International Forest Industries Magazine June July 2014 with Review Expoforest Brazil

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Expoforest 2014 Brazil


Microtech’s GOLDENEYE series scanner


Forwarder technology focused on capacity


Mobile sawmills making a difference


Debarking technology for mills and roadside


Springer responds to miller’s cry for help


Tigercat in Uruguay

Mobility Wins!

Peterson 5000H Whole Tree Chipper, the all-in-one chipping solution!

New tracked Peterson 4810F Debarker paired with a Peterson Disc Chipper

Scan with your smart phone to watch us chip!

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28 SAWLINES – Springer

36 SAWLINES – Mobile Sawmilling

Springer has helped make the Theurl sawmill in Assling, Austria, one of the most modern in the country

Mobile sawmilling requires a unique set of skills and highly specialised equipment. Two manufacturers epitomise the quality of machinery required better than most

30 SAWLINES – Microtec

39 SAWLINES - Operation Focus Kenya

Microtec’s GOLDENEYE scanning technology has lifted the standard of sawmilling across the world

The story of a company’s impressive growth in the Kenyan forestry, sawmilling and machine trading sectors is one characterised by adaptation and constant reinvention – a relevant theme for anyone looking to invest in emerging markets



16 News

16 Appointments

22 World Markets

80 Advertising Index

COVER: Rottne H21D The Rottne H21D is a big harvester with an entirely new dimension built for the toughest clear cutting. H21D is totally reengineered with improvements on all fields, such as stability, reliability, comfort and capacity. • H21D with 6 or 8 wheels. • Dual hydraulic cylinders for mid joint. • 305 hp strong engine, give you a fantastic tractive force of 230 kN.

• Two in line mounted axial piston pumps.


Expoforest 2014

• Cab will follow the loader from side to side (+/- 90˚).




Microtech’s GOL

DENEYE series scanner



E Forwarder tech nolo focused on capa gy city

• Bucking system is Rottne/Dasa Forester


• 15” touchscreen

Mobile sawm ills making a diffe rence


E Debarking tech nology for mills and roadside

• New loader, ROTTNE RK250


• New Rottne EGS 706 harvester head for the toughest condition delimbing up to 700 mm.

Springer resp onds to miller’s cry for help


Tigercat in Urug

1754 IFI Mag

June July.indd





JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 1




JUNE / JULY 2014

Forwarding manufacturers haven’t lost sight of the need to be efficient and user-friendly but it’s the big machines with big performance that are most heavily featured in this year’s Forwarder review

42 60


60 Debarkers – Skimming Fat Off the Top

68 Debarkers – Operation Focus USA

Debarking products that demonstrate the breadth of application for debarking technology when looking to improve operating efficiencies and margins...

The Versa Drum Debarker designed and manufactured by Price LogPro, LLC features removable lifters and bark slot abraders for winter Operation


70 Operation Focus Uruguay – Tigercat Dalfey’s hot logging operations are all about big timber and soft landings


6 Logging News

2 International Forsest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

12 World Markets

76 Cutting Edge

80 Advertising Index


Tigercat has a new heavy duty duo for the 1075B forwarder that is built to take on anything a demanding CTL logging operation can throw at it. The new Tigercat F195T85 crane is capable of lifting significantly heavier loads and has more slew torque than any competing forwarder crane. The Tigercat 530 series grapple has a notably larger load capacity that only the F195T85 crane can handle - a great advantage in smaller diameter log applications.



SUBSCRIPTIONS Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 583 Annual Subscription UK and Europe £160, €230 Rest of the world US$270 EDITORIAL T: +44 (0)1442 877 583 F: +44 (0)1442 870 617 2 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road Berkhamsted, Herts. HP4 2AF, UK Editorial Director John Chadwick Editor Chris Cann Editorial Board Dr Patrick Moore – Chairman and Chief Scientist of Greenspirit (Canada) Darren Oldham – Managing Director Söderhamn Eriksson (UK) Professor Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz – Warsaw Agricultural University (Poland) Andre de Freitas Forest Stewardship Council Head of Operations Eduardo Morales South American Forestry Consultant ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS Lansdowne Media Services Ltd Advertising Manager Phil Playle Group Advertising Manager David Lansdowne +44 (0)1442 87 77 77 Associate Editor Robin Peach Advertising Production Enquiries Emma Smith International Forest Industries is published by International Forest Industries Ltd, 2 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road Berkhamsted, Herts. HP4 2AF, UK International Forest Industries (ISSN 1755-6732) is published monthly by International Forest Industries Ltd GBR and is distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 17B South Middlesex Avenue, Monroe NJ 08831 and additional mailing offices. Periodicals postage paid at New Brunswick NJ. POSTMASTER: send address changes to International Forest Industries, 17B South Middlesex Avenue, Monroe NJ 08831 © International Forest Industries Ltd 2007 – 2014 IFI uses, as preference, SI units throughout. All dollars are US unless otherwise stated.

4 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014


Spending money to make money


he forestry sector is in danger of establishing some consistently stronger trends, including from the sawmilling sector, if it can overcome an early hiccup in 2014. Wood markets have been showing positive signs for some time. Roundwood prices and volumes have been on the increase in the past few years, while end user manufacturers have increased their demand for finished wood products as the global economy limps toward recovery, led by China and, to a lesser degree, the US. However, only the logging and biomass sectors have registered consistent gains. Wood processers in the meantime have been squeezed on both sides by increasing wood input costs from higher roundwood pricing and tougher demands from their clients on product premiums and price. Pulp and paper groups have not had it easy, though sawyers have been worst hit. But this is starting to change. Over 2013, International Forest Industries had the pleasure of issuing the first green shoots of news that indicated sawmills were starting to enjoy better margins. These news snippets were, however, volatile and positive news one edition was usually met with negative news the next. Consistently positive news was more evident in the last third of the year and though pulp and paper groups and biomass groups have grown a leg, the sawmill sector has lost one. In this edition, we’re pleased to report some truly encouraging news for the pulp and paper guys. Various wood market indices established by the Wood Resource Quarterly show that pressure on paper manufacturers is lifting. Global pulpwood prices are have continued to slide, which has combined with the strengthening US dollar to ease the strain on pulpwood purchases, namely paper manufacturers. Pellet manufacturers meanwhile have continued to see strength in this market, best demonstrated by the

seemingly insatiable Chinese demand for wood chips from Southern Hemisphere producers, and Europe’s appetite for US pellets. But as the recovery waxes and wanes, the demand for sawn wood products remains vulnerable. Lumber markets in North America took a backward step in the first quarter, while Finnish lumber markets actually continued to strengthen. And so the picture is mixed. The success of sawmill groups will always be intrinsically tied to the construction sector, but anecdotal evidence indicates to IFI that there remains the opportunity for sawmillers to take matters into their own hands. This can ensure survival and, at the right moment in the economic cycle, a thriving business and the profits that accompany such a business. As a technical magazine, we are of course looking at how this can be achieved through equipment designed to improve the sawmill structure and efficiency. These days, such improvements for sawmills are made largely through scanning and optimisation breakthroughs. This area of expertise naturally forms one of our greatest focuses and will be the subject of a major feature in the next edition. Equally, in this edition we take a closer look at the mobile sawmills that are making a difference for sawyers. Specifically, we follow two manufacturers into Kenya and the Amazon Rainforest where they have delivered state-of-the-art mobile technology to the strictest requirements of their clients. In both cases, the companies that make investments in the lead up to what is looking more and more like the upturn in the economic cycle are the companies that are most likely to thrive.

Chris Cann Editor



With John Deere ForestSight, you can see through the woods, inside your machines, and straight into the future. Its true next-generation technology lets you remotely see exactly where your entire feet is any time of day, and also what’s happening inside each machine. Only John Deere ForestSight proactively suggests solutions to potential problems and allows technicians to diagnose and sometimes even repair machines from afar. Best of all, John Deere ForestSight is included in base on all our forestry equipment.


New Tigercat forwarder crane and grapples launched following extensive testing in Uruguay Tigercat has released new crane and grapple options to enhance the Tigercat 1075B forwarder. Designed and built by Tigercat, the new heavy duty F195T85 crane is capable of lifting 20 to 30% heavier loads and has 22 to 66% more slew torque than any other competing crane on the market. The crane geometry is optimized for quick loading and unloading cycles with excellent grapple clearance above the load. It is also the only crane that can handle a 0,53 m2 grapple, a great advantage in smaller diameter log applications. The F195T85 is the only crane with standard end-of-position dampening sensors on the stick and main booms to prevent impact loads. The tapered roller bearing in the slew base is designed to

last the life of the machine, a vast improvement over the plain bearing and spherical rollers used in other cranes. It is also the only crane with swivels on the pillar hoses for extended hose life, thick walled bushings used at all pivots and a cushioned telescopic cylinder. The new Tigercat 430 and 530 series grapples compliment the new crane with larger load area capacities at 0,43 m2 and 0,53 m2 respectively. The grapples are fitted with thick walled bushings for extended service life. The link has a patent pending hose routing design to better protect the hoses and the swing dampener has been specially designed for heavy duty application. Prototype testing of the new crane and grapple design has been ongoing in northern

The new Tigercat F195T85 crane with the 530 series grapple Uruguay in one of the most demanding and arduous forwarder applications imaginable. The first two assemblies have clocked over 2,000 hours since November

2013 working in extremely large diameter 5 m eucalyptus logs and 7 m pulp logs. (See feature pages 68 - 72).

Interforst runs congress under responsible harvesting banner Just like in previous years, INTERFORST 2014 will be accompanied by a well-founded professional supporting program that integrates science, politics and business into the trade show activity. The congress and forum program will be based on the motto Harvesting wood – the responsible way forward. The key international trade fair for forestry and forest technology will be held in Munich from July 16-20 2014. The congress will once again

be at the heart of all trade show activities in hall B6. It will consist of two components: • The mornings will focus on lectures of a scientific nature • The afternoons will be dedicated to forums dealing with practical issues and involve the trade visitors in the discussions. The 36 lectures will be given by well-known experts from Germany and abroad and will deal with a large number of topics covering aspects ranging from sustainable and resource-efficient wood use,

Are you a crane operator champion? Penz invites you to prove it – from 16th till 20th of July at Interforst in Munich, stand 502/51

6 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

energy wood use, and trends in forest technology, to potential strategies and markets. Topics related to safety and health at work and the economic situation of forest enterprises will not be neglected, either. “With fortune, the program committee has succeeded in winning top-class speakers who distinguish themselves not only through their outstanding professional expertise but also through excellent oratorical skills,” Chairman of the Program

Committee, Professor Walter Warkotsch from Stellenbosch University, said. “The thematic fields of the congress: future, utilization of wood, man and machine in the forest, and the benefits of wood, cover a wide spectrum of topical issues and deal with the burning questions of the industry. I look forward to interesting contributions and am sure that all participants will experience a significant increase in knowledge.”

Versatility comes standard.

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Serve Multiple Chip Markets with



Now available on Bandit Whole Tree Chippers, Bandit’s exclusive micro chip drum and card breaker system can be easily configured to produce consistent chips of virtually any size, including micro chips ideally suited for wood pellet production. All this, without sacrificing Bandit’s legendary throwing power and production, without the need for a chip accelerator. From wood chippers to stump grinders, horizontal grinders, forestry mowers, and specialty wood processing equipment, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t own a Bandit.

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New powerful heavy iron from Komatsu America that’s fuel friendly Komatsu America Corp.’s PC240LL-10 Log Loader is the newest addition to its dash-10 series of Log Loaders. With a flywheel horsepower of 177 hp (132 kW), the PC240LL-10 is powered by a Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 engine and is EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage 3B emissions certified. Built upon a proven Tier 3 engine platform, Komatsu has leveraged its leadership in technology and innovation to design a more environmentally-friendly engine that increases power while decreasing fuel consumption. This new EPA Tier 4 Interim Certified Log Loader replaces the former Tier 3 PC220LL-8 model. Weighing in at 83,985 pounds (38,095 kg) in log loader configuration, the PC240LL-10 has improved efficiency, 5% greater HP, lower fuel consumption, a new Oregon OSHA ROPS/OPS/FOPS/ TOPS/WBC certified forestry cab for improved operator comfort, and enhanced serviceability to maximize productivity while lowering operating costs when compared to the previous model*. The PC240LL-10 is available in Log Loader, Processor Head Carrier and Road Builder configurations. The PC240LL-10 is equipped with the KOMTRAX® technology, which is fully integrated with Komatsu’s Tier 4 technology and sends machine operating information to a secure website utilizing wireless technology. Data such as operating hours, location, cautions, fuel consumption and maintenance alerts are relayed to the web application for analysis. The KOMTRAX® fleet monitoring system increases machine availability, reduces the risk of machine theft (compared to machines not KOMTRAX-equipped), allows for remote diagnosis by the distributor, and provides a wealth of other information to drive business efficiency and productivity.

Special features of the new PC240LL-10 include: EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage 3B Emission Certified Engine Built upon proven Tier 3 technology,

the SAA6D107E-2 engine has 5% more HP, and provides lower fuel consumption than the Tier 3 engine on the previous model. The Komatsu Tier 4 Interim engine uses an advanced electronic control system to manage air-flow rate, fuel injection, combustion parameters, and after-treatment functions to optimize performance, reduce emissions, and provide advanced diagnostic capability. As a leader in hydraulic technology, Komatsu has also developed a hydraulically actuated Komatsu Variable Geometry Turbocharger (KVGT) and an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve that provides better precision in air management as well as longer component life. The Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) has an integrated design that will not interfere with daily operation but will keep the operator aware of its status.

Hydraulic System This integrated design uses a closed center-load sensing hydraulic system which has taken hydraulic efficiency to the next level using variable speed matching. Variable matching allows the engine speed to adjust based on the hydraulic pump output for both light and heavy duty applications. Additional enhancements have been made within the hydraulic system to reduce hydraulic loss, resulting in better efficiency and lower fuel consumption. The PC240LL-10 also has adjustable flow controls for boom, arm, heel and grapple functions for fine tuning hydraulic response to individual operator preference.

Upgraded Major Components All major components on the new PC240LL-10, including the engine, hydraulic pumps, motors, and valves, are exclusively designed and produced by Komatsu. The PC240LL-10 uses swing system and undercarriage components from the next-size larger Komatsu excavators for working in demanding logging applications. Rear compartment covers are

8 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

PC240LL-10 Log Loader

more than 3 times thicker than those used on comparably-sized excavators, and the compartment doors also feature stronger door hinges. Larger final drives and motors provide high drawbar pull for demanding shovel logging applications. Updated full length support ski-type track roller guards help increase track life in tough logging conditions.

New forestry cab The new Oregon OSHA ROPS/ OPS/FOPS/TOPS/WBC certified Komatsu forestry cab provides a more comfortable and quieter work environment so operators can maximize their productivity. The certified cab is specifically designed for forestry applications and gains strength from a reinforced framework. The operator platform is mounted on viscous damper mounts which provide low vibration levels. The high-back, fully-adjustable seat is air suspended and heated for enhanced comfort. An auxiliary input has been added to connect an MP3 player, satellite radio or other device that uses a standard auxiliary plug. Two 12-volt ports have also been incorporated into the cab. The cab is available with 48” (1220 mm) hydraulic tilting or 7” (177 mm) fixed cab risers. The cab has a new highresolution 7” LCD color monitor

with enhanced capabilities and displays information in 25 languages for global support. The operator can easily select from six working modes to match machine performance to the application. These working modes include Power Mode, Economy Mode, Lifting Mode, Breaker Mode, Attachment Economy Mode and Attachment Power Mode. The new monitor panel also provides Eco Guidance (operational efficiency guidance), operational records, fuel consumption history, and utilization information. A standard rearview monitoring system, with the camera integrated into the counterweight, allows the operator to view directly behind the machine with the push of a button.

New Komatsu-designed live heel logging boom A new Komatsu-designed 38’ reach live heel logging boom is now available with Komatsu hydraulic cylinders and guarding. Factory installed 52” and 58” opening forestry grapples are available. In addition to the live heel front end, a full complement of Komatsu excavator booms, arms and buckets are also available for road building and clearing. A special arrangement without bucket cylinder and linkage is available for processor head applications.

Maximize Profits with the Morbark MicroChipper ®

95% ½" Minus Create micro-chips vital to the pellet mill market with the new Morbark® Whole Tree MicroChipper. • Productive – Morbark’s exclusive enhanced Advantage 3™ drum creates uniform micro-chips, while the mechanically driven chip accelerator fully loads your truck. • Practical – The operator-friendly, slide-in forestry grate system reduces oversized chips for a consistent, high-quality end product. • Profitable – With an average fuel consumption of 2.25 tons of micro-chips produced per gallon of fuel used, the Morbark 40/36 MicroChipper allows you to reduce costs and maximize profits.

In customer tests, up to 95% of the micro-chips produced passed through a ½" grate, and an average of 65% passed through a ¼" grate.

The Morbark® MicroChipper is a new addition to our full line of heavyduty Whole Tree Chippers from the leader in the industry. Learn more about our machines and our extensive product support network at

Building EquipmEnt that CrEatEs OppOrtunitiEs


Rindi Pellets & Härjedalen Miljöbränsle form joint sales company Rindi Pellets AB and Härjedalen Miljöbränsle AB (HMAB) on 1 April has formed a joint sales company HR Pellets AB. The new company is owned equally by Rindi Pellets and HMAB. The company will sell wood pellets to the market and from both Rindi Pellets and HMAB. The new company will coordinate the sales of both companies and streamline logistics solutions. HR Pellets will continue selling the same brands; Rindi-pellets, Dalaguld and HMAB-

pellets. The company will have a strong role in the Swedish and Norwegian market. Demand for wood pellets is expected to rise sharply across Europe and HR Pellets is ready to meet the demand, with an annual capacity of circa 200,000 metric tons. “Together, we have created a competitive and flexible company helping to a secure the future production of wood pellets in

Sweden. Our customers will receive an eco-friendly bio-fuel that is both sustainable and effective. Our Pellet production that is of the highest quality and with three production plants we have flexibility and reliability to delivery. I look forward to leading the development of our new company, “said Managing Director Steven Morris.

Steven Morris Sales and Marketing Director

New product support representative for Tigercat in Russia Tigercat has welcomed Artem Shilov to its product support team as a factory sales and support representative. Based in Perm, Russia, Artem will focus on providing after-sale technical and commercial support

to Tigercat dealers and customers and will work closely with Tigercat’s Russian district manager, Alex Chornyy to further develop Tigercat’s market share in Russia’s vast forestry industry. Artem has 10 years of

experience working for Tigercat’s Russian dealer, Forestry Machines, as technical director where he coordinated all the service support for the Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Surgut and Perm areas. Artem Shilov

Georgia-Pacific acquires chip mill in Louisiana Georgia-Pacific has announced that it has completed the acquisition of a chip mill in Bernice, Louisiana, from Hunt Forest Products, Inc., headquartered in Ruston, Louisiana for an undisclosed price. “We view this acquisition as a long-term investment that expands our access to wood and fiber supply in the region,” said Mike Adams, senior vice president of

sourcing for Georgia-Pacific. “The Bernice chip mill is a quality asset with a team of talented employees and will fit well into our existing sourcing operations.” The Bernice chip mill produces “clean chips” from logs that have been debarked before the chipping process, and are used to make paper products. Georgia-Pacific currently

operates three facilities in Louisiana, in addition to a wood and supply office at Port Hudson. The company employs approximately 1,350 people directly in the state, with total compensation and benefits for Louisiana employees totalling approximately $110 million.

Mike E. Adams Senior Vice President, Sourcing

Alter Energy Group acquires US Wood Pellet Plant Alter Energy Group has signed an Letter of intent for the acquisition of an operating US Wood Pellet Plant (WPP) Edward J. Klaeger IV, CEO of AEG explained, “The acquisition of this operational WPP gives AEG an ideal entry point into the high growth, high margin US Wood Pellet Export Market. Our plan is to export the initial 110,000 MT/a wood pellets to EU Markets for the upcoming heating season

and increase capacity to 280,000 MT/a in Stage II during the 2015 summer off-season. The expansion will increase economies of scale and help meet the rising demand for wood pellets in the EU as well as the domestic market, which is expected to grow significantly in the coming years as the US brings more renewable energy sources online to meet its emission reductions targets.

10 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

This acquisition can create near-term cash flows to help drive earnings and enhance our share price valuations for AEG to leverage into more acquisitions in the US and EU as well as high growth emerging markets”. AEG is a Zurich Switzerland based publicly traded company with current activities in Europe and the US. AEG acquires, and invests in renewable energy projects and companies.


The global forest industry in Q1 Excerpts from the Wood Resource Quarterly Global timber markets • With improved lumber markets in many regions around the world in early 2014, sawlog consumption was higher and sawlog prices were moving upward in a majority of the 20 regions covered by WRQ. The Global Sawlog Price Index (GSPI) rose by 0.8% from the fourth quarter last year to US$89.45/m3 in the first quarter of this year • During the first quarter, trade of logs was up in all major markets of the world as compared to the corresponding period last year. For the four largest exporting countries, the increase was 17%, with the biggest rise in shipments coming out of Russia.

Global pulpwood prices • Lower wood fibre prices in local currencies and a strengthening US dollar resulted in declines in both the Softwood and Hardwood Fiber Price Indices (SFPI and

HFPI), which are the price indices that track wood costs for the global pulp industry • The SFPI fell from $99.51/odmt in the December quarter last year to $99.43/odmt in the March quarter this year, with the biggest price reductions occurring in Canada, Russia, Australia and Brazil • The prices for hardwood pulplogs have trended downward in many markets for more than two years, which is reflected in an HFPI Index that has constantly fallen each quarter since its peak in the September quarter of 2011. In the first quarter this year, the HFPI was $97.01/odmt, down from $97.59/odmt in the previous quarter. Prices fell the most in Russia, Eastern Canada, Western US and Brazil.

Global pulp markets • Production of market pulp fell in two of the three major pulp-

producing regions in the world in early 2014. Production was down 5.2% in N. America and 4.2% in Europe. In Latin America, production was up 2.6% mainly because of higher exports to China and Europe • Prices for NBSK pulp have been holding up better than those for HBKP this year. With the recent opposing price trends for softwood and hardwood pulp, the price discrepancy between the two major pulp grades has widened to a two-year record.

Global lumber markets • Lumber imports to Japan slowed down in the first quarter, with volumes being 4% lower than the first quarter of 2013 and, in fact, representing the lowest first quarter import levels since 2010 • A slowdown in the Chinese economy has impacted the construction sector, resulting in a decline in lumber imports during the first four months of 2014. The biggest drop has been in lumber shipments from Canada, while Russian sawmills have kept up deliveries fairly well • The sawmilling sector in the US has been in a steady comeback mode ever since the global financial crisis struck in 2008. From 2009 to 2013, production

has gone up every year, and the total production increased 28% over this four-year period. In early 2014, production fell slightly • Lumber exports from Canada in the first quarter fell to all markets except the US. The biggest decline from the previous quarter was in lumber headed to China (-22%) and to Japan (-32%) • The Finnish sawmilling industry had a good year last year with total production reaching over 10 million m3, the highest level in five years. This positive trend continued in 2014, with production in the first term being up 5% thanks to higher shipments to France, Germany and Algeria.

Global biomass markets • With no slowdown in sight, North American wood pellet exporting companies keep building new facilities to manufacture pellets for the European market • Export volumes hit a new record high in the fourth quarter last year and the total shipments for 2013 were up almost 50% from the previous year • South Korea has increased importation of pellets dramatically the past two years with Vietnam and Canada being the major suppliers.

Fecon FTX290 pulls forward mulching industry Fecon has taken a step forward in forestry mulching technology with the addition of the FTX290 mulching tractor. The FTX290 is a low ground pressure (3.4 psi) tractor with an oscillating steel track undercarriage, providing balanced traction for rough or soft conditions. Like other Fecon tractors, the FTX290 features a spacious cab, operator comfort and ergonomic control layout as well as maintenance friendly service access. Powered by a Cummins QSC8.3 290 hp diesel, the

hydraulic flow to the mulching head peaks at 100 gpm. The FTX290 features the Fecon BH120 forestry mulcher with variable speed motors and three optional rotor systems including Fecon’s new depth controls rotor (DCR) technology. Fecon DCR rotors feature the reversible Samurai Knife. The Samurai is incorporated into a depth control design that provides fast cutting in all materials and the most efficient use of horsepower. The cutting, slicing and splitting action of the Samurai Knife as

16 - 20 JULY 2014 MESSE MUNCHEN 12 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

The Fecon FTX290

it chips is far more productive than straight edge tools or saw teeth. This productivity is further enhanced by the Fecon DCR, depth control rings providing fast cutting durability unlike other knife based rotors. “The FTX290 mid-sized

crawler with the BH120 DCR forestry mulcher is the right combination of power, durability size and production capability for the larger jobs in R.O.W., urban interface and land improvement or development,” the company stated.


Forestry arm helps Deere harvest Q2 earnings of $981 million


et income attributable to Deere & Company was $980.7 million, or $2.65 per share, for the second quarter ended April 30, compared with $1.084 billion, or $2.76 per share, for the same period last year. For the first six months of 2014, net income attributable to Deere & Company was $1.662 billion, or $4.46/sh, compared with $1.734 billion, or $4.41/sh, last year. Worldwide net sales and revenues decreased 9% to $9.948 billion, for the second quarter and were down 4%, to $17.602 billion, for six months. Net sales of the equipment operations were $9.246 billion for the quarter and $16.195 billion for six months, compared with $10.265 billion and $17.058 billion for the same periods last year. “John Deere is on its way to another year of solid financial and operating performance,” Samuel Allen, Chairman, Chief Executive

and former head of forestry, said. “Our second-quarter earnings showed further proof of the adept execution of our operating plans. We kept costs and assets well under control while successfully managing major new-product transitions associated with more stringent emissions standards. “In addition, our construction and forestry and financial services operations delivered improved results, reflecting the power of our broad-based business lineup.”

Summary of operations Net sales of the worldwide equipment operations declined 10% for the quarter and 5% for six months compared with the same periods a year ago. Sales included price realisation of 2% and an unfavourable currency-translation effect of 1% for the quarter and six months. Equipment net sales in the United States and Canada decreased 12% for the quarter

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14 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

and 6% year to date. Outside the US and Canada, net sales were down 6% for the quarter and 3 percent for six months, including unfavourable currency-translation effects of 2% for both periods. Deere’s equipment operations reported operating profit of $1.361 billion for the quarter and $2.252 billion for six months, compared with $1.663 billion and $2.5 billion last year. The decline for both periods was due primarily to the impact of lower shipment volumes, the unfavourable effects of foreigncurrency exchange, and a less favourable product mix, partially offset by price realisation. Net income of the company’s equipment operations was $838 million for the second quarter and $1.381 billion for the first six months, compared with $953 million and $1.478 billion in 2013. In addition to the operating factors mentioned above, a lower effective tax rate benefited both quarterly and six-month results. Financial services reported net income attributable to Deere & Company of $147.7 million for the quarter and $289.9 million for six months compared with $125 million and $257.9 million last year. The improvement for the quarter was due to growth in the credit portfolio, partially offset by higher selling, administrative and general expenses. Six-month results improved due to growth in the credit portfolio and a more favourable effective tax rate, partially offset by lower crop insurance margins and higher selling, administrative and general expenses.

<subhead> Company outlook and summary Company equipment sales are projected to decrease about 4% for fiscal 2014 and for the third quarter compared with the year-ago periods. Included is an unfavourable currency-translation effect of about 1% for the year. For the fiscal year, net income attributable to Deere & Company is anticipated to be about $3.3 billion. “John Deere expects to achieve near-record earnings for the full year and the company is well-

Sam R. Allen Chairman and Chief Executive Officer positioned to deliver solid financial results throughout the business cycle,” Allen said. “We’re confident our extensive investments in new products and markets, coupled with a tight rein on costs and assets, will keep the company on a sound financial footing and help sustain our growth plans.” These plans are essential to meeting the world’s growing need for food, shelter and infrastructure, he added, and they should lead to significant benefits for the company’s investors and customers in the years ahead.

Construction and forestry Construction and forestry sales increased 2% for the quarter and 3% for six months mainly as a result of higher shipment volumes. Operating profit was $132 million for the quarter and $226 million for six months, compared with $81 million and $153 million last year. Operating profit improved for both periods primarily due to higher shipment volumes, lower production costs and lower selling, administrative and general expenses, partially offset by higher sales incentive costs. Six month results also benefited from lower research and development expenses. Deere’s worldwide sales of construction and forestry equipment are forecast to increase by about 10% for full-year 2014. The gain reflects further economic recovery and higher housing starts in the US as well as sales increases outside the US and Canada. Global forestry sales are expected to be up for the year due to general economic growth and improved sales in European markets.


China throws Aussie chips a lifeline The downward trend in Australian wood chip exports was broken in 2013 thanks to increased chip demand from Chinese pulpmills. China surpassed Japan as the major destination in the first quarter of this year, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly


ustralia was for many years the world’s leading exporter of wood chips and the major supplier of wood fibre to the pulp industry in Japan, which was the largest importer of wood chips in the world. This changed in 2012 when Australian exports fell to their lowest level in over 10 years and Vietnam took over as the largest supplier of wood chips in the world, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ). There is no lack of wood supply in Australia, rather it is the demand for chips from the export market that has changed. Exports of eucalyptus chips reached a peak of 5 Mt in 2008, and fell to about 3.3 Mt in 2012, which is the lowest export volume since 2000. It is primarily the demand for chips in Japan that has diminished, and had it not been for China’s increased wood fibre demand, the picture would have been even bleaker for Australian chip exporters.

However, over the past six months, shipments of wood chips from Australia have rebounded and volumes exported in the December quarter of last year and the first quarter of the new year were the highest quarterly shipments since 2010. The biggest reason for the increase has been China’s need for wood fibre for the country’s pulp industry. As the matter of fact, the March quarter this year was the first time Australia exported more wood chips to China than to Japan, as reported in the WRQ. Of the total shipments of 1.2 Mt over the quarter, about 50% was destined to China, while the remainder was shipped to Japan, Taiwan and, for the first time, to India. The negotiated hardwood chip export price in Australia has fallen the past two years in both Australian and US dollar terms because of lower demand from Japanese pulp mills, increased availability of chip supply from

Vietnam, and unwillingness on the part of Chinese pulp companies to pay elevated prices for higherquality Eucalyptus wood chips. Chinese chip buyers are currently paying about $30/odmt less for eucalyptus chips than what Japanese chip buyers do, according to the WRQ ( Despite the lower price, export

volumes to China went up in 2013 and were 85% higher than in 2012. In the first quarter this year, Australia supplied approximately 27% of China’s total import volume of hardwood chips, up from only seven percent during the same quarter in 2012.



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Dzida named president of Weyerhaeuser Canadian subsidiary Weyerhaeuser Company (NYSE: WY) has announced that Fred Dzida has been named president of Weyerhaeuser Company Limited, the company’s wholly owned Canadian subsidiary, effective June 16, 2014. Dzida will retain his role as vice president, Canadian Timberlands. Anne Giardini, Q.C., who has served as Weyerhaeuser’s Canadian president since 2008, and previously as its General Counsel, will be stepping down from Weyerhaeuser later this year. Giardini will remain an officer and director of Weyerhaeuser Company Limited until that time.

“Fred brings tremendous experience, skill and leadership to his new role,” said Doyle Simons, Weyerhaeuser president and CEO. “I wish to thank Anne for the significant contributions she has made to our success during her 20 years with Weyerhaeuser.” Dzida brings 35 years of forest industry experience to his new role. He has worked and resided in four provinces – Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Saskatchewan – in a number of roles, primarily with Weyerhaeuser’s Timberlands business. Dzida has held a series of increasing senior roles with Weyerhaeuser, most recently leading the company’s Canadian Timberlands organization. He sits on a number of industry related boards including the national research advisory committee for FPInnovations, joint industry

co-chair of the Alberta Forest Roadmap project and the Alberta Chamber of Resources. Dzida holds a Bachelor of Science (Forestry) degree from the University of Toronto. About Weyerhaeuser Weyerhaeuser Company, one of the world’s largest private owners of timberlands, began operations in 1900. They e manage 5.7 million hectares (14 million acres) under long-term licences in Canada, and own or control nearly 2.8 million hectares (7 million acres) of timberlands, primarily in the U.S. They manage these timberlands on a sustainable basis in compliance with internationally recognized forestry standards. They are also one of the largest manufacturers of wood and cellulose fibers products, and develop real estate, primarily as a builder of single-family homes. The company is a real estate

Doyle Simons, Weyerhaeuser President and CEO

investment trust. In 2013, they generated $8.5 billion in sales and employed approximately 13,700 people who serve customers worldwide. They are listed on the Dow Jones World Sustainability Index

Another advantage is the and saw filing room supplies,” Canadian forest sector shows strong productivitymotors. gains nearly complete compensation of York stated. “Oleson bandsaws and saw filing room supplies,” and saw filing room supplies,” are manufactured in our York stated. “Oleson bandsaws York stated. “Oleson bandsaws The Canadian forest products Pennsylvania, USA facility.” are manufactured in in our are manufactured our for a industry is well positioned Pennsylvania, USA facility.” Pennsylvania, USA facility.” bright future after making robust The prototype double arbor advances in labour productivity circular saw from German The prototype double arbor The prototype double even while facing onethe of arbor its worse manufacturer Linck, model circular saw from German circular saw from German downturns history. MKS, has ainfixed saw sleeve and manufacturer Linck, the model manufacturer Linck, the Detailed Analysis of model wasA presented at the Ligna trade MKS, has a fixed saw sleeve and MKS, has aTrends fixed saw sleeve and Productivity in the Canadian show in 2013. With its large was presented atat the Ligna trade was presented the Ligna trade Forest Products clamping lengthSector of 560was mm, the show in in 2013. With itsits large show 2013. With large undertaken the Centre for the machine canbyprocess four-sided clamping length ofof 560 mm, the clamping length 560 mm, the cants of Living up to 600 mm total width. Study Standards (CSLS) machine can process four-sided machine can process four-sided Thethe cutting of 350 mm for Forestheight Products Association cants ofof upup toto 600 mm total width. cants 600 mm total width. allows the(FPAC). processing of large of Canada The independent The cutting height ofof 350 mm The cutting height 350 mm cross shows sections. study that between 2000 allows the processing ofof large allows the processing large saw arbors can be andThe 2012 the labour productivity cross sections. cross sections. positioned in height The saw arbors can bebe The saw arbors can independently from each other positioned in in height positioned height using servo-hydraulics with linear independently from each other independently from each other using servo-hydraulics with linear using servo-hydraulics with linear

The possibility of moving the saw arbors in their outer end

of the Canadian forest products in reference to an unprecedented position the wholethe working space and allows easy industry grewclears at a compound confluence ofin near-term shocks The of outer end Thepossibility possibility ofmoving moving thesaw sawarbors arbors intheir their outer end annual rate of 2.5%, well above the such as the higher dollar and trouble-shooting if necessary – Linck position positionclears clearsthe thewhole wholeworking workingspace spaceand andallows allowseasy easy overall Canadian business sector sluggish U.S. economy, and trouble-shooting if ifnecessary – Linck trouble-shooting necessary – Linck growth of 0.7%. The industry structural changes such as the had the second highest labour precipitous drop in paper use in the productivity growth ratecan from 2000- high wakecutting of thespeed digitalallows revolution. guides. The saw arbors the use 2012 for all industry “These positive resultssaw speak therefore beCanadian positioned for of saw blades with smaller guides. The saw arbors can high cutting speed allows the use guides. The saw arbors can high cutting speed allows the use sectors. saw blade diameters. to the resilience of our industry different kerfs. therefore bebe positioned forfor ofof saw blades with smaller saw therefore positioned saw blades with smaller saw It is remarkable see thisthe and creativity andbearings sound for “The possibility oftomoving Thethe use of counter different saw blade diameters. kerfs. different saw blade diameters. kerfs. saw arborsproductivity in their outer end the saw arbors with higher speeds excellent performance business decisions made by “The possibility ofof moving the The use ofof counter bearings forfor “The possibility moving the The use counter bearings position clears whole reduces the bearing load to a pre considering thethe jolts that working hit our companies in the sector both saw arbors in in their outer end the saw arbors with higher speeds saw arbors their outer end the saw arbors with higher speeds space andsince allows troubleminimum and the saw says arborLindsay. units industry theeasy beginning of the and post-recession,” position clears the whole working reduces the bearing load toto aa position clears the whole working reduces the bearing load shooting if necessary,” said. are suitable robust andhow our 21st Century,” says theLinck President “This studyfor underscores space and allows easy troubleminimum and the saw arbor units space and allows easy troubleminimum and the saw arbor units The saw is a continuous counter and CEO of arbor FPAC,bearing David Lindsay companiesoperation. weatheredThe a difficult shooting if necessary,” Linck said. are suitable forfor robust and shooting if necessary,” Linck said. are suitable robust and completely new design for speeds bearings are hydraulically pulled economic storm leaving them The saw arbor bearing is is aa continuous operation. The counter The saw arbor bearing continuous operation. The counter of up to 3,900 rpm. This high off thepositioned saw arborstoand moved well grow and seize completely new design forfor speeds bearings are hydraulically pulled completely new design speeds bearings are hydraulically pulled speed in combination with the upwards on a carriage. Theahead.” saw opportunities in the days ofof upup toto 3,900 rpm. This high offoff the saw arbors and moved 3,900 rpm. This high the saw arbors and moved arbors canbelieves easily be accessed for FPAC that a renewed speed in in combination with the upwards onon a carriage. The saw speed combination with the upwards a carriage. The saw afocus comfortable, safe and fast tool on leveraging productivity arbors can easily bebe accessed forfor arbors can easily accessed change. Partly mechanised and through investment and agains comfortable, safe and fast tool a comfortable, safe and fast tool fully automatic systems innovation is the key toare theand change. Partly mechanised change. Partly mechanised and available forfuture changing thesector tools. industry’s as the fully automatic systems are fully automatic systems are The maximum drive power is moves from an established available forfor changing the tools. available changing the tools. 1,000 kW. Two three-phase commodity industry topower apower nimble The maximum drive is is The maximum drive asynchronous motors drive each green industry serving wider 1,000 kW. Two three-phase 1,000 kW. Two three-phase saw arbor, which are installed and markets and driven bydrive the asynchronous motors each asynchronous motors drive each offset by about 180° to allow the opportunities of are the emerging saw arbor, which installed and saw arbor, which are installed and use of marketable standard bio-age. offset byby about 180° toto allow the offset about 180° allow the Building on thestandard productivity use ofof marketable use marketable standard performance will also help 26 International Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014 the industry reach the sector’s 2626 International Forest Industries 2014/MARCH 2014 International Forest Industries| FEBRUARY | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014

16 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

motors. Another advantage is is the motors. Another advantage the the driving forces to minimise the nearly complete compensation ofof nearly complete compensation bearing load. the driving forces toto minimise the the driving forces minimise the “The high drive power makes it bearing load. bearing load. possible to split multiple products “The high drive power makes it it “The high drive power makes and to process large cross possible toto split multiple products possible split multiple products sections with high feed speeds,” and toto process large cross and process large cross the manufacturer said. “The sections with high feed speeds,” sections with high feed speeds,” machine is therefore suitable for the manufacturer said. “The the manufacturer said. “The saw lines where the existing split machine is is therefore suitable forfor machine therefore suitable Lindsay, saw isDavid reducing capacity.” saw lines where the existing split saw lines where the existing and CEO of thesplit ThePresident single components saw isof reducing capacity.” saw is reducing capacity.” FPAC machine produced by Linck are of The single components ofof the The single components the high quality and precise design to machine produced byby Linck are ofof machine produced Linck are ensure “excellent lumber surface high quality and precise design toto high quality and precise design quality and exceptional dimension Vision2020 including the ambitious ensure “excellent lumber surface ensure “excellent lumber surface accuracy”. This accuracy is also goal of producing another $20 quality and exceptional dimension quality and exceptional dimension achieved by the in optional useactivity of billion dollars economic accuracy”. This accuracy is also accuracy”. This accuracy is also guide plates being at the and refreshing theinstalled workforce with achieved byby the optional use ofof achieved the optional use in60,000 and/ornew outfeed side,bydepending recruits the end of guide plates being installed atat the guide plates being installed the onthe thedecade. application. in in and/or outfeed side, depending and/or outfeed side, depending A saw blade spraying device is “We now have a solid onon the application. the application. available for processing resinous foundation forspraying our transformation A saw blade device is is A saw blade spraying device wood suchbut as we larch, protecting the agenda, need to find available forfor processing resinous available processing resinous saw blades against on resin. ways tosuch continue this paththe ofthe wood such asas larch, protecting wood larch, protecting Additional advantages are productivity to ensure thethe industry saw blades against resin. saw blades against resin. increased timecontributor of the saw remains alife major Additional advantages are the Additional advantages are the blades as well as reduced power to Canada’s economy and job increased lifelife time ofof the saw increased time the saw consumption. creation, especially in rural blades asas well asas reduced power blades well reduced power “The double arborneeds circular saw Canada. Industry to puts consumption. consumption. MKS has already successfully its shoulder toarbor the wheel and “The double circular saw “The double arbor circular saw governments need to continue its MKS has already successfully MKS has already successfully strategic support for innovation,” says Lindsay.

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Raute receives an order worth over EUR 8 million from Poland Raute Corporation has received an order worth over EUR 8 million from the company Paged Sklejka S.A. in Poland. The ordered equipment will be delivered to a new softwood plywood mill to be built beside Paged’s plywood mill in Morag, Poland. The order comprises a peeling line and a drying line. The equipment

represents the latest technology in its field and is the first phase of the project through which Paged will broaden out its offering to softwood plywood. Poland abounds in good-quality pine which is suitable for the production of softwood plywood. Being the leading technology supplier and the long-term customer

relationship were the convincing factors resulting in Raute to get the deal. Paged Sklejka S.A. is the biggest plywood producer in Poland with plywood mills, in addition to Morag, in Pisz and Elk. At present, Paged’s offering consists of hardwood plywood, mostly of birch plywood.

The equipment will be delivered during 2014. The present deal has no impact on Raute’s outlook for 2014. Raute’s net sales will grow and the operating profit will improve from the year 2013.

Jan Backes new VP sales at HOLZ-HER Canada Jan Backes will become the new vice president sales at HOLZ-HER Canada. Starting on July 1, the longtime internationally experienced WEINIG sales representative will succeed Claude Arsenault, who will retire after a successful career of 30 years in this position. Backes, 37, is a master carpenter

by trade and a graduate in economics. In his previous position with WEINIG, Backes was sales manager moulders, responsible for France, Africa and Canada. As vice president sales with HOLZ-HER Canada, he will be responsible for managing machine and system sales in the solid wood and panel processing business units.

The new company WEINIG HOLZ-HER Canada will form the organizational basis for these activities. Through the rebranding, WEINIG advances its international two-brand strategy. HOLZ-HER has been a member of the WEINIG Group since 2010. Jan Backes

Mika Joukio appointed Metsä Board’s CEO Metsä Board Corporation’s Board of Directors has appointed M.Sc. (Tech.), MBA Mika Joukio (49) as the company’s new CEO. Joukio will start in the position on 1 December 2014 at the latest. Joukio joins Metsä Board from Metsä Tissue Corporation, part of Metsä Group, where he has been the CEO since 2012. Prior to Metsä Tissue, Joukio worked as the head

of Metsä Board’s paperboard business during 2006–2011. He has held various management positions in the company and its predecessors Metsä-Serla Corporation and M-real Corporation since 1990. “Mika Joukio has strong earlier experience in Metsä Board and in paperboard as well as consumer product industries. He has a good

track record of successful business management in Metsä Tissue. He has an excellent starting point to continuing profitable growth of Metsä Board”, says Kari Jordan, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Metsä Board’s current CEO Mikko Helander will move to another company on 1 December 2014 at the latest.

Mika Joukio

IP appoints Mark S. Sutton president and COO International Paper Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Faraci announced that Mark S. Sutton has been promoted to president and chief operating officer and elected a member of the company’s board of directors effective immediately. In this new role Sutton will immediately assume responsibility for the operations of the company and will continue to report to Faraci. Most recently, Sutton served as International Paper senior vice president, industrial packaging. “Mark has been a key member of our leadership team and has played an instrumental role in the transformation of International

Paper over the last decade,” Faraci said. “He has done an excellent job integrating the acquisition of Temple Inland, and with 30 years of proven success at International Paper in a variety of assignments, I’m confident Mark will continue to make International Paper a stronger, better company.” Sutton has been with International Paper his entire 30-year career. He joined the company in 1984 as an engineer at the Pineville, La., mill. In 1994, he was named mill manager at the Thilmany, Wisc., mill which at the time was part of International Paper’s industrial papers business. In 2000, Sutton relocated to Europe

18 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

to serve as director of European corrugated packaging operations and was promoted to vice president and general manager responsible for all corrugated packaging operations across the EMEA region (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) in 2002. In 2005, he was named vice president of corporate strategic planning and relocated to Memphis. He was named senior vice president, global supply chain, in 2007 and in 2009 became senior vice president, printing and communications papers – the Americas. In 2011, Sutton was appointed senior vice president, industrial packaging.

Mark S.Sutton, President and Chief Operating Officer


China tops renewable energy investment Official statistics show that China is the country that invests by far the most money in renewable energy. But the picture is completely different when measured by GNP. Then the leader is Uruguay followed by Mauritius, Costa Rica, South Africa and Nicaragua. That’s the conclusion of fresh statistics presented to the 2014 World Bioenergy conference at Elmia in Jönköping, Sweden in June. Attendees received the information before it was officially presented at a press conference in New York. The annual study is

produced by the network Ren 21, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century. Fossil fuels are still the dominant energy source at 77.6% of the total but renewables are gaining ground strongly. By far the biggest investment focus is solar and wind-powered electricity, which in 2013 supplied 319 and 318 GWh respectively. “For the first time solar surpassed wind,” Martin Hullin, who presented the statistics, said. Bioenergy is increasing strongly, although from a lower level, and in 2013 supplied 88 GWh

of energy to an ever-more energyhungry world. “But the biofuel statistics are not reliable,” Bharadway Kummamuru of the World Bioenergy Association argued. “It is a complex energy system with a large proportion of local production.” The statistics also show that investments in renewable energy fell during 2013. This is a reminder that the industry does not like uncertainty and reacts to changed conditions. But there is also another explanation, which

in fact shows that growth remains unabated. “For example, the cost of solar panels has gone down, which could be the reason for the decrease in investment,” Hullin said. The entire report is available at and is called ‘Global Status Report’.

Dieffenbacher to feature new technology at IWF Atlanta Dieffenbacher, will be featuring a variety of cost saving technology for both new plants and for

retrofitting and updating of existing production facilities at IWF 2014 in Atlanta. Dieffenbacher will showcase new methodology from resin mixing and application, particle preparation, heat energy generation, wood particle drying to the latest Springer ad _feb_mar2014_Layout 1 14/02/2014 07:05 Page 1

developments in continuous pressing technology for MDF, THDF and Particleboard. At IWF Atlanta, Dieffenbacher will put its emphasis on costs savings and working with the customers to achieve the highest efficiency of plant operation. Dieffenbacher as a

solution provider is always looking for ways to improve the customer’s bottom line. The company looks forward to opportunity to discuss with all customers, existing and new, just how to better achieve our mutual goals.

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 19


Södra chooses Valmet as the main supplier to Värö Södra has appointed Finnish Valmet as the main supplier of process equipment in terms of expanding the pulp mill in Värö outside Varberg. The order is part of Södra’s total investment of just over 4 billion. The order for the Valmet consists of a new continuous cooking plant and upgrades of wood handling, fiber line , evaporation plant , recovery boiler , causticisation , flash dryer , drying machine and baling . A large part of the order will be shipped from Valmet’s operations in Sweden : the digester and causticising from Karlstad , fiber line , flake drying and baling from Sundsvall and evaporation and recovery boiler from Gothenburg. Vedhanterings and pulp dryer delivery comes from Finland. Valmet indicates that the

order from Södra is worth about 2 billion. ” We have good experience of Valmet and are confident that this project will be a success . , We have worked closely with Valmet in planning the project and it gives us a good start. This investment increases our mass production , making use more energy efficient and increase our potential to deliver bioenergy , “says Gunilla Saltin , CEO of Södra Cell. ” We are very pleased to Södra Cell is entrusted us to deliver this important order . It demonstrates our leading technology and competitiveness in the market for mass technologies. , It is high activity in terms of investments in mass production at the moment and Valmet are heavily involved in many major ongoing projects,

“says Jyrki Holmala , President, Pulp and Energy Business Line , Valmet. Södra has already procured the land , construction and building work from NCC regarding deployment of Värö. Another major supplier is Raumaster that will supply warehouse and transportation equipment for wood chips and bark. When the expansion is complete, Värö to be one of the world’s largest pulp mill for softwood with a total production of 700 000 tonnes of pulp per year. Investments will also significantly increase Värö’s energy efficiency

Gunilla Saltin CEO of Södra Cell

Jyrki Holmala, President, Pulp and Energy Business Line, Valmet

Quebec-based COMACT expands to Pacific Northwest St. Georges, QC – COMACT, a subsidiary of the BID Group of Companies has announced that it will be establishing a new “COMACT USA” spare parts and service center in Washington State. This strategic location places Comact in the 4 quarters of North America. Ultimately, the new location will drastically decrease time-to-market and related costs of products that would otherwise be shipped from one of BID/COMACT’s Canadian locations. “ We are pleased to expand the COMACT team to the Pacific Northwest” said Brian Fehr, CEO of BID Group. We have major

customers in this part of the United States and want to serve them as well as other markets in both countries.” The new branch will be located in Woodland, Washington about 50 km (30 miles) north of Portland, Oregon. Offices and warehouse will accommodate a service team, and inventory of critical spare parts for customers in the region.

ABOUT COMACT With over 50 years of experience, COMACT has established itself as a leader in the design and manufacture of mechanical equipment for sawmills and is also recognized for its expertise in optimization and process automation. COMACT services include engineering design and manufacturing processes of timber, the manufacturing of mechanical, electronic and technical support provided to clients for starting systems provided equipment, training and after-sales service. In April 2013, COMACT was acquired

Brian Fehr, CEO, BID Group of Companies by and became a subsidiary of The BID Group of Companies, based in BC.

WEINIG announces the availability of ProfiShape Weinig has announced the availability of ProfiShape – the WEINIG double-end tenoner. Double-end tenoners are the “allrounders” among wood processing machines. Longitudinal as well as cross profiling in through-feed direction would be of no problem. The workpieces are transported past various processing units by means of a chain conveyor. The workpieces are held by a top

pressure device and are pressed on the reference surface, i.e. the chain conveyor. Consequently, the workpieces are always processed in a face-down position. Different processing steps, such as tongue and groove, trimming, scribing and hogging, are mastered by the ProfiShape superbly. Workpieces made from solid wood, derived timber products and other materials can be processed on the

20 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

double-end tenoner.

Angle cuts and/or bevel cuts

The advantages of the ProfiShape are:

High accuracy of the profiles to be machined

Longitudinal and cross profiling on the same machine

High repeat accuracy

A great number of basic materials can be processed on the doubleend tenoner Profiling of lamellas (tongue and groove)

Short set-up times Adapted tool covers to ensure optimum chip removal and reduction in energy costs

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Forest2Market introduces new interactive benchmark tool for lumber industry With Forest2Market’s new interactive lumber price benchmark allows subscribers to evaluate company performance compared to market and develop go-forward trading strategies


orest2Market has enhanced Mill2Market, its quarterly price and performance benchmark for sellers and mill-direct buyers of lumber. The quarterly report is now an interactive tool that allows subscribers to run ‘what if’ scenarios. Using this tool, owners and managers can easily evaluate company performance compared to the market and develop “goforward trading strategies”. Built with and for engaged customers, this tool provides an at-a-glance summary of each subscriber’s production or purchases. Proprietary grades and dimensions can also be added to provide a comprehensive view of total traded volume. The most significant change to the benchmark is its interactivity. Because the benchmark is now a spreadsheet, subscribers can change price, grade and dimension, or volume to instantly determine

the effect those changes have on the bottom line. By running ‘what-if’ scenarios, subscribers secure the insight needed to make trading decisions in the future. Questions like, ‘Would we have left less money on the table if we had produced more #2 2x16s (which were sold at $32/MBF above market) instead of #2 2x8s (which were sold at $16/ MBF under market)?’ can be easily answered. And based on the answers, trading strategies can be developed to capitalise on the unique market information provided by Mill2Market. “This is a real breakthrough for the lumber industry,” Bob Bratton, manager of Forest2Market’s lumber practice, said. “Initial feedback from subscribers has been positive, noting both the ease of use and the value as a decision making tool. Not only can subscribers see how

their price and mix compare to the market as a whole, they can also see how even modest changes to product price or mix might affect their profit margins.” In addition to market comparisons and running ‘what if’ scenarios, the new interactive benchmark makes it possible for subscribers to:

• M easure the difference between subscriber and market performance for each product and for all products in aggregate, as a dollar per MBF and as a total value (volume x price) • U nderstand average length as a cause of price differences.

Palfinger’s revenue increased by 18.5% in first quarter of 2014 The Palfinger Group told the market recently it was, “on the whole, satisfied with its business performance in the first quarter” of this year, during which revenue rose by 18.5% to €267.6 million. The revenue increase was primarily the result of strong demand from the European markets. EBIT meanwhile was up 11.3% to €20.1 million but suffered due to shifts in the foreign currency exchange rates of the Brazilian Real and the Russian Ruble as well as the impact of the harsh winter in North America. “We are satisfied with the results recorded, because they show that in a volatile environment our flexible global organisation is able to stand its ground,” Herbert Ortner, Palfinger chief executive said. All business units contributed to the increase in revenue.

While strong demand in Europe boosted revenue by more than 25.1% in the European Units segment (revenue: €191.5 million), the increase recorded in the Area Units segment was only 4.8% (revenue: €76.1 million). The growth achieved in this segment is primarily attributable to the Asia and Pacific regions. The 11.3% increase in the

22 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

group’s EBIT was exclusively owed to the growth achieved by the European Units segment, where EBIT rose by 25.6% to €26 million. The EBIT margin for this segment came to 13.6% despite investments in the Systems/Megarme business area. In the Arean Units segment, a negative contribution to earnings was reported for the first time in

years, dropping from €1.9 million in the first quarter of 2013 to -€1.2 million. The reasons for this decrease are weather-related declines in North America as well as the impact of shifts in the exchange rates in Brazil and Russia. However, full order books and the large number of incoming orders give reason to believe that this segment will soon make a positive contribution to earnings again. Management expects that in the 2014 financial year, revenue will exceed the €1 billion threshold and thus reach another record level, even though in general market predictability continues to be extremely low. The company still sees the potential to double consolidated annual revenue to some €1.8 billion by 2017.


British timber price indices published terms) in the year to March 2014, compared with the previous year

The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices, produced by the British Forestry Commission, were released in May in accordance with the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. They present data for Great Britain to March 2014. Timber Price Indices are based on timber sales by the Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales, and comprise the Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index and the Softwood Sawlog Price Index. The key points from the latest release are:

• The average price for coniferous standing sales was £15.62/m3 overbark standing in nominal terms in the year to March 2014, an increase from £13.29 in the year to March 2013. In the Softwood Sawlog Price Index: • There has been an overall increase over the past five years, following a long period of general decline • The index was 16% higher in real terms (17.7% in nominal terms) in the six months to March 2014, compared with the corresponding period the previous year

• There has been an overall increase in the index over the past 10 years, following an overall decrease in earlier years

• The average price for softwood sawlog sales was £45.45/m3 overbark in nominal terms in the six months to March 2014, an increase from £40.71 in the six months to September 2013 and £38.60 in the six months to March 2013.

• The index was 13.5% higher in real terms (15.6% in nominal

In terms of stock analysis and statistics, the key points for 2013

In the Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index:

(with percentage changes from 2012) are as follows: Removals (harvesting) of UK roundwood:

• 3.6 million m3 of sawnwood (+5%)

• 10.9 Mt (green) of softwood (+8%)

• 4.6 Mt of paper and paperboard (+2%)

• 0.5 Mt (green) of hardwood (-1%)

• 0.3 Mt of wood pellets and briquettes (+8%).

• 0.4 Mt (green) of softwood under movement licence. Deliveries of UK roundwood to wood processors and others: • Total: 11 Mt (green) of roundwood (softwood and hardwood) (+6%), of which; > sawmills took 6.4 Mt (green) (+5%) > Wood-based panels took 1.3 Mt (green) (-1%) > Integrated pulp and paper mills took 0.5 Mt (green) (+1%) > Other uses, including round fencing, woodfuel, shavings and exports of roundwood, took 2.9 Mt (green) (+15%). Production of wood products in the UK included:

• 3 million m3 of wood-based panels (+1%)

UK imports: • 5.5 million m3 of sawnwood (+6%) • 3 million m3 of wood-based panels (+12%) • 5 million m3 of wood pellets (+128%) • 7.2 Mt of pulp and paper (-1%) • The total value of wood product imports was £6.7 billion (+5%), of which £4.2 billion was pulp and paper (-2%). UK exports: • The total value of wood product exports was £1.7 billion (-5%), of which £1.5 billion was pulp and paper (-4%).

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US sawlog prices falling After a healthy 2013 and early 2014, lumber markets in the US started weakening in the spring with lumber prices falling over ten percent so far this year. The reduced lumber prices together with lower demand for US logs in


Taking place at the internationally renowned Olympic Stadium, in the beautiful city of Montreal, this show will focus on the full spectrum of sawmilling equipment and technology. And don’t miss... See the latest biomass equipment, including grinders, pellet mills, fibre dryers, boilers, conveyors, silos, packaging, mill yard equipment, and more! • See equipment not found at other industry events • 200,000 sq. ft. of Exhibit Space • FREE Seminars! For more information, please contact:

24 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

Shawn Murphy •

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Asia in the second quarter have put downward pressure on US sawlog prices so far this year, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. The sawmilling sector in the US has been in a steady comeback mode ever since the global financial crisis struck in 2008. From 2009 to 2013, production has gone up every year, and the total production increased 28 % over this four-year period, at about the same pace in the South and the West. During the first quarter of 2014, production fell in the South by 1.1% as compared to the same period in 2013, while production was up 2.1% in the West (most in the Inland region), according to the latest data from WWPA. Both lumber export from and imports to the US have gone up in the 1Q/14 year-over year. Export volumes were up 18 % with the biggest increases in shipments to China (+73%) and Mexico (+6%). Importation of lumber increased five percent in the first quarter with Canada (+6%) and Germany (+104%) accounting for the biggest volume gains compared to the 1Q/13, as reported in the Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ). The recent price trend for lumber in North America has been downward after sharp increases last summer and fall. Prices in May this year were down between 8-17%, depending on species, from their recent peak in the beginning of the year. Healthy log export markets to Asia during the first quarter this year and increased lumber production along the West coast resulted in continued upward price pressure on sawlogs in the US Northwest in early 2014. With the demand for logs from both domestic sawmills and the export market in Asia weakening during in the second quarter, sawlog prices started to fall back in both the South and the West after having trended upward for over three years. In May, prices for sawlogs were down between 5-15%, depending on species and region, as compared to the beginning of the year.


New Zealand Log Prices - June 2014 In-market log prices continue to fall and are yet to find a floor in China. Inventories are still up at 4 million m3, and despite levels of off-take of between 40-60,000 m3 a day, the volumes being delivered are keeping the inventories very high. The average A-grade price surveyed by Agrifax is US$137/JAS, but prices being quoted currently go as low as US$125/JAS. The rate of consumption in China will start to clear inventories once imports slow down, but with so much in motion at the time of the price correction, it will be June/July stats when a reduction in volume is seen. There is resistance to further price drops, both from exporters and log buyers in China, as many have inventories that were bought at US$/160/JAS, but can now only be sold at a loss. Further price drops erode the margin further, but there are still logs committed to the export market with sellers wanting to drop the price in order

to sell, while buyers are looking for bargains, which has the potential to drive the price down further. The drop in the export market has continued this month, with prices now down by more than $35/t at the wharf gate, a decline of more than 30%. This has meant the log price indicator is down 5 points, the third consecutive drop. A downturn in housing in China has meant tightening credit, and less demand for logs. As there is still yet to be any slowdown

in deliveries of logs to China, inventories are still rising in the short term. There won’t be any consolidation in prices until it becomes clear that inventory levels can be reduced, and this means that the continued high deliveries will put downward pressure on the price. There are still high levels of off-takes from ports, and this means that once supply slows down, which should happen in June/July, inventories should start

to clear. The effect on the domestic market is unlikely to be as drastic, as pruned and structural logs are still in reasonably high demand. If prices in these markets drop it will mean larger reductions in harvesting than will already occur, and this will lead to supply drying up. Prices of utility and industrial logs will drop with the export market


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Global softwood timber harvest outlook The industrial timber harvest bottomed out in 2009 at 796 million m3, climbed in 2010 to 869 million m3, and in 2012 grew to 912 million m3 according to the latest WOOD Markets Monthly International report. In comparing 2010 with the base-case forecast for 2020, the production of global softwood timber is expected to grow by 20% (2.0% per year), with a volume increase of about 175 million m3. The country and/or region that will have by far the largest timber harvest gain over this ten-year period will be the U.S.: it is forecast to increase by a whopping 50% (5% per year) by producing an incremental 100 million m3. This reflects the rebound from the country’s housing market collapse (which bottomed out in 2009), as well as the recovery from the global financial crisis. Collectively, the next largest ten-

year volume increases are expected from two regions, and both regions should produce an incremental 35–40 million m3 of softwood logs: • The top 5 Southern Hemisphere producers (+40%; featuring, in descending order of production, Brazil, New Zealand, Chile, Australia and South Africa); and • The top 10 European countries (+15%; featuring, in descending order, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Turkey, Norway and the United Kingdom). All other countries or regions pale by comparison, as the next highest production volume would come from Japan: an expected increase of 5 million m3 (+35%) over ten years through the processing of maturing domestic forests. The bulk of the global timber harvest increase will originate from

Russia is more of a wild card: seventeen countries looking out it is uncertain whether Russian to 2020 and they will account for harvests will be any different essentially all of the anticipated IFI_PG24_28 Saw technology_HR 19/03/2014 14:20 Page 26 than what was achieved in 2013, timber harvest increase (175 million as there are many issues and m3) over the ten-year period, politics impacting (both positively representing an increase of 32% and negatively) the economics versus the global average of 20%. SAW TECHNOLOGY of Russian timber harvesting. For By comparison, three countries Canada, the three largest timberin the top 20 are expected to have and lumber-producing provinces flat to lower timber harvests over have had their respective annual the ten-year period: Canada, China allowable cuts (AAC) or harvests and possibly Russia. Canada and reduced. Both Quebec and Ontario Russia are the second- and thirdwill see significant drops in their largest global timber producers, sustainable timber harvest levels of respectively, and the lack of output 40% each by 2020 from their early from these countries will represent 1990 highs. For the B.C. Interior, a huge drain on the world’s ability the AAC peaked in about 2010 as to produce enough softwood logs a direct result of the mountain for processing into lumber, plywood pine beetle infestation, but the and other products. These three economic sawlog harvest will drop countries comprised more than by about mid-decade, with further 25% of the global timber harvest mill closures expected. in 2012, and no change is expected in their collective timber harvests between 2010 and 2020.

OK to recover West Coast windfall timber

Special legislation was passed under urgency last night by New Zealand’s Parliament to enable the recovery of high value native timber blown over in Cyclone Ita on West

Coast public conservation land. “We need to take a pragmatic approach and enable the timber to be recovered where it can be done so safely and with minimal environmental impact. This initiative will provide welcome jobs and economic opportunities for the West Coast at a difficult time, and will provide a financial return to DOC that can be reinvested in conservation work,” Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith says. Cyclone Ita hit the West Coast on 17 April this year and caused the worst windfall damage in generations, felling an estimated 20,000 hectares of forest and causing significant damage to a further 200,000 hectares. The West Coast Windblown Timber (Conservation Lands) Bill confines the recovery of useable


and saw filing room supplies,” York stated. “Oleson bandsaws and saw filing room supplies,” are manufactured in our The possib York stated. “Oleson bandsaws wood to areas affected by Cyclone recoveryUSA is viable and safe”. Pennsylvania, facility.” are manufactured in our position Ita and specifically excludes “It may appropriate of to moving Thebepossibility the sac Pennsylvania, facility.” The prototype World Heritage Areas,USA national considerdouble a permanent change to arbor position clears the whole worki filingthe room supplies,” parks, ecological areas and theand saw Conservation Act to enable circular saw from German York stated. “Oleson bandsaws trouble-shooting if n The prototype double arbor white heron sanctuary reserve windblown timber in these sorts manufacturer are manufactured in ourLinck, the model The possibility of moving the circular saw from German at Whataroa. Authorisations Pennsylvania, ofUSA situations to sleeve be recovered MKS, has afacility.” fixed saw and in position clears the whole wo manufacturer are only to be issuedLinck, wherethe themodel future, but I am reluctant to do so was presented at the Ligna trade guides. The sa trouble-shooting The prototype double arbor MKS, has a fixed saw sleeve and in Department’s Director-General is show with urgent 2013. Withlegislation its large of this sort. therefore be p circular saw from German was the Ligna trade The guides. Theof saw arbors can different sawhib satisfied thepresented proposedatmethod Department Conservation manufacturer Linck, the model clamping length of 560 mm, the show the in 2013. With its large for “The possib of MKS, has a fixed saw sleeve and be positioned of removing timber is safe willcan betherefore commissioning research machine process four-sided was presented at the different Ligna trade saw blade guides. The saw arbors can clamping length of 560 the of diameters. ke for workers and the public, andmm, on the effects on forest regrowth cants up to 600 mm total width. saw arbors in show in 2013. With its large therefore be positioned for machine can process four-sided “The possibility of moving the clamping 560 mm, the different saw bladeposition diameters.clears minimises environmental impacts. andof ecology by350 comparing similar The length cutting height of mm cants of to 600 mm total width. arbors their end machine can process saw four-sided “Theouter possibility of moving the th The recovery ofup timber is limited windblown areasofin where timber has allows the processing large space and allo of up to 600 mm total width. arbors in their outer end The cutting height of 350cants mm position clearssaw the whole working re cross height sections. if nec until 1 July 2019 when the Bill The and of has to help cutting 350not mm been recovered position clears theshooting whole working allows the processing ofallows largethe space andbe allows troublem processing largecan spaceeasy and allows easyThe troubleThe saw arbors saw arb expires. All revenue from royalties make aoflong-term policy decision cross sections. shooting if necessary,” Linck said. ar cross sections. shooting if necessary,” Linck said. positioned in height completely ne will go to the Department of on this issue. saw arbors can be The saw arbor bearing is a The saw arbors can be The The arbor bearing is of a up to 3,900 co independently fromsaw each other Conservation. positioned in height completely new design for speeds positioned in height completely new design speeds be independently from each other of linear up to 3,900for rpm. This high using servo-hydraulics with speed in comb “It is estimated that several servo-hydraulics combination independently from eachusing other ofwith uplinear to 3,900speed rpm.inThis high with the of million cubic metres of beech, rimu, using servo-hydraulics with linear speed in combination with the up matai, totara and miro trees have ar been felled. Stumpage prices for a rimu are NZ$250 per cubic metre, ch and NZ$60 per cubic metre for fu beech. It is not possible to estimate av the volume and value of timber to be extracted because the safety 1, and environmental constraints may as require high cost options like the sa 26 International Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014 use of helicopters. This law change of will enable the detailed work to us be done by operators on recovery 26 International Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH proposals so as to determine where 26 International Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014

26 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014


Saskatchewan’s Big River sawmill officially reopens

The Big River sawmill, which has been closed since 2007, officially reopened May 13. “When I was Opposition Leader we toured the mill on the day they announced it was going to be closing (in 2006),” said Premier Brad Wall, who was on hand for the official ceremonies. “What an interesting and welcome contrast.” Saskatchewan’s largest mill was reopened by Carrier Forest Products and has been back in operation since last September. It produces

HALCO AD:Layout 3


dimensional lumber and has an annual production capacity of 250 million board feet. The mill will employ up to 100 workers when it reaches full capacity, with more than 250 additional jobs expected to be created through contracts in timber harvesting, trucking, road construction and reforestation. “We will soon be hiring for our second planer shift which will enable us to reach full capacity,” said Carrier president Bill


Kordyban. The forest industry has experienced a substantial improvement over the last year. The sector generated $650 million in forest product sales in 2013. Mill owners have reopened seven of 11 mills in Saskatchewan, which are running at various stages of production. Wall said markets for lumber products had to improve so the forestry industry could grow again, but there also needed to be the right business climate. “Our goal is to create the right business environment and in the case of the forestry industry there are a couple of things we can do,” Wall said. “Have an effective forest management agreement, have good training assistance in place for companies and that has been utilized here. The provincial government contributed $500,000 for skilled labour and operator training. There is also an agreement with Paper Excellence at the Prince Albert Pulp Mill to agree to buy green electricity that is cogenerated by the plant.

Bill Kordyban, Carrier President

While much of the product will be sent south, expanding to Asian markets is also a priority. “The Big River sawmill will account for more than 40 per cent of Saskatchewan’s lumber production capacity and will help us to regain our market share in the United States and Asian countries,” Wall said. The Big River sawmill was closed by Weyerhaeuser in 2007 when it shut down the Prince Albert Pulp Mill.

Page 1

Optimise your production plan...

Whatever your mill... Maximize profit by resolving trade-offs between recovery, production rate, and value

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Software Systems

Vancouver, Canada • Tel: 1 604 731 9311 JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 27


€30 million investment transforms sawmill sorting line and an expansion of the lumber handling and sorting line with the E-CUT 200 trimmer. Since 2011, a total of some €30 Million has been invested into the production site in Assling.

The most efficient log sorting

The control centre of the sawmill

Springer has helped make the Theurl sawmill in Assling, Austria, one of the most modern in the country


ustrian company, Theurl, has concluded a huge investment project. The Eastern Tyrolean company has become one of the most modern sawmills in Austria with machinery made largely by Springer including a new log processing and sorting line and an optimised lumber handling and sorting line. The whole process means that Theurl has been completely revamped. “Our production site is located

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in a mountain region where we process high-quality wood, which is also the most expensive roundwood in the world,” Hannes Theurl explained. “Over the last three years, we focused on finding solutions enabling us to make the most of the precious raw material wood with the best possible technology.” “In addition to a new sawing line and seasoning kilns, the company invested in a new Springer log processing and

The log singulating unit equipped with the Springer screw feeder in the log infeed area conveys logs up to 5 m long from the infeed cross transfer conveyor to the line feed unit. An operator then decides whether or not to reduce the logs. Before being transported to the debarker and the measurement line, the chosen logs are given a conical shape by the Taylor buttend reducer without impeding the production flow. Diameter, length and distortion of the logs are assessed by the downstream Microtec 3D measuring system. The transverse log bucking station is equipped with a positioning pusher that guarantees precise and neat ‘cutting-to-length’ of logs into sections of 3 m, 4 m and 4.5 m. After the metal detector, the logs are finally sorted into 48 boxes. For the sawmill infeed system, Theurl also relies on Springer’s proven screw feeding technology. The screw infeed transfers the logs from transverse to longitudinal transport and, thanks to its design, accelerates the movement of the logs during allotment. In this manner, logs are smoothly passed onto the sawing line, avoiding abrupt impacts during transfer and eliminating

SAWLINES - SPRINGER The E-CUTT trimmer in action

excessive oscillation on the longitudinal conveyor.

The E-CUT 200 Increased sawing capacity requires the lumber handling and sorting line to be expanded. The innovative trimmer E-CUT 200 forms the heart of the new production area and delivers many advantages for Theurl. The unique electric beltless crank actuation guarantees increased cutting precision, temperature-independent operation, and a particularly high level of reliability. The new trimmer is also extremely low maintenance – ‘beltless’ means no parts are exposed to wear and tear. An intelligently-designed collecting chute allows waste pieces to fall down onto a discharge conveyor belt without causing disturbance. The access door can be opened in a linear manner, allowing the sawblade to be changed rapidly and effectively. Moreover, the externally positioned

motor facilitates maintenance, as well. The lower construction height means it was easy to integrate the E-CUT 200 trimmer into the existing lumber production line. “We are enthusiastic about the E-CUT 200 – it is well-conceived, requires very little maintenance and is highly productive and profitable,” Theurl said. “We transform a major part of the lumber into planed lumber and glulam in our own plant. That is why a high degree of flexibility and reliability is essential for our production process. These points have consistently been taken

Our production site is located in a mountain region where we process high-quality wood, which is also the most expensive roundwood in the world - Hannes Theurl

for granted with the systems of our long-term business partner, Springer, both in the past and at present.” The screw infeed unit

The lower construction height means it was easy to integrate the E-CUT 200 trimmer into the existing lumber production line

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Golden Lumber

Microtec’s GOLDENEYE scanning technology has

GOLDENEYE 502 multi-sensor scanner

lifted the standard of sawmilling across the world


icrotec developed in the GOLDENEYE Series a unique multi-sensorscanner system that determines the quality and, if requested, also the strength of the lumber. Defects, such as knots, cracks, resin pockets, wanes as well as board dimension, are detected

at an exceptionally high feed speed, while the multi-sensor scanner features – along with colour cameras, 3D laser scanning, scatter technology and a new X-ray technology – enable the hightech scanning system to perform reliable operations by exchanging data with downstream devices,

30 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

such as sawing, sorting and optimising systems. “We wanted to develop a scanning system that maximizes the recovery and the yield of lumber.” said Mr. Federico Giudiceandrea, CEO of Microtec, “The results show that we have come up with a solution that is well

appreciated by over 1,500 clients worldwide”. Several new installations have been completed in in North and South America, South Africa, as well as in Europe and Australasia.


Sweden Derome Timber has a long tradition in woodworking and invests a great amount in sawmill technology to increase the productivity of its sawmills. For the future-oriented company it is further more the aim to have an increased yield out of each log to provide to the customers competitive products produced with highest technological solutions. On three different sites, Veddige, Anneberg and Kinnared, the company produces a wide product range designated to the Swedish market but also for exportation to Europe and northern Africa. The product range includes construction wood, finger jointed timber, pressure treated as well

as primed and untreated external panelling are only a few examples for products that are kept in stock. At the beginning of this year a new Multi-Sensor-Scanner GOLDENEYE-702 was integrated in the Dimter chopping line. This scanner performs strength grading according to official standards at highest feeding speed rates. The X-ray based scanner recognizes the position of defects and transfers all the data to the subsequent evaluation units. The use of X-ray technology provides always correct grading results and a constant quality, leading to an up valuation of lumber. The data evaluation software developed by Microtec grants the highest added value respecting individual quality grades and specific configurations of the machine. “Previously we sorted stress grading with equipment that

assessed the whole piece. With GOLDENEYE we can determine the stress grading per section of the piece. This allows us to remove the inferior parts and piece together the rest of prime products”, states Mr. Per Andersson, Head of Production. CURVESCAN is an additional MiCROTEC solution integrated in this project which is highly compatible with the GOLDENEYE-702. CURVESCAN detects easily twist, bow, spring and cup by a computation based on laser triangulation at constant feeding speed. CURVESCAN has a wide application range as it can be easily integrated into highperformance sawmills. M3SCAN, the accurate moisture meter works without contact at highest feeding rates, regardless of the wood species and the ambient conditions. The results of the

moisture meter measurements are always accurate, timely and highly efficient for the whole grading process while automatically compensating density and dimension. M3SCAN works either in long or transversal feeding. Open interfaces ease the communication to following systems.

Derome Timber Derome’s three sawmills produce a wide range for the Swedish market and for several export markets. Construction timber, including finger-jointed, tongue and groove roofing panel with type-approval for strength grade C14, pressure treated as well as primed and untreated external panelling are some of the product groups they keep in stock. Their central warehouse enables them to offer their customers the service and reliability necessary in the current market climate.

Ireland GP Wood Sawmills in Enniskeane, Co Cork, Ireland, is a customer that puts great trust in Microtec technology. They are one of the

most modern and technologically advanced sawmills in Ireland. Next to the wide product range that GP Wood provides, the company also produces a large amount of construction wood, which is graded with a new multisensor - scanner GOLDENEYE 702.

This unique scanner completes a standardised grading according to strength grading classes at high speed rates. In combination with the moisture meter M3SCAN, the system grades according to quality and strength. The new generation technology leads to higher performance and added value of the production, stated GP Wood.

GP Wood GP Wood’s original companies were both established in 1977. The group employs approximately 150 staff with a further 250 indirect employees in their forestry operations. Timber manufacturing focused on the construction, fencing, garden leisure and packaging markets is the core business of the group. They operate two of Ireland’s largest and most technologically advanced sawmills. Both mills are located in West Cork, one in Lissarda and the other in Enniskeane. They have state of the art facilities for Kiln Drying, Machining and Timber Treatment. In 2005, the Group constructed Irelands first large scale commercial biomass CHP plant which was designed around the Enniskeane sawmill’s energy requirements. The plant produces 2.5 MW of electricity which is sold to the national grid, and 6 MW of thermal energy.

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South Africa York Timbers Sabie Mill, is one of the largest in South Africa, converting pine logs into a range of sawn timber products. Recently the multi-sensor-scanner GOLDENEYE 702 was upgraded to the GOLDENYE 706 at York’s finger joint plant, which included CURVESCAN and VISCAN. As York is in the phase of upgrading their site, this scanner was selected to ensure that adequate capacity will be maintained. Up to 75% of the mill production goes through the scanner that makes

use of acoustic, laser and X-ray technology to determine timber strength properties and defines optimal cutting solutions on timber. Scanner boards are then processed on Opti cross cuts to prepare boards for the Finger jointing process. All structural timber produced at the mill is plained and graded in accordance to South African National Standards 1783 before being shipped to various customers across South Africa as well as internationally. “Thanks to this new technology that provides an accurate exposure of defects, York gets more out of the finished product,” says York’s CEO, Mr Pieter van Zyl . “Furthermore the ViSCAN helps determining a reliable MoE profile.

Thanks to this new technology that provides an accurate exposure of defects, York gets more out of the finished product – Mr Pieter van Zyl, York’s CEO

York Timbers South Africa’s favorable growing conditions and the company’s internationally acclaimed forest practices have resulted in some of the highest quality sustainable managed plantation forests in the world. The plantations have been managed in 22-28 year rotations for over 50 years, and the silvicultural and pruning regimes have resulted in a high percentage of clear wood and Mean Annual Increments of approximately 16 cubic meters per hectare per year. All of the forests are managed according to Forest Stewardship Council principles and criteria. In total, York Timbers owns and leases about 86,900 hectares of land, 29,500 hectares are reserved for conservation, streams, heritage sites, roads and access routes. Of the 57,400 hectares, 53,100 hectares are softwoods (approximately 63% Pinus patula, 27% Pinus elliottii, 9% Pinus taeda, and 1% other) and the balance is primarily Eucalyptus nitens and E. fastigata.

Austria At Theurl, a GOLDENEYE 702 was installed. The scanner is equipped with newly developed technology to provide yield increases and to determine the quality of boards, cants etc at high speed. “The decision for a Microtec GOLDENEYE scanner was the right

choice. The overall intention that was achieved is to have a stateof-the-art scanning system that maximises recovery and the yield of the lumber.” says CEO Hannes Theurl. The software enables a real time data transfer through different systems – such as chopping systems, trimming stations, sorting and packaging systems. With the results of the GOLDENEYE 702 measurements, it is possible to control optimising chop-saws and grading class sorters.

Theurl Theurl sawmill now counts as one of the most modern in the whole of Europe. In January 2014 they commissioned a new saw line supplied by Linck and totally refurbished their grading, stacking and waste wood recycling facilities. They also created extra drying capacity. The focus of this upgrade was not to increase the quantity in production, but to optimise the processes and enhance the quality of the final product. 32 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

The decision for a Microtec GOLDENEYE scanner was the right choice. The overall intention that was achieved is to have a state-of-the-art scanning system that maximises recovery and the yield of the lumber – Hannes Theurl, CEO


Austria Weinberger is a high-tech company providing innovative products on the back its constant research program. Weinberger processes its products from the highest wood quality to assure the best visual effect among the best quality of the 80 assortments available. Bilam and Trilam beam have the highest strength grading parameters. In order to provide glued laminated timber with the specified strength, modern

technology has been installed recently with a GOLDENEYE 702. A more detailed and precise strengh determination is delivered with the moisture meter M3SCAN and with OPTISIDE, which determines the year ring position as well as the cup recognition on the top end of the board. For the cut marking, there are special printers installed featuring spray nozzles developed by Microtec. “Our claim ‘Best of Wood’ is made possible by relying on the best technology available, such us the Microtec GOLDENEYE Scanner.” states Weinberger CEO, Johann J. Weinberger.

Weinberger When it comes to quality and service, Weinberger is the European market leader in the field of bilam, trilam and log-house planks and a reliable supplier of glued laminated timber. Their products have for many years been appreciated by numerous renowned companies operating in the prefabricated building industry as well as by quality-aware woodconstruction and carpentry companies of all sizes.

Our claim ‘Best of Wood’ is made possible by relying on the best technology available, such us the Microtec GOLDENEYE Scanner – Johann J. Weinberger, Weinberger CEO

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SAWLINES - MICROTEC Microtec is enjoying great success on the South American market The solid wood industry in South America is currently in a rapid development with many companies expanding and investing in the newest optimizing equipment for their production facilities. Three of the companies that are investing in the latest technology from Microtec are Araupel S.A., Solida Brasil Madeiras from Brazil, and Zeni & Cia from Argentina.

Argentina Enrique R. ZENI & Cía Enrique R. ZENI & Cía was founded back in the 1940s and is today a solid market leader within the company’s different fields of

business. They own their own forests, which consists of Pine, Eucalyptus and Australian red cedar. Among their different wood products you will find moulding, wood pellets and surfaced lumber. With an annual production of 100.000 m3 of sawn timber. The manufacturing produces finger joint lamellas of high quality and mouldings.

Enrique R. ZENI & CIA’s solution with systems from System TM and with GOLDENEYE 502 from Microtec

34 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

For this solution System TM provided machinery and Microtec provided the new x-ray technology available GOLDENEYE 502 for the detection of defects. This scanner is equipped with manifold X-ray sources for the detection of 3D space position of the pith providing yield increase in particular for moulding while processing small diameter logs.

“Thanks to the performance uplift of this application by the x-ray technology, we experience a remarkable increase in added value.” states Fabián Trocello, responsible for process engineering at Enrique R. ZENI & Cía.

SAWLINES - MICROTEC The access to the GOLDENEYE 502’s core through its wings is not only an eye-opener, but it will also make updating and/or upgrading your machine extremely easy

GOLDENEYE 502 features: • Next generation sensors: Introducing the new CROMETIC cameras with Full HD resolution, faster image acquisition and onchip image processing • New scanning technology: Dimension-scanning, Scatterscanning, Colour-scanning, latest X-ray scanning technology; • 64-bit power: a fast 64-bit operation system for faster image processing and optimization results; • All new design: a new designed industrial housing for an easy access in case of maintenance • Go mobile: A new App for iPhonem, iPad and Android devices to control the production data from wherever you are;

GOLDENEYE 502 multi-sensor scanner installed at Enrique R.ZENI & Cía

The optimizing cross-cut line that Enrique R. ZENI & Cía invested in from System TM produces moulding and millwork components and consists of: • 1 Opti-Feed 6000 infeed solution • Microtec GOLDENEYE 502 scanner for detection of defects and quality for cross-cut saw • 3 optimizing cross-cut saws model Opti-Kap 5003

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Cut and run

A single operator controls all sawmilling functions from a raised station with joysticks and advanced computer controls

Mobile sawmilling requires a unique set of skills and highly specialised equipment. Two manufacturers epitomise the quality of machinery required better than most


he WB2000 sawmill is the first in a new wide band series of that will be offered by Wood-Mizer to meet the needs of industrial timber producers around the world. Released to production after more than a year of testing, the WB2000 is currently available in Europe, Africa and Asia. Running a 90 mm wide band blade, offering maximum log capacity of up to 6 t, and able to cut a 900 mm log in half, the Wood-Mizer WB2000 advances Wood-Mizer’s industrial sawmilling range into new territory. Designed as a high-production sawmill for the most demanding sawing conditions, Wood-Mizer’s new WB2000 features heavy-duty construction, low maintenance requirements, and efficient operation. The twin post sawmill head can cut a 900 mm log in half, making it an attractive solution for managing medium to large logs. A 22 kW electric motor is standard, and a 30 kW motor is optional. Computer setworks and a raised operator control station allow a single operator to manage all sawing and log handling functions while maintaining a clear view of

36 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

his work. The WB2000 features a 19 cm (17.5 in) HMI touch-screen which presents all important information to the sawyer. Board and cant sizes are displayed along with current head height, feed position, and blade power. One of the popular functions is the Auto-Cut feature, which remembers the location of the start and end of the log and prevents the sawhead from overshooting either end. As a result, the sawmill spends more time sawing. The new deluxe joysticks provide the operator with precise control of all sawing and log handling functions, and feature proportional hydraulic speed control. The bed is heavily constructed to handle logs up to six tonnes. The twin C-channel steel beams that

make up the frame are massive – 400 mm tall by 110 mm wide. All hydraulic log handling functions - such as the log clamps, chain turners, and power rollers - are modular, and can be moved to different bunks as needed. WoodMizer also supplies a complete line of conveyors, tables, and material handling equipment to accompany the WB2000. Wood-Mizer worked in cooperation with Zenz (Zenz Landtechnik), a highly respected German wide band sawmill manufacturer with an 150 year company history, in order to offer a product that will feature the best that modern sawing technology has to offer. “Zenz is well regarded as a leader in wide band mill manufacturing,” Robert Baginski,

We want to be a provider of sawmilling equipment to the timber industry at all levels – Richard Vivers, Wood-Mizer President


The wide cutting throat allows the sawmill to cut 900mm diameter logs in half

The WB2000 features hydraulic log handling functions for clamping, turning, and offloading logs and cants

The new Wood-Mizer WB2000 sawmill boasts a 6 tonne log capacity

Chief Operating Office at WoodMizer Industries said. “The combination of Zenz’s experience with wide band technology and Wood-Mizer’s knowledge of customer needs in international markets has delivered a sawmill that is the best that both narrowand wide-band technologies have to offer.” Ryszard Weber, owner of a local timber processing company who tested Wood-Mizer’s first WB2000 prototype, decided to purchase the mill after a few months of testing. “The WB2000 is affordable for small to large companies, and provides flexibility other machines cannot,” he said. “With this mill, I can cut anything – small logs, large logs, high quality logs, low quality logs. Adding the WB2000 to the business, I can now make profits from all my logs, instead of only logs that fit on my processing line. “It is perfect for producing custom orders, and I can now handle smaller orders that were impractical before.” To support expanding the product range into larger machinery, Wood-Mizer completed construction of an additional production hall in early 2014. “We want to be a provider of sawmilling equipment to the timber industry at all levels,” Wood-Mizer President Richard Vivers said. “We have diversified our geographical presence and our products. The expansion of our European headquarters gives us a solid base to move up to the next stage in the sawmilling industry globally.” Norwood Sawmills, headquartered in Canada, backs itself to use innovative thinking to find new ways to multiply production rates, and expand upgrade capabilities so sawmills can grow with evolving sawmilling operations. “No one wants a one-trick pony,” Norwood President Ashlynne Dale said. “No one wants an old nag – well, no one who is looking for performance. The same should hold true for portable band sawmills.” Sawmilling is a profoundly satisfying activity for outdoorsmen and wood-enthusiasts. But that does not mean that more mundane metrics such as production rates, both present and future, are not important. At the end of the day,

the volume and quality of product should be equally as rewarding as the process. Norwood offers mobile band sawmills in several sizes to meet the needs of casual hobbyists right up to commercial custom-sawyers. Big or small, all Norwood sawmills share two key ingredients in common: 1. H igh production rates: Norwood sawmills feature production boosting technology not available anywhere else. Reducing operator functions and increasing cycle times are at the core of Norwood’s innovation efforts. For example, Norwood’s patented auto-locking sawhead eliminates two functions for every single cut (locking and unlocking). Norwood’s patented auto-lube system also eliminates two functions for every single cut (turning flow on and off ) 2. Upgradeable design: Norwood sawmills are upgradeable – optional manual and hydraulic attachment modules can be added at any time to increase capacity, offer ‘trailerability’, facilitate log handling and speed up material handling. Norwood’s versatile modular attachment system ensures owners never get hand-cuffed, trapped with a sawmill that cannot grow with their sawmilling needs. “Norwood is the only company that prioritizes maximizing owners’ options, no matter the size of bandmill,” Dale said. “Some other companies offer low-cost sawmills, but they don’t offer any upgrades; they want to force people into choosing the next size up. Or, if they offer largediameter mills, you have to shell out big bucks right away for all the bells and whistles. “We choose a fairer approach – no matter which Norwood bandsaw you choose, there is a generous

The sky is the limit with our HD36 – Ashlynne Dale, Norwood President

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Norwood portable sawmills don’t limit expansion of volumes

offering of available attachments. And if you foresee possibly someday needing a fully-hydraulic sawmill, but you’re not ready for all the bells and whistles quite yet, you can start with what you need and add modules as your operation grows.” Conversion from manual to fully-hydraulic is the most extreme example of Norwood’s emphasis on upgradeability. Their LumberPro HD36, capable of milling logs up to 93 cm (36 in) in diameter, comes standard in stationary manual configuration. Thereafter, owners can choose from a long list of options, including a full selection of hydraulic functions. “The sky is the limit with our HD36,” Dale said. “You can get started with a very capable machine for a remarkably small price, and then just keep growing.” Norwood invests heavily in research and development, focusing its efforts on technologies that cut the time it takes to mill a log into lumber, as well as systems that expand the growth potential of sawmilling operations. Norwood’s commitment to advancing the frontiers of portable sawmill innovation is proven by over 50 patents, more than the combined total of all the other sawmill companies around the world, put together.

Norwood sawmills have high production rates and upgradable designs

“Personal and commercial sawmilling operations both have a tendency to grow. Most people want equipment that will not limit the volume and type of work that they can take on in the future,” concludes Dale, “Norwood sawmills are engineered to maximise both.”

There are always plenty of attachments no matter what Norwood model a sawyer chooses

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The manual LT15 sawmill cutting a log

Local manufacturing is vital for Africa’s economic development. The inability of local industries to add value to raw products is widely seen as part of the reason for Africa’s slow economic development. Biashara’s entry into the manufacturing sector in 1990 provided for a number of benefits. It made a modest but very important contribution to Kenya’s economy by manufacturing locally and making the region less dependent on imports. It boosted Biashara’s income as it could now increase the value of the raw material for sale. Recently, Biashara has also opened a block board manufacturing plant. The sawmill waste is now used to manufacture block board and the new profits are helping grow the business further, while local suppliers and manufacturers can now source from inside Kenya to boost economic activity, and create more jobs.

Africa, as modern equipment is usually difficult to source at good prices, and even more difficult to find quality service from the manufacturer. As many existing companies in their area relied on manual labour or dated equipment for processing timber, Biashara’s determination to invest in modern, more cost effective machinery has been rewarding. Then, lasting from 2007 to 2012, Kenya imposed a countrywide logging ban, making it nigh impossible for sawmill companies to compete that did not have efficient processing equipment and a diverse mix of business units. The solution was apparent – businesses had to produce as efficiently as possible with a limited quantity of logs. Key to achieve this was to invest in affordable sawmilling equipment that could deliver the output and quality that the market demanded, spend less on blade maintenance, cut down on labour costs, waste less electricity and use every inch of the log that was available. Joseph’s sons, Daniel Mwangi and Francis Macharia decided at that point to invest in thin kerf sawmilling technology. Their initial purchase of WoodMizer LT15 and LT40 hydraulic mills resulted in higher outputs, improved log optimisation, and finer surface quality while energy consumption, labour requirements and blade maintenance costs fell steeply. Encouraged by their initial success with the thin-kerf sawmilling approach, Biashara then added a full Wood-Mizer ‘Smart Log Processing’ line and a WM3500 industrial log breakdown sawmill, rounding out their sawmilling arsenal. With Wood-Mizer’s blade maintenance equipment installed as well, Biashara was also able to drive down costs by managing all blade issues in-house.

Powerhouse sawmilling

Machinery Sales Expand

Biashara’s first sawmills were frustratingly dated and highly inefficient. High maintenance, energy, and blade costs characterised their first sawmill experiences in the 1980s and 1990s. Getting service for such machines in Africa was always a constant headache. This situation is not uncommon throughout

As a part of Biashara’s constant theme of adaptation, and as a result of their own successes with thin-kerf sawmilling equipment, in 2012 Biashara became an authorised Wood-Mizer dealer for Kenya. This development was seen as an obvious step to further their business opportunities in the timber and machine sales

and reselling used woodworking equipment. This allowed him to get access to additional machinery that could help him increase production and efficiencies. In 1994, Biashara opened its own sawmill in Njoro, consolidating control of its own sawn timber production.

Modest harvesting beginnings

Sawmilling and Timber Processing Success in Kenya The story of a company’s impressive growth in the Kenyan forestry, sawmilling and machine trading sectors is one characterised by adaptation and constant reinvention – a relevant theme for anyone looking to invest in emerging markets


ne of Kenya’s prime timber production areas, the famous Great Rift Valley, is home to Biashara Master Sawmills, which was formed in 1978 when the company’s founder, Joseph Mwangi Kanyongo, began transporting logs to nearby sawmills with his Land Rover. At the beginning, he could only manage to harvest 10m3 per day from commercial forests, but in spite of his humble beginnings, he soon identified that by starting different business divisions that served the timber sector, he could control costs and quality better and unlock opportunities that remained beyond the reach of competitors. In the early 1980s, the company began cutting and selling lumber directly to the market and by 1990, they opened their own door manufacturing plant. Through this process, Joseph became convinced that modern equipment held the key to improved performance for his growing business units. In 1993, he began another branch of the company, reconditioning

Biashara now harvests up to 600 m3 of cypress and pine daily using chainsaw teams for felling and delimbing, and transporting the logs with a John Deere and two Caterpiller skidders to the logging roads, where they are loaded onto Biashara’s logging trucks. The harvesting improvements have increased productivity and slashed costs of their sawn product compared to their local competitors.

Adding value to raw product

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MOBILE SAWMILLING - OPERATION FOCUS sectors. As they were already buying, reconditioning, and selling woodworking machinery, and offered spare parts and service support to their customer base, adding Wood-Mizer sales to the mix was a natural progression.

Emerging Markets – adaptation and reinvention Emerging markets like Africa presents many opportunities but also significant risk. The key to unlocking these opportunities as Biashara has shown is to understand those risks and implement measures that mitigate these risks. A diversified business approach that spreads risks, buoys up

straggler divisions and provides critical mass to drive future expansion, plays an important part in Biashara’s continued growth. So too the critical importance of investing in appropriate technology that strengthens competitiveness without repeating the mistakes of the past to improve the continent’s productivity. This would include competitively priced technology that allows for improved productivity and product quality with consistent after sale service embedding the capacity to produce consistently and reliably over time even further.

Pic N: The sawmill waste is stacked and then processed into block board

Men and women alike work full days in the sawmill for the steady work and income

Report by Etienne Nagel, Africa correspondent

In spite of his humble beginnings, Mwangi soon identified that by starting different business divisions that served the timber sector, he could control costs and quality better and unlock opportunities that remained beyond the reach of competitors

As seen on the road to the mill. Timber producers that can serve their local markets will help improve employment opportunities

Logs enter the Wood-Mizer thin-kerf SLP line for systematic processing and maximum recovery

One of several in the region, a Wood-Mizer ‘Smart Log Processing’ line increases production in a manageable way for African timber producers 40 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014


Kenya imposed a country-wide logging ban, making it nigh impossible for sawmill companies to compete that did not have efficient processing equipment and a diverse mix of business units

Francis Macharia (left) and brother Daniel Waithanji (Right) who manage Biashara today

A Biashara truck loaded with finished lumber

This 19 year old operator shared how her job working in the sawmill has given her incredible possibilities for a better quality of life in rural Kenya

Dated and labour intensive mills are commonplace throughout Africa

Logs larger than 400mm diameter are processed on the LT40 sawmill

Biashara then added a full Wood-Mizer ‘Smart Log Processing’ line and a WM3500 industrial log breakdown sawmill, rounding out their sawmilling arsenal Technicians from Wood-Mizer Africa install the first WM3500 thin-kerf headrig in Africa JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 41


is better

Forwarding manufacturers haven’t lost sight of the need to be efficient and user-friendly but it’s the big machines with big performance that are most heavily featured in this year’s Forwarder review

42 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

Forwarders The Tigercat 205 kW (275 hp) 1075B is a 20 t forwarder designed for final felling applications, long distance forwarding, steep slopes, scarifying and other extreme duty applications. With heavy duty wide spread bogies, the 1075B excels in demanding duty cycles and is considered the most productive and lowest impact forwarder.


ifting capacity and power have maintained their positions as the foremost priorities for manufacturers of forwarding technology, as demanded by their customers. Serviceability and operator comfort continue to be seen as areas where manufacturers can attempt to differentiate themselves but it is the raw mechanics of optimal performance on the stand that is absorbing the majority of research and

development capital. This can only be seen as a good thing as improving markets require greater volumes. Tigercat’s two forwarder models are powered by the Mercedes 906 engine. The 1055B is a heavy duty 170 kW (228 hp) 14 t forwarder built to handle both selective and final felling applications. Offering up to 10 m of crane reach, extendable bunk options and a choice of two wagon frames,

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FORWARDERS the 1055B is “highly configurable” and an excellent “all-around” forwarder, according to the company. The 205 kW (275 hp) 1075B is a 20 t forwarder designed for final felling applications, long distance forwarding, steep slopes, scarifying and other extreme duty applications. With heavy duty wide spread bogies, the 1075B excels in demanding duty cycles and is considered the most productive and lowest impact forwarder. Optional extendable bunks improve productivity by increasing payload in applications where the wood is relatively light in weight and load area is the constraining factor.

New crane and grapple options In 2014 Tigercat released some exciting new options and improvements to the Tigercat 1075B. First off is the new heavy duty Tigercat F195T85 crane. Designed and built by Tigercat, the new crane is capable of lifting 20-30% heavier loads at the same reach compared with any other forwarder crane on the market, the company claimed. In addition, the crane has 22-66% more slew torque than any competing crane. It is the only crane that can handle 0.53 m2 grapple, a great advantage in smaller diameter log applications. Since an average of 50% of the forwarder duty cycle is spent loading and unloading, increasing the number of logs-per-crane-cycle can vastly improve overall machine productivity. The crane geometry is optimised for quick loading and unloading cycles with excellent grapple clearance above the load. The new 430 and 530 series Tigercat grapples compliment the new crane with larger load area capacities at 0.43 m2 and 0.53 m2 respectively. The grapples are fitted with thick-walled bushings for extended service life. The link has a patent-pending hose routing design to better protect the hoses and the swing dampener has been designed for heavy duty applications. The F195T85 is the only crane with standard end-of-position dampening sensors on the stick boom and slew bearing to prevent impact loads. The tapered

Our forwarders feature on-the-fly differential lock shifting that is easily engaged and disengaged – Tigercat

roller bearing in the slew base is designed to last the life of the machine, a vast improvement over the plain bearing and spherical rollers used in other cranes. In addition, the telescopic cylinder is cushioned. It is also the only crane with swivels on the pillar hoses for extended hose life with thickwalled bushings used at all pivots.

Super duty bogies The enhanced 20 t 1075B bogie has thicker gear sets, greater walking beam wall thickness and stronger wheel mounting areas. The outboard planetaries allow for larger gears. “The 1075B forwarder bogie has the largest differential and gear train in the market, making it more durable than competing machines,” Tigercat said. “Our forwarders feature on-the-fly differential lock shifting that is easily engaged and disengaged. “The extra-long centre-to-centre walking beam distance (1.89 m) greatly reduces ground pressure and outperforms competitors in deep snow and soft terrain. The increased wheel stance allows the bogie to roll over bumps gradually, reducing abrupt movement in the cab and improving ride comfort for the operator.”

windows for excellent visibility to the load area and the ground. The cab has reverse sloping windows on the front and rear to reduce the need for wipers in wet conditions. The cab tapers out at knee height providing exceptional space for rotating the seat and provides clear sight lines down the sides of the engine enclosure to the ground. The large window area provides an open feeling, reducing the perception of being confined in a machine cab for long periods.

A quiet environment is important for operator comfort and productivity. The forwarder cab is insulated and isolation mounted for reduced noise levels and vibration. Sound insulation is used under the cab, on the engine wall area, and the engine hood to reduce driveline and engine noise. All connections to the cab use bulkhead fittings to reduce noise transfer. The interior finish is impressive and exceptionally durable due to the use of high impact strength materials throughout. All windows are 12 mm thick polycarbonate with hard coating for scratch resistance.

Cooling The B-series forwarders are equipped with an automatic variable speed reversing fan system that provides the minimum necessary fan speeds to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

The new Tigercat F195T85 crane with the 530 series grapple

Centre section The Tigercat centre joint is extremely durable. It is constructed with thick steel plates and the articulation and oscillation joints feature oversized, sealed, tapered roller bearings with large pins and sacrificial bushings all held together with reliable shim adjustment that is designed to stay tight for the life of the machine. The bearings are preloaded to prevent play.

Operator’s station Tigercat forwarders are equipped with a modern, well finished, spacious cab with extended

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The 1075B forwarder bogie has the largest differential and gear train on the market


POWER, PRODUCTIVITY AND JOY OF WORKING PONSSE CONTINUES TO UPGRADE ITS PRODUCT RANGE and proudly presents a new addition. The fully upgraded PONSSE Bear is the genuine king of harvesters in the forest. It represents the best performance, productivity and serviceability available at the moment. THE PONSSE BEAR IS POWERED by an engine that meets the EU Stage IV emission levels. Benefits of the new technology include, along with a cleaner environment, a better response to sudden needs of power and a lower fuel consumption. The Bear is a strong indication of the significance of customer cooperation in the product development of forest machines: the new solutions enable more powerful, reliable and ergonomic harvesting. THE EIGHT-WHEEL BEAR is an unbeatable and environmentally friendly powerhouse for heavy duty harvesting and demanding conditions. The successful ergonomics increases productivity and improves operating comfort and this is exactly what the Bear provides: the completely new cabin and its control equipment provide more space and comfort along with excellent visibility. THE PONSSE BEAR HAS TRULY BEEN UPGRADED: it has a more durable structure and the C6 and C55 cranes provide sturdier but smoother operation, superior power and improved access to components requiring maintenance. Furthermore, the maintenance intervals of the Bear have been increased to 900/1,800 hours, extending the operating hours between services.

A logger’s best friend

FORWARDERS production with coordinates for the position of roadside timber stacks and accurate follow-up of times for loading, unloading, transport, servicing and repairs, etc.

Rottne F13C optimal steering angle

The Tigercat 1075B “This feature dramatically reduces fuel consumption when high fan speed is not necessary,” Tigercat states. The fan is driven hydraulically with a manual ‘purge’ function that reverses the fan direction to clean debris from the heat exchanger area without exiting the cab or halting production. In cold conditions, the fan runs at low rpm, allowing the machine to quickly come to the operating temperature at start-up. The generously sized heat exchangers contribute to lower fan speeds and allow the machine to work through a broader ambient temperature range with a given oil viscosity. The reversing feature of the fan helps keep the heat exchangers clean, further reducing the need for high fan speeds.

Hydraulics Tigercat forwarders are equipped with a large drive motor, allowing the motor to constantly work within its optimal efficiency range. This provides excellent drive performance characteristics and allows maximum engine horsepower transfer to the drive system for improved tractive effort. Tigercat uses larger crane pumps to produce the required flow at lower engine RPM. This increases fuel efficiency and improves crane performance.

Service Tigercat forwarders have “unsurpassed” service access to all electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems. Access to the engine, driveline

and pumps is through the tilt-out hood enclosure and tilting cab. All the hydraulic valves and computer control modules are located in one compartment in the wagon frame. Easily accessed from ground level, hydraulic adjustments are simple to perform. Electrical reliability is excellent due to short wire runs between the control modules and valves located immediately beside them. Further enhancing reliability, all electrical grounding is done through protected and sealed wires with connections that run from each component to the battery ground terminals. The Rottne F10B thinning forwarder is designed to perform a first class job in dense thinning. This model has all the features demanded of a genuine thinning forwarder – stability, flexibility and good tracking. These are typical characteristics for F10B. Even the cab’s large windows and low bottom edges provide “fantastic visibility” for optimum results when hauling logs, according to the manufacturer. The biggest cab on the market gives a good combination of comfort and function creating an optimal working environment when combined with the ‘Comfort Line’ cab suspension system, which gives operators a smooth and joltfree driving experience on almost any terrain. The Rottne D5 control system provides the possibility of personal settings for the best work results. The forwarder computer provides detailed information about daily

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Due to the articulated wagon, the machine’s steering angle is increased from 43° to 54°, which makes this medium-sized forwarder a versatile thinning forwarder with a high capacity. “F13C is an all-round machine with high performance and high load capacity,” Rottne stated. “The forwarder has eight wheels and a load capacity of a full 13 t, a hydraulically-controlled front gate and front bunk and a heightadjustable gate that makes it more flexible for different timber lengths.” Wagon steering is normally linked to the forwarder’s frame steering but it can also be controlled separately with a joystick. In this way the forwarder becomes easier to manoeuvre, for example, when being reversed

along a strip road. When frame steering and wagon steering are synchronised, the tractor vehicle and wagon follow identical paths, which reduces the risk of driving damage along strip roads. The F15C is suitable for thinning and final felling, which creates opportunities for good overall economy. The wagon is manufactured with a tapered central frame that provides additional ground clearance under the articulated joint. The power train has a higher-output engine and a new generation of hydrostatic components providing increased tractive force and potential for higher speeds with heavy loads.

Rottne F18: safe, stable and powerful The F18 with a load capacity of 18 t provides more efficient transport for long forwarding distances. Adjustable load area is available as an optional extra. The portal bogies, with large wide wheels, provide excellent bearing capacity and smooth and gentle travel. The


wagon is available in two frame lengths and the load area has a very low centre of gravity. The transmission is hydrostatic with two hydraulic motors in a three-speed automatic gearbox that allows gear changing when fully loaded, and with a tractive force of 22 t.

High comfort cab The newly-developed cab features a modern design where the operator actually sits in the centre. The large windows and low-set instrument panel

provide an uninterrupted view of the immediate and overhead surroundings. The cab offers full standing height, is spacious and well insulated to ensure low noise levels. The ergonomically-designed lever panels feature all the functions used most frequently, which means that hauling work can be performed safely and smoothly. The air-sprung operator’s seat is equipped with Air-vent and infinitely adjustable armrests. As an option, all forwarders can also be equipped with the ‘Comfort Line’ system. This unique cab

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JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 47


The Rottne F15C

suspension system reduces shock and impact and makes driving in terrain significantly smoother.

D5 control system The D5 is a machine control system that provides a good overview of the machine’s functions. It is based on CAN bus technology and controls and monitors the engine, transmission and loader. Settings, monitoring and troubleshooting are performed via the touch screen that is mounted on the armrest. Alarms are indicated by visual and audible signals.

Forwarder computer follow up The communication between forwarders, harvesters, and clients is becoming increasingly important in order for work in the forest to become rational and productive. “Information about daily production and timber positions will soon be a part of all operators’ everyday life,” Rottne stated. “The forwarder computer is an option that simplifies reporting and provides accurate follow-up.” This equipment enables information such as production

A fully loaded Rottne 8-wheel forwarder with lower ground pressure

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Rottne forwarders have greater access for servicing

Hydraulic Brake Control (BC) As A furtHer development of indexAtors mpB-system - Hydraulic Brake Control (BC) is now launched.

files and maps with working routes to be automatically transferred from the harvester to the forwarder. There is also a program for daily production with coordinates showing the position of roadside timber stacks as well as an operations follow-up program with times for loading, unloading and servicing.


Downtime is costly and it is important that the time for service and repairs is minimised. For Rottne forwarders, it takes only a few minutes to access all areas of the tractor. The engine and transmission are easily accessed by tilting the engine hood forwards and tipping the cab sideways. The front and rear belly plates have hinges mounted under the front axle and the entire underside opens.

Combine your MPB-brake with crane scales without risking the weighing precision due to high braking torque. No need for additional features or extra hoses. read more at

High service availability is an important factor for sound and effective timber production.

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FORWARDERS “Strong, smooth booms, powerful yet efficient engines and robust transmissions are the key elements in all John Deere E-Series forwarders,” according to the company. “With the most comprehensive range of machines on the market, John Deere’s E-Series forwarders offer a variety of features and options that make it easier for forestry professionals to find a machine that will meet their needs and make their operations more productive and profitable.” Recent updates include:

Intelligent boom control – a breakthrough in forwarder technology In a milestone for forestry equipment technology, John Deere recently introduced Intelligent Boom Control (IBC), a feature the industry has anticipated for over 30 years. John Deere presented this option at Elmia Wood in Sweden

in June 2013, and has been well accepted by John Deere customers. With IBC, the boom is accurate, fast and easy to operate, as the operator now controls the boom tip directly versus controlling independent boom joint movements manually. By eliminating unnecessary extra movements, this system increases boom durability and improves an operator’s working speed for higher productivity and lower costs. IBC is now offered as an option on all of John Deere’s 1210E and 1510E forwarders.

Mid-size E-series IT4 forwarders John Deere recently announced the North American debut of its Interim Tier 4 (IT4)/Stage IIIB cut-to-length forwarders. The IT4 platform now comes standard on the 1210E and 1510E models. The IT4 engine comes standard on the 1210E, and as an option on the 1510E. John Deere’s IT4 forwarders

The John Deere 1210E 50 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

Strong, smooth booms, powerful yet efficient engines and robust transmissions are the key elements in all John Deere E-Series forwarders – John Deere

are powerful, efficient and clean on emissions, which translates to higher productivity, increased uptime and lower daily operating costs on the jobsite. The 1210E and 1510E IT4 models are equipped with forest-tough bogie axles, V-groove axle mounts, strong frames and a durable middle joint, which provides exceptional uptime throughout the machine’s lifetime. Both models also feature a new, more durable headboard design that significantly improves the operator’s visibility to the load

area. The 1210E IT4 forwarder offers increased cross-sectional area of 4.7m2 for the wide load space option, while the 1510E IT4 forwarder’s cross-sectional area has been increased to 5.3m2 for the wide load space option. Operator comfort John Deere understands operator comfort and safety are critical to maximum productivity, which is why the E-Series forwarder cabs were designed to boost efficiency by creating an ideal working environment for

the operator, even under challenging conditions. John Deere is the only manufacturer in North America that offers three options on forwarder cabs that continue to set the standard for comfort and operator control today. Available options include a rotating option, a rotating and levelling option and the most recent addition, a fixed (standard) cabin option for loggers satisfied with a traditional cab. Whether they choose the revolutionary rotating and levelling option or the lower price point fixed cab option, operators will discover a host of fatigue-beating enhancements on all E-Series forwarders. Highlights include comfortable, ergonomic armrests, ample storage space, seats with upholstery made of high-quality materials to withstand wear and tear, an optional remote-control door lock with approach lighting and an optional food heater/cooler. An optional fully adjustable air-conditioned seat is also available for exceptional daylong comfort in the climate-controlled cab. Finally, with its wide door-opening angle, getting in and out of a John Deere forwarder has never been easier. Both the rotating and rotating and levelling cab options on John Deere’s E-Series forwarders turn 290°, providing a 360° view of the machine’s surroundings and boom movements for safe, efficient log loading. This gives the operator the best possible visibility 100% of the time. The rotating cab also gives superior vision to the tyres and surrounding area close to the machine. For customers looking for a lower price point option, John Deere now offers a fixed cabin option. The new fixed cabin is a durable, cost-effective alternative to the rotating and rotating and levelling cabin options, yet still delivers unmatched comfort and visibility for a fixed or standard cabin equipped machine. The fixed cab’s large windows provide excellent visibility in all directions and to ground height. The enhanced design of the roof structure protects the work lights and prevents water from running from the roof to the windows for better visibility in inclement weather. Noise level and vibration are minimised for added comfort as the cabin rests on rubber mountings under each corner. Additionally, the machine control-system options offer the same choices operators have come to rely on from the E-Series machines.



Our unique heat treatment process makes the sawbar extremely rigid and durable

The nose sprocket has 12 teeth, which reduces the sprocket speed resulting in less friction and wear.

The special alloy R-series is the Sword exceptional strength properties.


An all around track providing excellent traction and good flotation. The cross member design is self cleaning and provides excellent strength and anti-slip properties against the tire.

Operator control No matter what cab style is chosen, E-Series forwarders continue to set the standard for operator comfort and control, delivering maximum productivity with minimal effort. The mini-lever joysticks are conveniently located in the armrests,

Make your own way

The John Deere 1510E cab

52 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

for intuitive, effortless fingertip control of all functions. Operators can easily adjust machine settings through the TimberMatic F-09 control system if equipped with the PC or HPC, and even control their own settings. To help manage all of these new machine enhancements and updates, the E-Series machines also offer JDLinkTM, a remote

monitoring system that provides machine location, utilization and maintenance management tools through an easy-to-use web site. John Deere customers have access to real-time information about their machines whereabouts, production data and code alerts, which allows for optimum performance and compliance with preventative maintenance tasks.

The 1510E is a heavy duty, lage capacity forwarder

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 53


Vimek is the leading manufacturer of small scale forest machines with a total production of almost 2,000 machines produced over the years. Today, Vimek has four different models of forwarders in serial production: Vimek 630 Minimaster, Vimek 606TT, Vimek 610 and Vimek 610 BioCombi. The 630 Minimaster is a small and extremely easy to manoeuver 8-wheel drive forwarder with frame and servo steering function, wide tyres and a ground clearance of almost 400 mm. “With a loading capacity of 2,000 kg and a flat underside, which protects all vulnerable parts, the 630 is a machine for extreme situations,” Vimek said. The 606TT is the “original” small scale forwarder and “still the most secure investment for many forest owners and entrepreneurs”. Available with different trailer lengths and a wide range of accessories, Vimek 606TT offers low fuel consumption and low investment cost for a good overall economy. The Vimek 610 is the most powerful forwarder in the Vimek range with 5,000 kg loading capacity, equipped with the new engine CAT HP, modern hydrostatic transmission from Bosch Rexroth in combination with the company’s well regarded trailer and crane. “In the Vimek 610 we have been able to combine an engine and transmission to offer high efficiency, productivity, performance all this together with

In the Vimek 610 we have been able to combine an engine and transmission to offer high efficiency, productivity, performance all this together with low fuel consumption, makes a cost effective machine – Vimek

low fuel consumption, makes a cost effective machine,” the manufacturer stated. The 610 has several extra options to add to the standard machine, such as mini joysticks and air condition system. The 610 BioCombi is the most effective machine for thinning, felling and transport of bioenergy. Now with increased loading capacity to 5,000 kg, a new and powerful engine with 60 HP from CAT and modern hydrostatic transmission from Bosch Rexroth. The increased working hydraulics gives improved and precise crane movement. Vimek brake link efficiency has also been increased. The Vimek 610 BioCombi is now equipped with mini joysticks as standard and the company’s felling grapple saw has accumulation arms also as standard. “Vimek forwarders have been produced since end of 1980s and are today sold into more than 20 different countries.”

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Komatsu forest machines are the second largest CTL brand in the world and its new series of forwarders has met huge interest from customers. “Our new forwarders have high productivity, low operating costs, innovative technology, and offer an excellent operator environment,” Ola Boström, Head of Marketing and Sales at Komatsu Forest, said. “These are qualities our forwarders give to the user.” During the last few years, Komatsu Forest has launched five new forwarders – the Komatsu 835, Komatsu 845, Komatsu 855, Komatsu 865, and Komatsu 895. “We have definitely taken the lead when it comes to developing efficient forwarders,” Boström said. “High load capacity and fast transport speed are key characteristics of highly productive forwarders. “The machines have an ergonomic operator environment

– a cab that enables operators to perform at their best throughout each shift. Profitability also rests on good fuel economy and high reliability.” The spacious cab of all Komatsu forwarders provides the operator with a working environment that ensure high-performance, low noise, excellent visibility and plenty of storage possibilities. No expense has been spared on the new cab’s interior to create a nice working environment. Among other things, it features a light and exclusive interior, the market’s most ergonomic driver’s seat, a new smart radio with Bluetooth and hands free functionality for cell phone connectivity, and new ergonomic hand controls, Komatsu Comfort Controls, with added functionality at the finger tips. Another feature on all new Komatsu forwarders is the Komatsu Comfort Ride cab suspension option, which effectively reduces vibrations, knocks and jolts and ensures productive cab comfort that is easy on the operator even after many hours at the controls. All engines in Komatsu forwarders comply with the toughest environmental requirements that have come into effect in recent years. The SCR technology used ensure low fuel consumption through its optimised combustion. The brains of all Komatsu forwarders are the control system MaxiXplorer 3.1, which is already in Komatsu harvesters. MaxiXplorer


The Komatsu 855.1 3.1 is a fully integrated machine control and reporting system that communicates with the operator in a user-friendly manner. This involves, for example, providing the operator with functions for controlling the engine, transmission, and crane, thereby maximising the new forwarders’ productivity.

The forwarders have flexible loading space options. One example is FlexGate, which moves if struck by the crane. FlexGate is a patented solution that is highly appreciated by operators. Aside from greater protection, FlexGate also provides better visibility. The bunk can also be fitted with the FlexBunk option, which provides hydraulic height-adjustable

: Operator comfort is a priority in Komatsu model forwarders

The Komatsu 865 forwarder

30% less power consumption


when compared to a viscous fan drive. (Uni Karlsruhe, Germany / 2013)

More power at the PTO

Reduced fuel consumption

Less noise under full load

Reversible engine cooling fan


JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 55

FORWARDERS supports. ProTec link, with internal hose routing that protects hosing and hydraulics, is standard on all Komatsu forwarders. The latest forwarder in the line of new machines is Komatsu 835, which is nimble and kind to the environment. “The Komatsu 835 is productive with high torque (750 Nm at 1,200-1,500 rpm) and great traction (15,908 kp or 156 kN) in relation to its total weight. Combined with a powerful engine (127 kW DIN or 170 HP at 1,900 rpm), high load capacity, the Komatsu 835 can handle any thinning assignment effectively,” Boström said. The 835 is a truly green forwarder with low emissions and low forest impact, sparing standing trees and the forest floor when thinning. The 835 has a 11 t load capacity and the bunk offers great flexibility The new Komatsu 845 forwarder meets the toughest demands expected of smaller forwarders. With a new chassis, a new engine, a new crane, and a new bunk, the 845 is a completely new versatile forwarder. Komatsu 845 has a split frame design with a self-bearing axle and a new frameaxle interface. Together with the 66.25 cm (26.5 in) wheels, ground clearance is high and ground pressure is low. A new hydrostatic transmission system optimises power usage (16.9 kp or 166 kN). The system rapidly adapts when the load changes depending on the terrain, obstacles, inclines, and crane loads. The Komatsu 845 has a new four-cylinder 4.9 litre engine with high torque at low engine speeds (830 Nm at 1,200-1,500 rpm). The crane on the 845 has a long reach, up to 10 m with the optional combi-outer boom. High working pressure makes it efficient and together with large capacity hydraulic lines the speed is there when needed. Two other forwarders, the 855.1 and 865, are ideal for everything from thinning to final felling. Komatsu 855.1 has a load capacity at 14 t and Komatsu 865 has a load capacity of 15 t. Both forwarders are equipped with the eco-friendly E3 Power engine that gives the machines

High load capacity and fast transport speed are key characteristics of highly productive forwarders – Ola Boström, Komatsu

their immense power. The engines in the forwarders do not just have a high performance (Komatsu 855.1 has 150 kW DIN or 204 HP and Komatsu 865 has 158 kW DIN or 212 HP at 1,500-1,900 rpm) and good working characteristics, but also unmatched combustion efficiency, which results in low

is the new chassis design and power train. The high-tensile steel of the underside of the rear frame, and the bogie’s portal design provide excellent ground clearance. The front blade can be raised higher, contributing to the ability to pass obstacles. “The modular frame design

The brains of the Komatsu forwarder range is the control system MaxiXplorer 3.1

fuel consumption. The engines also interact with a transmission system that adapts itself to the load, slope and obstacles. The hydrostatic transmission system and diesel engine’s characteristics are optimised with each other to provide maximum traction. With good tractive effort it is possible to increase the driving speed. Both the Komatsu 855.1 and Komatsu 865 are equipped with the balanced bogie solution, Komatsu Comfort Bogie that provides better mobility due to high ground clearance and stability. The biggest, Komatsu 895 is a 20 t forwarder. The entire construction is for heavy-duty usage and its performance is higher in every area. One example

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enables the Komatsu 895 to come with four different frame lengths to suit different market needs,” Boström, said. The green E3 Power engine delivers high performance (193 kW DIN or 259 hp at 1,700 rpm) with good handling characteristics combined with effective combustion for low fuel consumption. “The tyres on the Komatsu 895 are the new 28.5 in type, which are larger and stronger in comparisons with those used on other forwarders in the market,” Boström, said. “This is done in order to be able to carry the 20 t load. “The larger diameter reduces the risk of the rims spinning inside

the tyres, which is important for transferring the high traction to the ground.” This makes the 895 a true 20 t model but through the new tyres can offer low ground pressure relatively the load capacity. Komatsu 895 also has a new crane that delivers higher lifting and slewing torque. It has a new, durable slewing motor with a highly reliable pillar solution. The Komatsu 895 is incredibly powerful with 26,000 kp or 255 kN of tractive effort and 165.2 kNm of gross lifting torque for the crane. “This makes it a giant among comparable forwarders,” Boström said.

A brand new crane scale from Komatsu Forest Komatsu Forest is now introducing a new crane scale generation for forwarders, ProTec Scale. ProTec Scale uses a modern scale sensor technology and wireless data transfer to weigh loads and offers very long battery life. New ProTec Scale combines scale functionality in the crane tip with the ProTec concept’s protected hose routing. The ProTec Scale crane scale has a new scale link with the measurement equipment built into the pins that attach the link to the crane nose. This solution enables us to integrate the new crane scale with the patented ProTec concept, which protects the hose routing from the crane nose to the rotator and reduces unplanned downtime. The new scale link also has a very low build height, so clearance above the supports remains good. The link is even available as a modern MDB (Multi Disc Brake) version with good dampening characteristics. Naturally, new ProTec Scale is fully integrated with the MaxiXplorer control system. This enables the operator to select the desired product, such as timber or pulpwood, directly from the control panels and easily weigh each product separately. The weight and volume are displayed directly on the screen and the weight measurement data become an integrated part of the production and operation reports. All measurement data is transferred wirelessly from the scale link to the cab module. The system uses radio waves

Mulcher TFVJMF


Mulcher TFVD

Mulcher TFMF

ProTec Scale uses a modern scale sensor technology and wireless data

Mulcher TFVJH

CASTOR 1320 to ensure good communication between the scale link and the cab module. The system in the scale link is also very energy efficient and is powered by a special highcapacity battery, which means long intervals between charges. Moreover, MaxiXplorer has an integrated indicator to notify the operator when the battery needs charging. New ProTec Scale even includes a completely new integrated position sensor in the crane’s slewing motor. The position sensor sits protected in the slewing motor housing. The accurate position readings for the crane nose enable the system to automatically register the weight above the supports, where deviations are smallest. This ensures that no weights are registered outside the load area as well. Another smart function is that ProTec Scale filters out deviations due to crane operating style.

Caterpillar’s design philosophy is to make machines that are structurally superior. Just looking at the Cat 584HD, you can see that the forwarder lives up to its name, according to the manufacturer. “When we set the criteria for the design of the 584HD, first and foremost was the goal to uphold Caterpillar’s reputation of building structurally superior carriers,” Glenn Brown, Product Specialist for Caterpillar Forest Products, said. “That meant a forwarder built for extended hours of usage, with a robust structure making it worthy of a rebuild when the time came to give it a second life. It’s not a throw away design.” Manufactured in North America, the 20 t capacity, 8-wheel drive forwarder is solid and stable. The rugged front and rear frame structures, heavy duty cast articulation and large oscillation bearings are built for long service life in demanding forest


with new image, more content and more manageable Crta. Vilablareix, 18-20 – POL. IND. Mas Aliu 17181 Aiguaviva GIRONA (Spain) Tel. +34 972 401522 · Fax: +34 972 400163 E-mail: JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 57


applications. High stress areas have been reinforced for more durability. The optional blade with wear resistant front cutting edge is purpose-built for clearing trails and pushing forest debris out of the way. “In addition to a robust machine and carrying capacity, the most important factors for productivity are a fast loader and tractive effort that can move large, heavy loads uphill, cycle after cycle,” Brown said. The crane is one of the fastest, strongest and most reliable on the market. A field-proven hydrostatic propel system provides maximum power on grade through a wide engine rpm and ground speed range, resulting in infinitely variable speeds at peak power and dynamic braking on steep terrain. The forwarder is powered by the 147 kW Cat C7 engine with ACERT Technology providing fuel efficiency through high torque in the 1,400-1,600 rpm range. Fuel efficiency is enhanced by the oversized cooling fan, which has its own hydraulic pump that includes a speed control modulated by the forwarder control system. The fan requires less horsepower and cools more quickly, allowing loggers to haul bigger loads, faster. The variable-speed cooling fan also helps to maintain component life.

“Our cooling system is much larger than what you’ll find in other forwarders. Our expertise with cooling systems comes from many years of experience designing hydrostat systems for wheel feller bunchers, where constant flow reversing comes into play in high heat conditions,” Brown explained. Besides the oversized cooling fan that turns more slowly, other “parasites” that can waste power

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needlessly were removed from the system to further increase fuel efficiency. For example, pumps are mounted inline as opposed to on a gearbox. And the large hydraulic pump doesn’t have to rotate as much as a smaller pump to keep oil flowing. The 584HD was built with operator safety in mind. “Safety is extremely important at Caterpillar and operators tell us they feel

really safe in the 584 forwarder,” Brown said. Stability is one reason. The 584HD has a wider stance than many other forwarders, giving it better stability on steep hills. Research shows the majority of equipment-related injuries occur while entering and exiting cabs or from falling from machines. The hydraulic lift stairs and cab walkway platform of the 584HD provide best-in-class access to help prevent these injuries. “The operator does not have to climb onto the tires to access the cab and the steps are wide enough for work boots,” Brown said. The cab structure has been designed and ROPS (roll-over protective structures) certified for the entire weight of the machine, not just the front tractor section, resulting in a more robust cab. The comfortable, quiet cab features automatic temperature controls, low-effort ergonomic joystick controls and storage compartments. Side windows extend below seat level for ground visibility close to the cab. The cab is roomy enough for the operator to easily swing around in the seat to run the loader. All major components and systems are accessible through the forward-tilting engine canopy and hydraulic tilt cab. The valve banks are located beneath the rear window where they’re easy to access.


Indexator’s hydraulic brake control delivers increased precision Innovation and product development are natural elements of Indexator Rotator Systems daily operations. Hydraulic brake control (BC) now comes as an additional development of Indexator’s MPB-system. BC activates brake function only when it is beneficial, but in particular, brake function is disconnected when not needed. There are varieties available of Indexator’s proven MPB brake links to forwarders and trucks with the BC function. Brake function

will be activated when the grapple is empty, but deactivated with a loaded grapple to reduce brake torque interference in the weighing process. “The greatest advantage of BC is that the powerful MPB brake can be combined with crane scales without risking the weighing precision due to high braking torque,” Sales and Marketing Manager Erik Svensson said. The interface towards crane and grapple is the same as usual even

when mounting a rotator and swing damper prepared for BC. Hence BC can be easily installed without the need for additional features or more hoses. BC uses the same wear parts like other MPB swing dampers, and besides better conditions for weighing, BC also reduces wear on the brake pads and brake discs significantly.

Advantages of choosing BC from Indexator Rotator Systems: • Eliminates the influence of braking torque when weighing with the crane scale • Reduced wear and lower maintenance costs • Easy set up • Additional features or more hoses is not required.

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 59

DEBARKERS In the field

Skimming fat off the top

Flail debarkers are a good choice for industrial chip manufacturers


rom the sawmill to the forest, Peterson Pacific has developed mobile debarking solutions with the 4800F chain flail debarker and, for even more mobility, the 4810F mounted on tracks. The 4800-series machines are designed to debark multiple logs and are used in tandem with whole tree chippers to produce

high quality pulp chips. Capable of processing multiple logs from 5-58 cm (2-23 in) in diameter, the 4800-series increases productivity while reducing bark content, product handling time, and fibre loss. In-field chipping (IFC) also provides higher yields than yard chipping and debarking because

60 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

tops are chipped to smaller diameters. A yield increase of more than 10% is common for IFC. “Peterson’s 4800-series chain flail debarker was Peterson’s first machine, first offered in the early 80s,” Michael Spreadbury, Marketing Manager for Peterson Pacific, said. “Neil Peterson had a clean

chip operation and needed the ability to debark in the field and no one offered a suitable machine for that application. A portable machine was soon developed which was capable of delimbing, and debarking, and we have been building variations of that for over 30 years now. “The 4800-series machines

DEBARKERS In the field

Debarking products that demonstrate the breadth of application for debarking technology when looking to improve operating efficiencies and margins...

are still the industry standard for mobile chipping applications and we continue to develop the product with new innovations. With Tier IV [engine] standards coming, we decided to address that issue with the redesign of the 4800-series machines and have incorporated the new engine package into the machine. We also offer the 4800-series with a standard Tier III

engine for markets that don’t yet require Tier IV. “Probably the most exciting development for the 4800-series is the brand-new 4810F – a tracked version of the machine. We have lots of contractors that are processing smaller piles in thinning operations and need to move more frequently, and the 4810F allows the machine to move

away for quicker clean-up and can be repositioned in minutes – our customers in the field love the mobility of the new machine.” Since the field set-up is much easier with a track debarker, it is more economical to change landings more often to minimise skid distances. Powered by a 350 hp (261 kW) Cat C9 Tier III or Tier IV engine,

the 4800-series machines meet all US, Canadian, and European Union emission regulations. The 4800-series features upper and lower flails, direct drive lower in-feed and out-feed rolls, and a floating direct drive upper feed roll. The bark pusher has been redesigned and is now 1.5 m (5 ft) wide.

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 61

DEBARKERS In the field pellets need to be less than 1% ash which often requires removing some of the bark. Even industrial pellet production can benefit from debarking however. The ash disposal cost can be significant at some power plants. One of the highest operating costs in pellet production is the dies. Clean chips will often increase the life of the pellet dies to more than offset the cost of debarking. The bark can be used as fuel for drying at the pellet plant. A chain flail debarker is an ideal choice for this application because it can process multiple stems and the flail speed can be easily adjusted to debark and clean the logs to the desired level. Peterson can produce an electric powered flail if the application requires a stationary installation.

The Peterson 4810F is a mobile debarker designed to handle multiple logs

The machine also features a dedicated 511 litre (135 gallon) hydraulic oil tank, and a 662 litre (175 gallon) fuel tank to allow the 4800-series to run an entire shift without fill-up. The 4800-series is controlled by an IQAN operating system, which provides the operator the information to efficiently operate the unit. The IQAN system provides self-diagnostics for faulty sensors and open circuits, and can communicate complete engine and system parameters. The operator can operate the machine with a wireless remote which also can link the 4800-series with the Peterson 5900E disc chipper. “The ability to wirelessly link the 4800F to our 5900E disc chipper is a really innovative feature – the operator can control both machines from a single remote,” Spreadbury said. “The operating system monitors feed, and disc speeds, so if the engine RPM drops, both machines feed systems will stop and reverse, preventing jams in the discharge chute.” With a retractable gooseneck, the highway legal 4800F is easily moved between jobs and has a curb weight of 19,350 kg (42,660 lb). The four fixed landing gear (with floating pads) allow the 4800F’s operating height to be adjusted. The tracked 4810F weighs in at 20,048 kg (44,200 lb), and features

400 mm wide triple grouser pads, an a two speed tracking system with a 4 km/h high-speed. Debarkers are traditionally used in the sawmilling industry and for clean pulp chips production. Some customers also debark because they have higher value markets for the bark as a landscape product plus they find that chipper knife life is extended considerably with the dark removed. A new debarking application is for the pellet industry. Bark can make good fuel however premium

The ability to wirelessly link the 4800F to our 5900E disc chipper is a really innovative feature – the operator can control both machines from a single remote – Michael Spreadbury, Peterson

The 4810F is used in tandem with the whole tree chipper

62 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

FD2600-4 Flail Debarker

WTC-2366-T Whole Tree Chipper


New FD-2600-4 Flail Debarker improvements include: • • • • • •

Sauer Plus 1 program with complete system diagnostics Large HD color control screen providing complete machine control and real time data Multiple remote options for non-KBL units Debris containment system 200+ linear feet (61m) per minute feed speed Abrasion resistant steel in all major wear areas.


[adj - proo’ven] “shown to be true, tried and tested beyond any doubt.”

first 4 Flail Debarker in the Industry proven to provide the highest Possible Production While Maintaining the lowest Bark Content and COST PER TON in the Industry

In today’s economy, it is all about the bottom line - your PROFIT. Give us the opportunity to save you money. With more than six years experience with our 4 flail design and over 48 years experience in the forest industry, we will prove to give you the lowest operational cost/lowest COST PER TON than ALL of our competitors.

Introducing the new and improved Precision model 2600-4 flail Debarker. Each drum, as well as the feed system, is reversible and infinitely variable. The unit is powered by a Caterpillar 580 horsepower C15 diesel engine and feeds multiple stems with less than .3 percent (3/10 of 1%) bark content. Improvements include Sauer Plus 1 program with complete

system diagnostics; large HD color control screen providing complete machine control and real time data; multiple remote options for non-KBL units; debris containment system; double sealed taper lock bearings; 200+ linear feet (61m) per minute feed speed; abrasion resistant steel in all major wear areas. Precision Husky also offers four sizes of Whole Tree Chippers

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with rugged frame construction, over-sized stabilizers and air compressors, large hydraulic tanks, trash separators at infeed, more powerful fans that pack 3 to 6 tons more chips per 40’ van. Power options for the four models range from 420 to 1050 horsepower.

DEBARKERS - At the Sawmill


ambio debarkers with their characteristic, spiked rollers in triangular formation are well-known after many decades on the market. The name Cambio, today one of the trade’s strongest trademarks, has become synonymous with rotor debarkers. Söderhamn Eriksson, the owner of this trademark, systematically advances the development of its machines towards ever higher feed speeds and optimised availability without impairing their smooth operation and excellent debarking results. Söderhamn Eriksson has also invested vast resources in the improvement of working conditions around its debarkers. The frames of most Cambio models have been redesigned to accommodate a wider chute under the machines so as to minimise undesirable bark build-up. A newly developed bark guard on the debarker’s infeed side minimises bark spill. Hydraulic platforms folding down into the chutes ensure safe working conditions for tool change and other machine service. Söderhamn Eriksson’s moduledesigned Camshift debarking systems can include a butt-end reducer and up to two debarking rotors. Camshift is available with three rotor sizes and for feed speeds up to 130 m/minute with one rotor, while twin-rotor systems reach feed speeds up to 150 m/ minute. A Camshift 600 can come with tools that can be opened and adjusted during operation. The manually adjustable buttend reducer rotor is infinitely

The Söderhamn Eriksson Cambio 800 is the latest model in this industry leading debarking option for sawmills

The Camshift unit is a versatile option within the sawmil adjustable for reduced diameters of 280-480 mm. The Camshift has got an improved protective housing following along with the rotor units when these are being displaced

Cambio debarkers with their characteristic, spiked rollers in triangular formation are wellknown after many decades on the market – Söderhamn Eriksson

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sideways into service mode for set-up work and tool change. The number of feedworks can vary depending on shortest log length and top or root coming first. The Camshift systems as well as the new Cambio 600 and 800 generation can now be fitted with a new type of feed arm. The new arm features a sturdy, cast housing accommodating a gear reducer motor that drives the feed roller. Gear reducer size can vary from 1.75 kW to 7.5 kW, depending on operating conditions. The biggest advantage of the direct-driven feed

roller is the fact that it can continue operating even if some of the motors fail. Söderhamn Eriksson’s further development of Cambio and Camshift includes the development of their infeed conveyor options. The latest newcomer is a conveyor with a straight, extended trough enabling minimum log gaps as well as log gap reduction. This infeeder operates fully mechanically and requires no control equipment, which guarantees reliable operation and high accessibility.

DEBARKERS - At the Sawmill

Precision Rosserhead Debarker

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SAW TECHNOLOGY Precision Husky’s rosserhead debarkers are capable of debarking logs from 6-60 in (152TECHNOLOGY 1,524 mm) in diameter. The rosserhead debarker has proven for almost a half century to be among the most cost-effective debarkers made. SAW TECHNOLOGY Designed and manufactured for the small to medium size sawmills, they have a very long life and extremely low maintenance cost. Over the years Precision has listened to its customers and made changes to improve performance. With six sizes and a range of options, they will build a debarker to satisfy all production requirements.

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The RZ 1 The RZ 1

Steel cutterheads are heavy duty reinforced steel cylinders with welded depth rings and bolt on cutter RZ 1 bit holders. Depth rings prevent excessive fibreThe removal and damage to head. Heads available in varying widths as an option

Original Cambio debarking Precision Husky Options: 1. Overall size may be shortened or lengthened forand specific needs saw filing room supplies,”

motors. Another advantage is the

nearly complete compensation of York stated. “Oleson bandsaws 2.saw Allfiling steel roominsulated supplies,” operators cab, with lights, motors. Another advantageis is the the motors. Another advantage filing roomand supplies,” are manufactured in our the driving forces to minimise the The possibility of moving the saw arbors in their outer end nearly complete compensation of York stated. “Oleson bandsaws heater and air conditioning. (Stand Alone Cab) ed. “Oleson bandsaws nearly complete compensation of Pennsylvania, USA facility.” bearing the driving forces to minimise the load. are manufactured in our The possibility of moving the saw arbors in their outer end position clears the whole working space and allows easy ufactured inPennsylvania, our forces to minimise the “The high drive power makes it facility.” bearing load. Theunits possibility of moving the saw arbors in their outer end the driving 3. DieselUSA powered are available working space andifallows easy bearing vania, USA facility.” The prototype double arbor position clears the wholetrouble-shooting load. – Linck necessary possible to split multiple products “The high drive power makes it position clears the whole working space and allows easy Export models may have motors fortrouble-shooting 380/3/50 “The hightodrive if necessary – Linck The4. prototype double arbor possible split power multiplemakes products and it to process large cross circular saw from German trouble-shooting if necessary – Linck and totoprocess large cross circular saw from German Linck, the model otype double arbor possible split multiple products manufacturer sections with high feed speeds,” operation

manufacturer Linck, the model withlarge high feed speeds,” and sections to process cross saw from German the manufacturer said. “The MKS, has a fixed saw sleeve and has a fixed saw sleeve and power may be supplied the manufacturer said.speeds,” “The 5.model Additional hydraulic turer Linck,MKS, the with high feed machine is therefore suitable for was presented at the Ligna trade guides. The saw arbors can high cuttingsections speed allows the use was presented at the Ligna trade guides. The saw arbors can high cutting speed allows the use machine is therefore suitable for forshow live in decks or hydraulic kickers therefore be positioned for s a fixed saw sleeve and thewith manufacturer said. “The saw lines where the existing split 2013. With its large of saw blades saw show in 2013. With its large therefore be positioned for of saw blades with smaller saw sawsmaller lines where the existing split machine is therefore suitable for sented at the Ligna trade guides. The mm, saw arbors can different high cutting speed allows the use clamping length of 560 the saw blade diameters. kerfs. saw is reducing capacity.” saw is reducing capacity.” clamping length ofhead 560 mm, the different saw blade kerfs. 6. Barking size may be ncreased ordiameters. saw lines the existing 2013. With its largecan therefore be positioned for of smaller More thancomponents 6.500 units machine process four-sided “The possibility of moving The use counter bearings for The single components of the machine processcan four-sided “The possibility of moving thesaw blades Thewith usethe of countersaw bearings for of The where single of split the for specific needs g length of 560 the different saw blade diameters. kerfs. sawwith is reducing capacity.” machine produced by Linck machine are of cantsmm, ofdecreased upcants to 600 width. saw arbors in their end in the saw speeds ofmm up total to 600 mm total width. sawouter arbors their outer endarbors with higher the saw arbors higher speeds produced by Linck are of sold worldwide The height of 350 mm position clears the whole working reduces the bearing load to a the bearing high quality The single ofhigh thetoquality and precise design to can process four-sided “The of moving the of counter bearings for The cutting height ofpossibility 350 mm position clearsThe theuse whole working reduces load components toand a precise design 7.cutting Precision Bark Conveyor may be included as allows thewidth. processing ofsaw large spaceouter and allows easy troubleminimum andhigher the saw arbor units machine ensure “excellentby lumber produced Lincksurface are of “excellent lumber surface up to 600 mm total arborsofinlarge their endspace the saw arbors with speeds allows the processing and allows easy troubleminimum and the saw arbor units ensure part of debarking frame.the whole quality and exceptional dimension cross if necessary,” Linck said. are bearing suitable for robust and ng height of 350sections. mm position clearsshooting working reduces the load to aare quality and precise design to and exceptional dimension cross sections. shooting if necessary,” Linck said. suitablehigh for robust and quality The saw arbors can be The saw arbor bearing is a continuous operation. The counter accuracy”. This accuracy is also ensure “excellent lumber surface he processing of large The saw arbors space and allows easy trouble-The saw arbor minimum andisthe saw arbor continuous units can be bearing a operation. The counter accuracy”. This accuracy is also achieved by the optional use of positioned in height completely new design for speeds bearings are hydraulically pulled ctions. shooting Linck said. are suitable forspeeds robust andandbearings and exceptional dimension achieved by the optional use of positioned in height if necessary,” completely design hydraulically pulled independently from each other of up to 3,900 rpm. This high new off for the saw arbors moved arequality guide plates being installed at the aw arbors can beservo-hydraulics The saw arbor bearing is aof up with operation. The counter accuracy”. accuracy is also using with linear speed in combination thecontinuous upwards The saw in and/or outfeed side, depending guide plates being installed at the independently from each other to 3,900 rpm. This highon a carriage. off the saw arbors and This moved ed in height completely with new design bearings arbors are hydraulically the saw optional useinofand/or outfeed side, depending on theby application. can easily bepulled accessed using servo-hydraulics linear for speeds speed in combination with the upwardsforonachieved a carriage. The a comfortable, safe and fast tool A saw blade spraying device is application. dently from each other of up to 3,900 rpm. This high off the saw arbors and moved guide be plates being for installed on at the the arbors can easily accessed available for processing resinous change. Partly mechanised and in and/or outfeed side, depending rvo-hydraulics with linear speed in combination with the upwards on a carriage. The saw A saw blade spraying device is a comfortable, safe and fast tool fully automatic systems are wood such as larch, protecting the arbors can easily be accessed for Partly on the application. change. mechanised and available for processing resinous available for changing the tools. saw blades against resin. saw blade spraying device is such as larch, protecting the a comfortable, safe and fast fully tool automaticAsystems wood Additionalare advantages are the The maximum drive power is for processing resinous change. Partly mechanised and available foravailable changing the tools. saw blades against resin. 1,000 kW. Two three-phase increased life time of the saw fully automatic systems are drive wood suchas aswell larch, protecting the blades as power asynchronous motors Theeach maximum drive power is reduced Additional advantages are the sawthree-phase blades against resin. increased life time of the saw available saw for changing the arbor, which aretools. installed andTwo consumption. 1,000 kW. offset by drive about power 180° toasynchronous allow the Additional “Thedrive double arbor circular saw as well as reduced power advantages are the The maximum is motors each blades MKS has successfully of three-phase marketable standard 1,000 kW.use Two increased lifealready time and of the saw saw arbor, which are installed consumption. blades astowell as the reduced power asynchronous motors drive each offset by about 180° allow “The double arbor circular saw consumption. saw arbor, which are installed and 26 International Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014 MKS has already successfully use of marketable standard offset by about 180° to allow the “The double arbor circular saw use of marketable standard MKS has already successfully

· Wide range of single rotor debarkers · Integrated simplified butt-end reducing · CamShift modular debarking systems · Log diameters up to 80 cm · Speed range 30–150 m/min · All logs clean without fiber loss

26 International Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014

ational Forest Industries | FEBRUARY 2014/MARCH 2014

— a member of the Cellwood Group —

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 67



A Chip Mill in Bonner, Montana with a Price LogPro Versa Drum

Versa Drum debarker improves production output summer & winter The Versa Drum Debarker designed and manufactured by Price LogPro, LLC features removable lifters (Photo A) and bark slot abraders (Photo B) for winter operation

Versa Drum The Versa Drum Debarker designed and manufactured by Price LogPro, LLC features removable lifters (Photo A) and bark slot abraders (Photo B) for winter operation.

Versa Drum in Bonner, Montana Each of these attachments includes teeth which aid in the removal of frozen bark, attached ice, and trapped materials (e.g. dirt, sand, etc.) from the log during very cold conditions (Photo D). As demonstrated in the Chip Mill in Bonner, Montana, the result is substantially improved bark removal and chipper knife life during this time without a hot water deicing system. Using the attachments at the appropriate times, they are able to continuously achieve 180 to 200 tons/hour while maintaining less than 1% bark content in the chips year round. In the winter, they improve the drum performance by increasing the drum speed from 9 rpm to 12 rpm using the heavy duty chain drive with VFAC control. They then attach all of the versa lifters to achieve the production levels even during the 2-3 months of frozen wood. In the spring they slow the drum back down to 9 rpm and remove the versa lifters to keep the same production and keep white wood losses at a minimum. Placing attachments on the inside of a debarking drum without welding is a concern due to

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possible dislodging. To prevent the removable lifters and bark slot abraders from dislodging from the drum, they are bolted with high strength bolts and nuts which are then tacked in place. When the attachments are removed in

the spring, the bolts are cut off. The attachment teeth are then sharpened/repaired in the shop during the easy peeling season. New bolts/nuts are then used and tacked in the late fall when the attachments are reinstalled.


The Versa Drum in Bonner, Montana is able to remove ice and debris during frozen months.

LOG PRO ad 08.2013_Layout 1 20/08/2013 12:27 Page


Environmental Advantage

Bark removal percentage and the production level of an existing Drum Debarker can be improved by adding a selected number of removable lifters and bark slot abraders to the Drum. If the resulting bark removal and white wood loss is too high, some of the lifters can be removed as needed to achieve the desired output.

The Versa Drum Debarker offers environmental advantages over traditional deicing systems, because there is no extra water which needs substantial heat injection and resulting water cleanup systems to achieve Environmental acceptance levels for water cleanup.

A Removable Lifter

B Bark Slot Abrader

Bark Slot Abrader

Cost Advantage Traditional deicing systems with the required energy input, water collection/distribution, and accompanying water treatment equipment can prove to be very expensive and maintenance

intensive. When facing the challenge of processing frozen wood, consideration should be given to the Versa Drum, which can achieve remarkable production levels all year round.

Steam (40,000 lb/hr) Steam Heater

Warm Water (475 gpm)

Steam Heater

2,400 gpm

Circulation Water

800 gpm

3,000 gpm

Dewatering Conveyor

Stones Stone Conveyor

Grit Conveyor

A Diagram of a Traditional Deicing System with Necessary Peripherals JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 69


Hot & Heavy

One of the new 1075B forwarders with approximately 22 tonnes of pruned logs in the bunks

Dalfey’s hot logging operations are all about big timber and soft landings

Uruguay is a country of gently rolling indigenous grasslands, grazed by 12 million head of cattle. Luis Achugar, director of Rivera, Uruguay based harvesting company Dalfey S.A., observes that his country moves in an opposite direction to many others. While many countries are removing native and plantation forests in favour of pasture and farmland, in Uruguay, pastures are being converted to extremely efficient pine and eucalyptus forests. Dalfey contracts to the familyowned forestry company, COFUSA, also based in Rivera. COFUSA has been engaged in planting and forest management in the sandy soils of the Rivera-Tacuarembo region of northern Uruguay since 1988. The growing season is long and annual rainfall can exceed 2 000 mm (80 in). COFUSA’s forest landholdings total 40 000 ha (nearly 100,000 acres) of mainly the species Eucalyptus grandis. URUFOR is the sistercompany that processes logs from COFUSA’s plantations at a truly state-of-theart sawmill, producing high quality lumber and engineered products. Strategically situated, average haul distance to the mill is only 30 km

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(20 mi). The two companies employ more than 600 people. Luis studied agriculture in Montevideo, and in his final years, decided to specialize in forestry, a seemingly strange decision in the late nineties, when the Uruguayan forest industry was in its infancy and nowhere near the current 13 million cubic metre annual cut. “This was before there was even a pulp mill in Uruguay,” says Luis. But the decision proved prescient. He began working at COFUSA in 2000 and stayed seven years, making the rounds in various departments where he learned about planting, pruning, road engineering and harvesting operations. In 2007, COFUSA suggested that he become a harvesting contractor. It was a perfect partnership. Luis understood the complexities of silviculture, road infrastructure and harvesting procedures and had already demonstrated the required management skills. For COFUSA, retaining a contractor who was a former company insider was a big advantage – it helped with quality control of the final product mix while ensuring the crucial raw material supply.

COFUSA had mechanized its harvesting operations in 2005. In 2008, during the research phase for new equipment, Luis and Andres Gómez, COFUSA forestry manager, visited the Tigercat factory facilities and became convinced that Tigercat offered an acceptable solution to their unique harvesting system requirements. In 2009, Luis purchased two 1075B forwarders, a custom-built 855C feller buncher and an H855C harvester. Over the past five years, he has added three more 1075B forwarders, another H855C, an H845C, a used 822C buncher and a 220D loader. Contracting to COFUSA, Dalfey harvests the vast majority of wood that flows through the sawmill as well as pulpwood. Part of the success of COFUSA and URUFOR can be explained by a homogeneous raw material and strict quality control throughout the entire process. Very few companies in the world produce high value lumber from eucalyptus and COFUSA exerts exacting control over the supply chain from seedling to mill yard. For its part, Dalfey ensures URUFOR’s log supply and quality.


The H845C processing in-stand in a second thinning operation

The COFUSA story is an inspiring one. The company began in 1988. The original plan was to grow eucalyptus and export pulp to Scandinavia. In 1992, the family decided to enter the business of manufacturing lumber for export. At the time, this was a radical idea. Other companies were sawing eucalyptus for pallets but no one was trying to make high quality FSC certified lumber

meant to compete against tropical hardwoods. Considerable research, development and investment followed on the sawmill side of the business to determine a method to manufacture boards and engineered products that would be able to compete with the best known traditional hardwoods. COFUSA began harvesting legacy plantations in 1992 and started thinning its own

plantations in 2002. The sawmill expanded rapidly over the last decade, adding advanced German and Italian mill equipment. The product offering and daily throughput also grew. URUFOR exports boards, laminated beams and finger joint products for diverse uses such as joinery, window frames, flooring, furniture and pallets to markets in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Middle

East and North America. The annual mill input is 300 000 cubic metres (approximately 300,000 tons). The problem with eucalyptus is that it dries out rapidly, causing splitting. So from the moment the feller buncher drops a tree, an imaginary stopwatch starts ticking. The saw logs cut from that tree must arrive at the mill yard within 24 hours of the tree hitting the forest floor. This is the epitome of hot logging and the operation showcases the importance of machine availability and system balance.

The harvesting operations

Supervisor, Marcos de Oliveira with Luis (centre) and H855C operator, Rolando

There are a few somewhat unique aspects to Dalfey’s harvesting operations. In order to understand it all, one must have an appreciation for COFUSA’s underlying silviculture process, which is intensive. In the first years after planting, a number of herbicide and fertilizer treatments are applied. Prunings occur in the first five years to 10 m (33 ft) in height. The first commercial thinning occurs at seven to nine years and at thirteen to fifteen years, a second thinning yields pulp logs and saw logs. JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 71


One of Dalfey’s new 1075B forwarders. The new Tigercat crane is improving productivity, in this case, picking up three logs compared to the Loglift which could only handle two

We visited a 15-year-old second thinning. Since the majority of the wood is destined for the pulp mill, the operation is not hot and the feller buncher had already moved on to another site. (The wood is already too large to be effectively and efficiently felled with a harvester.) A Tigercat H845C tracked harvester carrier equipped with a Log Max 7000 is processing in-stand and one of the original 20,000 hour 1075B forwarders extracts 7 m (23 ft) pulp logs and 5 m (16 ft) saw logs to roadside. After this thinning, only 150 trees per hectare remain on the stand. The intensive pruning and thinning is supported by reams of studies that take more into account than the total volume yield of the

final fell. As Luis explains, it is more important to apply real dollars to the end products sawn out of the larger timber. “Some people ask why we leave so few trees in the stand,” says Luis conceding that the overall volume is reduced. “But the value of the trees in dollar terms based on the products that are sawn from them is optimized.” In this case, less is more. COFUSA benefits from the fact that Luis understands the logic behind the decisions and the end game. Sure it isn’t optimal for Tigercat 855C sized carriers to fell and process three and four tonne trees all day long but those massive saw logs whizzing through the mill as scanners and saws work their magic is what differentiates

If you don’t hear any iron noises, the operators are working well on the forwarders.

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COFUSA - URUFOR from every other forest products company on the planet. The final fell occurs at 20 years. By this point the trees are 45 m (150 ft) in height and average piece size is 3 tonnes (3.3 tons). Pruned to 10 m, the trees yield two 5 m clear logs and three unpruned saw logs. The remainder of the trees are merchandised into pulpwood. To further mitigate costly damage from splitting, the monsters must be controlled and laid down softly during the felling process. This eliminates the possibility of using a directional felling saw which would avoid all the double cutting and be far easier on the carrier. Instead, Luis must use a feller buncher and hot saw to control-fell and lay the trees. The 855C feller buncher works one shift per day Because the operation is so hot, the buncher cannot be any further than one shift ahead of the rest of the crew. In total, the 855C has worked 6,600 hours in just under five years in this very extreme application. Incredibly, structural

issues have been limited to the 30 degree wrist assembly which required a reinforcement plate, and one cracked saw blade; Luis isn’t complaining. The buncher lays the trees out in a spaced fan pattern so that the limbs – the larger of which can be 12-20 cm (5-8 in) in diameter – are removed manually. Then the H855C tracked harvester equipped with a Log Max 10000 processes the massive trees. While watching harvester operator, Rolando, wrestling with the trees at the edge of the stand, Luis calculates the volume of a tree that Rolando has just processed. The five saw logs weigh in at nearly six tonnes and this does not take into account the two pulp logs. Two harvesters work two shifts per day producing 450-650 tonnes (500-720 tn) per machine per day. Two 1075B forwarders – purchased in late 2013 – also work double shifts to move the wood to roadside for monthly production of 24 000-26 000 tonnes (26,500-28,660 tn). The night shift forwarder operators also


Some of the trees at the edge of the stand are quite large. Although this stem is around seven tonnes, Rolando processed it without issue

load trucks because the Tigercat 220D loader only works a single day shift. In total, the forwarders and harvesters are piling on 5,000 hours per year. The original 1075B

machines, purchased in late 2008 and early 2009 and now deployed in the thinning operations, have acquired over 20,000 hours apiece. Luis considers the forwarders

integral to his operation and asserts that no other brand could perform this task nearly as efficiently, noting that the load capacity is higher and the fuel

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The prototype Tigercat FG430 grapple

When Luis purchased the second set of forwarders, both machines came equipped with Tigercat’s prototype crane. The high capacity F195F85 takes the machines to another level. “I have not done the time studies yet but even with the rotator problems, productivity is higher,” says Luis. (Tigercat is also testing a prototype rotator on the two machines.) Rough observation by Tigercat engineering observing one machine for one shift showed average production of 58 m3 per hour, compared with Luis’s long term average for the original machines of 45 m3 per hour. Fuel consumption on the older machines averages 14 L/ hr compared with 16-17 L/hr with the new machines, although Luis says that some of that difference is attributable to the fact the new

forwarders do less truck loading – a relatively easy job. The clear logs weigh 0,75-1 tonne. Luis says that the old forwarder could only lift one log at a time. If the log was further from the machine or especially heavy, the operator would have to drag it toward the machine before lifting it or manoeuvre the machine closer to the logs. The new machines can easily handle a single log and often pick up two logs at once, effectively doubling production per lift cycle. Factor in the larger grapple (one of the machines is also equipped with Tigercat’s prototype FG430 grapple) and the increased productivity in the pulp logs is equally significant. “One machine has done 535 truckloads in 23 days. That is close to 700 tonnes per day in addition to loading 70 trucks,” says Luis. It seems that if there was ever an application custom tailored to the 1075B, this is it.

Luis keeps track of all the numbers and can easily calculate production per person, per machine, per shift and per litre of fuel consumed. He also carefully tracks downtime and fuel consumption. Operators are paid bonuses based on the criteria of productivity and machine uptime. All operators are trained from scratch. While new hires may have experience running agricultural equipment, Luis does not hire anyone with previous logging equipment experience and looks more at personality as opposed to experience and qualifications. Luis constantly compliments his operators as we observe the operations. Watching forwarder operator Hugo de Canto silently picking a load of saw logs, Luis

comments, “If you don’t hear any iron noises, the operators are working well on the forwarders.” Clear fell crew supervisor, Marcos de Oliveira, worked with Luis at COFUSA. “When I told him I was leaving the company, he said he was coming with me,” says Luis. Dalfey employs 40 people split into three crews for first thinning, second thinning and clear felling. Employee turnover is extremely low and it is obvious from the well maintained machines and spotless cab interiors that the operators value their work and equipment.

Cofusa and Urufor are Forestry companies committed to grow manufacture and market high quality Eucalyptus Grandis timber products. Both companies are located in the North of Uruguay and belong to the same economic group. Uruguay is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, between 30 and 35 degrees latitude south. It has an estimated population of 3 million

people, mostly descendants of European immigrants. It presents smooth topography with a historic agricultural and cattle breeding tradition and very few native woodlands, usually on areas bordering brooks and rivers margins. Uruguay is a stable country, both economically and politically, and it is among the world’s best ranked countries on environmental

sustainability. The Forestry sector began its steady growth in the late 80s, as a result of favorable government policies. COFUSA has been engaged in planting and forest management since 1989. Plantations are carried out under sustainable conditions on sandy deep soils in the departments of Rivera and Tacuarembo with annual rainfalls

exceeding 65´´. Cofusa owns 30,000 hectares (about 75,000 acres) of plantations and employs, together with Urufor, more than 400 workers. URUFOR: Processes logs from Cofusa’s plantations at its state of the art sawmill for the production of high quality Red Grandis lumber and laminated products.

efficiency more favourable than any other machine he has run.

Prototype crane and grapple

74 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

Luis Achugar with forwarder operator Hugo de Canto

This article originally appeared in Between the Branches, March 2014, the official publication of Tigercat Industries Inc.


FAE celebrate 25 years SFM/Forestry tiller

The FAE GROUP, a market leader in the design and construction of high quality professional machinery for the land clearing and construction sectors, is celebrating its 25th year of business


he company can look back with great pride on the results it has achieved since 1989: 25 years of constant technological innovation, quality, product reliability and customer service. The FAE GROUP has proven itself the ideal partner for professionals that need to clean-up forests and shred plant waste, crush stones, grind layers of rock and asphalt, stabilize the soil (even at significant depths). FAE technology is reliable and the quality of the components and materials used guarantee extreme robustness, high performance and efficiency over time. Professionals around the world recognize our qualities and benefits.

FAE GROUP is proud to introduce the NEW SFM a multitask equipment, Forestry Mulcher / Stone Crusher for tractors between 180 and 250 HP, with mulching diameter and maximum working depth of 30 cm. The new SFM is designed and built to grind trees and stumps up to 40 cm in diameter and crushing rocks up to 30cm in diameter with a single machine. This unique machine combines the functionality and efficiency of a forestry mulcher/forestry tiller with that of a stone crusher. The wide range of options make this machine extremely versatile for work in multiple applications.

The HYDRAULIC PUSHING FRAME is the ideal option to mulch standing trees. The HYDRAULIC SUPPORT ROLLER is designed and recommended for soil reclamation. It helps in working depth adjustment and ensures an evenly smooth soil after tilling. The SUPPORT ROLLER can be occasionally used as pushing frame The GRADER BLADE is designed for levelling the ground as for example in gravel and dirt road construction/maintenance. The GRADER BLADE can be occasionally used as pushing frame. The three “operating equipment” are directly interchangeable thanks to the same coupling system. High quality materials, reliable technology and attention to details guarantee strength and durability over time. Technical solutions such as the “Double steel cage system” machine shell, the double side gear type transmission and the self-aligning PTO driveshaft/ gearbox system ensure excellent performances and reliability over time. The self-aligning PTO driveshaft/gearbox system allows the shaft to align with the gear box when working on uneven terrain. The gearbox multiplier system makes it possible to run the rotor

SFM/Forestry mulcher

SFM/Stone Crusher at two different PTO speeds: 540rpm for crushing stones, and 1000rpm for mulching wood. All internal parts subject to wear, such as the internal protections and the counter blades, are fully and easily replaceable by means of a bolt-on system. The standard equipment includes two sets of counter blades: the first

one is adjustable and allows you to control particle size of the output material; the second one is a set of forestry type toothed blades. The “Land Clearing skids” ensures optimal agriculture and forestry operations. Special skids are also available as option for the working depth adjustment.

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 75


Ponsse launches H77euca harvester head Ponsse introduced its new H77euca harvester head for eucalyptus operations in May and displayed the model at the Expoforest 2014 industry fair in Brazil. The Ponsse H77euca is a continuation of the harvester head product family upgrades. The new model is based on the technical solutions of the harvester heads and has been tested and designed together with the local customers. Ponsse’s H77euca harvester head is specially designed for efficient harvesting of eucalyptus – without compromises. It has strong feeding and extremely fast cutting: it´s feed power is 25/29 kN (5,6206,520 lbf ) and feed speed: 5.5-6 m/s (18.1–19.7 ft/s). The geometry and technical features have been chosen to maximise productivity through effective debarking, strong

feeding and fast sawing. The H77euca is a powerful and robust debarking head but a kit for conventional logging also available. Durability and easy maintenance have been key factors in the new design. The H77euca has strong, cast delimbing blades with extended tips for easy picking up of trees. Variable geometry of feed rollers optimise the feeding. The Ponsse Opti control system offers the ultimate features to suit the H77euca best for each working condition and operator preference. The settings are easy with the Opti4G or Opti2 control system. The operator doesn’t need to adapt to the control system – the control system is adapted for the operator. Ponsse established its subsidiary Ponsse Latin America in Brazil in 2005. Since then, Ponsse

The Ponsse H77euca goes to work in South America

has offered its products to meet the requirements of local harvesting. Another Ponsse’s subsidiary Ponsse Uruguay caters for the markets in Uruguay. Ponsse’s product range has included

debarking harvester heads since 2005. The new H77euca is meant for the Ponsse Ergo and ScorpionKing harvesters and trackbased machines over 20 t.

Fire protection for mobile equipment supervised circuits with colourcoded, plug-and-play connectors for detection, release and external 12/24 VDC primary power source. CHECKFIRE 110 offers two reliable forms of detection used individually or in combination: linear detection wire and spot thermal detection. Features include: Day after day, the superheated engine parts of mobile forestry equipment work within millimetres of flammable liquids and combustible debris. Ansul automatic fire suppression systems and portable extinguishers are designed to protect this expensive equipment. The company is rolling out a significant advance in cuttingedge detection and actuation. Ansul’s new CHECKFIRE 110 detection and actuation system provides cost-effective, singlezone detection and electrical and/ or optional pneumatic input to actuate an Ansul fire suppression system. The system features

• LED system status indicators • Dust and water tight (IP67 rated) • Automatic or manual operation • Internal reserve power source • C ompact size for console mounting • FM approved and CE marked. Ansul’s LVS fire suppression system agent provides both fire suppression and superior cooling of superheated surfaces while blanketing fuel and cutting off oxygen to help prevent reflash. The liquid agent flows readily into hardto-reach areas where flammable liquids may have travelled. The liquid agent also provides soaking

76 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

properties that are effective on the Class-A debris common in forestry environments. Additional features include tank capacities of 18.9-113.6 litres and an effective operating range of -40-60°C. The A-101 fire suppression system discharges proven FORAY multipurpose dry chemical agent to quickly knock down Class A, B and C fires. With tank capacities from 4.5-113.4 kg, the A-101 fixed nozzle system can be designed to flood entire volumes with dry chemical agent or to discharge directly at specific high-hazard areas. Features include manual and/or automatic detection and actuation, a variety of agent tank options and a low-profile tank option for environments and applications where space is at a premium. Plus, the extreme temperature option ranges from -54-99°C. Within the CHECKFIRE system, the linear detection wire consists of spring-steel conductors separated by a heat sensitive insulator. At

the temperature rating of the wire, 180°C, the insulator melts and the two conductors make contact, sending a signal to the detection module, which signals the control module to actuate the fire suppression system. With spot thermal detection, the thermal detector contacts close and signal the control module to initiate fire suppression when the temperature reaches either 121°C or 177°C depending on the model selected. This is a major event for the group because none of Ansul’s products get released to the distributors around the world before they are fully trained. IFI was in Madrid, Spain in late May where an EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) distributor group was going through the three days of CHECKFIRE instruction, which includes and ‘open-book’ examination that has to be passed.


FAE pushes forward with new SFM FAE has added to its mulching range with a forestry mulcher and stone crusher for tractors between 180-250 HP that has a mulching diameter and maximum working depth of 30 cm.

The new SFM is designed and built to grind trees and stumps up to 40 cm in diameter and crushing rocks up to 30cm in diameter with a single machine. This unique machine combines the functionality and efficiency of a forestry mulcher/forestry tiller with that of a stone crusher.The wide range of options make this machine extremely versatile for work in multiple applications:

time. The self-aligning PTO driveshaft/gearbox system allows the shaft to align with the gear box when working on uneven terrain.

• T he GRADER BLADE is designed for levelling the ground as for example in gravel and dirt road construction/maintenance. The GRADER BLADE can be occasionally used as pushing frame.

All internal parts subject to wear, such as the internal protections and the counter blades, are fully and easily replaceable by means of a bolt-on system. The standard equipment includes two sets of counter blades: • The first one is adjustable and allows you to control particle size of the output material • T he second one is a set of forestry type toothed blades.

The gearbox multiplier system makes it possible to run the rotor at two different PTO speeds: 540rpm for crushing stones, and 1000rpm for mulching wood.

• T he HYDRAULIC PUSHING FRAME is the ideal option to mulch standing trees

Log Max adds the 7000twin head Log Max is adding a new product to its already wide product range, the 7000Twin, a heavy-duty head to be mounted on tracked carriers. Following the success of the 6000Twin, the Log Max 7000Twin – featuring twin bottom delimbing knives – is engineered for low branched tree and heavy timber. High power is one of the heads main feature, able the deliver up to 41.7kN and weighing in at only 1,889 kg. To handle this power a new cast felling link has been introduced, making the 7000Twin the ideal choice for large tracked carriers. A few features at a glance:

• T he HYDRAULIC SUPPORT ROLLER is designed and recommended for soil reclamation. It helps in working depth adjustment and ensures an evenly smooth soil after tilling. The SUPPORT ROLLER can be occasionally used as pushing frame

The three “operating equipment” are directly interchangeable thanks to the same coupling system. High quality materials, reliable technology and attention to details guarantee strength and durability over time. Technical solutions such as the “Double steel cage system” machine shell, the double side gear type transmission and the self-aligning PTO driveshaft/ gearbox system ensure excellent performances and reliability over

• 7 50 mm maximum cutting capacity • Twin bottom knives • Cast felling link • Active friction control The “Land Clearing skids” ensures optimal agriculture and forestry operations. Special skids are also available as option for the working depth adjustment.

• I mproved wiring for Log Mate 500 (eliminating the lower junction box) • P owerful 1147 cc feed roller motors • O ptional variable displacement 660-1320 cc.

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 77


John Deere brings Eight-Wheeled Harvester to North America Available on 1270E IT4 Harvester, Eight-Wheel option adds stability, climbing ability John Deere made headlines with the debut of an eight-wheeled version of the 1270E Interim Tier 4 (IT4)/Stage IIIB cut-to-length Harvester at Elmia Wood 2013. The stability and climbing ability of the eight-wheeled harvester has been praised by customers in Europe, and is now available as an option on all of John Deere’s 1270E Harvesters in North America. “The 1270E is our most powerful and productive harvester yet for steep ground,” said Pekka Leppanen, product marketing manager for John Deere. “With the addition of the eight-wheeled option, this machine is now more versatile than ever before, offering the best possible performance for our customers who work on demanding terrain.”

The eight-wheeled option for the 1270E was specifically designed for steep slope and soft soil conditions. The eight-wheel drive provides superior traction and stability even in the most difficult of conditions. It also offers more power, higher ground clearance, a large approach angle and strong Duraxle™ bogie axles with customized balancing gear units. These features allow the 1270E to perform well on steep slopes. Additional highlights of the 1270E eight-wheeled harvester include: • E ngine Power – The eightwheeled 1270E harvester comes standard with John Deere’s 6090 PowerTech™ Plus turbocharged engine. This increase in power delivers a level of productivity previously unseen in this sizeclass.

• O perator Comfort – A leveling and rotating cabin provides additional operator comfort and productivity on steep terrain. • S erviceability – Key machine components such as the drive valve are well-positioned for ease of maintenance.

John Deere’s eight-wheeled 1270E Harvester is now available in North America. For more information, visit

Tigercat FPT powers D-series loaders Tigercat released its next generation 250D and T250D loaders this spring. The D-series loaders are powered by the Tigercat FPT N67 Tier 4i engine delivering 160 kW (215 hp). The high horsepower Tigercat engine is extremely fuel-efficient and positions the 250D/T250D at the top end of its size class. The 250B and T250B loaders will remain available to markets outside of North America and Europe, where Tier 4 is not required. Tigercat has introduced additional enhancements to the D-series loaders to increase productivity and performance especially with respect to multifunctioning capabilities. With a highly refined hydraulic system, the main boom, travel and grapple functions are now routed through a new control valve, which improves multi-functioning performance

and response. A separate valve is used solely for attachments and auxiliary hydraulics. The electronic controls have been replaced with pilot controls and the new joystick handles are taller, with improved ergonomics. Other design features that maximize comfort and daily service access for the operator include the large entry platform, an air ride suspension seat and insulation and isolation mounting for reduced vibration and in-cab noise levels. The engine and hydraulic component layout has improved with easy access and serviceability in mind.

About the Tigercat FPT engine series Tigercat FPT engines meet Tier

78 International Forest Industries | JUNE / JULY 2014

4 emission levels without the need for variable geometry turbochargers, an EGR system, a higher capacity cooling system, an intake throttle body or a diesel particulate filter. Furthermore, the engine series offers improved reliability and lower long-

term maintenance costs. Most importantly, Tigercat FPT engines are fully supported by Tigercat and the Tigercat dealer network, including all parts, service, warranty and technical support.


No fear of drum damage At INTERFORST 2014 Komptech presents a new contraryprotection design for the Chippo. If a massive contrary overloads the blade, the blade mounting swings away to protect it The mobile Chippo drum chipper doesn’t always have the luxury of ideal working conditions. For example, with forestry residue it is often not clear where the material is from and what it might have in it in the way of large stones or big pieces of metal. Despite the Chippo’s innovative blade mounting system, intended first and foremost to ensure ideal chipping quality, in the past large contraries could damage the

blades to an extent Komptech was no longer willing to accept. The company therefore looked carefully at the issue and developed a solution to address it. At INTERFORST 2014, the leading forestry trade fair, which takes place 16-20 July in Munich, Komptech is presenting a new contrary resistance feature for the Chippo. When the blade encounters a contrary it can’t deal with, a shear bolt in the blade mounting gives way so that the blade can swing away an into the drum. In combination with economical blades, this effectively reduces downtime to a minimum. Innovative and effective Contrasting with the existing

contrary safeties of conventional chippers on the market, for the Chippo there is now a new optional drum with rotating blade mountings. The concept was adopted from the high-speed Axtor shredder, so it has already proven its viability in several years of use. The blade mountings are held in place by shear bolts. A contrary exceeding the design capacity causes the bolt to break, allowing the entire blade mounting to rotate into the drum and protecting it from further damage. In combination with economical quick-replacement blades, this protects the entire chipping unit from large contraries as well as smaller, wear-causing impurities like stones and other soil components. Also the material discharge is adapted to coarser wood chippings and is done exclusively by a conveyor belt. User benefits This new version of the Chippo

offers notable benefits to users. They can save substantially on costs when working material with high contrary content, which can otherwise cause serious damage to machines. For one thing, fewer components are damaged and for another, those that are damaged can be replaced quickly, reducing downtime to a minimum. For contract service providers, the new system offers the great advantage that they can continue to work with up to five blades retracted, so they can finish up the job. Blade mount changes are quick and easy, and can be done on-site. With this contrary protection design, Komptech has made another advance in efficient, quality-conscious chipping: Contraries are a fact of life, but the damage they do can be greatly reduced!

SP demoed their dedicated eucalyptus debarking harvester head SP 591 LX G2 at Expoforest Brazil Together with its Brazilian dealer Tracbel, SP exhibited on the Expoforest show in Sao Paolo Brazil from the 21st to the 23 of May. The dedicated eucalyptus debarking harvester head SP 591 LX G2 was shown on demo installed on a Tigercat H845C tracked harvester. Another SP 591 LX G2 was on static display in the stand together with the new robust allrounder, the SP 761 LF. Both harvester heads drew a lot of attention and many new interested contacts was made with contractors and forestry companies from mainly Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.

The SP 591 LX G2 is purpose built for harvesting and debarking of plantation grown eucalyptus. It is an extremely strong and tough harvester head, designed according to the LX principle for maximum reliability and productivity even under the toughest conditions. The uncompromised LX design is to be found all throughout the harvester head, from large components like frame and knives down to pins and seals. In spite of its brute and tough appearance the SP 591 LX G2 does not just offer strength and reliability. Smart solutions like proportional pressures in combination with an

unprecedented debarking efficiency also make the SP 591 LX G2 an extremely fast, productive and fuel efficient harvester head – the SP 591 LX G2 ruly is a high speed powerhouse for xtreme jobs. The SP 591 LX G2 is optimized for best productivity and performance handling tree sizes from 10 to 35 cm (4-14”) and is equally productive working in a CTL

application as it is processing decked wood out of a pile.

JUNE / JULY 2014 | International Forest Industries 79

The second biggest event in Brazil 2014!

John Deere Forestry is seeking to restructure its sales territories of forest machinery in France. This move has been triggered by the insolvency and liquidation of the former sales partner for eastern, northern and parts of central France, Forêt Materiel Assistence (FMA). FMA has been involved in insolvency proceedings since 17 Apri 2013. The liquidation proceedings were instigated on 2 October 2013. In future, therefore, Bouchard Forêts in

Saint-Brice will be taking over sales of John Deere forest machinery in northern France. On it’s production lines Deere is concentrating on introducing more fuel efficient forestry machineries thereby hinting on a better improving fuel economy on Forestry Swing Machine with an updated pump/management system and fuel economy kit for existing models. When operating in high-power mode, these

6 International Forest Industries | DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014


he Expoforest 2014 exceeded all records throughout the three-day event in Mogi Guaçu (SP). In total, the Brazilian Forest Fair received 25.107 visitors, among them representatives from all Brazilian states and 26 countries. Over R$ 152 million were negotiated in machinery and equipment. “Those

numbers prove, that in each edition, Expoforest established itself as an event that promotes good business. Furthermore it shows the strength and growth of the planted forest sector in Brazil”, states, Rafael A. Malinovski, Expoforest business director. The Brazilian Forest Fair had 208 exhibitors who presented their machinery and

equipment in a dynamic and static way. “Again the visitors could follow the main market releases being operated, spot and observe the advantages of each other”,confirmed Malinovski. The next Expoforest edition, according to Malinovski Florestal, company responsible for the organizing of the Fair, is scheduled for 2017.

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John Deere participates in the 3rd Expoforest In a ​​two hectare arena, John Deere displayed a comprehensive range of equipment at the 3rd Expoforest. A world leader in the manufacturing of machines in the forest sector market Deere showed the most modern equipment for harvesting and transportation, sales, parts, training and full technical support service to customers, including the integration between the forest areas, construction and agriculture. The space also featured an exclusive area of ​​dynamic demonstrations, which attracted the curiosity of visitors, a veritable blockbuster show. Another highlight were the simulators Series E, complete and portable versions, with real screens that allow control operations with tire machines and Timberskills, innovative program that trains from simple steps to more complex situations of operation. Among the highlights was the launch of the Forwarder 1510E 8x8, which brought the innovative IBC - System Smart crane. With just a flick of the operator, it takes the claw to the pile of wood. Another new product that drew attention

Rodrigo Junqueira Sales Manager John Deere Forestry Al. Caiapós, 298 CEP 06460-110 Barueri, São Paulo, Brasil + 55 11 4196 3967 (office) + 55 11 98284-3299 (mobile) + 55 11 4191-1762 (fax)

was the Waratah H215E head designed to process and strip trees with great power, durability, productivity and low maintenance. John Deere also displayed Skidders, Harvesters, Fellerbunchers and forwarders, and a grader, a backhoe, one bulldozer, one loader and two models of agricultural tractors. During the fair, John Deere also sold machines with special terms and with the support of Bank John Deere.

Machines working the stand: 903k tracked harvester with FR22b Felling Head 643k wheeled feller buncher with FD45 Felling Head 1910E Forwarder 210G with Waratah H215E* 848H Grapple Skidder 2154D Forestry Swing Machine 1270E Wheeled Harvester with H215E Harvester Head 1510e Forwarder with IBC

John Deere inaugurates two new manufacturing facilities in Brazil Posted on February 14th, 2014 The John Deere Construction & Forestry Division marked the completion of two world-class manufacturing facilities in Indaiatuba-SP, Brazil. John Deere will manufacture its industryleading backhoe loaders and wheel loaders in one location and excavators, in partnership with Hitachi Construction Machinery, in the other. Customers in Brazil have utilized John Deere agriculture equipment for over 60 years and the expansion marks a significant investment in the company’s construction business in the market. “As one of the fastest growing construction equipment markets in the world, Brazil offers a great opportunity for John Deere Construction equipment,” said Michael Mack, president, John Deere Construction & Forestry. “The investment potential on

infrastructure is very high in Brazil, which makes us confident in the success of this enterprise.” Together with Hitachi Construction Machinery, John Deere invested approximately $180 million to build two manufacturing facilities that will meet the needs of the established John Deere dealer network that covers almost 90 percent of the Brazilian market. The project broke ground in December 2011 and was completed in a little over two years. “What differentiates John Deere in Brazil is the commitment to actively listen to customer feedback and use it in product development,” said Roberto Marques, manager of the Construction Division, John Deere Brazil. “We aim to maintain a close relationship with our customers, using a highly qualified dealer network that’s always prepared to offer prompt service.”

John Deere launches H215E head at Expoforest 2014 A set of innovations that include accessibility, ease of maintenance, spare parts and durability. The main launch of John Deere during Expoforest was the H-215 Harvester head, which was designed to work debarking eucalyptus in Brazil.

According to the sales manager of John Deere Brazil, Rodrigo Junqueira, the idea is to make the customer operate with high availability, without losing key features: precision in length and quality of debarking.

210 G one of several machines to be made in Brazil in Brazil,” said Michijiro Kikawa, chairman of the board, Hitachi Construction Machinery Corporation. “John Deere and • Backhoe Loader: 310K Hitachi have a solid partnership, • Wheel Loaders: 524K, 544K, placing us at the forefront of the 624K, 644K and 724K hydraulic excavator market.” Models that will be produced in the All John Deere equipment excavator plant in partnership with manufactured in Brazil will Hitachi include: come standard with John Deere WorkSightTM, the most • John Deere Excavators: 160G, comprehensive, easy-to-use 180G, 210G, 250G, 350G suite of technology available for • Hitachi Excavators: ZX160, ZX180, ZX210, ZX250 and ZX350 increasing uptime and productivity while lowering operating costs. “The opening represents great advancements for our operations Models that will be produced in John Deere’s exclusive plant include:

The most powerful forwarder ever built by Deere, the 1910E sets a new standard for forwarding heavy loads over difficult terrain. Boasting almost 250hp and a tractive effort of 220kN, the 1910E is the natural choice for those encountering steep slopes and large timber which is effortlessly handled by the Deere CF8 loader. And, of course, your comfort is guaranteed by the new revolutionary operators station which automatically levels and rotates ensuring faster load cycles.

903k tracked harvester with FR22b Felling Head

Shown for the first time - 1510E with IBC In a milestone for forestry equipment technology, John Deere introduced its Intelligent Boom Control (IBC) option for its forwarders at Elmia Wood in Sweden on June 5-8, 2013. A feature the industry has anticipated for over 30 years, IBC is now offered as an option on all of John Deere’s 1510E Forwarders in South America. This technological breakthrough significantly increases forwarder productivity and efficiency, while providing best possible fuel economy and boom lifetime.

“At John Deere, our goal is to offer products and solutions that give our customers the best possible performance and productivity,” said Cliff Caudill, product marketing manager. “We do so by creating intelligent solutions and services, like Intelligent Boom Control, that are born of a genuine desire to understand their business and long-term needs.” With the IBC system, the boom is accurate, fast and easy to operate, as the operator now controls the boom tip directly instead of controlling each of the independent

boom joint movements manually. By eliminating unnecessary extra movements, this system increases the durability of boom structures and hydraulic cylinders. These features significantly improve an operator’s working speed, resulting in higher overall productivity and lower costs. The IBC system can also accelerate the learning curve for operators. Intuitive and easy to learn to use, the technology reduces the amount of time it takes to become a skilled operator, resulting in less training time and greater productivity.



t may not be the biggest event in Brazil for 2014, but the second Expoforest show in Mogi Guaçu, São Paulo did attract large crowds and international attention. With the event taking place a mere month before the start of FIFA World Cup, some foreign visitors did benefit from the sparkly new terminal at Guarulhos International in São Paulo, even though the paint was still tacky, construction crews worked frantically among passengers and the roof leaked

during afternoon rain showers. If Brazil as a whole did not seem to be in a complete state of readiness for the upcoming tournament, the Expoforest organizers certainly were well prepared for their event on every level. Compared to Expoforest 2011, Tigercat upped the ante, demonstrating not only a complete full-tree system, but also a cut-to-length (CTL) system. Tigercat’s Brazil dealer, Tracbel, hosted an excellent show

and the Tigercat-Tracbel booth attracted forestry professionals from throughout Brazil as well as Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada, the United States and South Africa. The event was hosted by International Paper and all of the harvesting activity took place on the company’s commercial plantations. Demonstration sites were generously sized, giving the feel of a reallife operation as opposed to the constricted

The 1075B was equipped with the new Tigercat F195T85 crane and the new high capacity 530 series grapple.

and contrived ‘shows’ that many of us have become accustomed to over the years. The Tigercat-Tracebel stand averaged 0,18 m3 per stem at 1,100 stems per hectare.

The cut-to-length system In late 2013 Tigercat released some exciting new options and improvements for the Tigercat 1075B. The new crane and grapple designs have been working in a grueling double shift forwarding

application on the operation of Dalfey S.A. in Northern Uruguay since last November (see pages 70-74 this issue). The heavy duty F195T85 crane, designed and built by Tigercat, is capable of lifting 20 to 30% heavier loads at the same reach compared with any other forwarder crane on the market. In addition, the crane has 22 to 66% more slew torque than any competing crane. It is the only crane that can handle a 0,53 m2 grapple,

a great advantage in smaller diameter log applications. Since an average of 50% of the forwarder duty cycle is spent loading and unloading, increasing the number of logs per crane cycle can vastly improve overall machine productivity. The crane geometry is optimized for quick loading and unloading cycles with excellent grapple clearance above the load. The new 430 and 530 series Tigercat grapples compliment the heavy duty crane

with larger load area capacities at 0,43 m2 ( 4.6 ft2) and 0,53 m2 (5.7 ft2) respectively. The grapples are fitted with thick walled bushings for extended service life. The link has a patent pending hose routing design to better protect the hoses and the swing dampener has been designed for heavy duty applications.

The 1075B was partnered with the H845C harvester which was equipped with the SP 591 LX G2 head, purpose built for harvesting and debarking plantation eucalyptus in the range of 100 to 350 mm (4-14 in). The H845C is proving to be an excellent carrier for smaller diameter harvesting and processing applications in both hemispheres. In the demo stand, the harvester was felling, processing and debarking about 120 trees or 22 m3 (approximately 23 tn) per hour. With a 250 m (820 ft) lead distance, the 1075B achieved three loads or 66 m3 per hour. In a real operation typically two H845C harvesters would be paired with one 1075B. The Brazilian customer base -- while conscious of capital costs -- has high expectations in terms of the base carrier for harvesting heads. Special requirements include vacuum pumps, ground level water tanks for operators to wash their hands, fire suppression systems, automatic greasing systems, ISO certified operator cabs, window blinds, specialized seating, camera systems, telematics, HID or LED working lights and toolboxes. Typically the harvester carrier of choice is a 20 tonne excavator modified to the hilt to meet just some of these expectations (ISO certified cab not included). The Tigercat H845C comes woods-ready and includes all of these features as standard or optional equipment available to any Tigercat customer in the world. Running cooler, more reliably and more efficiently than excavator conversions, the H845C delivers the lowest cost per tonne by far.

The full-tree eucalyptus system The full-tree system was comprised of a Tigercat 860C feller buncher, 635D skidder and a T250B loader equipped with a grapple saw for slashing at roadside. The grapple saw is a combined effort built by Rotobec and Brazilian company, MSU. Although most are now familiar with the massive productivity rates of the 635D, the 860C drew a lot of attention due it being equipped with the new 5300 bunching saw. According to attachment product manager Duane Barlow, “Demand for the 5300 came from Brazil. The customer, International Paper, asked for an extra two trees per bunch cycle. The 5600 bunching saw would have accomplished this and more but would have added too much weight to the end of the boom and we could not effectively gain the extra accumulation with the existing 5000 design.� In order to combat the track wear and stability issues sure to arise as a result of the extra head weight and additional trees that can be packed into it, the 5300, along with the high torque 340 degree wrist, was mated to an 860C feller buncher with the R7-150 undercarriage. The R7-150 is more stable and robust with longer track frames and stronger FH400 components, compared to the F6-140 or F6-155 (F8 sized) undercarriages normally specified for the 860C. Essentially the machine is an 870C without the extra fuel capacity. International factory sales representative, Gary Olsen, expects that the 870C will likely replace the 860C as the standard full tail-swing offering for the export market. A similar shift has already occurred in Canada, where the F8 sized undercarriage has been deemed insufficient as the capabilities and performance of these carriers have incrementally increased over the years. System productivity in the 0,18m3 piece sized eucalyptus, including slashing to 6 m (20 ft)

The heavy duty F195T85 crane, is capable of lifting 20 to 30%

lengths (no debarking), works out to approximately 100 m3 per hour. The 860C can fell and bunch at a rate of 144 m3 per hour. However with lead distances of 200 m (660 ft), the 635D was only hauling 100 m3 per hour. To address the imbalance, typically the buncher operator will spend more time building larger skidder bunches.

Quick facts on the new Tigercat F195T85 [sidebar] The F195T85 is the only crane with standard end-of-position dampening sensors on the stick boom to prevent impact loads. The tapered roller bearing in the slew base is designed to last the life of the machine, a vast improvement over the plain bearing

heavier loads at the same reach compared with any other forwarder crane on the market.

and spherical rollers used in other cranes. In addition, the telescopic cylinder is cushioned. It is also the only crane with swivels on the pillar hoses for extended hose life with thick walled bushings used at all pivots. Gross lift: 195 kNm (143,825 lbf-ft) Gross slew: 55 kNm (40,565 lbf-ft) Maximum reach: 8.5 m (27 ft 11 in)

TRACBEL S.A. RUA CINCO, 161 - LOTE 1-D Q13A SERRA - E.S. Phone 55 (27) 2123 9800


The H845C with the SP591 head felled, processed and debarked at a rate of 120 trees per hour

The ER equipped 860C with the new 5300 saw, specially designed for optional bunching capacity in high cycle

A 635D and 860C feller buncher on the full-tree side.

Herzog winch is available for ElephantKing, Elephant and Buffalo forwarders

Klaus Herzog Principal Herzog Forsttechnik AG

Ponsse introduced its new H77euca harvester head for eucalyptus Ponsse introduced its new H77euca harvester head for eucalyptus operations in May and displayed the model at the Expoforest 2014 industry fair in Brazil. The Ponsse H77euca is a continuation of the harvester head product family upgrades. The new model is based on the technical solutions of the harvester heads and has been tested and designed together with the local customers. Ponsse’s H77euca harvester head is specially designed for efficient harvesting of eucalyptus – without compromises. It has strong feeding and extremely fast cutting: it´s feed power is 25/29 kN (5,620- 6,520 lbf ) and feed speed: 5.5-6 m/s (18.1–19.7 ft/s). The geometry and technical features have been chosen to maximise productivity through effective debarking, strong feeding and fast sawing. The H77euca is a powerful and robust debarking head but a kit for conventional logging also available. Durability and easy maintenance have been key factors

Ponsse Latin América Endereço: R. Joaquim Nabuco, 115 - Mogi das Cruzes (SP) Brasil - CEP: 08735-120 Telefone: +55 (11) 4795-4600 Contato: Fernando Campos E-mail: Website:

in the new design. The H77euca has strong, cast delimbing blades with extended tips for easy picking up of trees. Variable geometry of feed rollers optimise the feeding. The Ponsse Opti control system offers the ultimate features to suit the H77euca best for each working condition and operator preference. The settings are easy with the Opti4G or Opti2 control system. The operator doesn’t need to adapt to the control system – the control system is adapted for the operator. Ponsse established its subsidiary Ponsse Latin America in Brazil in 2005. Since then, Ponsse has offered its products to meet the requirements of local harvesting. Another Ponsse’s subsidiary Ponsse Uruguay caters for the markets in Uruguay. Ponsse’s product range has included debarking harvester heads since 2005. The new H77euca is meant for the Ponsse Ergo and ScorpionKing harvesters and trackbased machines over 20 t.

The new H77euca harvester head

The new H77euca harvester head working the stand at ExpoForest 2014

OREGONŽ a world leader in saw chain, guide bars, sprockets and forestry accessories Oregon Endereço: R. Emilio Romani, 1630 - Curitiba (PR) Brasil - CEP: 81460-020 Telefone: +55 (41) 2169-5800 Contato: Alexandre Lambert E-mail: Website:

ExpoForest attendees discuss the features of the Vermeer BC1000XL brush chipper

Vermeer Endereço: R. Francisco Juliato, 79 - Valinhos (SP) - Brasil – CEP: 13279-000 Telefone: +55 (19) 2517 9400 Contato: Flávio Leite / Lucas Zimmer E-mail:; Website:

The HG4000 horizontal grinder is focused on cost of operation, and offers the option of the chip drum for producing a consistent sized end product.


uitable for everything from large land-clearing jobs to green-waste recycling, the Vermeer Tier IVi (Stage IIIB) HG4000, HG6000 and HG6000TX horizontal grinders include a number of features that make them ideal for a wide array of operations.

Among the innovations that already make these horizontal grinders remarkable machines is the allnew chip drum, which allows the grinder to produce a consistent sized chip necessary for many applications, including biofuel chip production. “What we’ve found from customers is that power plants are transitioning from coal to fuel chips,” according to Vermeer’s Ryan Marshall. “This is increasing demand for chips within the biomass and biofuel markets. “This increase in demand led Vermeer to introduce the chip

drum. It’s a more robust, fully dedicated drum with knives, so you’re not switching back and forth as you would with a fuel chip attachment.” One of the premier enhancements is the ability to modify chip size. Operators can add or remove spacers to achieve the desired chip size. The chip drum can produce chip sizes ranging from 0.3 to 3.8 cm (0.125-1.50 in) with 0.3 cm (0.125 in) increment adjustments. “From fuel chips to playground base to fuel pellets, the drum design creates a more useful, higher quality chip,” Marshall said.

A major advantage of the new chipper drum is serviceability. A number of the high wear areas of the drum are protected by hardened steel parts providing longer life. These hardened steel parts are also replaceable via threaded fasteners to reduce labour costs and minimise downtime. Helping to minimise operator cost, screws have replaced the need for Babbitt on the knives. A user can now simply adjust the knife via thread fasteners quickly and safely rather than melting Babbitt.

Vermeer horizontal grinders are offered with the option of the chip drum, providing the flexibility to produce a more uniform chipped end product.

Visitors to the Vermeer booth at Expoforest were greeted by smiling faces and Vermeer experts

Rodochipper 7120

FEZER stationary drum chipper

FEZER supplies equipment for chip production, including stationary drum chippers, disc chipper, mobile chippers, log feeding systems, chipper infeed and outfeed conveyors. The wide range of models can fit any customers needs to produce chips in the mill or in the forest.

Contact Person: Gustavo Renê Mostiack Phone: +55 49 3561 2222 Fezer S.A. Indústrias Mecânicas. Rua Gerhard Fezer, 865 89500-000 - Caçador - SC - Brasil Fone: +55-49-3561-2205 / +55-49-3561-2222 Fax: +55-49-3561-2250

Fezer - Mariana Witiuk | Secretaria Comercial Fezer S.A. Indústrias Mecânicas. Rua Gerhard Fezer, 865 89500-000 - Caçador - SC - Brasil Fone: +55-49-3561-2205 / +55-49-3561-2222 Fax: +55-49-3561-2250 Skype: mariana.fezer E-mail: Telefone: +55 (11) 4344-9333

Morbark 3200 Wood Hog Horizontal Grinder

Morbark 3200 Wood Hog Horizontal Grinder Aimed at wood and green waste recycling applications, the Morbark 3200 Wood Hog is a compact and aggressive unit. A smaller, lighter, and more affordable unit with all of the benefits of our larger grinders, the 3200 can handle green waste, regrind, sawmill residue, pallets, and logs up to 14� in diameter ease. Available as a tracked unit for greater mobility or with electric power, the 3200 can be built with Morbark’s most popular options.

Representative: Komatsu Forest Ltda. Contact: Lonard Santos Phone: 41 2102-2849 Email: R. Gal. Lucas Guimaraes 211 Pinhais Parana, BR 83.323-130 Dealer Type: Industrial Equipment, Parts Territory: Brazil


Mark Ferguson Regional Manager, South America

Innovation and experience drive the design of the new FTX400 mulching tractor. The FTX400 mulching tractor features a powerful oscillating track frames. Agility, responsive steering and accurately balanced weight distribution allow this mulching tractor to climb well in the roughest of terrains and slopes and maneuver through the

deep woods. Twin hydraulic circuits provide cutting power to the BH300 Bull Hog forestry mulching head for impressive performance and production. Excellent component positions and large service access cuts maintenance time and makes service easier. The cab features an efficient layout for operator comfort for better production on the long shifts. With this addition Fecon offers performance and productivity to set the pace and stay ahead of schedule.

Fecon Inc Endereรงo: Grant Drive Lebanon Estados Unidos CEP: 45036 Telefone: +1 (800) 528-3113 Contato: Heather Duquette E-mail: Website:

The Komatsu 895 Forwarder New powerful crane The crane is one of the forwarder’s most essential components and is very important for productivity. Komatsu have kept this in mind with the new 165F, one of the market’s most powerful cranes, with a high gross lifting and turning torque, and a weight-optimised linkage system that delivers high gross lifting force

New wheels The new 20-ton wheels and 28.5inch rims mean more traction force, higher ground clearance and low ground pressure

Flexgate for safety and visibilty Attachment of headbord to frame can flex in vertical direction which protects headbord and crane from accidental collisions. It can also “roll” if pushed in the corner The design of the headboard also improve the visibility

Komatsu Comfort Bogie Powerful axle system and new bogie in robust construction of the portal type with the Comfort Bogie function produces the best combination of traction force and operator comfort

Minimum downtime The advantages of the new servicefriendly frame system, ORFS couplings and lubrication free

universal joints provide high operational reliability and easy service

Outstanding operator environment Noticeably larger cab – higher and wider with more legroom, more storage space and a quiet working environment. Large glass surfaces mean better visibility upwards and to the sides, and make crane operation easier and more relaxed. The new operator’s seat provides excellent comfort and work space, and offers many personal adjustments and settings. The new hand controls are ergonomically designed and well equipped

Market leading control system Full utilisation of MaxiXplorer provides you with everything from more exact and efficient machine control to market - leading operational and production followup

Loadflex for greater efficiency

as an option for your forwarder. With its superior suspension properties, it improves operator comfort, reduces fatigue and generally makes working more enjoyable, which can increase productivity. The four-point suspension with well-protected cylinders with extra-long stoke makes Comfort Ride a winner in all categories. The Ride Height Control function means that the suspension can compensate for centre of gravity shifts on various gradients

E3 Power Engine The new powerful SCR engine both minimises emissions and optimises fuel economy

Load capacity of a Giant With a gross load of 20.000 kg and a load area of 5.2 m2 (6,9 with LoadFlex) this giant will boost your productivity

High lift of dozer blade The robust front blade can be lifted high for improved obstacle clearance

The Komatsu LoadFlex option, with optional hydraulic heightadjustable supports, ensures greater efficiency and ease of use when loading, unloading, and driving

Cab suspension done right Komatsu’s new cab suspension solution Comfort Ride is available

Komatsu Forest Endereço: R. Gal. Lucas A. Guimarães, 211 - Pinhais (PR) - Brasil - CEP: 83323-130 Telefone: +55 (41) 2102-2828 Contato: Gustavo Feliciano E-mail: Website:

The Komatsu 911.5 Harvester The Komatsu 911.5 is an entirely new version of Komatsu’s marketleading, all-round harvester. Refinements to the previous design and important new strengths enable it to deliver even higher profitability in both thinning and final logging. All this, and cutting fuel consumption with 16%

consumption by up to 16%

overview of the work area



New robust rear axle and hose routing with soft-sealed couplings throughout the harvester mean optimal reliability and reduced risk for oil leakage

Refined transmission that optimizes everything from traction to maneuverability

Newly developed engine

The unique boom placement at the cab means that you always have a good view of the head directly in front of you and the best possible

New powerful engine that minimizes emissions of NOx (nitrogen oxides) and reduces fuel


Response The unique bogie concept, Komatsu Comfort Bogie, provides improved maneuverability, more even ground pressure and unbeatable comfort and response

The Komatsu 360.2 Harvester Head Dependable and productive Dependability and productivity are ensured by the head’s robust frame. The chassis is light yet sturdy, providing the optimal balance between flexibility and strength

Improved hose routing Improved hose routing and even more reliable timber measurement. Everything from the saw box to the

mounts of all moving parts are well protected

New feed rollers New feed roller motors deliver even greater traction force and reliability. Together with the effective knives, and exact crosscutting you have a Harvester head that offers optimal reliability, efficiency, and timber quality

Lindner Mobile Shredder Lindner Mobile Shredder’s ( new URRACO line of low-speed two-shaft shredders is especially dedicated to the needs of users of mobile and semi-mobile pre-shredders. Available in two sizes, these machines can be ordered, according to customer preference, either with powerful and ecofriendly diesel engines or with electric motor power. While the tool shaft of the URRACO 75 has a length of 1750 mm, that of its

URRACO 95 counterpart measures 2500 mm. A broad selection of tool shaft configurations enables both units to handle waste wood, biomass (including “brown bin” material, i.e., household food and garden waste), root wood, stem wood and timber, domestic and commercial waste (including the bulky fraction), paper rolls, electronic scrap, railway sleepers (whether wooden with steel plates or the concrete type), lightweight

scrap, aluminium profiles, car bodies, mixed construction waste, and other loads. The final grain sizes thus obtained vary between approx. 150 mm and 400 mm. Gerhard Buhl, Head of Sales Lindner Mobile Shredder GmbH Industriestraße 1A, D-99820 Hörselberg/Eisenach Phone: +49 36920 7269-500, E-mail: Website:

Anderson Kaiser Bruno Industrial Rodovia BR 282,Km 340 Distrito Industrial 89620-000 Campos Novos SC Tel: +55 (49) 3541-3100 Telefax +55 49 3541 3178 E-Mail:

Bruno Industrial Rodovia BR 282,KM340 Distrito Industrial 89620-000 Campos Novos SC Tel: +55 (49) 3541-3100 Telefax +55 4935413178 E-Mail:

Bruno Industrial is a successful 100% Brazilian Company. The equipment it sells is a result of extensive research always remaining in tune with market demand. Its products are currently exported to countries of the Mercosul, Europe, Asia, Oceania and also to the United States.

Bruno’s objective is to continue to expand by offering more technologically advanced solutions across a range of skilled manufacturing.

Together with its Brazilian dealer Tracbel, SP exhibited on the Expoforest show in Sao Paolo Brazil from the 21st to the 23 of May. The dedicated eucalyptus debarking harvester head SP 591 LX G2 was shown on demo installed on a Tigercat H845C tracked harvester. Another SP591 LX G2 was on static display in the stand together with the new robust allrounder, the SP 761 LF. Both harvester heads drew a lot of attention and many new interested contacts was made with contractors and forestry companies from mainly Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.

The SP 591 LX G2 The SP 591 LX G2 is purpose built for harvesting and debarking of plantation grown eucalyptus. It is an extremely strong and tough harvester head, designed according to the LX principle for maximum reliability and productivity even under the toughest conditions. The uncompromised LX design is to be found all throughout the harvester head, from large components like frame and knives down to pins and seals. In spite of its brute and tough appearance the SP 591 LX G2 does not just offer strength and reliability. unprecedented Debarking efficiency also make the SP 591 LX G2 an extremely fast, productive and fuel efficient harvester head – the SP 591 LX G2 ruly is a high speed powerhouse for xtreme jobs. The SP 591 LX G2 is optimized for best productivity and performance handling tree sizes from 10 to 35 cm (4-14�) and is equally productive working in a CTL application as it is processing decked wood out of a pile.

Export Manager Anders Gannerud Phone:+46 372-253 41 Cell:+46 73 44 253 41 E-mail:

Anders Gannerud with the SP 591 LX G2

New Holland FR9060 Harvesting Eucalyptus

New Holland brand is recognized worldwide by its range of products and services encompassing all levels of food production. Present in Brazil since 1976 and with a consolidated position in food production sectors, the brand is now investing in the growing interest in renewable energy and biofuels. In order to develop the brand, and after 3 years of development in partnership with the renowned educational authority

(UNESP / Botucatu) New Holland demonstrated a new concept of harvesting for short rotation energy forests (Eucalyptus up to 3 years growth) to manufacture chips for burning for example in boilers and steel industries. As sponsor of Expoforest 3rd edition, New Holland showed a self-propelled forage harvester model FR600, most commonly used for silage operations, working with a Coppice header, harvesting eucalyptus with up to 18cm on base, producing chips

that can range from 3mm to 9cm. The company also presented as a solution, a collection system known to harvest sugar cane crops, that is a tractor pulling a wagon where the chip is stored. That set (forage harvester + tractor + wagon) is further causing a harvesting revolution. The harvesting system, transportation and chips manufacturing, ensures 40% of logistics costs can be eliminated in comparison with current kind of operation because it reduces to two ,

operations that are currently done in four . Besides the FR harvester, New Holland introduced two more new machines, the TK4060 crawler tractor with 100 hp engine and a self-propelled sprayer with hydrostatic transmission and a tank with 2,500 liters capacity. Tractors with all the technology available today in agricultural equipment were also on show.

Douglas José dos Santos Product Marketing Specialist NH AG Latin America CNH Latin America Ltda. Av. J.K. de Oliveira, 11.825 Curitiba – Paraná Phone.: + (55) 41 2107 7229 Mobile: + (55) 41 9951 1026 Email:

New Holland Demonstration of dynamic FR0960 equipped with cutting trees platform. . All operations are performed by the machine - cutting, felling, gathering, chipping and discharge overflow.

This product applies to eucalyptus harvesting with diameter up to 18 cm at the base. The chips can reach a maximum of 9 cm and a minimum of 6 mm, depending on the configuration of the cutting drum. The platform is a dedicated model for cutting of trees, and the FR9060 is the same used for fodder without adaptations.

The dealer Sematech represented SEM at Expoforest . A successful show was confirmed by the capture of 112 potential and qualified leads. Sematech demonstrated the SEM616B and SEM639BQC . SEM was the only Chinese brand in the trade show.

Felipe Tadeu Sematech Mรกquinas SEM Tel.: 55 11 4772-0800 Cel.:55 11 98110-5856 Tel: +86 536 3818 603 Fax: +86 536 3818 072 Email: Website: Address: No. 12999 Nanhuan Road, Qingzhou, Shandong Province, China

Endereรงo: R. Brasilia, 971 Caรงador (SC) - Brasil CEP: 89500-000 Telefone: +55 (49) 3561-6000 Contato: Deydre Busato Tortato E-mail: Website:

NEW NISULA 425C The new Nisula 425C is a multi-purpose harvester head in which the steering system utilises the grapple arms to the full.

New 425 Harvester Heads – new properties

The grapple arms keep the tree in a tight grip during felling and feeding. Dimensional accuracy is improved, and work is faster and more efficient. Separate grapple arms make the moving, loading and sorting of the timber easy.

-S tronger driver motors (470 cm3) increase the feeding capacity by 20%

They also make moving branches and twigs easier during harvesting.

-N ew machined front knives to improve wear resistance, and larger delimbing diameter

- L arger flange allowing a 425 mm single cut -N ew wider feeding block decreases power losses

425C is an excellent alternative at sites where both industrial and energy wood is harvested. Stems and branches are easily moved during harvesting. You have to experience the properties of 425C yourself.

TMO Endereço: R. Brasilia, 971 - Caçador (SC) - Brasil - CEP: 89500-000 Telefone: +55 (49) 3561-6000 Contato: Deydre Busato Tortato E-mail: Website:

Valtra do Brasil Ltda. Endereรงo: R. Capitรฃo Francisco de Almeida, 695 - Mogi das Cruzes (SP) - Brasil CEP: 90160-003 Telefone: +55 (11) 4795-2332 Contato: Fรกtima Faria E-mail: Website:

AHWI H600 Bio Harvester Applications: Biomass reduction and reclaiming, Waste management, Composting. Functions: Reducing timber stands, Chipping coppice regrowth and woody growth

Technical Description: The AHWI H600 Bio Harvester is ideal for in situ chipping of smaller diameter(approximately 150 mm) timber,such as pre-commercial thinnings, coppice regrowth and short rotational woody crops. The PTO-driven harvesting head can be fitted with a range of AHWI’s renowned

HDT tools including the chipper tool for softer materials. The chipped material is then augered and blown, either on to the ground or into a collection unit driven alongside. The H600 can mounted on any suitable tractor, or fitted to the AHWI RT400 Crawler Tractor.

Valtra Forestry cab Valtra also offers the option of a forestry cab, featuring a protective cage around the roof, super strong and large polycarbonate glass, and an extra window above. Three other windows increase further visibility. A Valtra T series tractor equipped with the forestry cab and TwinTrac reverse drive system is an unbeatable combination for forestry contracting work.

TwinTrac The second generation TwinTrac features a new location for the tiltable steering column and HiTech transmission control. Because the armrest with tractor terminal is standard on Advance models, it is also used as an info display and control for the hydraulics. In HiTech models the info display is located on the right pillar of the cab.

Endereço: BR 116 Km 246 – Lages (SC) - Brasil CEP: 88517-600 Telefone: +55 (49) 3226-1000 Contato: Giuseppe Rosa E-mail: Raphael Rosa Representante Comercial Website:

New Logmax 4000B for first thinning operations Log Max 4000B, a lightweight all-round harversting head, is designed to carry out a wide range of harvesting jobs from the first thinning to light regeneration harversting. Hydraulically driven by two 398 cc (24.3 cu  in) radial piston motors, Log Max 4000B feed rollers have over 2 tons (4,384 lbf ) of feed force. The Log Max 4000B is equipped with larger accumulators which

improves length and diameter measuring. This head can be equipped with an accumulation kit for multistemming and thanks to its light weight this head is well suited for long-reach booms. All these features combined with Log Max patented knife control system, which minimizes feed friction, provides outstanding stem coverage and increased log quality.

Timber Forest presented a full range of Logmax Heads including the new Logmax 4000B for first thinning operations Products specially developed for forest harvesting were presented by Timber Forest (Rodoparaná) during the Brazilian Forest Fair. Prior to the event the Manager of the Machinery Division, Jober C. Fonseca, said the company has many new products and also some in the implementation phase. “We look forward to Expoforest to make the final release of some equipment, after all we have

great expectations for the Fair because we know that it is a unique opportunity to demonstrate our product line Timber Forest Equipamentos Endereço: Av. Juscelino K. de Oliveira, 3545 - Curitiba (PR) Brasil - CEP: 81270-200 Telefone: +55 (41) 3317-1414 Contato: Jober Fonseca E-mail: Website:

Lippel Lippel is a leader in integrated solutions for biomass in Brazil, manufacturing various types of equipment: Feeders for ovens, wood chippers, drying systems, furnaces, pyrolytic, handling and storage systems, pellet mills and coking plants. Irmãos Lippel started its activities in the metal industry in 1975 by Vigoldo Lippel in Alto Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina State,

Southern of Brazil. Located in a region where the majority of the population were European immigrants, Vigoldo had the vision to develop and build equipment in the metallurgical sector, so he decided to open his own company to meet the needs of the region linked to agricultural and industrial sectors.

has identified opportunities to create and develop solutions forbiomass processing, adding value to industrial solid waste and promoting environmental preservation. Within this context, the company has specialized in processing, handling and storage, compression and combustion of solid waste.

With the development of industries, Lippel

Endereço: R. Pitangueira, 733 - Caixa Postal, 39 - Agrolândia (SC) Brasil - CEP: 88420-000 Telefone: +55 (47) 3534-4266 Contato: Jonas Lippel E-mail: Website:

Forest Picador Equipped with diesel engine with power of 220 to 800 hp. Agricultural towed by tractor, with a lot of flexibility in the field and with FlorestaRotor intiras or segmented blades, producing high quality chips Dist. Industrial, Rod BR 282, Km 346 Campos Novos - SC, 89620-000 Frank Bordes Minas Gerais, Goiás e Mato Grosso - Minas Gerais, Goiás e Mato Grosso Brasil Telefone: (49) 8813-0050 E-mail: Contato: Frank Bordes Produtos: Toda Linha de produtos

Wood-Mizer do Brasil Endereรงo: R. Dom Pedro I, 205 Ivoti (RS) - Brasil - CEP: 93900-000 Telefone: +55 (51) 3563-4784 Contato: Rosana Lopes E-mail: Website:

Vejo voc锚s no pr贸ximo show!

ADVERTISERS INDEX SALES OFFICES UK, Europe, South Africa, US East Coast CONTACT: Phil Playle or David Lansdowne Lansdowne Media Services Ltd

ADVERTISERS INDEX AHWI Prinoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Microtec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Bandit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Morbark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Barko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Olofsfors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

bid group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Peterson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC

Clark Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Penz Crane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

CLEANFIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Ponsse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

DuraTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

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PriceLogPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

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Halco Software Systems . . . . . . . . 27

Select Saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Indexator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Soderhamn Eriksson. . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Intersaw 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

INTERFORST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/ibc

Tigercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Iggesund Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Timber Processing & Energy Expo . . . 16

John Deere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Ventura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Lucidyne Technologies Inc . . . . . . . 17

Wood-Mizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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BRON Mulcher

BRON 475 Mulcher with SEPPI Mulching Head

Leveling everything in their paths are BRON mulchers - grinding trees, brush and stumps into fine mulch, quickly and easily. Low ground pressure and powerful hydraulics are standard on all models, ranging from 275 hp to 700 hp.

Richardson Service_Frances Marion tree thinning

Seppi Midiforst dt 225 Mulcher on the Bron 275 was a perfect combination on a tree thinning project in the Frances Marion National Forest in Huger, SC. The Bron handled flawlessly on the saturated ground while the Seppi Midiforst dt 225 is an easily manueverable and very efficient mulching head. This video was brought to you by Richardson Service and Seppi Partners LLC

BRON 275 Mulcher with Seppi Midiforst Mulching Head

Can Your Tractor Do This in 10 mins?

Fecon, Inc FTX600

Introducing Fecon’s all-new “FTX 128L High Performance” forestry mulcher! Visit or call 1-800-528-3113 for more information. This 128 horsepower mulching machine was designed and built from the ground up right here at our Lebanon, Ohio, USA factory to deliver the highest performance and greatest fuel efficiency in its class.

The FTX600 is Fecon’s flagship tractor. This tractor brings the best combination of cutting performance, track power, ground pressure and serviceability in the 600hp class of mulching machines.

FTX148L Forestry Mulcher - Mulching Machine - Fecon - Bull Hog

RTC22/500-8 - Pine Trees

Attached to a Fecon FTX148 Mulching Machine, the Bull Hog Forestry Mulcher is perfect for clearing trees and brush. Bull Hog attachments excel at clearing right-of-way, lines of site, invasive species and fire breaks as well as many other in Forest applications.

Fecon’s® RTC22 is a purpose built mobile chipping system like no other. This dedicated carrier is specifically designed for chipper weight, center of gravity, and serviceability. The high mobility of the RTC22 is welcomed on remote jobsites that could be hard to get to with other vehicles. With a top speed of 12 miles per hour, the RTC22 is three times faster to the job.

You will find unmatched versatility, power, and durability from the FeconFTX 148 Mulching Machine. Jobs normally requiring 2 or 3 pieces of equipment can now be completed with just one due to the machines’ high versatility and rate of production.

Bandit visits R.J. Nathe & Sons

Parker Kligerman visits Bandit 2013

Bandit visits R.J. Nathe & Sons on a job site near Ocala, Florida to see how their Bandit Whole Tree Chipper Model 3590 is working for them.

NASCAR Nationwide Series Driver Parker Kligerman visits Bandit Industries and gets behind the wheel of a few other machines.

Bandit Model 2400 XP (24” Disc-Style) Whole Tree Chipper

Operations looking for a high production chipper with a large chipping capacity should take a look at the Model 2400. The Model 2400 is designed for those land clearing operations whose main goal is production, and those loggers looking to produce a high quality, dimensional chip. Like the Model 1900, the 2400 features a five feed wheel system that gives this unit unmatched crushing and pulling power. To aid in this capability, the 2400 features a Caterpillar or Cummins 700 horsepower engine.

Revolution Cutter Wheel

The Bandit Revolution stump grinder cutter wheel is now standard issue for all new Bandit stump grinders, and it’s available as a retrofit for older machines. Don’t have a Bandit stump grinder? No problem—this amazing wheel is also available for a wide range of other stump grinder makes and models so you too can be part of the Revolution.

848H Skidder

King of the Hills

With industry-leading axles, super sturdy frames, and innovative options like dual-mode steering, the H-Series skidders continue John Deere’s unwavering dedication to being the leader in the woods.

Neiman Enterprises has emerged to become the leading forest products company in the Black Hills region.

2013 John Deere 843K Feller buncher at Forestry First 05-02-13

Road Map to Success

This 2013 model Deere 843K is working in Pine Plantation. We filmed this cutter working on a second thinning job where the stems are 6 inches or so average, many less. This feller buncher is very impressive. The owner has been pleased with fuel consumption and the speed and power of this feller buncher is more than adequate in his thinning and logging operations. The operators are also making positive comments about the cab interior which has recently been much improved. The old steering column is gone and it opens everything up in terms of visibility and space for your legs. If you have not sat in one of these you should do yourself a favour and hop into one.

Fleet management systems have put Mid Atlantic Tree Harvesters “on the map�.

6600 Track Wood Hog

Morbark 5048 Drum Chipper

Morbark 6600 Track Wood Hog. Footage taken at the 2013 Morbark Demo Days.

Morbark 5048 Drum Chipper equipped with a 10 knife Advantage 3 drum and a Cat C-27 1050hp diesel engine. Footage taken at the 2013 Morbark Demo Days.

Morbark, Inc. I Make America

3200 Wood Hog Demo Days May 2013

Aimed at wood and green waste recycling applications, the Morbark 3200 Wood Hog is a compact and aggressive unit. A smaller, lighter, and more affordable unit with all of the benefits of our larger grinders, the 3200 can handle green waste, regrind, sawmill residue, pallets, and logs up to 14� in diameter ease. Available as a tracked unit for greater mobility or with electric power, the 3200 can be built with Morbark’s most popular options.

4300B Drum Chipper Making Micro Chips

s5710C horizontal grinder with Terra Select S6 E Star Screen

The new Peterson 4300B drum chipper has been updated for 2014 with new features that high-volume biomass chippers demand. The 4300B can be equipped with either a 6-pocket (to make standard biomass chips) or 12-pocket (to make microchips) drum depending on your material needs.

A Peterson 5710C horizontal grinder feeds ground wood pallets into a Terra-Select S6-E star screen. The three fraction Terra Select S6-E sorts the ground material into fines, accepts and overs. Both machines are ideal for processing mulch, compost, or other organic material.

6700B Mid-Speed Grinder

5710C Pallet Grinding

This Peterson 6700B horizontal grinder is equipped with our new Mid-Speed C&D package, and is doing primary grind in surplus railroad ties. The second grinder (a Peterson 4710B) is processing the material to meet the product spec which is being used for energy production.

This Peterson 5710C horizontal grinder is grinding pallets for mulch production in Indiana. The machine uses a cross belt magnet to pull the nails from the material (watch for a follow-up video on this process soon!)

The Mid-Speed C&D package is designed for highly contaminated material and features several new innovations that have not been seen on high-speed horizontal grinders before. This operation is seeing consistent 300+ tons per hour of production in this material.

The 5710C is Peterson’s latest generation of high production track grinders. Powered by the Caterpillar C27 or C32 engine at 1050 horsepower, this grinder provides the highest power to weight ratio of any Peterson grinder. At approximately 83,000 pounds (37650 kg) the 5710C was designed for operations requiring high production and frequent moves between jobs.

Tigercat TH575 mixed stand in Nova Scotia

KBM, Chile: Infield chipping

Tigercat TH575 harvesting head on a Tigercat H855C carrier in a mixed stand in Nova Scotia. E&R Langille Contracting Ltd. owns four TH575 heads. The company cites long-term durability and multi-stemming capability as primary advantages. E&R Langille’s original TH575 was purchased in 2007 and has over 21,000 operating hours.

KBM, Chile infield eucalyptus chipping operation featuring a Tigercat 860C feller buncher, two Tigercat 630D skidders and a Peterson-Pacific flail/chipper. Get the full story in Between the Branches, November 2013. BTB is available online, by subscription or at your local Tigercat dealer.

880 logger in Pacific northwest

Bull Creek: LH822C

The Tigercat 880 logger in a high production shovel logging (hoe chucking) application in western Washington.

Montana-based Bull Creek Forestry operating a new Tigercat LH822C harvester in a selective felling application. Get the full story in the July 2013 issue of Between the Branches.


Skotare ROTTNE F13C

Rottne F18

Vermeer BC700XL Brush Chipper

HG6000 Horizontal Grinder

Vermeer continues to respond to the demands of the rental, landscape and tree care professionals with the BC700XL brush chipper. The smallest machine in the Vermeer brush chipper line, the BC700XL design is based on operator feedback and focuses on productivity advantage and ease-of-use. The brush chipper features a centrifugal clutch system, 25 horsepower (18.6 kW) Kohler EFI engine, bottom feed stop bar and Vermeer exclusive SmartFeed feed-sensing control system. The new member of the chippers line offers the compact size operators are looking for and the performance they want to achieve a job efficiently.

Process wood waste efficiently with the HG6000 horizontal grinder. Get started with the touch of a button to activate the microprocessor-controlled HPTO clutch. Fifth-wheel towing configuration provides mobility, and the openended, extra-wide feed table allows you to load wood waste over the side. State-of-the-art wireless remote lets you operate the machine from up to 300’/91 m away.

HG8000TX Horizontal Grinder

HG4000TX Horizontal Grinder

The HG8000TX horizontal grinder from Vermeer boasts the largest infeed opening in its class, helping to increase your productivity and expand job possibilities. Powered by a 950-hp (708.4 kW) CAT Tier 2 engine, this unit handles big diameter wood and large, brushy debris with ease. Plus, its innovative design incorporates several features to help reduce material spillage and jobsite cleanup time. The HG8000TX is equipped with a tracked undercarriage with 28” (71.1 cm) wide double or triple-grouser track pads. Designed to tackle tough jobs, the HG8000TX enables productivity for the long-haul.

Take the self-propelled HG4000TX horizontal grinder to tough jobsites. With its 20”/51 cm double grouser track pads, high ground clearance and sealed rollers, it can get into remote areas easily, without material building up in the track system. A fully enclosed engine helps reduce noise. Infeed over-pressure/auto-reverse function reduces jams. Extra-wide, 48”/122 cm V-cleat discharge conveyor neatly discharges processed material from the machine.

a brand of FAE Group

PT-175: the most compact and manoeuvrable PrimeTech model.

Breaking new ground with PrimeTech’s PT-400

Equipped with a Cummins QSB4.5, 4.5 L turbocharged and aftercooled engine with 4 in-line cylinders and 160 hp, PT-175 is the most compact and lightweight vehicle of the PrimeTech range of tracked carriers. PT-175 is designed to perform light to medium duty work in the forestry sector. One of its strong points lies in its dimensions, which enable it to work on sites with width restrictions (<= 1750 mm). PT-175 is mainly used for vegetation management, for cleaning undergrowth, cutting and eliminating bushes and shrubs and for cutting seismic lines. The PT-175 is also an impressively innovative mulcher, built around cutting-edge technology with easy access to all components, thanks to a fully tilting engine hood, hinged side doors and swing-out rear winch that opens effortlessly for daily maintenance of the vehicle.

The exceptionally high productivity of the PT-400 is provided first and foremost by the perfectly synchronized engine and hydraulic system that reaches a high level of efficiency. The 12.5 l CAT C13 engine with 415 hp below the bonnet caters for the necessary reserves of power. The oscillating undercarriage and the perfect distribution of masses reduce strain to the structure and provide better control of the vehicle. The spacious and soundproofed cabin helps the operator to work better and with greater precision. It has a series of comforts including the ergonomic position of the seat, the ease use of joysticks and an efficient air conditioning system. Reliability, low maintenance costs and consumption, high performance, low ground pressure, comfort and safety: these are the reasons for choosing PT400 for land clearing/mulching!

PT-300: PrimeTech’s top-of-the line unit for forestry mulching and more

PrimeTech PT-600: Power, performance, productivity for land clearing/mulching!

The flagship PT-300 model, powered by a John Deere 6068HF485, 6.8 L turbocharged and aftercooled engine with 6 in-line cylinders and 275 hp, recently underwent a major design overhaul. Key technical improvements included: A brand-new cab “more head room” (fully tilting and equipped with LED headlights and a flatfaced front windshield instead of the curved windshield of previous models); New Berco-quality D4 oscillating undercarriage with ground clearance increased by 6cm/2”: from 40cm/16” to 46 cm/18”; Optimized easy access to all components for easy maintenance and more.

The PT-600, equipped with a Cummins QSX15 turbocharged in line 6 cylinder diesel engine producing 600 hp, has been designed to work in the most extreme and severe of working conditions and for the toughest jobs, guaranteeing maximum productivity and high performance. Like all the other PrimeTech models, the PT-600 guarantees the same exceptional levels of manoeuvrability and agility even on extremely difficult terrain thanks to its oscillating undercarriage, to the low ground pressure and to the machine’s exceptional load distribution and balance.








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high performance for maximum work life

Clark Tracks Ltd - Forest Machine Tracks. Boggiband. Bogieb채ndern

Clark Tracks Ltd specialise in providing a wide range of Forest Machine Tracks to an ever expanding market. We provide designs and sizes to suit numerous applications for the worldwide forestry market that we serve. This short video will give you an insight to our tracks being used on John Deere, Ponsse, Komatsu and Tigercat forwarders and harvesters.



Comact GradExpert

Comact Stacker

Comact Log 3D Scanning

Comact Transverse 3D Board Scanner

Integrated Log Loader

MyMill™ - Changing the way you work

USNR’s Integrated Log Loader is positioned at the last step in the log feeder, and precisely manages the gap between logs.

MyMill is a new software suite developed by USNR that enables mill personnel to interact with mill equipment using mobile devices, such as iPads and iPods. This new mobile functionality will change the landscape of today’s modern mills.

6-Deck Jet Veneer Dryer - time lapse construction

Murray Timber 4-sided canting log breakdown line

This new 6-deck jet veneer dryer, located at Martco, Chopin, LA, is the largest dryer to date in the southern yellow pine region. This dryer will accomplish the equivalent production of two dryers, reducing labor costs by one-half. At the same time it will reduce thermal energy consumption by 10%, and exhaust fugitive emissions by 15%.

This mill is located in Ireland.

The dryer was erected off-line, and once complete it was towed into place and connected to all services under a projected expedited schedule. This allowed Martco the advantage of choosing the optimum time to disrupt its production schedule to install the additional capacity, and allowed the plant to utilize the existing building structure to house the new dryer.

Sweep reducing

Log positioning

The importance of cant positioning is often overlooked. Only one infeed position will result in maximum product value. Deviation from this position will result in lower output. With a True Shape optimization system the best position is accurately determined.

Söderhamn Eriksson´s positioning system ensures the correct rotating position is maintained and carries out the side positioning which is calculated by the optimising system.

System Edger - versatile and reliable Bandsawing technology edger optimizer

Söderhamn Eriksson´s edging systems with high capacity and maximum yield generates the most valuable product out of each board.

Söderhamn Eriksson´s bandsaws offer the highest accuracy, very thin kerf, short built-in length, easy to set and efficient curve sawing of cants.

- Systems for all capacity requirements - Highest capacity on the market - Designs for unmanned operation - High resolution scanning on both sides of the board - Unlimited edging options - Split and reject modules

- High-strain bandsaws with high accuracy at highest feed speed - Saw kerf 3 mm or less - Reducer band saw combinations with 2,3 or 4 bands - Resaw combinations with 1 to 4 saw bands - Feed speeds up to 180 m/min


MiCROTEC CTLOG Virtual Grading

Inline Moisture Meter: - Determines accurately moisture content of lumber - Works in lineal and in transversal transport - Measures contactless and independently of environmental influences and conveyor speed - Sorts automatically lumber based on individual quality parameters - Fits in any production line - Features open interface standards for transparent data exchange - Enables easy and intuitive control on touchscreen

Full digital stem and log description 3D analysis of wood defects virtual breakdown virtual grading value optimisation


CT.LOG and Viscan.XL - Full value optimisation

First class Strength (Stress) Grading integrated with inline density meter: - Determines accurately and reliably MOE/MOR of lumber - Grades lumber non-destructively, optically and independently of interfering ambient conditions such as noise - Works at a repeat accuracy of over 99 % - Grades at your production pace in transversal transport - Is a worldwide accredited stress grading solution - Maximizes recovery in combination with other MiCROTEC systems, such as GOLDENEYE - Complies already to the main grading standards

Published on Oct 4, 2012 Highspeed Computer Tomography (2m/s) For Stems and Logs Diameter up to 650mm Digital stem and log description Continuous, qualitative and 3D log reconstruction Virtual breakdown and grading Value optimisation

Industrial Sawmill Business Spotlight SLP2 at LIGNA - Ohio Valley Veneer

For six years, Ed Robbins struggled to make his high grade lumber mill profitable. Finally he turned to Wood-Mizer industrial thin-kerf headrigs and his employees thought he was crazy... See what happened in the video.

Wood-Mizer debuts the SLP2 (Small Log Processing system) at Ligna 2013, in Hanover. Thin-kerf blades and higher automation result in a profitable combination.

WM4000 ENG

WM1000 with new hydraulic system

WM4000 – Wood-Mizer’s latest thin-kerf headrig.

WM1000 – Break down big logs accurately and efficiently with a 1.7 metre (67”) center capacity cut.

Grade Scan 2013/2014

The Westervelt Story

True-Q Patented Board Tracking System

A4 generic ad2 rev2:Layout 1



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Ragley Estate, Alcester, Warwickshire

For Further Information: Telephone 01737 245081


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