33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference - Preliminary Program

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Introduction THE 33rd FICE CONGRESS AND 2nd CYC WORLD CONFERENCE “Together Towards a Better World for Children, Adolescents and Families” will take place in Vienna, Austria from 22nd to 25th August 2016. The congress is co-hosted by FICE (International Federation of Educative Communities), CYC Net (The International Child and Youth Care Network), MAG 11 (Youth and Family Welfare Office, City of Vienna), Danube University Krems, University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, CELCIS (Centre for excellence for looked after children in Scotland), IKJ (Institute for Child and Youth Services) and supported by many partner organisations. Co-hosts and partners seek to bring together individuals, associations, organisations and stakeholders, who work with vulnerable children, young people and families around the world on local, regional, national and international levels. The aim is to build supportive and sustainable professional networks and to join our forces in order to work for the rights of the vulnerable children and young people. The conference aims to provide an overview and exchange on the work with children and young people in alternative care around the world. Based on four starting points – history, practice, applied science and innovation - the topics will range from the findings of the previous FICE Congress in Bern (Switzerland) in October 2013 on ‘Ways Towards Inclusion’ to other innovative ideas in the fields of: development, quality assurance, results from empirical research in the field of youth-care, rights of the child, unaccompanied minors and migration, foster care, youth and globalisation, training models, new approaches in child and youth

care, trauma pedagogy, care leaver, child and adolescent psychiatry, child and youth care in the Latin American, North American, Asian, Pacific, African and European context, and many others. The scientific committee, headed by Silke Gahleitner, professor for integrative therapy and psychosocial interventions at the Danube University Krems, and supported by Emmanuel Grupper, Chairman of the Editorial Board and Vicepresident of FICE International, will ensure a well-balanced and varied program. Youth Camp Following the tradition of FICE congresses, the participation of young people will play an important role. The youth camp prior to the congress aims to encourage the exchange of experiences and ideas as well as the acquisition and development of skills of young adults who have been living in alternative care and are now in the transition to an independent life (care leaver). Findings and proposals will be incorporated into the main conference. Parallel One Day Symposia For those participants, who would like to explore a topic in greater depth, we offer parallel one day symposia the day after the congress, on Friday 26th August 2016. Study Visits and Side Programs To complete the program, study visits and cultural and touristic programs during and after the congress will be offered to the participants additionally.

Welcome Remarks Hermann Radler, President FICE Austria, Vicepresident FICE Europe It is my great pleasure as congress president to welcome you to the 33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference. Vienna is my home base and as a well travelled person I am always happy to be back here. This is why I am delighted to share this wonderful town with you. An exciting and diverse program is being currently organized by the committee. The congress will appropriately consider all aspects of professional child and youth care today. A superior faculty of speakers drawn from Europe, the U.S., Canada, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia will be addressing these issues. We can also promise international delegates an exciting and uniquely Viennese social program when they visit this city. A host of tours during and after the congress will suit both, sightseer and professionals. Dashenka Kraleva, President FICE International Welcome to the 33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference “Together Towards a Better World for Children, Adolescents and Families”. If you take the issue about children at risk and the necessity to join forces to make this world a better place for them to heart, you will definitely find interesting and important topics in our agenda. FICE International‘s Congress in Bern, Switzerland, in 2013 examined and showed us the ways of inclusion and we were able to gather the crystals of different good practices. In August 2016 in Vienna we will not only upgrade our information and look for innovative ideas and good practices, we will also gain more energy, inspiration and strength to give support to children and families and fight in order to improve the world in which children live. Heather Modlin, Board of Governors Member, CYC-Net On behalf of CYC-Net, I am very pleased to welcome you to the 33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference. As Co-chair of the 1st CYC World Conference “Connecting at the Crossroads” held in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, I am especially excited to see the connections continue. Child and youth care workers, social pedagogues, social workers, therapists, foster carers, and many other professionals involved with children, youth and families from around the world will gather together to share knowledge and ideas related to improving the lives of those we serve. I am honoured to be a part of this group and look forward to an educational and invigorating experience in Vienna. Silke Gahleitner, Head of the scientific committee, Danube University Krems I would also like to extend a warm welcome to you all here at this exciting 33rd FICE congress. The Danube University Krems and its Department of Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Health have – with the support of many other colleagues - tried to create a high-profile and diverse program for you all. I am particularly pleased that the program provides an opportunity for a large number of colleagues working in both research and practice to meet, to discuss and to further develop ‚best practice‘ from the standpoints of many different approaches.

Program Monday, 22nd August 2016 12:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 18:00

REGISTRATION CONGRESS OPENING PLENARY SESSION Opening remarks by co-hosts and special guests

Keynote 1 Inclusion - Hopes and Realities.* Roland St端bi Keynote 2 Working together on the Implementation of Child Rights. Maria Herczog Keynote 3 Neuroscience and Social Pedagogy: Possibilities and Limits of an Interdisciplinary Approach.* Isabella Sarto-Jackson 18:00 WELCOME RECEPTION

Tuesday, 23rd August 2016 09:00 - 10:30 PLENARY SESSION Keynote 1 Realizing Opportunities for Growing up Healthy.* Heiner Keupp Keynote 2 Towards a Better World: The Child and Youth Care Response. James P. Anglin 11:00 - 12:30 8 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSIONS (Panels/Workshops) 12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00 - 15:30 CONTINUATION THEMATIC SESSIONS (Panels/Workshops) 16:00 - 17:00 4 PARALLEL KEYNOTES Keynote A Youth Development: The Impact on Youth When Mentoring and Taking Care of Children. Elaine Au Liu Suk Ching Keynote B Out-of-home Care in the Third Millennium: a Last Resort Solution or a unique professional Response to Needs of vulnerable Young People seeking for Comprehensive Care. Emmanuel Grupper Keynote C Use of groupwork to foster connection between children and parents for Chinese families. Timothy Leung Keynote D Isibindi: Reclaiming the global Spirit of UBUNTU in Communities. Zeni Thumbadoo 17:00 - 17:45 CLOSING PLENARY SESSION 17:45 - 18:15 POSTER PRESENTATIONS 18:30 VERNISSAGE 19:30 CONGRESS PARTY**

Keynote presentations and subsequent discussions will be held in German or English with simultaneous interpretation. * Lectures marked with * are held in German and interpreted simultaneously into English. ** Not included in congress fee. The program is subject to changes.

Wednesday, 24th August 2016 09:00 - 10:30


Keynote 1 The Role of Science in Youth Care – a Survey.* Michael Macsenaere Keynote 2 Children with complex post-traumatic disorders - Psychotherapy alone is not enough.* Katharina Purtscher-Penz 11:00 - 12:30 8 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSIONS (Panels/Workshops) 12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00 - 15:30 CONTINUATION THEMATIC SESSIONS (Panels/Workshops) 16:00 - 17:00 4 PARALLEL KEYNOTES Keynote A Straddling Relationship Building, Pedagogy, Behaviour and the System. Four Relationship Options in Psychotherapeutic Work with Children and Adolescents.* Nitza Katz-Bernstein Keynote B Basic Emotional Needs of Children and Adolescents.* Michael Borg-Laufs Keynote C Structural Intensive Pedagogy and/or Nature Therapy in working with structurally vulnerable Adolescents.* Andrea Doderer Keynote D Meeting the Needs of Children and Youth: What does Responsive Practice really look like? Heather Modlin 17:00 - 17:45 CLOSING PLENARY SESSION 17:45 - 18:15 POSTER PRESENTATIONS 18:30 CULTURAL PROGRAM**

Thursday, 25th August 2016 09:00 - 10:30 PLENARY SESSION Keynote 1 Intersectionality, Poverty, and Determinants of Health: What’s a Social Pedagogue to Do?“ John Korsmo Keynote 2 Developments in Social Pedagogy – Perspectives for Working with Children and Adolescents.* Stephan Sting 11:00 - 12:30 8 PARALLEL THEMATIC SESSIONS (Panels/Workshops) 12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00 - 15:00 4 PARALLEL KEYNOTES Keynote A „Moving Nowhere in Particular: An Optimistic View of Transitioning Out of Care.“ Kiaras Gharabaghi Keynote B The Changing Family – Migrant Families in Germany.* Ahmet Toprak Keynote C UN Guidelines for Alternative Care of Children: Closing the Implementation Gap. Jennifer Davidson Keynote D Child Removal from the Family: National and International Legal Framework. Olga Khazova 15:00 - 16:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 16:30 CONGRESS CLOSING PLENARY SESSION


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Youth and Globalisation* Unaccompanied Minors and Migration. Katharina Glawischnig Rights of the Child* Deinstitutionalisation. Jana Hainsworth Foster Care* Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Sabine Fiala-Preinsberger Quality Assurance* Juvenile Justice. Roland St端bi and Anna Schmid Results from empirical Research in the Field of Youth Care. Michael Macsenaere Structural Intensive Pedagogy and/or Nature Therapy in working with structurally vulnerable Adolescents. Andrea Doderer New approaches in Child and Youth Care and Best Practices. Heather Modlin Trauma Pedagogy. Jacob Bausum Outdoor Education. William Greenaway Care Leaver - Young Persons in Transition. Josef Koch Academic Education for Social Work. Barbara Bittner und Josef Bakic Residential Education and Care. Emmanuel Grupper Sexual Abuse in Residential Youth Care. Gitta Griffioen Joint efforts to support traumatised young persons - methodology and practice of multiprofessional cooperation based on trauma psychology. Andreas Kr端ger Adoption* Child and Youth Care in the Latin American context. Dayse Cesar Franco Bernardi and Isa Maria Ferreire Da Rosa Guara Child and Youth Care in the North American context. Andrew J. Schneider-Munoz Child and Youth Care in the Asian context* Child and Youth Care in the Pacific context. Jennifer Brooker Child and Youth Care in the African context. Simon Peter Otieno Child and youth Care in the European context* Social Pedagogy and Child and Youth Care in Austria*

CALL FOR PAPERS We cordially invite you to submit an abstract for a contribution at the congress on one of the above mentioned or related topics. Please find further information on formats, language, guidelines and instructions for abstract submission in the Call for Papers on the congress website www.betterworld2016.org. Deadline for abstract submission is 15th September 2015.

* Chair not yet appointed.

Additional Program YOUTH CAMP The youth camp (7 to 10 days) will take place prior to the congress. It aims to encourage the exchange of experiences and ideas as well as the acquisition and development of skills of young adults who have been living in alternative care and are now in the transition to an independent life (care leaver). Findings and proposals of the youth camp will be incorporated into the main conference. PRE-CONFERENCES (for FICE International and CYC-Net Members only) FICE International General Assembly* CYC-Net Pre-Conference*

Sunday, 21st August 2016, 9:00 – 17:00 Sunday, 21st August 2016, 9:00 – 17:00

SYMPOSIA One day symposia are intended to provide congress and other interested participants with the possibility to explore a topic in greater depth. The symposia will take place in the same venue, the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, on Friday, 26th August 2016, 9:00 – 17:00. Symposium 1 Symposium 2 Symposium 3 Symposium 4

Trauma pedagogy - Opportunities and possibilities for child and youth care. Jacob Bausum and Christina Rothdeutsch / German Networking 2.0 – Ankerland: Specific and Practical Experience and Methods for working with Networks based on Trauma Pedagogy and Trauma Psychology. Andreas Krüger / German Foster Care. Best Practice examples for coping with the challenges of fostering. German, Spanish Early Development. Sabine Fiala-Preinsberger / German

STUDY VISITS Study Visit 1 Study Visit 2

In the footsteps of social pedagogy in Vienna / Friday, 26th August 2016, 9:00 – 17:00 / English Round trip from Vienna to Salzburg with study visits and touristic program/ Saturday, 27th August – Tuesday, 30th August 2016 / English

CULTURAL AND TOURISTIC SIDE PROGRAM During and after the Congress Participants will have the possibility to learn more about Vienna and other cities and famous landscapes in Austria and neighbouring countries in guided tours and sightseeing trips by bus or boat. A visit to a typically Viennese Wiener Heurigen wine bar and attending one of the famous concerts of classical Viennese music will also be offered. The additional program is subject to changes. Please find more detailed information on the additional program on the congress website: www.betterworld2016.org * Further informations will follow soon.


For congress registration, abstract submission and booking of additional program please create your personal congress registration account. Please go to Registration on the congress website www.betterworld2016.org.


Early Bird Registration* Regular Registration On Site Registration Onsite Day Ticket Early Bird Package (min. 10 participants)**

Prices in Euro (incl. 10% VAT)

Members 395 € 495 € 565 € 175 € 385 € p.p.

Non Members 490 € 590 € 660 € 175 € 385 € p.p.

Prices include congress fee, welcome reception, lunch and coffee breaks on congress days. * Early Bird Registration: completed registration by 31st December 2015 ** To purchase an Early Bird Package, please send an email to towards@betterworld2016.org.

ADDITIONAL PROGRAM FEES Prices in Euro (incl. 10% VAT)

Symposium 1/4* Symposium 2* Symposium 3* Study Visit 1 Study Visit 2

245 € 195 € 135 € 94 € 795 € double room (single room supplement: 75 €)

Symposia and Study trips can be booked via the personal congress registration account. Limited number of participants. * Prices include symposium fee, lunch and coffee breaks.

CONGRESS VENUE University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien Favoritenstraße 226 1100 Vienna, Austria www.fh-campuswien.ac.at Congress Opening at the City Hall of Vienna (not confirmed)


FICE Austria Grinzinger Straße 30 1190 Vienna, Austria www.betterworld2016.org towards@betterworld2016.org +43 (0) 676 898 776 650


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