Flagler College 2012-2013 Course Catalog

Page 102

Student Life


Academic Organizations AIGA - AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) encourages the formation of student groups at colleges and universities and is committed to GHYHORSLQJ WKHVH JURXSV DV D ZD\ RI HQFRXUDJLQJ VWXGHQWV WR WDNH WKH ¿UVW VWHS LQ demonstrating a commitment to their professional interest and assisting them in understanding the profession. The goal of the student groups is to get the student involved in the local design community, create a community of their own, and help them build leadership skills that will be valuable as they move into the professional world. Dow Advantage - Membership is open to all students but candidates are put through a screening process. The academic organization is a student-run public UHODWLRQV DJHQF\ ZKLFK ZRUNV ZLWK QRQ SUR¿W JURXSV LQ WKH 6W $XJXVWLQH DUHD Flagler College Model United Nations - The Model United Nations organization is design to allow students to simulate current issues facing the international system. Students will engage in debate and negotiation to persuade other conference members to agree with their resolution to current problems. The Model United Nations works to expand student knowledge of and participation in politics at the international level. Club Members meet to discuss important international political issues, to prepare for Model UN conferences and competitions, and to host educational events such as speakers and political debates. The club is also designed to allow students interested in international affairs to socialize and interact with other students that share these interests. Phi Alpha Delta - An international law club whose purpose is to emphasize the promotion of intellectual and social activities of its members in order to aid in their advancement into the study of law. PRSSA - PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) The organization encourages the understanding of current theories and procedures in the practice of public relations. Besides providing an opportunity to network ZLWKLQ WKH SXEOLF UHODWLRQV ¿HOG 3566$ HQFRXUDJHV VWXGHQWV WR DGKHUH WR WKH highest ideals and principles of the practice of public relations. Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) - The purpose of this club is to provide an opportunity for the student members to increase management skills and expertise through participation in programs and services designed to improve the professional quality of their knowledge, performance, and leadership ability. Under certain conditions students can also compete in an annual management case competition and for other SAM awards at SAM’s annual conference.

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