Official Journal of the Japanese Military Administration Vol. No. 5

Page 151

One One 49. One 50. One 51. One 52. One 53. One 54. One 55. One 56. One

47. 48.

P rice COlltrol cetion chief of seeliou at 1'2,0-10 ..... . ........ . ..... . _. assistant commercial agent at 1'1,680 .... . •. . . . . . assistant commercial agent at 1'1,320 ..... ... . . . . . assistant commercial agent at f'1,320 ........ _. .. _ assistant commercial agent at Pl,320 ......... ... . j unior commercial agent at P900 . .... . .. . .... .. . junior commercial agent at 1'900 . .............. . junior commercial agent at f660 . .......... . . .. . junior commercial agent at 1'660 ............•... clerk at 1'660 ......... . .. .... . . .... .. ..... .. . . RETA.lL 'rnADE PROMOTION

1"340.00 280.0U 220.00 220.00 220.00 15d.OO 150.00 110.00 liO.OO liO.OO


5'7. 58.

One chief of division at 1'3,120 . .......... ......... . . One a sistant chief of division at 1'2,-100 ...... .. ..... .

59. 60.

One One One One One

chief of seclion at n,-100 ........ . .. . ..... . ... . cammer ial agent at 1"2,400 ...... . . ..... . ... .. . . assistant Q.ommercial agent at fl ,320 ............ . junior commercial agent at 1'900 ...... . ........ . clerk at P6 0 ......................... . ...... . .

64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

One One One One One One One One 72. One 73. One

chief of section at 1'2,-100 ..... ..... ... .. .... . . . . assistant commercial agent at 1'2,0-10 . ..... .. .. .. . assistant commercial agent at Pl,6S0 ..... . ...... . assistant commercial agent at 1'1,680 ..... . ...... . clerk at P660 .. . ............ ... .......... .. .. . . clerk at 1'420 .............................. .. . messenger at 1'300 ... ... ..... ....... ......... . . skilled laborer at f-!20 .. .. ... .. ............. .. . skilled laborer at 1'420 . . .. ... ........... . .. . .. . laborer at 1'300 .... , .... .. . .. . . .... . .... . .. .. . .

74. 75.

One chief of section nt 1'2,040 ...................... . One clerk 3t P420 .......................... .. .

76. 77. 78. 79.

One thief of One .assistant One assistant One assi tant

520.00 400.00

Organization S eet·ion

6l. 62. 63.

400.00 400.00 220.00 150.00


R etailers Service , eetion


400.00 340.00 280.00 280.00 liO.OO 70.00 50.00 70.00 70.00 50.00


340.00 70.00


division at 1'2.760 ... ... ............... . chief of division at 1'2,040 ......... .. .. . commercial agent at 1"2,040 ........... . . commercial agent at P1,680 ..... ...... . .


460.00 340.00 340.00 280.00

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