Historia kolekcji rękopisów z byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwowej w Berlinie (…) – studium ogólne

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Manuscripta gallica

French manuscripts, similarly to Italian and Iberian manuscripts, had ‘wandered’ to the Royal Library of Berlin (Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin), and later to the Prussian State Library (Preussische Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin) along different routes. A large group is formed by manuscripts from private collections of book lovers. Here we find a most broad range of names. Let us begin with the most famous ones. As is known, in the year 1887 the Royal Library of Berlin had bought a major part of the collection of a known English book-lover, one Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), among which were found many valuable mediaeval French manuscripts. Their signatures contain the component Phill. and function as such at the present Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz: manuscripts from this purchase remained in Berlin. However, during our research it came to light that a part of the manuscripts of the Berlin collection of Kraków, of which signatures do not carry the component Phill., but which however are ordinarily marked, as in all cases, by the component Gall., stem precisely from the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, whereby they had made their way to the Royal Library of Berlin by a different route than the manuscript group mentioned above. These are manuscripts bearing signatures gall. quart. 123-132. We are dealing here with two groups of texts. The first of these is made up of manuscripts gall. quart. 123-128, the


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