents a gamechanging bottom-line boost to any mill. It makes other valuable capital investments possible. It reduces waste and increases carbon use. The manufacturer stays profitable and keeps people employed. Yes, our customers are investing in our new technologies – what's not to like when doing so can offer so many benefits? IFI

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Falling improvements The trend toward greater flexibility through increased rotation and bunching capabilities has continued into International Forest Industries’ 2013 Felling Heads review

The Tigercat 5195 bar saw 58 International Forest Industries I DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

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FELLING HEADS igercat has made a number of design enhancements to the 5702 felling saw aimed at increasing versatility and performance in a wider variety of felling conditions. Though the 5702 is well known and widely used throughout the world for big timber felling applications, the next generation 5702 features an improved accumulating arm design. The arms are longer with a revised profile to improve accumulation of small trees, increased accumulating capacity and a reduced incidence of crossed trees in the accumulation pocket. For contractors wanting to upgrade older model heads, a complete set of arms will fit earlier heads using the same link. Also, in a move to increase


a flat cover. This increases the accumulating area and allows trees to move into the pocket more easily. The left ski and saw housing exit have been modified to improve chip exhaust and to reduce plugging when felling large trees or when operating in deep snow or heavy undergrowth. Service access and hose routings have also been improved. The Tigercat 5702 can be counted on for drive-to-tree and track feller bunchers. It is weight optimised and specially designed to control large trees or top heavy trees and, with the latest enhancements, is now better than in small or mixed diameter stems bunching applications.

Tigercat 5195 bar saw felling head

The 5195 is a multi-purpose directional felling head suited to large and small trees, shovelling, The Tigercat loading and bucking. Designed 5000 bunching with simplicity and reliability in saw on 860C feller buncher mind, the valving is simple. There is no electrical wiring to the head and no accumulators are required. Built for big timber and challenging shovel logging applications, the heavyduty reinforced chassis and grapple arms are matched to the high productivity and high duty cycle of Tigercat carriers. The dual-cylinder arm design with a flow divider provides the operator maximum control and superior grip of large trees and bunches of smaller accumulating capacity and timber and excellent picking performance, the front saw motor performance. cover, which formerly protruded With high torque continuous into the accumulating area, is now

rotation, the operator commands excellent positioning control for felling and shovelling. Hose routing through the rotator is clean and fully guarded. The tilt cylinders are protected within tilt frame and cushioned with stop limiting. The saw unit is robust and simple. Bar and chain changes are quick and easy. The saw cylinder is located above the saw bar and well protected with a clean hose routing. Bar visibility and service Faccess is outstanding. The large capacity 1,225 mm (45 in) saw bar is very durable for big wood applications. The chain is 19 mm pitch 11H chain for maximum performance with a manual or optional automatic chain tensioner and a powerful 60 cc high pressure piston saw motor. The standard installation package for Tigercat carriers provides customisable in-cab head control with adjustable tilt, grapple and saw functions that can be optimised to suit the operator and application. The bar can be set for automatic or manual return.

Bunching head improvements Tigercat has been an industry leader in the development of bunching saws and shears for nearly two decades. The company has recently developed a new bunching saw for track feller bunchers, the 5300. This head is particularly well suited to track feller bunchers in southern hemisphere plantations.

It saves so much time by reducing swing and travel cycles which will extend the undercarriage lifetime of the feller buncher – Alex Gravel, Gilbert

In addition, the 1800 and 2000 series shears have been further enhanced. Notable improvements include relocating the accumulating pocket to the right hand side, thereby improving visibility for track feller buncher operators, more bunching capacity for the 1800, quicker cycles for the 2000 and tapered roller bearings in the shear pivot of both models. For over 25 years, Gilbert’s forestry division has specialised in the design and manufacturing of logging equipment. The Canadianbased company offers felling heads, high rotation wrists and a complete line of cutting tools such as saw blades and saw teeth.

3000L Series felling heads The 3000L Series felling heads are well known for their exceptional accumulation. Gilbert manufactures a 22, 24 and 28 cutting size model, all equipped with a 350° high rotation wrist,

The 5702 at a glance • Massive 1,320 mm (52 in) throat opening to easily accommodate butt flare. Especially advantageous on slopes and in swamp applications • 585 mm single cut capacity • Three wrist options: 30°, 110°, 340° rotation • Recessed saw blade reduces throw angle and deflects chips downward, decreasing saw recovery time • Capacity to accumulate and store approximately 8-10, 15 cm (6 in) diameter trees • 2,625 kg (5,790 lb) base weight (without compromising structural integrity) • Wrist is positioned in the centre of the grab arms for improved control of large trees • Heavy-duty guarding throughout.

The 3022L saves time by reducing swing and travel cycles, which will extend the undercarriage lifetime of the feller buncher DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014 | International Forest Industries 59

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Though the 5702 is well known and widely used throughout the world for big timber felling applications, the next generation 5702 features an improved accumulating arm design – Tigercat

final cut applications. Key features • Unique and exclusive saw stops to protect the saw drive system and the saw disc against impact and gyroscopic deflection, which increases the lifetime • Unique bolted saw drive system for easy maintenance and increased uptime • Easy access to hydraulic components for safe, fast maintenance • Wide front throat opening to accommodate butt flare • Unique conical base design to facilitate clearance for fast saw recovery • Ensure that the bunches are optimised for the skidder. The Gilbert 3022L

350° high rotation wrist one of the most recognised in the industry. With its new biomass type accumulator arms and wider throat opening, these head can be used in any application. “Their innovative geometry allows an accumulation of more

trees in tight, straight bunches without breaking any stems, no matter the sizes,” Alex Gravel, Sales & Marketing Manager at Gilbert, said. All three models – 3022L, 3024L and 3028L – excel in thinning, blown down, select and


Cutting capacity Accumulating area Maximum front opening




546 mm

597 mm

706 mm

0.43 m2

0.47 m2

0.59 m2

1,461 mm

1,499 mm

1,578 mm

Gilbert high rotation wrists have become a standard in the industry. Gilbert has been promoting this feature since the early 90s. The powerful 350° rotation wrist design allows the operator to gather more, no matter the angle. “It saves so much time by reducing swing and travel cycles which will extend the undercarriage lifetime of the feller buncher,” Gravel explained.

The company offers two models: S1 and V2. The V2 is a more compact version and is adapted to fit smaller heads while the S1 model is well suited for 600 mm and 700 mm (24 in and 28 in) size head with superior torque strong enough to handle any size of timber. These wrists can be retrofit and are compatible with most felling heads on the market. “The high rotation wrist would be the first feature I would consider to add if my head was not equipped with it in order to increase my productivity,” the company stated.

High rotation wrist features • Two hydraulic motors on a 6-1 gear ration give a powerful 350° rotation • Hoses go in the centre of the rotator gear for better protection • Heavy duty ball bearings rotate gear. For tree-length logging, Caterpillar Forest Products offers the HF201B and HF221 centre post felling heads which feature a onepiece saw disc with 57.2 mm (2.25 in) of kerf. The replaceable saw teeth are available in both

Weight High rotation wrist (350°) 2,955 kg

3,431 kg

3,773 kg

Rotation wrist (40°)

2,636 kg

3,182 kg

3,545 kg

1,346 mm

1,422 mm

1,676 mm





864 kg

647 kg




61,013 ft/lb

48,300 ft/lb


984 mm

851 mm


1,181 mm

1,130 mm


724 mm

662 mm

Wrist torque Dimensions

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The Cat 522B fitted with a HF201B head

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hardened steel and carbide bunchers is a powerful system is carried inside the lift arms options. The one-piece saw in larger trees. Four cylinders for superior balance, and the disc, as compared to a on the grab and accumulate no-pinch-point tower prevents segmented design, improves arms provide strength and stems from getting caught in saw recovery time. Both holding power. Trees are kept the pocket, as is the case with heads are available in partial straight and organised as the other high capacity bunching and full lateral tilt head is accumulating trees. saws. configurations. The SH-56B high capacity The SC-57 is designed for The HF201B is designed for bunching saw, SC-57 centre large single stems up to 57.6 multi-stem applications and post saw and SS-56 felling cm (22.7 in). It also bunches will cut trees as large as 572 saw are designed for Cat medium and small stems, mm (22.5 in). This head is wheel feller bunchers. At the making it a versatile saw for ideally matched with the Cat heart of each saw attachment thinning through final B Series zero tail swing track is Caterpillar’s field-proven harvesting. The gathering feller bunchers and performs and patented tapered saw arms and tower work together well in many applications, shaft and bearing design. The to grip and tightly hold large including plantation thinning tapered shaft supports the single stems and smaller stem and final cut. The HF201B continual shock loads created bunches for better control. A uses the same single cylinder proven tapered saw and link control shaft and bearing the left and design used in right side Matching the attachment to a carrier gathering arms other Cat heads. This design has and bunching model and the felling job is vitally sealed upper and fingers lower bearing simultaneously, important – Komatsu chambers that are improving individually speed and lubricated and holding power. vented. in high cycle applications. The SS-56 is a highly A new top yoke design and Sealed upper and lower versatile saw specially quick arm speeds give the bearing chambers are designed for harvesting large operator excellent tree individually lubricated and timber. It features a single cut control. The arms are vented from the bottom up. capacity of 56 cm (22 in), controlled through a single The SH-56B excels at along with small stem cylinder and link design, cutting and handling high accumulation. For harvesting which gives them speed and volumes of small stems, larger diameter trees, the SSsaves energy. Cylinders are mixed stems and large single 56 features the industry’s only cushioned on both the head stems up to 53.3 cm (21 in). side cut door, a unique and rod ends to increase the The saw features Caterpillar’s solution for harvesting trees life of the components. The patented Strait Grip bunching up to 76 cm (30 in) from a HF201B also features an open finger, which keeps bunches single side on either flat or saw base to reduce debris tightly compressed and adverse terrain. build up and saw stalling. straight, providing excellent With a cutting capacity of productivity in thinning Komatsu’s family of purpose620 mm (24.4 in), the HF221 applications. The SH-56B can built XT-series track feller on the larger Cat Series 2 full also handle single and bunchers, fitted with the tail swing track feller multiple large stems. The load durable Komatsu XA233-2 bar saw, delivers superior multifunction performance and achieves high-production in the most demanding of forest environments. The XA233-2 bar saw adapts to nearly any carrier and provides big-tree directional felling capabilities. The dependable unit is an ideal attachment for cutting and handling high value hardwoods. Komatsu has made engineering

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FELLING HEADS The Komatsu XA233-2 bar saw delivers superior multifunction performance

refinements and standardised many components in this timetested and highly proven head design. The head is designed to ideally work with track carriers in the 2030 t range. The XA233-2 is rugged yet lightweight (1,240 kg), which makes it very easy to manoeuvre. Its compact frame provides the operator with excellent visibility to

oil flow from the top clamp arms. Matching the attachment to a carrier model and the felling job is vitally important. Customers experience a greater return on their investment by knowing and understanding the limitations of their base machine in relation to the cutting attachment. Performance efficiencies and product life can decrease when felling timber beyond the machine and cutting attachment specifications. In recognition of this, Komatsu offers five boom and arm options and nine hydraulic configurations on its XT series of track feller bunchers to match a variety felling or processing attachments from other OEM head manufacturers.

the tree. The highly productive saw unit is fitted with a 19 mm chain and provides fast cutting cycles. The unit has a standard cutting capacity of 711 mm (28 in). Automatic chain lubrication and tensioning system improves cutting performance and reduces maintenance time. The grapple arms hold the stem tightly to

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control trees and there is an optional accumulator. The XA233-2 can harvest standing and storm-damaged timber. There is an optional 30° lateral tilt capability (15° left, 15 Cat 522B-HF201B right) to allow greater head positioning. There is also an optional hydraulic diverter valve to operate either the accumulator or lateral tilt utilising

The felling head is one of the most vital components affecting a wheeled feller buncher’s efficiency and value, according to John Deere. It directly influences the equipment’s ability to harvest different sizes and species of trees, thus affecting its productivity. With a well-designed head, feller bunchers can handle any kind of tree in their path. John Deere has introduced the

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FELLING HEADS highly anticipated FD55 disc saw felling head (DSFH) to the market, empowering loggers with more versatility and durability for fulltree timber operations. Available to order now, the FD55 felling head is compatible with 643K and 843K John Deere wheeled feller buncher machines and is ideal for thinning, final harvests and anything in between. “The FD55 was designed with loggers’ needs in mind, specifically taking into account the operators that frequently handle various tree diameters,” John Deere stated. “The large twinpost, high accumulation DSFH delivers high productivity, increased uptime and lower daily operating costs to help loggers run their businesses more profitably. Loggers dealing with large- and small-diameter trees, or in mixed stands, will benefit from its versatility and cutting edge design.”

Advanced Design for Productivity Engineered with extensive customer input in mind, the FD55 delivers best-in-class accumulation capacity. Because it has more usable space than similar disc felling heads, the innovative pocket design enables the head to collect trees of all diameters and species. The pocket area is an industry leading 63 cm2 (6.8 ft2) from the accumulation area to the edge of the blade. The ergonomic head can handle anything from small-diameter thinning to cutting large single

stems up to 584 mm (23 in) for maximum versatility. An efficient arm design allows for strong grab arm force for tree manipulation and placement. Engineered with one harvesting arm and one accumulating arm, the arms ensure tight tree alignment and clean bunch release. The simple arrangement translates to quicker and easier cuts for the operator. John Deere also designed the felling head to increase ease of use as a means to improve productivity. The FD55 was engineered with a compact and streamline design for superior visibility around the saw motor to the cutting zone. The saw motor and modified slope on the top of the head were positioned to reduce debris. These slight adjustments result in improved operator and machine productivity and an ability to work better with multiple-tree harvesting. Operators will also appreciate increased control and stability when harvesting large trees because of a tall horn structure aligned to position the centreline of sizeable trees over the machine.

Resiliency increases uptime Engineers created the head with protective features in place that will increase uptime and improve efficiency. For one, the FD55 will have Technodur on the high wear areas of the saw housing to help extend its life. The wear plates protect critical areas of the saw housing for maximum durability,

making heavy-duty blades and rugged components easy to maintain. Designers also moved the grab arm cylinder higher on the frame and away from the housing area. This movement better protects the cylinder from debris and also makes it easier to access for servicing. A proven chip management system that is only offered by John Deere makes the FD55 simpler to maintain than similar disc saw felling heads. Most of the plumbing is routed through the frame cavities, which makes it clean and easily serviceable. Access openings are also provided for easier maintenance of plumbing and wiring.

Low daily operating costs Longer wear components and innovative design of the FD55 keep loggers’ daily operating costs to a minimum. The improvements in versatility and productivity are a main part of the new felling head, leading directly to cost savings. The FD55 also shows an improvement in serviceability and endurance, further enhancing the cost savings benefit. The removable saw housing design allows for easy replacement of wear components, saving loggers time and money in the long run. Additionally, heavyduty blades and rugged components are easy to maintain. The simple arm arrangement with one grab arm and one accumulating arm pinned opposite

the pocket also allows for easy maintenance. The ABAB felling head 252 is the latest machine in the ABAB-family and is an improvement on the popular ABAB felling head 251. It has several strong new features, like a steadier body and faster hydraulics. “With our unique operating system, you manage grapple, cutting and accumulating pushing only one button,” the manufacturer said. “This makes the machine very easy to handle. The new hydraulic manifold has bigger valves and higher oil flow making the machine very fast – cutting speed 0.6 seconds – with maintained precision.” The strong cutting knife makes it possible to cut very low stumps, regardless of the terrain, making it a suitable machine for effective thinning, clearing, and access providing jobs. The ABAB 252 fits middle sized or small harvesters or excavators. IFI

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Chipping in Chile KBM owner Daniel Hermosilla talks about the equipment and human resources required to produce chips in Chile


wned by Daniel Hermosilla, KBM Chile was established in March 1994 in Los Angeles, Chile. Initially, the company’s focus was silviculture and site preparation. In 2001, KBM expanded into harvesting eucalyptus. Since then, the company has grown to 90 employees and specialises in infield chipping. Three chippers are deployed full time in infield operations, each headed by an operations manager whom in Hermosilla’s words “owns” the system, operating according to a budget and guidelines. Hermosilla sees a lot of advantage in his

organisational structure. “There is no chain of command to work through compared to when we had one operations manager. The flattened the structure provides better accountability. It costs more in salary expenses but in the long run it is better,” he asserts. “Problems get solved very quickly and the manager works directly with the client 99% of the time right up to the contract manager.” In total, KBM operates seven systems. The fourth system is stationed at a mill, chipping 7 m shortwood because the mill was having issues with high bark content using its own

64 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

system. The other three systems operate on a part time basis as required at each of the infield operations. When extended maintenance or repairs must be performed, the back-up chippers go into production, thereby securing a minimum volume for KBM’s clients. KBM operates two different types of chipping systems. The older Peterson-Pacific units with the flail and chipping functions integrated into one unit produce around 70 t/hour and can load a truck in as little as 20 minutes. The newer and higher capacity system is based around a Peterson-Pacific flail and

These high capacity chipping systems are very sensitive to workflow issues and Hermosilla collects detailed production data to manage and optimise the flow of wood. A 630D can pull enough trees to fill a chip van in as little as two drags

chipper combination that is best suited to larger trees and higher production. This chipper has a capacity of approximately 120 tonnes per hour. But the higher capacity means that the chipper is more sensitive to workflow issues. “It is thirteen minutes to load a truck, so if a truck is ten minutes late, it is a big deal,” comments Hermosilla. Many of the plantations that KBM harvests are typically eighteen-years old with 1,000 – 1, 100 trees per hectare. There is currently a lot of Chilean plantation wood in this age range with

average piece size as high as 0.85 m3. It is in this wood – beyond optimal single grip harvesting head size – that the large chipper is deployed. The bunchers end up losing production on account of the necessity for double cuts. Hermosilla figures that KBM will be in this size of wood for five or six years. Then the rotation will fall back to a more optimal 14-15 years. The smaller chipper works in plantations of 650 m3 per hectare and in some cases the system can produce 80 tonnes per hour in ideal conditions. Hermosilla keeps a close eye on chip van load

times. It tells him a lot about the overall efficiency of his operation and he measures this in three ways: total load time, stopwatch timing that takes machine stoppages into account and hour meter load time which Hermosilla explains, is basically the total hour meter time for the shift divided by the number of loads. Also important to KBM’s tracking system are the iPads that are installed in the chippers. “We are quite modern in that sense,” says Hermosilla. Ironically KBM first tried industrial computers

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66 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

Peterson 7900EL and 6300 debarking rig in Chile

but they wouldn’t stand up to the tough operating environment. “So we thought, let’s try an iPad that is $1,000 cheaper. We wrote our own software and interface to download the information wirelessly to the mobile office. Then it is synced with the database in the main office.” Using the iPads, the chipper operators must account for all

work stoppages and have a number of pause codes available to choose from. The feller buncher and skidder operators input their data into the industrial computer in the mobile office once per shift and later the information is synced to the main office. “We can use the data to improve the numbers by analysing the different properties such as the

operator, type of wood, the terrain conditions or machine issues. It is basically a management tool that ties into fuel consumption as well.” Of the many facets of KBM’s operations, Hermosilla emphasises the importance of human resource management. Problems related to people must be solved very quickly and that is

where KBM’s management structure shines. The operations manager is empowered to solve problems without working through a chain of command and this rapid response keeps the operators happy. Retaining good operators and keeping turnover to a minimum has a measurable positive effect on production, machine lifespan and safety.

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The Tigercat 860C cutting eighteen year old eucalyptus. While track feller bunchers always open new stands, when conditions permit, KBM deploys lower cost wheel feller bunchers

“In general there is a shortage of operators,” explains Hermosilla. “We hire and train from scratch. Our system for training was not great but recently we have been focusing on it and it is improving. Now we have training procedures in place and [we teach] if/then scenarios for every conceivable variable or issue that the operator may face.” Although operators are not responsible for daily maintenance, they must be involved and are required to perform visual inspections, check fluid levels and generally must get to know the machines. “But we don’t want to force them to do maintenance tasks and we do have a separate maintenance crew,” adds Hermosilla. The initial training period for a brand new operator is three

months. Hermosilla explains that it takes one and a half years to get to the 80% effectiveness mark and six to seven years to approach 100% effectiveness. As a matter of necessity, operators are trained on the job. While they may be productive after a short time on an easy site, if any type of complication is added, suddenly the wood flow slows down. Learning how to respond to sudden challenges and complications makes a good operator and this is why the if/then scenarios are so important. Hermosilla also explains that less experienced operators are definitely harder on the machines. “They have a hard time with pace when it is hot and we see increased incidence of overheating. It is sort of a turtle and hare thing and you can

68 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

compare an experienced operator to the turtle. The new operator simply cannot adapt as well from site to site and cannot deal with change. Thankfully we have lots of seven-year operators now.” Hermosilla has observed over the years that when he hires experienced operators, they almost seem to fit in too well. “They tend to go with the flow and don’t optimize the machine and minimize the hours. Even though they might be able to work faster and produce more in a given number of machine hours, they adjust their own pace to the general flow of the operation. This has the effect of dragging things out and makes it difficult to improve the productivity of the system. Standard practice has been to run the machines to 30,000 hours.

“Our conditions are easier than say, Canada,” says Hermosilla. “We find the older machines to be equally productive when they are working but the downtime increases and skidders tend to get beat up the most.” Hermosilla keeps back-up machines in case of extended downtime and has been considering reducing the lifecycle to 16,000 hours to keep availability rates up while preserving a high resale value. Operations manager, Michael Durruty, took us to a couple of jobsites, first to see an 860C feller buncher opening up a new stand, then to see the extraction and infield chipping. Durruty explains that the 860C opens the stand by first cutting the perimeter. Even on a dead flat site where wheel feller bunchers will perform the felling, it is much more efficient to cut the

The skidder operators build up the main trails with brush to combat wet soil and to soften the impact of the stumps

Hermosilla says that this timber has grown beyond optimal size but the company has adapted to it and he expects to be chipping these older stands for the next four to five years

perimeter with a track machine because it can swing around to throw the trees behind as it creates the corridor. In the large eucalyptus, production rates are about 250 trees/h. If the terrain is favourable, a drive-to-tree feller buncher is deployed to cut the rows. Normal production in the rows is 300 trees per hour. In the right terrain conditions, a wheel buncher produces the same as a track buncher, so rubber tyre bunchers are used whenever possible. The feller bunchers generally work ahead of the rest of the system. How far ahead depends on many factors. The most significant is related to the optimal drying period before debarking, says Durruty. Durruty took us to a second site where the chipper and skidders had just moved in. A single

skidder opens the site initially, pulling the bunches that are very close to the deck. Once this wood is consumed and the congestion abates, the second skidder starts up and the two machines alternate between long and short skids to keep the correct volume of wood in front of the chipper. Bark is returned to the cut block and used to form a road or mat upon which the skidders travel. This is especially important in muddy sites and in rocky terrain where the feller buncher cuts slightly higher stumps to preserve tooth life. The thick brush layer softens the effects of the stumps on the skidders and operators. In very large wood, KBM’s 630D skidders can fill a chip van with two 15 t drags and the 620Ds accomplish the same with three 10 t pulls. Hermosilla first recalls seeing

Tigercat machines back in 1998 at the Atlanta equipment expo. “I was with my Canadian partner and the name stuck in my head. At the time I was doing site prep with a [Deere] 748.” Then in 2000 as Hermosilla was contemplating his move into the harvesting business, he began researching machinery and looked up Tigercat on the internet. “Tigercat looked like an interesting brand. I liked the concept and idea.” The same year Hermosilla traveled to both Canada and the southern US and saw Tigercat machines working in both countries. “I was up in Thunder Bay and had the opportunity to talk to a Tigercat dealer salesman. Then I went to the southern US and saw [drive-to-tree] feller bunchers. Everyone said how good they were. I got good information

from operators and owners and I liked what they said.” At that point, Hermosilla decided Tigercat was the brand for him. Upon his returned to Chile, Hermosilla contacted the newly minted Tigercat dealer, Latin Equipment with an already formulated list of equipment requirements. At the time Tigercat was virtually unknown in Chile but that didn’t deter Hermosilla. “I was not always one to follow the crowd. It depends on if I agree with the crowd or not. I don’t try to be different but I will if I think it is a better way to go. They certainly were not the cheapest. Overall I am very satisfied.” IFI This article originally appeared in the November, 2013 issue of Between the Branches, the official publication of Tigercat Industries Inc.

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Bandit Card Breaker System available for drum-style chippers


andit Industries now offers a Card Breaker System for hand-fed and whole tree drum-style chippers. The Card Breaker works similar to a screening system, restricting oversized material from exiting the machine. The system is optional for most Bandit drum-style chippers, creating an even higher quality wood chip that is well suited for use in expanding biomass energy markets. “Chips of relatively uniform size and shape are much preferred for use in biomass fuel wood applications,” said Jason Morey, Bandit Industries sales manager. “By creating a better chip, our

customers can have a better product to sell on the biomass fuel market.” Bandit’s Card Breaker doesn’t subtract from Bandit chippers’ legendary throwing power – in fact, it benefits from it. Chips leave the drum at an incredible speed, with larger sized chips hitting the Card Breaker installed in the discharge. This breaks the chips down further, resulting in a more uniform chip ready for biofuel applications. The Card Breaker System functions without the need for additional chip accelerating devices, and overall machine production is unaffected. At the most basic level, wood

chips are being used in biomass boilers to produce both heat and power. These facilities can range in size from large regional power plants to small, single-home heating systems. Outside this scope, several companies are converting wood chips into a petroleum product that could one day be a commercially viable alternative to fossil fuels. All around the globe, people are turning to wood chips to either supplement energy production, or to outright replace it. The result is an industry that is rapidly expanding. Many professionals using handfed chippers aren’t selling chips

for biomass use. Just the opposite; they often have to pay to dispose of their chips. “Bandit is already a leader when it comes to quality and uniformity of its chips,” said Christopher Smith, Bandit Industries marketing and communications director. “With our Card Breaker System, producers can make a higher quality product that can open up new revenue streams. Instead of paying to dump their chips, they could be getting paid for a valuable end product.”

Tigercat launches 875 logger The hugely successful 880 logger has a new junior companion. The 875 logger is a 36,000 kg carrier with two boom options for loading or processing applications. It is equipped with the new Tigercat FPT 6.7 L Tier 4i engine, producing 210 kW (282 hp). Designed for extremely fuel efficient operation, the 875 is equipped with variable speed cooling and Tigercat's unique closed loop energy recovery swing system. The twin swing drive system provides powerful swing torque and reduced gear tooth loads for excellent performance and reliability in demanding processing applications. The new F7-150 heavy duty forestry undercarriage provides a stable base of operations, improving performance and operator comfort. The operator's cabin is very spacious with excellent all-around visibility. Floor windows provide a clear view of the tracks. The engine compartment is open and spacious. Access to daily service points is very convenient and major components are readily accessible. The engine and hydraulic components are shielded and compartmentalised.

The Tigercat FPT engine series Tigercat FPT engines meet Tier 4 emission levels without the need for variable geometry turbochargers, an EGR system, a higher capacity cooling system, an intake throttle body or a diesel

70 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

particulate filter. Furthermore, the engine series offers improved reliability and lower long-term maintenance costs. The key is the selective catalyst reduction (SCR) which converts the harmful components of the exhaust gas stream into water, nitrogen, and

carbon dioxide. The biggest benefit for Tigercat machine owners is that the FPT engine series is fully supported by Tigercat, including all parts, service, warranty and technical support.

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Peterson introduces the 5710D horizontal grinder


eterson has released the new 5710D horizontal grinder, powered by a Tier 4i Caterpillar C27 1050hp engine. At 88,500 pounds (40,150 kg) the 5710D was designed for operations that require frequent moves between jobs without a special permit. An optional transportation dolly allows the Peterson 5710D to be easily moved, and then setup for operation within minutes. With a feed opening of 60 x 40 inches (152 x 102 mm) combined with Peterson’s high lift feed roll;

the 5710D can readily reduce a wide range of material including stumps. The 5710D utilises Peterson’s Impact Release System that can be set in the detent mode to provide consistent product sizing or switched to the floating anvil mode for a primary reduction where accurate sizing is less critical. The floating anvil mode provides a high production primary reduction with more protection from contaminated feedstocks and reduced fuel consumption.

The units new generation of controls includes Peterson’s high production Adaptive Control System and a fully adjustable feed system that can be optimised for a wide range of materials. It also features a large grate area that enables it to produce materials to exact specifications. The quick-change multiple grate system makes it easy to customise grate configurations to produce a wide variety of finished materials. Grates are removed through an enlarged access door it’s side wall.

Another major innovation included on the 5710D is Peterson’s Impact Cushion System. Urethane cushions allow movement of the compression roll/anvil housing pivot shaft, cushioning impacts due to contaminants in the feed material. Shear pins above the cushion and a sensing circuit that stop the engine help protect the shaft from catastrophic damage in the event of a severe impact.

in several mills. Lucidyne Technologies is based in Corvallis, Oregon, and has provided the wood products industry with trimmer/sorter

control systems, ColorScan grade mark readers and scanning and optimisation systems since its founding in 1985.

Lampe & Malphrus automates grading process with Lucidyne’s True-Q technology The Lampe & Malphrus Lumber Company has always been an early adopter of new technology, but held off when it came to automated grading and did not install a scanning system when first available. The company now believes that the technology and capability of grading machines has come of age and purchased a Lucidyne GradeScan system for its mill in Smithfield, North Carolina. The scanner is scheduled for installation in late January 2014 and is expected to improve grade-

out making it easier to follow changes in the market. The Lampe & Malphrus design calls for GradeScan to be installed in one building after the planer, then the scanned boards will cross over to a second building where the trimmer and sorter reside. The mill will take advantage of Lucidyne’s True-Q technology to identify boards, and not have to rely on paint or ink systems to mark the lumber in case they get mixed up. Lucidyne now has this patented technology working successfully

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IFI_PG72_ADV INDEX_02 21/01/2014 11:32 Page 1

ADVERTISERS INDEX SALES OFFICES UK, Europe, South Africa, US East Coast CONTACT: Phil Playle or David Lansdowne

ADVERTISERS INDEX Bandit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Microtec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Barko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

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Komptech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Vermeer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

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Wood-Mizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


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72 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

2014 IFI SHOW DIRECTORY MAY 21 – 23, 2014 Mogi Guaçu | São Paulo State, Brazil

Join us at Expo Forest 2014



Can Your Tractor Do This in 10 mins?

Fecon, Inc FTX600

Introducing Fecon’s all-new “FTX 128L High Performance” forestry mulcher! Visit or call 1-800-528-3113 for more information. This 128 horsepower mulching machine was designed and built from the ground up right here at our Lebanon, Ohio, USA factory to deliver the highest performance and greatest fuel efficiency in its class.

The FTX600 is Fecon’s flagship tractor. This tractor brings the best combination of cutting performance, track power, ground pressure and serviceability in the 600hp class of mulching machines.

FTX148L Forestry Mulcher - Mulching Machine - Fecon - Bull Hog

RTC22/500-8 - Pine Trees

Attached to a Fecon FTX148 Mulching Machine, the Bull Hog Forestry Mulcher is perfect for clearing trees and brush. Bull Hog attachments excel at clearing right-of-way, lines of site, invasive species and fire breaks as well as many other in Forest applications.

Fecon’s® RTC22 is a purpose built mobile chipping system like no other. This dedicated carrier is specifically designed for chipper weight, center of gravity, and serviceability. The high mobility of the RTC22 is welcomed on remote jobsites that could be hard to get to with other vehicles. With a top speed of 12 miles per hour, the RTC22 is three times faster to the job.

You will find unmatched versatility, power, and durability from the FeconFTX 148 Mulching Machine. Jobs normally requiring 2 or 3 pieces of equipment can now be completed with just one due to the machines’ high versatility and rate of production.

Bandit visits R.J. Nathe & Sons

Parker Kligerman visits Bandit 2013

Bandit visits R.J. Nathe & Sons on a job site near Ocala, Florida to see how their Bandit Whole Tree Chipper Model 3590 is working for them.

NASCAR Nationwide Series Driver Parker Kligerman visits Bandit Industries and gets behind the wheel of a few other machines.

Bandit Model 2400 XP (24” Disc-Style) Whole Tree Chipper

Operations looking for a high production chipper with a large chipping capacity should take a look at the Model 2400. The Model 2400 is designed for those land clearing operations whose main goal is production, and those loggers looking to produce a high quality, dimensional chip. Like the Model 1900, the 2400 features a five feed wheel system that gives this unit unmatched crushing and pulling power. To aid in this capability, the 2400 features a Caterpillar or Cummins 700 horsepower engine.

Revolution Cutter Wheel

The Bandit Revolution stump grinder cutter wheel is now standard issue for all new Bandit stump grinders, and it’s available as a retrofit for older machines. Don’t have a Bandit stump grinder? No problem—this amazing wheel is also available for a wide range of other stump grinder makes and models so you too can be part of the Revolution.

848H Skidder

King of the Hills

With industry-leading axles, super sturdy frames, and innovative options like dual-mode steering, the H-Series skidders continue John Deere’s unwavering dedication to being the leader in the woods.

Neiman Enterprises has emerged to become the leading forest products company in the Black Hills region.

2013 John Deere 843K Feller buncher at Forestry First 05-02-13

Road Map to Success

This 2013 model Deere 843K is working in Pine Plantation. We filmed this cutter working on a second thinning job where the stems are 6 inches or so average, many less. This feller buncher is very impressive. The owner has been pleased with fuel consumption and the speed and power of this feller buncher is more than adequate in his thinning and logging operations. The operators are also making positive comments about the cab interior which has recently been much improved. The old steering column is gone and it opens everything up in terms of visibility and space for your legs. If you have not sat in one of these you should do yourself a favour and hop into one.

Fleet management systems have put Mid Atlantic Tree Harvesters “on the map�.

6600 Track Wood Hog

Morbark 5048 Drum Chipper

Morbark 6600 Track Wood Hog. Footage taken at the 2013 Morbark Demo Days.

Morbark 5048 Drum Chipper equipped with a 10 knife Advantage 3 drum and a Cat C-27 1050hp diesel engine. Footage taken at the 2013 Morbark Demo Days.

Morbark, Inc. I Make America

3200 Wood Hog Demo Days May 2013

Aimed at wood and green waste recycling applications, the Morbark 3200 Wood Hog is a compact and aggressive unit. A smaller, lighter, and more affordable unit with all of the benefits of our larger grinders, the 3200 can handle green waste, regrind, sawmill residue, pallets, and logs up to 14� in diameter ease. Available as a tracked unit for greater mobility or with electric power, the 3200 can be built with Morbark’s most popular options.

4300B Drum Chipper Making Micro Chips

s5710C horizontal grinder with Terra Select S6 E Star Screen

The new Peterson 4300B drum chipper has been updated for 2014 with new features that high-volume biomass chippers demand. The 4300B can be equipped with either a 6-pocket (to make standard biomass chips) or 12-pocket (to make microchips) drum depending on your material needs.

A Peterson 5710C horizontal grinder feeds ground wood pallets into a Terra-Select S6-E star screen. The three fraction Terra Select S6-E sorts the ground material into fines, accepts and overs. Both machines are ideal for processing mulch, compost, or other organic material.

6700B Mid-Speed Grinder

5710C Pallet Grinding

This Peterson 6700B horizontal grinder is equipped with our new Mid-Speed C&D package, and is doing primary grind in surplus railroad ties. The second grinder (a Peterson 4710B) is processing the material to meet the product spec which is being used for energy production.

This Peterson 5710C horizontal grinder is grinding pallets for mulch production in Indiana. The machine uses a cross belt magnet to pull the nails from the material (watch for a follow-up video on this process soon!)

The Mid-Speed C&D package is designed for highly contaminated material and features several new innovations that have not been seen on high-speed horizontal grinders before. This operation is seeing consistent 300+ tons per hour of production in this material.

The 5710C is Peterson’s latest generation of high production track grinders. Powered by the Caterpillar C27 or C32 engine at 1050 horsepower, this grinder provides the highest power to weight ratio of any Peterson grinder. At approximately 83,000 pounds (37650 kg) the 5710C was designed for operations requiring high production and frequent moves between jobs.

Tigercat TH575 mixed stand in Nova Scotia

KBM, Chile: Infield chipping

Tigercat TH575 harvesting head on a Tigercat H855C carrier in a mixed stand in Nova Scotia. E&R Langille Contracting Ltd. owns four TH575 heads. The company cites long-term durability and multi-stemming capability as primary advantages. E&R Langille’s original TH575 was purchased in 2007 and has over 21,000 operating hours.

KBM, Chile infield eucalyptus chipping operation featuring a Tigercat 860C feller buncher, two Tigercat 630D skidders and a Peterson-Pacific flail/chipper. Get the full story in Between the Branches, November 2013. BTB is available online, by subscription or at your local Tigercat dealer.

880 logger in Pacific northwest

Bull Creek: LH822C

The Tigercat 880 logger in a high production shovel logging (hoe chucking) application in western Washington.

Montana-based Bull Creek Forestry operating a new Tigercat LH822C harvester in a selective felling application. Get the full story in the July 2013 issue of Between the Branches.



Integrated Log Loader

MyMill™ - Changing the way you work

USNR’s Integrated Log Loader is positioned at the last step in the log feeder, and precisely manages the gap between logs.

MyMill is a new software suite developed by USNR that enables mill personnel to interact with mill equipment using mobile devices, such as iPads and iPods. This new mobile functionality will change the landscape of today’s modern mills.

6-Deck Jet Veneer Dryer - time lapse construction

Murray Timber 4-sided canting log breakdown line

This new 6-deck jet veneer dryer, located at Martco, Chopin, LA, is the largest dryer to date in the southern yellow pine region. This dryer will accomplish the equivalent production of two dryers, reducing labor costs by one-half. At the same time it will reduce thermal energy consumption by 10%, and exhaust fugitive emissions by 15%.

This mill is located in Ireland.

The dryer was erected off-line, and once complete it was towed into place and connected to all services under a projected expedited schedule. This allowed Martco the advantage of choosing the optimum time to disrupt its production schedule to install the additional capacity, and allowed the plant to utilize the existing building structure to house the new dryer.

Sweep reducing

Log positioning

The importance of cant positioning is often overlooked. Only one infeed position will result in maximum product value. Deviation from this position will result in lower output. With a True Shape optimization system the best position is accurately determined.

Söderhamn Eriksson´s positioning system ensures the correct rotating position is maintained and carries out the side positioning which is calculated by the optimising system.

System Edger - versatile and reliable Bandsawing technology edger optimizer

Söderhamn Eriksson´s edging systems with high capacity and maximum yield generates the most valuable product out of each board.

Söderhamn Eriksson´s bandsaws offer the highest accuracy, very thin kerf, short built-in length, easy to set and efficient curve sawing of cants.

- Systems for all capacity requirements - Highest capacity on the market - Designs for unmanned operation - High resolution scanning on both sides of the board - Unlimited edging options - Split and reject modules

- High-strain bandsaws with high accuracy at highest feed speed - Saw kerf 3 mm or less - Reducer band saw combinations with 2,3 or 4 bands - Resaw combinations with 1 to 4 saw bands - Feed speeds up to 180 m/min


MiCROTEC CTLOG Virtual Grading

Inline Moisture Meter: - Determines accurately moisture content of lumber - Works in lineal and in transversal transport - Measures contactless and independently of environmental influences and conveyor speed - Sorts automatically lumber based on individual quality parameters - Fits in any production line - Features open interface standards for transparent data exchange - Enables easy and intuitive control on touchscreen

Full digital stem and log description 3D analysis of wood defects virtual breakdown virtual grading value optimisation


CT.LOG and Viscan.XL - Full value optimisation

First class Strength (Stress) Grading integrated with inline density meter: - Determines accurately and reliably MOE/MOR of lumber - Grades lumber non-destructively, optically and independently of interfering ambient conditions such as noise - Works at a repeat accuracy of over 99 % - Grades at your production pace in transversal transport - Is a worldwide accredited stress grading solution - Maximizes recovery in combination with other MiCROTEC systems, such as GOLDENEYE - Complies already to the main grading standards

Published on Oct 4, 2012 Highspeed Computer Tomography (2m/s) For Stems and Logs Diameter up to 650mm Digital stem and log description Continuous, qualitative and 3D log reconstruction Virtual breakdown and grading Value optimisation

Industrial Sawmill Business Spotlight SLP2 at LIGNA - Ohio Valley Veneer

For six years, Ed Robbins struggled to make his high grade lumber mill profitable. Finally he turned to Wood-Mizer industrial thin-kerf headrigs and his employees thought he was crazy... See what happened in the video.

Wood-Mizer debuts the SLP2 (Small Log Processing system) at Ligna 2013, in Hanover. Thin-kerf blades and higher automation result in a profitable combination.

WM4000 ENG

WM1000 with new hydraulic system

WM4000 – Wood-Mizer’s latest thin-kerf headrig.

WM1000 – Break down big logs accurately and efficiently with a 1.7 metre (67”) center capacity cut.

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