1 minute read
English Summary
from Focus på No nr. 166
by Focus på No
This time in Focus: 3)
Notes from the editor and what has happened since last time. Michael is still running the calender for sognehuset. Pagoden came by and that was a huge sucess, No bidy is up and running again, and the bouncy castle finally up as well.
Status on the Electric Vestrum.
8) 9) A new electirc car will become available i No, but when that will be is still unknown, Big and small. The numbers for intern lottery. The gathering for No residents is still on hold until further notice. Pictures of the new confirmands. Portrait of a No resident. No Kindergarten is talking about the new renovations they are undergoing. The reason for this is because of the safty for the kids. The exits in on the first floor is not as safe as if they all are downstairs. Local archive tells about how No sogn came to be. The Youth club had an event in October where 32 kids all got to watch a movie in the cinema. A huge sucess. Also you can come by the 4th and 18th of Dec. To buy candy.
Diletant the 5th and 6th of March. 14-15) Important dates of whats happening in and around No. 18-19) Pictures since the last time. 22)
Dates for the church ceremons.
23) Activity house. Dates for lectures and other activities in the activityhouse. The prices for renting a room or holding a party. The christmas party is cancelled.
25) Hee school tells that they are safe from closing because they have enough kids to keep the school running. They are also looking for a new leader as the former one has found new work elsewhere.
Hej alle. Så er jeg tilbage og klar til at modtage jer i salonen igen. Jeg har været hjemme i Thailand et stykke tid, pga. sygdom i familien. Jeg undskylder meget over for de der er gået eller har ringet forgæves. Jeg tilbyder: Klip, permanent og farvning. Mere end 15 års erfaring Priser, for såvel herrer som damer, fra kr. 150. Heager Engvej 2, 6950 Ringkøbing Venlig hilsen Manatjan og Olav (50 19 00 10)