Volume 48 Issue 2
October 2014
Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.fhsfoum.com - @fhsforum
Cafeteria becomes political battleground Adjustments to school lunches result in an unappetizing debate By Caitlin McCadden News Editor
Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. Freedom to petition. Freedom to assemble. The First Amendment guarantees the right to express oneself to all American citizens by prohibiting Congress from restricting these freedoms. But what about the freedom to eat what we please? Students at Freedom High School (FHS) have just experienced a monumental change to the food offered to them not only at lunch, but also in coffee shop and fundraisers for clubs. Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act went into effect in 2010; however, it did not begin to influence FHS until 2012. Since 2012, a significant amount of changes have been made to improve the standard and nutrition value of the food and snacks offered at FHS. The modifica-
tions made must follow the protocol set by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture.) “If we don’t comply with the State and/or USDA regulations and guidelines, the government could potentially pull reimbursements from the district,” said Mr. Andrew Chandler, the general manager of Sodexo/ Bethlehem Area School District. These reimbursements include, but are not limited to the option of free or reduced lunch for in need students. In order to receive free or reduced lunch, students who qualify must take at least 3 components of the 5 offered at lunch. These components include a meat/ meat alternative, milk, fruit, vegetable, and grain. “Schools that choose to take part in the lunch program get cash subsidies from the USDA for each meal they serve. In return, they must
serve lunches that meet Federal requirements,” said the USDA on their website. These requirements need to be followed during the hours of 12 a.m. through 3 p.m. which in turn is how coffee shop and fundraisers are affected. There are, however, 10 allowed exemptions to the guidelines permitted to BASD high schools. These exemptions are to be brought before the principal of the school who must get them approved by the Wellness Committee before they can be put into effect. “I disagree with the majority and I think the changes are good. The fact is no one is going and buying cinnamon buns to bring to school, so they are actually cutting down the calorie content,” said Walter Ogozaly, senior. The ever-so-popular coffee shop took a huge hit in having to comply to the changes as well. The list of offering has condensed from a plethora of
sweets and sugary snacks to an archive of drink options and granola bars. “I think once we are in place we will be alright. We might not make quite as much money as we did in the past for the school,” said Mr.Brad Bloszinsky, FHS marketing teacher in charge of coffee shop. As of July 7, 2014, the Final Rule Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs were set. Since FHS is being held financially liable, this is why students will no longer be offered anything but whole grain breads, baked snacks and a wider variety of fruits and vegetables. “At the end of the day, school districts are held responsible for following these regulations. We get audited every 3 years on making sure we follow these standards,” said Mr. Chandler. “It’s tough, but in order to be compliant, coffee shop and clubs can no longer offer that stuff.”
The vending machines have been restocked with healthy snacks to replace that old options that were filled with tons of sugar, fat, and high fructose corn syrup. Photo: Caitlin McCadden
Trying times for the Boyd Theatre Cherished Boyd Theatre closes; expected to reopen one instance in which the theBy Josh Christiansen The Freedom Forum
Considered a landmark by the citizens of the Christmas City, the Boyd Theatre in Downtown Bethlehem holds a special place in peoples’ hearts. “The first movie I ever saw was there, so that was pretty cool,” said Declan Coleman, sophomore. According to a post on the Boyd’s website, the beloved theater temporarily closed down in May of 2011 because of water damage from several major storms that had occurred in the area. The raindrenched spring had forced the theatre to close, leaving movie-goers unhappy and upset. “I’ve never been there and I didn’t even know it existed, but it’s really disappointing
that she has begun to make the payments--the back-due because I guess a lot of peotaxes, so it won’t be going up ple like it,” said Erin for sale,” said Mr. Bryan CalCavanaugh, sophomore. lahan, physical education Recently, the theatre had teacher and member of Bethbeen posted for sheriff’s sale. lehem’s city council. A sheriff’s sale is With the owner paywhen the local shering back her debts, iff’s department, in and the property no this case the Northlonger for sale, many ampton County hope that the Boyd Sheriff’s Departwill return to its full ment, seizes a propglory, or reopen into erty, and then puts it another entertainment up for public sale. option. According to an “The Boyd is beautiarticle by Lehighful; ornate, but it ValleyLive.com, the needs a lot of work. I sale was being would prefer to have sought because the a movie theatre back Photo: J osh Chr istiansen theatre and its own- The Boyd Theater down there. Moravian er, Joyce Heydt, had accumu“It’s been closed down be- College has expressed a lot of lated a debt to the Bethlehem cause it needs a lot of renova- interest in it. They would like Area School District of tions, so it was going to go for to buy it for their theatre pro$27,134. sheriff’s sale because they gram. I obviously want it The money that the theatre didn’t pay their taxes, but I opened up whether it turns owes the school district is just was notified four days ago into a movie theatre, which atre owes money. Additionally, the Boyd owes the city of Bethlehem unpaid property and payroll taxes, totaling $31,696, according to LehighValleyLive.com.
would be my preference, or a performing arts venue. That’s what I would like to see. Obviously, I want it open because it will bring taxes into the city,” said Mr. Callahan. The theatre holds sentimental value for many; Coleman saw his first movie there, it was Heydt’s “baby” which she owned and operated with her late husband, and Mr. Callahan saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Boyd many years ago. Citizens, young and old, are surprised at the theatre’s problems; physical and financial, and hope that it will return, possibly aiding in the revitalization of Center City Bethlehem, and bringing back the many fond memories that they have experienced at the Boyd Theatre.
Apple vs. Samsung…….(p.4) Halloween cultures….…(p.5) Online classes…………….(p.5) Gone Girl review………….(p.11) Freedom vs. Liberty……..(p.12)
2 News
October 2014
The Forum
BASD strips Bonilla of leadership roles due to conflict Standing up for injustice in Allentown School district forces Director Bonilla to take a step down
Thank you to the following teachers for their
support of The Freedom Forum!
Mrs. Stephanie Bond math teacher
Mr. John Walton social studies teacher
Mr. Bryan Callahan health & physical
education teacher
By Caitlin McCadden News Editor
hispanic students and as the representative of the National Hispanic Council, I felt it was my job to intervene in everybody’s best interest,” said Mr. Bonilla. Mr. Bonilla contacted Dr. Mayo as the Northeast Region-
Bonilla, this letter does not speak for the NSBA, nor any of its constituent or member groups, and was not authorized by us,” asid NSBA Executive Director Thomas J. Gentzel, and Guillermo Z. Lopez, Chair, National Hispanic
that come from a national organization with a member of Bethlehem Area School Disour board, anyone who hears trict Director Basilio A. BonilBethlehem will be thinking of la Jr. has recently been rethat, so that is why we decided moved of all leadership posito react,” said Mr. Michael tions to the school district as of Faccinetto, BASD school Sept. 8, 2014 due to an email board president. causing disapAccording to Mr. Facproving reactions cinetto, the BASD has on a national levbeen in contact with the el. NSBA director over the Two years prior phone who has assured to the recent isthem that he is no longer sue revolving a member or Regional around Mr. Director anymore, and Bonilla, he rethat he has resigned his quested to beposition. come a member However, Mr. Bonilla of the National claims that he is still a Hispanic Council member and Regional of School Board Director of the council. Member of the He stated that he submitNSBA (National ted his resignation and it School Board was approved by the exAssociation.) In ecutive director, but after August of 2014, he with drew said resigMr. Bonilla was nation. appointed Re“He is still a member of gional Director of the BASD school board. the Northeast We would not take any Region. action to remove him In Mr. Bonilla’s Advocates of Mr. Bonilla’s cause gathered at the school board meeting on Sept. 22, since the voters put him first month in his 2014 with signs expressing their support. (left to right: Latoya Wall, George Cedeno, there. It’s up to them if Maria Bonilla, Migdalia Bonilla, Mariah Bonilla, Inez Bonilla) new director posi- Photo by Scott Rader they wanna remove him. tion, he took it upHe just has no leadership on himself to email positions because we don’t Allentown School District Su- al director as stated in his Council of School Board feel his actions represent a perintendent, Dr. Russell email. In response to the email Members. “Further, NSBA is leadership level,” said Mr. Mayo, about going public on such news me- taking immediate action, issu- Faccinetto. “disproportionalities regarding dia outlets as Lehigh Valley ing a Cease and Desist Letter Mr. Bonilla is no longer a latinos and caucasians” within Live and WFMZ, the NSBA to Bonilla.” member of the diversity comthe district. Mr. Bonilla used issued a press release on Sept. The Bethlehem Area School mittee, curriculum committee his BASD gmail account, 5, 2014 stating that his actions District (BASD) was confront- chair or Pennsylvania School which lists all of his positions in way no reflect theirs. ed by the Allentown School Board Association (PSBA) at the bottom, to create the “With regard to the Sept 4. District in reply to the action liaison as of Sept. 8. email letter to the Allentown School taken by Mr. Bonilla. “This issue was impacting District issued by Basilio A. “To have a something like
The New Health Scare: Ebola The origin and an update By Michael Datz Assistant News Editor
In what seems like an event sprung from an ominous novel, Ebola is spreading across the world in a viral outbreak, mainly in West Africa. Recent news has had American citizens frightened after Ebola was said to be within our borders in a Texas hospital. Though, ebola goes beyond this single outbreak. According to the WHO, the ebola virus first arose in 1976, with two separate outbreaks in Africa. In fact, the virus obtained the name from its first known location in a village near Africa’s Ebola River. The Ebola strain that the public knows of is a more complex virus than seen before, believed to be transmitted by fruit bats that host the strain. From there, contact with the fluids of infected organisms,
such as apes, antelopes, or humans can spread the virus. Victims of the virus do not show symptoms until anywhere 2 to 21 days following the infection. (WHO) Despite Ebola’s origins in the 70’s, there has been a huge spike in the number of virus cases. In this recent outbreak, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that deaths are around 3400. The death rate percentage is known to vary, with the World Health Organization placing an average 50% death rate to the outbreak. "I was asking myself whether I was going to live,” one survivor said to reporter Tulip Mazumdar for BBC. As a result of this danger, on September 11, the CDC classified Ebola as a level 3 alert, urging citizens to avoid all nonessential travel to the affected areas. In these areas, such as the country of Sierra Leone, officials are reporting
five new ebola cases an hour. These cases only increase the projected 7,500 worldwide infections. (BBC) "The worst-hit countries now face widespread chaos and, potentially, collapse," the International Crisis Group (ICG) said. That hasn’t stopped the intrepid from sending aid, however. Various aid groups have
been coping with the fallout, with various western powers considering sending groups of their own. But, according to CNN, health workers were killed in Guinea amid rising fears of Ebola infection. It should be noted that, due to the nature of the virus, citizens should take proper steps to prevent infection, no matter how uncommon that infection is. As for those infected in the United States, their treatment could include experimental drugs that lack FDA approval.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
3 News
The Forum
October 2014
Apple’s next big thing What to expect from the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus By Carly Pfaff The Freedom Forum
“The bigger the better” certainly describes Apple’s latest line of iPhones. The iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus have the most high-tech features and largest display screen released in a phone from Apple yet. These new products are the latest and greatest iPhones to hit the market this year. The biggest change seen from past models of the iPhone is size. The iPhone 6 measures at 4.7 inches while the iPhone 6 Plus measures in at 5.5 inches. According to Apple, “Designing a larger iPhone without making it feel bigger was no small task.” Powerful technologies of the phone were taken into account in order to create a larger design, while still keeping it thin and sleek. Because of the size, Apple has redesigned buttons for easier use. Vol-
ume buttons have been integrated into the thinner profile, and the Sleep/ Wake button has been moved to the side of the device. Rumors have been circulating over the possibility of the iPhone 6 bending because of the overall size of the device. “Even with the new design, the
iPhone 6 is easy to break or crack and may be vulnerable to bend,” said Lexie Szaro, a junior who recently purchased the iPhone 6. Both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have better equipped displays, resolution, and overall improvements. With increased battery life
you will be able to take advantage of these advances longer and longer. Still love the features of past models of the iPhone? Have no fear, the camera that has been improved in the past models has continued to improve along with the video features. Touch ID first seen in the iPhone 5s is also pre-
Comparing the old iPhone 5s (right) to the new iPhone 6 (left) Photo: Carly Pfaff
sent, allowing you to unlock the device with just the touch of a fingertip. “The size of the iPhone 6 takes awhile to get used to but I see overall improvements in the storage and the camera of the device,” said Lexie Szaro. Along with the device, iOS8 is another “big” step made. According to Apple, “It’s not just iPhone 6 that is bigger. The world’s most advanced mobile operating system has made a huge leap, too.” iOS 8 allows for improvements in messages, apps, and much more. The possibilities for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus seem endless. With improvements ranging from the size of the devices to advancements of technology, the features show the true meaning of “the bigger the better.” Both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus prove to be Apple’s “next big thing.”
Taking action against ISIS The United State’s response to the uprising terrorist group By Ryan Brown The Freedom Forum
The remainder of President Barack Obama’s second term may not be enough time to resolve the rapidly developing Syria crisis. After the 14 air strikes against Syria on Sept. 23, the campaign against terror group ISIS is expected to lengthen by a great amount. According to CNN news, fighter jets, bomber aircraft, drones and Tomahawk missiles were used in an operation against ISIS and Khorasan. These strikes were carried out against ISIS targets with Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. The missions were authorized by a 524 to 43 parliamentary vote with 69 members of parliament abstaining from the
vote. The regime of President Bashar noted that the Syrian government was informed that the air strikes would take place and their location. Therefore, the Syrian government was prepared to take action in their line of defense. “The United States has initiated necessary and proportionate military actions in Syria in order to eliminate the ongoing ISIL threat to Iraq, including by protecting Iraqi citizens from further attacks and by enabling Iraqi forces to regain control of Iraq’s borders,” said U.S. ambassador to the UN’s Samantha Power, in a letter to UN officials. Training compounds, buildings of command or control, as well as storage sites and vehicles were targeted and damaged in Deir Ezzor, Al
Hasakah, and Abu Kamal. The main focus, however, was on Raqqa, a Syrian city where troops are given weapons and trained that ISIS is known to inhabit. In addition to the ISIS territory being destroyed, many troops were hit as well. The Pentagon has not released to the public specifically how many of these ISIS combaters were killed, however. “. . .if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven,” said President Obama in an address from the white house on Sept. 10th . The attack is described as an initial response to the growing crisis, and in the upcoming months President Obama plans to deploy as many as 5,000 fighters to continue to eliminate ISIS. He describes the air strikes
against ISIS as, “just the start.” It will be only a matter of time before the next big step in the war against ISIS will present itself. The whole world will be on alert for the upcoming events in the war against ISIS with no one knowing what to expect. “America is always stronger when we stand united. And that unity sends a powerful message to the world that we will do what is necessary to defend our country,” said
President Obama in his statement on Sept. 23 at the White House. “This overall effort will take time. There are challenges ahead. But we’re going to do what is necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group – for the security of our country, the region, and the entire world.” Edited by Caitlin McCadden and Michael Datz
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
4 Editorials The Freedom Forum
Login to the future
A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue
Students, teachers, and counselors introduce Naviance By Elaina Barettino Journalism Student
Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.fhsforum.com
Editor-in-Chief Anissa Vasquez News Editor Caitlin McCadden Editorials Editor Cassie Sedler Pates’ Post Editor Jack Ogozaly Entertainment Editor Shaina Palmer Center Spread Editor Aeisha Gauba
Sports Editor Mitchell Coriell
A username and password is almost all students need to begin their pathway to college and career readiness. Naviance is a website introduced to Freedom High School this year that prepares students for life after high school. The site is built around helping students organize, plan, and discover the future. It has countless assessments and surveys to aid students in figuring out what possible colleges, or careers may best suit them. If students are undecided about life following high school, they can utilize the StrengthsExplorer to figure out some of their talents, or the Career Interest Profiler, which helps narrow down possible career options. “My favorite part is the “Best Colleges for You” test. It helps out a lot because I’m not 100%
sure where I want to go,” said Autumn Washington, senior. Naviance completely changes the college application process from previous years. Teacher recommendations, transcripts, and scheduling college visits is all
Elyse Sanford
Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy
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For the record Error corrections from last issue.. The article “Angry teens take to Twitter” was written by Hayley Guzzo, not Jada Blount-Frazier. The article “An exciting grand opening” was written by Chuck Tichy. Mr. DeNofa was spelled incorrectly.
Naviance,” said Mr. Christian Lynde, guidance counselor. The website is especially helpful to seniors this year. Many of whom that are undecided, have found Naviance making their future a little more clear. “I think that the idea of centralizing everything for seniors for college is a really good idea,” said Mr. David Kleist, English teacher. Naviance’s popularity is sure to pick up, especially in a day in age where almost everything is done electronically. However, the site is so large, and new that it is going to take some time to get used to. “The cons are there is so much information there and so much to do that it’s scary because you don’t want to miss anything,” said Mr. Lynde. Naviance is available as an iPhone app from the app store. An Android app will be available soon.
Apple vs. Samsung
Web Editor
Karla Erdman
done through the site. “After the student has set up that a teacher can write a recommendation letter, they log on to Naviance, and request it formally. That teacher will be notified, and upload the letter to
Photo: Elaina Barettino
Chase Hoover
October 2014
The Forum
The big debate on which is the better buy By Leilani Achoe Journalism Student
“I don’t like big phones,” said Hailey Miller, freshman. Not many people are into big phones. It is new for many Apple users, but not for Android users. But now, since the iPhone 6 has been released, some people think that it is not that exciting. For years, there has been controversy on which company is better. According to Time Business, Apple’s late CEO, Steve Jobs, revolutionized the mobile-phone market with the iPhone, and was furious when Google launched Android because he was convinced it ripped off features from the iPhone. “I'm going to destroy Android because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go into thermonuclear war on this,” said Jobs. Apple just launched their newest addition to their iPhone collection on September 9th, the iPhone 6 and 6 plus. Android’s Galaxy Note 4 is said to release on October 17th. The release date for the Galaxy Note 4 Edge has not been determined. Already three weeks after it's release, the iPhone 6 plus is getting a bad reputation. Countless iPhone 6 plus users have complained about it bending after putting it your pocket. "It's kind of weird. I wouldn't what my phone bending," said
Veline Smith, freshman. A tech Youtuber named Lewis Hilsentinger, of the channel Unboxed Therapy, decided to test this. His first video got mixed reviews. Some people thought it was real, some thought it was possible, and others thought that the video was doctored up. So, he uploaded a second video, "iPhone 6 Plus: The Bend Uncut." This video, unedited, showed him taking a brand new iPhone 6 plus and bending it. There were spectators brought to watch from the street in Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto. Again, like in his first video, he didn't use that much force to get the outcome. It's screen was cracked, and detached from the rest of the phone, and it was bent even worse than his first one. He then showed how the new Moto X will flex when you use pressure but won't bend, debunking the notion that all phones bend. iPhones are also very expensive compared to Android where their devices are sensibly priced. Android users in the U.S. are more likely to make a yearly household income of $50k- 100k. Apple users’ yearly household income of $200k+. An Android device would be more practical for most Americans. "I'm not looking to upgrade to the iPhone 6, because myself in particular I don't like Apple products," said Meredith Downey,
freshman. There are many consumers, though, who love Apple products. Customers like the sleek, clean design the iPhone has, or they like its features like Facetime, Siri, or the fingerprint scanner on the home button. The same can be said for Android phones. Android, in device features and hardware design, are praised very highly by its users. For example, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3's detailed stitching on the back was a hit. Even though people thought it shouldn't have been plastic, it still stuck in people's minds as a well made phone hardware. "I would like to get a Samsung, but my mom is like no just stick with Apple," said Lisette Vasquez, freshman. A few students, at Freedom High School, have already got their hands on the iPhone 6. Most people said their first reaction of the phone was how light it was. "I was scared because I thought I was going to drop it," said Josemarie Domici, junior. The phone actually isn't lighter than its precedent. The iPhone 6 averages out to about 4.55 oz (129 g). The iPhone 5 is 3.95 oz (112 g). Even though this new device feels lighter on the hands, because of its new size, it tips the scale 17 grams more than the iPhone 5. The fight between these two powerhouse companies could go on forever. They are two
companies who see the next big thing for smartphones in the future. “It’s often said that the future of mobile will boil down to Apple versus Google, or iPhone and Android. But that’s far too broad. It’s Samsung that’s giving Apple a run for its money in phones, and perhaps, eventually, tablets,” said Erica Ogg, journalist at Gigaom.
Apple user Hailey Miller (above) and Samsung user Meredith Downey (below) Photo: Leilani Achoe
October 2014
The Forum
Editorials 5
Wanted: More bike racks Students address concerns for a place to park their bikes By Cassie Sedler Editorials Editor
With the season changing, leaves falling, and autumn weather here at last, many young people are eager to get outside and enjoy the cool air. It is plain to see each day that students are more than willing to be outside and ride their bikes to school, rather than getting picked up by a bus or dropped off by a car. However, many schools, including our own, are unprepared for this particular form of transportation, making it challeng-
ing and inconvenient for those students looking to utilize this great source of exercise. In numerous studies, results have continuously shown, that riding a bike to school or work reduces stress, improves concentration, and overall mental health (webmd.com). For this reason alone, schools should begin to make the required arrangements in order to promote a much healthier way of getting to school for students who live nearby. “In America today we are facing increasing rates of diabetes, hypertension and
heart disease, all of which are made worse if you don't keep fit. Riding a bike can be a fantastic way to stay in shape and lower your risk of significant health problems,” according to livinghealthy.com Unfortunately, for students attending Freedom, there is only one bike rack, located in the very back of the building, which could be especially troublesome for those with heavy backpacks, and possibly heavier biking equipment. “The problem with the bike rack we have is that it’s behind the school, away from
usable entrances. I lock up by the front entrance, but it’s not as secure,” said Abby Burnett, junior. Although the location of the bike rack is a significant problem, the issue that the school only holds one bike rack is even more puzzling. Perhaps, if schools would build a few more bike racks, or even a designated area for students to lock their bicycles in, many more students would start to bike to school. “I see a lot of middle schoolers riding their bikes. If they are coming to Freedom, we need more bike racks,” said
Ben Ambler, junior. Many students, who are avid bike riders themselves, are concerned with the lack of space to sufficiently hold their bikes safely for the entire school day. Many schools around the country are promoting bike riding as another form of transportation for many of their students. Hopefully, in the very near future, Freedom will do the same.
Halloween of different cultures A look into the many celebrations of Halloween By Julia Ingarao Assistant Pates Post Editor
Photo: Julia Ingarao
When Halloween comes to mind, candy, costumes and parties are some of the first things people think about. But for others, Halloween means
more than a snickers bar, and a wolf mask. Halloween originates from the Ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain. The Celts used it as a day to mark the end of harvesting season, and the beginning of winter. To the Celts, the change between the seasons was also a bridge into the land of the dead, according to history.com. Different cultures celebrate Halloween differently. In Mexico, it is called Dia de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead. “Dia de Los Muertos is actually a holiday that is spread over three days. It lasts from October thirty-first to November second. It is a celebration for people to pray, and re-
member their loved ones that passed away,” said Ms. Jennifer Maholick, Spanish teacher. Dia de los Muertos is just as important to people as Christmas and Easter. “Days of preparation go into the holiday. People make shrines for the dead in their homes. They create flower arrangements and put out candles,” said Ms. Maholick. There are many activities that are involved with this holiday as well. Parties, and parades are just some of the festivities associated with The Day of the Dead. “There are many festivals and parades that go on, sometimes they are held inside the cemetery,” said Ms. Maholick. For other cultures, Hallow-
een is more of a spiritual thing, than a commercial thing. In America, it is looked at as the time of year to watch horror movies, and be scared. In reality, it is a very happy and uplifting holiday. Besides Dia de los Muertos, there is Halloween in Poland. “In Poland, there are parties the day of Halloween, October 31st, but the next two days, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, are very important national holidays,” said Martha Sierocinski, senior. All Saints Day is a day to remember all of the saints in the church, and All Souls Day is a day to remember close friends, and family that have died. “In Poland, they go to church, and sometimes they have mass in the cemetery.
People bring wreaths to decorate graves with, and they also bring candles,” said Sierocinski. Although Sierocinski is Polish, she celebrates Halloween as we do in America. “I mean, I am obviously too old to trick or treat, but my younger sister goes trick or treating, just like kids do here,” said Sierocinski. Despite the many different celebrations of Halloween, it is still a fun, and spiritual holiday. “I look forward to Halloween each year because it is different, and I like to see how people decorate, and show off their Halloween spirit,” said Sierocinski.
Taking responsibility for your work Should online English 12 become an honors credit? By Aeisha Gauba Centerspread Editor
The online English 12 course is in its second year at Freedom High School. Due to the workload in the course, some students seem to think it should be weighted as an honors course. This year, the online English is held 4th block, first semester. The class is based off of a program called Blended Schools Network along with the FHS teacher modifying and supplementing the curriculum. As a bonus, every day students are permitted to leave after 3rd block, instead of coming to class because the work is done at home. The course is divided into four units. Each unit then is subdivided into lessons. Students in the class have 1 or 2
lessons per week. Each lesson consists of a video summary, a short quiz, reading from a book, a journal entry, one or two assignments, and either a blog, wiki, or discussion board post. The end of the unit culminates with a unit project and a unit test. The last lesson and the unit projects are always due the same weekend, which can be very overwhelming for any student. However, students are aware of the end project at the beginning of the unit, so there is plenty of time to complete the project. “I think it is a good program to cover English 12 skills, but I think the student has to be highly motivated and an independent learner,” said Mr. George Ziegler, English teacher. Every student has a different
A look into a lesson. Photo: Aeisha Gauba
perspective regarding the work load and the other things going on in the class. Talking to online students, academic students, honors students, and AP students, it is a big gap. “It is not that bad. We get a lot of work, but it is an honors class, so the challenge is supposed to be there,” said Sierra Kalamar, senior and honors
English student. The online English class has hands-on experiences with the program, such as making bullying flyers and taking them to elementary schools. At first, it seems very difficult and can be a lot of work, but then it becomes clear that it is all about the student. The class is geared towards preparing students to be successful in a college class. “I am in Honors English 12, and I can assure you that the online students have learned more in their first week of online class than we have in the first month,” said Jacob Piazza, honors English student. The online English class recorded the amount of time that went into completing the lessons, and on average, the work was estimated to be about 9 to 12 hours worth of
English work per week, while an average English class has about 6.5 hours in class plus homework per week. Thus, it is about equal depending upon the class. “In college a lot of courses can be blended, where you have to go to class, but turn in assignments through online format. In high school, they want kids to be getting ready for that,” said Mr. Ziegler. It all comes down to time management and how students like to handle it. This course is a way for students to be prepared for college, and it should be a way to earn an honors credit. “It should be an honors credit because of the work load, independent learning, and the time management required from us,” said Peter Frey, senior and online English student.
Freedom Family Goes Pink FHS Support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Think Pink! Freedom High School plans to support the cause breast cancer. At the FHS soccer game there will be lots of of breast cancer by doing all things pink. pink! The month of October is breast cancer awareness month, and "They are selling items for breast cancer" said Mr. Michael Freedom High School is putting all its effort into making sure O’Connell, FHS math teacher and soccer coach. the month of October is known to raise awareness Even if students are not on a sports team, they can for the cause. FHS clubs and sports teams are wear the famous pink ribbon pin in support of showing their support by wearing pink, the official breast cancer awareness month or show their supcolor of breast cancer and putting on different port by wearing a pink Freedom Family Shirt. events. “We’ve been so busy with the season, October The FHS Riot Squad is going to raise awareness just snuck up on us, but we are sure the Freedom for breast cancer by having a pink-out and selling Family will show their support. I know we have specialized breast cancer shirts. something planned,” Mr. Jason Roeder, FHS foot“We are going to be selling pink camouflage ball coach. Freedom Family shirts that students can wear in the In the past FHS has put on events to support riot squad section,” said Mr. Joseph Stellato, FHS health and breast cancer. In 2012, there was a “Freedom To Fly” butterfly physical education teacher and varsity basketball coach. release for breast cancer and even sold different shirts with butThe Freedom Family can show its support this October by terflies and pink. buying these special pink items at the FHS games. Last year as a tribute to Breast Cancer the FHS basketball team FHS Soccer team is also raising awareness for the illness of put on a game against Bethlehem Catholic School. This year
FHS Riot Squad goes all pink to support breast cancer awareness month! Photo: Anissa Vasquez
Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Just under 30% of cancers in women are breast cancers.
About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her
About 40,000 women in the U.S. were expected to die in 2014 from breast cancer, though death rates have been decreasing since 1989 — with larger decreases in women under 50. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advances, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness.
In 2014, there were more than 2.8 million women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S. This includes women currently being treated and women who have finished treatment.
FHS supports breast cancer awareness by putting up breast cancer ribbons! Photo: Aeisha Gauba FHS Dance Company dresses in pink to support breast cancer awareness!
Source: www.breastcancer.org
Photo Submitted By:
FHS Soccer Girls support Breast Cancer by wearing pink shirts for warm-ups!
FHS Soccer Boys wear pink to represent Freedom soccer and breast cancer awareness!
Photo Submitted By: Cayley Urenko Freedom Cheerleaders support Breast Cancer Awareness with pink bows and pom-poms! Photo: Aeisha Gauba
FHS Twirlers switched out black and gold boot poms for pink poms to support breast cancer awareness! Photo Submitted By: Julia Ingarao
Pink Awareness Giving info on Breast Cancer The month of October was chosen to bring awareness to breast ies from Women’s Health Initiative 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of cancer disease. Breast cancer awareness is a campaign done by walking reduces a woman's risk by 18%. breast cancer charities across America. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of getting breast cancer. WomBreast cancer is a tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. The en who have a smaller habit of drinking alcohol have a smaller risk group of cancer cells that grow are called malignant, they surround of getting breast cancer than a women that consumes more alcohol. your tissues and spread in many areas of the body. Breast Cancer disease does have some treatments. Some of them Some of the general breast cancer terms are, Carcinoma, which is the term used to portray the cancer that starts in the epithelial cells and Adenocarcinoma, which is a type of carcinoma beginning in the glandular tissue.
are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and bone-directed therapy. Most of these treatments are common and most help cure You may wonder what causes breast cancer, some factors that can the disease. cause breast cancer are things like smoking, drinking, diet, or it can “You want to even be genetic. Sometimes, having risk factors does not mean you make sure you know your perare more likely to develop breast cancer. Women who have had children after the age of 30 have a higher sonal history of cancer, risk of getting breast cancer. Getting pregnant at a young age or hav- breast someone who ing many pregnancies can reduce its risk overall. has had breast Breastfeeding lowers the risk of getting breast cancer especially if it cancer is going continues for 1-2 years which is uncommon. This has been a hard to have an intopic to study for scientist around the country. crease in getting cancer Love Pink! Physical activity also lowers the risk of getting breast cancer. Stud- breast
8 Pates’ Post
October 2014
The Forum
What is SAP?
The program with many misconceptions is uncovered By Ryan Healy Journalism Student
The Students Assistance Program, or SAP, is a state mandated program that every high school in Pennsylvania needs to have. The program is designed to assist school personnel in identifying issues involving alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success. The primary goal of SAP is to help these students overcome the barriers they face. “The program finds barriers to success for students and then tries to find ways to help them. We can hook them up with counseling for many problems. Problems could be drug and alcohol, family issues, eating disorders, depres-
sion, any mental health issue, or anything else a student may need help with. Maybe they just don’t know how to get the help they need, or how much help they really do need,” said Lisa Pfizenmayer, a physical education teacher at Freedom, and adviser of the program. While the student assistance program exists in other parts of the country, the way it is designed in Pennsylvania is unique and it is a great model for helping Pennsylvania families and students, especially with the great referral system. Anyone can refer a student to SAP, and the students can even go directly to a member of the SAP team to ask for help. “The referrals are made online or in the guidance of-
fice, and basically all the referrals are is a concern about a person with observable data as to what the problem is, and then that comes to me. Once I get it, I then will send out a link to the teachers that will have observable behaviors and the teachers will report what they see, what their grades are, and any concerns. It can be positive things too, its not just all negative,” said Pfizenmayer. With the information the SAP team has gathered, they meet with the parents of the student to discuss the information that was collected. Together they plan out strategies and steps for getting past the problem. “I think the SAP program is great because it allows students to get the help they need
Student of the Month Freshmen Twins balance school and varsity sports By Gabriella Greenhoward The Freedom Forum
Emerald and Destiny Mayo are bringing the heat to Freedom High school, and taking their freshmen class by storm. Freshman year brings lots of chaos and confusion as everyone tries to adjust to a setting that they have never been exposed to. The school gets bigger, the classes get harder, the sports get more competitive. Emerald and Destiny, however, are doing what they have to do in school while also achieving exceptional success in sports. “We play varsity field hockey,” said Destiny. As freshmen, dealing with the combination of school, sports, and activities, playing a varsity sport is a huge accomplishment. “I love it, it’s fun. We are kind of like sisters, family wise. We are all close together,” said Emerald.
for a wide range of problems, even if they don’t realize they have a problem or don’t realize they need help,” said Ryan Hall, senior. The SAP team will continue to work with the student and their family, and support them through anything they may need by monitoring the student and seeking out any more help they may need. “I have heard very little about SAP, and really only know about the basics of this program. Among the students though, it seems to be thought of as a disciplinary action where they get in trouble. I think that they should talk about the program more to the students, so if there are any problems the students will always know where to go,” said Jonny Hart, senior.
Photo: sap.state.pa.us
“Libstrong”? Burn strong A preview of this years bonfire; October 31
“I was really nervous but then By Tina Bui when I started talking I was like I got Journalism Student this,” said Destiny referring to her Freedom High School’s bonfire will experience in the class election. Her and her sister ran for President be held on Oct. 31, 2014. It is a tradiand Vice President, and although tion for the bonfire to be held the unsuccessful, the experience is one night before the big game against the crosstown rival, Liberty High School. that they will never forget. “It was really good. Everybody was There are many people who come out happy and they were very friendly,” to gather around the big fire. There are many activities to do at said Emerald. Through running for class repre- the bonfire. It is a great event for evesentatives they got to interact with ryone to come out and take part in. different people and were welcomed Mr. Stephen Flad, health and physical education teacher, is in charge of the with open arms. “It wasn’t hard. I got a lot of help planning and set up of the bonfire. “I have really high hopes for this from my friends,” said Emerald when asked about the intensity of the year’s bonfire. With the addition of some new and exciting entertainment speech writing process. It is always refreshing to hear about I think it has potential to be the best different support bases and in this one yet,” said Mr. Flad. Doors to the auxiliary gym will be case, Emerald’s support came from her friends who were by her side open at 6:00 p.m. Something new this helping her through the speech- writ- year is going to happen. A Battle of the Bands will be taking place starting ing process. Being a part of the Freedom Fami- at 6:30 p.m. and ending at approxily has made Destiny mately 7:30 p.m. The bands performing will include very happy and her experience at Freedom so Lloyd Christmas and Cedar Green. far, has been a good Mr. Flad and the bonfire committee are working on getting two more one. “I really like Freedom. bands to play. The football coaches At first I didn’t think will then talk and give their speeches people would be nice right after the bands play. Afterwards, Freedom’s drumline and but it turns out they are really nice,” said Desti- cheerleaders will escort the football players and everyone outside. The ny. It is extremely refresh- bonfire will finally be lit at 8:00 p.m. ing to hear that these There will be a refreshment table set two girls are coming up at the bonfire. The table will have together and being ac- food items like baked goods and hot tive at Freedom with and cold beverages. “I love the idea of having bands play both school and acalive at school events. I’m very excited demics. to play some tunes for the school and get everybody hyped up for the big game. It’s going to be a fun night,” said Justin Brady, band member of Lloyd Christmas.
Can you tell which one is which? Photo: Gabriella Greenhoward
The SAP program is another great resource that Freedom offers to its students, and gives the students the services they need to succeed. The program is growing and improving every year, and the SAP team is coming up with new strategies to best help the students “An important thing to realize about SAP is that it doesn’t mean someone is getting in trouble or being disciplined, it is solely for helping the kids with anything they may need,” said Pfizenmayer.
October 2014
The Forum
9 Pates’ Post
Making school more fun one elective at a time How Electives help reduce the stress of your regular academic class By Phoebe Rusack The Freedom Forum
Electives at Freedom High School are a very necessary, and important factor to finding careers, or majors that interest students. "A great elective would be yoga or Pilates," said Jessica Deemer, sophomore.
The tension in the halls at freedom is often high, and a class involving subdued exercise would benefit the student body immensely. Deemer believes the purpose of electives is to keep the mind well rounded. "Electives involving the medical field would help those who want to study it in college," said Aliceann Trostle, sophomore. It is true that there are not any electives involving such an imperative job; adding this to the curriculum would be a wonderful opportunity for students. Many students believe that
electives serve the purpose of setting students up for college, and pushing them in the right direction. Ramping up the choices for electives may put our school at ease and lower stress levels. "A film elective would benefit those who want to pursue it as a career," said Maggie Wrobel, senior. For those who want to do anything with film, a course in film at Freedom would look great on college applications, and may help anyone who wants to get into their dream school. "More music classes, or a one on one vocal class would
be a good option for anyone involved in the arts," said Kelsey Ko, senior. There is so much musical talent at Freedom, and embracing it by adding more music electives is a great idea. Both Band and choir do not fully help those who want to get better at their instrument, whether that is a violin or vocals.
Many students also believe that electives serve the purpose of taking a break in the day from the academic intensity of regular classes. Any way students look at it, electives help students cope with whatever problems they might have.
Back left to right: Nick Youwakim, Danny Corvino, Jack Fried, John Deely, Kylon Pretty, Demond Farley, Jake Young, Nick Cooke. Front left to right: Allyson McCready, Kelly McCready, Lauren Kelly, Hayley Maurer, Taylor Garza, Alyssa Villani, Anissa Vasquez. Not pictured: Cayley Urenko
Photo: Christmas City Studios
10 Entertainment
October 2014
The Forum
Creeping into movies past Students recall their favorite childhood Halloween movies By Ellyce Nieves Journalism Student
It is that time of year again to grab a cuddle buddy and binge-watch seasonal movies. Each year, well-known movies are shown repeatedly on television, and the crowd anxiously waits to see classic Halloween movies. In Freedom High School (FHS), a favorite among several classrooms is the movie “Hocus Pocus,” starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy. “It was my favorite movie growing up, full of hilarious moments, heart, and just the right amount of creepiness,” said Sophia Rivera, senior. However, what many do not realize about “childhood” movies, is that some were made as many as 20 years ago. “Hocus Pocus,” the story of 3 Salem witches during Halloween, premiered in July
Revenge” (2001), “Halloweentown of 1993. The movie was made such a hit that Disney also High” (2004), and “Return to 4 years before the senior class made several sequels. The Halloweentown” (2006). of 2015 was even born. titles of the sequels include “My favorite thing about the “As a child growing up in “Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Halloweentown movies as a the late 90’s it didn’t whole would have to seem too distant, but be the fact that it had now looking back it really cool storylines feels like eons have that entertained me as a passed since the first child,” said Micaela time I watched it,” said Posh, sophomore. Rivera. In 2014, there are still Another notable mov“Halloweentown” marie that students recall is athons on Disney “Halloweentown,” starChannel, showing each ring Debbie Reynolds of the movies in order. and Kimberly J. Brown. The series has been a The plot involves chilfavorite among FHS dren embarking on a students in several journey with their classrooms. grandmother to activate “Twitches,” starring a wand and eliminate Tia Mowry-Hardrict the evil from Hallowand Tamera Mowryeentown. Housley was popular The film was not as well. The movie first made until 1998, the aired in 2005. The plot The 1993 Halloween movie “Hocus Pocus.” year that most FHS jun- Photo: Megan Romig involves two teen iors were born. witches, separated at “Halloweentown” was birth, who used their
powers to save the world. There was also a sequel to the original movie, “Twitches Too,” which came out in 2007. Other memorable movies include “Casper” (1995) and two films that premiered in 2000, “Mom Went On a Date With a Vampire” and “The Little Vampire.” Despite some beloved childhood movies coming out in the early 2000’s, when students were kids, it is apparent that there are also many favorites that came out before FHS students were even born. Either way, these movies are all considered “classics” for the current generation. In the 20th century, it seems to be just too difficult to beat movies from the past.
The stereotypical falling of the leaves Familiar parts of fall that students look forward to most By Olivia Salerno Journalism Student
A new season is upon us that encompasses so many beloved things-- brisk air, oversized sweaters, comfy sweatshirts, Starbucks, and basically anything pumpkin. That season is of course, fall. Fall is viewed by many as the perfect season because of it’s moderate temperatures, fun activities, and seasonal treats. A happy high school girl’s paradise, fall is the ideal temperature for wearing leggings, boots, and sweatshirts. Fuzzy socks are also at the top of the
list of cozy clothing. “I think fall has the most warm, comfortable clothes because fall weather is not too cold and not too warm. It lets you wear light scarfs, sweaters, and boots comfortably without wearing too many layers, which can be uncomfortable,” said Jessica Deemer, sophomore. The perfect place to debut these new fall outfits are at Football games, another key element of fall. Students gather on Friday nights to cheer on their high school team under the crisp dusk air. Then,
on Sundays they watch more football, embracing family time and taking advantage of some relaxation time while sipping one of those delicious fall beverages. Besides sporting the Ugglegging combo, girls will most likely be found carrying a warm Starbucks beverage. The most common fall ingredient in these drinks? Pumpkin. As a matter of fact, during autumn people cannot get enough of anything that involves the use of pumpkin, whether it be a cupcake, ice cream, or Hershey kiss.
Beyond food, pumpkins are a key part of seasonal activities, picking them in a pumpkin patch being one of the most popular. Bundling up to go on a hayride and explore a field to find the perfect one is just the first step. When they are brought home, many people enjoy adding extra character by carving faces into the pumpkins. Faces range from happy, to goofy, to spooky, and sometimes indiscernible if the creator isn’t exactly an artist. After the carving is done, those who are not too lazy or worn out even take the pumpkin seeds and bake them for
another pumpkin-related treat. Whether it is the comfortable clothing, the creative activities, or the pumpkin spices, fall has aspects that appeal to all. And a bonus to top it off--the holiday following it is Christmas!
Screaming at the box office New horror movies coming out this Halloween season By Mitchell Coriell Sports Editor Max Smith The Freedom Forum
With Halloween coming up, more and more horror movies will be hitting the theatres again. A tradition of the fall and Halloween season has always been to see a horror movie in the theatre. Usually when watching the film, people are either scared out of their minds or end up laughing at how bad the movie ended up being. This year’s horror films are sure to not disappoint. Due to the success of last
purpose of the board is for spirits to communicate with the living. year’s “The Conjuring,” a The director of this feature spin-off film has been re- is Stiles White, and this will leased for the fall season. This be his first full length feature. film titled “Annabelle” is centered around an evilly possessed doll of the same name. The now iconic Annabelle doll made it’s first appearance in the prologue of “The Conjuring.” “It’s a good idea, a lot of people are really scared of dolls, but the Chucky movies already used that possessed doll idea.” said John Fiorentino, sophomore. Another movie coming out this fall is “Ouija.” The film is based on the spirit board made in the late 1800’s. The Photo: IMDB
The film is about a group of teenagers trying to communicate with a deceased friend, but instead come in contact with an evil spirit. “I think Annabelle will be pretty good, and I think Ouija will probably suck,” said Lena Shepulski, freshman. This Halloween is also going to be the 10th anniversary of the horror phenomenon “Saw.” To commemorate this anniversary, the film will be re-released for a week. The “Saw” franchise has spawned up to seven sequels since its 2004 release. “I am really excited to see Ouija because I remember playing with an Ouija board when I was little,” said Caroline Ferrera, junior.
Photo: IMDB
From “Annabelle” to “Ouija,” this year’s horror movie season has a quality selection of movies for everyone to see.
October 2014
11 Entertainment
The Forum
Top 10 Halloween Costumes Marriage can be a real killer What’s popular this Halloween?
Book of the month: “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn
Top 5 girls’ costumes:
By Juliana Maffea Journalism Student
Top 5 boys’ costumes:
Scream Scream is one of the easiest costumes to find and to wear. They don’t just sell normal Scream masks, they also sell Scream masks with fake blood dripping through the mask. Superhero What boys don’t want to be superheroes? Halloween is the one day of the year that the guys can dress up as spiderman, superman, batman, or any other superhero they look up to. Horse Mask A really easy costume idea is a mask. You can get them everywhere. One of the more popular ones this year are the horsehead masks. You do not even have to wear them with a horse costume. You can just wear the mask and normal clothes and there is your costume. Morph Suits If you don’t like to get dressed up for Halloween, or if you have trouble finding something, morphsuits are the popular choice. They come in different colors and patterns. All you have to do is slip into the suit and there you go, you have your costume. Pirate A pirate costume is another popular costume for guys. They get to draw fake facial hair on themselves, wear a fake eye patch, and maybe even wear a fake parrot on their shoulder.
By Cayley Urenko Journalism Student
Cat Almost every year, girls rush to try and find the perfect halloween costume, but they end up not having anything in mind when the time comes. One of the easiest halloween costumes is a cat. Girls go almost every year in groups of their friends wearing black leggings, a black top, black ears, complete with a black nose and whiskers drawn on their faces. Witch One of the most popular costumes to wear is the classic witch outfit. They can be found in many different styles including the candy corn witch, a dark witch, or even a rainbow witch. Some add an extra touch by dying their hair or adding face paint. Devil Not everyone is an angel, so being the Devil is a perfect outfit. This ensemble includes a red dress, red horns, a red tail, and even a sassy pitch fork. Pink Lady Who doesn’t like the movie Grease? From the rockin’ style to the great music, it is hard not to be a fan of the film. Dressing us as the Pink Ladies is perfect for a group of friends. Celebrity Inspired Costume Dressing up as the one person you look up to could be considered one of the best costumes. You can look at it as an opportunity to live out your dream of being famous for a day by dressing up in a celebrity's signature outfits and assuming his or her personality. Some popular options may include Ariana Grande or Beyonce.
It seems like all fingers are being pointed at Nick Dunne when his wife, Amy, suddenly goes missing on the day of their fifth anniversary. “Gone Girl” is a mysterious thriller about a marriage gone very, very wrong. The plot begins with things starting to go in a negative direction for the Dunne couple when Nick loses his job as a journalist due to downsizing. Looking for a new job and also to be with his dying father, he relocates his life with Amy from the hustle and bustle of New York City to his small hometown in North Carthage, Missouri. Back at home, Nick opens a bar with his twin sister using the last bit of the money from Amy’s trust fund. The bar is making ends meet, but the couple’s relationship then starts to spiral downhill. Amy is terribly unhappy in Missouri because not only did she leave her life behind in the city, but she left her heart behind as well. Nick is the main suspect in his wife’s case because he seems almost emotionless and unaffected by his wife on camera, increased her life insurance days before her disappearance, and was using Amy’s money for his business. Gillian Flynn digs deep into the
Dunnes’ problems and shows there is so much more than just a guiltylooking husband and a missing wife. There are so many plot twists and cliffhangers; “Gone Girl” will keep you turning page after page. “(Flynn) draws you in and keeps you reading with the force of a pure but nasty addiction,” said The Chicago Tribune. Nick Dunne may not be the husband-of-the-year, but is he a killer? Read to find out.
Photo: Wikipedia.org
Pink Ladies Photo: Jordyn Wasserman
Carving a pumpkin made easy Fun and unique ideas for decorating pumpkins
By AmberLynn Schwartz Journalism Student
Coming up with different and original ideas for Halloween pumpkin carvings can be difficult as more years pass, but there are still many fun and easy ideas most have not yet discovered. Rather than carving pumpkins with a knife, a neat idea many people do not think of is drilling. To do this, cut open the top of the pumpkin and hollow out the inside. After that, take a drill and insert it into the pumpkin in any cool design. Megan Schupp, junior, is a fan of this technique.
“I love drawing and being artsy. Every year I drill into my pumpkins because it allows me to basically draw into the pumpkin and it looks so pretty with a candle in it at the end,” said Schupp. Polka dots are another simple way to make your pumpkin look unique. All you need is a pumpkin and an apple corer. The same first step to drilling a pumpkin applies-hollow out the inside. Then just take the apple corer and stick it through the pumpkin, creating a beautifully round hole. Repeat this in any pattern to form a creative design. “This idea doesn’t take a lot
of time, which is perfect for my family because we’re always so busy. We do this every year to our pumpkins,” said Hunter Schantz. If you are looking for a clean -cut design, cookie cutters can be used to cut perfect shapes into pumpkins. The first step, as always, is to cut open the top of the pumpkin and hollow out the middle. Then, simply place the cookie cutter on the pumpkin and use a mallet to lightly tap the cookie cutter until it goes through the pumpkin. This technique allows you be creative with your pumpkin while still maintaining a polished aesthetic. Kylee Schwind favors this
method for its quality results in a short period of time. “Every year my family gets a bunch of different cookie cutters to use for our pumpkins. Since I have softball pretty much everyday, it’s an easy way to make the pumpkin look like I took tons of time on it,” says Schwind. Whether you chose the traditional route of carving a face or a new approach to enhance your pumpkins, creative pumpkins will surely add festive decoration for the fall.
Photo: Pinterest
October 2014
12 Sports
The Forum
A battle between two schools
The Freedom High School and Liberty High School rivalry By TJ Schaeffer Journalism Student
The Freedom-Liberty rivalry started back in 1967, when Freedom High School was first built. Liberty High School (LHS) was the only Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) high school. So when Freedom was built, the rivalry for the more prestigious high school in Bethlehem began, and it is still going on today. “For our Freedom football games, we get an average of about 4,000-6,000 fans per game. When we play Liberty, however, we get an average 10,000 people per game, which is a huge increase.
Overall, every game against Liberty raises the level of energy and attendance of the game,” said Mr. Michael LaPorta, FHS principal. From a coaches perspective, the Freedom-Liberty rivalry means a lot. Mrs. Donna Roman, a 10th grade teacher at FHS, is also the head coach for the varsity girls volleyball team at Freedom. She said that the Freedom - Liberty rivalry is huge for her and her team. “It’s as big as any rivalry,” said Roman. She also said that even though it is a “friendly rivalry” this year’s Freedom-Liberty volleyball game is going to be intense.
“Last year, when we played Liberty, we knocked them out of districts, so this year, they’re are going to be fired up. Also, we have girls at both schools that played club ball together, so they are going to try to one-up each other,” said Roman. Mr. Jason Roeder, the head varsity football coach at Freedom, said the rivalry between Liberty is a “clean” rivalry. “It’s the most exciting week of the school year and the rivalry is as big and intense as it has ever been. It is always a well-played game,” said Roeder. From a players’ perspective, it means everything. Victor
Gonzalez, a senior for the FHS boys' soccer team, said that the rivalry is very important to the schools and that it gives “a sense of community to both schools.” "When I'm on the field, I feel like I'm something bigger than I am," said Gonzalez. Erica Barrett, a senior for the FHS girls' soccer team, also had some insight on the topic. She said that the rivalry is pretty huge and that it is the most looked forward to event of the year. "Everybody gets excited," said Barrett, senior.
Reaching for the trophy The best players in college football By Roland Cash The Freedom Forum
Photo: Steve Grant Flickr
It is never too early to start talking about who is going to win the Heisman Trophy. There are four contenders for
the Heisman Trophy at the moment, Todd Gurley, running back for the Georgia Bulldogs, Marcus Mariota, quarterback for the Oregon Ducks, Jameis Winston, quarterback for Florida State Seminoles, and Amari Cooper, wide receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide. The first Heisman hopeful, Gurley is already making his impact by rushing for almost 100 yards plus each game. Gurley has put the team on his back by making big plays when it matters. Gurley could be the first running back to break the streak of quarter-
backs since Mark Ingram. "He is a powerhouse player with all the talent to go to the next level no one plays better," said Juwan Northington, junior. Mariota another candidate has started out strong this season with fifteen passing touchdowns. Mariota was one of the favorites to win the Heisman trophy last year but fell short, Oregon and Mariota are both hoping he can pull of a great season. "Marcus Mariota is going to finish second in the Heisman votes,” said Vincent Modesti, junior. Last year’s Heisman winner Jameis Winston had an unbe-
lievable season. Winston on the field is doing great but off the field is a different story. Winston got suspended for one game saying inappropriate words on campus in a student union. His behavior could potentially hurt his chances to repeat as a Heisman winner. "Jameis can still win the Heisman trophy but got to make smart decision off the field," said Alkiohn Dunkins, junior. Cooper, one of the most talented receivers in the country plays for the Crimson Tide. He averages 14.3 yards per catch this season. Cooper is ranked second in receiving
yards in the FBS (I-A) and also leads the Tide in receptions. Cooper had a superb game when facing the Florida Gators by having 201 receiver yards and three touchdowns. “Amari Cooper is one of the best wideouts in college football,” said Dunkins. It is only the beginning of the season and new candidates are sure to arise but as of right now no one else in the country is playing better football.
What happens after the season ends... What athletes do after their season ends By Christa Eaton Assistant Entertainment Editor
Unfortunately, all sporting seasons come to an end. For seniors, it is a little more emotional than it is for underclassmen. When the season ends for seniors, it can be the end of their sporting careers forever. Some seniors will try to continue their career in college but for others, it is time to put the equipment away. “As disappointed as I am that I won’t get to play with these girls next year, I loved
every single second I had with all of them and I am excited to hear about what they accomplish in the future,” said Erica Barrett, senior. For underclassman, it is not as big of a deal because they will come back a year later and continue to play. Students that play multiple sports will end one season and start to focus on their next sport. Jaiden Coyne, a sophomore, transitions from the soccer season directly to the basketball season.
“It is exciting because I have something to look forward too even when the soccer season ends,” said Coyne When students are stressed out from school, after school sports can be a stress reliever. According to Livestrongs’ website, when a person exercises and produces sweat, the sweat produces a hormone that boosts that person’s mood. When sports come to an end, those athletes don’t have that activity to help with the stress. Athletic Insight stated on their website that when a per-
Spirit week is October 27-31 Themes will be announced @FHSFORUM on Twitter
son ends their sporting career for good, it can have a psychological effect on them. Researchers have found that the athletes become more negative with feelings such as; sadness, anger, bitterness and devastation. Participating in sports can be a big part of a student’s life, especially in high school. It takes up so much time that when it is over, some people don’t know what to do. Most student athletes have been playing sports since they were young. When it is time to officially hang up the
equipment, these athletes are losing a large part of their childhood Whether an underclassman or a senior, the end of a sports season is never fun. For seniors, some may continue on after they graduate high school. Others will end their career for good. Students should continue to cherish the time they have when playing their favorite sport because unfortunately, it will come to an end sooner or later.
The Freedom Forum is selling water bottles for $2 in room 210