Крушево е поубаво пеш / Krushevo is more beautiful on foot

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THE CHURCH OF ST. JOHN In the narthex of this church known as the Vlach Church – there are fragments of frescoes from the Church of St. Athanasius in the village of Lokveni from 1627. The hosts will take you to the top floor where you will see the gallery of icons and the tools used by Constantine, the icon painter from Krushevo, hidden from the public eye. Hear the secrets of fresco paining; discover the secrets of the famous icon painters. Pero and Florika will show you the huge keys with which they open the church to the people, every day. Those who want, can climb the bell tower to experience the unique view of the town.

ЦРКВА „УСПЕНИЕ НА ПРЕСВЕТА БОГОРОДИЦА“ Од далеку ќе ја забележите прекрасната осмоаголна камена камбанарија. Уште на самиот влез ќе ве одушеви прекрасната резбана влезна врата. Иконостасот во црквата е сочуван. Забележете ги датумите и посветите од крушевските еснафи на иконите. Не изоставајте ги ни прекрасните часовници сместени во секоја од црквите, сите подарок од видни крушевски фамилии, а голем дел од нив постари од еден век. По пат, нашите водачи ќе ви покажат и дел од градските маалски чешми. Ќе се запознаете и со бочварството. Еден од најстарите занаети, кој сè уште живее во Крушево. Во градот е и црквата „Св. Троица“, а во близина се наоѓаат и манастирите „Св. Спас“, „Св. Василие“ и „Свето преображение“.

THE CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY You will notice the beautiful octagonal stone bell tower from afar. Right at the entrance you will be impressed by the beautiful carved front door. The iconostasis in the church is preserved. Note the dates and dedications of Krushevo guilds written on the icons. Make sure to see the beautiful clocks placed in each of the churches, all of them presented as gifts from prominent families from Krushevo, many of them old more than a century. Down the road, our guides will show you some of the town fountains. You will become familiar with the craft of cooperage (barrel-making). One of the oldest trades which is still alive in Krushevo. The Church of the Holy Trinity is also located in the town, and nearby are the Monastery of the Holy Saviour, St. Basil and Holy Transfiguration.

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