FBC December Newsletter 2018

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PASTOR’S PEN DECEMBER The twelfth month of the year is a

time to reflect on the past year. This has been a challenging year for me. For the first two months, I watched the love of my life, my wife, struggle with a stroke, with no medical expectation for recovery. On March 8th, I watched her take her last breath and make her transition into eternity. After 54 years of companionship and steadfast support, she was no longer with me. The struggle with assisting my daughter come to grip with the loss of her mother has also been daunting. Then in the tenth month I found myself eulogizing my sister. Her departure leaves me with only one of my four siblings. That reality causes me to take note of my own finiteness. “Time is filled with swift transition.”

We have also noted many members of our fellowship who have experienced similar moments when they have walked through the valleys and shadows, needing the comfort of the Great Shepherd. Our love and prayers are with them.


twelfth month also brings some good news: we are not alone. The God of creation is with us. “God sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” Let us embrace the joy of the Advent Season.

As we draw close to the end of 2018, we are

reminded of several events that should be part of our sharing and observance: Page 2

First, we want to support the ministry of our Outreach Committee in providing Christmas toys and gifts for foster children in our community. The Outreach Committee has performed an outstanding and important task for over 20 years. We thank God for the wonderful work they have done.

Second, we want to support our Deaconess Ministry in their effort to decorate our altar with poinsettias. Christmas in First Baptist is made better because of this important activity.


let’s remember that Christmas EVE Service will be held on Monday, December 24, 2018 at 7:30 PM. The service will feature seasonal music worship and praise. It will conclude with Holy Communion. We call on all of our members and friends to join us in this time of joyous proclamation.


we invite those persons who appreciate God’s sustained blessings to join us on New Year’s Eve at 10:00 PM to celebrate God’s blessings. He has showered His Goodness on us throughout this year. We will pray for His blessings throughout the new year. Our New Year’s fast will begin on January 2nd and end on January 12th during our Annual Church Meeting.


us remember the Joy of Christ as we celebrate the season. After all is said and done, Jesus is indeed the Reason for the Season.

“when you wait, you win”!

Acts 2:1-16 (The Reverend Donald Robinson, Deacon Bruce Roberson) Merry Christmas and Seasons Greeting to all! As we journey forth in this season of “Advent and Christmas,” we pause to thank God for another wonderful year. Moreover, even as we thank God for this year, we wait in great anticipation for another remarkable year.

His baptism. As a result of fasting and truly seeking God’s face, we can expect; a new refreshing intimacy with God and a renewed sense of His presence within us. Fasting is not about what you get out of it, it is an act of sacrifice and obedience to God.

Like the apostles, who were told by Jesus to wait on “The Holy Spirit” that they could receive power, we too, know we must wait that we too can be victorious and empowered. In fact, we’ve come to the realization, if we’re going to do anything of consequence, we’ve got to wait on the Holy Spirit, as well as fast and pray. The Bible tell us the most direct and sustained way to receive power from God is through “Fasting and praying.”

The primary purpose of this “Season of Prayer and Fasting” is to abstain from solid foods, that we might be strengthened in character and drawn closer in relationship with Christ. As we gain spiritual wisdom and strength, as a result of our collective and individual fast, we will be better spiritually attuned to do the Lord’s work in 2019.

As a result, beginning Wednesday, January 2, 2019, we will join our Pastor (The Reverend Dr. Frank D. Tucker) and begin a season of “Fasting and Praying.” This period of sacrifice and selfdenial will conclude on Saturday, January 12, 2019 at our quarterly Church Meeting (9:00 A.M.). This year we will ask God’s guidance and strength in several areas, which include personal and collective financial growth, sustained spiritual and physical health, as well as the completion of our elevator project! We will also ask God for a renewed thirst for “the Word,” peace in our homes and communities, as well as an end to the senseless killing of African-American people! Fasting is a means of humbling ourselves before God, letting Him know, we are willing to sacrifice things that we enjoy in order to be drawn closer to “Him.” As a spiritual discipline, fasting is the act of abstaining from food. This is a powerful discipline whereby God’s spirit is poured out upon us as, we earnestly seek Him and deny ourselves.

So many of us abstain from food, but forget to develop a more Christ-centered prayer life and have daily intimacy with Jesus. When we fast, we should never try to impress others or fast for selfish reasons. Fasting should be viewed as a personal opportunity to get closer to the Lord, that we can become more poised and strengthened to do God’s will.

We especially challenge all men to “Fast and Pray,” asking God to help us to be transformed into the men, fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, neighbors, friends and servants, “he” has called us to be! Moreover, not only will we be abstaining from solid foods, we will also abstain from bad habits, questionable life styles, sour attitudes, negative dispositions, gossip, slander, selfishness, jealousy, anger and poor financial management. We know the foundation of Fasting and Prayer is humility and repentance, thus we ask god’s guidance as we humbly come before Him. Let us ask God to help us to have a humble spirit, as we venture forth in this “New Year,” a year full of hope, possibilities and opportunities to bring glory to His name. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 12, 2019, at 9:00 A.M., at our quarterly “Church Meeting.” There we will all share our collective and individual testimonies, as well as share praise reports of the great things “The Lord” has already done and will do in the future. Let us “Fast and Pray” as we wait…that, in “Him,” we can win!

Fasting and prayer can cause one to become much more spiritually strong and thereby able to combat and withstand the forces of Satan. Jesus sets the example for fasting when He fasted forty days after

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“ReaChinG out to Do outReaCh” (Historical Reflections From The FBC Outreach Committee)

My, how times flies when you are working in the Vineyard. Friends, this means it is the time of year for special greetings and cheerful gatherings. In that spirit, First Baptist Church will again embrace the gift of love and sharing; as we host the “2018 Foster and Neediest Children’s Christmas Celebration.” On Saturday, December 15, 2018, at 9:00 A.M., this will be our 22nd year of hosting the Foster Families in the D.C., Maryland and Virginia areas. For the past 22 years, the First Baptist Church family, friends and co-workers have gathered together to make sure that some of the “neediest children” in the metro area have a joyful Christmas. Our collective efforts have ensured that those most in need experience the true meaning of “Christmas” and its associated gifts of forgiveness, love, hope and generosity! This year, the Outreach Committee has received a “Wish List” from 113 children, (which represents a total of 42 families). Therefore, we need your love and financial support again this year. If you wish to contribute to this great cause, do know envelopes are in the back of the pews. Please make all checks payable to First Baptist Church and note “Foster Children’s Christmas Project.” It is our desire to remain steadfast in our commitment to this project. However, it is unrealistic to provide support for this mission without the support of the entire

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village. Also, feel free to come out on Friday, December 14, 2018, at 6:00 pm and join us at our annual Gift-Wrapping Party. All are Welcome to join us the next day, as we then share these wonderful gifts with families from all over the metropolitan area. The next day, Saturday, December 15, 2018, our day will begin with prayer and a hearty hot breakfast, prepared by the awesome men of our church. Following the breakfast, our Youth Ministry will do a dramatic presentation entitled “A Christmas to Believe In.” After we eat and enjoy a time of fellowship with the families we will distribute gifts to the foster families. This year, we will be doing a little extra because one of our foster families (with four children) was burned out and lost everything in the fire. Therefore, we feel compelled to reach down a little deeper and assist this family who is most in need! As we bring this note to a close, remember our prayers…. may God continue to bless each of you for your continued love, support, prayers and compassion for the least of these! Meanwhile, have a very Merry Christmas! Bettie McKenzie-Mabry Chairperson Outreach Ministry Cheryl Walker, Co-Chair Outreach Ministry

“aDVent, the CoMinG oF the KinG”! Isaiah 9:1-7 (The Reverend Donald Robinson, Deacon Bruce Roberson)

During this season of gift giving, merriment and singing of holiday songs, we’re reminded, we’re experiencing “The Spirit of Christmas.” “The spirit of Christmas” comes to us around November 22nd and last until January 20th. During this season we feel compelled to love one another, forgive one another, exchange gifts and do acts of kindness. Even though this infectious feeling is nice it does not last. If you desire lasting peace, lasting joy, lasting forgiveness and lasting peace, you’ve got to embrace “The Spirit of Christ”! Yes, my friends “The Spirit of Christ” is different from “The Spirit of Christmas.” “The Spirit of Christ” is within your heart! It comes as a result of “The Holy Spirit” in dwelling within you after you have accepted Jesus The Christ as your “personal Lord and Savior”! The Spirit of Christmas” is an emotional, psychological feeling which comes upon you, but is shallow and on the surface. Moreover, the observance of “Advent” comes four Sundays before Christmas (The Birth Day of Jesus The Christ). The early church fathers didn’t want “Christian Believers” to down play Christmas or overlook it’s deeper spiritual meaning or be distracted by “the Spirit of Christmas.” Therefore, the early church fathers instituted this observance (Advent) to help us to experience the rich significance of “the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ”, who is also “our King of all Kings” and Lord of all Lords! Likewise, few Protestant Christians know or understand what is meant by the term “Advent” (which means coming, The coming of Christ The Savior) and its integral relationship to the celebration of “The Birth of Jesus” which we observe as “Christmas”! Advent marks the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve (December 24th). Historically, the primary sanctuary color of Advent is Purple. This is the color of penitence and fasting, as well as the color of royalty to welcome “the coming of the King.” The purple of Advent is also the color of suffering used during Lent and Holy Week. Therefore, these contrasting themes help us to experience the continuity between Jesus’ birth, suffering, persecution, death and resurrection! In some churches, the third Sunday of Advent remains the Sunday of Joy which is marked by pink or rose colored decorations or candles. Many Protestant churches now use blue candles to distinguish the Season of Advent from the season of Lent. Royal Blue is also sometimes used as a symbol of royalty. With the shift to blue for Advent in most non-Catholic churches, there is also a tendency to move pink to the Fourth Sunday of Advent. These pink candles or decorations still remain associated with Joy, but is sometimes used as the climax of the Advent Season on the last Sunday before Christmas. The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” Thusly, the focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ, who comes as “The Babe who is born King in “His” First Advent. The anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ as the King in “His” Second Advent, represents “His” coming for “His” bride, “The Church,” at the end of time! Moreover, the scripture readings for Advent reflect themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment against sin and the hope of eternal life. In this double focus on past and future, (first coming, second coming) Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and congregations, as they affirm firstly that Christ has come, second that He is present in the world today, and thirdly that He will come again in power majesty, and splendor as “The King of The Universe”!

Advent is also marked by a spirit of expectation, anticipation, preparation, and longing. This longing represents a deep yearning for deliverance from the evils of the world, first expressed by the Israelite slaves in Egypt, as they cried out from their bitter oppression. It is also the cry of those who have experienced the tyranny of injustice in a world under the curse of sin, and yet who have the hope of deliverance by a God who has heard their cries. It is this hope, however faint, and however distant, which brings to the world the anticipation of the second coming of the King who will rule forever with truth, justice and righteousness. Moreover, we celebrate with gladness the great promise of Advent, yet we know there is also a somber tone, forth coming as we anticipate the suffering, persecution and death of Jesus during “Holy Week and Resurrection Day”! Perhaps, the spirit of Advent is best expressed in the parable of the bridesmaids who are anxiously awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). In that parable, there is profound joy at the Bridegroom’s expected coming. And yet there is also a warning of the need for preparation echoing throughout the parable. But even then, the prayer of Advent is still”……. Come, Oh Come, Lord Emmanuel… come and ransom captive Israel!” Let us pray, repent and humble ourselves, as we celebrate the “First and Second.” “Coming of the King.” Page 5

“the SonGS anD SounDS oF the SeaSon”! (By Brother David Powell and the FBC Ministry of Music) Can you believe it, it’s that time again,…. time to celebrate the wonderful season of “Advent and Christmas.” We just recently gave thanks to the Lord for all the wonderful and abundant blessings he’s given us, as we sat around the table with family and friends at Thanksgiving. Seems we ate until our stomachs were full and our hearts were contented. Additionally, The FBC Music Ministry, our Pastor, and Congregation gave thanks and praises to God over at St. Paul AME Church on Thanksgiving Day morning. Now we are in a season of “Advent,” which prepares us for the coming of Christ,” while also asking “Christ” to clothe us in “His” spiritual garments of righteousness! Advent and Christmas is also a time when people are doing many things such as shopping for gifts, decorating the Christmas tree and their houses, hosting family gatherings, attending Christmas parties and so on. However, in the midst of our fun and merriment let us remember to pause and reflect upon what this season is really all about …… “The Birth of Christ.” In fact, there is no “Christmas” without “Christ.” Therefore, let us continue to keep “Christ” at the center of everything we do. Let us also be compassionate, as we remember the less fortunate, those who have no jobs, the homeless, the victims of crime, as well as victims of natural disasters. Meanwhile, The First Baptist Church Music Ministry invites you to enjoy, “The Songs & Sounds of the Season.” This event will feature narration, original and arranged compositions, as we journey forth in the Christmas Holiday season. Most importantly, all of this singing and merriment will help us to celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ. In addition to the melodic sounds of the First Baptist Church Choir, additional musical support will be rendered by our very own songstress, Mrs. Lorree K. Slye. Meanwhile, may God continue to bless, protect and guide you as you experience the joys and wonders of Christmas! God bless you and have a very “Merry Christmas.”

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“woRDS oF hoPe FoR thiS ChRiStMaS anD new yeaR” - ISAIAH 52:1-2 (Brother Kevin Shamblee on Behalf of Christian Education Ministry) Despair and pain has been noted throughout the history of this great city, nation and the global community. We know too well the history of the despair suffered by the Hebrews under Pharaoh’s lashes. History also teaches us also of the despair experienced in London and Poland when Nazi bombs fell on innocent civilians European living in Poland, during World War II. That’s not to forget the bombs that fell on Pearl Harbor and introduced the United States to World War II, of which we pause and pay homage each December. Additionally, we know of the Africans who were taken into chattel slavery in America and the Caribbean Islands and endured the horrific middle passage, as well as years of harsh servitude. Locally and in many communities across this great nation, many still endure violence, addiction, low educational test scores and higher rates of unemployment, as well as incarceration. Unfortunately, this violence and other atrocities are committed against our own sisters and brothers, leaving them no choice but to find logging in dinky, dark shelters! Meanwhile, the educationally unprepared also encounter despair when they are overlooked in the competitive job market. Moreover, it seems that the incarcerated have to experience many additional years of despair, even though they’ve already served a sentence of incarceration! We are also reminded of the many acts committed by law enforcement officers on innocent African-Americans, many of whom were young African-American males. Additionally, we know of the crippling diseases in Africa and other places, which destroy the lives of many innocent persons. These are all examples of situations in whereby hope is needed to overpower despair. During the holiday months of November and December our Sunday Church School lessons at First Baptist Church focused on the prophetic visions of great men of God, who spoke prophetically to those who were held in captivity. For instance, Ezekiel spoke of a new temple to be filled with the glory of the Lord even while the old temple was being destroyed by the Babylonians. Then Isaiah told his listeners to “rise up,” “put on your beautiful garments” and “free yourselves from the chains on your neck.” Yes, these words of hope spoken by the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah helped to lift the hearts of a nation of people who were held oppressed and bound in captivity. Today, words of hope are still a valuable commodity. Here at First Baptist Church we have witnessed through media and firsthand accounts the despair throughout our city, our nation and within the global community. As we grapple with violence and the scars of life threatening diseases, the words of hope from our prophets, often feels like cool water in a burning hot desert! These words of hope heard by the Assyrians and Babylonians were also great source of encouragement during their time of captivity. Additionally, our slave ancestors crossing the Atlantic Ocean, who had little to hope were also encouraged by prayers and songs of hope as they travelled the chilly waters on the high seas. Through God’s intervention, our blood and sweat we helped this country to grow to become a great military and industrial power.

As we leave 2018 and stand tip toe on 2019, let us remain hopeful! God will still be with us en though there will be many instances of despair and hurt, as well as hope and victory in the days to come. In fact, some of our experiences will be more painful and complicated than others and will require much prayer and faith. Some will even require the discipline and courage of prophets like Ezekiel and Isaiah. Nevertheless, continue to be encouraged, God has prepared, a way for His people to succeed. By faith I believe God will remove the despair and hurt that shackled us in 2018, “He” will give us new hope and new strength in 2019. Meanwhile, let us be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Have hope in the Lord during this Christmas season, as well as in “The New Year” to come!

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“youth newS, you Can uSe” (By Sister Kareema Clark-Robinson)

One Dark and Starry Night

On a dark and starry night One star shone particularly bright And led wisemen to the sight Where a prince was born that night. When they arrived upon the scene, It was almost like a dream. There lay the tiny Lord Supreme, 'Tween Joseph and Heaven's future queen. The wisemen placed their gifts before him, To show how much they adored him. Their souls filled with joy to the brim, As the angels sang their Heavenly hymn. Now each Christmas we commemorate, And rejoice with glee and celebrate, The birth of Jesus, the one so great, The Son of God, the Word Incarnate.

Forgiving Yourself and Others …for His name’s sake, your sins were forgiven” (1 John 2:12). We were flying to a conference. I was in the middle seat – certainly not my choice – but my husband and I have an agreement that if a woman is sitting by the window, I sit in the middle, if a man is in the seat by the window, Marvin sits in the middle. Barely was I settled, when I discerned that the young woman sitting next to me was very sad and deep in thought. Making conversation, I asked her where she was from, where she was going and what she did. Page 8

“youth newS, you Can uSe” (Cont’D) She was a student and had been attending a university in Poland – the homeland of her father. Then she told me sadly that her father had died. She had chosen to attend college in Poland against her father’s wishes as a result their relationship had been strained. They hadn’t forgiven each other when he died. She seemed so sad and I recognized a deeper issue. I asked her if she had forgiven herself for not complying with her father’s wishes. She answered that she couldn’t forgive herself and felt so guilty. Slowly, I began to tell her about God’s love and forgiveness. I told her because of Christ’s death on the cross, her sins were forgiven and her guilt was removed. I encouraged her to trust God and that because God had forgiven her, she could forgive herself no matter how awful she thought she had been. As I spoke, I prayed and my husband prayed. I told her about something I had done as a teenager for which I had felt guilty about for many years. How I had come to the place where I was faced with the choice of forgiving myself because Christ had already forgiven me or I could continue feeling guilty the rest of my life. I had chosen to forgive myself. The light in her eyes seemed to brighten! She began to understand she was totally forgiven and could forgive herself. She could be free and happy. “God meant for you to sit with me today,” she told me at the end of the flight. How about you? Is there something in your life for which you feel guilty about? You don’t need to. Simply accept God’s love and forgiveness. That’s the reason we celebrate “Christmas”! People needed a Savior, therefore God sent “His” Son into this world to die on our behalf, that we would be forgiven of our sin, have a new and better relationship with “God our Father” and experience the joys of our new found forgiveness! When we most needed it, God sent us a Savior. Thus, we sing…. “joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King, let every heart prepare “Him” room as heaven and nature sings, as heaven and nature sings”……….

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“GoD’S GooD GiFt—GoD’S PeRFeCt GiFt” (Sister Colleen Sweatt, Missionary Society, President)

The giver What an appropriate time to talk about gifts! By the time you read this article, Christmas, the most enjoyable season of the entire year, will be gradually drawing to a close. Most of us will have given and received precious gifts during the Christmas season. But let’s imagine that we have been given a particular spectacular gift, a gift that is greater than any of the other gifts. We understand the significance of the gift, but we also understand that unless we have the appropriate power connection, the gift will not operate as intended. Today we live in such a high-tech world, that I am sure you understand the necessity of “power connection.” Nearly every toy, game, and most machines require battery or electric power to function. When you have a toy or a game for a youngster, you might as well go ahead and buy an adequate supply of batteries, especially if you expect to have any peace. Remember, without the batteries the toy is useless. It has no power to be functional. While we explore and perceive our God-bestowed gifts, we must also seek diligently to know the GIVER of these gifts. “THE GIVER” OF THESE GIFTS IS OUR POWER CONNECTION! Just as God has a purpose for each individual, HE also has a purpose for everything that HE does. UNDERSTANDING GOD’S character and HIS purpose can help prepare us for anointed service in the KINGDOM of GOD. Too often in the body of CHRIST, we encounter believers who arrogantly claim possession of the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT. We should know that.” Every GOOD GIFT AND EVERY PERFECT GIFT IS FROM ABOVE; COMES FROM GOD!

In the spirit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the missionary society wishes you and your family A Merry Christmas!

Events The missionaries give thanks to our Men’s Fellowship our, Circles and our office Staff for the support they gave us as we worked diligently together this season of “Thanksgiving!” Because of your love, kindness and generosity the Project was a success. We were able to give families and our (FBC) Seniors. A total of 100 turkeys. Please remember, on the first Sunday of each month the “FBC Missionaries” will attend Stoddard Baptist Nursing Home. This month (December) our guest speaker will be The Reverend Ralph Peters Jr. He will bring the inspirational word to the residents and staff. The Missionaries lead the Sunday services and participate in rich fellowship with the residents, their families and the staff. We invite you to join us. It would be a blessing to the residents if you could come and praise God with us. Let us not forget to visit our sick and shut in members, as well as make a call to them, as often as possible. Mark your calendars; The Missionary Ministry meets every 4th Saturday at 12 Noon here at First Baptist Church. May the gift of God’s love bring you joy and peace this Christmas Season.







DECEMBER 20, 2018


10:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.



Part of the District’s Senior Service Network supported by the Office on Aging Page 9

~December 2018 EVENTS~ Sunday, December 2, 2018 Holy Communion Services— (7:50 A.M. & 10:50 A.M.) *****

Sunday, December 9, 2018 Youth Sunday—(10:50 A.M.) *****

SATURday, December 15, 2018 FOSTER CARE CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP—(9:30 A.M.) DEACON & DEACONESS FELLOWSHIP—(4h CLUB 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.) Youth experience—Fbc Christmas play “a ChRiStMaS to belieVe in” (12 noon) *****

Sunday, December 16, 2018 Men’S eMPhaSiS SunDay—(7:50 a.m. & 10:50 a.m.) Youth experience—Fbc Christmas play “a ChRiStMaS to belieVe in” @ (9:00 a.M.) *****

Sunday, December 23, 2018— (7:50 A.M. & 10:50 A.M.) *****

MONday, December 24, 2018—Christmas Eve Service @ (7:30 p.m.) *****

Sunday, December 30, 2018— (7:50 A.M. & 10:50 A.M.) *****

MONday, December 31, 2018 NEW YEAR EVE Service—Watch Night Service - (10:00 P.M.)

First Baptist Church 712 Randolph Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20011 (202) 541-5000 ~ Fax: (202) 291-2565~Email: fchurch@1fbc.org

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