Catálogo FICUNAM 7

Page 106

This short film is centered on the life of a woman with healing powers, a healer who says to the camera that many have dreamed about her. In those dreams, she can be seen being affectionate towards children, her homeland, and nature. For her, her power is not individual, but collective. The river, the wicket, some wooden crosses can be found near the house where people come to visit her. To her, spiritualism and nature are one and the same. Nature moves everything; like the air, which no one sees; invisible things move us, she claims. In Cuba, a trained physician coexists with a healer, and people even go to the latter to heal their diseases. Moreover, a trained physician is now a healer too. Providence, mercy, the act of curing with words, of making things by hand. Sounds and movements that claim to heal all illnesses. Carlos Rgó



La Pura (2016), Mørke (2015), Anne Thors (2011).

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