March 2015

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Volume 48 Issue 6

March 2015

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @fhsforum

Building future scientists Bethlehem Area School District’s Project Lead The Way receives grant By Michael Datz Assistant News Editor

It is a common observation that the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math education (STEM) fields are flourishing recently. That said, many school districts, such as the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD), are attempting to focus on a curriculum that highlights these disciplines. The BASD has been gifted $32,355 in order to keep the program “Project Lead The Way (PLTW),” a four-year program that focuses on certain STEM disciplines, afloat. The classes, while praised, cost $500,000 over the course of four years. The donation comes from Dun & Bradstreet, who has collectively given $530,000 in donations to public schools since 2013. Before this last

But, the program is focused on hands-on activities, and donation, BASD was gifted engineering course offered to real-world situations. $30,000 dollars in order to get students, but has been ex"From the moment students the Project Lead The Way panded to include a biomedi- walk into the classroom, they program off the ground and cal course next year. This bio- are immersed in the mysteriinto classrooms. medical program is only in ous death of Anna and asked Guidance counselors Mr. the early planning stages, ac- to investigate, document, and Mike Hercik and Principal cording to staff at FHS. analyze evidence to solve the Mrs. Maureen Leeson at Free“Students play the roles of case," said Leeson, about the dom High School explain that biomedical professionals as beginning of the biomedical although the money has not they investigate and study the program. been given a clear use yet for concepts of human medicine, As for the engineering clasthe coming school year, the physiology, genetics, microbi- ses, the currently enrolled grant will be spread district- ology, and public health," said ninth graders have given the wide, between both Liberty Leeson. impression of approval in the and Freecurricudom High lum and School, teaching and will be of it. split beMrs. Altween the exandra two PLTW Roscher, programs. an active The teacher PLTW and orinitiative ganizer started of The check given to PLTW Photo: Michael Datz with an PLTW,

highlights the fact that classes help to facilitate teamwork, but also create community as the students go through the class. This program is not just for future engineers though. “I’d say at least half of the class had no idea what engineering was,” said Roscher, teacher at FHS But that quickly changes, as students work on many projects. “They learn the engineering design process, statistical analysis, dimensional analysis, and reverse engineering,” said Roscher. In addition to that, however; students also have access to a three dimensional printer, and a useful engineering program called Autodesk Inventor. If any students are looking forward to more classes of PLTW the opportunity be open to all classes according to Mr. Hercik.

In This Issue Brian Williams…………………….…….(p.2) #2OBeautifulWomenChallenge...…(p.3) 2015 Fall Scholar Athletes…………(p.5) Goodbye Coordinated Health...…(p.6/7) Google Educators…………..…………(p.8) Madison Young……………………….(p.12)

The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) officers receiving a check from Mr. John Boman. From left to right, Aaron Black (Treasurer), Tom Kopko (Vice President), Ryan Heely (President), Mr. Boman, and Ryan Hall (Secretary). Mr. Boman donated a $1,000 check to the FBLA in honor of Mr. Ron Madous, a teacher who passed away that taught in the business department at FHS. Mr. Boman donated the money for the Ron Madous Memorial Fund, which raised money for Mr. Madous’ interests. Photo: Mr. Geoffrey Laird

The FBLA club members pose with a “We Play Big” t-shirt in honor of Mr. Madous. The tshirt is featured on the window in room 803. The check that Mr. Boman donated to the FBLA will put money toward materials needed for the students in the organization. Photo: Mr. Geoffrey Laird

2 News

Future Freedom vs. Liberty Games 4/01 Boys’ volleyball 5:45– FHS Main Gym Boys’ lacrosse 7:00-BASD Stadium

4/07 Girls’ lacrosse 6:00– BASD Stadium

4/17 Boys’ lacrosse 6:30– Coca Cola Park

4/21 Girls’ softball 4:00– Liberty

4/27 Boys’ and girls’ track and field 3:30-BASD Stadium

4/30 Girls’ lacrosse 6:00-BASD Stadium

5/04 Boys’ lacrosse 6:00-BASD Stadium

5/05 Girls’ softball 4:00-FHS softball field Boys’ baseball 7:00– Freemansburg Little League

5/08 Boys’ volleyball 5:45-Liberty

March 2015

The Forum

Sequel to “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee set to publish second novel, 50 years after “To Kill a Mockingbird” By Cassie Sedler Editorials Editor

For years, Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” captivated millions of readers as they were transported to the town of Maycomb, Ala., and were riveted by the racially explosive events, culminating in the trial of a black man falsely accused of rape. “To Kill a Mockingbird” quickly became a favorite to readers of all ages, as students were engaged in countless discussions, and even their parents could not put the book down. “To Kill a Mockingbird” was the only book to be published by the esteemed author, however, it was adapted into a 1962 film and has sold more than 40 million copies globally since it was published in 1960. It continues to sell more than a million copies a year and has been translated into more than 40 languages,” according to The New York Times. As a result, many have questioned why Lee has never written a second book. “Then last fall, Tonja Carter, her [Harper Lee] friend and lawyer, discovered the manuscript in a secure place where Ms. Lee keeps her archives, attached to an original typed manuscript of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” said The New York

Times. A second novel by Harper Lee, titled “Go Set a Watchman,” is set to be published as early as this July, 50 years after the release of “To Kill a Mockingbird in 1960.“Go Set a Watchman” was actually writ-

view of the young Scout,” said Harper Lee from a statement to her publisher, according to CNN. The much anticipated novel is set around Scout Finch, 20 years after her adolescent years in “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Harper Lee receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom for “To Kill a Mockingbird” in 2007 Photo: Creative Commons, Wikipedia

ten in the 1950’s, before she even began “To Kill a Mockingbird.” "It [“Go Set a Watchman] features the character known as Scout as an adult woman, and I thought it a pretty decent effort. My editor, who was taken by the flashbacks to Scout's childhood, persuaded me to write a novel (what became 'To Kill a Mockingbird') from the point of

The story unfolds differently than that of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” as an adult Scout arrives back in Maycomb to visit her now aging father, Atticus Finch. Although millions of Harper Lee fans are awaiting anxiously for the release of her second book, many others are concerned with the decision that the novel will not be edited in any

way. “I read that they may publish it unedited, and her first was edited, as she was a new author,” said Mr. George Ziegler, English teacher. Readers are more than excited to read Harper Lee’s new book, however, given the popular and critically acclaimed first novel, and the heights to which it exceeded, one wonders how the sequel could ever hold up to the extraordinarily high standards. “We have a second work from an amazing author; expectations are high, so I hope people aren’t disappointed,” said Ziegler. Nevertheless, “Go Set a Watchman” is an original, completely untouched writing of Harper Lee, which is something fans can look forward to reading in the coming months. “We’re going to see what Harper Lee writes like without a strong editor’s hand, when she’s, quite honestly, an amateur. It’s going to be very interesting to see how original it is. A lot was taken from ‘Go Set a Watchman’ for ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ and maybe those are the best parts,” said Charles J. Shields, author of a biography of Harper Lee, published in 2006.

Williams steps down Nightly News’ Brian Williams faces 6 month suspension from TV By Gavin Johnson The Freedom Forum

Brian Williams, the head anchor on the NBC Nightly News, has become one of the most respected and trusted names in American journalism over the past 22 years, collecting the respect of fellow anchors such as Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings. It was recently uncovered that he embellished a story he reported on during the Iraq war. William’s initial story about a military helicopter that was shot down in the desert was inaccurately accounted. Williams was actually riding in a helicopter near the one that was shot down. In 2000, Williams was a guest on the David Letterman show and was asked about that day in Iraq, and it was at this time that his anecdotal account of that day changed. He now reported that he was in the helicopter that was shot down. Marines who were in the helicopter Williams was in came forth and claimed that this was not true. Williams suspension has resulted in roughly 70,000 less

viewers tuning into the Nightly News on NBC. The week before Williams suspension, views estimated about 10.1 million NBC President Deborah Turness issued a statement on Williams and his suspension. “We felt it would have been wrong to disregard the good work Brian has done and the special relationship he has forged with our viewers over 22 years. Millions of Americans have turned to him everyday and he has been an important and well respected part of our generation.” Turness said that on the week, Williams met with NBC Universal CEO Steve Burke and Chairman Pat Fili on NBC Universal Group to discuss Williams consequences. “His actions are inexcusable and this suspension is severe and appropriate. He deserves a second chance and we are rooting for him. Brian has shared his deep remorse with me and is committed to winning back everyone’s trust.” Burke said. Winning back everyone’s trust may be harder than Williams expected. Due to a recent poll on, of 1,007 re-

spondents, 66.1 percent said Williams should have been fired instead of suspended without pay, another poll, 71.6 percent of respondents believe his apology and suspension did not constitute proper punishment. “This poll confirms that the American people no longer trust Brian Williams to report the news. When the American people believe by such a large margin that your lead anchor is a liar, you have no other option but to fire him if he will not do the honorable thing and resign,” said Breant Bozell, Media Research Center President. “Any effort by NBC News to rehabilitate its tarnished brand can only begin under new leadership for its flagship nightly news. this is no longer about Brian Williams’ reputation. This is about NBC News having any chance of being viewed as a credible source of news.” Others, while not as negative, are still skeptical on the idea of the return of Williams to Television. “I don’t know if he can ever read the news with a straight face again, or how the public will respond if he does,” said

Mark Feldstein, a broadcast journalism professor at the the University of Maryland. Very few have a positive look on Williams’ situation. “I don’t have an opinion on it really. [it] sounds like a good start, the thing is, journalists, all they have is their integrity, and without their integrity, I wouldn’t trust them to say the news.” said Carin Johnson, Pennsylvania. A friend who spoke to Williams that Tuesday he was suspended described Williams as “shattered”. “As I’m sure you understand, this is a very hard decision,” Turness said. “Certainly there will be those who disagree, but we believe this suspension is the appropriate and proportionate action.” Fellow anchor of Williams, Lester Holt, will be sitting in for Williams until his return to the Nightly News.

3 Editorials

The Forum

March 2015

Hashtag challenges self confidence

This month in history Remembering our past

the Japanese on the island of harbor the nuclear bombs Iwo Jima. The capturing of that would eventually deBy Damian Roszkowski Iwo Jima would bring Japan stroy the cities of Hiroshima The Freedom Forum to the brink of defeat, and and Nagasaki. would eventually lead to the How do you know these March 22, 1972 The ERA is passed in the end of WWII. Using the events are important? A local strategy of “island hopping,” history teacher had a few Senate The Equal Rights Amend- the U.S. essentially “hopped” words to say about these ment (ERA) to the U.S. from one Pacific island to events. “I think its extremeConstitution was ly important,” Mrs. proposed to U.S. Jennifer Deily, who Senate, in which it has discussed these stated it need to be events in her history approved by at classes before, said on least 75% of states the subject of these by 1982 or else it topics. “I believe its would not be ratiimportant to rememfied. The bill, ber the significance of which had much these two events. In momentum during Iwo Jima, we can the beginning of learn about the perseits life, failed to verance our soldiers pass as an amendshowed under such ment as when the harsh conditions. deadline apWhile the ERA, proached in 1982, shows us that political 3 more states still change through civic needed to sign in Soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima participation is possiorder for it to pass. said Deily. Photo: Creative Commons, Flikr ble,” Most people When asked about the thought it would impact of these events something heavily supported another, invading and captur- on today’s society, Deily by woman, but instead, it ing the island for strategic stated, “These events, espeonly divided them. A move- use. Using this tactic, the cially the ERA, are incrediment called Stop-ERA U.S. forced Japan to lose bly influential. We often take emerged during this time, led many of it’s merchant fleets for granted the equality we by Phyllis Schlafly, which and airfields, something the have today and forget how basically supported women Japanese relied heavily upon. much people had to for it in staying in their traditional With the use of the islands the past.” American wife roles, stating like Iwo Jima, the U.S. the ERA would cause unde- would conduct bombing sirable changes to women. raids on Japan, and would Ironically, this anti- end up using the islands to movement was mostly supported by women. The StopERA really hurt the momentum of ERA and would essentially cause it to fail. Though the bill would fail at the time, 21 states would end up adding similar amendments to their state constitutions. March 26, 1945 U.S. takes over Iwo Jima March 26 marks the day in which American forces defeated

Photo: Microsoft Clipart

The #20BeautifulWomenChallenge impacting self esteem By Raegan Pechar Journalism Student



of themselves onto social media networks, specifically Instagram, thank those who nominated them, tag 20 other women who they perceive as beautiful, and challenge them to do the same. Although the hashtag only trended for a brief period of time, it gave young women a chance to embrace their inner and outer beauty through a simple photo of themselves. “I personally think the #20BeautifulWomenChallenge was a success. I saw a huge amount of girls participating and feeling empowered about their beauty. Nothing is more attractive than a girl with high self esteem. I know it made me more confident,” said Cozette Smith, junior.

The #20BeautifulWomen Challenge is meant to allow women to feel empowered and beautiful in their own skin, and encourage others to share their beauty as well. Throughout the month of January and early February, this hashtag began trending in hopes to instill positivity and confidence in women worldwide. Ally Young, sophomore, participated in the challenge and believes the hashtag was successful in asking women to feel beautiful in their own skin. “I do think the challenge was effective because it showed support and unity for women on social networks. It showed positivity instead of negative and hurtful comments,” said Young. According to, statistics show that over 70 percent of girls ages 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as attending school, when they feel bad about their looks. “It is important for women to have high self esteem because without it, there would be no confidence. Great accomplishments are born from confidence and determination. Without these things, being proud of yourself would be difficult, and accomplishments would be scarce,” said Young. To participate in the challenge, girls and women Photo: Screenshot by Raegan Pechar upload a candid

Stressing the big night Prom 2015 By Analisa Jeffries The Freedom Forum

Winter is no where near over, and spring is barely in sight. With the school year coming to an end in a few months, this means prom is coming closer. It seems like a few short weeks, of stressing, away. Tons of planning goes into making the event perfect. Things like the way your hair will look, or what you will

wear. They are huge dilemmas for someone to worry about. They are often thought of months in advance. Prom is a really big night for a lot of students. Therefore, hairdressers or make-up artists will be booked up on the day of prom. The sooner the appointment is made ahead of time, the better. Getting the perfect look may also come with a price. If that’s not something you can do, there are many tips and tricks

to do it yourself. The internet and social-media can give step-by-step instructions on anything you are trying to do; it will be one less thing to worry about. “The hardest part of prom is trying to find a dress. I have looked online, but I have yet to find anything I like. Then I have to get alterations and get it fitted to my body, which I need to fit in my schedule,” said Derinda Young, senior. Now, there is trying to find

the dress or the tuxedo. Many and everything will work out stores already have their in the end. dresses out, and ready for prom. It takes time to find the perfect dress, or get the look you want with a tuxedo. So, if not already, get started. Maybe go into stores that you might not normally go into. You never know what is waiting behind a closed door. Do not wait until the last Photo: Creative Commons, minute, and when the day comes, try not to stress so much. Take a deep breath,

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editor-in-Chief Anissa Vasquez News Editor Caitlin McCadden Editorials Editor Cassie Sedler Pates’ Post Editor Jack Ogozaly Entertainment Editor Shaina Palmer Center Spread Editor Aeisha Gauba

Sports Editor Mitchell Coriell Chase Hoover Web Editor Elyse Sanford Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy

For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum

ATTENTION SENIORS: Community service deadline is April, 15. Get that paperwork turned in!!!

March 2015

The Forum

Vaccinations prevents the cause of the flu 2015 flu vaccinations By Keri Kipp Journalism Student

throughout the whole wide school district,” said Mrs. Susan Dalton, Freedom High School nurse. Mrs. Dalton says that a few students have come into the nurses office this year with signs of the flu, but she cannot determine the flu because that is usually done in the doctors office because of confidential information. “I recommend getting the nasal mist. When the mist is administered through your nasal captivity it goes directly to the most com-

virus and also preventing it,” said Mrs. Dalton. Further research has revealed that General Surgical Associates has a different opinion. “Only one patient has come into General Surgical Associates with the flu this year and she has been administered with the flu vaccine,” said Nurse Karen Stump, Registered Nurse at General Surgical Associates. “I have had also a friend in the past who was not administered with the flu vaccine, and

In most cases, people tend to get the flu vaccination every year just to be safe. The question is, does it always prevent the flu virus from contaminating you? This question, and many more, become answered as the real deal, as the flu vaccinations unfold. Every year, the flu vaccination is administered by school nurses, doctors and other nurses all across the country to prevent the flu. There are two types of flu vaccinations: the flu shot or the nasal mist. In most cases, the patient gets the opportunity to decide which vaccination they feel more comfortable receiving. “You should get the flu vaccine yearly after 6 months of age,” said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Bethlehem Area School District gives out the flu vaccination yearly during the school year. “This year, we did not give out the flu vaccine here in the building, but we did Patient being administered with the flu vaccination. Photo: Creative Commons, Flickr at the district drive-thru within Bethlehem Township in November last year (2014). There, mon source of the start of the she did not experience only the we gave out about 1,000 vac- flu virus. It will have a more flu but other extreme complicines and that was spread effective way of treating the cations. She was ultimately put

into a medically induced coma and was on life support and a ventilator for 6 weeks. She was very near death but luckily responded to antibiotic therapies,” said Stump. Stump is a professionally registered nurse in the field and, unlike Mrs. Dalton, she recommends the flu shot over the nasal mist. “No vaccine is fully effective, but in my professional opinion, I recommend the flu shot. I believe this because given my experience with patients, those who have received the flu shot are more protected sooner, and have a better chance of preventing the human body from being contaminated with the virus,” said Stump. The flu shot, aside from it being more painful than the nasal mist, is quicker and easier. It also has a sooner effect, or difference in the administration of the vaccine. In closing, it appears as though neither method is a sure fire safeguard to prevent the flu virus, but one thing everyone can agree on is that not getting administered with the flu vaccine can lead to troubling cases, and is obviously not the right decision.

Students share stress-relieving techniques How to handle stress By Declan Coleman Journalism Student

In the real world, stress is an extremely hard problem to go through, and some people don’t know exactly how to relieve or handle it. In this article, you’ll learn multiple ways to relieve and calm your stress. If your stress comes from school, the main thing is to make time for yourself. Dedicated students tend to become extremely stressed after doing a lot of homework, and going through after school activities, such as sports, musicals, or other clubs. The main thing students like this need to focus on is that school does not come first. Realistically, your mental health is far more important than school. Take some time to set everything down and take time to yourself. Get some rest, eat some food, do the things you like to do. Forgetting about all of the school work and giving yourself some “you” time is an effective way to relieve your stress. “You can meditate. I meditate

one to two times a week, depending on my stress level. You can also do any kind of creative activity, this helps energy flow and get things out of your mind,” said Brianna Snyder, a freshman at Liberty High School. Meditation can help provide lasting emotional control and tranquility. It can also accelerate your cognitive strength and relieve pain. After a long stressful day, this can really help, along with creativity. Making art can relieve workrelated stress and increase the development of self control. “There’s no limits when you’re creative. Nobody’s telling you what to do, you just take paints and bam, pretty picture. Instant stress reliever for me,” said Alyssa Heckman, a senior at Liberty High School. Erin Coleman, a senior at Freedom High School, uses a few different methods to relieve her school-related stress. “I like to listen to calm music when I’m stressed out, or I like to take a nap. Resting makes me feel so much better,” says Coleman. Sleep deprivation can make

Creating art helps release stress and bring in calmness to the mind. Source: Creative Commons, Flickr

you less energetic and generally more depressed and stressed out. Getting the rest you need is a must in stress-relieving. At the end of the day, when you’re all tired or stressed from work or school, take a

breather, set everything down, and give yourself the time to use these stress-relieving techniques. Your day will eventually get better, and so will you. So sit back, relax, and get to relieving.

March 2015

The Forum

Pates’ Post 5

Meet this year’s high achievers

2015 Fall Scholar Athletes By Maya White Journalism Student

and from those, one is selected to be the EPC Scholar Athlete. Students who are considered to receive that award are judged 40 percent on academic achievement, 40 percent on athletic achievement, and 20 percent on extracurricular and community activities.

Setting aside the clearly high standards needed to achieve this level of recognition, an important question that comes to mind concerns exactly that: recognition. All of the scholars from this fall season are female, a fact that has gone largely unnoticed.

Balancing school, work, and athletics is not an easy task just ask this year’s Fall Scholar Athletes, seniors Shaina Palmer, Helen Hsu, and Flannery Johnston. They are the select three chosen for this past season’s award. “It was definitely challenging at times. There were a lot of nights where I didn’t get a lot of sleep, and that kind of sucked, but after the fact it was definitely worth it.” said Shaina Palmer, Freedom High School Cross Country team member. In order for a student athlete to qualify for the award, he or she must excel both on the field and in the classroom. Each of the 18 schools in the Lehigh Valley Conference nominates students to be consid- From left to right, Shaina Palmer, Flannery Johnston, Helen Hsu. ered for the award,

“I think that’s a good thing and I think it’s something that kind of went under acknowledged. I feel like stuff like that should be brought up more, instead of just like the football team winning,” said Flannery Johnston, a member of the Freedom Girl’s Tennis

Team. Would things be different if all of the scholar athletes were male? Perhaps that should be given some thought. Power to the girls, right? However, regardless of the gender of this year’s high achievers, they should be congratulated for their accomplishments. It is definitely not an easy task. Helen Hsu, a member of the golf and swim team, offered her advice to anyone wondering how to balance sports and school work. “Just know what you want to do, and why you’re doing it. Stay focused, and have a plan of how you want to do things, you knowwhen to prioritize things and when something is less important than something else,” said Hsu.

Photo: Maya White

¨Hairspray¨ is not just a fun musical; it is educational, too Learning about the history behind the musical By John Volpe Journalism Student

Big hair. Fun dances. Head shaking music. Audiences are getting all this and an education when they watch Get all of this and an education when you learn about Freedom High School Theatre Company’s (FHSTC) rendition of ¨Hairspray¨ the musical. FHSTC presents ¨Hairspray¨ the musical from March 19 through March 22 . ¨The Corny Collins Show,¨ is a TV broadcast from the musical that is based off a real show called the, ¨Buddy Deane show,¨ which was created in Baltimore. The show was shut down because they tried to integrate races within the cast. ¨’Hairspray’ is like the ‘Buddy Deane Show’, but has a positive ending,” said Ms. Jennifer Wescoe, FHSTC director. ¨Hairspray¨ keeps the style of the 1960s alive, with dances, clothing, hair, locations, and actual events. Dances that are performed in the musical were from the 1960s. A number called, “the Madison” is one of the dances. “It’s a time capsule, but it also has some modern ideas and thinking,” said Ms. Wescoe.

The musical deals with a lot of civil rights problems. ”The Corny Collins Show” from “Hairspray” tries to integrate their cast, and has issues from the station manager. “We learn about the civil rights, and 1960s through school related events; however, this show does a great job bringing it to life, even though it is more of a modern reflection on the 1960s,” said Ms. Wescoe. Ms. Wescoe and the FHSTC crew are posting information on social media to educate not only Freedom High School, but also the whole community about the history of “Hairspray.” “Great opportunity to utilize social media for educational purposes.” said Ms. Wescoe. “Hairspray” does not focus on school desegregation, and integration, but it does focus on desegregation, and integration on, ”The Corny Collins Show.” Much like the civil rights, ”The Corny Collins Show” was stalling, and the civil rights needed black and white people to come together. “The civil rights was stalling because only black people were marching,” said Ms. Wescoe. Ms. Wescoe’s originally was

going to have “Hairspray” be the spring show, but went with another show called “Guys and Dolls.” However, when she could not do that show, she changed it back to “Hairspray.” “This was clearly the right show,” said Ms. Wescoe. Like and follow the Freedom High School Theatre Company on Facebook and Twitter! @FreedomTheatreCo

Screenshots: Joseph Vasquez

Freedom High School Theatre Company tweet- There are ¨Hairspray¨ posters all over the ing out pieces of history that shines in school, which include showtimes and ticket prices. “Hairspray” Screenshot: Joseph Vasquez Photo: John Volpe

On June 1, 2015, Freedom High School will make the change from Coordinated Health to St. Luke’s Health providers By Scott Rader and Aeisha Gauba This article started off as a “goodbye” to Coordinated Health and a “hello” to St.Luke’s, who will be the new sports medicine provider for the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) as of June 1, 2015. However, the article sparked interest when the reporters could not find out the information that was being sought. For example, Mrs. Diane Jordan, Freedom High School (FHS) Athletic Director, had no comment about the situation, and Mr. Michael LaPorta, FHS principal, had limited knowledge of the issue. It is noted that many do not understand the process that a school board goes through when making contract decisions. Thus, Dr. Joseph Roy, superintendent of the BASD, explained the process.

in the outcome. Over 30 students from FHS were present at the board meeting. Most of the students were mainly from the football team and a few soccer players were thrown in the mix.

team of people that Dr. Roy hand-selected. First, St. Luke’s was appealing to the district because St. Luke’s is an established hospital and has been growing rapidly in the area the past couple of years. St. Luke’s offered 6 trainers to the district, afterDr. Roy said he thought that the FHS athletes school fitness and health classes, and it recently excame to the podium and spoke very “respectfully” panded on their sports medicine program. to the board, as each expressed their opinions about the switch. After the students were finished speakSt. Luke’s is creating a sports medicine team that ing, the St. Luke’s Vice Pres- works closely with students and faculty to create ident addressed the board and meaningful relationships. Also, the company is providing the district with an orthopedic doctor to the audience. “I admire the great amount work with the district.

“At the end of the day, St. Luke’s and Coordinated Health cost the same,” said Michael Faccinetto, board president.

Coordinated Health and the BASD have a contract that is expiring on May 31, 2015. Dr. Roy decided that it would be best that the district send out a request for proposal (RFP), a document that explains the services a district wants.

of respect and loyalty that the students who spoke have for their trainer Adam. I would actually like to invite Adam to join the St. Luke’s team,” said the St. Luke’s representative at the board meeting.

Lastly, Dr. Roy was attracted to St. Luke’s because it has specialized buildings for many different things like neurology, orthopedics, and cardiologist which can provide BASD athletes with specialized care.

The amount of advertising that St. Luke’s wants is minimal compared to LVHN. However, the original price St. Luke’s offered the district was $50,000 per Dr. Roy also stated that he understood the students year, but Dr. Roy negotiated the price down to were prompted to come to the board meeting to try $25,000 per year, which is a common practice in help save the switch from happening. However, that business. was not an option at that point. As the February board meeting spilled unreliable In the end, the BASD did not switch to a different and false rumors, The Freedom Forum wanted to dispel the rubbish and provide truth for its readprovider because of the price. “At the end of the day, St. Luke’s and Coordinated ers.

Dr. Roy then invited the three responders to the RFP to conduct a presentation of what each company would provide. The 3 responders included Coordinated Health, St. Luke’s, and Lehigh Valley Health cost the same,” said Michael Faccinetto, Health Network (LVHN). board president. The information was then presented to a team, “This year’s district budget is $240 million dolwhich comprised of Mrs. Jordan, Mr. Fred Harris lars. A deal of about $25,0000 really has no effect (Liberty athletic director), Dr. Dean Donaher, and on the school district’s budget,” said Dr. Roy. the district’s business manager, who then reported LVHN proposed that it would give the BASD eveback to Dr. Roy. While Dr. Roy did not have to go through this tedious process, he felt it was the best rything on the RFP. The cost that Lehigh Valley thing to do. Other school districts like Whitehall provided to the district was zero dollars per year, and Easton just switched to St. Luke’s, but did not but it wanted a great deal of advertising. go through a process like the BASD. Coordinated Health offered the district everything

When the switch was made public, the board that it had already been offering the district the premeeting was attended by many who were interested vious years, and it did not offer anything more. The cost was also the same, which was $25,000 per year and the advertising for the company were the same amount. On the other hand, St. Luke’s proposal was interesting to the

Rumors claimed that St. Luke’s executives took the FHS and LHS athletic directors out golfing. Dr. Roy confirmed this, but stated that it is a common business practice to meet outside of the office, and the outing cost $70 per person. Some thought that this was “wrong” and “immoral,” which put 2 hardworking athletic directors reputation on the line.

The irony of this is Coordinated Health has been the sports medicine provider for the BASD for 25 years. As staff members of the district were acquiring relationships with Coordinated Health staff, they also became friends. Thus, staff members from BASD and Coordinated Health went out to dinner multiple times and socialized, which is what friends do. So, being that Coordinated Health and St. Luke’s went out with staff from the BASD shows that they were friends, they had no intentions of persuading friends to making a deal with a certain company.

Remember: BASD School Board meetings are open to the public. March 23, 2015 in the East Hills Auditorium - 7:00 p.m. April 27, 2015 in the East Hills Auditorium - 7:00 p.m.

Coordinated Health trainer helps a player during a girls’ basketball game.

Kylon Pretty and Adam before a basketball game.

Adam sitting with Jacob Piazza during a football practice.

Adam taping Jake Young during a football game.

Water girls posing with Adam and Shauna during a football game. Photo Submitted By: Kelly McCready

Demond Farley and Adam during a basketball game.

Coordinated Health trainer helps player during JV girls’ basketball Photo: Bill Leicht Photos

8 Pates’ Post

March 2015

The Forum

Expectations stand high for this year’s dance against cancer 2015 Mini THON Update By Carli Markle The Freedom Forum

Spring is approaching quickly, along with this year’s BASD mini THON. In April, both Freedom and Liberty will join together once again and dance for 12 hours to raise money for pediatric cancer research. Last year, students raised a little over $57,000 with determination and hard work. This year, expectations have been raised to $65,000. Additionally, THON members have come up with many new ideas for this year’s dance. One of the big changes

occurring is that for every tives will be voted on during try and set up a live feed of hour during THON there will the dance online for be a different theme. A few of anyone to watch. the themes will be Disney, THON members have carnival, school spirit, game committed themselves night, fitness and hawaiian. for months in trying to “We chose to do the themed make this years upcomhours because we wanted to ing dance incredible mix up the experience that and even better than people get and provide nonprevious ones. Car stop entertainment,” said Nick washes, restaurant Youwakim, senior. fundraising nights, a During these themed hours, golf outing, a mini coldancers will participate in Tweet from BASD miniTHON acor run along with many different activities and games count other ideas have taken that go along with the asPhoto: Screenshot by Carli Markle place in order to raise signed theme. money. There will be four bands “Our committee has performing for everyone to the dance as well. THON been working really hard this enjoy, and THON superla- members are also looking to year and I think our efforts

will really pay off,” said Raegan Pechar, junior. With such dedication from the THON committee and everyone who has joined in the help to make THON happen, it is no doubt that this years dance will be something amazing. “Our goal is to get 1,000 students from both Freedom and Liberty combined. You will be sorry if you miss out on this great event,” said Youwakim

Poetry speaks up at Freedom High School FHS student competes at the Poetry Out Loud regional competition

By Ellyce Nieves Pates’ Post Editor

Opportunities to share interest in writing have expanded at Freedom High School (FHS). This year, FHS held a poetry competition open to the students. One student at FHS moved on to the regional level of the Poetry Out Loud competition. Poetry Out Loud, a national competition, challenges students to recite multiple pieces of poetry. Starting at the school level, FHS Pen and Ink advisors held a small competition open to all students. FHS winner, Natasia Martin, FHS Poetry Out Loud Finalist, Natasia competed in the final round of Martin. the regional competition. Photo: Ellyce Nieves “I was so nervous. But when I got up there I just turned

into a completely different person,” said Martin, Junior. There was a set criteria that the students had to follow. When the students presented their poems, the goal was for them to recite the poetry from a list provided, without “acting-out” the poems. Martin had to pick three poems to recite. She chose poems by two African-American poets, and an additional poet whom she liked the rhyme scheme of. “One thing that I really wanted to do, was I wanted to give hom-

age to African-American poets,” said Martin. Any student at FHS was allowed to compete in the competition run by Pen and Ink advisors, Mr. George Ziegler and Mrs. Karla Erdman. Pen and Ink is a group of students with a common interest in literature, that put together writing submissions from students to create a literary magazine. Christine Weider, a student leader from Pen and Ink, described how the club was related to the Poetry Out Loud competition. “We organized the competition and went around to build interest, and some some of our own members participated,” said Weider, Junior. Martin was the winner of the

FHS competition. She moved on to the next round, where she came in fourth place at the regional level. At the regional competition, only girls competed. However, the competition was also open to boys as well. Two boys competed at the school level. Martin said that she enjoyed meeting the girls participating. “It was definitely some tough competition I was up against. I was shocked that I made it to the final round because they were all pretty good. I enjoyed the whole experience; I definitely might be going back next year,” said Martin.

Incorporating Google into the classroom By Elyse Sanford Web Editor

Google is something that students and teachers use almost every day, whether it is in the classroom or at home. Due to the fact that the school district created Google accounts for every teacher and student, teachers had the opportunity to take online classes to become certified Google Educators. “[A Google Educator] is a person who holds a certification from Google that is required after taking tests from the sectors of the Google Certification,” said Mrs. Amanda Miranda, English teacher. As of now, there are currently 4 teachers within Freedom High School (FHS) who are certified Google Educators. These teachers include: Mrs. Karla Erdman, Mrs. Amanda

Miranda, Ms. Anna Marma- pretty extensively. My class- teacher. ros, and Mrs. Amber Chiafu- room is run through a webIn addition to using Google lio. site. In addition to that, when Docs, Mrs. Chiafulio uses By taking these classes and students work on group pro- Google Slides for presentaassessments, teachers are able jects or even independent tions and Google Forms for to gain more knowledge about work they are using the quizzes in her biology class. Google. This allows teachers Google Docs for all of that,” There are also many benefits to have a better understanding said Mrs. Chiafulio, science to knowing how to incorpoof Google, which enhances students’ learning experience in the classroom. “It makes you have more expertise in incorporating Google into the classroom,” said Mrs. Miranda. Google is more than just a search engine; it has many beneficial applications that can enhance experiences From left to right, Mrs. Miranda, Mrs. Erdman, Mrs. Chiafulio, Mrs. Marfor teachers and stu- maros Photo submitted by: Karla Erdman dents. “I use it [Google]

rate Google into the classroom. “One of the benefits is that it gives that immediate feedback. I feel like I can correct things for students and make comments on their documents and it goes a lot faster. So I’d say it makes me a better teacher,” said Mrs. Chiafulio. In order for teachers to become certified Google Educators, teachers must take 5 tests, which cost $15 each. The school district does not pay for the classes. “The teachers had to pay for it out of their own pockets. It was $75, and the teachers don’t get reimbursed,” said Mrs. Erdman, English teacher. Teachers must also take the classes and assessments every year in order to keep their certification.

March 2015

9 Entertainment

The Forum

Calling all “Breaking Bad” fans AMC series Better Call Saul premiered February 8th and had off the wall ratings By Will Tichy Journalism Student

In legal trouble? Better Call Saul! Bob Odenkirk stars as Saul Goodman in the AMC Original Series, “Better Call Saul.” Nearly seven million people tuned in on February 8th to watch the premier of the “Breaking Bad” spin off. This was a cable television record for a series premier. Saul Goodman was first seen in “Breaking Bad” as the criminal lawyer of the two infamous meth cooks Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, but he wasn’t always Saul Goodman. In “Better Call Saul” he is a small-time attorney struggling to pay the bills. Goodman goes by his birth name, James (Jimmy) Mcgill.

Jimmy’s brother, Chuck, is one of the co-founders of the famous law firm, Hamlin Hamlin & Mcgill. Jimmy can do nothing but sit on the sidelines and take public defendant cases pulling in a mere 700 dollars a case. He knows this is not enough and that he needs more of a source of income. When he stumbles across Hispanic gangster Tuco, he may have found it. Jimmy may have big money opportunities in front of him but they are by no means safe or easy. Most importantly, they are definitely not legal. These are a risk that Jimmy is willing to


take. Jimmy is now associated with some of the most dangerous people in the country and finds himself in some sticky situations. The show is full of action-packed moments that will always having you wanting more. Lots of Freedom High School students are highly anticipating the rest of the series. Jack Smith, freshman, had this to say about it: “I’m really looking forward to it because the first three episodes were surprisingly excellent.” Smith, a big “Breaking Bad” fan himself, was not ex-

pecting the series to be anything like its big brother, but was very satisfied with the first few episodes. Not only Freedom High School students are enjoying it though. Just ask the nearly 26,000 people who voted it a 9.4/10 on IMDB, an impressive stat for any show. News episodes of “Better Call Saul” are on AMC every Monday at 10:00pm. If you loved “Breaking Bad,” or like drama, action, and some bits of comedy, you will love “Better Call Saul.”

The most anticipated film in March Rev-up for a fun event Insurgent movie preview

fighting against the Erudite faction, which threatens to tear her By Jeremy Rives society apart. Journalism Student “The movie will be a little different from the book, but will Based on the bestselling book still contain action and roby Veronica Roth, the movie mance,” said Mrs. Jennifer CiInsurgent is highly anticipated erech, Spanish teacher. by readers, moviegoers, and InThe second film in the trilogy is introducing several new characters from the book, and an all new character, Edgar, who was not written in the book at all. This introduction could mean a new spin on the book, taking the movie in a different direction, and possibly expanding the story of the world of Divergent. “I think some reactions from the characters, on cerAll photos: tain events, will be surgent fans. The movie launch- changed in the movie compared es on March 20, 2015. Popular to the book,” said Christine in teen culture, the author Ve- Wieder, junior. ronica Roth and director Robert Additionally, the return of Schwentke make the book come Shailene Woodley and Theo to life. The film stars Shailene James is highly anticipated. Woodley, Theo James, and Kate Their strong chemistry throughWinslet. out the movie has the insurgent In the upcoming movie, Insur- fans wanting more, and in the gent, Tris Prior must confront explosive new trailer of the inner conflict and continue movie it looks like the fans are

getting a lot more than just chemistry, they are getting romance as well. The tagline for the film describes it perfectly, “One choice can transform you-or it can destroy you. But, every choice has consequences,” and that is what we will find out on March 20th, at the premiere of Insurgent.

Coming soon…..

The Lehigh Valley Car Show at Lehigh University is back By Ben Huber Journalism Student

The Lehigh Valley Car Show has been held every year ever since it started in 1998. The car show will take place at Lehigh University this year from March 19 to 22. The show will have the best new technology in the automobile industry from Detroit and around the world. There will be 250 new cars and trucks from 27 automobile manufacturers, that will be displayed in 3 buildings at Lehigh University. At the car show, there will be many contests to enter, such as the ugliest car contest. Tickets to get in the car show cost 10 dollars for adults and 7 dollars for senior citizens and children. You can also purchase individually priced tickets for 85 dollars at the door, to get into the gala to see the new cars in the automobile industry these days. I interviewed Katie Lesher, Dairy Queen assistant manager, She is interested in cars, so asked her some questions about the Lehigh Valley Car Show to get a better view of the show and what you would expect at it. “At a car show, I like to see the newest models of the cars from foreign and domestic manufacturers and be able to look over

the car without being pressured to buy,” says Katie Lesher, car fanatic. “At other car shows I usually go to flea markets to buy parts or memorabilia and I go to car corrals to try and find a car that I can restore.” In addition to the aesthetic and mechanical interest in cars, car enthusiasts find a sense of camaraderie in the events. Lesher shares this point of view: “I like to share my car with other enthusiasts because I love the smile on their face when they see my car. It is not only about the trophies and I also love looking at cars that are on display to see the hard work that they put into the cars that they restore.” Whether you are looking for an afternoon activity or your are interested in learning more about cars, the Lehigh Valley Car show would be a great event to attend.

Photo: Creative Commons

10 Entertainment

March 2015

The Forum

Stay updated with Snapchat Discover Snapchat introduces new feature important to the world of journalism By Anissa Vasquez chat, ESPN, Food Network,


Snapchat has been notorious for it’s pictures that allegedly disappear after touching to view after anywhere from 1 to 10 seconds. Then they were notorious for their Stories, where one could take a picture or a video and add it to their Story where all of your friends can watch it. Now, in the new Discover tab, one can catch up on the news, celeb gossip, and even catch a quick laugh. CNN, Comedy Central, Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, Snap-

National Geographic, People, Vice, Yahoo! News, and Warner Music all claim their own daily story. Every day, each media outlet posts articles, pictures, videos of things ranging from hair tips from Cosmopolitan, stand up comedy clips from Comedy Central, and pressing world news from CNN and Yahoo! News. “I think it’s an interesting way to get updated on what’s going on in the world, I watch them almost everyday,” said Angela Argese, junior. Not many teenagers in this generation keep up on current

events. Snapchat’s main audience is teenagers and it seems like a great way to have them see the top stories of the day in under two minutes. Snapchat seems to be diving into the world of journalism by opening another door into ways to communicate through social media. All of the channels bring something unique to everybody’s personal interests. “Instead of downloading multiple different apps or going on different websites to keep up with what’s going on, it’s easier to just go on Snapchat Discover,” said David Screenshot: Anissa Vasquez Bast, junior.

CNN Article from their Discover Channel Screenshot: Anissa Vasquez

Lawsuit over Left Shark Katy Perry sues Super Bowl backup performer

By Valerie Hauman Journalism Student As if it wasn’t bad enough that the performer who was positioned as left shark made the Super Bowl halftime show a disaster and completely bombed his choreography, it seems that people are now being sued because of him. Katy Perry and her lawyers have decided to sue a specific man named Fernando Sosa because of his mistake on stage. “I think that’s really weird that she is suing people even though she has so much money,” said McKenzie Eisenreich, Freshman. “Left Shark” was unknown before the halftime show, but

his screw-ups have made him an internet sensation. People should expect a trend memes, hashtags and twitter posts, and other media to spur when something embarrassing happens. It seems that Perry and her lawyers are suing Sosa because of copyright issues. They claimed that Katy Perry owns Left Shark and he was in her halftime show. “I think that it’s kind of wrong because I do not see the whole suing thing as necessary, considering her line of power and fortune,” said Eisenreich. Fernando Sosa sells figurines of memes, such as skeptical African boy, Left Shark, and people like Chris Christie. He

sells these figurines on a website called and also Esty. These figurines are just a basic 3D print out. They are about 2.7 inches tall. He sells the left shark for about $26 and up. In an interview with CNN, Sosa claimed one cannot copyright a costume. He stated that he makes figurines of people, such as Chris Christie, without any copyright issues. Sosa said he’s going to fight Perry’s lawsuit because she wants him to be like a normal person and just back down. He also stated that he is going to keep selling his figurines for the time being, but had to take them down for a while due to the lawsuit issue, Perry’s lawyers failed to claim their copyrights. Sosa’s lawyer, Christopher Sprigman,

contacted about the copyright issue and failure to receive contact from Perry’s lawyers. Sosa is now selling his figurines on again. He makes all different types of Left Shark, including Left Shark Lawyer, Photo: Screenshot by Valerie Hauman Left Shark “come at me bro”, and other types that can not be men- for Sosa and Perry’s lawyers. tioned. Left Shark comes in Everyone can stay updated different types, but only two with the court issues on politicolors, blue or pink. The lawsuit is still ongoing

Book of the month: “Looking for Alaska” by John Green A review of the young adult best-seller By Cayley Urenko

The Freedom Forum Before there was Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace, there was Miles Halter and Alaska Young in John Green’s first read, and my personal favorite, “Looking For Alaska.” Everyone has a weird quirk about themselves, and Miles’ is that he is obsessed with famous last words. He now seeks what a famous dying poet called a “Great Perhaps,” which I would describe as the hopefulness of an adventurous future. He thinks he will find it at the Culver Creek Preparatory High School. Like any school, there are cliques, the biggest two being the rich locals who go home for the weekend and the kids

who are there 24/7. Miles gets recruited The Colonel and Takumi, two mischievous boys who know everything there is to know about Culver Creek. The boys introduce him to the beautiful and quite emotionally unstable, Alaska. Apart from the academics at Culver Creek, the groups life’s consist of smoking cigarettes, drinking and the tradition of playing pranks on the other group all while avoiding the The Eagle, the school's headmaster. As for Alaska, she

Photo: Wikipedia

has a hypnotizing personality that truly captivates Miles. She has a boyfriend in college, but is still flirty and personal with Miles, which drives him absolutely insane. “What sings and soars in this gorgeously told tale is Green’s mastery of language… Girls will cry and boys will find love, lust, loss and longing in Alaska’s vanilla and cigarettes scent,” said Kirkus Reviews. The beauty of the book is that it doesn't hide anything. It showcases what young love and growing up really are in a brutal and honest

light. One plot twist in the middle of the story will leave you flipping pages over and over to get to the bottom of a tragedy that happens at Culver Creek. Another treat for fans and future fans of this book… it will soon be a major motion picture. “It’s definitely one of my favorite books, I couldn’t put it down. The perspectives are so similar and relevant to our lives that the words created instant images in my head, which made it all the more enjoyable. The ending did kill me though,” said Hayley Sedlock, senior.

March 2015

11 Sports

The Forum

Swinging into spring MLB baseball preview By Carly Pfaff The Freedom Forum

Bring out the bats and gloves then brush off the cleats; baseball is back! An off season is short lived with trades and deals beginning shortly after the end of the World Series. With spring right around the corner here is what to expect from MLB baseball this 2015 season. The Major League Baseball season is set to begin on Sunday, April 5, 2015. The St. Louis Cardinals will square off against the Chicago Cubs in what is sure to be the start to an exciting and very anticipated season. Many teams have already kicked off their spring training programs. The Philadelphia Phillies reported to sunny Clearwater, Florida for their first official workout February 25th. Another home town favorite, The New York

Yankees, are a short distance away in Tampa, Florida. Spring training games are set to begin in the coming weeks. “I am excited for Spring to arrive because it means not only baseball season is back but softball too,” said Shayla Peterson, junior. Along with spring training being in full swing, many offseason trades have taken place as well. Sandoval has moved to the Boston Red Sox’s. The Oakland A’s have begun a rebuilding period. Jimmy Rollins, the Philadelphia

MLB baseball and warmer weather are soon to arrive Photo: Carly Pfaff

Phillies all time hits leader, has made his way down to the Dodgers. The San Diego Padres have acquired Matt Kemp formerly from the Dodgers. This could lead the Padres right into contention. “The padres could surprise some people. They acquired many assets including Matt Kemp and if those pieces come together, they could be a dangerous team,” said Thomas Durham, junior. Who will be contenders this season? Will Mike Trout continue to

be a standout? With Derek Jeter retired, how will the Yankees stand? Will the Giants find themselves with another winning season or is it the year of the underdog? The choice is up to you. As for favorite predictions it is any team’s shot. “As my favorites I have a couple. However, two teams that really have my attention are the Dodgers and the Nationals. The Nationals have a great pitching rotation and it will be hard to beat no matter who is starting,” said Thomas Durham, junior. There is no question this upcoming season of MLB baseball will be one for the books. All that is left to do is to swing into spring because baseball season is quickly approaching.

Freedom High School students predict March Madness March Madness is taking the country by storm By Roberto Diez Journalism Student

March Madness was born in Illinois in the year 1908. Now in 2015, it has become one of the biggest events in college basketball. Around this time college students are craving for this NCAA tournament to begin. The loud cheering and passionate fans make the tournament come alive. “I think Kentucky will win the NCAA tournament because they’re playing impressive basketball and they have

freshmen that can enter the NBA Draft. Plus they’re undefeated and keep their opponents under 40 points,” said Roland Cash, junior. “Virginia will win the NCAA tournament because they have Malcolm Brogdon. He’s the leading player and scorer on the team,” said Quincy Young, junior. The 2015 NCAA Tournaments tips off March 17-18 with the first 4 games taking Photo: Creative Comments- place at UD Arena in Dayton, Ohio. Everyone is getting their brackets and predictions tournament. tournament because they have ready for an exciting NCAA “Kansas will win the NCAA Kelly Oubre and Cliff Alex-

ander they’re the top freshman in NCAA basketball,” said Taylor Mackay, senior. “I believe Wisconsin will win the NCAA tournament because they have a great coaching staff and they have good team chemistry. Their team has only 2 losses and the first in the BIG TEN Conference,” said Juwan Northington, junior. March Madness is approaching and everyone is waiting to see these amazing college students put on a show.

March 2015

12 Sports

The Forum

Lacrosse teams officially playing as a sport 2015 Official Freedom lacrosse season By Lauren Abel Journalism Student

The lacrosse teams at Freedom High School are a new addition to the athletic program as of this year. Lacrosse has been considered a club team since the team was first started four years ago. There are junior varsity and varsity teams for both the boys and girls team. The 2015 season has higher expectations that last year trying to make the program more known. “Expectations do not change, they are the same as they were last year. The more we play with heart, the more we will achieve,” said Charis Innarella, girl’s head coach. This is Innarella’s second year having the head coach position. Last year, girls lacrosse went 9-10, and made it to the first round of districts. “We are building on to the legacy that the seniors left last year, there are big shoes to fill. Our goal is to achieve above and beyond what we did last year,” said Innarella. Lacrosse being an official sport this year provides more opportunity for student athletes to play. “Every student athlete is given the same opportunity to play now because it is no longer a pay to play club, it gives more students a chance to try something new, and opens doors to bigger numbers,” Innarella said. With lacrosse being accepted as a sport instead of a club, the team can feel more in-

volved with the school. “I did my best last year to make the team feel as much a part of Freedom as the other teams do. This year, the team can continue the traditions we as a team have had and share it with the school,” Innarella said. The boys head coach is John Picone. This season is his first season coaching the lacrosse team. Boys lacrosse went 6-9

Boys’ lacrosse

last year. The experience of a coach is important for a team to learn more about the sport and grow as players. “I have been involved in lacrosse for over 35 years. I’ve coached the sport for many year,” said John Picone, head coach. With a new head coach on board this offers a more di-

verse opportunity for success and development for the players. “The best way to change the the team for the best is to focus on structure and reconstruction of an already good program I know with my knowledge and work ethic and will of the boys,” said Picone. The spring season offers many sports. Lacrosse is now

The 2015 season has higher expectations that last year trying to make the program more known. “Expectations do not change, they are the same as they were last year. The more we play with heart, the more we will achieve,” said Charis Innarella, girl’s head coach. This is Innarella’s second year having the head coach position. Last year, girls lacrosse went 9-10, and made it to the first round of districts. “We are building on to the legacy that the seniors left last year, there are big shoes to fill. Our goal is to achieve above and beyond what we did last year,” said InnarelPhoto: Bill Leicht la. Lacrosse an official sport at Freedom being an official sport this and the student athletes can year provides more opportunitry something new. The la- ty for student athletes to play. crosse teams at Freedom High “Every student athlete is givSchool are a new addition to en the same opportunity to the athletic program as of this play now because it is no year. Lacrosse has been con- longer a pay to play club, it sidered a club team since the gives more students a chance team was first started four to try something new, and years ago. There are junior opens doors to bigger numvarsity and varsity teams for bers,” Innarella said. both the boys and girls team. With lacrosse being accepted

as a sport instead of a club, the team can feel more involved with the school. “I did my best last year to make the team feel as much a part of Freedom as the other teams do. This year, the team can continue the traditions we as a team have had and share it with the school,” Innarella said. The boys head coach is John Picone. This season is his first season coaching the lacrosse team. Boys lacrosse went 6-9 last year. The experience of a coach is important for a team to learn more about the sport and grow as players. “I have been involved in lacrosse for over 35 years. I’ve coached the sport for many year,” said John Picone, head coach. With a new head coach on board this offers a more diverse opportunity for success and development for the players. “The best way to change the the team for the best is to focus on structure and reconstruction of an already good program I know with my knowledge and work ethic and will of the boys,” said Picone. The spring season offers many sports. Lacrosse is now an official sport at Freedom and the student athletes can try something new.

Diving into the record books A new diver breaks an old school record By Josh Christiansen The Freedom Forum

Many have tried to dive into a pool sometime in their lives. Some have successfully and artfully dived in and others have completely and utterly failed. Madison Young, junior, is one of the lucky ones, as a matter of fact, she’s so good she dives for competition on the Freedom Swimming and Diving Team. Recently, on February 5, she broke the school diving record. “[I broke] the Freedom school diving record for 6, 1 meter dives. My total score for all 6 dives was 263.0 and the only significance [of that] was that it was higher than the [previous] school record,” said Young. “It was one of my goals

coming into the season but it was a ‘stretch goal’ meaning I didn’t think I could actually break it.” said Young on her goal of breaking the school diving record. What might surprise many is that Young is fairly new at diving. However, diving is not the only sport that Young has played. Last fall, she ran on the Freedom Cross Country Team. She began diving around November 2013, but about a year before that, she ended her long career in gymnastics, which was helpful in her transition to competitive

Madison Young, junior

Photo: Bill Leicht

pool diving. Since then, she has taken a liking to the sport. Young even plans on continuing through the rest of high school and possibly college. “I like diving because it’s low [in] pressure while still being competitive and challenging,” said Young. This is a good point in mind for many athletes who might find some sports too high spirited and pressure-filled. Find a sport, such as diving that is low in pressure but still has a feeling of

competition and offers a challenge. Young is influenced in her diving career by her coach at Lafayette College, Cindy, and she is supported and encouraged by her teammates and her family, according to Young. Although Young is new at this sport, she has become exceptionally good at it, even beating the previous record, and has some useful and encouraging advice for beginners and other student divers. “Sometimes kids think it can be scary doing new dives so just don’t be scared because you can't really get hurt,” said Young.

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