2015-2016 Florida Consortium of Metropolitan Research Universities Annual Report

Page 46

A few of the ideas generated by faculty have included revamping curriculum and teaching practices, building community among students and faculty, and coordinating course learning goals and objectives.

On April 15th, nearly 70 faculty from the Consortium institutions met for the second Faculty Learning Community Summit. At the summit, faculty

were able to collaborate and exchange ideas with colleagues at both an intra and inter university level. Faculty conveyed that the summit allowed them to gain an “understanding each other’s needs both in discipline and across discipline” and to “network and reinforce the relationships between the faculty on all three campuses.”

Also at the FLC summit, faculty learned of an opportunity further develop their ideas and apply for a mini-grant from the Consortium. These

mini-grants will allow for faculty to collaborate and actively plan for class, department, and campus solutions to improve STEM education at our three institutions. In other words, faculty are given the opportunity to put their ideas into action!

The next FLC Summit will be hosted by Florida International University in September. There faculty will present their mini-grant proposal ideas and discuss their potential benefits to the Consortium, our three partner institutions, and our students.

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