09/11 Roswell

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Droopy Eyelids?

2. Where is the surgery being performed; 3. Ask about the extent of the eyelid reshaping and any associated procedures you may be having/needing;

4. Recovery period and limitations to your activities; 5. Ask for an explanation of risks, possible complications and likely results; 6. Inquire as to the cost of the blepharoplasty and whether it is deemed medically necessary. If you are having a medically necessary procedure and want to add on a cosmetic procedure performed at the same time, you can save out-of-pocket cost by combining the medically necessary and cosmetic procedures into the same facility and anesthesia fees.

Remedy to Leaky Duct Work

Something Beautiful . . . Part 2

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A clean duct work assures the homeowner their energy dollars are being spent wisely and they have done all they can do to stop waste in their HVAC system. There are many qualified companies in every community that can visit your home and inspect and check your duct system for leakage. Please give me a call if you would like additional information about this process.

46 AroundAbout Roswell | september 2011

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to and even held tight through the battle raging within me to retreat when others have hurt me. Both sides are painful, often really ugly, and always filled with pressure, but there is HOPE if we look to Jesus to be our Source of Love and Light when it feels like we’re about to blow. Stay with me and we’ll look to that miracle of Hope next time.

Delaying Dental Treament

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means removing (extracting) the offending tooth. Extracting the offending tooth has the additional benefit of providing a way to drain the infection. • Antibiotics are of secondary importance in treating a dental infection, and antibiotics are not automatically used to treat dental infections. Antibiotics are used for treating infections involving rapidly progressive swelling, diffuse swelling, a medically compromised child, or an infection that has invaded the extraoral spaces. • If a child with an infection is dehydrated, IV fluids may need to be administered. The bottom line is that most, if not all of these types of infections can be avoided by following through on dental treatment recommended by your dentist as quickly as possible. Flynn TR: Oral-facial emergencies. The Swollen face. Emergency Clinics of North America. 18(3) August 2000.

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