Official Journal of the Japanese Military Administration Vol. No. 7

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holidays and fo r a period not exceeding three days during the celebration of Lhe town f iest<1 as fi xed by t he municipal authorities, frQm 8 :00 o'clock in the morni ng to 11 :00 o'clock at night. SEC. 49 . Persolls allowed in side the " r ing".-With the exception of the ref eree a nd the ,'espectivc " soltadores" and other employees not exceeding foul' , no per son s hall be allowed to tal' within the ring during any cockfi ght ing : PI'ov ided, h owe~'.", That, if necessary to maintain peaoa and order, a ny peace officer may ente r 0 1' stay in said premises. SEC. 50. Prohibition lLglLinst slLle 01 liqllO,路.- No intoxicating liquor of any kind s ha ll be sold w ithin th a premises of any cockpit nor within a dist<mce of one hundred lineal meter s from the cockpit enclosure. CHAPTER V BAR S, N IGHT CLUB S, CABARETS, DA N CING SCHOOLS,


SEC. 51. Delinitiol1s.- (a) "Bar" shall include any place 01' establish menL whosa principal bus iness 0 1' a ctivity is the sale to the public 01' to the member s of a ny club 0 \ ' enti by operating such bar, of alcoholic beverages 01' liquor s of a ny kind to be used 01' consumed within its premises: P"ovided, Th a t a ny stor e, pl a ca or e tabli shment wherein alcoholic beverages or liquors of an y kind a r e so d s ha ll be considered a bar for the purposes of the limi tations as to hour of operation p rovided in Section 53 hereof: Provided, IlIrt her, Tha t a bar t l a a llows music or dancing within its p''ilmi ses shall be consider ed a nig ht club, cabaret , dancing school or dance hall, as the case ma y be. (b) "N igh t club" sha ll include a ny place 01' establishment selling to Lhe publi c or to t ho members of a ny club 01' entity operating such establi sh路 ment, f ood or d.-i nks where customer s 0 1' other per son s are allowed to dance. (c ) "Ca ba ret, da nce h all 01' da ncing school" s hall include any place 0 1' establi smant wher e da ncing is permitted to the public 01' to the members of any club 01' enti ty t hat opera tes such establi s hment and where professional hostesses 01' da ncer s a r e employed or wha r e an admission fee or any other c h a rg~ f OI' da ncing is coll ected. (d) " Prof essiona l hostess" s hall include a ny woman employed by any of the2stabli shments defin ed her ein to entertain guests at their table or Lo d nee \\~th them. (e) " Professional da nce r " s hall include any woman who dances at any of t he esta blishm en ts defined her ein for a f ae or r emuneration paid directly or indirectl~' by the opera tor or by the person with whom s he dances. ( f) "Ope rator " s hall includ a the owner, manager, administrator or any per son who oper a tes a nd is res ponsible for the operation of any bar, night club, ca baret, da ncing school or dance hall, in accordance with the provis ions of these r egul a ti ons. SEC. 52. Additional building reqlt il路ements.- (a) Bars, nighL clubs, ca bal'ets, da ncing schools or da nce ha ll s shall be well lighted and properly venti lated a t a ll times whil e uch establi shments are open, leaving no dark


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