Think Fishers - February 2018

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Think Fishers sat down with Dave McDowell, president and owner of

TF: What’s your favorite lunch spot in Fishers?

Fishers-based Techlite to learn more about the company. The team of

DM: Mealtime favorites among the Techlite staff include

lighting professionals represent quality lighting and related products

Peterson’s, Sahm’s Restaurant, BoomBozz, the Nickel Plate and

for commercial, industrial, and roadway applications.

City Barbeque. We are really looking forward to the additional venues at The Yard. And I can’t leave out Taylor’s Bakery for a

Think Fishers: Tell us about Techlite. What’s your 30-second

quick and delicious breakfast pick-up.

elevator pitch? Dave McDowell: Over 30 years of experience in the lighting

TF: What’s new for Techlite in 2018?

industry has cultivated Techlite into a reputable “customer is first”

DM: With new developments in smart controls and other lighting

service provider. Techlite’s commitments are to our customers,

based technologies coming out every day, 2018 is looking

our top of the line lighting manufacturers, the community, and

bright for Techlite. By taking on new challenges, ventures, and

to our staff, many of whom reside in Fishers. Providing well-

discussing possibilities, growth is the mission objective. With

lit offices, shops, parking lots, walk ways, roadways, and many

Techlite’s main pillars of discipline, integrity, and dedication,

other applications is how we strive to light up the already bright

there is no limit to 2018’s potential.

community we share. TF: To us, Fishers is a smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial city TF: What do you love most about being part of the community?

and we know our businesses are too. Which of those words best

DM: As a company that likes to look to the horizons, Fishers is

describe Techlite?

a great fit for Techlite. In an industry that is constantly pushing

DM: Techlite is smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial. Smart in

ahead and looking for ways to improve and grow, the city of

multiple senses; Techlite is not only both deeply embedded in smart

Fishers follows suit. The attention to detail, as well as encouraged

technology but also insightfully knowledgeable of the lighting

open communication are mutual values shared between Techlite

industry. Using the latest LED technology and building controls

and Fishers.

we focus on optimizing light output while conserving energy and using less materials. Vibrancy would describe the Techlite staff

When I purchased the building on Loma Court many years ago,

and their dedication to quality service. Finally, Techlite’s constant

I was told that it was at a premium location. And today, thanks

endeavor to discover new application as well as keeping an open-

to Fishers’ growth, it’s the best investment I’ve made. Its coveted

mind to conversations of new experiences makes Techlite a

location in a thriving area makes Loma Court a premier home

perfect fit for the entrepreneurial city of Fishers. Techlite believes

for Techlite.

their success lies in other’s success which makes us feel right at home in Fishers.

The past 30 years have seen many changes in Techlite’s business. It all began with my mother (who would refer to her maiden name to make the company roster seem larger), my brother, myself and

Interested in learning more? Check out Techlite

only a handful of manufacturers. Today, the company represents

online by visiting

over 80 lighting companies with over 20 employees.



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