Biotechnology Opportunities in Grenoble

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Potential therapeutic targets in renal cell carcinoma Novel Drug Testing Approaches > Introduction

Protein-kinases are attractive targets for anti-neoplastic therapy in a wide spectrum of tumors. The research team is specialized in studying renal cell carcinoma (RCC) which accounts for 2-3% of all malignant diseases in adults in Europe. A major challenge in designing new kinase inhibitors is to determine which kinases to inhibit to maximize the efficacy and therapeutic index. Thus, defining the essential «kinome» in individual cancers represents a new approach to identifying new clinical biomarkers and to designing efficient multitargeted kinase inhibitors. In this context, the characterization of the kinome events unique to CRC could be of critical significance for future innovative therapies. Based on Grenoble team know-how in the protein kinase field, together with a facilitated access to functional genomic and chemogenomic platforms, researchers should provide you with new avenues to uncover novel therapeutic targets, thus accelerating oncology drug development.

1) Characterization of your new drug with a complete new approach • We can evaluate your drug activity and/ or toxicity on various cancer cell lines and analyze their cellular effects on cell cultures or cocultures. • In follow-up studies/ from these results, kinases that have been modified by this drug can be researched in follow up studies.

Key Benefits The possibility of finding specific kinase signatures in a rapid and reliable manner is a powerful approach. Proof of concept will look at whether the effects of the RNAi observed in vitro would translate in vivo into altered tumour development. This approach will help to distinguish those kinases that are the drivers of tumor progression from those that are passengers in the process.

2) Kinase loss-of-function RNAi screen • We can identify kinase requirements for renal carcinoma cells grown on cell lines using a commercial panel of RNAi directed to all human kinases or lentivirus transduction method

> Contact Nicole GIRAUD

6 Allée de Bethléem – F-38610 Gières Tel. +33 (0)4 76 00 78 42 – Fax : +33 (0)4 76 00 70 38 -


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