Flexible Boss June 2015: issue 4

Page 33


Keep pieces equal in age jigsaw Ben Black, Director My Family Care


uddenly everyone is

more vital to offer a bit of

Some organisations have

talking about multi-

flexibility. In addition, our

embraced the possibilities

generational human

parents are living longer

of more agile ways of work

resources polices. Why has

and often require help.

brilliantly. Others have not.

it become an issue? It’s all

There are now six million

about demographics and

working carers, with the

ultimately be about better

the changing nature of

numbers rising inexorably.

performance. It’s about


Then there is the fact that

Agile working must

happier, more engaged

Generation Y is arriving

employees working better

medicine, healthier

into the wonderful world

and more productively and

lifestyles and the glorious

of work with all kinds of

the business benefiting

NHS, the average life

different expectations

from the results. Wherever

expectancy is on an ever-

and aspirations about

you fit into the multi-

upward trajectory. And as

the boundaries between

generational spectrum,

we live longer, so we are

personal career paths.

you might appreciate some

Thanks to modern

working longer: 30% of the

Put all that together and

“If you offer subsidised emergency childcare, why not offer eldercare support as well?”

flexibility. The business has

offer eldercare support

UK workforce is already

you have to feel a degree

to treat everyone the same.

as well? Why should the

over 50 and that figure is

of sympathy for our hard-

The working grandparent is

employee who has to

rising. Pension ages will

pressed HR departments. Of

just as keen to play a role in

pick up his mother from

continue to be pushed up.

course, multi-generational

their grandchildren’s lives

hospital not be supported

Most of us need to carry on

policies and approaches

as the 22-year-old aspiring

in the same way as the dad

working in any case. And

are needed, but it’s not the

canoeist is to try and fulfil

who’s stressed because

we’re a pretty loyal bunch:

easiest challenge out there.

his Olympic ambitions.

conjunctivitis stops

why wouldn’t we stay with

There are three parts to

And third, it’s about

his daughter attending

an employer where we’re

the jigsaw for employers.

making sure that benefits

daycare? We are about to

appreciated and supported

The first piece is cultural:

help everyone. Different

introduce various working

and we have an impact?

ensuring the organisation

benefits will obviously

grandparent resources for our clients.

understands the challenge.

appeal at different stages

children later. Professional

Getting different age groups

of life and the career cycle,

parents are now typically

to talk and share their

and understanding some

performer whose favourite

four years older than they

different, but often similar,

of the challenges your

labrador is on its last legs?

were 30 years ago. Older

life-work complications can

employees face is key.

Don’t they need to be

mothers and fathers equal

work wonders.

For example, if you offer

treated the same? We’re

The second piece to put

emergency childcare on a

not there with petcare yet,

in place is flexible working.

subsidised basis, why not

but it may well happen.

We’re also having

more senior working parents to whom it is even


And what about the star

Flexible Boss: June 2015


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