Official Journal of the Japanese Military Administration Vol. No. 2

Page 9

as witn essed in other parts of the world. a lthou gh I h a ve no intention . in sta tin g in thi s m a nner. to minimize the ca lamity w hich your people experi enced. W ell. gentlemen . you have now entered upon a new era of re-construd ion in this country.

The re-const'ruction which

this country requires now is two-fold ; it is both in ma teri a ls a nd in spirit.

I n order to accomplish thi s task of re-constructi on

which you h ave brave ly taken li p. you must era di ca te a ll the Fundamental evils. a pa rt from your imm edi a te work for th e restora tion of peace a nd order. the repara tion of d amages and the stabiliza ion of popul a r sentim ents. etc.

For insta nce. it

seems to us tha t the p eople o~ this country have long been ta u ght by Americans to put too m uch importa nce on the m ateri al side a nd physical comfort of Ii e. b e remedied as M

Thi s te ndency mu st

sha l P eta in is urgin g now in F rance.


the oth er ha nd . you yourse lve would not pretend th a t the economic policy of th e Philippines :'dopted since the ad ve nt of th e U nited Sta tes in this country. w as worthy of a country w hich is assured of independence.

For this country's economy d e-

pended entirely npon the U nited Sta tes w hi ch is over ten thousand miles away fTom

[a nila . thus making this coun try

a n eterna l subordina te econom ically a nd politi cally to the U nited States. The course which the Philippin es should follow in the future wi ll b e the course to esca pe from h er form er position as a captive pf the capita li sm and imperia lism of th e United Sta tes. to liquida te th e unnatura l cu lture borrowed from a far away country and th e industria l organization as a colony of a foreign power. to return to th e ori gina l fea tures of a n orienta l pe~ple


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